Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 28, 1900, Image 1

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Vol. XIX No. 40.
$1.50 Per Year.
b - l.
Immense Erowd of Representative
Cass County Citizens Gather
To Honor Their Leader.
Questions Now Occuphmg the Attention of the
Nation Were Ably Handled By Two of
Nebraska's Favorite Sons.
With possibly one exception, the
largest and most enthusiastic politi
cal gathering ever known or seen in
Cass county, occurred at Weeping
Water, on Septeinler 21, l'.m Not
less than 4,000 ieople, consisting prin
cipally of the yeomanry of Cass and
Otoe counties crowded the capacious
and beautiful park, to listen for
nearly four hours to words of wisdom.
patriotism and unanswerable truths
that fell from the lips of two of Ne
bra ska's most distinguished sons.
On last Friday evening, one among
the great political meetings now Ih
ing held by William J. ltryan, was
held at Weeping Water. The people
men. women and children came
from all directions to see, greet and
shake hands with the ideal of the
American people William J. Hryan.
Not only Cuss county, but loyal and
gallant old Otoe, the home of the Sage
of Arbor Lodge, Julius Sterling Mor
ton, the Inveterate political enemy of
William J. Hryan, came to Weeping
Water by the hundreds and showed
their loyalty to the great tribune of
the people. .
A special train was run from Platts
. . mouth by way of Union, consisting of
t.fuur coaches, and - atterUevlng.-Ne-,
haivka every coach was packed almost
to suffocation. Old time democrats,
old time republicans and old time
greenbackers mingled together in the
immense crowd.
The park where the meeting was
held is one of the most leautiful in
the state, just across the Weeping
Water creek from the city of that
name. The platform was at the
north side of the park, and ground
gradually rises to the south, so that
those (Hi the extreme south could see
and hear quite as well as those nearer
the stage.
Htm. W. I. Oldham, fusion candi
date for attorney general, was the
tirst speaker. He occupied nearly an
hour, and his discussion of impearial
ism, militarism ami other questions
involved in the present campaign,
was most masterful, profuse and con
vincing. His reference to the de
struction of I Ionian lilierty, and of
the Carthagenian, by territorial ex
pansion by conquest was peculiarly
felicitous and deliverance in the
most eloquent language, and the ap
plause throughout was hearty, and at
times almost deafening.
After Mr. Oldham concluded, Mr.
Hryan was introduced by the chair
man, Ir. J. It. Hungate, and as Mr.
Hryan arose to commence his speech,
the audience went wild. Handker
chiefs waved in great profusion, hats
were thrown in the air, four thousand
people were shouting themselves
Im arse, and it was fully ten minutes
before the vast audience could be
- quieted. Mr. Hryan tn-eupied alut
two hours and delivered, perhaps, the
greatest, most eloquent, most argu
mentative and most convincing speech
ever delivered by Mr. Hryan in Cass
county or anywhere else.
Imperialism, militarism, the money
issue, and every question presented in
the Kansas City platform was thor
oughly discussed. No abuse was made
by Mr. Bryan of the republican party,
but the methods of many of the lead-;
ers were thoroughly dissected and the
'truths made plain.
The foreign policy of the McKInley
administration was discussed in a
most masterly manner. Mr. Bryan!
was in excellent voice, and from start
to finish held his great audience as if
by magic, and at times, and frequently
t, the plaudits were deafening and
long continued.
At the che of his speech he re
ceived a great ovation, men, women
and children shouting and striving to
shake hands with their neighbor,
friend and with the next president of
the United States. The concensus of
opinion is that this speech has added
very largely to the fusion vote in Cass
In view of the great political work
Mr. Hryan has lieen doing during the
last few weeks, it is simply wonder
ful and most marvelous how nature
assists him in preserving his physical
strength and endurance. The hand
of Cod must lie in his great struggle
for the rights of freemen.
Death of Mrs. Chris Stohr.
