Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 05, 1898, Image 2
v. Y ....v.: i - Tt pi moai ter. OJ Tt laprc In by meat 1893, forC Ha the b ings of th Both publii i flpect that: STOl OFT KET Beg!i the t disclo Co.,fi llTerei Cass e remot eight i rubbli dim en per ca ilze"- sordin It ls parchi J. W. Zo Hemal rents i 9 it KHlCdJ Ute i nice. i 3oM it1 aarkel ifferei HEr cot ie reel One One Six: Tfcn MUST HAVE CUBA WE THANK THE U. S. FOP WHAT IT HAS DONE BUT OUR TIME HAS COME." THEATITUDEOF THE CUBANS "Cubans Should Now be Placed In Highest Offices and Assume Charge of Island." Santiago de Cuba. (SpeclaX Majoi Pettlt, In command of the United States troops at Manzanillo. and military gov ernor of the city, telegraphed today that the Cuban general. Rlcs, offer two armed men to assist the American In preserving order, merely asking ra tions In return. General Wood sent .he following reply: "Certainly not. The only conditions on which rations are to be Issued are the complete disarma ment and dlsbandment of the troops. Some of the Cubans here consider that the United States Is treating its allies badly In not allowing the Cuban forces to remain armed. They contend that the Cuban soldiers who have been fighting three years, who speak the Ian. guage of the country, are better fitted for garrison duty than "untrained vol unteers." The Cuban General. Macia Rodriguez, virtually voices the sentiment of the Cuban army when he says: "We thank the United States for the assistance It has given us. but the time has now ar rived when the Cuban should be placed In the highest offices and should pre pare to take over the island on the de parture of the Spanish." Cuban extremists here re Jubilant at the reported attitude of the Cuban assem bly at Santa Cruz del Sur. where the dele gates, while expressing their gratitude to the Americans, practically demand a dis tinctive Cuban government. The Cuban moderates, on the other hand. regret this stand, thinking It best fcr the United States authorities to continue In charge of affairs for a year at least. mo as to set things going and to prevent any complications with foreign govern ments. Those who advocate annexation to ths United States are extremely anxious as to the outcome. A prominent Cuban, now employed under our government, who Is a moderate and well able to Judge sf the feeling in Santiago, says those three par ties are well denned and would poll about equally, but in the event of the extremists endeavoring to force an Issue a majority of moderates would Join the annexation ists. General Wood Is fully resolved to allow no more paupers to land here, especially no more from the West Indies, a class entirely unwilling to do hard work. One schooner from Jamaica and one from Hayti, loaded with negro emigrants, have been ordered to return their passengers to porta of embarkation. Lieutenant Victor Blue, in command of the prize gunboat Alvado, arrived here this morning from Guantanamo and left this morning to Inspect the wrecks of the six Spanish gunboats driven ashore on July S by United States warships, with a view to raising spme or all of them if possible. He consulted with Major Pettlt to ascer tain whether the latter requires naval as sistance. Lieutenant Blue says the Infanta Marls Teresa will leave Guantanamo on Sunday next for the United States, running under her own steam, but accompanied by the Vulcan, which will be prepared to render any assistance necessary. The United States transport Roumanian arrived here today from Manzanillo. en route to Guantanamo. with Colonel Hay's immunes. Colonel Ray brought $3,700. rep resenting: customs receipts at Manzanillo. The Santiago customs receipts for Sep tember were $33,223 81. It is expected that the receipts for this month will exceed - Lieutenant Colonel Wiley, lieutenant governor of Santiago, has applied for leave to return to the United States at the earliest opportunity. He Is suffering from fever. This evening a reception was given at the San Carlos club to the Cuban general, Macia Rodriguez. The Cuban colonel. Valiente. who holds a position under the American authori ties. Is about to leave for Sag-ua de Tan imo to disband his late regiment. WINDING UP THEIR BUSINESS. Nebraska State Commission Per forming Its Last Duties. Omaha, Neb. (Special.) The Nebras ka state exposition commission propos es to hold Its final session November 10. It will then cease to have an existence. This was decided at a meeting yester day, when all commissioners were present, save Mr. Poynter and Secre tary Casper. As soon as possible after the clock strikes midnight October 31. all the loose property of the state at the various exhibits is to be brought to the state building, where it can be properly and safely taken care of until both this property and the state building Itself are turned over to Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings Wolfe. It Is thought that this can be done about November 3. The pictures and hangings 1-nt the commission for decorating purposes will be packed as soon as can be and returned to the owners. Mr. Wolfe will have charge of the disposal