OUENAL Vol. XIX No. 38. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1900. $1.50 Per Year. PLATIS1QUT1 WEEKLY LONE ROBBER LOOTS BURLINGTON NO. 3 Compels Porter and Brakeman to IVake Up Passengers In Sleep ers While He Takes Coin. Four Hundred Dollars In Money and Fullh That Much More In Diamonds and Watches Taken Docs Not Molest Women. A lone train robler held up the oe cupants of the two sleepers attached te Burlington l'assenger train No. 3, between Ives and Haigler, in western Nebraska, lietween one and two o'clock this morning, securing 4oo in money and an assortment of Diamond rings, studs and gold watches. The Individuals roblied, with tlioir losses, is as follows: C. B., and It. Boswell of Nashville, 111., $190 and a gold watch. Dr. N. Spaulding, Chicago, $3 and a gold watch. F. A. Smith, Omaha, 5, diamond ring and $150 gold watch. W. E. Champlin, Cheyenns, Wyo., $5. E. P. Irish, Norristown, la., $1. Oscar A. Tarunstine, Cincinnati, (. $125. Ben Wilson, Sacramento, $20, pair gold cuff buttons with diamond set ting and diamond shirt stud valued at $150. The robber is supposed to have got on the train at Benkleman, ten miles east of Ives, although no one knows that for a certainty. His first ap pearance was at the rear end of the St. Louis sleeper, the last car on the train, soon after it had steamed out of Benkleman. The porter, a colored man named Bell, confronted the rol . ber as he stepped inside the doorway. At the point of a revolver he com pelled the porter tturn up the lights In the sleeper and to wake up the pas sengers. Without any ado the fellow began his work of relieving the pas sengers of their valuables. This lin ished, he stepped to the forward door and pointing his revolver menacingly at the porter and the occupants of the sleeper warned them not to follow him or he would blow out their brain:;. At the rear door of the Chicago sleeper, Just ahead, he met Crake man Tomllnson. Withdrawn revolver he com polled the brakeman to turn up the lights in that car and to waku the passengers. The fellow did his work cooly and delilerat-ly, working fast and yet without apparent haste. As soon as he linished his work he ordered the brakeman to pull the air cord, and stopped the train. It came to a standstill about live miles east of Haigler, or tifteen miles from Benkle man. The fellow," still menacing tin trainmen w ith his gun, sw ung himself off the car and disappeared to the north. The train proceeded on its way, and at the next stop, Haigler, word was sent to the division superintendent, Alex Campbell, at MeCook, who in turn notified headquarters at Lincoln. Active preparations were at once lie gun for the capture of the desperado. I'osses were quickly formed, and early this morning one started out from Wray, Com., the first station across the Nebraska line, and one from Haig ler. Sheriff J. T. Richards of Dundy county was notified, and he proceeded to form a posse. This posse was taken out from Benkleman on an ex tra this morning, to the point where the robber leaped off. Telegrams were sent to St. Francis, Kan., to the south, and Imperial, to the north, giving a description of the man and asking the formation of posses to help capture him. The railroad authori ties acted promptly, and theyare con fident that the man w ill 1 caught in the meshes thrown about the district. The robber was masked. He was a man about five feet, eight inches high, and wore blue overalls and a strijed overjacket, with a slouch hat, giving him the appearance of a laboring man. His face was almost completely covered with the mask, but the train men could see enough of the cheeks to know that lie had about a ten days' growth of beard and that he was aj parently about thirty-live years old. He has brown hair and was dirty and uncouth. Republican Convention. The republicans of Cass and Otoe counties held their float canvention at Nebraska City Tuesday afternoon. The convention was called toorder by E. A. Brown of Otoccounty chairman. A t em iorary organization wasefTected willi C S. Polk as chairman and E. A. Brown of tnc secretary. This or ganiation was afterwards made per manent. John A. Davics, on behalf of 'Cass county, humiliated David Brown of Nebraska City for lloat representative. The nomination was seconded by F. E. Ilelvey of Otoe. There was a mo lion made to susiend ail rules and make the nomination by acclamation. BIGGEST STRIKE ON RECORD Iudianap !is, Ind., Sept., 12. At 5:15 1 his afternoon President Mitchell and Secretary Wilson of the United Mine Workers