Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 12, 1899, Image 2

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The Whole Affajr was Protected by
a United Partisan Program-Fu-slonlsts
Censure Cornell.
Lincoln, Neb., April 4. Judge T. Lt.
Norval succeeded in securing: a repub
lican caucus, a gag rule and a white
wash report. '
The investigation of the supreme
court judges and the court commission
ers was first brought about by the pub
lished statements in the Omaha World
Herald that the Judges and commis
sioners were providing some member of
their family with an annual salary of
51.000 at the state's expense, when in
fact very little if any work was performed-for
the state by these people.
Representative i?turgess of Douglas
offered a resolution for the
appointment by the chair of a com
mittee of three to investigate the court.
The sptake r held the appointment back
for many days, but finally selected a
couple who are compelled to appear
before the court as attorneys Hum
time to time and one farmer.
There is no denial that the judges
and commissioners appointed their
wives, their sisters, and their cousins
and their aunts, and the testimony also
showed that these employes with the
exception of Judge Sullivan's clerk, a
lawyer and a man, whom the judge
never knew prior o his election, but
who is especially adapted to the im
portant duties assigned him. did but
little towards eamiug their salary.
Hut, as grave as was the salary grab
game which the Judges and the com
missioners had inaugurated years ago
and had kept up faithfully, lt was over
shadowed by the disclosure of how
Judge T. Li. Norval had made it a
practice to get money out of the state
treasury which belonged to other funds
and appropriated them to his own use.
and then afterwards collected interest
on his own wrongdoing.
The investigating committee natural
ly enough could not agree on a report
...v -
e as IOllOWS:
. . -r-r-rr nr-nrrti
"Lincoln, Neb., March 29, 1S99. Mr.
Speaker: Your committee a: pointed un-
aer resolution or Marcn it to investigate
me anegeu irregularities in me unices
OI juuges 01 me supreme cuui 1 anu bu-
preme court commissioners, beg leave
10 report, as iouows:
"We have examined under oath each
of the members of the supreme court
now serving, besides numerous other lng. tne compensation of the judges in
witnesses, including several who have djrect violation of the constitution,
served or are serving as clerks or as- wnich provides that "the Judges of the
Bistants to said judges. All of said wit- 8Upreme and district court shall each
nesses appeared voluntarily before the receive a salarv of $2.5oO per annum,
committee at our request, and answer- payabie quarterly. No judge of the su
ed fully and freely all questions put to preme or district courts shall receive
them touching the matter under inves- any 0ther compensation, perquisite or
tigation, which evidence is hereto at- Denent, for or on account of his office,
tached and submitted herewith. Jn any form whatsoever, nor act as at
"We have also during the limited torney or counselor at law in any form
time at our command examined the rec- -whatever.'
ord of claims and vouchers in the offices .csictavt:
of the state treasurer and auditor, so " OBK. O Afcblbi.Mb.
far as same relate to the subject of this "In the matter of work performed by
inquiry. From this evidence before us these assistants, there has not been an
we find the following facts: adequate quid rro quo for the large
"First, that since the enactment of amounts of money expended for the
sections 22a, 22b, 22c and 22d. chapter purpose. In some instances the evi-
19, compiled statutes. In 1SS7 (chapter 32 dence shows that the work of the as-
esslon laws of 1m7), each judge of the
supreme court, and during the exist
ence of the supreme court commission.
each member of said commission has
employed constantly one clerk or as
sistant, which clerk or assist
ant has been paid from the
state treasury upon couchers duly
signed by them as required by law. by
warrants payable to their individual
"Second, that the employment of said
clerks or assistants was and is author-
ized by law. and the services rendered
are of substantial benefit to the court,
enabling the Judges thereof to accom
plish about one-third more work than
would otherwise he possioie. 1 ne evi
dence discloses that with few excep
tions said clerks have not been stenog
"It also arjoears that none of the
ludrs of said court or commission have
been accustomed to make use 01 nic-ia
lion in the preparation of their opinions
and that the value of the services ren
dered bv their said clerks would not
have been increased from the fact of
their being stenographers.
"Third. That beginning in lS'J-i. with
Judge Samuel Maxwell, who employed
as his clerk successively his two sons
and daughter, it has been the common
practice of the Judges of the court, and
of the supreme court commission, to I
employ as clerks members 01 me re- 1 evaded the plain intent of the eonstuu
spective families or relatives of the tion and of the statutes and have con-
said judges.