I'hillip Stohr, a young farmer from
the vicinity of Cedar Creek, came to
town Wednesday morning to secure
information in regard to the rates
charged for transportation to the old
country, as his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Stohr, have for some time lieen
contemplating such a trip. Shortly
after his arrival here he received a
telephone message announcing the
death of his mother. She had suf
fered several smothering spells, and it
is thought the causo of her death was
heart disease. When the young man
left home his mother appeared to Ik;
in the best of health, and the an
nouncement of her sudden death was)
a great shock to him.
Gold Medal Contest. L
The contest at Murray Tuesday-
evening for the gold medal was at-,
tended by a large crowd. Those com
peting for the prize were Hoy Young,
Air. Burger, Elizalieth Craig and
Grace Me Donald of Murray: Miss
Shinroek and Miss Hall of Omaha.
Miss McDonald won tirst place and
Miss Shinroek second. The former
goes to Aurora in Novemljer to com
pete for the diamond medal.
In presenting the medal to the w in
ner, Mrs. Shinroek made a neat little
The judges were Mr. Carvin. Dr.
Swartz and Mr. Fling of Nebraska
City. The music was furnished by
Misses Lillian Kauble, Florence White
and Messrs. Hilt Wescott and .1. C.
Koch of this city.
Bur-Kett Still Wobbling.
Dunbar, Neb., Sept. 24. E. J. Hur
ket gave one of his slack w ire per
formances at Dunbar Saturday even
ing t a fair sized audience, consisting
to a great degree of fusionists, who
came out of curiosity to see how he
could evade the arguments of Mr.
Berge, recently made here.
Some one gave him a tip that a few-
questions would lie put to him regard
ing "Philippine independence" and
the "Porto Rico law," and conse
quently he wore a troubled expression
and made the assertion that he did
that he did not believe there was a
man in the United States who thought
this country was drifting to imperial
ism. He threw out a challenge for any
one in the audience who thought so to
stand up. Three men rose to their
feet, which seemed to stagger the
speaker for a time. Then, gathering
all his energy, he most shamefully
abused these men for standing up for
their convictions. His entire address
was made up of vague assertions with
out any foundation. For instance, lie
claimed McKinley confidence and
prosperity had raised the price on all
the farmer has to sell, -including
horses and mules, insulting the intelli
gence of the farmers.
He was taunted several-times dur
ing his short stay here about refusing
to debate with his opponent, Judge
Quite a large crowd will go from
here to Nebraska City Wednesday,
when Mr. Bryan speaks in the even
ing. ' ;
Old Landmarks Go. -rr
Lou is vi 11 Is keeping apace with the
prticession in the line of improve
ments. II. E. Pankonian has a force
of men at work tearing down the old
Albee hotel building and will replace
it with a fine brick with a 50-foot
front and (!0 feet deep to "be used as
an implement store. - The building
now being removed is an old landmark,
having been erected by Prof. Albee,
deceased, away back in the pioneer
lays, for a hotel.
The I'atterson store building, be
ing torn down by I. A. Jacobson to
make room for a new stone building
to le used by Jim Johnson as a black
smith shop, was also one of the tirst
buildings erected on Main street, and
under its roof Mrs. 1'eterson conducted
a general mcrchandse business for
many years, selling thousands of dol
lars' worth of goods. During the time
when the W. II. H. Stout stone quar
ries were in full blast this store was
a gold mine for its owner, and it
would probably not be exaggerating to
say that the proceeds from the goods
sold in this dingy old building would
be sutlicient to shingle the niof with
gold dollars.
These two new buildings will add
materially to the appearance of Main
st reet. Courier.
Meets Death In a Well.
A distressing accident occurred
Wednesday of last week at the farm
of William, Sutton, jr., south of Hock
Hlull's, resulting in the death of a
child. Mrs. Sutton was drawing a
bucket of water from the well, while
her t wo-year-old daughter was lean
ing against the curb, and, as the lady
turned to pour out the water, the
curb, which evidently was not secure,
toppled over and the child was pre
cipitated to the bottom of the well.
