Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 23, 1898, Image 1

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(Published ia two parts Part One, Wednesday, and Part Two, Saturday.)
Vol. XVII. No. 58.
$1.50 Per Year.
Spain Mast Make Her Decision
for Peace or War.
Taaldea McKlnUy; and Hta. Ad1s)
r lnml j Belt) tb Auw.r JwllI
ba For F
Washington. Ner. 22. Spain will
decide tomorrow whether she wants
peace or war. Judge Day eabled this
morning that the Spanish commis
sioners will give their answer on
President McKinley and his advisers
believe their decision will be for peace.
count will be charged against the fu
ture Cuban republic and be reimbursed
ty that government. This coarse was
followed in similar cases in the South
American republics which, after their
Independence was acknowledged, paid
all claims of American citizens that
accrued daring their revolutionary
The point will be made that though
Cuban Independence was not acknowl
edged when the revolution started in
February, 1895, yet the Cuban insur
gents claimed to be independent and
therefore assumed responsibility for
the preservation of order and of the
rights' of foreigners.
Had Bryan been nominated for gov
ernor as many of the safest leaders
tw-t.ti.- o t t I nrirMl thA it.f. vniilil h mvm o trn thn I '
-iu.tu0m.woo. -.--." an aaertion. I do not even
iu.ivu iviuca mjtvw ui.juitti auu luo
Deollaaa HailnsM Offer- Which
Tk Him Oat of the Htato.
Omaha Bee.
Madison, Neb., Nov. 19. To the
Editor of The Bee: I regret that I am
compelled to contradict certain post
election statements made in the Ne
braska republican press and repeated
in the-east. I had hoped that after
the election I would be free from mis
representation from any source. I de
sire to acknowledge my indebtedness
to The Bee for fair treatment during
my official life and I want to contra
dict a statement made in a Bee dis
patch from Norfolk, appearing in yes
terday's issue, to the effect that it was
my intention to remove from my pres
ent home and that 1 had been ten
dered the position of general solicitor
of an eastern railroad. The statement
is a mere matter of imagination of the
correspondent. I have said or done
noHiing to indicate the truthfulness
Harry Thomas Sells his
Section Farm.
A Sal Involrlnc Sixteen Dollar
Mad. la a Ww Momenta Took the
Sharlft for Con Man .
ers will agree to all of the terms laid
down by the United States, with the
possible exception that they may ask
for the payment of more than 120,-
This sum, however, will not be in
creased. The terms, as offered yester
day, constituted the ultimatum of the
United Mates. If not already fully
understood by the Spaniards this fact
will be made plain at tomorrow's ses
sion, and it is the opinion of the Wash
ington administration that, to all In
tents and purposes, that session will
be the daal one.
It is not believed probable that
through a strained sense of honor the
Spaniards will relinquish the Philip
pines and refuse to aocept the money
that the United States offers.
A considerable portion of the t20,
000,000 which the United States pro
poses to give to Spain will be in pay
ment for the island of Ualan In the
Carolines. This Is the largest and
principal island of the group. It is ex
ceedingly fertile and well wooded, and
contains hills ranging to a height of
2.000 feet, thus affording a variety of
climate. The remainder of the money
is to reimburse Spain for the public
Improvements that she has made In
the Philippine archipelago.
President McKinley would not be sur
prised if Senor Montero Rios, the pres
ident of the Spanish commission,
should resign at tomorrow's session.
From information be has received, he
regards this as a probable political
move on the part of Senor Rios, but he
does not believe that this step.if taken,
will prevent the other four Spanish
commissioners from signing a peace
treaty with the United States.
Senor Montero Rios Is the principal
legislature would have been over
whelmingly of the same political com
plexion. But it is too late now, to
more than call attention to the mis
take. .Let us profit by our mistakes.
then they may be turned to our ad
vantage. Crete Democrat.
John Stuart Mill says: "That the
ratio value of money would be pre
cisely that in which the quantity of
money had been increased. If the
whole money in circulation was
doubled, prices would be doubled. If
it was only increased one-fourth prices
would rise one-fourth. The very same
effect would be produced on prices if
we supposed the goods diminished in
stead of the money Increased; and the
contrary effect if the goods were in
creased or the money diminished . So
that the value ot money, other things
being the same, varies inversely as its
quantity, every increase of quantity
lowering the value (or purchasing
power.) and every diminution raising
it in a raiio exactly equivalent."
