CENSORS IN TIME. The mystery surrounding the ion flirting and confusing dlapatibfg re ceived from the war orrespondrnts In South Afrtra during the progress of the Invasion of llo territory by the llrltlsh 1.9 solved hf Julian Ralph in the London Dally Mail. He lays the blame to the reruors of war news, all of whom mibjected the correspondents to the moht hiKnlllaling trials and an noyances woe! they attempted to fiend news to their papers. He states that one coii!d not Imagine to what depth censorship had fallen In the llritinh Army before Ird Roberts took supreme command. War corre spondents, men who had become fam ous the world over for their ability In that line and their fearlessness dis played in many deadly conflicts, were subjected to the whim of a common place man In gilt buttons and snub bed In the bargain in an attempt to perform their duties. In speaking of E. F. Knight, the peer of modern war correspondents and the author of "Wiere Three Kmplres Meet." Mr. Ralph said: "There Is no abler vr braver man or more experienced writ er among the purely technical corre spondents than he. He Is as great in his line as any general under the field marshal, and greater than most, for he has been in the glare of the search light of public scrutiny during 13 wars, and no flaw has been found in him. To him Lord Methuen said, I am proud to have you with my army.' For the av erage army officer to pas3 judgment on what Mr. Knight sends home is gro tesquely ridiculous and for such an officer to needlessly hamper him in his vork is an impudent and flagrant mis use of power." During the operations of the British Army around He Aar the correspond ents began to believe It hopeless to at tempt to get anything through to their papers or the public. They were tn rou raged to write dispatches so that the censor might amuse himself by tossing them Into his wastebasket ev ery night for a fortnight without ever "warning the writers of their fate. At last becoming desperate they Inquired of the censor If there was any news Tie would pass. He replied, "yes; you may describe the sandstorm. The peo 3 3 Where Chinamen Atone -J 1 The "Precious Records," a work that came into existence at some indefinite date about the tenth century and which is supposed to supplement the teachings of Confucius, gives in full detail everything the Chinese sinner may expect to have happen to him when hi3 soul arrives In Hades in s sedan chair and is formally received there by the "God of Fate." Hades is conducted like a state department, and is divided into so many halls of judg ment, each with Its president, staff of officials, and specified number of hells. The decrees of every president and the penalties in every hell are so minutely given that there is no danger of a mis taken address for any soul, although It is recorded that one virtuous man was cut off in the prime of sanctity, and his soul conducted to the hall of judgment by the blunder of a demon who wa3 severely reprimanded. There is no red tape in this administration, and rewards and punishments are al lotted with scrupulous care. It some times happens that the merits of an accused soul exactly balance his of fenses, and he 13 then allowed another chance, and begins life again with ex cellent opportunities of well-doing. If hi3 acceunt does not stand to his cred it, he may be born again to deformity or intolerable disease. People thus af flicted In China are believed to have misconducted themselves in a pre vious life. There are inducements to virtue as well a3 punishments for vice. If a woman should please the gods in one stage of existence she may be born a man in the next. According to Chinese philosophy the principle of good is male and the principle of evil HAS SURVIVED AAINY SHOCKS. In view of the fact that the efforts of the powers to restore peace in China may result In the ultimate dis memberment of the Flowery Kingdom. It is well to bear in mind several in fluences which will tend to keep China intact. First, she has survived many other shocks, some of which were a severe as this, notably the brief wars with Japan, France and England, and former