w r 1 v 7 i a v ODD; FIG H.T; I N TEXAS. :. 1 7 ' f r : ' ' a. About, as exciting: a battle as was ever witnessed occurred on the Joe Spangler ranch. In .TexasJ a jew days ago. says the New YorkVSiin., The cow boys of the Spangler. ranch had three full-grown bears.' captured. at one time or other .in the Santiago, mountains. The bears wandered about the ranch and stables, eternally in some mischief. but nobody feared them, as they wer always good-humored . . and v .playfu Over at Tom Ray ranch, near Los Chi so8. the boys owned a 2-year-old Mex lean lion., or panther. That sort of pe will always become dangerous by th time it Is 2 years old. and this partlcula" one was about the meanest lion eve caught , in that section, and the" boy of the Tom Ray concluded to fight him If a battle could be arranged, with the bears of Spangler. Befure arrangements could be made Mexican Pepe, a hunter for Spangle ranch, discovered a den of peccaries or wild Mexican hogs, as they are call ed in Texas. There's no animal on top of ground more unconquerable than a peccary. They are small, round-bodied yellowish brown animals, about the sizelereased force of peccaries. For fully a of a quarter-grown hog. They are cov- ered with coarse bristles, the ridge down the back and along the neck be- Ing often five or six Inches long. They srort lone, curved sclmetar-llke tusks . sham as knifeblades. and their disposl- tlor.s are devilish. They are tailless. There's no animal known which will face them voluntarily.. The band dis- ... ... . covered by Pepe r.ad ror.tts neaaquar- ters a cave in a foothill of the moun- tains. Thp mouth of the cave was Ies" than two feet In-diameter, but the Tv Itself was 'fullv forty feet wide and sixty feet long Pepe was hunting at the time, and the musky odor of the peccaries-betrayed them.' Luckily 'for Pepe. the band most have Just returnee" home from some excursion. . as t they were leeD at the time.v 'and beforp they woke.UD Pepe had corked up tb entrance to the cave with rocks, which were thlcklv strewn about. When Pere returned to the ranch am' to'd his story the cowboys proposed battle royal. Thev sent word to Tor" Ray ranch and the cowhov of thj' ranch broueht over the Mexican Hon Meanwhile the bov had built .a henvv rail fence about 100 feet sqnare and 1r feet hlsh about the cave. The n" morning there were fifty cowbovs n the Tom Ray ranch, as many more fro- the Rockett " ranch and nearly 100 v the Span-'er ranh bovs gathered to gether. The rroun-1 within the Inclosure was cleared of evf-rv obt,, except four eoo.1-sl7ed slnWins. to e of which a bar or panther was chain" with a twentv-foot chain. Fach ef th stumps had tin squared off three fee above the eTound. t lo'dork al! was readv for th battle excerpt the nccar1es. Th ps" of the work was oVlMted to Red.TIm an Tndlan cowbov of Soansler wih th- betting st 2 to 1 thnt Jim would J ntnrd bfo-e he could e"t out of rear- of te Infuriated rwcftrlea... Itnt. Jl Irnotr hi binss. 7Te first rolled ston- and nlaco them sevral feet from t" month of the cav to import- the hm oitTrt thev eet out too oulckly for hi" Then h slinped lariat amnnd the bl stone which corke. un the mouth o th cave. Perptine fifteen or tT-nt-- ftct he eave the lartat ft 'trrvr null an'' cnt ran-. a stmam of raeine wH-J bcr. Thev d'dn't ratch .Tim. hut th' came clrfe ennneh in sprlnr at h'" boels as he s-ale th fence. Then fn'l jno mad anfl nanntne nccitrlm Mnc a TTtmit nnd tonked arounfl. Tn frn fortv or fiftv fet awav. we- thr h I hear and a Mexican lion. Most reon would think that such a seht woi have scared the peccaries, but It nothing of the sort. On the contn' the bears and the lion beean to dtsnl" slns of uneasiness. .The bears qulckl' climbed to the top of 4he tree stumn too potomaky, I might say. having to which they were chained, and the usetj jt tn my family for washing. Hon souatted and showed Its teeth. " drinking and plastering purposes for Rettine was about even. Bronchos many years." saddles, brfdlesr "Wfnchecfer!. and cow- ..j-guess you're all right.