of America, affixed their signatures to the document which will recall 12,0oo miners of the Pennsylvania anthracite region from their work Monday, and precipitate one of the most gigant ic strikes in the history of the lalioriug world. The document was the indorsement of the anthracite region's request to strike. All power to indorse the strike was left in the hands of the na tional president and secretary. The order to strike was sent to the three presidents of the Pennsylvania dis tricts. The order is a simple recital of the procedure of the three district lxdics in applying to the national Iiody to strike and a formal announcement th;.t the application is indorsed and the st rikc ordered. The order says: "Io not wait for any further notice to strike, but cease-work in a Imdy on and after Sunday, Septemler 10, lit.)." This aftcriHH.n Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Wilson sat in the headquarters. Both were nervous. They 'opened telegrams from various parts of the anthracite region w ith feverish haste, thinking, as they said, that each mes sage might ln'some conces.Joii from the operators. The three district presidents re Parted this artcrnoon that of the 143, not men in the three districts. 131.5(H) would go on strike Monday. Piesi dent Mitchell would not state what seciet work had leen at work to pre vent tin strike and cause the delay. He said the person at work had of fered his services voluntarily, ami that the matte- was confidential. As to maiiitau-in; the men during the strike, he said: "When men are lighting lor just wages the' can sub sist on very little. At any rat?, it is safe to say that noliody will starve, or want for necessary clothing. Most of the men live in company houses and we must consider the pn (liability of eviction, but these things have all been considered and will Ihj met as they present themselves. At this time it would be follj- for the commit tee to go into details as to the pro visions for clothing and feeding the strikers." . President Mitchell willteirve Thurs day or Friday for IlazeltonTNpgv. to personally conduct the strike. MRS. AVMAKEN PASSES AWAY Mrs. Henry C. McMaken died at her home in the north part of the city at 5 o'clock Tuesday morning after an ill ness of iu.it quite four days. The com munity was greatly shocked by the news, as few knew that her illness was of so serious a nature. On last Friday morning Mrs. Mc Maken, accompanied the ladies of the Belief Corps, of which she was a mem her, to Union to attend the old set tlers reunion. She seemed to enjoy the ride and was apparently in the best of health until toward noon when she was suddenly taken very sick with vomiting. Every possible attention was given her with the hope that she would at once get better. As this was not the case and she seemed to be get- t ing worse she was taken to the home of Mrs. Bom, where she remained un til the next afternoon, when Mr. Mc Maken, who had lieen notified brought her home. There was no apparent change in ber condition until Sunday night when she legan a decided de cline and Monday afternoan herchild reu were summoned by telegraph. Her physicians state the cause of her death as heart failure brought alxut by an at t ack of cholera morbus, which weakened her system. Mrs. McMaken was lorn in Cleve land, Ohio, January 2, 1840, her maid en name being Katharine Mannering. She was married to Henry C. Mc Makon in Septemlier, 18(11, at Nebras ka City, and has lived with -him in Plattsmouth ever since that time. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. McMaken tf whom six are still living: Mrs. Harry Beece of North Platte, Mrs. Walter Scott of Omaha, Edward and Guy of Alliance, and Joe and Harriet of this city. Her only other living relative is Mrs. Lockart, her sisler.who at present lives in Cali fornia, Mrs. McMaken was a member of the Episcopal church. She lelonged also to several orders: The Women's Re lief Corps. 