rebellions. Second, the pow ers of Europe and Japan are keenly Jealou3 of each other and will admit of no division ttat 13 not satisfactory. They may even become engaged in in teraaticcal war and China be the least suffers Third, the United States, which la a way holds the key to the orl situation, is opposed " :iinioa of territory. vfcfl ct Brlt&la &t n- Gl2tft?n te same attlueta &9h0l lAaxm Is a larct ele- r very ble mea 2a cama, a- WAR WRITERS GREATLY HAMPERED IN APR1CA. ple ut home would like to read about It." A better perspective of t his out rage may le gained when it is known that th duty of a censor is to advise and fcsaiKt the war correspondents not to iiapcde their work, according to the text books of the array. It was at the nam place that the story of'a ran ner from Kimberley was destroyed by the censor simply llec&ute he did not believe It. though It did not criticise or betray any military movements the only ground upon which a message can be justly refused uuder military rulings. Of his treatment at Orangw liver Mr. Ralph says: "It was at Orange river that a cen sor kept for 24 hours an unsealed let ter written to the little general in command of my camp at home. Oh; how I boil when 1 think of that hu miliation! I was new to the British army, and took for granted the useless ness of resenting whatever might be fall me in the hands of these carelessly appointed, wholly unfit censors. Thank goodness! the time was soon to come when I was to see that this petty ty ranny could not stand against the slightest assertion of the greater pow er of a weil behaved, intelligent corre spondent who knew, and meant to in sist upon, his rights. And there lies the kernel In the nut. The press must send to future wars men whose asser tion of Intelligence and self-respect Is a natural outcome of their personal character; who when they say 'I have the public behind me, must be seen to be fit representatives of the best that the public comprises." But with the coming of Lord Rob erts to take command of the forces in the field a very favorable change for the correspondents came about. His first Injunction to them was: "Gen tlemen, go where you like and write what you please. Your letters will not be censored. Criticise whatever de mands it, for in that way I can learn what mistakes are being made." Twelve Officeholder. It so happened one day recently that twelve men met In the town of Somer set, Pa., each of whom had filled the office of register and recorder in that county within the last fifty-seven years. Their Hades Conducted on Business Principles 9 is female. The lady who has the privi lege cf changing her sex In a new life must, therefore, feel highly flattered by the favor of the immortals. ' There is no litigation in the hall3 of judgment, for no soul dreams of dis puting the "Precious Records.". The ledgers of Hades are kept most punc tiliously, and as the sacred text re marks impressively, "there is no de ception." By way, however, of pre venting any cantankerously litigious soul from raising difficulties and wast ing the president's time, there is a simple but effectual ceremony at the door. When received by the "God of Fate" the soul is offered a cud of tea, which induces "forgetfulness." The halls of judgment are very severe on suicides, unless the suicide has been committed for some virtuous reason. A debtor sometimes takes his life to spite an importunate creditor, who has to defray the funeral expenses and compensate the family of the deceased. The hall of judgment will decide whether the suicide was due to op pression or to a mean spirit of re venge. Unfilial conduct is about the worst offense with which a soul can be laden; but the most dutiful son can not escape if he has defrauded the gov ernment or neglected to pay taxes. Quacks are sternly treated, but the worst fate of all bef?.lls the scoffers people who openly mock the "Prec ious Records." There is a terrible story of what befell certain priests who ordered copies of the "Yu-LI" to be burned. Liars have a very dis agreeable portion in this world as well as others. There is a certain tem ple where an idol devotes itself to the