J n falling, .'the child's head and
shoulders struck against the stone
wall, atul death probably resulted in
stantly. Mrs. Sutton summoned as
sistance at once, and in a short time
the liody of the unfortunate child was
hauled out of the well.; The body was
frightfully bruised and crushed. f
The funeral was held Thursday af- ,
ternoon, interment lieing made at the 1
Hock Bluffs cemetery.
Their Names Caused Trouble.
William Neville of Plattsmouth
was at the state house yesterday visit
ing friends. This Mr. Neville is not
the William Neville who is represent
ing the Sixth congressional district at
tin's time, though they are of the
same political faith.
"I know (Congressman Neville well,"
said Mr. Neville, "as I became ac
quainted with him in a peculiar way
many years ago when I was a member
of the legislature. During the session
Congressman Neville frequently at
tended court in Lincoln. He was a
comparatively young man then and
was to le married soon. One Satur
day when I went home my wife
handed me a bill for household fur
niture amounting to $175. Of course
it devolved upon me to explain that I
was not furnishing another house lie
sides 1113' own, a feat in which I think
I succeeded. I told my wife if she
would send the bill to North Tlatte
she would probably tind the right
man. In those days Congressman
Neville and I often got our mail
mixed, but when I received a letter
which liegan, 'My Darling William,' I
knew it was not for me, but for the
other man, who was then in that bus
iness." ,
The Nebraska City News has the
follow ing to say of Mr. Bryan's visit
to that city last Wednesday night:
"A cold wave assisted by Jupiter
Pluvius was not sufficient to dampen
the ardor of the thousands who as
sembled last evening to hear the
next president of the United States,
Hon. W. J. Bryan, Col. Smythe and
J. Harrison Lewis. It was one of the
greatest political gatherings ever held
in this city, and it was one of the
very best meetings. Those who im
agined that the people of Nebraska
City would so far forget themselves
as to do violence to the speakers or in
any way attempt to interfere with
free speech were woefully mistaken;
those who imagined the various stor
ies sent out for the purpose of dispar
aging people or preventing them from
attending would accomplish their
purpose were also mistaken. In spite
of rain, cold, wind, adverse circum
stances and unscrupulous opposition,
it was one of the grandest rallies ever
held in this city."
Saturday evening a jolly crowd of
young folks called at the home of Miss
Frances Itacek, in the west part of
town, and enjoyed a pleasant social
time. Games were played and ice
cream and cake w as served. Among
those present were Misses Mary and
Frances Itacek, Emma Iladraba,
Mary Numbal, Josephine Warga,
Martha aud Florence Muchlincki,
Julia Skoumal, and Messrs. Anton
Choutka, Mike and William Warga,
John Wooster, Joe Iladraba and
James Ptacek.
A rather serious accident occured
at the B. & M. hammer shop Tuesday.
While hammering a piece of steel, Abe
Stull caught his hand unner the ham
mer where it was so badly mashed that
it was necessary to amputate the first
three fingers.' Only the thumb and
little linger were saved.
Protection of Mllltla Does Not Result In
Resumption of Operations.
Philadelphia, la., Sep. 24. Instead
of the expected clash between the
troops and the striking miners in the
Schuylkill region Unlay, a peaceful
calm pervaded the region and there
was not the slightest disorder for the
soldiers to be called on to quell. In
fact, In all the districts of the anth
racite coal fields the day was ex
tremely quiet, there being no demon
stration whatever on the part of the
While the operators claim that a
number of their employes returned to
work-in the mines in the Schuylkill
region, it was early in the day evident
that operations did not assume the
activity which the mine owners had
yesterday expected, and indications
tonight are that tomorrow will find
more idle colliers than since thest like
The strikers inarched over the roads
leading to the collieries in Schuylkill
county from early in the morning. No
opposition was encountered, however,
and not a very great many availed
themselves of tte protection offered
by the soldiers.
The strike leadeis claim many ad
ditions to their ranks and President
Mitchell himself estimates that the
striking force was augmented today
to the extent of 1,800 to 2,000.
