...v: 7 V TI pi One One Six; Thn. akes the food pare, wholesome and 1 1 -1 rMi CiP, POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYM. KAKIMO POWOCtt CO., Zt VOUtC The Plattsmouth Jonrnal . .PCBLISHED BY.. KIRKHAM & GREEN. ISSUED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. SUBSCRIPTION. One year $1.50 One year, in advance, 1.00 Six months, in advance 50 Three months, in advance 25 Entered at the postotlice at IMatta mouth, Nebraska, as aecood-class matter. SATURDAY, NOV. 5, 1S98. The voters of the Third district will make no mistake in electing George Towle to tLe commissionerBhip. Mr. Towle is a man eminently qualified by both experience and ability to fill the office, and is spoken of most highly by republicans as well as democrats and populists. He has made a thorough canvass of the district, and the lecep tion he has met with at the bands of the electors givts Lim every reason to believe that his majority will be a handsome one. It is a flittering tribute to the in telligence and integrity of Fred Gorder that, though he is a democrat, be has on different occasions been elected mayor of Weeping Water, which is an overwhelmingly republican town. That where he is Lest known he is most highly esteemed, and that nearly every one of hi? acquaintances is his friend, lie will receive a large republican vote In the west end, and if the democrats and populists in the east end stand by him, as they certainly should, bis ma jority will be a record breaker. OilAKGKS AIA fBOVKN. The campaign is now practically at a close, and The Joukxal desires to call the attention of the voters of the county to the manner in which it has proven the absolute unfitness of Wni. II. Newell to represent them in any public office. In the first place, it charged that. Newell and his partner, through cou nivancewlth the notoriously corrupt IJillDorgau, robbed the people of Ne braska of thousands and thousands of dollars on that famous cell house deal. This Newell denied, and The Jour nal proved that it was true. It charged that Newell was the ring leader iu the conspiracy to plunder the taxpayers of the county of t50 through the fako county fair aud that he is one of the directors of the bo- ciety. This Newell denieu am Journal proved that it was true. It charged that Newell, while mayor of riattsinouth, knew that a genuine finish prize fight was to take place here and that he gave a gentleman a ticket of admission to the same. His chief of police was there, and though the fight was so fierce that one of the- contestants was killed it was allowed to go on, and the county was compelled to expend $1,500 in the trial of two murder case. Newell denid that he knew that it was to be a prize fight or that he had a ticket and The Journal proved his denial to be false. The Journal charged that the workmen at Newell s iCedar ureeK quarries were compelled to go out on a strike last June in order to get the same wages for their labor that was being paid iu adjoining quarries. This was alio denied by Newell and proven to be true by The Journal. In short every charge made against the plugged to size candidate has at first been de nied by him and afterwaids proven by TriE Journal to be absolutely true. This being the case, it is impossible to believe that the voters or Uass county, the vast majority of whom are honest men, will cast their ballots for Mr. Newell. He has been shown beyond the possibility of a doubt, to be man in every manner unworthy of a public trust one who will prostitute the public interest to his own private lii9t for gain one who, while chief executive of a municipality and the conservator of its peace, had not the moral courage to insist upon the en forcement of the criminal laws, and one whose disregard for the working classes is so great as to involve him in wage controversies with his employees, who must perforce strike in order to obtain fair pay for their work. This is William II. Newell, republi can candidate for state senator. Do you want such a man to make laws for Tne News accuses The Journal of making a "bitter, malignant and untruthful campaign" against Mr. Newell. The accusation is false. When a man conies before the people asking for political preferment, he must stand upon his record. His future course can only be judged by the past. The voters have a right to know what that past record is and The Journal has merely done its duty toward the electors of the county in Hying Newell's record before them. There has not been one untruthfal charge