When Jenny Lind first sang in
Leipsic, she appeared ataOwanhaus
concert, under Mendelssohn's direc
tion. Naturally, there was a great
demand for tickets, despite the fact
that the prices were raised; it was
therefore decided that the students of
the Conservatorium must waive their
usual right to free admission to these
concerts. But the students objected
with vigor. They were as anxious as
anybody to hear the "Swedish Nightin
gale." A protest was made, and
young Otto Goldschmldt, aged 16, was
the student deputed by the others to
interview the authorities. In the end
be won the day. lie little thought
then that in half a dozen years he
would be equally successful in win
ning the singer herself.
ConTartlac tho Heathen.
We are going to annex the Philip
pines and Christianize the natives.
The good work has already com
menced. Milwaukee has already
political opponent of Senor Sagasta. If I shipped 489,000 bottles of beer to those J n never been clouded by any rnisun
theSazasta ministry should be over-1 benighted heathens. Aa soon as their I derstanding or jealousy. They have
knew who The Bee correspondent is
at that place.
It is my purpose to retain my home
at Madison, where It has been for
nearly fifteen years. I shall not cease
to be a resident of this state. I like
the state and its people and I have
friendships and relations that I could
not find it In my heart to dissolve or
abandon. I have not been tendered
the solicitorship of any railroad com
pany, although I have been offered
flattering business engagements that
would take me out of Nebraska and I
have, therefore, declined them. Just
what my future will be in a business
way cannot be determined at this
time, but will be before the close of
my term in Ibe senate.
The State Journal has set afloat a
eport that there was an estrangement
between Colonel Bryan and myself.
This is also pure fiction. There is
nothing upon which to base the asser
tion. The wish is evidently father of
the thought. The personal and polit
ical relations of Colonel Bryan and
myself have been of a very friendly
character. I recognize in him one of
the greatest living American states
men. I have desired to see him ad
vanced to the presidency. I have not
at any time prior to, or since his nom
ination at St. Louis by the populist
national convention, had any talk or
communication with him on the sub
ject of his candidacy and this remains
true to this hour. .Whether be will be
a candidate in 1900 is to me un
known. It has never been the sub
ject of conversation or communic ation
between us, I have not, as the State
Journal says, pledged myself to him.
He has never asked me and I have
never volunteered to do so, bat if be
desires the nomination I will do all I
can to secure it for him. What I did
say to the reporter of the State Jour
nal is this and nothing more, that if
Colonel Bryan desired the fusion nom
ination for the presidency In 1900 I
would support him. This is my
present feeling and I shall not change.
Our personal and political friendship
One of the biggest real estate trans
actions, and one of the quickest on
record, occurred In Cass county last
week, when - a ' gentleman named
Hunter, a son-in-law of John Boch,
the well known farmer, became the
purchaser of a 116,000 farm.
Mr. Hunter is one of the successful
stockmen of Wyoming, who has made
a fortune in raising cattle. He ar
rived here last week for a visit with
relatives, and the other day, while
talking with Harry Thomas, at the
latter's farm, about four miles west of
town, he Incidentally asked him how
much he would take for his place.
"Fifty dollars an acre," replied Mr.
Thomas, little dreaming that his
friend really Intended to make the
purchase. "All right; I'll bu your
farm at that figure" Laid Mr. Hunter,
and in a few minutes the deal was
Mr. Thomas' farm, which adjoins
County Coommissioner Palter's, con
sists of 320 acres, and the land is con
sidered some of the very best in Cass
The ameant involved in the trans
action was . f 16,000, and shows that
Cass county farm land can't be beat.
Thought Ho Waa a "Con" Man.
"Billy" Wheeler has had several
very funny experiences during his
official career as sheriff of Cass county.
The other day be went out to Green
wood precinct fo appraise some land,
which Is to be sold at sheriff's sale. It
is necessary to have the appraisement
made by two disinterested parties.and
"Billy" called upon an old gentleman
residing In that vicinity and requested
him to act In thatjsapacity, having al
ready second oneappra!ser. The old
gentleman had never met the sheriff
before, and it required considerable
coaxing to induce him to make the ap
praisement. He finally did, however,
but when "Billy" informed him that
he must sign his name to- the paper,
he became very suspicious. Visious
of high-priced lightning rod and
promissory notes seemed to flash
through the old fanner's mind, as he
closely eyed the sheriff for several
minutes, without saying a word.
