MAY ADJUST MATTERS The Coal Miners in Markio Elopei Accept Part of Finu'a Terms. ARBITRATION Of DISPUTED POINTS Sheriff of Ultra County Make rnniBU for Itosblns Troop from hhenanrtoah If OcrMlon for Their Use ArUn-l'rac to II Ma lotaloed. llAZLETON. IM.. Hept. 27. The -!-ti Mt the nit hps or O. U. Markle Co. riajt been reached. There wore many xprMlon smone the men today of llHnatiHfa .lon with Borne of the firm's answers to their demands. The prin cipal grievance u the wage scale. They auk ror only about half of what the United Mine Workers are demanding. Operations at the Markle collieries were suspended today so that the em ployew could hold a meetirg to di3cuss the firm's answer. The meeting was .held in the fornoon and this afternoon the committee composed tf employes ot the several Markle mi'ies. with the exception of ElKjrvale. which Is com pletely tied up. made known to the firm the decision of the employes. They Accept the firm's proposition In regard to the hoisting iren from Ibe slope, ac quiesce In the refusal to pay the engi neers by the hour and wa"i to further arbitrate all the other giievances ex cept those relating to semi-monthly pay and the location or powder houses, which have been adjusted by the an swer of Markle & Co. The men also decided to remain at work pending the arbitration negotia tions and agreed to ask the firm to "deduct from the pay of each family that returns to work their quota for the payment of the arbitrator selected by the men." Judging only by the talk of the men It looks as if a considerable num ber of men will not go to work to morrow morning. The force of men at ?juh of the Markle slopes is now very horthanded. The firm for the time being refuses to discuss anything in connection with its future actions. The request made yesterday by Sher iff Harvey for troops, although not re fused. a3 not granted by Governor Stone. The sheriff and the state offi cials at Harrlsburg. however, have an understanding and If Mm necessity arises soldiers will be thrown into this region in short order. If this be done the first to arrive would to one of the commands now stationed at Shenan doah. There were no disturbances report ed In this region today. Rumors of contemplated marches of strikers are constantly in circulation, but as far as can be learned there is no truth in any of them. With regard to the g'neral strike situation in the Lehigh Valley it can not be said that many great gains were made on either side today Some who quit work yesterday at the Tomhicken. Derringer and Cowan mines returned today. The Lehigh Valley Coal com pany reports more men wor.mng 10 Ca.y tu:nfime since tlairilu. be- The labor leaders claim accessions to their ranks from both the mines at Eckley and Lattimer. The dally pro duction of coal in the district is stead ily decreasing. This 13 shown from the shipments of coal from the region today, which indicate a falling off of more than 73 per cent. POSIT.ON Of THE POWERS. Austria and Italy Only Goeeramenta that Reply Favorably. PARIS. Sept. 27. It is asserted from excellent diplomatic sources that Aus tria and Italy are the only powers whirti have replied favorably and un conditionally to Germany's note. It is certainly a fact that the replies cf Russia and France are almost identi cal, involving the punishment of the originators of the anti-foreign assaults but not making their surrender an ab solute condition of the peace prelim inaries. Japan takes a middle course, lean ing a little more strongly toward Ger many, while Great Britain declines. A powerful argument used against Germany's position was its establish ment of a precedent that would per mit the powers in future wars to de mand personages considered by them to be guilty leaders and that their pun-. Ishment is deemed fit before peace ne gotiations are undertaken. Are pte Carnegie's rrpoP VI W A. Ia.. Sept. 26.-3 V ?pted Andrew Carnegre-sja urruJiWA. ia.. Sept. Z6.-rJ pwa has accepted Andrew Carnegfe-sjap-propriation of $50,000 for a free public siuiaij. 1 ne election uu ue issue giv ing a majority of almost bOO in favor of the measure; 272 were cast by mal6 voters. The women were also permit ted to vote and their majority increas ed the total to almost 500. The meas ure lost last June, when the judge of the district court held that the women were not entitled to vote. The male vote in June gave a majority of 81 against the measure, the issue carry ing only by the votes cast by the wo men. The election settles the ques tion. Aertsed s a Hold Up. BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. 