Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 28, 1900, Image 3

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    (Sum s&isantp
W -- has
Every mother possesses information of vital value to her
young daughter. That daughter is a precious legacy, and
tha responsibility for her future is largely in the hands of the
mother. The mysterious change that develops the thought
less girl into the thoughtful woman should find the mother
on tho watch day and night. As she cares for the physical
well-being of her daughter, so will the woman be, and her
children also.
When tho young girl's thoughts become sluggish, when
she experience headaches, dizziness, faintness, and exhibits
an abnormal disposition to sleep, pains in the back and lower
limb3, eyes dim, desire for solitude, and a dislike for the
society of other girls, when 6he is a mystery to herself and
.friends, then the mother should go to her aid promptly. ' At
such a time the-greatest aid to nature is Lydia E. Pink
h:im8 Vegetable Compound. It prepares the young
system for tho coming change, and is the surest reliance in
this hour of trial.
The following letters from Miss Good are practical proof
of Mrs. Pinkham's efficient advice to young women.
Miss Good asks Mrs. Pinkham for Help.
,r June 12th, 1899.
Dear Mrs. Piskhim: I hare been Tery much bothered for some
time with ray monthly periods being irregular. I will tell you all about
it, uu pui rayeii in your care, i or i nave beard so much of you. Each
month menstruation would become less and less, until it entirely stopped
for six months, and now it has stopped again. I have become very ner
vous and of a very bad color. I am a young girl and have always had to
i MISS Pf ARt C009 I
Vrjr VaSr Vii
deposited with
which will be
testimonial is
writer's special
Horn e Visits 0
freircfit, f iJcBoro & Ho. Yd. Ry.
"North-Westcrn Line"
Offers all Xebraskans an opportunity to
visit their oij homes or their friends In
any of the following- named states:
So. Dakota
Cast of Missouri River.
ana Missouri
On and North of St. L & S. T. B. R.
-'At the very low rat. of
One fare, Plus $2.00
September 10 and 26.
Limit Oct. 31. 1900. Sate One
Tare Plus $2.00.
Tickets sold to Chicago or St. Loul will
require execution by a Joint Agent and
payment of 25 cents fee. but those to
other points will be executed by the regu
lar railroad agent without additional
DATES:--Sept. 10 and 26.
Take this opportunity to visit the East
and tell your friends of the good things
has i offer to the farmer, the merchant
and the laborer. They will then btcome
your neighbors and thus you will help
build up our grand state.
J. R. Buchanan,
Cen. Passenger Agt F.. K. A M- V. R. R
amy HMfp
wwk very nara. i would be very much pleased if
you would tell me what to do." Miss Pkarl Goon,
Cor. 29th Avenue and Yeslar Way, Seattle, Wash.
The Happy Result.
February 10th, 1900.
" DeaB Mrs. Pinkham : I cannot praise Lydia
TL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound enough. It is
just simply wonderful the change your medicine
has made in- me. I feel like another person. My
work is now a pleasure to me, while before using
your medicine it was a burden. To-day I am a
healthy and happy girl. I think if more women
would use your Vegetable Compound there would be
less suffering in the world. I cannot express the
relief I have experienced by using Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound." Miss Pearl Good,
Cor. 29th Avenue and Yeslar Way, Seattle, Wash.
Owing to the fact that him skeptical
people have from time to time questioned
the trenuineness of the testimonial letters
we are roticr.nflv nnhli&htn w L.M
the National City Bank, of Lynn, Mass.. $5,000,
paid to any per n wb- ran show that the abore
not arsnuine, or was published before obtaining the
permission. Lydia . Pmkmam Msdicinb Co.
Use Magnetic Starch It has no espial.
Reason is a man's guide, but prin
ciple is his safeguard.
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It Polishes the Goods
It makes all garments fresh and crisp
as when first bough new. -
Try sampe Paokage.
Tou'U like it If you try It.
You'll buy It If you try It.
Tou'Il use it it you try ft.
Try it.
Sold by al! Grocers.
Leave Omaha f :05 p. m.; arrive St.
Louis 7:00 a. m.
my mem uni cut ot toum
Trains leave Unloa Station Dally for
Kansas City. Qulncy, St. Louis and all
points East or South. Half Rte$ to'
(Plus i.00) many southern points on
1st and 3rd Tuesday of Each month.
All information at City Ticket OOce.
1415 Fatnam Street (Paxton Hotel
Blk.) or write
HAY I. tsCC-fS.
City Passenger and Ticket - Agent.
- Omaha, Neb.
-v. ,
UJrajsT Tse Wcadtr
I h "j N Boi:iNCsJa
There Is no place In our system of
government for the deposit of arbi
trary and irresponsible power.