No overtures to end the struggle
have been offered by either side. Tlie
strike leaders are occupying them
selves in inducing mine workers to
quit and the operators are endeavor
ing to mine all the coal they can with
their reduced force.
Meanwhile coal shipments from the
mines are daiV growing less, and re
ports, dT advance in price for the com
modity are received from all trading
Diamond In Hawaii.
According to an English expert, dia
monds are in process of formation in
Hawaii. He spent much time and
some money following up the first
indications that attracted his atten
tion.. In many respects," he says,
"the formation hege is like that of the
dia?lo'4clds . off Kimberley." But
after researches extending over sev
eral months he came to the conclusion
that, while the formation there is like
that in which diamonds are found, the
process has not yet gone far enough,
but is still going on, and that, in the
course of 100,000 years or so, Hawaii
will be a great diamond field.
ETaporatlon from Trees.
Some curious facts concerning trees
have been discovered. A single oak
of good site is said to lift 123 tons of
water during the months it is in leaf.
This moisture is evaporated and rises
to form rain clouds. From this esti
mate of the labor- of a single oak we
can gain some idea of the immense
force which the forests exert in equal
izing the evaporation and precipitation
and preventing periods of inundation
and drouth.
Work of Pasteur Institute.
Since the establishment of the Pas
teur institute in Paris 23,245 persons
hare been treated there. For a dczen
years the patients have averaged about
1,600 annually. The number has not
been greater because similar institu
tions have sprung up all over the
world. Since 1886 the percentage of
mortality was .94, and since then it
has dwindled until in 1898 it was only
.20. Last year it was .25.
I'u e of fVelilzcn'a Letter. -
An important ar3 interesting collec
tion of letters, about 200 in number,
.vritten by the Duke of Wellington t.s
Marshal Beresford during the penin
sular war, which belonged to the late
Mr. Quaritch. has been acquired for
the British museum, and will be de
posited in the manuscript "department.
These letters came from the Bedgebury
Park collection, which belonged to the
late Beresford Hope.
Hog with tiremt Names.
Tax collectors in . Boston find that
many dogs are honored with great
aiiic3. There were Deweys without
tint recorded in the past twelve
months. Clevelands, Roosevelts and
Joe Vhee!ers figured numerously in
i he lists. Schleys, Sampsons, Hob
cms Moodys, Sankey3 rival in (he list
with Caesars, Schneiders, Cleopatras,
Murk T wains and a host Of others of
.icre or less prominence.
Paid la Gold Dnt
A Missouri paper received a sub
scription remittance the other day,
consisting of $1.50 in gold dust. It was
forwarded from Eagle Station, Alaska,
and is the only -currency In circulation
In that locality, where it is valued at
$16 per ounce.
Klnc Confers mm Honor.
Mr. J. Parker Anderson, one of the
librarians of the British Museum, who
Is a native of Jedburgh,-has had con
ferred on him" by the king of Servia
for literary services commander (third
class) of the Order of St, Sara, '
Ilcul Harm llon-. j
Great losses have been sust;.i-d by
Kentlst beekeepers owing to the In
tense heat having rim the honey from
the comb, making It useless and
iBmotherirg many swarms of bees.
London Express.
Cinttly I'tillrct A t lil-! I.-.
In the past year, according to au
thority. Harvard, Yale, Columbia.
Princeton, Pennsylvania and Cornell
universities expended $301,243 on ath
letics. Where I'aftturMt; Count.
It is now a question wp.h Missouri
farmers as to which is the most profit
able, the dairy or the Helgiaa hare
industry. One family of hares will
consume more pasturage than a whole
colony of cows. St. Louis Star.
Author and ITnfeftHor.
Piofes.sor Oliver J. Lodge, recently
I appointed principal of the University
of Birmingham, England, is the author
of several scientific works. lie Jx n
'eading authority on electricity.
Pfnr) .licti
For over a . , y )..v,
been passing the Int for .--uliro jx loii.s
to the Dewey arch on Fifth avenue.