26. The police locked up a suspicious character and put him in the sweat box. He soon was spotted as the party who held up a Bohemian named Zivanski. liv ing near Virginia, six weeks ago. Zi vanski was sent for and at once iden tified Bilger as his assailant. The prisoner denies that he had anything to do with the hold up. but it is now known that he served time before. Stat May Ft elp Gvlveston. GALVESTON. Tex.. Sept. 27. Near ly 2.000 men were engaged clearing the streets, removing debris and disposing of dead bodies today. Twenty-five bodies were recovered today and thirty-five yesterday. Governor Sayers left here this afternoon for Austin, where he will consult wl-h the attor ney general relative to a proposition zrom tne city government tor a fund -with which to operate the municipal government from now until the end of the fiscal year. February 28. About 1100.000 will be required. GEN. JOHN M. PALMER DEAD. TVae Appearautly la tba Boat of Health SPRINGFIELD. 111., Sept. 26. Gen eral John M. Palmer, ex I nited States senator from Illinois, die! at his resi dence in this city at 8 a. m. He died from heart failure. He was an honorary pallbearer at Genera) McClernand's funeral last Saturday. Last night General Palmer was on the street viewing the state fair illumina tions until a late hour, apparently in the best of health. He was about 83 years of age. General Palmer complained yester day of a pain In the cheat. He slept uneasily last night and about 8 o'clock this morning Mrs. Palmer called a physician, who did not think the general's condition alarming. The general awoke about 7 o'clock this morning, still complaining. He talk ed to his wife for a short time. then, fell Into a doze and expired soon aftei. John McAuley Palmer was born on a farm on Eag'e creek. Scott county, Kentucky, September 13. 1817. The family removed to Illinois in 1831 and settled upon a farm on Wood river in Madison county. Senator Palmer re ceived such education as the limited school facilities of the time and coun try afforded. He worked his way through one year of Shurtleff college at Upper Alton and then went to work to learn the cooper's trade. He then in turn was a clock and school te:ner. devoting his evenings to read ing law. His determination to be come a lawyer was strengthened by a chance meeting with Stephen A. Doug las, and he went to Cariinville and entered a law oflice. In December, 18jtf, he went to Springfield and was admitted to the bar. On the same evening he met Abraham Lincoln and from that time to Lincoln's death thc7 were warm pe-sonal friends. On De cember 20, 1842. he married Mis3 Me llnda Ann Nealy. Ten children were born of the marriage, six of whom are living. In 1843 he was elected probate justice Oi his county. In 1849 he was elected county judge and In 1851 to the state senate. Dividing Up Relief Funds. GALVESTON. Sept. 26. Governor Sayers arrived here today in response to a request from the Gaiveston Cen tral committee for a conference tn re gard to several matters. The governor expressed himself as unwilling to have anything whatever to do with the dis tribution of any relief funds. He says he will apportion the funds in hi3 hands among the various communities which have suffered from the storm, and that the citizens or each of theao communities must entrust the distri bution to the local committees, com posed of the best citizens of their re spective places. Engines Go to the Round Horn. READING, Pa.. Sept. 26. During last night but 550 cars of coal were brought down from the Schuylkill re gion. This includes the Heading com pany and individual collieries in op eration, and is less than one-third of an average day's run with all the mines gaing. It is estimated that . 1.800 trainmen fu the coal service are idle and many more will be th;own out of employment. Engines ar? now being stored in the shops and roundhouses. Hundreds of carloads of bituminous coal are being rushed to the larger cities and manufacturing towns. Instructions to Jury. . FRANKFORT, Ky., Sept. 25. The defense closed sufrebuttal testimony in the Howard case at 10 o'clock to day. Judge Cantrell gave only two in structions to the jury, in substance as follows: irst, to befound guilty if the jury believes Howard fired the shot or if he was present when Youtse, Berry, Howard or others fired the shot. Second, the defendant cannot be convicted on the testimony of an ac complice. Sixteen Killed In Storm. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Sept. 25. Sixteen persons are reported killed in tne storm at Morristown. Minn., at 6 o'clock this evening. According to the report which is very meagre, a large tree was lifted from the ground and carried over a housetop and deposited on a brick building, used as a saloon. This was completely wrecked and from it the bodies of eight men were taken. The report does not say how much damage was done to property there. First a now In Wromlng. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Sep. 26. The first snow of the season fell here this evening from Granite Canyon west to Evanston.' Snow has been falling all day. At Sherman thirteen inches of snow was reported at 6 o'clock. The weather is cold throughout southern Wyoming. Hob Destroying Churches. HONG KONG. Sept. 26. A mob de stroyed the Catholice church at To kaahang. a few miles from Canton. They afterwards desecrated the Amer ican Bapti3t mission graveyard. Yes terday rowdle3 destroyed the Ameri can Presbyterian church, just outside of Canton. The feeling in Fatshan Is intensifying. Hehrasban Gets a Life Sentence. HARRISON. Neb.. Sept. 26. The jury in tue case against Chase Russell, charged with the murder of A. L. Standenmair last May, returned a ver dict of guilty an- Judge Westover fixed his sentence at life Imprisonment '.fie verdict receive'" the almost unan imous approbation of the people. Apple are Badly Damage. NEW YORK, Sept. 26. While first reports of serious apple losses, fol lowing the September gales, were in some instances exaggerated, latest ad vices to the American Agriculturist still show beyond question enormous quantities were blown from the trees. Sheltered orchards and those on the I eastern slopes of hills escaped serious injury, according to that authority in 1 its issue of September 29. but advices indicate that all the way from 10 per , cent up to 60 and 75 per cent, and oc casionally more, of the apples are on tn ground. j ARMY SOON TO LEAVE On! a Small Portion of Troops to be B tained in Pekin. THE SOLDERS WILL GO TO MANILA Orders Directing Chaffee to Maintain Legation Guard Cabled Instruction to Conger Withheld Great Urltala and tba United States. WASHINGTON. Sept. 26. The Uni ted States government today took the first step towards the redemption of its pledge made to the Russian gov ernment August 28 last by cablegram instruction to General Chaffee to re duce the American forces in China to the proportions of a legation guard. Nearly a month ago the Russian gov ernment was toid through M. De Wol lant. Its charge here, that if the Rus sian forces and ministry were with drawn from Tekin "we shall give in structions to the commander of the American frees In China to withdraw our forces from Pekin, after due con ference with the other commanders as to the time and manner of withdraw al." That time has now come and to day's action marks the beginning of the disappearance of the American army from China, for although some military force is to remain, it will not be of the character of an army, but under the conditions laid down in the order to General Chaffe?. and espe cially under its official designation as a "legation guard." will Le rather of the nature of a civil guard. This small force will not be Included in the mili tary operations which may be con ducted by the allied armies and so will rot fall subject to the direction of Field Marshal Count von Waldersee. the commander-in-chief. Much thousht has been given to the proper number of troops to be al lotted for this purpose, ?nd it is be lieved that the 1,400 men relected will be quite sufficient to protect the Amer ican legation against anv force that could be brought against it. It is note worthy, too, that the most complete ar rangements have been ordered for the maintenance of the men. while care has been taken that there shall not be a shortage of ammunition, as there was in the British legation during the eiege. It Is estimated at cut a week will be required to bring the 3.500 sol diers away from Pekin, but as the start cannot be made immediately it will at least be the end of the first week In October before the movement can be completed. It Is stated at the quartermaster's department that there are not trans ports available to bring off the force which will come out of China. Three or four vessels will be at Taku by the time the troops are ready to move. Be sides the transports for the men a number of animal ships will take away the horses and mule?, which will not be needed in China. General Chaffee is authorized to tfcke from the ships now at Taku such stores as will be necessary to laJhlm ttrouglwhe winter. . STANDS BY THE UNITED STATES. England Agrees with This Country on the Proposition of Germany. LONDON. Sept. 26. Lord Salisbury has replied to the German note in terms identical with those of the Uni ted States. According to a dispatch received here from Berlin, the Russian and Japan ese replies to Germany's proposal, re ceived yesterday, asserted that Rus sia "assents in principle," while Jap an's answer is an "unemphatic ap proval." A news agency dispatch from Hong Kong says that 20,000 Triads have congregated in the neighborhood of Chung Chuin and threaten to make an attack on Canton. Army Post for ftiWMton. WASHINGTON. Sept 25. The re establishment of the army post at Saa Jaclntc. , Galveston, will depend en tirely on the report of the board of engineer officers recently appointed by General Wilson, chief of engineers to consider the feasibility and advisa