function of striking liars dead. Elements Which Will Tend to Keep the Chinese Empire Intact. spite common opinion to the contrary, that have sufficient statesman-like qualities to govern China wisely and successfully. These would be support ed by a considerable part of the popu lation that is ready to take active In terest in public affairs. If there be no danger of political exile or punish ment. Who can doubt the ability of such men, for Instance, as the eminent Chinese minister at Washington to take the lead in guiding China out of her present difficulties? Fifth, it will be found that China's particular weak ness in the present trouble is the lack of national police, or of organized forces of law and or&eei smA tat f well-trained trar. 2 sS had po staged e?52 ea trustworthy, weS ?dsx?71aeci force usder foreign oft cer, the present riot3 could have been put down at the moment and place mt inception. The rest of the world wool hardly have noticed the dietarbnnee. fllSMTE EGHOTY. Genuine Garter's Little Liver Pills. CSust Dear denature of . 8cm Pf-SlmtW Wrapper FC3EEASACSL PCS ClZZIXEtS. FC3 ElUCUtEEt. FCH TX2PI3 uvea. fCJ CS2STIPAT1C3. FCJ SALLOW txia. fdx THEccamxica CARTERS CURE SICK HEADACHE. Cups and saucers are never used for tea in Russia. Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal. Evil communications corrupt good manners. Beautiful. Fin Linen is best preserved by the use of "Faultless Btarch." All grocers 10c a package. Dig Their Potatoes Ready Baked. Near Blnghampton, N. Y., farmers are digging baked potatoes from tbeir fields. And that is not a hot weather yarn either. The farms in question adjoin a peat bog and the peat runs back under the land. Recently the bog took fire from some source and ha3 been burning ever since. In places the fire has worked back under the potato patches and the potatoes have been nicely roasted in the ground. I am sure Plso's Cure for Consumption saved my life t'aree years ago. Mrs. Thos. Robbihs, Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17. 1900. A God speaks softly in our breast; softly, yet distinctly, shows us what to hold by and what to shun. Best for tbe Bowels). No matter what ails you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well nntil your bowels are put right. CASCARETS help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health hack. CASCARETS Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up In metal boxes, ever tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Be ware of imitations. Greater Sights at Home. Many Americans leave home to go to Europe every year to see sights which are discounted by those at home. They express great wonder at the cog railway up the Rigi Kulm, which runs a distance of four and a half miles, while by going to Pike's peak they may ride on one eight and three-fourths miles long. The ascent of the former is 4.072 feet, that of the latter is 8,10.0 feet, an average of 846 feet per mile, the maximum grade" be ing 1,320 feet. Seven presidents of the United States have been Masons. , There are 3,064 language? and. dia lects spoken in the world. BOSTON IDEA OF HUMOR. Mrs. Gray He Isn't compelled to visit such places. Fuddjr Billington Is always boast ing of the intelligence of his dog Boxer. Mrs. Greene Yes, young Stoughton does frequent drinking saloons,, but I don't think he does it because he likes It.' : Uncle George You seem to have no trouble eating that bread and milk, Johnny, although you said this morn ing you'd rather starve than eat It. Duddy Doubtless the dog seems in telligent in the Billington household, but I should think Billington would be tho last persen on earth to admit such a thing. ' Little Johnny Uncle George, I am J surprised at you. You ought to know that one's opinions change with a change in the point of view. When I said this morning that I wasn't hun gry. It Is ever a cause for alarm lest the infant In his predilection for putting things in his mouth will put something into it that will do him a serious in jury. But just think of the things that are likely to come out of that mouth when baby gets to man's estate. Mrs, Greene No, I suppose