Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 11, 1898, Image 3

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Starvation Aages Destroy Virtu
and Fill Early Craves.
Gilded Vice Is Protected While
Girls in the Slums Are Held
Up to Public Scorn and
By tbe Rev. B. F. De Costa, rector of
the Church of St. John the Evangelist
In Waverly Place, New York City. Text
"Who are the greatest sinners?
The greatest sinner la not always the
man -who has '-oTimlt te 1 the" greatest
amount of sin. hut the man who, hay.
lng the largest and best opportunity.
deliberately does wrong. This is In ac
cord with the dictum of Christ: "That
to whom much is given, of him much
will be required. Thus the so-called
worsr clashes' may appear the best.
and the best" worst
A large portion cf the criminal class
has Fprung from a preceding criminal
class, and are the product of environ
ment. Few rise surtrior to the laws
of heredity. Vicious parents produce
vicious children; ancP a considerable
percentage cf those In the Elmlra re
formatory show low moral sense, and
some no moral sense at alL r
Our social orj-r, based uron a false
system of land cwring and a false In
dustrial method, ' tends inevitably to
produce drunkenness, ignorance, vice
and crime of every description. So
ciety Is responsible for the criminal who
goes on breeding criminals generation
after generation. Society takes more
I'recaution in the breeding of cattle.
and swine than in the breeding of
i 'lowing the mating of those mor-
mentally and physically diseased-
shall we acccunt the unfortun-
bred tinder stuh conditions sin
ners above all men? The greatest sin
ners are those who hare the best na
tures and opportunities and make the
worst use cf them and can never plead
the disenabling power of poverty or
heredity, even though they may possess
wfanb therewith to rrotect themselves
and be able to maintain a fair exterior.
In such cases we art not accustomed to
discover any great sin.
On the other band poor men, sinners
In rat-row circumstances, are recognis
ed and punished. It Is rot the gilded
and luxurious vice of New Tork City
that is being attacked and denounced
today. It is the vice of the poor and
the helple.s. the vice of Baxter and
Bayard streets, the vice of Mulberry
But worst of alL even in that locality
the principals are not dealt with.' The
landlord is not molested, nor those who
furnish the money to ft up the bouses.
Vice is carried on today by the con
cealed capitalist, whoee trade in vice
is as well organized in New Tork as
th trade in dry goods.
It finds a parallel in the saloon busi
ness, carried on here largely by great
brewing interests, which hold saloons
under chattel mortgages.
The poor girls In these houses are
simply victims of the social order." and
when the raid is made and the tower j
falls upon them, shall we argue that
they are sinners above all? They had
no fair advantages, and are usually
the offspring of poverty, ignorance and
Imbecility. The most of them never had
any means of earning an honest liveli
hood and' bad no choice between the
river and a life of shame.
This, in reality, is a question of labor
and capital. Capital is today forcing
Its victims to work on starvation wages
in factories and shops that are sinks
of iniquity and in which purity is 1m.
possible and In which no girl's virtue
Is safe. We demand, therefore, that
there shall be a distinct recognition of
the enormity of the crime of the cap
italist, and that, first of all. the laws
be executed against him. In this whole
matter the capitalist is the sinner above
all men.
The fate of our city Is today hanging
In the balance. Much depends upon
our moral Judgments and upon the view
we take of the characters of men. The
sinners above all men in New Tork are
-not confined exclusively below Four
teenth street. The sinners above all
men sit in churches and. political w !g
wams. republicans and democrats, and
no reformer dares to assail them. These
men manufacture the sin as they man
ufacture bouses and furniture. They
-make sin possible and Inevitable, and
force it upon the poverty-stricken class
upon the weak and Ignorant, who
know not how to earn their daily
bread. But towers are still falling, and
weme day a migh4y tower may descend
upon those who are sinners above all.
and who fail to recognize that reform
must begin In the person of the re
former. As already indicated, crime must be
dealth with, and at times severely, but
in this connection we must recognize
that In inflicting penalties we should
seek reformation, and also remember
:that, but for tie turtf!g of a screw in
the social m't many of those who
-are now harpr I prosperous might
have been r.i;ered with the trans
gressors Jf go.