1 loyal Neighbors, Knights and Ladies of Security, Degree of Honor and Woman's Club. She had held eiflices in each ef theseisocieties; was at the time ef her death a mem ler of the executive board of the Wo man's Club, and secretary of McConi hie W. II. C. No. 50. Of the latter she was a charter member, and was president for several years and had held nearly every other office. Mrs. McMaken leaves a hast of j friends who have leen associated with her in the work of lifting humanity to a higher plane. She has alwas been foremost in charitable work, never losing an opportunity to help some one less fortunate than herself. Her kindhearted and generons nature en deared her to her neighbors and ac quaintances, so that her place will be hard to fill. " The funeral was held at St. Luke's s Episcopal church at five e "clock Wed fncsdav afternoon. The church was crowded with sympathizing friends w ho came to honor the memory of a lost friend. Rev. H. B. Burgess read the beauty fid servitrestnf the Epifet-pru church and spoke of the good she hael accompltsheel while living, closing with tender words of sympathy for the sorrow ing family. The Women's Relief Corps and sym pathizing friends formed a leng cor tege which folk'ved the remains to Oak Hill where heaped high with lloral offerings, thej' were consigned to their last resting place. Members of the Grand Army of the Republic acted as pall licarers. University Opens. The university opens for registnf- t ion Tuesday, September IS, and for class work Saturday, September 22. On the latter day a formal inaugura tion of Dr. Elisha Benjamin Andrews as chancellor of the university will ec cur in the Lincoln Auditorium at 10 a. m. Chancellor Andrews has been in residence at the university, how ever, since August 1, becoming famil iar with his new duties and spending considerable time in addressing coun ty institutes and either meetings' over the state. Most ef the faculty are still away upon their summer vaca tions and are expected to return in a few days. Tne attendence fer the next year promises well. Last year the total enrollment was 2,209, which was 203 more than the previous year, as against an increase ef 31 during the year 1897-9.8. It will be seen that ex-Chancellor Cantield's predictien made in 1892 that by 1900 the univer sity of Nebraska would contain 2,000 is more than fulfilled. Eased en the increase of last year, and the increased call at the publisher's office for bulle tins and circulars of information, it is safe to estimate the attendance for the coming year at 2,500 or more. This increase will probably be met noticable in the college of law and the scheteil of agriculture. The general prosperity in the northwest will cause many yemng men from Wyom ing. Montana, Idaho and as far west as tiie I'acific coast to take up the st tidy of law at the University of Nebraska, and the fact that the Uni versity ef Iowa has added a year's work to its requirements for gradua tion in law will send many students frtm that state to the university. The big crop last year sent the at- tendance of the school ef agriculture up from (Ml to 114, and Director Davis fo.i tf the school ef agriculture, who has been spending the summer ad dressing ceninty instrtut.es, fairs and special agricultural meetings, pre dicts as large an increase for next year. It is also expected that the at tendance in the school of domestic science, which is a school for girls similar to the scheol of agriculture for boys, will show a marked Increase in attendance. Mr. J. W. Crabtree, inspector of accredited schools,, is new making arrangements by which vil lage anel rural schools completing the werk erf the tenth grade may become accredited to the schools of agricul ture, domestic science and mechanic arts, and students holding certificates frem such accredited schools enter these technical secondary schools without examination. CASS COUNTY TEACHERS Small Army of Teachers Will Instruct Young America. Full List of Teachers Employed In County Districts This Year. The people of our state point with pride to the fact that Nebraska has the smallest per cent ef illiteracy of any state in the union, but few of them realize the amount of labor, t he expenditure of brains, brawn and dol lars, it has taken to give the state this en viable standing. An idea may per haps be gained by a glance at the school system ef Cass county alone. Outside the city of Plattsmouth she has over a hundred school districts, each employing at least one teacher at a salary of from $.