not, ex cept in a conventional sort of a way. But, as I said, I don't think he enjoys entering saloons. I happened to see him the other day as he went Into one and afterward when he came out. When he went In he looked terribly glum, showing that he was doing what was not agreeable, but when he came out he was as cheerful a yon please, showing of course, that he was glad to make his escape from the place. Safe M IMSgySSWyeB a machine as was never Mention Mo. S3 If yon have any 3 Ttmt write yoeraaroe Malady 1 aaa we will lleend this drop head road sSatloa. Pbspatim all In any exoerttoeaanliM Ik bairsala yna erer Beard of. nay ftte not perfectly amttx'aotory se i ii "- mmmimm it. In mmmM Tjmri m 1 (r - w iTT I a 5 aijt o-v MMtndeallMliestUMiudWiiitnuiT town east of Rocky Sionntalns tor she Xu. BS r In ear sew Te Cm ITV SJs Tjssuewss Another "RnnM Ostrich" Ilor. John Fasel, "tbe human ostrich," is dying In a Brooklyn hospital. Last January he was operated on and 128 pins, twelve horseshoe nails, twelve lath nails, five files, three keys, one ring, three brass chains and a thirteen Inch iron chain removed from his stomach. He again took to eating nails and will probably not live. FITS Permanently runxi. !IonrirTniniimn f rvt day's ue t It. Kline' tireat Kcrvv Kmlurrr. to ud f..r FKRK '.IH) trial bottle and trrau. be. It. H. bill, Lu., Ml Arch St., 1 hliaOalvaua, tm. Did a Hornpipe at 103. Dancing is not an amusement mo nopolized alone by the young and friv olous. Mrs. Phoebe Crabb, of Nor walk. Conn., is 103 years old. and she is suffering from rheumatism brought on by that amusement, uncle Billy Kipperly, of Fort Scott, Kas., who is 93, broke his leg recently while doing a hornpipe. Held Him a flog-as Workman. A curious Illustration of the sharp ness of class lines in England came up the other day, when a small florist go ing to London for purchases, was ar rested for traveling on a "working man's ticket." He declared that he was a workman, but the court held a different view, and fined him. CARBIDE. We are the Nebraska selling agents for the Union Carbide Co., manufac turers of Calcium Carbide for making Acetylene Gas. Order your supplies from us. Pacific Storage and Ware house Co., 912-914 Jones St., Omaha, Nob. Lots of hair, which often man the prettiest face, prevented by Park ten's Hair Balsam. UiuiKouJt)i, the best cure fur euros. IScta. Missionary obligation rests not on a ministry, but on manhood. Car-tor's Injc Is Sclentitically compounded of the best materials. If jour dealer does not keep it he can get it for you. We ought not to judge of men's mer its by their qualifications, but by the use they make of them. Your clothes win not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. 'Tis not what a man does which ex alts him, but what man would do. If you let conscience sleep now it will make up for it by and by. - For starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. The first Europeans entered China in 1517 A. D. HO! FOR OKLAHOMA! Congress has anthoiized tbe famous Ktowa-Coman-che reservation (S.OUO.OUO acres) opened, under tbe U. 6. Homestead, Townslte snd Mining Laws. Morgan's Manual, (Standard Authority), (210 pares), describes these lands, tells hsw to Initiate snd perfect claim 10 valuable FARMS, TOWN LOTS, and MINERAL LANDS. Price, with fine Sectional Map, S1.00. THE KIOWA CHIEF (devoted to icwi and Information about these lands) sent, one year, for Si. 00. Win con tain Proclamation, filing" date of opening. Paper (one jt.) Manual, and Map all for S1.T5. With tbe above will he mailed FKKK, 100 page Illustrated book on Oklahoma. A ire n la wanted. Address, Dick T. Mor gan, Land Attorney, Perry, Okla. . The total amount of money coined by all of Queen Vctoria's predecessors on the throne was $1,025,000. A dyspeptic is never on good terms with him self. Something is always wrong. Get it right by chewing Ueeman's Pepsin Gum. The great wall of China, portions of which are still in evidence, wae com pleted 211 B. C. So His Sim Said. George Hamel. of Jenkintown, pa., Is a justice of the peace, conveyancer and notary public. A few aays ago he was approached by a well