The nutuy
f bicyclists In Berlin Is
ertimatecf I
000. Vienna has only
about 25
t Thoughts.
j. easy.truth so difficult.
gave ns We gave ua
,me time JePerson.
h would lift m abso-
, ,T Jioi-
i i f not being very m
expect to be vj
at- ,MVsrr.
I -V .11
bappr It ta some-
is J e4lt
times a witness la
it- Iruere-
1 J
Colonel Bryan's Regiment Will Be
Stationed at Capital of Cuba.
Washington. D. C. (Special.) A
general order was Issued today desig
nating the troops for occupation la
Cuba It Is as follows:
"Headquarters of the Army." Adjutant
General's Office, Washington. D- C.
Nov. 4. The secretary of war directs
that the following troops be held in
readiness to proceed to the island of
Cuba, and to occupy the stations herein
designated, the movement to take place
from time to time under instructions
to be communicated hereafter:
"First army corps, headquarters at
Cienfuegos; First division, headquar
ters at Cienfuegos; First brigade, head
quarters and one regiment of infantry
a Santa Clara; two regiments of In-
fantry and the Seventh United States
cavalry at Cienfuegos; Second brigade.
headquarters and two regiments of In
fantry at Trinidad; one regiment of in
fantry at Sanctl Splritus; Third brig
ade, headquarters and one regiment of
Infantry at Sagua la Grande; one regi
ment of Infantry at Placetas and one
regiment of Infantry distributed be
tween Reroedios and Caibarien; First
and Third brigades and the Tenth Unit
ed States cavalry at Matanzas; Second
brigade at Cardenas.
"Second army corps, headquarters at
Havana; First and Second divisions at
Havana; third division, headquarters
at Marie! ; First brigade, headquarters
and one regiment of infantry at Pinar
del Rio; one regiment of infantry at
Guanajay; Second brigade, headquar
ters and one regiment of infantry at
NueVItasl'one regiment of infantry at
Puerto Principe: six troops of. - the
Eighth United States cavalry at Puerto
Principe: six troops of the Eighth Unit
ed States cavalry at Nuevitas.
"Seventh army ccrps. headquarters
at Havana: First and Second divisions
at Havana: Second and Sixth United
States cavalry at Havana. The Second
regiment of United States artillery will
be assigned to the Seventh corps prior
to departures from the United States.
The batteries will tetatn their present
stations until notified to prepare for
embarkation for Havana.
"Four light batteries, to be hereafter
designated, will be assigned as follows:.
Two to the garrison cf Havana and:
two to Matanzas.
"Corps commanders are charged with
the preparation of their commands for:
there movements. The quartermaster-
general will ake tin ely arrangements :
for the transportation not only of the.
commands but the necessary lmpedi-;
menta. Hospitals will, as far as pos-:
sible. be provided in advance of the;
arrival cf the troops. Subsistence to,
meet the nee-Js of the above service- j
will be fully provided.
"By command of Major General Miles.:
"H. C. CORBIN. Adjt. General."
No provision is made regarding the,
Fourth corps now at Huntsville. under.-
command of General Wheeler, although
in time it may be sent to Cuba. The.
First corps Is under cemmand of Major'
General James H. Wilson, snd the Sev--
enth corps under Major General Fits-;
hugh Lee. The Second ccrps is under;
the temporary comrrand cf General
Toung. but there is a possibility that.
when it reaches Havana General Wade.
now on the Cuban commission, will be
assigned to command It.
Adjutant-General Barry Gives In
formation Col. Bryan Better.
Lincoln. Neb. (Special.) Adjutant
General Barry's office today received a'
short note from Colonel Bryan. In'
whlch he said, after writing about some
business matters, that he was able
to sit up at the time be wrote and
. v v t . . : i i t .
In a few days.
The adjutant general has asked that
all boxes intended for the soldier boys
for Christmas be sent to the office di
rected to Adjutant General Barry, Lin
coln, and they will be there assembled
and prepared for shipment to their
destination. Inquiry has been made of
the war department as to the details7
snd for Instructions for shipment. All:
Information obtainable will be freely.
furnished the public by the adjutant
general's office. A letter, which Is given
below, has been sent out by Adjutant
General Barry:
To the Chairman cf the Committee'
en Christmas Donations for the Fret
Regiment, Nebraska Volunteer Infant-,
ry Sir: I have the honor to inform
your committee that the state of Ne
braska will forward the Christmas do
nations to the members of the First
regiment, Nebraska United States vol
unteer infantry, stationed at Manila.