"Billy" returned his gaze unflinch
ingly, and the farmer, after carefully
reading over all the papers, concluded
that he was not dealing with a "con"
man, and signed the document.
The sheriff then handed him the
three-dollar fee and drove away.
n Bam?
turned as a result of the acceptance of
the peace terms of the United States,
Senor Montero Rios, as the leader of
the opposition, will probably take his
place, in which case he would take care
to reward his four conferees on the
commission. It would not surprise
President McKinley and some of bis
cabinet to learn that there Is already
an agreement among the Spanish com
missioners to carry out this program.
If the American terms are not ac
cepted in toll by next Monday the
president has already made np his
mind to recall the Ameriean commis
sioners, placing the responsibility for
the cessation of the peace negotiations
upon Spain.
Under the terms offered the United
States agrees to assume the claims of
American citizens against Spain for
the destruction of property, illegal ex
pulsions and deprivation of rights. To
determine the validity of these claims.
the president will appoint an Amer
ican commission to which such claims
will be referred.
There irjjluw on file in the state de
partment jZjjnt against Spain aggre
gating afyrfT 125.000,000, all of which
come fi.Ttnsr residents or prop-
tbem Is
claimed dam-
pain of for the
husband. Dr. Raiz , in a
;.unnr peculiarly .brutal
heads grow happy and their hearts
become soft under the benign in
fluence of the beer, we can send them
some missionaries and Bibles. Eng
land converts its heathen subjects
with rum and rifles, but we will try to
save our heathen with beer and Bibles.
If the beer doesn't work right and
they refuse to read the Bibles, then we
too will have to apply the rifle remedy
as we did with the American Indian.
We had no trouble in converting them
bnt we had to kill them first. Central
City Democrat.
ertifH4ttoCaD- Among
tbj-opli fcRuiz, who clalme
Am God Intended .
"Iam not going to make silver
speech," said Champ Clark. "I have
not time enough. I never laid any
great claim to practical piety, but I
do believe, as firmly as any man that
ever lived.iii an overruling providence,
and I believe that when God created
this world He did nothing in vain,and
when He gave us more gold and silver
than He gave to anybody else on the
face ef the earth He intended ns to
nse it. And yet here we are, the
strongest nation on the globe, with
75,000,000 people, with illimitable re
sources, and we sit down pusillani a lot of ' idiots, and say
that we are not going to coin our sil
ver until we get the consent of every
little eight by ten kingdom in Europe,
some of them not as big as the Dis
trict of Columbia; and in doing that
we are acting with just about as mueb
sense, and not one whit more, than
the man who would sit down on the
banks of the Mississippi river and die
of thirst, refusing to drink of its re
freshing waters because the inhab
itants of the African desert 'can not
come and drink with him.
been of the most pleasant character
and they will remain so. There is no
jealousy in my nature nor in bis and
believing aa I do that he is the best
equipped man in public life today to
administer the affairs of the govern
ment as I believe they should be ad
ministered." I will be for bim on that
ground and I may add that I will be
proud also to see a Nebraska chief
magistrate of this nation. I have no
such ambition myself. I would not
accept the nomination if it were
unanimously tendered rae. I have no
desire for the position. I shall be con
tented in pursuing the even tenor of
my way as a citizen of the state, hop
ing to be able to advance the welfare
of onr commonwealth, but I shall not
fail to do all I can to make successful
the political principles to which I have
given years of attention and to which
I shall give the remaing years of my
life. Very respectfully yours.
William V. Allen.
Liquor Dealers Will Meet Here.
The next annual convention of the
Nebraska Retail Liquor dealers will
be held in Plattsmouth. next Mav.
The convention was secured for this
city through the efforts of John
Mumm, who attended the meeting at
Lincoln last week. Mr. Mumm re
ports that the association has some
400 members, and be has every reason
to believe that nearly all will be pres
ent at the meeting next May.
A committee of local saloon men
has already commenced preparations
for the entertainment of the visitors,
and a splendid program of sports will
conclude the session, which will prob
ably last two or three days.