bility of the reconstruction of the fortifications at that and other points in the harbor. The San Jacinto gar rison suffered severely from the re cent hurricane. All the buildings were destroyed. The fortifications were dam aged badly. The soldiers have been withdrawn and the post, temporarily, U abandoned. Answer th Xote. BERLIN. Sept. 26. The foreign officials have informed the Associated Press that Russia and Japan have formerly answered the German note, "particularly emphasizing their agree ment to the proposition to have the ministers designate the guilty." Great Britain has not yet formally answered. The correspondent of the Associated Press finds that political circles here are confident Great Britain will not adopt the United States position. Root Condition Improving. WASHINGTON. Sept. 26. Adjutant General Corbiu has received a personal letter from Secretary Root saying that his condition is improving, but giv ing no indication of a p'lrrt'se to re turn to Washington in th3 Immediate future. Secretary Root is at his sum mer home at Southampton, L. I., and is convalescing from an operation for the removal of a carbuncle in his breast. Can't Find a Candidate. YORK. Pa.. Sept. 26. A. B. Farqu har, manufacturer o this city, nas been tendered the nomination for the presidency on the ticket of the Na tional party. Mr. Farquhar today de clined the nomination on account of pressure of business. Daaaag Will Ba A boat SSO.eee. DALLAS, Tex.. Sept. 26. The Trin ity liver was higher last night than it has been since 1890. The damage to roads and bridges in about a dozen counties ia northern Texas will be about s50.0eo. GERMANY TAKES NO 0EEENSE. Reply II eld to Afford China a Xfmj Oat of 2ts Olffleultlee. COLOGNE. Sept 25. The Kolnische Zeitung publishes an inspired telegram from Berlin. i which the Washington government's reply to the German note is characterized as a manifest effort to assist the Chinese governmentto accept the proposals with regard to the punishment of tne leaders in the Chinese trouble. The telegram points out that, though the American reply shows an indulgent disposition, it must not be deduced therefrom that the 'VAishington government thinks t,he United States trade and missionary interests require less careful protec tion than those of the other powers. but that the United States government is compelled to be indulgent owing to the unfavorable effect upon the situa tion in the Philippines caused by the transfer of troops from those islands to China. As a matter of fact, the telegram adds, a vigorous and exemplary pun ishment of the guilty counsellors of the Chinese court will be in accord ance with the interests of both Ameri can trade and missionaries. For a settlement between the powers and China It makes no difference, how eve, arserts the telegram, whether America co-operates any further or not. Forces sufficient for all emer gencies will remain available to se cure the expiation demanded by the civilized world. FEW MORE MEN QUIT WORK. Strikers Gala Some Ground la the Tlclnl Ity of Shamokla. SHAMOKIN, Pa., Sept. 25. Not withstanding the efforts of operators, none of the collieries in this vicinity resumed this morning. Themincrs as a bodyremained away from the collier ies to the surprise of several opera tors who were confident their mines would be able to start up. Attempts were also made to work collieries be tween nere and MountCarmel, but scarcely any miners reported. The failure of the men to go to work averted trouble. All the col lieries were heavily guarded by coal and iron police and special officers. The strikers scored a victory by in ducing 10 per cent of the men in the North Franklin colliery at Trcvorton to stay at home today. Leaders of the United Mines Workers assert that within a few days the colliery will be tied up. A carload of deputies went to the mine early today. It is operated by the Philadelphia & Reading Coal and Iron company and employs about 500 men and boys. The company was hopeful up to this morning that all the men would remain at work during the strike. Miners Gain their Point. VICTOR. Colo.. Sept. 25. The threatened strike of the miners em ployed in six of the leading gold mines of this district because of orders re cently issued by the English manage ment of Stratton's Independence, re quiring all miners to strip naked and pass before the superintendent for in spection to prevent their purloining valuable ore, has been prevented by an agreement entered into tonight be tweenthe miners' committee and the managers. The order was modified so to make it necessary for the men to remove their outer clothing. It re quired several meetings between the representative of both sides to at tain this result. Tellow Fever Gain In Cuba. HAVANA. Sept. 24. Thirty-one new cases of yellow fever have been offi cially reported since Friday, making nearly 100 now under treatment. Cap tain George S. Cartwrlght, Twenty fourth United States infantry, quarter master's department, who was taken down with the rever last Monday at Camp Columbia, is dead. Robert Thomas and Alfred Kilbourne, second United States artillery, were attacked yesterday. Governor General Wood suegests that departmental clerks should not reside in Havana, while the fever is raging. Tnd'an Slagged to Death. DULUTH. Minn.. Sept. 25. Artur Cummins, a teacher at the Vermillion reservation Indian school, came down from Tower today and gave himself up to the United States authorities for filing 1 young Indian boy named Charles Eagle at the school Thursday last. The Indian was 17 years oid ard very large, while Cummins Is a slight man. The young Indian declined to obey and was being put in the guard house. The teacher undertook to nhys ically execute his command and Eagle resisted , violently. Wu Gets Orer His "care. WASHINGTON. Sept 23. The de tectives who have been on duty at the Chinese legation for about two months today returned to headquarters, there bein? no further necessity, in the judg ment of major Sylvester, hief of po lice, and Mr. Wu. for the presence of detectives at the minister's residence. It is understood that as soon as the condition of affairs in China will ad mit of it Minister Wu will visit Peru, to which country he also is the accred ited representative of his government Famoaa Editor Passes Away. STOCKHOLM, . Sept 24. The an nouncement of the death of S. A. Hed lund. the well known editor, has caused a widespread .feeling of regret De ceased was for years a member of Par liament and . . lively debater and he greatly assisted in the solution of the labor problem. Displeasing to the Eacllsb. LONDON, Sept 25. The afternoon newspapers, which comment on the American reply to the German note, attribute it to "political exigencies." The Pall Mall Gazette says: "It is a shock to find the government at Wash ington taking up the position that the justification of the punishment of the Chinese responsible for the outrage, torture and murder of American citi zens should be left to the initiative of the murderers themselves, for it ia Impossible to doubt that the respon sible authors are the imperial authorities." T NO NEW MOVE AS YET Hone of tba Powers Have Replied to the Amarican Note Anent China. CONFERENCE Willi LI RING CHANG A Program to II Arranged aad Certain Broad Principles to be Agreed Upoa wool to If Submitted to t lie Euro pean Governments. WASHINGTON. Sent. 2i. The dob! tion of the United States on China, as made known In the notes made nub ile yesterday, is receiving the earnest consideration of the other powers and tnelr representatives here, it Is look ed upon as a sort of turning point in the negotiations, on which the align ment of the several countries will be determined and their programs fram ed. There has been no 'Aord. how ever, from any of the governments concerning their view of the Amerl can position, and it Is expected that some days will elapse before any new move is made. There Is reason to be lieve that the American note was con sidered at Berlin yesterday by those chief in authority, but thi3 has brought no positive developments thus far. The Chinese minister has not heard from Li Hung Chang or Prince Chlng since the purposes of this government were made known to them. Minister Wu continues to express the earnest hope that the United States will take the lead in bringing about a settle ment. Aside from its benefits to all the powers and to China, the minister says it would establish lasting bonds between this country and China and would pave the way for treaty rela tions of the most advantageous char acter for American interests. In accordance with the statement made to Germany to the effect that the United States government is about to authorize Mr. Conger to enter forth with into conference with the duly au thorized representatives of the Chinese government with a view of bringing about a preliminary agreement. Act ing Secretary of State Hill spent some time yesterday framing the directions to Mr. Conger. In view of the pecu liarly delicate nature of the task to be confided to Mr. Conger, this is a work requiring much thought. The language of the note professing to state what Mr. Conger is to do is un usual and seems generally to indicate that he is about to undertake to bring the powers and China together; in ac tuality, he is to serve as mediator in part at least. He presumably will arrange with the Chinese representatives, Li Hung Chang and Prince Chlng, as to the place where they are willing to meet the representatives of the powers to discuss a final settlement, and try to fix upon certain broad principles that shall govern the conference. This, pro gram must be submitted to the pow ers to ascertain If they are willing