P. I.; the war department having de
clined to do so. . . .
"Boxes should be addressed thus:
Private , Company . First JRegL'
ment, Nebraska Volunteer Infantry.
Manila, P. I., In care of the depot
quartermaster, San Francisco. CaL
"Ship all boxes to the adjutant gen
eral's office, Lincoln, Neb., where the
same will be onsolldated and forward
ed in one shipment to Manila. Very
respectfully yours. P. H. BARliY.
Another . letter, cortalnir.g direction
regarding donations for the Third, has
also been snt out. and it varies fro no
the above only as to place and number
In Little River, Kas., fire destroyed
eighteen houses and a taoteL Loss, $18.
100; insurance small.
: The Central Natloial bank of Boston
will on Monday take over tbe business
of the Lincoln bank..
Dr. Perry H. Benscoter, contract sur
geon at Camp Hamilton, died of ty
phoid fever. His heme is at Bloomdale,
Osa Woodward and John Martin,
ground men. working at the Chicago
Consolidated mill, Joplln. Mo., were In
stantly killed by falling bowlders.
General Wilson. commanding tbe First
army corps, goes Monday to Macon.
Ga, his winter headquarters. Brigade
commanders and regiments leave Men
day. Joseph Sidney MHchelLfor twenty-two
tears the president of the Chicago
Hwneopathle Medical college, died of
anetns X. Mitchell was bva In
Major Romayn Says Not an Officer
Knew Which Transport to Em
bark In Everything Helter
Washington. D. C (Speclal.V-Th
war investigating' commission held
session here today for the purpose ol
hearing the testimony of Major Henry
Romejm, a retired army officer. H
said that he had asked at the begin
ning of the war for a military assign
ment to go to the front In bis capacity
as an officer, but It was refused, and
he then went as a correspondent of a
weekly newspaper.
His testimony covered the embarka
tion of the troops at Port Tampa and
the campaign in Cuba. He said that
when he went to Port Tampa the bank
of the canal there was covered with
troops. He had wanted to go over with
the Tenth infantry, which was his old
regiment, but no one could tell him
where the regiment was to be found
He asked a staff officer and several
others for this information, but no one
knew where any particular troops were
to embark. . . . . .
There was great confusion as a con
sequence as to what part of a com
fnand would go on one venpel and what
part on another, and the commands
were In some cases separated from their
stores. He bad seer, no order for the
systematic embarkation of the troops
and he had beard it said that they were
told to go aboard helter-skelter.
When asked to express his opinion as
to the preparations for the embarkation
the witness hesitated, saying that to do
so would involve criticism of his super
iors. The commissioners Insisted upon
a reply and Mr. Romeyn said that he
did not think the preparations were
such as they should have been.
"There was,' he said, "a lack of surf
boats and also of order and of prepar
ation for landing. When the landing
was undertaken the troopi? left the ship
Indiscriminately, parts going at one
time and other parts at other times.
He told of the efforts to tow two light
ers to Cuba, but said that one was lost.
and it was the general impression that
It was lost on purpese. because it re
tarded the progress of the fleet. In re
sponse to a question from General Me
I Cook. Major Romeyn said that while It
I was difficult to land anything, arabu-
lances and wagons could have been
landed as easily as the artillery. He
had only seen one ambulance at the
front at the battle of EI Caney. and it
was not used for conveying the wound
ed to the rear.
Speaking of other Incidents of this
battle, he said there was general sur
prise that an inflated balloon had been
carried at the head of the attacking
column, thus giving the Spaniards the
exact location of the troops, but he did
not know at whose orders this had been
He said the town of Siboney was.
without exception, the dirtiest place he
had ever seen in his life, and that no
effort had been made to clean it before
the fever broke out. There was a de
ficiency of proper food at the fever hos
pitals and the cooking was generally
poor. Any one In this hospital was li
able to contract yellow fever. He had
been a patient In the hospital and said
there had been no neglect of patients
T the medical attendants at this hos
pital or at the hospitals for tne wouns-
ed. He had known surgeons In the lat
ter hospitals to work sixty hours with.
out cessation.
Why did they not have more sur
geons?" asked Colonel Decby. The wit
ness said he could not answer.