of the state building and of the state property therein. With the close of the exposition all the employes under the commission except the office force and the three guards Messrs. Williams, Barrett and HInes. are to be discharged. The commission will recommend that the three guards be retained to look after the property until It Is disposed of by the commissioner cf public lands and buildings. The commissioners went to the ag ricultural building at noon and en joyed a corn dinner tendered by Mrs. MacMurphy at the model kitchen. The Alvarado, Potomac and Southery have arrived at Calmanera. Edward Tanger, aged 30 years, of Hancock. Mich., a rough rider, died at Boston of malaria. It has been decided to open all the Canadian canals Sundays after the 10th of this month. The directors of the People's Gas Co. of New Tork have declared the reg ular quarterly dividend of li P cent, payable November 23. Four companies of the Second regi ment of volunteer engineers now at Montauk Point have been ordered to General Lee's corps at Savannah. WILL CURE HOG CHOLERA. Agricultural Department Believes It Has Found a Remedy. Washington. D. C. Nov. 1. During the past two years the department of agriculture has conducted a series of experiments In the use of serum as a remedy for hogs affected by cholera or swine plague. The experiments were conducted by Dr. P. E. Salmon, chief of the bureau of animal industry, and the results were eminently satisfactory, proving that the dreaded disease can be successfully treated easily and in expensively. The losses suffered by the farmers of the United States an nually from hog cholera aggregates an enormous sum. In Iowa alone, during 1S96. It Is estimated that the hog raid ers lost through the ravages of t)te rfupase 115.000.000. Scores of remedies have been tried, but nothing even ap proximating a specific for the disease has ever been discovered until the de partment of agriculture began its ex Deriments. Last year the experiment was conducted in Page county. Ia. the results showing a loss of only 2i per cent of the affected droves. This vear the experiments have been ex tensive and far-reaching. The bureau treated 922 hogs. Of these. 170 died the number saved being 81 out of every hundred. The loss was only 19 per cent. The animals comprised sev teen droves and of these six droves lost only one hog each. On the other hand 1.107 hogs In other droves were served and not subjected to the serum treatment. Of these 579 died, showing a loss of 79 hogs out of every hundred. Speaking of the treatment Dr. Sal mon said mere is no uuesuun ui me effectiveness of the serum treatment Our operations have been viewed with keDticIsm. but the serum treatment for hog cholera Is no longer an ex periment. It Is a proved success and undoubtedly will save the farmers of the United States millions of dol lars every year, ine cnoiera serum is procured by keeping apart for treatment an animal a horse or a :ow-and injecting into its blood a small amount of the blood of the chol era diseased hog. This will sicken the subject, but he will recover, when another dose will be administered and so on time after time until finally his blood becomes so Impregnated as to render him practically cholera-proof. Then his blood is let and the clot drawn off. leaving the thin, yellowish portion which is the serum. This Is used to inject Into the diseased hogs snd operates to render them likewise chol-?ra-proof or even cures them of the lisease after It has developed . SOCIAL PURITY THE TOPIC. How Unfortunate Clrls May Be Helped Discussed by Council. Omaha. Neb. (Special.) Social puri ty was the topic lor atscussion at me afternoon session of the National Con gress of Women yesterday. Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett of Washington who presided, discussed the best methods to iave wayward girls and scarlet women. She told of the Florence Crittenden missions, which would not allow a wo man who had given birth to an lllegit- mate child to desert it. but taught her how to win for it an honest livelihood. Rev. Anna Shaw declared that the efforts of women who bad fallen to reform and then had fallen again was part of the heroism of the century. he held that women of the cities whose lives are pure and good too often fail In their duty to aid and en- ourage those who have failed in 'the struggle of life. Miss Anthony thought that the traf fic in human bodies was one of the ?vil results of government by men. Pov ?rty she sail, was the principal cause of social sinning, because no provision had been made for women who were unable, either by misfortune or poverty o earn an honest living. By giving women an equal chance with men to hold responsible positions was, she be lieved, the real solution of the problem. New Inventions. United States has 47.668 coke ovens: Pennsylvania. 26,910 The caDltal invested In cotton mills n South Carolina now amounts to $18.