-said the boys' possessions of all sort went un policeman, changing the subject, on the result.' until the ground was cov- ..j don-t think. I am." confessed the ered with riles of traps , The peccarie" man frankly. "In fact. I know I am didn't1 wait, but with a general squeak not jjy wjfe anj t were Just discuss of raee charged their 'adversaries: ; In lng that point - before I came down souads of something like equal num - bers they attacked each near and the Uon. and then followed a fight to the aeam. j ne ucars win. a.i feet on eacn stump, and as me pec- caries sprang at them they strucK out right and left, knocking tne pugnacious i brutes yards away. Half a dozen pec- ceries had received severe injuries rrom i .tne ciaws and diows, ana 11 oegan io look like a win out tor tne Dears, wneni suddenly two 'of the 'wild hogs sprang j up behind one of the bears wnne nis at tention was attracted in ironi, ana in a second they had severely' nipped him in the near. Turning tor quickly the bear slipped and feri from jiis Cedestat In a second there was a mass of red- dish brown bristles and rear fur mixed inextricably at the . fpot. of the stump. rolling, tumbling, grunting and squeak- Ing with rage and pain. Bruin man- aged to Tegafn hie ieet once and en- deavored to get back on the stump, but the peccaries would have none or It. They charged him In front, ripped him In the sides' and rear, and he fell back into tne w riming mass, a minute more and one bear was a lifeless, shapeless mass, with the yellow-brown ftends rip- Ping his hide Into ribbons and cracking his bones like pieces of glass. . , While this wascoing on the remain ing -bears Jf1 the lion., had their paws and Jaws r 1' of business. The bears still -afly torched on their- respective stumps. Vit were kept busy knocking off the Varies which were doing their levejn I o . dislodge them. , Half uioi'mse Lilt i ii. . nau u ;ying on their backs' dead, paper, mill in Montana will ected at Manhattan. In that material to be used In the .re Is the hlte barley straw the Gallatin -alley, thus utll- l.duct of the stie whlch bere ft gone to waste. e'plant win L one of Its kind l.the Tjnt as at present thei. are no dof 1 H .1 VT" 1U m lD,S r tn R""! .,( v.amoreUiani'" i " 7 v' ' t V V V !; ? T t t while others were Jumping: about, anc while badly wounded were yet mad an'" unconquerable as ever; while the bear? themselves had not escaped scot free" A. number of scarlet spots . on thei black hair, showed where the peccarie had left imprints of their sclmetar-llkc tusks. One of the, peccaries caugh a 'grip' on the hindquarters of one o' he bears and hung on like grim death The bear's foothold-was lost and he fel' iquarely Into the Jaws of the snapping nob below. Then followed anothei tattle on, the ground, with the bear un lerneath and the wilds hogs In a yellow oank above, snapping and struggling to ?et at their enemy. The bear began to work his hind feet and bodies' of wild hogs began to fly upward and out - ward, ripped from end to' end by the claws of the bear. The bear at last got on his feet and -backed up against the stump. lie sat there and beat the pec- caries away, knocking fully a dozen into kingdom come-before the hogs sue- ceeded In overcoming him. The 'ast living bear was now attack- d with roloubled fury and by an in- minute the battle raged, and the bear succeeded in wiping out at least nan a dozen peccaries. He bad no chance of ..u w. .u meraiiy lorn 10 snreas oy ne enmg peccaries. Meanwhile thirty or more of the pec- caries not mixed up in the fight with luc tllu" s I tho flolri trvlnsr to eret at the cowbovs -- - - on tne tmc or attacking tne Mexican 11 f sitn Tha Inn a II a rwil r rt tno linn ". bad. : thus ' far escaped serious ; injury,, having received only a few gashes from . ..EU.., .... - nveof the wild hogs were lying at the foot of the stump on which the panther . take" refuge. But as' the raging pec caries drew off ? from.' the dead bears they turned their attention to the lion, swarming about the stump four or five deep. The lion soon saw that with ene- mies jumping at him from all sides he could not much longer retain his posi tion. Suddenly, w ith . an ear-piercing scream, he sprang out and into the midst of the swarm of hogs, where. slashing right and left, he cut a swath, ripping open and killing a number be fore they recovered from their surprise. In a second the lion was out of the mass and back on the stump. Twice was the same feat performed. Each time the lion dashed downward, knock ing Mil alah!ne the life out of a Bum- her and then Jumping over their backs ut of reach, and It began to look as though it would end In his whipping the let and getting away without great damage; but when be sprang down the third time hi chain became entangled in the body of a dead peccary, and when he sprang up again to regain the stump the whole weight of the peccary checked his leap, and he fell to the cen ter cf the yellow mass. The peccaries rompletely covered every inch of the ion Jn a second, and In half a minute they had torn him Into pieces. ' War's Domestic Uses. The man was standing on the wharf at a point where he could see into the nohpellucid depths of the Potomac about two inches. He was gazing down Just as Intently, however, when the policeman spoke to him. -Well?" said the officer In that disa greeable questioning tone a policeman seems to think he has a right to as sume. "Thanks, yes," said the man with a wan smile, "about as well as could be eJtpected under the clrcumstaces." The officer wasn't expecting that kind Of an answer, and it threw him off his clew. , "I mean," he -stammered, "what are you looking in that water for?" "I'm not," smiles the man again. ."It's nere "Weii what are you doing here?" In- quired the policeman, quite as anxiously as he had TOade his first inquiry. ..j wag tninKing what a pity It was that the war. with Spain was over. -why, pity? Everybody's glad of It, I thought. rm not." "Why not?" ..Well. when there was a war, being a rgnt decent SOrt of a man that makes rattling good living for my wife, all I l naJ to Oo to Drjns ner out of her tantrums was to threaten to quit work and gQ to the front where the chances of gtaylng while a' widder woman was ,eft at horae to scrap along for herself and tour' small children couldn't be beat,''I aay. the war was the greatest domestic regulator on earth, but It couidnt iast r 0f course. It would have too mQch i;k, Xorva man like me. jj t airee, it had to qutt and now the i can do 3 to tell my wife where rm going and make a break for this neighborhood, at least three miles from" home, besides the publicity of it. Good- by gue rn be gclng back. If you anything of a scart woman charging arouna here ,n the course of the next half hour tell her I've gone home, will you, please?" and he moved slowly oft toward ' a street ar. - " - v- f" -- - Thre are hundreds of millionaires In Miss Winnie Davis was born, and wai Russia whose fortunes are in the shape regarded as part of the president's fam of vast domains containing gold and ily. He was chosen for the place be- ui luvaiuiiaui-; iiiw, ,uu -n v i have never been developed. I manufacture pulp and paper from the German barley straw. The Germans j export to this country annually upward I of 5.000 tons of straw pulp, on which they pay a tariff of S5 a ton, placing; It on the American market at 4 cents pound. Hawkins Is that Chaplain Mclntyre I a brainy man? he Is; they said on him the morn- i-awr nu lecuirt," ! YOONEEKS ANDWHIPPORWILU .('.Every' small boy's delight is to crawl under the edge of the circus tent and ee the show, without paying for it; It't ever so much a better performance than where one prosaically thumps iown a silver coin at a window and walks demurely in at the big front Joor.- Men are but small boys grown up. and even baseball "fans may be found who will declare that the game is far better witnessed from a neigh boring housetop than from the choicest seat in the grand stand. It has been the fortune (good or ill. according to one's point of view) of the young men and boys who have tried to obtain admission to the University I of Chicago athletic field without tick I ets or money to have been ' the direct J cause ' of the organization of an odd I corps of property defenders. This guard, which is known among the stu- I jents as "Foster's Yooneeks," consists of: a" lieutenants a sergeant and four I privates, and shortly before every game I they 'rendezvous in a shanty, where Lieutenant Foster or Sergeant O'Brien distributes the "firearms." Each wea pon consists of a piece of carefully se lected hickory stick, to which is at I (ached eight fet of one-inh rubber hose. lnd it a caned the "whipper-will." Whenever there Is to be a football eame played men and boys congregate 1Dout tne grounds several hours before (he gates are opened, and many of I them, by secreting themselves Inside. ty whittling holes In the fence, or by tnmblng over, attempt to see the game turnout, paying their respects to the I .tu ' . . i 1 - , i cuuu us mtr ?0 on auty they make a tnoroUgh I i m . K-arcn oi me possioie niaing places tbout, the field .and -unceremoniously lustle whomsoever they find but of the taie. une oi ine guaras was aimosi ared out of his hat last Saturday by 3ndingsix. boys concealed In a large .lugsneaa wn.cn naa oeen usea as a rarbage barrel by the woman who runs .he little restaurant on the grounds. The lads' had squeezed themselves in as tight as sardines and had covered the top of the barrel with a piece of oU I jarpet. but they neglected to tie their longues, betrayed themselves thereby. nj as a consequence endured their un pleasant confinement for naught. " After this prelimenary work Is done he "Yconeeks"' patrol the outskirts of '.he field and Invite those who mani 'est an intention of entering, as "Chrls tion" In "Pilgrim's Progress" ' saw formalist and Hs-pocrisy enter the larrow way, to desceni on the outside, it frequently happens that the would (e slght-seer simply ducks down be- lind the tops of the boards, and It Is :hen that the ' whipper-will" Is brought nto play. With an ominous swish the -ubber length goes over and taps the iricky youth, not gently, on the head. This fence, by the way. Is a frightful xample of the wh.ttler's art. Were It lot for the "whipper-wiMs" quite as arge an audience might be accommo dated outside as nslde the grounds, to numerous are the perforations. Pickled Fish on Trees. An Irish officer who has served at Malta was one day at a public dinner, expatiating on the luxurious living at Malta, he spoke particularly of the ex. .-ellent qualities cf the anchovies. He -ad never seen any of them anywhere .'Ise. He spoke of a grove cf them A-hich he had seer, growing in the gov rncr's garden upon the esplanade. A gentleman present disputed the state ment that anchovies grew on trees. The Irishman reaffirmed it most emphat cally. A challenge was given and ac cepted. At the first fire the Irishman's hot took effect in his opponent's thigh, he bail hitting the bone and causing luch a shock that the latter fell upen lis back. In such pain that he kicked Ms heels vigorously. "I' faith. Major." said the Irishman's econd. "you've hit your man, but I think not -dangerously, for see what Ively capers he is cutting." "Capers! Capers!" exclaimed the Ir shman with a start. "Oh, by the pow--is. what have I done! Bad luck to me forever for such a dreadful mistake!" And hastening to the side of his an tagonist, who had been raised to a itting posture, he grasped his hand. ayingp as he did so: s "My dear friend. I hope you're not tilled, and if I've harmed you seriously 1 11 ask your pardon forever, for I've made a murderin nrlstake. It was ca pers that I saw grcwing on that tree it Malta, and not anchovita at all!" Three ex-ministers of the French re public, whose numbers are beginning to be legion, are devoting their enforced eisure to literary pursuits far from the madding crowd. M. Hanotaux ap- proaches the completion of the third volume of Cardinal Richelieu's blog- taphy. and In Idle moments amuses ilmself by a day's shooting. M. Cavalg- aac is engaged In tracing the growth tt contemporary Germany. Mr. Ram. oaud has returned to his monumental Kork on general history, and hopes soon to finish the closing volumes. Another candidate for literary fame Is Mile Lucie Faure. who Is understood to be writing her father's memoirs with his own sanction and assistance. She has jlready made her debut anonymously rn two or three volumes of verse. It J. B. Watson, who died the other day in South Carolina, was the bodyguard of President Jefferson Davis at the confederate executive mansion at Rich mond, was serving on that duty when lounc ui uis iciuaiuuic -.uuiagc ail LI levotlon. -""6"-" w. ate of Mpjorwp now rose and ad- dressed the house. , r move." she exclaimed, "that all i - thla red tape be dispensed with." The motion carried unanimously. But I when It was urged that there be sub- stltuted heliotrope tape with a sea. treen border, difficulties arose. ' The brunette wing of the dominant party, supported by the agrarian bleaxh blondes. Insisted upon ahrlinp pink. REv I hear a bird that n. jays A lonely bird, but not . as I. Whose life is leaden t . intry sky O heart, how weary are ove's woods and ways When trod in s ingleness.The sight obeys The soul, and sees no beauty far or night Unless the soul fays "Look!" And so I sierh Thro' this fair Spring when I should tune my praise. I know not why the bird Is sad; God knows: And he knows why my heart makes out no song. For I am burdened with the grievous wrone Of hard words said to one whose calm repose I would give all to wake. . . dear, how long. Ah How dark the night until your eyes unclose. J. J. Bell In the Pall Mall Magazine COUNTESS SCHIMMELMANN. That most distinguished and philan thropic Danish lady, the Countess Ade line Schimmelmann. will arrive in Chi caeo during the week on her steam yacht, the Dove, a steadfast little ves sel of thirty-five tons' burden. It Is an aristocratic yacht, for the countess pur chased it in 1895 from his royal high ness. Prince Waldemar of DenmaiK. and with sanctified zeal and the ap proval of all well wishers for the wel- fare 0f the toilers of the deep she has de voted it to the service of her work. The Countess Schimmelmann moves about from port to port Interesting her self in carrying the gospel to the sailors 'of all nations and doing all that one woman can do to reclaim back Into the path of virtue and rectitude many who for divers reasons have become back sliders. To achieve her purpose she has devoted her entire fortune. and time to this meritorious work, and wherever oo. ho. o.r.r.a .ho ha hoon rcivi with open arms. Countess Schlmmelmann'a work !? di vided Into four departments viz., mis- olnn - tvnrlr n-ilk I Vin vor ht rtucn af Dove, the international sailors mission. I the fishermen of the Baltic sea and YACHT A TRAINING SHIP. death, with a naturally weak voice. I As the countess moves from place to have many ar.d many a Place she has made of her yacht a 'time stood before thronging crowds traning ship for your.g sailors and boys. , composed of all soits cf people. My and with her limited accommodations Is audiences often contained all classes, nevertheless able to give practical In- j from the munclpal authorities to an structlon to eighteen young sailors. She , archlsts. from ladles of title to coal also holds mission meetings on board in J heavers, from police to burglars." English. Danish and German, and when At these meetings the largest halls in Denmark and Germany, in ports , had Invariably to be hired, so great where she is accessible to wemen and ! were the throngs. A socialistic news- children, she holds separate meetings for dockers, for women, for little g:rls and for boys. Sometimes her yacht has been crowd ed with 200 persons at a time. and. to accommodate all who seek to partici- pale, the countess has held as. many as six meetings In a day. A special feat- ure of her gatherings is the good cheer which await the neoole on the vacht. for frequently theje are tea meetings, when tea. cooling drinks and cakes are served to all who come. merclal docks she held meetings for ta.ee cried out with passion: Scandinavian sailors and entertained I "We are anarchists and won't hear Mr. Mathews, secretary of the British 'God spoken of." and Foreign Sailors' society, who cor- This man can be found now at the dially approved her work, and who. on meetings whenever the countess holds behalf of his society, presented to the1 them in Hamburg, and the police say yacht the great , Bethel flag with an he is as meek as a lamb. earnest prayer for the spreading of the gospel among the seamen of all na tions through her mission. The yacht Is the Countess Schlmmel- mann's home wherever she goes. She says herself: "Thanks to an English friend, the cabins have been made as rnmfnrtahi nnuihia. for ma ami give me the opportunity of staying on board even In winter when mild. GREAT SAVING OF STRENGTH. "This is a great advantage in the saving of my strength, being able after the work to retire to my own little nook Instead of staying in noisy hotels. The cabins also afford a home for work ers helping me, as well as to the lads staying on board, so that the work is not interrupted wherever we sail. We also carry with us our stores of books and tracts in ten different languages for distribution or for sale." The International Sailors' mission Is prosecuted by moving about from har bor to harbor, thus coming Into con tact with ships of all nations. As the countess speaks fluently six different languages, she readily attracts many sailors by conversing with them In their own tongue, and softens many hearts by her intense sincerity and in terest In their welfare. In 1S95 she personally visited about 100 ships, while her assistants visited 411. During that time she distributed 20.000 copies of the gospels and tracts in ten languages, not counting books of her own authorship, which are sold after the meetings for the benefit of her mis sion. Through these meetings the countess has been able to find and restore to God and . home many wayward sons who have gone adrift. On one occasion, while on her way to one of her meetings, she was accosted by a clergyman, who said to - her; "Well, countess, you seem to be a good hand at finding lest sons;"counsel me what to do In such a desperate case a this," and he produced a letter of a qons ui Sui-jq aq puB 'u-injaj oj jdAdti jail pn uos asoq.-A 'jjubj jo Xp-ei an exasperated condition It was feared he was either dead or gone abroad. MOTHER ALMOST DISTRACTED. The poor mother was nearly losing her senses, and the clergymen was en treated to make inquiries. "Now, what would you ijo In this case, countess?" said the clergyman. "It seems Impossible to find him." "Pray," answered the countess, "and then make it known at every meeting I hold for sailors. I will do both di. rectly." i An excellent perfume for perfuming; clothes that are packed away, and one which will retain its properties for a lonkg time, can be made In the follow. Ing way: Pound to a powder one ounce each of cloves, caraway seed, nutmear. mace, cinnamon and Tonquin beans. a,so as much orris root as will equal tne weignt or an the roregolng ingre dients. All that Is needed Is to nil little bags of muslin with this mixture and lay them among the garments. Among the Tartars, if the wife Is Ill treated, she complains to the magis trate, who, attended by the principal people, accompanies her to the house and pronounces a divorce. "Then I went to my meeting and mentioned the case and was about to ask the sailors for their help in finding this lost one on any of their ships. when a young man arose, deathly pale and drew me Into an adjoining room I am not at liberty to tell more ex. cept that before the clergyman was up next morning a note from me informed him that by this time the lost son was already in his mother's arms. This case made a young atheist with strong anarchist views acknowledge 'there is a God after all, and miracles are wrought in these days.' " The third branch of the countess' work concerns the fisherman on the Baltic Sea. Through the influence of English friends she has been able to re-erect the destroyed Fishermen s Home at Rugen. It was four yettrs since she had been among them, and during that time, to use her own words, "they had not been near any Christian meeting, their church being far away and their clergymen being spiritually dead." The fishermen In the Baltic Sea, the countess says, are sadly in need or religious attention, which can be made effective by establishing mission halls in the villages, a kind of mission work almost unknown in Germany. The countess believes in a little cheer for the inner man, and during the first week when she reopened the Fisher men's Home, 2,000 mugs of coffee were served free. MISSION HOMES COMING. Thus far a good commencement has been made by sending from port to port the mission cutter "Taube." and ! just as soon as funds are provided mission halls and homes wi.l be estab I'.shed. The fourth department, the spreading of the Kosnel by meetings. Is one In which the countess takes much pride. for through this means she reaches thousands of people. In 1S95. In the course of fifteen months, she held 353 public meetings, and in one fortnight alone addressed 13,000 people. "I reioice In these meetings." said . the countees in a recent Interview I "Weak In bedy. and often tired to paper at Aa'.borg said: "Nobody and nothing In Denmark, except our 1st of May meetings. Is able to gather such crowds as the meet ' inga held Dy sourness DCPunnKi.... Yesterday the largest hail :n me town was filled to overflowing, and perhaps , as many as were Inside were waiting J patiently outside, blocking the streets i until mey saw iier Bu-'iS caw to her yacht." An anachist. backed up by his com rades, rushed at her in Hamburg one day and brandishing a stick in her CViuntess Schimmelmann's life has been one of incident and romance, and restrain her from devoting her life and her means to the mission work. And at one time ner relatives sougni tu restrain her from devoting her life land her means to the mission. And in some countries she meets with op position solely because she Is a woman. In Germany those who oppose her work do so on the ground "that I am a woman, and as such I must not speak of the gospel In meetings, especially not to men." . But opposition, persecution, and all such forces have no terrors for the countess, and she still prosecutes her mission work with all the power of her . ability and resources. For the past week she has been in Detroit and hopes to reach Chicago some time dur ing this week, and will no doubt be accorded a cordial welcome by all lovers of genuine phillanthropy and charity. How Porto Ricans Shave. The natives of our new territory Porto Rico, have no need to buy soap, for the wooded country abounds in plants whose leaves and bulbs may be used most fully in place of that mort indispensable article. Among the best of these is the soap tree, so called, tho It Is more a bush than a tree. Its bulb, when rubbed on wet clothes makes a snow-white lather, which has an odor like old brown Windsor soap. The Porto Ricans, who are all, from the highest to the lowest, great dandles In their way, make soap out of cocoanut oil and home-made lye and a fine soap It Is smooth, . and fragrant. When a man wishes to have a shave In the morning he starts out with his cocoa nut shell cup, and his donkey-tall brush and bottle. It Is never any