Will the B. St M. Let fl
Judge M. L. Hay ward of Nebraska
City, late republican candidal for
governor of Nebraska, arrived In the
city late last evening and is stopping
at the Millard. To a representative
of The World-Herald he said that he
had not publicly or officially an
nounced his candidacy for the United
States senate, but in reply to a direct
question on that point he declared:
"Yes. I am a - candidate, and I
really think that I deserve well at the
hands of the party. I am a candidate
for the position of United States sena
tor from Nebraska, and if The World
Herald announcea my candidacy it
will be the first paper to which I have
made the announcement." World-
The Way to so to California
Is in a tourist sleeping car personally
conducted via the Burlington Route.
You don't change cars. You make
fast time. You see the finest scenery
on the globe.
Your car is not, so. expensively fin
ished nor so fine to look at as a palace
sleeper, but it is just as clean, just as
comfortable, just as good to ride in,
and nearly 820 cheaper.
The Burlington excursions leave
every Thursday, reaching San Francis
co Sunday and JjOS Angelos Monday.
Porter with each car. Excursion man
ager with each party. For folder giv
ing full information, call at nearest
B. & M. R. depot or write to J. Fran
cis, general passenger agent, Omaha,
Neb. '
George Sayles came in from Cedar
Half- i reek aat Saturday.
Have you seen Joa & Frank's large
and migaificsut stock of underwear?
Joe & Frank, the People's Clothiers,
ire offering special bargains in under
wear. Sheriff Wheeler went out to South
Bend last evening to serve some sub
poenaes. Boarders Wanted at the Bur
lington House. Best of accommoda
tions, 306 South Third street.
Tom Smith, a farmer living down
near ltock .Bluffs, was kicked by a
hcrse a few days ago and quite
severely injured.
It is a well-known fact that Joe &
Frank are selling more overcoats for
less money than same q ialitycan be
bought for any place else in Cass Co.
The Methodist church has just been
given a neat coat of white paint, and
now looks like a new edifice. The in
terior has also been considerably im
The trouble over the "Buds" cigar
label has been satisfactorily adjusted,
and Mr. Pepperberg has again placed
his famous five-cent smoke on the
James Burnett of May wood. Neb.,
is visiting relatives in this city and
vicinity. Mr. Burnett is a former Cass
county farmer, and is a son-in-!aw of
Elias Sage.
Ed Murphy, who has been railroad
ing up at Sheridan, Wyo., is visiting
friends in this city. Ed expects to go
into the stock raising business in Utah
or Nevada in a short time.
J.I. Unruh has made a large pur
chase of iron bedsteads, springs, mat
tresses and pillows, and is selling a
complete outfit for $1 98. This is the
biggest bargain ever shown in Platts
A white enameled iron bedstead
with brass trimmings, a woven wire
spring, cotton-top mattress and pair
of pillows, all for $4 98 at J. I.
Unruh's. Take advantage of this
If you want a pint, quart or gallon
of strictly pure whisky, don't buy it of
Kansas City fakirs, but go direct to
Ed Donat of Plattsmouth and buy it
of him. He gets his whisky direct
from the U.S. bonded warehouses.
The seven-year-old daughter of a
woman named Mrs. Crissman died in
this city Sunday evening, after a brief
illness with typhoid fever. The family
is in destitute circumstances, and has
been getting assistance from the
county for some time.
J. I. Unruh, Plattsmouth's 'enter
prising furniture dealer, has just re
ceived a large invoice of Turkish
couches, on which he will make
special prices next week. See the
stock and get his prices. They will
surprise you.
R. C. Grantber, a member of the
Masonic fraternity at Marsailles, Ills.,
died last Saturday at the home of R.
J. Adams, down near Murray. The
Masons of this city were notified, and
made the necessary arrangements for
the funeral of the deceased brother
The remains were shipped to Mar
sailles last Sunday afternoon.
Myron Wheeler has been appointed
referee and has also been designated
to take the testimony in the case of
William Hawke against Charles
Smith, Fred Smith and John C. Wat
eon, a celebrated will case from Ne
braska City. The appointment comes
from federal court in which the case
now is. Mr. Wheeler will Bimpiy take
the evidence and report the same back
to the court. Lincoln Journal.
A good corn husker can make pretty
fair wages in Cass county this season,
at prevailing prices farmers paying
two cents per bushel and board. Sher
iff Wheeler reports that one man who
is employed on his farm shucked 2,600
bushels of corn during the past month,
San Francisco.
fL,lTTS)ll)TK, III.
Depot, cor Mnln ad Second t
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St. Louis, and
all points east
and south.