dressed woman, who said that she wanted some baggage hauled to the station. He told her he thought she must be mistaken, that she probably wanted So-and-So. "No, I don't," she replied, and, pointing to his sign, she said: "You are conveyancing." Mr. Hamel at first thought she was attempting to dazzle him with a pun, but her con fusion when he laughed and took her remark in that light convinced him she had been in earnest. Loveliness needs not the aid of for eign, ornament, but is, when unadorn ed, adorned the most. At Los Angeles, Cal., Rev. A. H. Houghal, who, it is understood was a brother-in-law of Jay Gould, is dead at the age of 70 years, from paralysis. He leaves a large estate. He was well known as a philanthropist in the Meth odist community in that ctiy. OMAHA ASB ST. LOUIS R. K. CO. ' HALF BATES. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 30th, Oct. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 29th, 30th, Oct. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th. On Aug. 21st, Sept. 4th and 18th HALF KAitts (fLts ?L'.00) for round trip to most all points South. Now Is the time to take your vacation. All infor mation at Omaha & St. Louis R. R. Office, 1415 Farnam St. (Paxton HO TEL Block), or write Harry E. Moores, C. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. That Is not a good voyage which en riches the cargo but wrecks the ship. ROHRBOCGH BROS, PROPRIETORS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. FALL TERM: This i will open Monday morning, Sept, 3rd. This is the best time of tbe year to berfn. bsciuts courses -will b orranlzpil In nil HnirtTniiiti new GREGG SHORTHAND: This is a. In use. It can be learned in hal wuv j"wa wwu. wxjv Diaill, I1U D AA4&U catalogue, giving you an particulars of COURSES OF STUDY: Regular Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Penmanship and Pen Art GENERAL INFORMATION: Over 1,200 students last year; more than u0 were placed In positions; board mar be h4 for three hours work each day; each year we have a Lecture Course. Socials and Entertainments for the benefit of atu dents. We now have sixty typewriters. Our rooms have been remodeled, repapered. repainted and are the most ronwll" lent to be found. We have steam heat, elevator, and every facility. We employ the bet teachers ,u' CATALOGUE AND SPECIMENS O - PENMANSHIP: Free to any address, giving full particulars of the Institution. psWmmTsea tswtaeirssMeMWff3rer""y?jw before offered at anything; uke the pnra OUR OFF EH. use for a sewing machine. Don't send ore rent of money. andia roll, name of po4toffieean nearest railroad stanon. fi-d CafalnetBloeRlbboa SewtngMaenine to j our rall Paciem Cbabobs oarserret go there and examine It, call eoinpai It with machines that others sell at 4 to ssq, and Sraifht agvctonrrpertal introductory rre. S 1 6.37. It in every w. yoo. will be under mo oblirt!on to taka in. ilu. m..i rf anoii marblnea. tbe mofit wonuerfal Grand five Drawer Drop Head Cabinet Ft J Ribbon Be SBSWaooBattemaatBewtiiBjlUhJne values. Guaranteed 20 Veers. ..IP WWWUJ tiwusttv, m in nsraToni snwitaa THE DEUEV life WfW & I The above picture show the house where George Dewey was torn December Uflth, 1837. It was occupied by the Dewey family until after tbe death of the Admiral's father. It then came into the joh session of Captain Edward Dewry, who sold it to its present owner and occupant, T. It. Gordon, Euq., in tbe summer of ibUV. Mr. Gordon moved it to its present site in the following February, 18U0, and bus occupied it until the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon are unfailing in their courtesy to tbe thous ands vrho visit this shrine, tbe birthplace of Admiral Dewey. A recent letter from T. It. Gordon to tbe Feruna Drug M'f'g Co., Columbus, Ohio, reads as follows : 'It is with great satisfaction that I And myself able, after an extended trial, to write you in this emphatic manner of tbe good your Feruna has done my wife. "She ham been troubled with catarrh from childhood, and whenever she has a cold, or any unusual condition of the weather, It was worse than usual, mad seemed more than she could bear. The dropping in ber throat at night pre vented refreshing sleep; in fact, we bad come to look upon it as incurable, and from the many remedies used in vain we had reason to. 