'Fourth, the committee nnas irom 1
the evidence that said practice was
adopted and has been continued by said
Judges largely as a matter of convenl-
tnce, the greater part of the work of
said Judges in the preparation of their
opinions being done at their homes,
Eo far as your committee has been able
to Inquire, the clerks so employed have
been in every case fit and capable per-
sons and the services for which they
were employed have been faithfully and
conscientiously performed.
PAT pv-wT? the CLERKS
'Fifth, the committee finds that prior
to 1896 the appropriation for the pay-
ment of clerical assistance of the Judges
of the supreme court and commission
was in a gross sum, and that same
was drawn from the treasury upon 1
vouchers based on services at the rate I
of $4 a day. in accordance with the pro-
visions of section 22a, chapter 19. afore-
said: in 1895 the legislature changed
the form of the appropriation so as to I
Salarv of ludtres and supreme court
commissioners' stenographic assistants
oer annum .11.000. at the same time and
bv the same act providing that all sal-
aries shouM ba oaid auarter-yearly."
"A similar appropriation was made rant. This warrant, owing to the con
by the legislature of 1897, but the fur- dltion of the general fund, was not pay
ther provision was made that all those able for about ten and a half months
salaries made payable quarterly, ana
all other salaries shall be payable I
"The committee finds that Immediate-
Iy after the act of 1895 above referred
to became a law. the tnen auditor or
public accounts ruled that the salaries
of clerks to the supreme court Judges the First National bank of Lincoln, on
and commissioners were payable quar- -which lt was drawn, and it was paid,
terly and not otherwise, and refused When 'the warrant became payable
to issue his warrant upon vouchers some ten months later after the trans
based upon per diem service as there- action Just recited, the state treasurer
tofore. Said ruling has been adhered I
to by the present auditor. That neither I
the propriety nor legality of said rul-
Ings have heretofore been questioned. I
and that said appropriations have been
flrawn in accordance therewith. I
att to -c--TT a TVTrn I
"Sixth, the evidence has disclosed no I
Irregularities in the collection or pay-
ment of the salaries of the said judges
or their assistants except the follow-
lng Instances, both of which are fully
"First On December 31, 1894, Judge T.
' I miHppines as he was In Honolulu the The
- m
91841, from the state auditor for his
salary for the fourth quarter of 1S94,
amounting to 1625. On the same day
the same warrant was left with J. S.
Bartley. then state treasurer, who ad
vanced to Judge Norval the face of said
warrant, said Bartley statiig at the
time that the funds so advanced were
his own private funds, and so believed
by Judge Norval. and said warrant was
retained by Bartley as security for said
advance. Afterward, on October la,
1S&3, upon notice from the state treas
urer's office that said warrant had
been reached in the regular order for
payment, the same was paid in full, the
said Bartley retaining the amount pre
viously advanced and Judge Norval re
ceiving the balance, being the interest
thereon, amounting to J;)4.63.
"Second That upon Judge Sullivan
becoming a member of the supreme
court in January. 1S9S, he appointed as
his assistant Miss Maud Parker, his
wife's sister, who until the 1st of No
vember. lSltS, performed only a portion
of the duties of the position, but drew
from the state the full compensation
for thai period, and the larger patt of
the amount so drawn by her was paid
by the personal check of Judge Sullivan
to others who assisted on the work.
"The committee further finds that in
neither of said instances was there
any intentional violations of the law by
the said judges or their assistants.
"All of which is respectfully submit
ted. "A. W. LA NIC.
"Mr. Sneaker: The undersigned mi
nority of your committee appointed to
investigate charges of irregularities in
connection with the supreme court, be-
ing unable to agree w ith the majority
report, begs leave to re
pori u
examination of
"It appears from the
the iudvres and ex-commissioners, to
gether with testimony of the parties cra
ployed in the capacity of assistants to
the court and an inspection of the rec
ords in the cilices of the state treasurer
Norval. one of the judges of the u-
nrpmrm rt. received the warrant. No.
and state auditor, that it has been the ! tnus he ai(e,j ;ind abetted in converting
custom to employ in the capacity of ne j;Um 0f fiV2, and under his own de
assistants members of the families of ( clsion jn the c ase of Mills vs. the Ctate,
the judges and commissioners. The 1 v,JciUne himself an embezzler of state
wives, sons and daughters of the court
nave oeen so employed, anu wiej
I uceu 1'iiiu emici i j'vi u.y
. - ,: . . I,. i
UI pel Veal , ttCCUlums ""
terr.retation of the law. from time to
timo bv t hp interested parties.