All points west.
No. 1. Chicago-Denver express 11:18 pm
Nu jo. Local express, dally, St. Joe,
Kalis City, st Louis, all
DOlQta BOUIU 9:44 am
No 4. Local ezp, daily, Burlington,
Chicago, all points eaxt 10:21 am
No 14. Local exp, daily except bun
day, arnvea 9.3 am
No. 9. Cresion-Oniaha local lO.oyaia
No. 27. St. Louls-St. Joe Omaha local lorfx pm
o. 'M. uuuniia si. joe si. iaiuib exp.. a:zv pui
o. io. uuiana-c-reston local 4:JUpm
o i. tocai exp, aauy except sun
day, Pacific Junction 13:36pm
No 30. Freigni, aauy except suuaay,
Pacific Junction 2:50 pm
.o H. umana ana west uy trie way or
Council Muffs, arv 0:15 pm
Jio 12. Local ex, aauy, si ioe, ivausas
City, St Louis. Chicago, all
points east and south B:25 pm
No 5. Local exp, dally, Omana, Lin
coln. Denver and intermedi
ate utations 7:3V am
No 29. Local freight, dally, ex Sunday
CedarCreek, Louisville, South
Bend 7:41 am
No 7. Fast mail, daily, Omaha and
Lincoln; SuuuayOmaha only 2:22 pm
No 3. veatlbuied exp, aauy, Denver
and all points in Colorado,
Utah and California, Grand
Island. Black Hills. Montana
and Pacific N. W 3:43 pm
.no 13. Local exp, aauy exceptsunaay
Louisville, Ashland, Wahoo.
Schuyler 4:00 pm
no ii. jLocaiexp.aauyexceptsunaay
Omaha and Lincoln; Sunday
Omaha only ... 5 :00 pm
.no. 6. Chicago 7:l am
Sleeping, dining and recllnifigcnalrcara(seata
free) on through trains. Tickets sold and bag
gage checked to any point In the United Stales
or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and tickets
call or write to
W. L. PICKETT, Agent.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
J. FRANCES, Gen. Pass. Agt.,
Omaha, Neb.
Wiiitebreast Coal Yard
, Lincoln Avenue and
Marble Streets,
Large Supply of All the
Including the Famous
Missouri, Illinois,
Jackson Hill and
Cannon City Lump,
Always on hand AIko a quantity of cheaper
Grades of NUT COAL.
lAY. Wood
All orders promptly delivered to anr ia t
of the city. Leave orders at gro
cery store of A. II. Weckbach 4 Co.
J Plattsmouth L
Manufacturers of . . .
Mineral and
Soda Waters.
.. .All kinds of . ..
..Local Agent..
Krng Brewing Co.
Schlitz Bottled Beer.
Goods Delivered to any part of the
city without extra charge.
l I i n-it, Flsttimsoth N,
Uncle Sam's New
Scarf Pin.
the'Tearl of the Antilles." Pleases
him immensely. We have scarf pins'
riDgs, lace pins, chatelaines, and other
novelties that are made from band-
some combinations of jewels in beau
tiful designs and attractive effects
that are suitable for birthday and
holiday Rifts. Special Inducements in
Jewelers and Opticians.
Nebras' a
Successor to Smith Jt Panne le
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Fine Billiard and Pool Tables
Elite Saloon,
ED DONAT, Prop.,
The Celebrated A tr-Busch
Beer on draught, and a full
line of the finest
Wines and Liquors
And Union-Made Cigars con
stantly on hand.
Fine Bottled Goods a Specialty.
From 0 to 11 o'clock every morning.
South Sid Main Street,
olssionln cob'dering claims
tin only tbosen which the
riean citizens -n(itne
r JLf tue claimant bet
ZXL nt. and Spain.
, 0iaTaS6me,lt for settlement or elae I promises
c tiable that any toon ej Ij, cm mlU b aold. By order of I warming
Motto to Taxpayers.
The county commissioners will be In
session after this date until all delin
quent taxea in this county will be dis
posed of . Every one who ia baokis
requested to call at once and make ar-
Some time ago a number of Jour
nalj readers agreed to square up their
subscription aecounts with wood.
Now, if thesepeople expect the editor
to maintain his high opinion-of their
veracity, they will immediately "sight
him" with the promised fuel. Mere
don't go very far towards
a person's shoes these frosty
BwNt Springs Br.
This is the brand of whiskey which
has received the first prize at every ex
position In the United States and with
an eye for everything that is good and
pure, Ed Donat has secured this
brand of whiskey from the Sweet
Springs Distillery Co. of Owensboro,
Ky., exclusively and he is getting
every barrel direct from the TJ. S- gov
ernment warehouse, which insures him
a strictly pure article, to you oan keep
it In your house for medicinal, as well
as for all other purposes.
"Had) Ct
America's finest America's best, fo
6 oenta. ' ""
for which he received $52 and his Plattsmoutll,
board. This man is an unusually
swift shocker, however, and averaged
a Utile over 100 bushels in twenty-five
working days.
Rev. Thornton K. Tyson, who is
carrying on a series of meetings at
the Baptist church In South 1'ark, this
city, is a man who has made a pro
nounced success in the pulpit, having
been successful in the building up of
several large congregations in this
state notably one at Valparaiso and
another at Syracuse. He is a man of
slow speech and of the most unpreten
tious appearance. He came from the
common walks of life, was reared in
western Iowa, was self-educated, was
a soldier of the union In the war of
the rebellion. As a boj he served an
apprenticeship in a printing office, and
foryears after the war worked at the
case as a type-setter. Since entering
the ministry his chief, elements of
strength has been his unassuming
honesty and his undoubted sincerity
and great earnestness. Tbk Journal
takes pleasure in commending him to
the good opinion of the Baptists and
other good people of the city,' and
with him every success in his work.
Manufactured by
Columbus, Olil-.
To all Suffering
Men and Women ! 1
TTDrKH 1 ftT H iKKOAi) TlPCX! FC the most marvelou remedy eer produced for
llKlijU LlOl illAmlUUV VAr3LLLO!.eninc and toning up loss of llntin and
? Nmr 1'cwer. It ill P''''ve'y rettnre Idem
to a healthy utid happy conditio. Donat consider when you are lotini? ticsli, form t ever t!.m.
when you are grain; thinner, jm seem fatigued, have pain in your back, your lei : ,
your inlnd knows all about it you ar wasting aay aeauaUIy ad you irtl .1- iio'i;h
were a burden to yeu. lo aot despair, as anr Car'tiie never fail to cm r ev-i) .
Turkish Loat Manhood Capsule will positively retore you to a l.r..i;i y 1 nn.i'tion. N f.
only do we say so. but will rctura the mosey in every case wbere it doe nut lu'iv turt Of
course, one bu will nut cure a severe cane, but six bote will cure any ce. Kem. mljer if it
does net cure, your money is returned, an von lose notuii'X. V e gusibit'r to bring ye to a
healthy rendition, both mentally and physically, as you i-r ever in yout life. . A ' "
for six bosea. so as ta be able to continue nutil all are u-.-d up Of Unaraslre ts U Cere Weak
Mcawry. Seaiiaal Weakeus. Nifbt Lasses. Lest Maakeea, Evil Drsaai. Lass mi rawer ucaerailv Urjaas.
caasatf by Veathfal Errars ar Ovcriaaalceace la Tahacca, Llsaar r Osisai Habit. .
Fliu. Tsiai hint, ta-OO.with writtM Guarantee, Simolb Uoiij, I.UO, (00 printing aa outsid-
Turkish Taasyr ! Fanay-
il Pills, a poMiv remedy for
brragicg ea aaonthl; maustrua
tiosv a Gadseud far married women,
(vary waasai- ought to bave a bos
Or two on band a aato avoid diaap
Matajtaasot anJ delay. Never
faaas; sura to the day. tl.00 Psa
Mtfc aaf Paraasi Sta. OMASA. NES.
JlllLFVlU TTViMLUl we be.
. lira I I y
and without ain as not. TurMh
Female loalr, a positive 1 1:1c u f
Female Weakness, Suppress n of
Menses, Inflammation of the Womb
or Ovaries, I'rrtu-e or Fainful Men
struation. I Ii ci ;iti a of the Womb.
Falliuir of ll-e Vct11b. C linntie of
Life, Kidney or BUdder Troubles liciiii'g. I i urrhu a
aad the only reine.1v tliat wni cure NervUMiens,
Sick ticadacke ani Hysterics si common 1 Wcuicu.
Two Hoitii' TaaaTMiaT ar Mali, vaa (S.M.
r 1
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