Major Romeyn said he had come to
the north as a convalescent, with many
other convalescents, on the transport
Concha, and he criticised the provision
ing of the vessel in severe terms. Many
of the men were compelled to sleep on
board bunks, without blankets or pil
lows, and with no covering at night ex.
cept the cotton uniform which they
wore during the day.
"The water was offensive to both
sight and smell. he said, "and the food
was poor and scanty, none being pr--
vided especially for convalescents. The
meat was canned and inferior
much of the hardtack moulded."
He also stated that there was only
one physician on board the vessel, and
that he was a convalescent. Six men
had died on the way up and Major Ro
meyn expressed the opinion. In response
to a question from Captain Howell, that
with proper attention and good food the
lives of at least some of these men
should have been saved. -
He said he was unable to place the
responsibility for the neglect, but that
the captain of the vessel had stated
that when he made application to go to
Jamaica for fresh food and water be
fore starting on the voyage from San
tiago the request was refused.
General Wilson. ex-Governor Beaver
and Captain Howell go to Camp Meade
tomorrow for the purpose of inspectlr. g
that camp.
Receivers For Private Bank.
Waterbury. Conn. (Special.) In the
superior court this morning Judge
Shumway, upon application of Eliza
P. Parsons and W. B. Merriam. as ad
ministrators of the estate of the late
G. S. Parsons, appointed H. H. Peck
and H. S." Chase, both of Waterbury.
receivers for the private banking house
of G. S. Parsons Co. The business
of the bank will be transferred to the
"Waterbury National bank.
The root of all evil is
the canse of
much digging.
Cood Armor for Russia.
Bethlehem. Pa. (Special.) Armok
plate manufactured by the Krupp pro
cess was given Its first test this after
noon by the Bethlehem Iron company
at Its proving grounds. Many notable
engineers witnessed - It. besides tbe
Russian ordnance engineers who came
from Philadelphia. Three shots were
fired from an 8-inch gun. the projectiles
weighing 253 pounds and the velocity
ranging from 1.S00 to 1.800 feet per sec
ond. The plate was not cracked. Tbe
Bethlehem company has received a bis
e of plana
Declare That AmerlcansGo Beyond
r the Terms of the Protocol
by Present Action.
? Paris, Nov. 4. The Spanish commis
sioners. In the course of a two hours'
session of the peace commission today,
flatly refused to accept Monday's prop
iosition by the Americana to take the!
entire rmnppine group ana to reim
burse Spain for her "pacific expendit
ures" there.
This negative action was expected,
The Spanish commissioners had also self this morning in a positive declara
a number of positive declarations which I tion against the white officers.
filled some thirty-seven sheets of
typewritten presentment.
In this statement the Spaniards held
that the United States had no ultimate
rights In the Philippine islands and
could have none save by the consent of
Spain in the negotiations and upon
terms satisfactory to her.
According to the Spanish contention
in the formal statement the United
States entertained no thought of annex
ing the Philippines when the protocol
was signed, or It would have been ex-
pressed in the protocol clearly as the
conditions regarding the cessio nof ter
ritory in the Antilles and the orient.
M. Cambon, before the signature of
the protocol, received from Madrid
the presentment alleged a cable mes
sage clearly setting forth that the
maintenance of Spain's authority over
the Philippines should not be affected
by the protocol, to which reservation
the United States made at that time no
protest or objection.
This dispatch to M. Cambon. as the
Spaniards claimed today. embodied also
the view that the United States had no
valid basis for claims in the archipel
It was further held today by Senor
Rios and his colleagues that the cap
pdjjnooo SuABq Bitift jo uoneinji
after the signature of the protocol and
thus after the suspension of hostilities
was Invalid.
With all this for a groundwork, the
Spaniards made their first positive
mave against the Amerians and it con
stituted their counter prlpositlon. They
charged upon the United States a
wrongful appropriation of public mon
eys belonging to Spain by the seizing
of the tariff duties at Manila, and they
formally demanded the return of these
moneys. In the sum of nearly SI. 000,000.
On the same piemlses the United
States was today declared to hace made
and held as prisoners the Spanish
troops at Manila in violation of inter
national law, becatse done after the
suspension of hostilities under the pro
tocol. A further charge was that the
by the Imprsonment of Spanish troops
at Manila the United States had pre
vented Spain from quelling the insur
rection and had thus contributed to the
violence against Stain after the cessa
tion of hostilities.