- 14.000. It is estimated that S5 per cent of the ilk sroods used In the United fetates ire the products of our own factories. ThP labor rtress announces that E. V. Deb has severed his official connection with all labor unions and will take the lecture platform. At Lando. S. C. a contract has been warded for the building of the Ma- netta cotton mills, whlcn win contain 000 or more spindles. A writer in an exchange declares that 00.000 men now do the Work. eith the Id of machinery which needed 16.000.000 to do a few years ago. The membershin of the Clgarmakers' International un.on is taking a vote on nronosltlon o abolish the out-of-work benefit and to reduce the death benefits bout 20 per cent. A eood manv of the New England otton mills may be making Silk a few yeaia from now. Some or mem nave aught on already to the advantages or making the change. It Is reported that English machine builders have contracts for the equip ment of many cotton mills In India, in- ludlnar eleven mills being estaDiisnea n Ahmedabad. where six more may be n progress of construction. After an Idleness of four years, the 12-lnch mill of the Glasgow Iron com pany of Pottstown. Pa., has been put n operation, as was also a sixiy-nve-nch mill of the same company, giving mployment to nearly 600 men. The first woolen mill In the Chinese mplre Is about to be established, ana t will be fitted up wltn American ma- hinery. Even If our own woolen mills re falling, our macnine worxers ap pear to be doing a goo business. Cleveland Plain Dealer: "They say Dobbins' wife has a mania for giving away everything." "Yes. I heard she wouldn't even keep her temper." The coroner's Jury found no one re sponsible for the death of the miners at Vlrden. I1L The Postoffice department has order ed the establishment December 1 or military postofflce stations In Cuba at Ralaulrl. Guantanamo. uaracoa, can Luis. Manzanillo. Gobara and Holguln. All of the lake craft that were out In Tuesday's storm have been accounted for. The schooner Jeanneite was tow ed Into Chicago. The barge Blabwak has reached Sheboygan and the barge Delta is safe at Milwaukee. The war department has been Inform ed of the sailing of ths Panama from Ponce to Santiago. THE GATES ARE CLOSED TRANS - MISSISSIPPI PASSES INTO HISTORY. Omaha Day Olth Its Thousands o Visitors Closes a Series of Bril liant Events In a Blaze of Glory. Omaha. Neb., November 1. With the gray of the first November dawn the night of Omaha Day was declared at end, and with It the great Trans-Mis-sisslpi exposition with its splendid showing of the wealth of the mighty west, the beautiful exposition, a won der by day and a dazzling dream by night, officially passed into history. By the sound of the torn, torn, the weird cries of Turks and Egyptians, and the vigorous lungs of thousands of gay revelers, the big exposition plunged into its last wild dash to death. Although the early hours of the day found the gates swinging siowiy, aur Ing the afternoon the crush began, and lasted till late at night, till 61.102 had entered for their last good-bye. and swelled the total since June 1 to 2,613, 374. With that total of 2.613,374 the expo-- sition far eclipsed anything since the World's fair; the Midwinter exposition with its less than 2,000,000; the Atlanta exposition with its 1,278,863; and the Nashville exposition with its 1,703,328. And the last day. Omaha day, the second best of the exposition, with its 61,102, cast Into the shade the closing day of Atlanta with Its 16,000; of Nash ville with its 41,703; but it did not pass the last day of the Midwinter exposi tion, the Fourth of July, with its 77.000. But If this exposition lacked numbers at its dying hour, it made up all In en thusiasm. The business of the day was finished in the afternoon by Omaha day exercises at the Auditorium: a farewell luncheon to the government board, the heads of departments, exposition offi cials and Omaha business men who have been prominent in exposition work, a fine collation served to 300 gen tlemen at the Markel cafe at 6 p. m.; four band concerts, two by the re nowned Innes band; the last life saving exhibition and the grandest pyrotech nical display of the summer. Then the crowd turned loose on the Midway. Revelers with horns, whis tles, squawkers and every contrivance known to the fakir's art for making noise, used them fiercely; they fought fierce battles with confetti; threw co logne at friend and foe, and surged up and down the two Midways, an im penetrable mass of humanity, from spieler to spieler. Midnight began approaching, and the men out with their wives and the wives out with their husbands went home. So did a few other people. Hut 25,000 people didn't go. They Just sim ply tore down every loose sign on the Midway, and carried the pieces about on their shoulders; they snatched every piece of curtains, awnings or cloth signs In sight and turned them into banners; they carried every bottle In sight on the top of a long stick; and they made noise. One delegation wrecked the Dragon's Head, knocked out the eyes and teeth, and annihilated the pleasant smile. Once in a w hile some one would cre ate a disturbance. One riot at the Streets of Cairo nearly resulted in the lynching of a colored man, Another mlxup between a guard and a small boy with a long pole over his shoulder made West