-There. r.m h. nn d.mht that the ln-
tent of the law was to place at the dis
posal of the members of the court tne
Kf.rvirs nf nss slants that WOUlu ma
terially aid in the disposition of the
hntinosa r.r th criirt. and not for tne
DurIK)se Cf creating sinecure positions
to be utilized as a medium of increas -
sistant consisted principally or ijpe
writing the opinions of the judge, a
service that would not consume me
time of a competent operator a month
in a year. In other cases the assistants
have carried law lmoks from the library
shelves to the judge's table. It seems
to the minority of your committee that
$4 a day is an excessive pi ice to pay for
messenger service of this kino, cjtner
members of the court testified that
their assistants performed the work of
oickir.p out their opinions and picked
out of the evidence in the record such
-,...!,.., tUc r-.into O t icCHS
" ""V : r,i
daughters of the members of the court
A 11 v ijcu 111 o v viiv - -
were competent, solely by reason of this
relationship, to pick out pertinent tes
timony and block out opinions to be
handed down as the decisions of tre
supreme court of the state has caused
lawyers to smile. Should this investi
gation result in no other good it w 11
have cleared up all doubt as to h-rw
some of the hitherto incomprehensible
opinions of the court were prei-trd
and the judges will be relieved - l"-
adverse sentiment that has unc-nanta-
bly attributed these opinions to be their
own productions.
"It is manifest that the law contem
piated that these assistants should
themselves have some knowledge of
jaw, but the members of the court have
strued appropriation acts that would
tuv admit of such straining so as to
make them contribute to their personal
benefit at the expense of the state. The
minority of your committee, therefore,
recommends that this house strongly
expresses its censure of the practice
that has been In vogue that has resulted
Jn a continuous and unwarranted raid
on the public treasury, and that this
nou5.e demands at the hands of the
6Ur,reme court more careful considera-
. lnn f,t he risrhts of the taxpayers and
the abandonment of the seemingly cher-
ished idea that a seat on the most ex-
state makeg of ,t,
occupant a ward of the commonwealth
entitled to special perquisites and priv-
ueges In violation of the constitution,
nnr AT T7 .ptt.pv nnvrw
-1 "
Ttut the most serious developments
hmueht out by the testimony before
vnnP committee affect Judge Norval. It
appears from his own admissions, as
Well from documentary evidence
fOUnd in the record.that the state treas
urer. Joseph S. Bartley, on the 31st day
of December, 1894, accepted from Judge
Norval his salary warrant for the last
Quarter of 1834, in tne sum or b--o, ana
that the state treasurer paid Judge
Norval therefor the face of the war
after tne date or sucn advancement,
The check by which this money was
paid was signed J. S. Bartley. state
treasurer, by G. M. Bartlett, deputy.'
and was delivered to Judge Norval.who
held It in nis possession some iwo aays
and then personally presented it to
delivered to Judge Norval a check for
$34.63, this check being for the Interest
due on the warrant In Question. This
check was also signed by J. S. Bartley,
treasurer, and by G. M. Bartlett, dep-
"One of two conclusions must follow
theBe fflct3. These checks showed
upon their face that they were drawn
against the state funds on deposit in
the First National bank ef Lincoln. It
is true Judge Norval says he did not
notice the signature on the checks,
The minority of your committee is un-
able to accept this statement er judge
north half nJ of the northwest quarter rC0CCCtOCC004CCg
Norvai. and must conclude that he has
forgotten the fact. Judge Norval Is a
lawyer of ability. He has had many
years experience on tne district ana
supreme benches. He is accustomed
to examine carefully legal papers plac
ed before him. When these checks were
handed him, he must have noticed how
they were signed. Not only that, but
the law charges him with notice of
what these checks contained, as we
learn from his own opinion in the case
of Bartley vs. the State.
"In that case the warrant in ques
tion had written upon its face the
words, 'For To reimburse the
sinking fund.' That warrant ran to J.