$0 to $50 per month, a probable fair average being $40. With few exceptions the county schools opened for the year last Mem day, but some of them have not had teachers assigned them as yet. Eollowing is a complete list of the teachers so far employed, and the schools they will govern during the coming year: DIST. NO. NAME. 2 'Horning" 3 "Jean" 4 Young TKACIIKK. R li Moffet Edith Allen Ola Morris 5 Rock Bluffs 0 Rack Creek Sadie Latta 7 Three Grove Edith Johnson 8 Kenotia Lillian Fogg 9 Falrview Olive Hitchman 10 Ervin Mary Leavitt 11 Scioto Netta Turner 12 Taylor Crystabel Bryan 13 Eikenbary W. M. Sikes 14 Todd Clara Allen 15 Stella Norris 10 E. McClintock 17 Union J. E. Bowers Emma Edwards Leila Dugan 18 Factorville Virgina Athen 19 Z0 Trerubel Lillian Trester Claud Piil me r - 'iv.ca Auroe Johnston Lina Lineback Cedar Creek Editli Hart W. Water E. L. Rour,e 21 II. P. Niclson G. A. Ashmum Mrs. Ashmum A Mamie Lacy Mildred Hart Kate Russell f?s Mary Allison jfl' J(sie Howard 23 Laurel Hill Evelyn Golden 24 Clear Creek Cora Hylton 25 8MileGrove Charlotte Hall 20 Pleasant H'l Ottie Reynolds 27 Cottonwood Will M. Stoner 28 Ogatha Stul 1 29 Mablc Hodsell 30 M. McCroskey 31 Cedar Creek Geo. R. Sayles 32 Louisville L. P. Grundy Leroy Vansceyo Verda Ellis Nonna Hall Mary McGrew 34 Fairland A. II. Bushnell 35 M. C. Johnson 30 Greenwood A. J. Meller. Mame Steiner . W. P. Bailey Grace Cheuvrout 37 Vallery L. M. Peyse 33 Stella Muller 39 Nehawka W. E. Cundy Minnie Todd Jessie Foxwell 40 Sunnyside . Alice Fowler 41 Bertha McFall 42 Etta Fowler 43 rawnee A. II. Bushnell 44 - Bushberry Mary Burns 45 W. C. Nye 40 Mainland Anna Towle 41 Glendale Alice Lambson 48 Rhena Towle 49 Nellie Bell 50 Pine Florence Brown 51 Stove Creek Carrie Allison 52 53 Clara Neihart 54 Tiptcn Grace Hylton 55 Pollock 50 Murray Ctyde McClain Birdella Smith 57 South Bend W. II. Wortman Marie Bettison Cora Snowden 58 West Grove Mable Atweid 59 Fairview D. Greenslate 00 Jesse Lowther 01. Callahan Ilattie Squires C2 Old Eagle Delia Anderson 03 Victoria May Beck 04 Belmont Myme Hoham 05 Highland Cora noward 66 Center Lucy Hylton 67 Elva Borders 08 09 Pleasant P't Eunice Towle 70 Gr'd Prarie Lillie Tighe 71 Mt. I1om Gcralda Hays 72 Sunny Hill Lena Rector 73 Carrie Craig 74 Lutie Kjmhcrly 75 Bank Ella Reefer 70 Cornish Maud King 77 Lucretia Flower 78 Prank Power 79 College Hill E. F. Suavely 80 Mel lie Rector 81 Lillie Carnes 82 M. C. Johnson 83 Cascade Armetla Woods 81 H'dg' CorncrMarcia Harris 85' Murdock Mable Whipple Flora Whipple 80 Ella Arvidsoii 87 Lida Shccslcy 88 Ik'i-naccCoodalc 8!) Peri Earle !h) Sandhurr 91 Christ. Hansen 92 Harmony Jessie Lock'ie 93 Union AMerta Smith 94 M. Marqiiardt 95 Elm wood W. B. Boose Mat tie Pallister B. Pinkerton Gertie Pallister Agnes Lackey 90 Mauley A. Ramsussen 97 Addie White 98 Wabash Myrtle Wood 99 Eagle J. W. Gamble, Grace Blodgett Minnie Harsh 100 Alvo Jennie Sams Nella Sams 101 Prescott Laura Meller. Boyer vs City. The attention of the county court has been occupied most of the week by a case wherein Wily Boyer seeks to recover $120.00 back salary which he claims to be still due him. Mr. Boyer claims that when he entered the employment of the city it was with the understanding that he was to be given thirty days notice before his job could he terminated. When the new council took charge ef affairs Chas. Weldy was apKintod superintendent of the light works in Mr. Beyer's plaee, the latter refusing to vacate until he had been given thirty days notice. On May 30th Mr. Ttvrr Cfnt. liic rr!kirri!i t inn In tli( council asking that it tkeeirect JuiieT' Hsey were not very ladly surprised 20th. The council tabled the matter and refused to allow Mr. Boyer any re muneration for services performed after the appointment of Mr. Weldy, hence this suit. The jury this after nKn returned a verdict alloweng Mr. Boyer $50. PERSONAL. Spice Eels of Elmwood was a court house visitor Tuesday. Jocob Koch returned from a two weeks visit at Chicago, Sunday. George Horn and W. II. Seyburt of Cedar Creek, were in town Tuesday. Otto Wurl took a lot of "Gut Heil" up to Havelock and Lincoln, Tuesdaj'. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Smith and son are enjoying a trip through Colorado. Mrs. II. E. Snyder and" little daugh ter are visiting with relatives at Ta bor, Iowa. Frank Tottinger and family of Atchison, Kansas are visiting friends in this city. Mr. Kate Sandall ef Lead City, S. D., is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hem pie. Frank Zin, a Burlington engineer on the Cheyenne division, visited with relatives in this city this week. William. Hurtley and family who have been visiting relatives in east ern Iowa, returned home Sunday. Miss Florence Gallagher lesf for her home in Chicago, Monday evening, after a pleasant visit with her sister. George Spurlock, George Hay and George Farley were in attendance at the flag raising at Nehaw ka, Wednes day. B. C. Kerr returned home Saturday f.om a visit at his old home in Illineis and the Grand Army reunion at Chi cago. John Sexton and James Brantner ff Alliance visited in the city this week. Mr. Sexton