Less than half the required amount
has been promised and only a suiali
part of that has taken the form of
rash payment. They now talk of pull
ing it down as an obstruction. Its or
iginal beauty has long been concealed
by a thick coating of city grime and
the chairman of the committee having
the enterprise in charge expresses his
willingness to have the arch removed.
' Orlor of Hie Crown.
Asa mark of appreciation ot the co.i-r-hisiyn
of the rommei -eial ag: enn nt
!;etvee;i the United States and dor
many the Emperor ,im conferred upon
(he anilfa.s'-idor of the United stales,
fr. von IIni;.beii, The order of the
rown; upon ' it Koenier, of the tor
e;gn office, the order of the red eaglff,
and upon Heir lleiman. who is at
tached to the i.iha.s:..v at Wa-hingten,
!he orr.'er of the r i ..., ;e of the fourth
WhtniiiiHtr Al.ttey ('rumbling.
Considerable alarm is expressed in
England over the discovery that the
stone work of Wesminster abbey is
5') badly rotted in some places that
only a touch of the finger is needed
to make, it '-nimblo into dust. This
condition has" been Tirbtigh't '"about 1T7
acid fumes from the famous Lambeth
potteries. These fumes are largely
produced by hydrochloric arid and
measures are being considered looking I
to a remedy for the trouble. -
Lord IIiwtoiiii'ft Kntttrf aiiiing.
Lord Hopetoun, the new governor
general of Australia, is expected to
dazzle the colonials w'.th his magnifi
cent entertaining. He is taking an
enormous amount of baggage with
him, an what he may do as governor
general of the united colonies may be
inferred from the fact that when he
vas governor of one of them, a few
years ago. his wine bill alone at the
Government house, in Melbourne,
amounted in one year to more than
the sum total of his official pa'ary.
Some Odtt SlgnH.
In a little vi'lage between Monte
Carlo and N;c!, there is a board out
side a shop announcing "Irish Whis
ky, Laid Eggs. English Spoken." In
Upper Norwood there is a shop whone
window is filled with shabby garments
for both sexes, and a basket of eggs.
A f ir ! banking in the window runs,
"Second Hand Clothing and Strictly
Fresh Eggs." -
Joseph J. White of New Lisbon, one I
of the largest cranberry growers in the
state, reports that katydids have in
fested many of his bogs and are caus
ing much destruction. He placfs his
loss from this cause at $2,000. The in
sects attack the berries and decay fol
lows. It is probable that flocks of
geese will be secured and turned loose
in the bogs to destroy the insects.
Philadelphia Press.
Chinese as Inventors.
The Chinese consider themselves our
superior on many grounds, but largely
because they were the inventors of
various arts which are fundamental in
our own civilization. They were the
first discoverers of ink, though even at
the present day they employ by prefer
ence what is commonly known as In
dia iik. .
Successful EnjfUHh Novelist.
Marie Corelli is the most financially
successful English novelist of the time.
Her income is said to average $40,000.
This surpasses all known records ex
cept that of Walter Scott, whose total
literary earnings amounted to about
$1,500,000. The late Robert Louis
Stevenson earned . $150,000 in twelve
years, and Rudyard Kipling is credited
with having just about equaled that
achievement. '
Favorite Food of Animals.
Sea lions, seals, walruses and peli
cans re fed on fish when In captivity,
monkeys, young lions and hippopotan. '
drink milk a full-grown hiojo-,oti-uius
will absorb fifteen quarts of miik
in a day. Polar' bears live on bread;
monkeys like fruit.
Local lst or O. A. U. Mas Ashed For
Old Cannon.
Colonel II. '. MrMakcn. on behalf
of the local i!. A. It. Kist, recently
urotra letter to Congressman K. .1.
limkett, asking that gentleman to
Use his inlliieiice with the war leil t
ment towards securing a cannon for
the old veterans or this place. Mr.
Iv'irkett at once wrote to the secre
tary or t he war depart incut , and Mr.