Midway a stormy place. Other outbreaks occurred from time to time, -but all were promptly squelched by the guards. On the whole, however. the crowd was good natured, out for a good time, and had it. MASO'S ADDRESS TO CUBANS. To the Delegates in Attendance at . the Military Assembly. Santiago De Cuba. Oct. 31. Senor Bartolomeo Maso, ptesident of the Cu ban provisional administrative council, has issued an address to the delegates now in attendance at the military as sembly at Santa Cruz del Sur, in which he reviews the considerations upon which the Cubans solicited the help of the United States, and indicates their wisest future policy. The address in part is as follows: "The Cubans accepted the assistance of America, although not knowing ex actly what were the Americans' aims. Just as they would have accepted the help of any country, i:i their fight against Spain. "As the contest picgrefsed the Cu bans in the field wt-re gratified to hear the solemn declaration by the United States congress -regarding the intention of the American government and the path it woiad follow in the Spanish- American . war. "The Americana came to our help to compel Spain to relinquish her sover eignty over Cuba, in order that the Cu bans themselves mignt De placed as promptly as possible in possession of the island; might assume the adminis tration of its affairs and have a gov ernment of their own. "Therefore, the Cubans agreed to co operate with the Americans, to obey orders of American generals and help in all posible ways to establish a Cuban government when the Americans took possession. Though America did not recognize the government of the Cu bans, it was well understood that the Cubans would not on that account abandon their organization, but that on the contrary, the time would come when such recognition would be grant ed. Indeed, it was asserted to our Cu ban representatives by one of the most distinguished members of the United States government and also by mem bers of the United States senate that in order to do away with an obstacle that might hinder the United States to go Into the fight for the cause of Cuban independence, recognition of a Cuban government must come later. "Nevertheless, It has not been possi ble to establish direct relations between the Cuban and American governments for the transaction of the public busi ness, although the general character of our relations throughout the war was friendly. But we have now reached a time when, even mere than in the days of fighting. It is incumbent upon all Cubans to show true patriotism, and while making every expression of grat itude to America for having given Cuba freedom and independence, to make prompt arrangements for paying off the Cubans now in arms and for get ting the country into working order." The Ninth regiment. New York vol unteers, was mustered out of the Unit ed States service yesterday. David A. Wells, the political econo mist, was reported to be resting com fortably. Mr. Wells may live one or two weeks. The output of ore In the Cripple Creek district In October is valued at $1,488,136 the highest of any month in the his tory of the camp. W. C. Haman and John R. West, Su perior, Wis., business men, have been drowned in Burnside lake while hunt ing. The bodies were recovered. Asa Van Wormer of Cincinnati, aged about 80 years, has made a gift to the university of Cincinnati of $56,000, to be used for the erection of a fireproof li brary building. ' Major General Henry W. Lawton, re cently in command at Santiago, has been ordered to command the Second army corps, relieving General Graham, recently retired. TESLA FINDS A NEW POWER. Can Transmit Electrlo Force for Many Miles Through the Air. New York.-Speclal.) Nikola Tesla. the electrician, describes in today's is sue of the Electrical Review a possi, bility in electric power transmission. His Inventions !r transmitting elec tricity at high pressure over long dis tances have been successfully applied at many natural urces of power. Probably the mosi important of these plants in the Unittd States Is at Ni agara Falls, costing over J6.000.000 to install, which Buppli electricity to many large factories and supplies elec. trie power for running the trolley lines of the city of Buffalo, twenty-six miles distant. The announcement is row made that by employing apparatus which he had Invented, capable of generating electri cal pressures vastly in ex(ss of any heretofore used, . located at natural sources of power, the current can be conducted to a terminal maintained a! an tlevatlon where the rarifle.i atmos phere is capable of conducting freely ihe particular current produced then, at a distant point where the entity is to be used commercially, to maintain a second terminal at about the sun elevation to attract and receive u1( current and to convey it to earth thi , special means for transforming anj utilizing it. With the article an Illustration is pre sented, showing streams of electricity issuing from a single terminal, giving an estimated electrical pressure of 2, SOO.OOO volts. The Electrical Review comments on Mr. Tesla's novel and startling ideas