Three-quarters of a century ago,
when our nation was small, the strug
gles of Greece aroused our people, ard
Webster and Clay gave eloquent ex
pression to the universal desire for
Grecian independence. In 1896 all
parties manifested a livery interest in
the success of the Cubans, but now.
when a war is in progress in South
Africa, which must result In the ex
tension of the monarchical idea, or in
the triumph of a republic, the advo
cates of imperialism In this country
dare not say a word in behalf of the
Imperialism would be profitable to
the army contractors; It would be
profitable to the snip owners, who
would carry live soldiers to the Phil
ippines and bring dead soldiers back;
it would be profitable to those who
would seize upon the franchises, and
it would be profitable to the officials
whose salaries would be fixed, here
and paid over there; but to the farmer,
to the laboring man and to the vast
majority of those engaged in other
occupations it would bring expendi
ture without return and risk without
The democratic platform describes
the situation when ft says that the
Filipinos cannot be. citizens without
endangering our civilization. Who
will dispute it? And what is the al
ternative? If the Filipino Is not to be
a citizen, shall we make him a sub
ject. On that question the democratic
platform speaks with equal emphasis.
It declares that the Filipino cannot
be a subject without endangering cur
form of government. A republic can
have no subjects. A subject is possible
only In a government resting upon
It Is not necessary to own people in
order to trade with them. We carry on
trade today with every part of the
world, and our commerce has expand
ed more rapidly than the commerce of
any European empire. We do not own
Japan or China, but we trade with
their people. We have not absorbed
the republics of Central and South
America, but we trade with them. It
has not been necessary to have any
political connection with Canada or
the nations of Europe In order to trade
with them. Trade cannot be perma
nently profitable unless it is volun
tary. In commemoration of the fact that
France was our ally in securing inde
pendence the citizens of that nation
joined with the citizens of the United
States In placing in New York harbor
an heroic statue representing liberty
enlightening the world. What course
shall our nation pursue? Send the
statue of liberty back to France and
borrow from England a statue of Will
iam the Conqueror? Or shall our na
tion so act as to enable the American
people to join with tne Filipinos in
placing in the harbor of Manila a
statue of liberty enlightening the
orient? '
What is our title to the Philippine
islands? Do we hold them by treaty
or by conquest? Did we buy them or
did we take them? Did we purchase
the people? If not, how did we secure
title to them? "Were they thrown in
with the land. Will- the republicans
say that inanimate earth has value,
but that when that earth is molded
by the divine hand and stamped with
the likeness of the Creator it becomes
a fixture and passes with the soil? If
governments derive their just powers
from the consent of the governed, it
is impossible to secure title to people,
either by force or by purchase.
The growth of the principle of self
government, planted on American soil,
has been the overshadowing political
fact of the nineteenth century. It has
made this nation conspicuous among
the nations and given it a place in his
tory such as no other nation has ever
enjoyed. Nothing has been able - to
check the onward march of this idea.
I am not willing that this nation shall
cast aside the omnipotent weapon of
truth to seize again the weapons of
physical warfare. I would not ex
change the glory of this republic for
the glory of all the empires that have
risen and fallen since time began.
. Our nation has a mission, but it is
to liberate those who are in bondage
hot to place shackles upon those who
are struggling to be free.
We rejoice in the marvellous victory
won by Dewey In Manila bay; we
would give to him a sacred place in
history and crown his memory with
blessings. To us he Is a hero; tc the
Filipino he can be a savior. Let him
be known to posterity, not as the sub
jugator of an alien race, but as the
redeemer of an oppressed people not
as a Lord Clive, but as a La Fayette.
The gratitude of a people is better
than a Jeweled sword.
There are degrees of proficiency in
tl-e art of self-government, but it is a
reflection upon the Creator to say
that he denied to any people the ca
pacity for self-government. Once ad
mit that some people are capable of
self-government and that others are
cot and that the capable people have
a right to seize upon and govern the
incapable, and you mafce force brute
force the only foundation of govern
ment and Invite the reign of a despot.
I am not willing to believe that an
all-wise and an all-loving God created
the Filipinos and then lelt them thou
sands of years helpless until the isl
ands attracted the attention of Eu
ropean nations.
Some argue that American rule In
the Philippine islands will result in
the belter education of the Filipinos.
Be not deceived. If we expect to main
tain a colonial policy, we shall not find
it to our advantage to educate the
people. The educated Filipinos are
now in revolt against us, and the most
ignorant ones have made the least re
sistance to our domination. If we are
to govern them without their consent
and give them no voice in determining
the taxes which they must pay, we
dare not educate them, lest they learn
to read the Declaration of Indepen
dence and constitution of the United
States and mock us for our incon
sistency. Let this nation stand erect and,
spurning the bribes or wealth and
power, show that there Is a reality in
the principles which we profess; let
it show that there Is a difference be
tween a republic and a monarchy, and
the oppressed in every land will see
in our flag the hope of their own de
liverance and, whether they are
bleaching upon the battlefield or
groaning beneath a tyrant's lash, will
raise their eyes toward heaven and
breathe a fervent prayer for the safety
of our republic. 3-
Rights never conflict; duties never
clash. Can it be our duty to usurp po
litical rights which celong to others?