-McMaken has just received a very fa
vorable reply from Washington, to
get her with a list of :kk guns to select
from. An extract of the letter from
t he a r depart nient is as follows:
"If the commander of your jiost
will make a selection from this list,
naming the fort from which they
wish I lie gun shipKd, and forwarding
his appMt-at ion to this otlite through
Hon. E.J. Hurkett, for his approval,
hist i net ions w ill be given to have a
I-' 1 1 1 1 donated to your iost. The law
does not authorize the Issue of car
tridges for the guns mentioned, ami
it provides that the United States
shall be at noexjK nse on account of
t r;tnsoi tat ion or other Incidental ex
penses in connect iun with the dona
tions. Jn making application for a
gnu it will Ik well to ina';e two selec
tions, as the tirst. gun may have In-en
issued in the meantime."
At a meet ing of t lie ost Saturday
night, Messrs. II. C. McMaken, C. L.
Marshall, II. J. Slreight aud IS. C.
Kerr were apKint.' 11 committee to
select a cannon and arrange for hav
ing it t iatisM.rt ed to I'lattsmouth.
I'pon its arrival trie cannon will he
pill 1 1 j in some conspicuous place, aud
will certainly be a relic of whichever)'
citizen can be proud. uite a number
of t he "old hoys" would like to sec It
adorn the court house lawn, and will
make a st rong effort with this end in
Attorney A. M. Uussel came in from
Weeping- Watci, Saturday.
W. II. Ileil of Kiglit Mile drove
was a county seat visitor Monday.
Hanker' Edwin Jeary of Elnmood,
was a county seat visil-or Saturday,
SM..y-,U ,.J fi'iu.fci M'ftf -jbilti(f
Jejral business at Weeping - Ymmr
Messrs. Clias. Alii, Henry Keil and
L. I' Pollard of Ncliawka were in
town Sat urday.
Hoy A. Dodg-e entered the Omaha
medical college Monday. Tills is
liis last year as he will graduate next
.1 une.
lo'iin Ilirz, a well known precinct
farmer, was in town Monday and re
inem!xred tlie Journal with a pleas
ant call.
II. W. Ouy, editor of the Sac (Comi
ty, ( Iowa,) News, was in the city is
il intr his brother, John, and family
this week.
M. S. I'.rigrs went up to Omaha
Monday and completed arrangements
for receiving- telegraphic market re
xjrt.s daily.
Mrs. W. I'.. liahhitt and two daugh
ters of Cedar liapids, Neb., who have
been viit iiivr relatives iiere for a
couple of weeks, have returned home
C. S. Sherman, who is now .employed
as telegraph editor-on the Lincoln
Evening News, visited in this city
and a Mynard Saturday evening and
llti- Jiickson of Louisville was in
to-w" Saturday, settling up the af
fairs of the defunct Ilochford hard
ware store. Mr. Dickson was ap
IMiinted receiver of the stock by the
bankruptcy court.
Jicputy State Treasurer Sam. I'at
terson arrived in the 'city from Lin
coln, Monday forenoon and returned
tobisduties at the capital In the
evening. He reports that the feeling
at the fusion headquarters is sanguine
for the success of the whole ticket
with the usual majorities, if they are
not greatly increased.
Half Fare Rate to St. Louis.
See the St. Louis fair.
One fair for the round trip via the
liurlington route only 11.-V) to St.
Louis and return.
Tickets on sale SepteniU.T 30,. to
Octoler."i, inclusive. Ueturn limit,
For tickets, or further information,
call on nearest agent of the IJurling
ton route, or write to J. Francis, (ieu
eral J'assenger Agent, Omaha.
There is nothing like having a
"drag.". No one was able to get , (Con
gressman Eurkett t do anything In
Washington, except Judge Newell.
The latter has property interests in
Frontier county, and Ilurkett suc
ceeded in getting a bill through' con
gress fur the re-suryey of that county.
Suliscritx? now for ;The Journal, only
1 icr year, if paid in advance.
1 . ' - '
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