Today's Spanish presentment also clt
ed the refusal of the Americans to con
sider the Cuban debt, on the ground
that It was not sanctioned in the proto
col, and demand. d an adherence to this
as a precedent in the discussion of the
Philippines, regarding the cession of
which the Spanish commissioners held
the protocol to make no mention.
In support of these assertions, ar
guments and demands the Spanish pre
sentment Invokes Spain's record in the
correspondence by mail and telegraph
but it Is not known officially whethet
the Spaniards produced the message
said to have been sent by Madrid to M
Cambon at the time the protocol was
signed, in which it was affirmed today
Spain reserved her Philippine sover
The presentment was read by Inter
preter Ferguson, being rendered from
the Spanish, in which It was written
Into English. At the close of the read
ing the Americans said they wished to
have the Spanish statement rendered
into written English, for more careful
consideration, and an adjournment was
taken to Tuesday.
This evening the Spaniards affect to
believe that the Americans had planned
to develop the spirit of their Philippines
demands before the American elections.
but they decline to say whether they
expect easier terms after the election.
Looked After Careless People.
Omaha. Neb. SpeciaL) To careless
people and to some not careless the ex
position guards rendered a great ser
vice during the summer by picking up
and returning to their owners lost ar-
tides. The complete record Is not made
up. but it can be approximated in its
main features.
11 kinds of articles were lost, chiefly
ed d gloves, articles of wearing apparel,
umbrellas, canes, rings and purses. I
The guards have returned to the own-
ers pocketbooks and purses contain-
lng money to the amount of $400 or
$500 and rings of almost the same value. I
At the guard l.ovse now there remain I
several hundred articles which will 1
eventually be disposed of probably by
auction. There are two or three dozen
pocketbooks ana purses containing lit-
tie cash, about the same number of
capes and wraps, a score of umbrellas.
ladies' hats, odd gloves, handkerchiefs.
and so on.
The other work of the guards was
perhaps as valuable to the public. Al
together a few more than 140 persons
were sent from the guard bouse dow n
to the city jail with criminal charges
against them, pickpockets, confidence
men and the like. Between 200 and 300
faMMA 41 ot-iV o tnV A ti- i Ir a -tar-a rr Ir a1
up to be made wiser by reflection or to
sober off. Two or ttaee times that num. i
ter were simply put out of the grounds
because they had not properly found
tbeir way in.
The fire department at the grounds
had a quiet summer, but It did some
thing worth while just the same. At
least twice it saved ine wnoie Midway
a i w in -ucraa uv. a liis was wucil w j "c
Old Plantation chapel burned down and
when the building of the California
mining tunnel was destroyed. There
were several other minor fires and in all
the department rtr ponded to twenty
five calls. The boys will remain on th
grounds for seme time yet.
General Simon Snyder has arrived al
KaoxvUle from Micklgaj. where h
a sack m
Colored Soldiers Refuse to Serye
Under White Officers.
Camp Poland. Knoxvllle. Tenn. (Spe.
rial.) The camp of the Sixth Virginia
'colored) regiment was this morning
the scene of a mutiny among the men
of that command. The trouble was in
the nature of the men In several com
panies refusing to obey orders Issued
by the nine white officers who were re
cently assigned to the regiment by Gov
ernor Tyler of Virginia.
The officers were assigned to the va
rious companies a few days ago, and
there has existed during that time
feeling of discontent with some of the
- 1 negroes, who preferred to be command-
I Dy officers of their own race. The
feeling has grown until it evidenced it-
a I The regiment was called for drill at
I the usual hour and the white officers
assumed command. To their surprise
and indignation the negroes refused to
execute the drill. At police formation
the same open disregard for orders
trjva thewhlte officers was apparent.
and Colonel Croxton, commanding the
regiment, reported it to Colonel Kuert.
divisional commander, who In turn vis
ited the camp with Major General John
Bates, who arrived in the camp for the
first time a few minutes before the im
I tiny began.
It was evident that serious trouble
was in order If the riotous negroes were
not quieted, and on that account the
colonel at once ordered the Thirty-first
Michigan and Sixth Ohio regiments to
the scene. These regiments were un
der arms, but the Orio boys were turn-
ed back before reaching the Virginia
Colonel Kuert and Colonel Croxton
and also Major Johnson, a colored offi
cer of the xeglment, addreesed the men.