to accept It If so, then it may be that something in the nature of a joint in ternational peace commission will deal with the Chinese representatives. Should the powers or anv of them re ject any such program as Mr. Conger may be able to frame, then It appears that there will be nothing for the United States to do but o make ne gotiations on Its own account, making sure that no subsequent action of the dis&enting powers negatives any of the results secured by our commissioners In the settlement directly with China. Foster Declines the Task. WASHINGTON. Sept. 25. Ex-Secretary John W. Foster today stated that he did not expect to tae part in tie international Chinese negotiations. He said Li Hung Chang had expressed a desire that he come to China and aid in the negotiations, but he did not think he could be of any special service under existing circumstances. Besides it was a long journey, the Inclement season of the year was approaching and he had no desire again to revisit the far cast. Kant For Train Itobbers. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Sept. 25. The search for the four men who held up and dynamited the Union Pacific train at Table Rock last month has been re sumed. Officials of the Union Pacific received word that the bandits were seen a few aays ago in the mountains south of Rawlins and a posse under United States Marshal Hadsell left the railroad last night for the scene. The posse is composed of Union Pacific de tectives and deputy marshals. All are well mounted and heavily arm;d. Dae! Over Woman MIDDLESBORO, Ky., Sepf. 23. At the Half-way house, a saloon near the state line, Dock Hoskins fchot and fa tally wounded Will Mosley. the latter also wounding Ho3kins. The men fell out over a woman who, a few weeks ago, stabbed to death another woman on account of jealousy. Missionaries Escape to Slberlc. LONDON, Sept 23. The American missionaries. J. H. Roberts, Mark Williams, William Sprague. Mrs. Sprague and Miss Virginia Murdock. who escaped from Kalgan, province of Chi Li, China, in June, were chased across the Gobi desert of Sibe-a and reached London in good health. Will Continue the War. LONDON. Sept. 25. "Messrs. Steyn and Reitz." says a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Lour en zo Marquez, will remain with the fighting burgh ers, and it Is estimated that a force of Boers aggregating from 7,000 to 12.000 Is planning to harass the British lines of communication." Another Disaster la Texas. NEW ORLEANS. La.. Sept. 25. A special from Austin, Tex., says: A telephone message received here to night by the chief of Llano says that San Saba, forty miles north of that place, confining about 1.000 people, was partiy swept away by the flood in the San Saba river, which was still rising. Ail bridges had been carried off. No news could be had from San Saba people tonight, the wires all be ing down. It is feared there has been great loss of life In the bottoms as the rise was In the night And rams without warning. THE UVE STOCK MARKET. latest Uotatlas from Mouth Omaha s Haoes Hit. iJNION HTfM.'. YARDS. fcOITTJI OMAHA (.little Alter yeeterda) V re-urt-lriiki-r of 10.71 hta. which overrun (he record t Hepteriihrr IN f last year, tixliiy'a SUM'! did not aeem very heavy. There wae, however, a kooiI auoply of feeOers. atil a yard trader were -l ftll.-.l uu from yes terday there was plenty to inet-t all de mands. Iiclildl In the riMeljtt wern about thirty urn of corn cuttle. I'ltrkers took hold wltn a little more lif.i ttmn they have on some days of late, and where the tattle just huppenetl to null thmi they paid erhapa a little stronger nes. but as a rule the inurkit wa juat about ateady. Home rattle, on the other hand, that did riot mu.t them, they ii-g td. and those kind were hardly aieudy. 'I here were about thirty oars of rows on the market today, utid the d-nmnd I. .Ion in ol sliaj.e. practically every ItiliiK changed Mmik-h In Rood m-umm nt steady to stronger prices. The (ei-dor market eemel tn te u little uneven fxlay, owIiir probably to a lui'Ke extent to the. lurjjti supply In slKht In tlin hunds of yard trudera. Cattle of kooiI and unl :ty Werr steady. 'Jhtic were practtcully no weKtern beef cattle on sale, today, although packers ure anxious for that rlaMM of cattle and are paying- K"od, HtrotiK prices lor what does arrive, t'owa brought Meudy to Mtronxer prices. llK I here was not 11 heuvy run of hojjs here today, which miikes the supply lor the two day this week ruther short. C'IiIcuko reports xhuw that buyers were IrylriK to K--t th.-lr hoics cheaper there and puckers rtarted out to do the nuin thinK here and succeeded In K'ttliiK a few loads at a I tile easier prU-es. The quality of the iirrlvuln today us 11 whuln whs better than yesterday,, which fart helps out today's average to some, extent. 