S. Baitley, not as state treasurer, but
in his individual capacity. There was
nothing on its face to notify the Chem
ical National bank of New York, that
purchased it, that Bartley did not have
the right to sell it except the state
ment that It was drawn 'to reimburse
the sinking fund.'
"Yet regarding that. Judge Norval
ued the following language in his
opinion, which stands as the opinion of
the court: 'Nor was the bank an "in
nocent purchaser" within the meaning
of that term as applied to commercial
paper. Inasmuch as the warrant dis
closed on its face the purpose and ob
ject for which it was drawn, and the
bank was bound to know, at its ieiil,
that the defendant had no title to the
instrument.' The same must hold true
with reference to the present case,
where the check is admitted by Judge
Norval to show on its face that it was
draw n,against state funds, and he 'wad
bound to know at his peril' that he
was receiving slate funds if he
to aecpt it. Following this line of rea
soning, the conclusion must be that
.Tinier Norval did see the signature.
rl i. 1 know that the cnecK
was drawn
j uu;ljtist state f unds, and knew that the
, jnon,.y ne received thereon was state
fun,s. if, therefore, tne irausaciiuu
! Whieh" he' received the check for $0-3
on the Ulst day of .l.iccemoer. i-.
be treated as a loan, as he says it was,
he is guilty of knowingly receiving a
loan of state funds from the state treas-fnr-
Lis nn use and benefit, and
"If, however, we are to treat the
transaction wherein he received the
S625 as a payment of the warrant, then
he was not entitled to receive any in
terest on the warrant, and the payment
to and receipt by him of the check for
$34. 1 as interest on the warrant, were
illegal and constituted embezzlement
1 on nis ran.
, "I regret that 1 must come
to this
conclusion, but under the evidence and
the decisions of the supreme court of
this state there can be no escape, peo
ple may look with some indulgence on
violatioas of the plain letter of the law
bv men not versed in legal matters and.
unfamiliar with the provisions of the
statutes, but when these violations are
met with on the part of members of
the highest court in the state that fact
in itself is sullicient to call for speedy
rebuke and impartial Justice. Judge
Norval has been chief Justice of the
supreme court and for more than nine
vears a member of that court. His con
duct has been inexcusable and there
can be no palliation. This house should
have no hesitation in applying the con
stitutional remedy.
"From the evidence adduced before
the committee it appears that Judge
Norval is guilty of felony. But it is
not necessary that this house find him
sj guilty in order to impeach him. The
constitution provides that "all civil offi
cers of this state shall be liable to im
peachment for any misdemeanor in of
fice.' That Judge Norval has been guil
ty of a misdemeanor is clear and the
minority of your committee therefore
recommends that the house entertain
the following resolution;
" -Resolved, That articles of Impeach
ment be prepared and presented to the
district judges of this state, sitting as
a court of impeachment, as provided by
law .for misdemeanor in office against
T L. Norval. associate Justice of the
supreme court.' JOHN H. SHORE."
No discussicn of the reports was per
mitted. The f unionists time and again
attempted to speak cn the subject, but
Speaker Clark enforced th- rule gov
erning the "previous question," and all
lbate was shut off. and while the gag
aw was thus applied the majority re
port was adopted by a strict party vote.
The residence of A. Dobson, a farmer
living a few miles south of Crelghton,
was entered by burglars recently and
a watch and chain, a suit of clothes, $45
in cash, a note for $200 and a certificate
of deposit for JSOO on one of the banks
of Creighton were stolen. No clew as
yet leading to the identification or
whereabouts of the guilty parties has
been obtained.
Attorney General Smyth has brought
suit against the First National bank
of Alma, which failed in January, 1894.
Some time during the year 1S93 the state
deposited In the First National bank
of Alma $40,612.90 of the state's funds.
the bank executing a bond for the pay
ment of the same in the sum of $50,000,
with the president of the bank, A. E.
Burr now a janitor In the new federal
building at Omaha and Daniel Sulli
van, D. B. Mudgett.William Gaslin and
C. C. Burrand. the other bank officials,
as sureties.