as follows: "Tesla now proposes to transmit without the use of any wires, through the natural media the earth and the air great amounts of power to dis lances of thousands of miles. Thi will appear a dream a tale from tbt Arabian Nights.' But the extraordl nary discoveries Tesla has made dur ing a number of years of incessant la bor, which are authoritatively describ ed in our present issue, make it evident that his work in this field has passed a stage of laboratory experiment and is ready for a practical test on an In dustrlal scale. The success of his ef forts means that power from such sources as Niagara will become avail able in any part of the world, regard less of distance." M'KINLEY SHARPENS HIS AX Something Like Six Thousand Heads Likely to Fall Shortly. WasTiington, D. C. (Special.) It Is understood that a presidential edict removing a large number of govern ment officers from the civil service, probably will be promulgated before Thanksgiving day. The order Is one which has been in contemplation for many months, having been deferred from time to time, owing to pressure of war business. As at present deter mined upon the order will affect up ward of 6,000 places. It will include deputies acting as collectors of internal revenue, who are authorized to become acting collectors, actually serving in that capacity. There are about. 2.000 of these deputies. The largest class af fected Is the vrp of exaralfA sur geons of the pension bureau, of whom there are, In all, over 4,100. There seems to be a general understanding that it will be better to have these left out of the civil service, although Sec retary Bliss, while understood to favor such action, would not recommend it Over 3,000 of these surgeons are stated at the civil service commission never to have been classified under the civil ser vie law. The order will clear up the misapprehension of the status of the whole corps and place them all outside. About fifty office deputy tofore reported as clasifled, but con cernlng whose status there has been some doubt because ef their being in the Judicial branch of the service, are expected to be placed in the exempt class. There are other scattering post. tions. Including some of a fiduciary and confidential character, which will aggregate possibly several hundred. This is the scope of the order as now outllwed in official quarters, but It is subject to further modifications before finally being passed upon. ALL GUNS IN CUBA ARE OURS, Afar Department Puts a Stop the SetllnR of Material. to Washington, D. C. (Special.) It was stated today at the war department hat the sale by the Spanish govern ment of government property in Cuba 'or the benefit of the Spanish treasury tr of the officers making the sale had been stopped by the United States. This practice has grown to such pro portions that Major General Butler In a private letter to Secretary Alger call ed his attention to the matter. Expensive guns of modern type, the valuable "machinery in the government workshops and small gunboats were being sold by the Spaniards or pre pared for shipment back to Spain. The matter was laid before the president by Secretary Alger and through the French embassy, the diplomatic chan nel of communication with Spain, no tice was sent to Madrid that eithei this property must be left intact or its value in money would be collected from Spain before the signing of the peace treaty. This sharp reminder to Spain of her obligations toward the United States had the desired effect, and It is prom ised that there will be no further at tempts to dismount batteries or o re move government property that be longs to the Island of Cuba. The American commissioners have called on Spanish authorities) for an official statement to the effect that there are no torpedoes or mines In the harbor. When an unmarried woman die it Brazil the coffin, hearse and livery of the coachman are all scarlet. Four-fifths of all the garlic eaten In Europe Is raised on the two Africa islands, Zanzibar and Pemba. In the Cuban cigar factories th vorkers hire men and women to real and sing to them while they work, IK they won't talk to one another and neg lect their tasks. . Brooklyn Life: "So Alice has dec Idee finally to marry an officer?" "Yes. Bh captured him In what she positively de- UPON SPAIN INSIST UPON CESSION OF THE ENTIRE ARCHIPELAGO. Are Willing to Concede That Cer tain Amount of Remuneration Be Paid In Exchange- Paris, Oct. 31.-The American and fepanlsn peace commissioners held a meeting this afternoon, the health of President Rios of the Spanish commis sion permitting his attendance. Immediately after the ten men seated themselves at the table. Secretary Moore, upon the request of Judge Day, passed to Mr. Ferguson, the interpreter, the formulated demands of the United States regarding the Philippines, which were read to the Spaniards in their own tongue by a rapid rendering from the English. In which they were written. Although the Spanish commissioners did not betray anxiety, their attention to the reading was keen. They had anticipated that the United States would take over the Islands, but the terms and details of the transfer had all along been a subject of speculation. The reading disclosed the fact that the United States had determined to to possess for itself certain territory and parts of land bounded by and lying Within such parallels of latitude and lonpitude as mark the limits of the Philippine archipelago. Tl.e United State. does not propose assuming the Philippine debt of $40. 