made against him. AH Vave been amply proven. The Post takes The Journal to task for stating that Pollard and Toung voted against the stock yards bill. This is just what The Jouknal has been waiticz for, as it furnishes an opportunity for showing these gen tlemen and their attitude toward that bill up in teir true light. It is true that they did not actually vote against the bill when it came tip for final pas nage, they were too smooth for that, but they antagonized it all the way through until the final vote came, vot ing and working against it from the time of its introduction until it be came plainly apparent that it could not be killed, when they fell Into line and gave it votes which, if they could have been of any benefit to the other Bide, would undoubtedly have been cast that way. Do the people of Cass county want such double-dealers to represent them in the legislature again? The Post seems to have funny ideas as to the manner In which United States senators are elected. In Thurs day evening's i?sue the above men tioned paper mentions the good qual ities of Mr. Burkett, republican candi date for congress, and says: "Know ing this, his ability and fitness for the office of congressman, and the oppor tunity he will have for helping in the election of a United States senator, al republicans should give him loyal sup port." Just how a congressman is supposed to assist in the election of a United States senator, The Journal is at a loss to understand, and has in vain sought information on the sub ject from people who were supposed to be well Informed. Some hesitancy was felt about calling The Post down on the matter, but this is about the third time it has been sprung, and The Journal could resist the temptation no longer. worthy of the support of all conscien tious electors. He is intelligent, hon est and energetic and would make an ideal representative and one who could be relied upon to stand up for the in terests of the people at all times and under all circumstances. The popu lists are giving their united support to the democratic nominees let the dem ocrats do the same by Mr. Rouse. The taxpayers are Interested iu hav ing iu the office of county attorney a lawyer of recognized ability and one who will look after their interests in a conscientious and faithful manner. Such a man is D. O. Dwyer, the fusion nominee. His ability and integrity have never been questioned, aud there is no reason wby he should not re ceive the vote of every man who de sires that the legal affairsof the county should be in competent hands. TIME TABLE. PLATTSMOtTH, M-.lt. Deit Lincoln, Omaha, Denver, Portland, San Francisco. All points west. cor Malu ul Second art Chicago, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louts, and all points east and south. you: CIIICKKNS COME HOME TO KOOST. The poor, puny pusillanimous little pirate who daily and semi-weekly in sults the intelligence of the people of Cass county by inflicting upon them a bulldozing personal organ which he is pleased to misname The News, jumps onto the Nebraska City News because the latter paper is opposed to the an nexation of the Philippines. This blushless buccaneer, who is so hide bound that he cannot raise his chin from his breast bone, and who is so narrow that he cin gipe with both op tics at once through the eye of a cam bric needle, virtually accuses all who oppose the president's plan of expan sion, of treason, and then says "we are thankful that they all belong to the democratic party, which has never mn1 a very enviable record for pat riotism since it fired on Ft. Sumpter." Lt us see if they all belong to the democratic party. The Omaha Bee, the leading republican paper of the state, has been a consistent opponent of expansion. Andrew Carnegie, who has written columns of republican gosppl and who has contributed bun dred of thousands of dollars to repub lican campaign funds, is warning the people against tbe dire results which will foilow territorial extension. The republican state convention of Massa chusetts has declared against the policy which is being pursued by the administration, and there are many more, among them being Tbe Platts mouth News, for in its issue of May 10, 1893, is to be found the following editorial: What about tbe Philippine Islands? Well Tbe News iaya, drop them a soon aa thebloodj war la over. Tbe Inhabitants are not fit for ttelf government. We have no moral right to bold them, that money may be ruueezed from the an fortunates claiming those Islands as a borne. It will be a sorry day when this nation, forgetting tbe fundamental j rinclples underlying Its ex igence and urged on by the lust c conquest, chall turn thin war from one In tbe Interests of humanity into one of conquest. Tbe voire of America will be all powerful in tbe future, but tenfold must It be when the lesnous of this war will teach the world that the United States mean what they say when the voice of tbe na tion finds expression In tbe solemn declaration of iu congress and president. If the above was true in May why is it not equally true now? Can the peo ple want any better proof than the above that tbe thinking for the repub lican newspapers is done at republican headquarters? No democrat in the county should fail to cast his vote for James P. House for representative. It is a duty he owes to himself and his party. Mr. House is tbe only populist on the county ticket, and he is certainly TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: So. 1. Chicago-Denver express ll:ISpm No jo. Local express, dally, St. Joe, Kansas City, bt Louis, all points so uUi 9:40 am No 4. Local exp, dally, Burlington, Chicago, all points east 10:24 am So 14. Local exp, dally except Sun- . day, arrives iu: am No. 9. Creston-Oxnaha local 10:00aui No. 2T. St. Louis St. Joe Ouiabalocal 12:1 pm No. 2. Oinaha-St. Joe St. Louis exp.. 4:2 pm Nu. 10- Oiuaha-Crebtou local 4:30 pin No W. Local exp, dally except Sun day, Pacific Junction 12:30 pm No 30. relKht, daily except Sunday, 1'acldc Juuutiou 2:50 ptu No 13. Omaha aud west by the way of Council Bluff, arv 0:15 pm No 11. Local ex , daily, St Joe, Kansas City, bt Louis, Chicago, all points east and south 8:25pm No 5. Local exp. daily, Omaha, Lin coln, Denver aud intermedi ate stations 7:34 am No i.K Local freight, daily, ex Sunday CedarCreek, Louisville, South Bend 7:39 am No 7. Fn'l mail, daily, Omaha aud Lincoln ; SundayOinaba only 3:22 pm No 3. Vefrtibuled exp, daily, Denver aud all points in Colorado, llah and California, Oraud l;and. Black Hills, Montana and Pacific N. W 3:38 pm No 13. Local exp, daily exceplSunday Louisville, Ashland, Wahoo, Schuyler 4:00 pm No II. Local eip, dallyexceptSunday Omaha and Lincoln; Sunday Omaha only ... . . 5)0 pm No. 6 Chicago 12:40 am 'Passengers from Plattsmouth can connect with No. 1 at Pacific Junction by taking the freight train at 1U:05 p in. Sleeping, dlulng and reclliilng chair cars(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and bag gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information, time tables, maps and tickets call or write to W. L. PICKETT. Agent. Plattsmouth, Neb. I. PRANCES. Oen. Pass. Agt.. Omaha, Neb. 'ft'&vftw&sr yA Uncle Sam's New Scarf Pin, the Wear! of the Antilles." p!rFB him immensely. We have souif pins, rings, lace pins, chatelaines, and other novelties that are made from hand some corabina' ions of jewels in beau tiful designs and attractive effects that are suitable for birlhda) and holiday gifts. -Special inducements in prices. SNYDER & CO., Jewelers and Opticians. PLATTSMiHTII, ..... ebra m THE DEPARTMENT STORE 1 S ALWAYS IN THE LEAD. ZS ..SHOES.. wasP worth $1.25, $139, $1.5Q and $1.75 go $1.QO. One 2 lot of Children's Shoes at 25 cents. M . V. K. K. GOINO No.'tTlI: Leaves: Passenger. No. 1 4:50 a.m. N'. 9 11 :M a. n.. Pre'gbt. No. 121 (daily exc'ptSunday) 3:58 p. v.. OOINO Sol'TH: Passenger. No. 2 10:43 p. m So. in J:58 p. m. Freight, No. i2fi (dally except Sunday ) 7:35 a.n No. 0 connects at Union with train from Weeping Water. No. 10 connects at Culon with train for Weepinir W ater. OLDEST FURNITURE $ HOUSE IX CASS COUNTY. FUNERAL SUPPLIES. Furniture and Stoves. Funerals carefully directed and Night Calls Promptly Attended to. STRE1GHT & STREIGHT. Main and Sixth Stree's Sixth Street Entrance. Tbe Hotel Plattsmouth, E. (Formerly City Hotel-) H. HEITZHAUSEN, Prop. Best fl .00 day house to the state. Thoroughly cleansed and refurnished. First Clans table. Best of service. Corner Main and Third Streets, Purrs... vtr. Mr4Sica JOHN MUMM, ..DEALER IN.. ..THE CELEBRATED.. ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEER ON DRAUGHT. Fine Billiard and Pool Tables HOTEL ltlLEV ANNX BAR AND CAFE. Schlitz No. 2 E. G. MEYER, Mgr. ....A FINE LINK OF.... WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Also Neatly Furnished I 111 8. 14th 8trt, ooma for Rent. ....OUAHA ... - -.- -A. fey '3 ' Heat patent Hour, per 100. 85 Hest blf patent flour, per 100. 60 coitees. 1 lb (rood Itio jo 1 lbStantos and ltio joj Package coffee io KEATS. California h.ims 6J Large bams io Bacon 10 Dry Salt Meat 7 Bologna 6J 1CISC ELL f TTEOTTS. 1 can blackberries 8 10 lbs Navy beans 25 10 lbs green peas 25 1 lb broken rice . ... ..... 6 Champion lye 7 3 boxes Lewis lye 2-5 Oil sardines . Mustard sardines Price's baking powder, 1 lb. Bon Bon " ".. Calumet ' " 2 lb can cove oysters 1 lb can cove oysters 10c sack salt 12c sack salt All other goods proportionately low. Highest market price paid for Farmer's Produce. Bring in your produce and we will treat you right. DRY GOODS fPecial sale for a short time. Nice line of plaids at 2 l-2c, suitable for comfortables; 36-inch Per cales, dark styles, 5c to close. Large importa tion of Fine Dress Goods. We can show the handsomest line in the city. Special sale on Un derwear all next week Garments as low as 25c. The Department Store S ..Always in the Lead.. A st-.Vy ' , . Family Sewing Mjv . o.. yj'.s-i ng a I modern i...,) wrr)snts. Mr:: Epl la me Best. r:ee-.v: i- snsble. Obtain them i.u . iocil dealer and (. i?.:; c.rppansons. wtM nm)m Co. ,,;Vv; y. BEL.VIDERh, ILL- F. G. Fricke & Co Will keep constantly ou nana full aud roinpletentock of pure ..and MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS, Etc. Alao a full line of Htuttlnl'i Sundries Pure liquors for medicinal purposei. . Special attention given to COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS Full Line of. . GUNTHER'S Celebrated Chicago CANDIES. - - CHEAP POWER - -THE mm GASOLINE ENGINE, Manufactured by COLUMBUS MACHINE CO., Columbus, Oh-. L. C. SHARP.I Nebraska. Try Tub Journal a year. J Plattsmouth L BOTTLING WORKS- F.G.EGENBERGER Proprietor. Manufacturers of . . . Mineral and Soda Waters. . . . All lnda -f . . . TEMPERANCE DRINKS ..Local Agent.. Krug Brewing Co. ..AND.. Schlitz Bottled Beer. Goods Delivered to any part of the city witho.it extra charge. ... Ol Maln-at, )'ltt4'niuth Na, A. W. ATWOOD, Succesaor to Smith t Parmele PURK DKras. PATENT MEDICINES. STATIONERY" AND CIOARS. PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES. DYES. PAINT. HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES, TOILET ARTICLES. PERFUMERY. SOAPS. SPONGES AND ALL VARIETIES OF DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES. WINDOW GLASS AND WALL PAPER. HUMPH REY'S, LUTIE'S AND MUNIOS'S HOMOKPATUIC REMEDIES. PURE CALIFORNIA WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL USES. IN FACT, EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT FOR SALE IN FIRST CLASS DRUG STORES. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded BE CHEERFUL The best way to attain cheerfuluess is to have your sur roundings cheerful. Make your home inviting by repapering the rooms and repainting the woodwork, but before doing so, call and inspect the immense stock of new Wall Paper in all the latest de signs, and get prices on paints, oils, etc., at Gering & Co's. Is complete in every detail everything warranted pure and un adulterated and of the very highest quality. We make a specialty of compounding prescriptions. Our stock of Druggist's Sundries, including Combs, Brushes, Perfumes, Sponges, Chamois Skins, etc., is the finest in the city. GERING & CO., The Leading Apothecaries and Chemists. South Sid Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb It's Money In Your Pocket.. to buy your Watches and Jewelry from us. We are giving better ad vantages now tban ever before. We are going to sell goods at lowest possible prices from now until after the Holidays. We have a full stock of , Watches and Jewelry, Silverware Sterling and Plated, Sterling Silver Novelties, Cut Glass, Bisk , Goods, Etc. Our Repairing. Is the Best. Thft Casino m" PHILLIP THIEROLF .....PROPBunvoa...., Local Agent for the Celebra.s Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n of st. x-iotais, co Famous Pale and Budweiser Beer .....IN KEG AND BOTTLES And the Great MALT-NUTRINE. "Canadian Club" Whiskey in the market. THE GENUINE RHINE WINE. AH Orders Promptly Delivered to All Parts of the City. Kcmcmber the place Opposite the Court House. fjMODERN 2$ FOOTWE Second Door South of Postoffice. II you desire to be strictly up-to-date you shovl of Joseph-:? FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR j r stock is the very finest ever brought to this city, b6i trn and quality. The latest toes the most fashionable cofS!' , tans, etc. Inspect the stock. Get . the prices. Botrrav.' please you. . " ' X1 MODERN FOOT CLOTHIER. TZEE, 511 MAIN t f- I. An .i - MA -4 'J y f ft l V ST V t 5r n