Colonel Crcxton stated very emphat
ically that a continuation of the revolt
would mean rigid enforcement of the
discipline covering such case?, and said
he demanded obedience and had the
power to enforce the demand. The
Michigan regiment, which had appeared
upon the scene in double time and
which was prepared for battle, was
ordered back to its camp and the ne
groes agreed to send their complaints
In through military channels and in
the meantime to obey their white offi
cers. The Virginian camp is quiet to
night and no further trouble is antici
pated, at least for the present.
Bound to Go With Soldier Hus
bands and Hide on the Indiana.
San Francisco, Cal. (Special l The
mall steamer Doric and the transport
Ohio, now on their way across the Pa
cific, carry crders from General Mer-
r'.am d:ectfrg that the troepsh'p In
diana be Intercepted at Honolulu and
her commander. Colonel Funsicn. te
ordered to lard several stowaway wives
cf volunteer officers in the army.
Two c-f these are raid to be ment'ened
specifically In the order, and both are
said to be brides cf Kansas officers.
They are Mrs. J. G. Schlieman. wife
of the chaplain, and Mrs. F E. Buchan.
wife of Captain Buchan. who sailed on
the Senator in command of the Oregon
recruits. The Ohio is not expected to
overtake the Ind.ana. but the Dor:?
may do so. In such case the ladies may
proceed on board the vessel to Hong
Kong and from there go to Manila to
join their husbands. The transport
Pennsylvania sailed today, carrying the
Fifty-first Iowa regiment.
Warn Recalcitrants Toward Amer
icans of Penalties.
Manila. (Spec's! ) .Agu!raldo. the
insurgent chief, has :rsued a proclama
tion pointing out that although the
ttrlngent orders rrevlously if sued by
him bave been ger.raly obeyed, a few
Filipinos have refused obedience and
offended In various ways, ar.d he now
warns all such that they sre liable to
be declared outlaws and to Incur the
txtreme penalty. The reference is ap
parently to tbe anti-American Filipinos.
In another proclamation. Issued si
multaneously, Agu!naldo allows all
armed foreigners, except Spaniards, to
travel In Philippine territory, but all
such are forbidden to approach the
fortifications or take photographs of
defensive works.
The United States cruiser Charleston
has gone southward for a month's
I Covtrnment Decides the Vlzcaya
ana uoion cannot ue aavea.
I New Tork. (Srecial. Dispatch from
Washington says: The navy depart
ment practically decided to abandon
wrecking operations under existing con
tracts on the Spanish cruisers Cristobal
Colon, Vlzcaya and Almlrante Oquendo,
n Santiago, which have become cn-
erously expensive to the government.
and to approve the recommendations. In I
t aj.,-i Cnn.trni-inr I
rVl ;T ' u ' ZT.
Hobson and other officers who have
Deen superintending tne worn oi res-
cuing these vessels.
The department has reached the con
clusion that tbe Vizcaya and the Al
mlrante Oquendo will probably never
be rescued, and the Cristobal Colon. If
saved at all, will not be brought to the j
United States by the Merritt & Chap
man wrecking company, of New Tork.
which has been working on this ves-
el under the Pial contract Involving
tne paymenr or a aay since juiy
29. without visibly Improving
chances of that vessel's salvage.
Paper To Be Mad of Aluminum.
Experiments with aluminum as a sub-
nt jCv.w japan aoa ajs jdsd joi ciniiis
France. It Is well knewn that the pa-
per used today in the manufacture of
books is not durable. It Is now possi
ble to roll aluminum Into sheets four- I
thousandths of an inch In thickness In
which form It weighs less than paper.
By the adoption or suitable machinery
these sheets can be made even thinner
stil) and be used for book and writing
paper. The metal will not oxidise Is
Ire aaat water aeaec aat l
UMe ay the Jaws mt wecssa.
Thousands Sick and Starving; Cry
to the United Sta'es.
Havana, Cuba. (Special.) Illness and
starvation still continue their work of
death among the poor of Havana. The
direst misery prevails in every direc
tion, and the necessity for an organized
system of relief was never more urgent
than at present.