000,000, hut it is willing to be responsible to Spain for a sum of money equal to the actual expenditures by Spain in the Philippines for the advantage of the islands and for the good of their people, for permanent betterments and for improvements, both physical and mental. The reading r,f the presentment speci fies that the Vnlted State will reim burse Spain f..r her "pacific expend itures" made in the archipelago. This phrase, "pacific xpenditures." is em ployed to differentiate the expenditures by Spain in combating the Insurrections in the Philippines. The one Is felt by the American com missioners to be a fair burden on the acquiring power, visile the other and latter class of expenditures is held to have been logically assumed by Spain in the Inevitable hazar l of a nation re sorting to arms to enforce order in its own territory. STILL IN THE DARK. Such is the vital portion of the pre sentment made by the American com missioners today, and it N to be ob served that while the main proposition as to possession and flnanc i:il responsi bility is clear and definite, many details have been left to the developments or the discussion between the two com missions. Thus, while the Spaniards are quite certain that the United Stat.-s in tends to reimburse them for pacific expenditures." they remark that they are not enlightened as to whether the Americans expect to Indorse the Span, ish obligations to the extent of "pacific expenditures" in the archipelago, or whether they will hand Spain a lump sum of gold large enough to cover Spain's outlay so designated. Possibly the American commissioners themselves are not at this moment fully determined on this point. It .is un doubted, however, that the Americans will care to become Identified in the slightest degree with Spain in her re sponsibility to her creditors. The clearer method seems to be to hand to Spain spot cash or something as good and bid her to apply it on her debts by whatever name known or to put it in her wallet for whatever u.e she may elect. While the United States has desig- nfltwl "naclflc expenditures" as those it will reimburse to Spain, the present ment of the American commissioners todav did not demand either a schedule or an Inventory or tne same irom me Spaniards. But the suggestion natur ally raises an Inquiry as to the kind and quantity of Spain s "pacine expenau ures" in the Philippines, and some light may be given on that matter now. WHAT THEY AKK. There is considerable traffic between the islands, and seme time ago a sys tern of licht houses became necessary Spain set out to supply this, and some forty-eight light stations were project eL Of these she has already con structed seventeen of the first class and sixteen of the second. What they cost Is not yet known here, but in American waters those of the first class cost from $25,000 to $250,000 each, so that, on an average basis of the mini mum cost in the United States. Spain's thirty-three light houses may represent an outlay of $825,000. Spain has constructed breakwaters at an expense not yet Known here, and wharves of small value along the Pasler river. She has recently built barracks for 4,000 men. now occupied by American troops, the cost of which is not vet ascertained. a Cavite. Spain had built a naval station, which, before it was sacked by the natives, was said to be equal to KhP fnre Island station and may be worth $2,500,000. Whether or not the last two Items can be strictly designated "pacific ex penditures" must be determined in con ference, but the light houses, water improvements, barracks and naval sta tion are necessary to the United States as the owner of the Philippines and are deemed worth a fair price. Spain has also built some school houses, which the Americans are will Ing to take over at cost. ASK UNTIL FRIDAY. The Spanish commissioners listened attentively, though not without some evidence of impatience and surprise at the financial suggestions In the Ameri can presentment, and finally asked un til Friday to consult the Madrid gov ernment and make reply. Adjournment was then taken to that dav. After the conference was dissolv ed the Spanish commissioners expressed the opinion that the American aemana would create In Spain, as It did upon her commissioners, an excedingly grave mpression. TELEGRAPH BRIEFS. The Maria Teresa passed Cape Maysi, Cuba, going at the rate of six knots under her own steam: all well. The Masslllon, O., Stoneware compa- nv tiaa volunteered io mui wages of Its employes, restoring the 12H per cent cut made last winter. ThP meetiner in Washington of the LCanadlan-American commission to set tle differences between the unuea States and Canada has been postponed until November 10. Joseph C. