II 5: .- ( O O SI j mc ter op lab men 1393 forC Hi that logs of th Both publli it Whitebreast Coal Yard , Lincoln Avenue and Marble Streets, H. M. SOENNICHSEN, M'g'r Large Supply of All the BEST GRADES HARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Cannon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper Grades of NCT COAL. We also keep on hand all tAArtoH kinds of f VV UUU All orders promptly delivered to any part of the city. Leave orders at gro cery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co. The Plattsmouth Journal ..PUBLISHED BY.. KIRKHAM & GREEN. ISSUED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLiATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. SUBSCRIPTION One year One year, in advance I-00 Six months, In advance Three months, in advance 25 Entered at the postoffice at Platts- mouth, Nebraska, as second-class mat ter. FRIDAY, NOV. 11. 1893. OLDEST FURNITURE HOUSE IN CASS COUNTY. FUNERAL SUPPLIES. Fnrnitnre and Stem Funerals carefully directed and Night Calls Promptly Attended to. STRE1QHT & STREIGRT. Main and Sixth Streets Sixth Street Entrance. Thk New Orleans papers claim that Louisiana's new jury law is worsiug well. It was designed to the end of simplifying and expediting criminal court business, reducing court expen ses, and avoiding bo far as might be possible the anuoyance or disagree ments of juries and mistrials. Article 116 of the new constitution, which brings the new jury law into existence, nrnvides that if. after a trial of seven years, the system shall oe rcuna un satisfactory, the legislature may pass acts reviving the old system of jury trial for every crimir al case and twelve men in every jury. Under the new rule, the character of the case determines whether it shall be tried by jury or by the presiding judge, ano now many men shall sit on the jury. If the punishment may be imprisonment at bard labor the case must be tried by a jury of five in order to render a verdict; if the punishment must be imprison ment at hard labor, then the jury shall consist of twelve men, nine or whom must concur in order to render a verdict. If the punishment may be death, then there must be a full j ury of twelve, and the agreement must be a full jury of twelve, and the agreement must be unanimous. In case where th? punishment may not be at bard labor, the trial may be by the judge, without a jury. Railroad Bridge Burned. Ashland, Neb., Nov. 5. Sparks from a passing freight engine early this morning Ignited the south side of bridge No. 91, just outside of the B. & M. yards. At about 5:30 a. m. the structure over which the main line runs was totally destroyed and fell in. The bridge was covered with grease and Boon burned. The bridge over which the Schuyler train runs was scorched, but was Boon repaired with new ties. A switch was constructed by which main line traffic is being run over the north bridge. Passenger train No. 5, from Omaha, which ar rived at 9:35, was held until 11:20 until the switch was built. A force of men are building a new bridge, which will not be ready for main line traffic be fore Monday. The Kea fioyelty Company. At the White opera bouse next Monday evening, Nov. 14, the famous Reno Noveltv comoan? will give one of their high class performances Prof Beno visited Plattsmouth several yearn ago. and delighted a large au divnet . The admission will only be 10, 2) -ui'i 33 cents, and the perform aDce dfservt-s a large attendance. U-il the following, from the Fre mont Tribune: Prof. Heno with his Oriental mys teries, trained dogs, birds, etc, gave immense satisfaction at the opera house last evening. Ilia illusions are new, mysterious, and performed in an original manner. II is educated dogs obey the slightest command promptly and move with military precision. The entertainment is baffling, inspiring and instructive, and gave greater sat isfaction than any company which has appeared here in years." Pastor's Wedding- Anniversary. Ashland," Neb., Nov. 5. A large crowd assembled at the parsonage of the Congregational church Thursday evening to celebrate the tenth anni versary of the marriage of the pastor. Rev. T. W. Couway-Uneeseniau. The pastor's friend presented him with a purse of $21 as a tokeu of their euutim. Rumors have been circulating thai Rev. Conway-Cheeseman intended to resign his pastorate here, but they are a mistake. Sheriff's Sale. DY VIRTUE OP AN ORDER OP SALE Issued O byUeorge P. Uousewortn, c erk of the din trio I court within and for Cess county, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will on the 3rd day of Dwcmber . .,tfB8, at two o'clock p. m. of saia day, at the south iimr nf the court house, lu the city of Pialts- mouth, in said county, belt at public auction, to the nlguesl Dtuusnor caa, tun luugmuj ri e"LoielKht 8 la block forty-four 44 in the nt iMattamotith. Cass county. Kebresaa to gether with the prlrllwgesaud appurtenances tnruiintn beloiiulns or In any wine appertain ing, the same being levied upon and taken as the property of Jurgen Oreve et al., defend ants, to satisfy a judgment of said couit re covered by John 11. Fettibune et al. , plaintiffs, sgtlust said defendants, nattsmouth, eo.. Kov.st. A-Dj INS Sheriff. Cass couuty, Neb. First publication. .Nov u, 1891. KRUiG CABINET LAGER BEER... Made by the Fred Krug Brewing1 Company, Omaha Neb., has been V7 Go-ola. Uncle Sam's New Scarf Pin, the "Pearl of the Antilles," pleases him immensely. We have scarf pins' rings, lace pins, chatelaines, and other novelties that are made from hand some combinations of jewels in beau tiful designs and attractive effects that are suitable for birthday and holiday gifts. Special inducements in prices. SNYDER &, CO., Jewelers and Opticians. ONE PAPER rUIS WEEK. Owing to the delay in issuing part one of this week's Journal, caused by the desire of the publishers to furnish their readers with approxi mately complete and correct election returns, part two will not be issued. Sweet Spring Kye. This is the brand of whiskey which has received the first prize at every ex position in the United States and with an eye for everything that is good and pure. Ed Djnat has secured this brand of whiskey from the Sweet Spriogs Distillery Co. of Owensboro, Ky., exclusively and be is getting every barrel direct from the U. 8- gov ernment warehouse, which insures him a stristlr pure article, so you oan keep it in your bouse for medicinal, as well as for all other purponts. H.blea! H.ble!! Bibles!!! By extraordinary close buying in large quantities we are able to sell Bibles and Testaments at the lowest price ever beard of. Holiday line now in. Lehnhoff Bros. Tsrsrirels Dance. The Plattsmouth Turnverein will give a grand ball at their hall, Satur day night. November 12. All friends iLvitcd. Sheriff's Sale. DY Vliil'UK OP AM ORDER OK SALE leaned u by George P. Uousewortn. ciera ui uie uis- trlct court wlthiu aud for Cass county, 2H braska, and to ma directed, I will on tne X6lh day of November. A. !., 1808. at two o'clock p.m. of said day. at the south doorot the court house lu the city of Platts mouth, In said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, tne following real estate, to-wit: The north hair inHJ or tne nortnwest quarter nwKJ of section three 3J town ten toj range nine aud the south half ts'ij of the souto westquarrer sw! of sectluu thirty-four 34 town eieven 111 range niue laj east of the sixth principal mertuiau, ait iu t county, .-Nebraska, together with the privileges aud ap purtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining; the same being levied upon and takeu as the property of Mahlon O. W.-e.l et al., aefendauta, to satisfy a judgment of said eourt recovered by frauds - . uioson, piainuir, against said defendeut. naltsmouin, aen., uciouer za, n. is., ism. W. 1. WUitUitill, Sheriff. Cass county, Neb. K. H. WooLCr, plaintiff's attorney . First publication Oct. 26. lslftj. ..AT THE.. Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition This award was given to Krug Cabinet Beer over others For Purity, Strength and Excellence of Quality. ...ORDER A... Sheriff's Sale. BY VlhTCi OP AN ORDER OP BALtt. Issued by George P. Uouseworth, cierk of the dis trict court with n aud for Cass co iut Ne braska, and to me date led. on n Stb day or November, A O, 1898, at one o'clock p.m. of said day, at the south door of the court bouse, in the city of Platts mouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate ,to-wlt: Lot number eight (8) in block three (3.) lots one and two (1 and 2) in block uiueteen (19.) lota eleven and tweive (II and 1-) lu bioca eighty-five (85.) lot six i0) In blocs ninety. six (u6.) and lot hve (3) in block nlnety-nve (96.) all in the City of Piatumoulh, Cass county, Me braska, together with the privileges and appur tenances thereunto belonlog or In anywise appertaining the same being levied n pun aud taken as the property of Mary Fitzgerald et al., defendants, to satisfy a Judgment of said court recovered by Ellis T. Hartley, plaintiff, against said defendants. Plaitamouth. Neb., October 4, A. D. 18U& W. D. WUEKLKR. Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. By J. U. McBrlde, Deputy. I. H. Hatfield, Plaintiff's Attorney. First publication uct. 5. 1. Special to Young Mothers. Dr. Martin Couney. the physician in charge of the Infant Incubators at the Exposition, who has bad a wide exper ience, says: " After osing aeveral other beers, we take pleasure in stat ion have used Krvo Cabinet bot tled Beer constantly and for milk producing qualities we can cheer fully recommend it IS ALLNUKSINO mothers; it has less acid In It ana is much more healthful; it is used by every curse in tbe Infant Incubators building. " This certainly is convinc ing proof and every young mother should at least try it. Invalids and Convalesents. No other beer has so much strength and nourishment; it is invaluable as tonic, invigorator and appetiser; is one of the best stimulants known by pbysi ciaus for fril people. A perfectly pure beer with a reputation increasing each day and year, it received fresh laurels from eminent judges at tbe Trans- Mississippi and International Ex position. (SACS Fred Egenberger, Agent, Plattsmouth, Neb., Fred Rrug Brewing Co., Telephone 420. 1007 Jackson St., OM A TT A resuw fkom the nation Saturday, November 12. PLATTSMOCTH, Nebras. a Elite Saloon, ED DONAT, Prop., The Celebrated Anheuser-Busch Beer on draught, and a full line of the finest Wines and Liquors And Union-Made Uiears con stantly on hand. Fine Bottled Goods a Specialty MERCHANTS' LUNcn From 9 to 11 o'clock every morning. (Continued from llrst page.) been elected. Eddy, at first classed as doubtful, tonight claims 3,000 plu rality. Morris, in the Sixth, has de feated Charles A. Towne by a small margin. Tbe legislature will be re publican, but not by so great a major ity as at one time thought. Seventy- seven republican, are now known to be elected, and only ninety-two are needed on joint ballot. As fully half the balance ate in tbe doubtful, be cause unreported, column, there seems to be no question of the reelection of 1 Senator Davis by this legislature. Republicans la Wyoming. Cheyenne, Nov. 9. Incomplete re turns received from eleven 01 the thirteen counties show a net republi- I can majority for thecongression al and state ticket of 1.GO0. Xo returns have been received from Fremont or Big Horn counties. These will add seve ral hundred to the republican majority. The state legislature will be composed as follows: Senate, four democrats, fifteen republicans; house, three dem ocrats, thirty-five republicans. jf cloak I SALE J WT7EL SZ, NEW GOODS Prices to suit everybody. Come aud see the Stock whether you wish to purchase or not. NEW STYLES 1 THE DEPARTMENT STORE ALWAYS IN THE LEAD. WWW, V; rJ North Dakota Republican. Faroc, N. D., Nov. 8. Reports from over the state it re very meager, but indicate slight republican gains over 1896. An estimate on tbe state gives the republican ticket 4,000 ma jority. Rhode Island . Providence, It, I., Nov. 8. The voting was light throughout the state. as tbe election of both republican candidates for con zr ess was a fore gone conclusion. The revised consti tution has probably been rejected. IT'S ALL NEW... ....Our Stock of .Millinery, including Pattern Hats, I Ribbons, Flowers and Trimmings of every description is entirely new, bought in the best markets, and consequently in the proper style and absolutely up-to-date. MISS EVANS, an experienced trimmer from the east, is in charge of the trimming department. Prices to Meet the Approval of All. The Millinery Store is located in the Union block, on South Sixth street, and is under the management of Miss Nina Tucker. ..Mrs. L. J. Rankin.l worth $1.25, $139, $1.50 and $1.75 go $1.00. One lot of Children's Shoes at 25 cents. Best patent flour, per 100 SI 85 Best half patent flour, per 100. 1 60 COFXEES. 1 lb good ltio 10 1 IbStantoa and Rio. Package coffee MEATS. California bms Large bams , 12i 10 61 10 Bacon 10 Dry Salt Meat 7 Bologna 6 MI8CBLL AUSOTTS. 1 can blackberries 8 10 lbs Navy beans 25 10 lbs green peas 25 1 lb broken rice 6 Champion lye 7 3 boxes Lewis lye 25 Oil sardines Mustard sardines Price's baking powder.l lb... Bon Bon " " . . . Calumet " 2 lb can cove ojBterB 1& 1 lb can cove oysters 8 10c sack salt 6 12e sack Bait 1 4 7 38 10 19 All other goods proportionately low. Highest market price paid for Farmer's Produce, Bring in your produce and we will treat you right. Colorado In Line. Denver. Colo.. Nov. 8. At o'clock tonight no received from the state except few of the 1,280 nrecincts. Tbe indi cations are that Thomas, fusion, is elected over Wolcott. rep., by 25,000 to 40,000. returns have been f ft'S MO-ieV 111 state except from a Your Pocket, A strictly high-grade Family Sewing Machine, possessing all modern improvements. Epi to me Best. P;c" very reasonable. Obtain them from your local dealer ana make comparisons. mm un co. BELVIDERE, ILL- Ublo's Plurality will be 59.000 . Columbus. Nov. 10, 1 a. m. Unof ficial returns from all but one county tonight make the plurality of Kinney, rep., for secretry of state, 69,000. 39Hd.vay,N. The Meat Congress. Washington, D.C.Noy. 8. Sec retry Kerr of the democratic congress ional committee claims tb e election of 189 anti-administration conrgessmen, majority of eleven over the republicans. Schlitz No. 2 VBA E. G. MEYEB, Mgr. J CAFE. ....A TISK LINE OP.... - WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Also NeaUr Famished I 111 8. Ktfc Btml, ooai for Sent. OMAHA . Virginia All Klght. Richmond, Va.,Nov. 9. Additional returns from Tuesday's aleclion make I it certain that the democrats carried every congressional district. To Care Cold la One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure.. 25c. The genuine has I L. B. Q. on each tablet. HPV nOtTiriQ Special sale for a short uky uuuua time Nice line of plaids at 2 l-2c, suitable for comfortables; 36-inch Per cales, dark styles, 5c to close. Large importa tion of Fine Dress Goods. We can show the handsomest line in the city. Special sale on Un derwear all next week. Garments as low as 25c. to buy your Watches and Jewelry from us. We are giving better ad vantages now than ever before. We are going to sell goods at lowest possible prices from now until after the Holidays. We have a full stock of Watches and Jewelry, Silverware Sterling and Plated, Sterling Silver Novelties, Cut Glass, - Bisk Goods, Etc. Our Repairing Is the Best. The Department Store ..Always in the Lead.. Second Door South of Postoffice ppppp I Tbe Hotel Plattsmouth, (formerly City Hotel.) E: H. HEITZHAUSEN. Prop. - Best tl.Oo day house In the state. Thoroughly cleansed and refurnished. class table. Best of service. rirst- Corner Main and Third Streets. . Plartsnioutik, Maoris lea- JOHN MUMM, ..DEALER IN.. $iae$f liquet) aad (jigarj. hTHK celebratkd.. ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEER ON DRAUGHT. Fine Billiard and Pool Tables e'U . lAHA HOTEL RILEY ANNE"' Plattsion'l 1016 Boat e Always la T t Celebrated w a ..Schlitz Milwaukee FlatUmeulh friend PeWtJ "eery. , j v A V i -n-7--- . ...