'We are thankiul and happy to say that your 'Peruna' has been of great benefit to her, and I confidently look for a complete and entire cure. High praise is not too much to bestow upon your remedy." T. K. Goudon. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio, for free book on catarrh. Magnetic Starch is the very best laundry starch in the world. Alimony is about the only thing a man figures on in a divorce suit. LOW RATE EXCURSIONS. Via Missouri Fac-lfle Ry., and Iron Moun tain Route, To points In the West, Southwest, and Southeast at half-rates (plus $2) for the round trip. Tickets on sale Tues days, September 4 and 18, October 2 and 16, November 6 and 20, and De cember 4 and 18, 1900. For full infor mation, land folders, etc., address any agent of the above lines, or H. C. Townsend, G. P. & T. Agent, St Louis, Missouri. Patience is the perfume pressed from the crushed blossoms of joy. It's a wise man tnat has an off-hand acquaintance with a buzz saw. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are fast to sunlight, washing and rubbing. Lawyers and doctors are about the only people who profit by their own advice. Try Magnetic Starch It will last longer than any other. Though a man declares himself an atheist, it in no way alters his obliga tions. H. W. Beecher. Mrs. Winsloir's Soothing Syrup. ror children teethlna:, softens the gums, reduces In flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic c a bottl To speak out and to offend, with some people, are but one and the same thing. If you have not tried Magnetic StarTh try it now. You will -then use no other. The good Samaritan Joes not carry oil in his purse and vitriol on his tongue. I FREE VJBPJOMESTER SHOTGUNS and illustrated cata-! FACTORY LOADED logue, , the winning combination the trap. All dealers I "!! WINnUCTCD DCDCATIWf! 1DUO P aaw m. uu ww ar-i ar mvst. s - -i mm LRXI - Margins 2,000 Bu. of Grain Five Cento Markets In Fine Condition to Make Money. Send for Free Book, "Successful Speculation." J. K. COMSTOCK A CO.. Traders Bids.. CHICAGO. new vitim Introduced Into the Omaha rommeTvlol rVtllMr T.ni.r. i- .c 10 shades, .ess than two hundred word signs, is extremely legible and is now the fastest in half ine time required for any of the old j. itmaniu systems. We would like to lend vo i . articulars of this system. It Is free. u wu this system. TiJrSaTAfi Sou made? MUaaaka. Try a aark with your next order FLU'jrj fifteen crkxuiof earpets at half mnat outers ask s or su eta. Tor. FINK OLD RIO COFFEE, to forXmiirlacaica-ne and save moixfr. or Imiir 1k.tAlctfae ai4 save mosr. Bijiutaia, kax v Attn, njxit w petmal Teaicle and Earneas Cataloarie ft, Rr-MS; at (t-b ver uck. Order now aU 3Or.lESEA0. IM1i t 1 "Homo. Sweet Hone," Excursion via ig (Four To OHIO. INDIANA and KENTUCKY Tuesday, Sept. lit h, IPOO. LOW RATES from PEORIA, ILL., to INDIANAPOLIS and return $5.00 CINCINNATI and return $7.00 LOUISVILLE and return $7.00 DAYTON and return-... $7.00 SPRINGFIELD and return $7.00 SANDUSKY and return $7.50 C0LUM3US and return $7.50 Correspondloe Rates to Intermejlate Points. RETURN LIMIT 30 DAYS. Co m e H o rn e . " For tickets and full Information caU on afeass Bio Foes lioi.ra. WARREN J. LYNCH. W. P. DEPPE. Gen. l'ass. ft Ticket Art. A. 0. 1'. T. Jl ClXUIJIMATI, O. MONEY FOR Soldiers' Heirs Heirs of Union Soldiers who made homesteads of less than lflo acres before June Zt, 1874 (no matter If abandoned;. If the additional homestead right was not sold or used, should address, with full pcrUculsrs. HENRY N. CORP. nukbiu., aft Mention this paper tc advertisers. Vfinohcstor Factory loaded shotgun shells, "NEW RIVAL," "LEADER,"and "REPEATER." A trial will prove SHOTGUN SHELLS In the field or at sell them. their superiority. i. rr TV a i atn nwu aaa aAB svfi , vvnn. tap 'SSHccist) It bus for SS eta. per yd. ti nav DSL, 7 We are t cnc. a to perorns Imi tr.. ty.LT.Z., contains toe laiert Bad beit rood. Toi i ili too will attd for aaveI.wJ.tVT muut hSSl SI Is mm