Trade is at a standstill, owing to the
uncertainty regarding the Introduction
of the new tariff. Employment Is diffi
cult to obtain and the almost complete
cessation of municipal work and the
gradual withdrawal of the Spanish ad
ministration preparatory to evacuation
has closed many avenues of subsist
Adedd to this, the w inter weather has
set in with cold northern squalls and a
sharp fall of the temperature. Increas
ing the wretchedness of the miserable
beings who are houseless and homeless.
whose huddled forms nightly crowd the
The Cuban committee, recognizing the
necessity for Immediate action, has
drawn up a petition to the president.
which is being largely signed. It will
probably be laid before the American I
commissioners for transmission to the
United States. It represents not only
the views of the Cubans, but has been
signed also by many prominent Span-I
ards, who are thoroughly in accord
with this appeal.
The petition states that thousands of
Cubans are in the greatest mLery and
will die of hunger If relief is not given
them; that the resources of the Cuban
,'ommittees have been found inadequate
to cope with so much distress, and that
(the people of Cuba, ruined by the late
war, are unable to help except in but
i small way. Their only recourse, is appeal to the American
jeople through the president to save the
.Ives of thousands of human beings
who are now dying of hunger. They
isk that a sum be raised for special
(relief purposes and made chargeable to
the Cuban revenue for payment. What
ever scheme of relief is adopted, it Is
jrged that it be adopted Immediately.
Prefecto LaCoste, president of the
Cuban junta, said to me yesterday:
"There is, of course, the open and ap
oarent misery seen in every street, but
;here Is also a vast amount of suffer
ng among the poor which never comes
:o the surface. These poor persons
itarve and die in their homes, either be
cause too proud to seek assistance or
100 ignorant of how to obtain relief.
The local organizations are powerless
so cone with the present situation. It
Has gone beyond them. Our own com
mittee is too busily engaged in endeav
oring to obtain supplies to feed the Cu
ans in arms to do anything toward re-
ievlng suffering In the city.
"Our first duty Is to feed the men who
lave fought, and who are now without
he means of obtaining supplies save
Trom us-; but every day In my office I
aear tales of the poor people here of
:he most harrowing misery. The rondl-
;ion of the poor people here Is simply
rle Is to Leave the Island Novem
ber 20.
Havana. Nov. 2. General Blanco
eaves Havana Novemler 20. He hlm-
ielf does not admit that the statement
is correct, but I have It from a source
f undoubted authenticitv that he is
iverse to witnessing the closing scenes
it evacuation, and will go to Spain be
fore any possible entry of the Ameri
can flag.
Many of the younger members of the I
American commission and the officers
joddo qi uoidjo.ig q y
tunity tomorrow to go to a bull right
t Regta. which is probably the last In
Havana. Admiral Sampson, on the
contrary, goes to church, having prom-
Ised Messrs. Hammo-' and McLean.
gents of the Independent Christians,
to attend service In the Baptist chapel
if the afternon is fine. Both had a
ronference with Admiral Sampson this
vening, at which he excused his non-
attendance on Sunday last.
The belief yet that January 1 will be
the date eventually set for evacuation
Is strengthened by conversations held
with members of both commissions to
day. The Spanish say it Is a physical
Impossibility to get the troops out
then, but in all probability this will be
agreed on as the date of the recogni
tion of American sovereignty and the
theoretical date of evacuation. Many
Spanish troops may then remain, but
ihe American flag will be hoisted that
The American commission was en
raged today In drafting a note embody
ing the agreement regarding heavy
guns and foir.: minor details arrived J
1st during the Joint session yesterday.
This will be submitted to tbe Spanish
commission Monday.
Had The Best Of It.
"There is not the emolument In the
I profession that there used to be." said I
.v- attorney. "There's no denying that
thejre -Every Man His Own Lawyer'
I nok have reduced our profits." I
-vr,-. nncht to have gone Into my I
.. .v.- . .ni
'"!,De"' .
.mn mouth and twinkling eye. "Tou
nave never seen any book on 'tvery
Man His Own Undertaker have you:
Thinking over our own faults makes
as talk less about those of others.
CTT t tilt iTi 1 1 ill 1 1 1 aa OaaaaaJ. Mllia4 la aaaM-aam Uata aa arka aqaallr aa -all -H
51Y ria SAMPLE SLOB CaBSS m U TN aa.aa aarchaaa UOa aiawrUI troa
loaai faalaaa iaM a kaaar aaa ara will pal turn la tfca ay t Malalas It.