1 he. top today was tU.Zj, or fa; limber than enterda. and M. v. rl load sold at J.22'j. but thou., that broiiKht over UIN .vere. of much belter quality than aiiyth.iiic 011 yc-Ntcrday'H market. Th bulk of the choice llKht we jchts sold at $5.17'. and 5.'. Sheep lhl was not qullo as many Khcep on sale today as yettterday, and the demand, on the part of both packers and feeder buyers, belnif in tfood shape, lr mum rw.t !... . . - -- .nun 1111- rru. w.JIOT f ill - tlcaliy cleared. The market did not show .ru ii mailer 00 t'.iner Fiiiecp or lamns frrktrt vs f t.1 ...... .-.i. I ... I ... . i . u... .r... ....... 1 ir. ; iiiiiif, in-ill iniuif 111 np at Just about Kteady prices. Feeders "'"w 1.1 1MJ1.111 ui.i.ui lilt nume jfriecn lis Ihnv .11.1 1.. ..u 1 u p. 1 .....i .1... 1 . j ... . 1 in? uvuiiiini .11 the country continues fully equal to the KANSAS CITY. fulfln T......i ... am II ........ A .'.vfc . im LriPin, . i.i.v.; iiiiiivi n, i,wi .- ans, l.OTiO calves; imiiket about steady; ... 1 1 , . 1 . . r , . i. 1 . j 1 ... '.w , and iv r 1 n Him iniij. erH. $3.!K(jr.0j; butcher cows and liHfers. i:..0(Xfi4.ia; cannTM,; fed west erns, j:i.CVfj4.iv; wintered Texan, xmt Xi.1'o IcraHM Texan, il dyuMJ,: culve. il II ifi0. Hops Kecflpts, n,lKi head; Irads fairly active; pr!ces riillnK lower; h.iivy ind mixed, t.W)h.i,; I.kM. Jj. 10'.kS. piKS UV-...... f-.nJ. .. , AIM 1. ... , . . iftertdy; fat lambs, tdiade lower; lambs, M 6'cVA'0: muttons, $3.0Vk3.7!; stoekers und feeders, $1.41 4. 'J; culls, XZ.Ufn'i.'i. GROWTH Of AMI UICAN CITIES. Increase la the I-osi Decade I'ractically the Same aa from J HMO to IMWO. WASHINGTON. Kept. 27. Statistics have been compiled al the c.-ii.sum bu reau bused on the population t.t iarge cities w.uch -have been announced up to the present time which demon strates that the J ft largest cities in tne United States numerically Increas ed in population from IH'JO to I'jW al most exactly as they did between 1&H0 and mo. These 1S5 cities increased their population 4,706,107 from 1K80 to 1890 and 4.627,953 from lt'JQ to 100, r just 78,154 less during the. Utter ; than in the former period. Of coursaT" . . . . I wu(a iu af t egHia percentages' ui u- tease or population or tnese Ibb Cities during these two periods are enrapar- 3d they show that the percentage of increase was considerably lower in the last ten years because the Increase Is omparcd with a larger population in 900 than it was in 1890. The fact that numerically the In reasc of the population of thce cit ies has come out Just about the same during the last two censuses is more iteresting from the fact that the rates of Increase of the various cities have varied greatly. Small Pox Nlmprl Ont at Nome. WASHINGTON. Sept. 2C The sur geon general of the marine hospital service has received a report from As sistant Surgeon B. II. Ir)e, at Port Nome, Alaska, announcing that the ep- demic of smallpox there has been stanped out, the last pVlent having been discharged from the detention honital August 26. There was a to tal of twenty-four cases and one doath during the epidemic. Boys to a frseos. BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. 26. Two youths in the Pollock setlement, 11 and 12 years old, became engaged In a quarrel, when one of them drew a knife and slaEhed his playmate, mak ing a wound two inches long in hia arm. The wound is svere. but owing to the extreme youth of both no ar rests were made. No. 4 lilts a Orarel Train. OMAHA, Sept. 26. Union Pacific train No. 4 due here at 6:60 a. m.. did not arrive until 4 in o'clock ia. the af ternoon, the delay being caused by a collision in Wyoming, the passenger train running into the rear end of a gravel train. The gravel train con ductor has not been seen since. The wreck blocked the track nine hours. Osaslian Attempts Pnlclde. DES MOINES. Ia., Sept. 27. An Cmaha woman, whose name the hotel authorities refuse to divulge, made two unsuccessful attempts to commit sui cide at the Savery during the fore part of the week. Morphine and chlo roform were tae drugs used in the af fair. To Faetrate Rnwdsn letrlr""- SHANGHAI. Sept. 27. Admiral Sey mour has ordered the battles!). p Cen turion, his flagship, and other British warships here to proceed norttwara. It is reported the order is due to toe fact that Russia Is intriguing for per manent possession of the Pekin-Tlen Tsin railway. Vfaaaon la Wssalctes WASHINGTON. Sept. 27. Lieuten ant Richmond P. Ilobson of M-rrimac fame, who has Just returned from his work in the Orient, passed torough Washington today on his war to Ala bama to visit relatives. While here Lieutenant Hobson reiterated his de nials of any intention to reflect upon the work of Admiral Dewey's fleet in his Vancouver interview concerning the injuries sustained try the Spanish ships- Lieutenant Hobson has not re ceived the reward the secretary of war recommended for his heroic rec ord in Santiago.