A Koelng, a well known German far
mer living southwest of Wymore, was
dangerously assaulted Thursday even
ing by John With, one of his neigh
bors. Koelng took up a stray hog last
week and Thursday evening With ap
peared at his home and demanded that
he give it up. claiming it was his prop
erty. A quarrel followed Koelng's re
fusal and With Ptruck Koelng a blow
over the head with a singletree, badly
fracturing his skull. The man's In
juries are such that it is thought he will
not recover. With, after delivering the
blow, secured the pig and went home,
and as yet has not been arrested.
Ted Ackerman, deputy marshal,
brought down to Omaha from the north
part of the state several old-time $10
greenbacks, which were taken from a
man who had been arrested for passing
counterfeit money, and submitted them
to Secret Service Agent Donella for In
spection. They were pronounced gen
uine. The marshal stated that tne man
had several hundred dollars or tnese
greenbacks on bis person.
A young man named I. E. Strong,
aged 26 years, a son of Mrs. J. B.
Strong of Council Bluffs, while attempt
ing to board a Burlington freight train
at Chalco, caught his foot in the frog
and the train ran over his right leg,
crushing it below the knee. He was
removed te St. Joseph's hospital. Oma
ha, where Dr. Lee amputated the leg.
Strong's right hip was also dislocated.
Governor Poynter Vetoes a Resolu
tion Declaring: American Princi
ples are at Stake in Philippines
Lincoln. Neb. (Special.) Governor
Poynter refused tj approve a joint
resolution declaiing the war in the Phil,
ipplnes was in defense ...f the principles
of our government and was adding new
glory to our flag. A rwmpliment was
also paid to our soldiers there, but the
resolution was primarily intended to
secure the executive's ofiUial indorse
ment of the president's war against the
Governor Poynter's veto message was
as follows:
"To the Members of the Legislaturt
Gentlemen: I return to your honorably
body senate File No. 'SJ without my
approval, i I egret mat a misstatement
of what I deem the facts in the reso-
lution compels me to take this course
No one has a higher regard for the
bravery and gallantry of our brave soi-
diers in the far away Philippines than
I. No encomiums that can be spoken
for them would exceed the bounds of
1 lie State or .-Nebraska is and has a
Just right to be proud of the First Ne- tiansferring the plant and all property I Warren H. Cook, sergeant, company
braska volunteers. We acknowledge ' 0f rennis Long & Co. to the new com- i F, Mrs. Anna Brones, Calamus. Ia.
with gratitude and joy the debt the bine. The plant is one of the largest! William B. Philpot, piivate, compa
state ow es to them by reason of the , in the country, and the pu: ohase price, ny F, James W. Philpot, HumboM
honor conferred upon it by their valor. ; which is said to have br. n $i.200,oo4, is'i Neb.
We pledge the honor of the state that said to have been $1,2 o .miho, was paid j George M. Andrews, private, compa
to the living shall be accorded worthy to the Louisville owners several days : ny A, Mrs. George W. Andrews, Yorl
distinction and to the dead all that ago in a lump sum. ; Neb.
1 1
can be given the dead, a fitting me- Columbus, O. The Ohio Pipe compa- ; Earl W. Osterhout, private, compan
mortal of their fame, but we must re- ny of this city was formally transferred ; E, George W. Osterhout, David C;
gret that circumstances have com- to the United States Castiron Pipe and! Neb., wishes body to remain bur'
pelled them to give their services and Foundry company, better known as the , San rFancisco, where It now lsf
sacrifice their lives In a conflict which sewer pipe combine, today. The con- Frank G. Glover, private, ctil,p?hj.
Is at utter variance with the very fun- slderation named In the deed Is $1, but ' A, Henry Glover, York, Neb. j
damental principles of our government the revenue stamps show the local Horace L. Falkn'-r, private, company
and contrary to the established policy 'plant is valued at $250,000. F, Mrs. II. B. Wilkinson, Western
of the nation for more than a century. Louisville, Ky.-Heine Marsh of Mil- ' Neb.
"Enlisting In a war for humanity and
jn the cause of human liberty, compll-
plications have arisen w hich have com-
1 pelled them to engage in a conflict
against a people who have been bat-
tllng against the oppression of anothei
nation for nearly 400 years.