The Scoffer Why do you mlfflonar
les make such great efforts to train the
heathen to wearing c'.cthes Are dress
es and bonnets a nectstary jart cf re
ligion? The Missionary No tot nothing
makes a woman ctn.e to cbarch regu
larly as well as knowing that the other
will he ttere la ccv boantts.
p 5&f f
s 1
Every couch makes
your throat more raw U
ana irritable. Every
cough congests the lining
membrane of your lungs.
Ceasetearing your throat
and lungs in this way.
Put the parts at rest and
give them a chance to
heal. You will need some
help to do this, and you
will find it in
From the first dose the
quiet and rest begin: the
tickling in the throat
ceases; the spasm weak
ens; the cough disap
pears. Do not wait for
pneumtnla and con
sumption but cut short
your cold without delay.
Dr. Ayefs Cherry Pec
toral Plaster should be
overthe lungs of eTery per
son trouble! with a cough.
Write to the Doctor.
fnaaosJ opportunities and Inov.s.
priauc. nuieTit T qualify ti f-r
firing too meOu.l aire. Writ
ry all tha particular. In yoar ra.a.
Tell ua what Tour .xixnenea iaa
l"a with our brrry i-m-toral. Tou
will raceiva a prompt reply, wttlwut
ddreea. DR. i. C. ATFR.
Land Transportation for the Christ
mas Boxes for Manila.
Lincoln. Neb. (Special)-Some time
ago Adjutant General Harry m:i1e a
request of the war deprtm-nt at
Washington to transport the Oiritma
boxen of the First anl Third r.-;inirnt
to the camps of thoye regiment. Th-re
was no trouble about the niHttt-r cf
transportation fi..rn Pan Krar.Hrco to
Manila, but there a a hitch over Hi
land transportation to the oal.
The other day Information was te-
ceived that the matter had been nfer-
red to the chief quartermaster l Oma
ha. The latter, after the matter was
submitted, decided that there was no
appropriation available for thai pur
ITpon being informed that the war
department declined lo undertake lo
transport the presents Adluiarit Oni r.
al lliirry a."ks that all the fii nls f tie
Ihih le informed that the state will
see to the charges finm malia nnd
Lincoln to Sun Kianrisco anj b4an-
Australia Has a Drouth.
Victoria. B.C. (Special The "team-
er Arrangi. which arrived toiay from
Australia, via Honolulu, brings nc s of
u,Ki flr. at Sydney IKtober 8. which
deist toyed twenty larpo nulls and in-
fluted a heavy loss of property.
inuth and hot winds played havoc
mUn trit, Australijn wheat fileds. The
commissioner of sericulture sas there
will not be enough wheat for Kxal Jar-
Labor day. October 12. was generally
observed In New Zealand. Coal miners
and other laborers made su h a strong
representation that the enactment ?.
an eight-hour law is cxiected.
Later reHils from the conflagration
at Hankow. China, say that
houses were destroyed and 1.000 (eop!
killed and burned to death.
It is stated that the Fiji government
has withdrawn the subiiJy of $7,000 a
year to the Canadian-Australian line.
Lamont After Concessions.
Washington. P. C (Special F.x-
Secretary of War Lamont. vice presi
dent of the Northern Tacific railroad.
and another official of that road were
in the city today In connection with
Northern Pacific affairs. The main bus,
iness was the securing of greater con
cessions from the post office department
n the way of enlaiged jKMal service on
that line.
Wealthiest Klondiker.
Al.Qnitr t rirnn1! t Vi o fvlni r f fVi
KUtnAtkr w ho tiaeked his blanket out
of Colorado and l as since secured
whole and part Interests In 30 or 40 of
L'lt.,nerLPL0.': , !L -.-f-J"',-. .1
in xw York. There have been mnv
Klondike kings, so-called, but Alexan-
Ider McDonald overtops them all. He ut
the dashing -.lunger snd miner, the
typlca, fronter chtracter. His fortune
has been variously estimated at from
three to thirty millions. He landed In
the Yukon with but $3 50 In his pocket.
and It Is said his income exceeded SMMi..
000 during the first year. With this
money he secured miles of claims.
Kebruli Mora Press Bnslaess Iss'n
OMAHA. K0.4-im.
UiniS WHIM All fclii MH.S.
I all
Cwn syrup. TT7