Can it be our duty to kill those who,
following the example of our fore
fathers, love liberty well enough to
fight for it?
The army worm which occasionally
destroys a field of wheat is not nearly
so dangerous an enemy to the farmer
as a large standing army, which in
vades every field of industry and ex
acts toll from every crop.
A colonial policy means that we
shall send to the Philippine islands a
few traders, a few taskmasters and a
few office-holders and an army large
enou?i to support .the authority of a
small fraction of the people while they
rule the natives.
No, a thousand times better that we
haul down the stars and stripes and
substitute the flag of an independent
republic than surrender the doctrines
that give glory to "old glory." It was
the flag of our fathers in the years that
are gone; it is the flag of a reunited
country today; let it be the flag of our
nation in the years that are to come.
Its stripes of red tell of the blood that
was shed to purchase liberty; its
stripes of white proclaim the pure and
heaven-born purpose of a government
which derives its just powers from the
consent of the governed. The mis
sion of that flag is to float not over
a conglomeration of commonwealths
and colonies but over "the land, of
the free and the home of the brave;"
and to that mission it must remain for
ever true forever true.
There is an easy, honest, honorable
solution of the Philippine question. It
is set forth 'n the democratic platform
and it is submitted with confidence to
the American people. This plan I un
reservedly indorse. If elected, I will
convene congress in extraordinary ses
sion as soon as inaugurated and rec
ommend an immediate declaration of
the nation's purpose, first, to establish
a stable form of government' in the
Philippine Islands, just as we are now
establishing a stable form of govern
ment in Cuba; second, to give inde
pendence to the Cubans; third, to pro
tect the Filipinos from outside inter
ference while they work out their
destiny, just as we have protected the
republics of Central and South Am
erica, and are, by the Monroe doctrine,
pledged to protect Cuba.
Brave Iib1 Dead.
Clarence J. Berry's mastiff Julian,
the most widely known dog in the far
away gold fields of Alaska, Is dead.
Exposure to the rigors of the northern
climate put an end to the career of a
dog which had traveled hundreds of
miles over the pathless Ice. and had
hauled thousands of pounds of freignt.
Mr. Berry first put him to work on a
sled in 1895. when the dog hauled pro
visions for the season" over the Cb.ll
koot pass.
iMagteg Jeefcets.
Pretty lounging jackets are made ot
soft silk, trimmed with lace. The lat
est idea is to line them with nun's
reillng in a soft shade.- There is a
bug amount of comfort to be found
in the Japanese lounging jacket. It Is
quilted as to the lining and on the
wid revers and -deep turned-back
cuffs. .
A Venerable . Lady of Noble Lineage
Speaks a Timely Word.
"One of the most aristocratic faces seen in Washington is that of Mrs. Hemple,
daughter of President Tyler. Ktae has passed ber SOtU your and yet retains an exceed
iajfly youthful complexion. Personally she in charming, and imprexses one as stepping
out of the European courts," so says the National Uaguxine, under the heading "boclui
Sidelights at the Capital. "
The following Is a letter from this interesting lady, written from the Louise Hods,
Washington. D. C, to the Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, Ohio, concerning their
great catarrh tonic, Peruna. Mrs. Semple writes :
Gentlemen "Your Peruna Is a most valuable remedy. Many ol
my Mends have used It with the most flattering results and 1 can
commend It to all who need a strengthening tonic. It Is Indeed a
remarkable medicine." Sincerely, Letet la Tyler Semple.
Peruna Is a specific to counteract the depressing effects of hot weather. A free Look
entitled "Bummer Catarrh" sent by the Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starth
try it now. You will then use no other.
In the regular army of the United
States there are 25 per cent of foreign
ers. .
Vrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup.
Tor children taathlug, softens lh Rams, rsdaofs In
IsmBttbn, allajt pain. cures wlndoollc 2jo a butuo
The Princess of Monaco is said to be
the first Hebrew to sit on an European
924.00 PER WEEK
To men vith rigs to introduce our Poultry
Compound among farmer. Address with
stamp, Acme Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo.
Probably the only sovereign who has
been up in a balloon is Queen Chris
tina of Spain.
Magnetic Starch Is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
Professor Gotch says the electric
fish of the Nile have a "battery" power
equal to 200 volts.
FITS PmusenrrCarM. Ko Bt or nermsnasi afte
Crvt day tin of lr. S Una's Ort Kr Kmtoisr.