"Such a conflict Is not defending the
principles of our government and add- ed on good authority that Mr. Marsh
ing new glory to our flag, which has had secured an order from the whisky
ever stood as the glorious emblem of people for 1,000.000 bushels of malt,
freedom. I cannot stultify myself and j j-ew York. The plants of the fol
the calm Judgment of the thinking pe- : iowing distilling companies In Ken
pie of this commonwealth by giving tucky were taken over by the Km
official approval to the statement that tuclty Distilleries and Warehouse com
the war of conquest now carried on In
the far away Philippines is in defense
of the principles of our government
and Is adding new glory to our flag.
"W. A. POYNTER, Governor."
The resolution is here given in full:
"Be it resolved by the legislature ot
the state of Nebraska. That the thank,
of the state be hereby extended to the
officers and men of the First Nebraska
regiment. United States volunteers, for ;
their gallant conduct on the field of
battle, their courage In the presence of
danger, and their fortitude In the hard
ships of camp and campaign.
"Resolved, That we acknowledge with
gratitude and Joy the debt the state
owes them by reason of the honor con
ferred upon it by their valor while de
fending In the far off Philippines the
principles of our government and add
ing new glory to our flag. We pledge
the honor of the state that to the living
shall be accorded worthy distinction
and to the dead all that can be given
the dead, a fitting memorial of their
"Resolved, That where all have done
so nobly Individual mention Is well nigh J
impossible, yet the fresh blood of gal
lant officers shed in defense of our 1
country's honor cannot be passed by
without notice, and to Captain Albert
H. Hollingsworth and Lieutenant Burt
n VtVi1-i-i nntv cufforinr' frftm covero
, 1 j v. 1. j
wounds received at the head of their
commands, we. tender the sympathy of i
the entire state, and respectfully re-
quest his excellency, the governor, and
all others In military authority to pro
mote .each of them in such degree as
Is consistent with military necessity.
"Resolved, That these resolution be
transmitted by letter to the command
ing officer of the First Nebraska, witr
a request that they be read at the heac
of the regiment, and that a certified
copy be also forwarded to such officer.'
Will Hold Dead Six Mouths.
Washington, D. C, April 4. Adju
tant General Corbin cabled Genera)
Otis, saying that the secretary of wai
desired, if possible, that the dead oi
the present campaign be returned tc
the United States on the early trans
ports, and asked the opinion of the gen
eral on the subject.
General Otis cabled that lt would be
impossible to send the bodies home now
The climatic conditions are such as te
make it dangerous to the health of the
people who would handle the bodies. IT
was of the opinion that six months later
the remains of the dead could be re
turned to the United States.
General Corbin replied to Genera
Otis, directing that no further effort
be made at present to ship the remaim
of the soldiers to the United States
He told General Otis that the acting
secretary of war desired that not only
the graves of the soldiers burled in
Manila be plainly designated, but that
each casket should also be carefully
marked, so that there will be no ques
tion of Identifying the dead when tha
remains are removed to this country
With this care it Is believed that then
will be but very few unknown dead t
be returned.
Capital Stock Is Placed at Seventy
Five Million Dollars.
Trenton. N. J. The American "Wool
en company, with a capitalization ol
$63,000,000, was incorporated this after-
noon. The Incorporators are: S. B
Law rence, John B. Summei field, Henrj
C. Kveidell, Armitae Matthews, Henrj
M. Ilaviland, Geoige E. Spencer, Leav
Ht J. Hunt, Charles B. Hill and Roberl
H. Barry, Jr., of New York, and Jame
C. AVoodhull of Newark.
Manitowoc, Wis. The Manitowoc
Sp.'J t I n l1 rflbi no n r cnl1 itc t .1 ' . n r t V, -
t - - - - . . . . J ... H T M K J -1.4. If. , 'J
I American School Furniture companj
j for a consideration of $2'W,0o0. Th
stockholders are to receive for theii
stock 4J per cent in cash and the re
maining tlO per cent in stock In the
new company. The plant at Manitowoc
is to remain open for a period of five
New York. It is announced that the
combination of manufacturers of clay
sewer pipe, fire brick, chimney tops
anl linings and similar products. Is now
definitely completed. The new concern
will be called the Federal Sewer Pipe
-omt.nv and will have a of
$25,000,000, half of which is to be 7'
: nor cent preferred stock and half com- i
1 mon stock. Of each class of stock $10,- j
; 730,0000 is to be presently issued
Louisville, Ky.-A deed was filed In
j uie county clerk s office today from
' Dennis Lonir i Co. of Louisville to the
Tnited States Castiron ripe and Foun-
d,-v comoanv nf r'.nrlintrton. N. J..
wauk-, representing the American
Malting company, is in Louisville and
has na1 talks w ith several of the cm-
Cials of the Kentucky Distilling itnd
Warehouse company. It Is said that
the American Malting company has se-
cured the contract to furnish the whls-
ky combine with malt. It was also stat-
pany: Kelson County. J. J. Ripley, Com-
mnnn.,,9l,h. j. o. Matting?. E. L.
j Mies New Hope. William Tarr, John
Cochran, Latonia and Warwick.
j . .
j The War of Conquest, Adds Strange
Laurels to Amer.canArms.
The following press dispatch, copied
At. n a f t Via CrT Q VlQ T3ff Of
1 recent date. Is food for thought for
Americans to ponder over:
The country between Marllao and
Manila presents a picture of desola
tion. Smoke is curling from hundreds
af sh heaps, and the remains of fences
and trees torn by shrapnel are to be
seen everywhere. The general appear
ance of the country is as If It had been
wept by a cyclone. The roads are
strewn with furniture and clothing
flropped in flight ty the Filipinos. The
nly persons remaining behind are a
Tew aged persons, too Infirm to escape,
Ihey camp beside the ruins of their
former homes and beg passers-by for
iny kind of assistance. The majority
5f them are living on the generosity of
I ur soldiers, who give them portions of
:helr rations. The dogs of the Filipinos
:ower In the bush's, still terrified and
barking, while hundreds are pigs are to
Bodies of dead Filipinos are stranded
n the shallows of the river or are rest-
us in the Jungle, where they crawled
. . . . .
to die,' or were left in the wake of the
lurrledly retreating army. These bodies
?lve forth a horrible odor, but there Is
so time at present to bury them.
The inhabitants who fled from Marl
ao and Micauayan left In such a panic
:hat on tables our soldiers found spread
money and valuables, and in the rooms
R-ere trunks containing other property
f value. This was the case in most
jf the houses deserted. They were not
molested by our soldiers, but the Chi
nese who slip In between the armies
re looting where they can and have
taken possession of several houses,
over which they raised Chinese flags,
3ome of which were torn down.
An old woman was found in a house
at Micauayan who had just died, ap
parently of fright and hunger.
"Walt Awhile," a railroad station In
New South Wales, has just won a fight
to retain its name, which the railroad
company wished to change.
A Belfast (Me.) man prizes as one of
is most valued possessions a map ot
th world which was executed by Ms
auri" when a schoolgirl in 1329. It Is
a. fint piece of work and attracts gen
eral ncce.
The expense of running an AtlUntio j ing
Iteamer fo." three years exceeds th cost I
The smallest flower known fo tha hnu
botanist is said N be that of tttl yeast I lng.
At Blrkln, near Ferrybridge iglancL
the other day, a plow c-me iijitccontact
with a stone coffin covered with a
tone lid, and containing r-tfron bonea.
The coffin is 7 feet 6 inche 'g. 3 fee
rtMa mm. A V. .1 J . .... I
" Diun iu m . UUCk. I tun,
Ie weigh nearly two tonJ. I f"J
1 fT
J .
- (
Adjutant General Gives Information
About Nebraska P.'elatives.
Lincoln, Neb.. March 29. Adjutant
General Barry has sent to the head-
J quarters, department of Missouri, In-
formation as to the desire of relatives
of deceased soldiers of the First Ne
braska Interred at Manila, p. I., or Hon
olulu, In rply to a h-tter statin,- that
the government would forward the re
mains of these soldiers In sealed cas
kets to the parents or relatives of thf
deceased. In this communication th
adjutant general gives the following:
Names of thf members of the First
Nebraska killed in battle and died of
disease Interred at Manila. P., I., and
Honolulu, rind wishes of nearest rela
tives as to their interment:
Charles O. I iallemror. private, rnmil
ny L, body to be forw.-udfd to Mrs. (.
W. Balleng'-r, 2'J2 North Twenty-first
street, Omaha.
Raphael C. Ma her, private company
E. Catharine Anderson, Valparaiso,
Harry C Fisk, private, company D,
I Mrs. N. M. Fisk. Adams, Neb.
Julius (I. Miller, private, company C,
Mr. O. C. Miller, Arapahoe, Neb.
Frederick J. Pogler, private, company
I, Mr. H. J. Pepier, Palmyra, Neb.
William J. Evans, sere-cant, company
C, Mr. C. I. Evans. 1j20 High street,
Beatrice, Neb.
Robert W. Kells, private, company L,
Leslie E. Kells. 405 North Twenty-
i fourth street. South Omaha. VpIi .
I George W. Nelman private, company
: G, Henry Neiman, Junction City, Kan
1 Theodore Larson, private, company
! - s- Larson, Coming, la.
I Edward II. Day, private, company A
I A. J. Day, York, Neb.
Fred Taylor, private, company L.
Mrs. N. M. Hitchcock, Omaha. Neb.
1 Alfred J. Erisman, private, compan
! I, Jacob Erisman, Hickman. Neb.
j William P. Lewis, private, compan
I E, B. F. Brown, clerk of district cour
j Osceola, Neb. ;
Elmer B. Wampler, private, compan
A, Mrs. G. F. Gold. HIghmore, S. D
care of James Humphrey. I
John S. Alley, private, company 2
S. D. Alley, Madeira, Cal.
Arthur C. Sims, private, company '.
i Erwin W. Sims, Madison, Neb.
j Guy C. Walker, private, company
I Benjamin F. Walker, 622 Main strife
Davenport, Ia.
Henry Guy Livingstone, private, cor
pany M, Mrs. A. M. Llvingstons.Platt
mouth. Neb.
John Black, private, company B, Sar
uel Black. MlUerstown, Pa.
Homer F. Seeley, hospital corps, Mr
Ann Seeley, Care J. N. Hiller & So
funeral directors and embalmers, San
Barbara. Cal.
Gustave Edlund. private, company 1
Charles Blixt. Wahoo. Neb. ,
Walter Hogue. private, company C
J. A. Hogue, Milligan. Neb.
The Sowing of Alfalfa.
The subject of alfalfa growing Is nov
having its annual inquiries and discus
sions as to the best method of seedim
and preparation of ground to get 1
successful start. There Is no difficult
In getting alfalfa to grow in Nebrask
other than is found in the growing c
red clover. The main matter of re
quirement is to have the ground we
plowed and the surface thoroughly pu
verlzed by repeated harrowlngs. Th5
previous preparation of seed bed is rec
ommended by all alfalfa growers. It f
true some excellent stands of alfalf
have been secured where the groun
was not plowed at all. the fao
being well cut with a disc harro... tl'
seed sown broadcast and harrowed i
This, however. Is not a safe method f
seeding, and the results cannot t
counted upon as certain.
There have been more failures r
corded In late sowing than In the eari
seeding, consequently the majority ;
practical alfalfa growers are advlsi
that seeding be commenced as ear
in April as the ground can be put
proper condition and evidences of
genuine opening up of spring are prj
ent. The taking of chances of dam!)
from late spring frosts Is not reganj
as so much of a risk as the later se
ing, where the tender plant comes?
contact with the hot, drying influx",
of the winds of the latter part of Mr "
The rst ten days or two weeks all
the aitlfa plant makes its appearar
is the iYltical Period of its life. Iff
Kt-ts snf'gfy rooted it will then stand
great dil1 of drouth Influence, a,
make a Ia' growth. In this respi
it is notlldlfrerent from th tame a-
cultivn grasses in general.
The besi'
pian ior sow ing is yet a m
ter of oni
ion mat is not fullv sett
Iany sow!
broadcast by hand and i
a drag or 1
arrow, ana are satisfied w)
results- l ner" . U8e lne grass see
attachrn-n. N W1-ln a pra,n drt. a
find no rQC n complain. Some ft
with oats or
?g wheat. The cov
'.ve from the pri
tlng In the wh
t, and very sat
rted. It is bi
ed some cov
pth is injurll
A failure, as I
drill followin
- . ire.sults t
but'too f!'!
oftn 1. .1 "
Is used and i
permit the si
"oiance whon .
drop down to th
ttom of the tu
1 ;
jovered by cr
the seeds
,he surface.
hen intelllre
-aiia is a suco
used In select
anrt i,,j,n.,!
table neither af
the 'nr
season conditli
df.. y lhe "'sr. t
facing or harro
Quent, d ,