is the present mayor of his city." Joe Bawls has resigned his position with Swift & Co. at South Omaha, and is home to attend the coming term of school. W. E.Coolidge left Wednesday aft er neiem for Columbus to attend the funeral ef his brother's wife, Mrs. Joe Qxdidge. Mr. and Mrs. James Biddleeomh left Monday for an extended visit with relatives In St. Louis and Wau kegan, Illinois. The Plattsmouth Turnvercin will give a dance at their hall, Saturday September 15. All friends invited. SHEPPARD IS IN LIMBO Could Not Explain Mow Mon ey Came to be In Ills Cellar. Is Hound Over to the District Court on Charge of Ornnd lirccny. Deputy Sheriff Mc.lhlde and Chief or Police Slater arrested Allen Telfer and Charles Sheppard, the two colored men who have been doing Janitor work and house cleaning alout the city for several years past, Sunday af ternoon, upon complaint tiled by John Schiappaeasse, charging them with llii theft of a sack of money from his store. Mr. Schiappaeasse slated that he had returned from the Old Settlers' picnic at Union late Saturday night, and had left a sack cont aining $51 and some, cents 1m;IhikI some lxxes in the store-as he thought, safely hidden. Telfer and Sheppard appeared as usual and scrublM'd the llonr Sunday morn ing, and as no persons other than the regular employees had lieen behind the counter Mr. Schiappaeasse. at once suspected that they knew where the money had gone. Deputy McBridc and Olllcer Slater placed the men under arrest and then instituted a search for the missing money. They went first to the home of Mr. Telfer on North Eight street, but failed to lind any trace of the missing money. At Sheppard 's home on Vine street, letween Sixth and Seventh st reels they were more suc cessful. They found nothing uistalrs except a small oenhig leading lie-low into which they at once directed the search. The place seemed to have been used only as a rejsltory for rulj bish, and the oflie'ers were aljout to give up the search, when they discov ered newly made footprints, which considerably aroused their suspicious. A small hole had lately Iecu dug In the ground, but served no purpose ex cept to sharpen the scent of the otllcers. These numerous "signs" had put t hem on the very verge of exiectancy, when Mr. McBridc put his hand into an opening In a brick pier which served to &uport the llor and pulled out a tin can containing the object ut their search. In the very faese of this discovery both men declared that they did not know how the money got there. County attorney Root tiled a com plaint of grand larcey against them in .luge Archer's court Monday, to which they ljoth plead not guilty. Testi mony was introduced to show that the money had lcen stolen, and that it was later found in the cellar of Mr. Sheppard 's house, and he was accerd ingly Ijound over to the district court with bond fixed at $300. John and James Schiappaeasse, Miss Mamie Kochnkc; Deputy McBridc and Chief Slater were the witnesses In the case. Wednesday Judge Archer tiled a transcript of the case with District Clerk Ilouscworth, showing the costs thus far amounted to $15.30. Float Conventions. The democratic and populists' float conventions were held at Union, Sat urday afternoon to place in nomina tion a candidate for float representa tive for Cass and Otoe countias. II. D. Travis was elected chairman, and A. L. Makinson of Otoe county secretary of the demccratic cenven tion, while James Clark of Wabash, and E. C. Reed of Otoe county officia ted for the populists. The democrats of Cass cast their solid vote for Hon. J. M. latterson and Otoe went for Vincent Straub on the first ballot. Mr. Patterson de clined to accept the nomination under any circumstances, and a poll of the delegation resulted In a vote of nineteen for Thomas E. I'armele and three for Straub. The voting con tinued at this divison until the sixth ballot, when the populists endorsed Straub by a slight majcrity. Cass held out in the vain hope that Otoe county would give up their candidate and support I'armele, while the pem- ulistscast several ballots compliment ing different members of their party in the hofe that the democrats would eventually reach a unanimous deci sion. On the sixth ballot both con ventions gave Mr. Straub a majority, which action, according to the agree ment existing between the two con ventions gave Mr. Straub the nomi nation. Notice To Committeemen. Democratic county central commit tee will meet in Weeping Water Sep tember 21, at 2 o'clock p. m. W. D. Wheeler, Chairman.