Band for FREE SS.OO trial bottla and tram t 1m.
be. B. U. Kus, Ltd., 121 Area St., fbilatkilpaia. Fa.
When an actress is wedded to her art
she Is generally divorced from some
few husbands.
Hall's Catarrh Core
Is taken internally. Price. 75c.
When it comes to skyscrapers Chi
cago tells some pretty tall stories .
Tne Manufacturers or Carter's Ink have had
forty years' ezpertnoa In making- It and they
ertulalj know bow. Send for "Inklings," free.
About 1,500,000 persons are employed
in the coal mines of the world.
1.000 .OOO acre new )apd to open to settlement.
Subscribe for THE KIOWA CHIKT. deroted to iDfor
snatloa about these lands. One yesr. Sl.ou. Slagle
opr. 10c. Subscribers recelre free Illustrated book
ua Oklahoma. Morcaa's Manual (110 pace Settlers'
Guide) with fine pactional tnsp, si. 00. Map 28c. All
above. Sl.Ts. Address. Dick T. Morgan, Ferry, O. T.
Nearly 8,000,000 persons in Germany
are insured against illness.
All goods are alike to PUTNAM
FADELESS DYES, as they color all
fibers at one boiling.
The offspring of two rabbits will In
ten years number 70,000,000.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
Might may not make right, but It
seldom gets left. v
Tour clothes wilt not crack It you
use Magnetic. Starch.
The anhnal that first succumbs to
extreme cold is ihe horse
. Try Magnetic Starch It will last
longer than any other.
Yes, Howard, in high words low lan
guage is generally used.
Piso's Cote Is the best medicine we ever used
for aU affections of the throat and lanes. Wm.
O- EansLSY. Yanbaren, Ind,. Feb. 10, 1900.
Only children play ball,
a business of it.
Men make
Dyspepsia Is the bane of the human system.
Protect yourself against Its ravages by tbe use
of Beemea's Pepsin Gum.
Why should a clock be arrested for
striking the hour?
Flaws Try faultless Stareo.
once and yen will nerer us any other. All
grocers sell it large package 10c.
A rural editor says the lay of the
hen lays all over that of the poet.
Tee taoktng young and your hair. Its color
sad beauty with Pmu'i Haia Balsam.
HxaBzaooBSs, the best curs for coma. IScta.
- A.,.A.a.A.a,.A.
"tZczjttjaS," " Leader," ndgtncpcztcr
baring theso, take no others sad
T.larfrlno 2,000 Ou. of Grain Five Cento
Markets In Fine Condition to Make Money.
Send for Fre Book, "Successful Speculation. v
J. K. COnSTOCK at CO.. Trader BidsU CHICAGO.
Mark Twain Com tag Home.
Mark Twain, who will soon return
to his home in Hartford, Conn., thus
answers a friend who asked him if
he did not enjoy traveling: "No, I
don't. I do it for the sake of my fam
ily. If I bad my way I'd settle down
in one spot and never move. In fact,
I 'can't understand how any writer
can be persuaded to move of his own
accord. Old Uunyan was in luck when
they threw him Into prison. If I
had been in his place they'd never hav
got me out."
Be loving and you will never want
for love.
People who have long faces are apt
to have short understandings.
Salisbury's Talented Daughter.
Lady Gwendolen Cecil, the unmar
ried daughter who now presides over
the household of Lord Salisbury, the
British premier, is esteemed as ono
of the foremost of English mathe
maticians. A singularly gifted family
are the Cecils. Th marquis hlmsolf
is a most accomplished electrician and
chemist, and besides has worked for an
income as subeditor. Lord Cecil, one
of his sons, Is counted among the best
read political writers and workers in
the islands.
Kaiser lienors a Chicago Man.
Dr. J. H. Breasted, professor of
Egyptology in the University of Chi
cago, has been appointed by the em
peror of Germany to superintend the
publication of bis new Egyptian dic
tionary. This lexicon will enable stu
dents of Egyptology to study the hier
oglyphlcs in the museums throughout
the world. This is an excellent com
pliment to an American scholar.
Little Liver PUIs.
Must Dear Signature of
See PaofHmtU Wrapper Below.
rca Dizzirtxj. .
rex TcsnD uvea.
rca sallow sua.
usms SWSTMM justin
Soldiers' Heirs
Heirs of Union Soldiers wV made homesteads of
less taaa 160 acres before June 22, lf7 ( no matter
If abandoned). If the additional hemestead right
was not sold or osed. should address, with (ulj
particulars. HENRY H. cOPI, w si i . a ,
Mention this paper to advertisers.
yon will get the best shells that snoneycaa buy.
' Tery mmmU sua aa m
II ttakesssgav
- 1