trouble to find an empty bottle In Porto Rico, or almost any of the larger West India Islands, even in remote spots in the mountains. At least twenty genera tions of thirsty people have lived there and thrown away the bottles. The man carries no mirror, for he is toe poor to own such a luxury. Not one house in twenty In Porto Rico has even the very cheapest looking-glass. But generously rich nature provides the mirror, as well as the soap. The mart goes to tome convenient pool in the mountain stream where the water is quite still there is his mirror. He breaks his bottle on a stone and deftly picks out a sharp piece of suitable size. Then he lathers his face profusely, and begins to scrape away with his piece of glass, which In his hands works a well as the best steel razor. A cut. or even a scratch Is extremely rare as a result of this al fresco form of shaving. "Oh, It was fineT 'exclaimed the se norlta to her American visitor. "I wish you had gone with me. It was a magnificent corrida. The matador killed six bulls." "Only six!" replied the American girl. "Why, at my uncle's abattoirs at Chi cago they kill a thousands steers a day." Judge. "Mrs. Gabbler made a dreadful faux pas when she met Admiral Cervera. "What was It?" "She asked him If he had ever read 'Ships that Pass In th Night.'" De troit Fre Press. FUN IN EXAMINATION PAPERS. An earnest, devoted school teacher now happily married, but yet the com panion, counselor and friend of a num ber of her old pupils, has a choice col lection of the funniest answers she re ceived in her examination papers. Here are a few of them: 'The stomach is the most diluted portion of the elementary canal." "Hygiene Is all that you cm tell about that which is asked." "The doctrine of evolution began with the beginning of life and grew highe: and higher until It at last regenerated Into a monkey. This process was so slow that neither the monkey nor the man knew anything about it." "A germ is a name applied to a par ticular particle, tiny subbacterial or ganism which, when demonstrated. cause disease." "A germ is a tiny Insect, soi found In diseases or organs. It is so very small that It can only be seen by si telescope. That Is why diseases are contagious. At times it appears like the head of a pin, but It goes floating around Into the atmosphere. "Habeas corpus means you may nave the head, and I will take the body." "The germ theory of diseases Is con tinually floating around in the air, and is very dangerous, especially when the atmosphere Is unwholesome. "A dowager is a widow withcut any oints." (Jointures?) "Pitt, earl of Chatham, premier cf England, entered life at a very early age, which office he held at a very farly period in life, the time when most men are Just finishing a professional education." CHURCH AND CLERGY. It Is estimated that 30 000 cr 10 000- Russians visit the Holy Land each year. Converted Chinese leturning Ircm California to China prove most efficient Christian workers. The great eml-ar-rassrnent now is to provide teachers and preachers for the thronging multi tudes. The great success of the Rev A. B Simpson in raising money for missions s astonishing the Christian world It has no paiallel J112.000 at the recent meetings in Carnegie Hall, New York. Female emancipation in Ch'.r.a. the use of the bicycle by the fair Celes tials, the i ubiicatk r. cf a weekly emi tted the Feminine Magazine. ed.Ud by Chinese ladies, show that progress is being mads by Christianity In that land. United Fresbyter'.an missionaries are saving great success in Nyasa'.and, Af rica. Four thousand converts recently jathered and spent five days tn prayer. ronference and song, and on one day !S4 converts were baptized. 'Of the more than iOO.COO patients treated every year." says the Outlcck. 'by the medical missionaries, and made icquamted with a benign fa:th. many ecome disseminators cf that fa:th :r. egions still unreached by its preach rs." The JSC0 which the emperor cf Japan lent to defray the funeral expenses if the veteran missionary. Dr Gecrge E. Verbeck. shows that miss'.cr.ary R-crk of a high order Is appreciated ar.d Jeslred by the Japanese government and pecple. The Mormcns continue to excite the Protestant church In the west and the iouth. and rr.ar.y affirm that they aim lo be a vast political machine. The llormor.s declare that "those only are the people of God who render absolute sbedience to the Mormon priesthood." A clergyman left a notice to be read by the preacher with whem he ex- pnd the Treacher astonished to the kitchen, the leaf can be torn off ayd given you. and you have the writ ten list all ready to give your orders to "butcher and taker and candlestick maker." ' "Did you know," said the old colored man, "dat curses, like chickens, come borne to roos'?" "L's hyuhd it." replied Mr. Erastus Plnkley, "an I specks It's so. But tei tell de troof. I alius thought chickens was takln' big risks 'bout gittln' home In dis neighborhood." Citlsen But, offsher, I protesht that I am net the least bit (hie) Intoshlcat ed (hlc)t Officer Well. thin. OI'll not arrest yes If yex kin tell me ter wanst how many ahtorles there Is in that bulldln' ovtp there. Judga. mm ttffi Me? RIn constant pain when on vmir fWt. ? V 7 Is that draccincr. Dull I sensation with you from morn I till night 7 I Whn nnt t I, . I exactly on the disease ? Why not apr pply the cr:re right to I DOtl'tRplf? ' t-lh, :.iri tuo euui useu i You can do it with a Immediately after tho Plaster is applied, you feelrj Sita warming, soothing in-M nuence. Its healmc remedies quickly penetrate down deep into the inflamed tissues. Pain is quieted, soreness Is re lieved and strength imparted. No plaster was ever made like It No plaster ever acted so quickly and thoroughly. No plaster ever had such complete control over all kinds of pais. Tlaced over the chest it is a powerful aid to Ayer'8 Cherry Pectoral ; relieving congestion and drawing out all inflammation. Winter Excursion. If kick toil ran find lipln. If rtlt.i.l-1 with l! euniatiMii ym ran lx rurrd. 11 i.ul )uu need teal and the pliu-e to go t HOT SPRINGS. SOUTH DAKOTA. The exrieese l 1et than n il Imi in t,m .No'lti eater n l.lim" hat hiiium 11 kMrlal ri CLtaioLk. ceiUlu iiu)a thla moiilli l CHEAP RATES. T!ie Fran Ilotrl mill rrmaln mx'ii ami thia led ! ottirr lioleln and Imi-h tlum linnst-a ara I '.i.(f poid keilie Willi lo l;itca dut.liK t lit .Lit I. Itouml "ir,p Mo. Valley, 1 lcs ( Sioux City, 14. HO ra ird cciiespoLd'.iig reduction from ether ixilnta ael i:rr,ate Water Seenerv and llotela are iin. xce..ed. Th'.r'y das tune allowed and any kuer.1 F E & M V It. It . tn .1 II (iai.i... Tra. 1'aisei (jr AKCDt. ltcioii. Iowa, ran tell )uii U.o? e a.U--.l :t. Pussy's Letter. A Back Pay woman, according to the Boston HeraiJ. has a cat that can tell when a letter comes for her, as Is proved by the following ftory: The owner of the cat spoke of Its ability In this direction to a friend who was making a call. A letter!" exclaimed the caller. In Surprise. "Yes, a letter; and If you don't be .leve it I will prove It to you. Just wait a minute until I direct one." The woman left the room, and In a few minutes returned with a sealed en velope, addressed to Miss Pussy. No. , Marlboro street. City. "Now," said she. "If you will k!nd!y post that for me tonight and b here when the pj'tman corne around" on his first delivery tomorrow morning. you will see that I am telling you the facts. The caller mailed the letter as she was asked, and was at her friend's home promptly the next morning. Soon the bell rang, and shortly after ward the servant entered with a bundle of letters, among which was that for Miss Pussy. Sure enough, pussy at once showed an interest, and In a moment hail pushed aside with her paw the envelope ad dressed to her. The visitor was about to express her surprise, when the woman of the house said: "Walt a moment. She'll open It and eat up all that is In the envelope.", Scarcely had she said this when Miss Pussy had torn the envelope open and was enjoying her letter very much. The envelope was filled with catnip. In making cushions for the popular wicker furniture It will be found that nothing Is mors durable than velveteen and the different varieties of the fab ric sold under various names. Being a otton fabric It does not gather moths. and both Its dyes and texture are al most waterproof. The beautiful tints In which It is shown make it available for iny scheme of decoration. Th American Legion of Honor, which cc iposed exclusively of thoe to whon medals have been awarded by eongr s for saving persons from irjwr 'ng and the perils of the sea. ha electel as honorary members Presi dent liCKinley, because of his official 'position, ar.d Ktnt Leopold of Belgium because he is the head of a similar or ganlzaticn In his own country. Both the nev members have written letters of acce. tanee to the Washington head quartern of the society. Admlr. I Dewey has a valuable col lection of butterflies, which is insured for 16.000. Kebraska Reform Press Easiness iss'a OMAHA. - KO. 471898. II FOB PA I E FT Att. tRT"anlHT 19 j J . ATFH C'O., lwll. Maaa. I Beat Cougk 8; rap. Tuna Goo. Vm I I In time. Sd by druagtua. I 'Ml'l'ii!l-i?(j;-', . - .- ..-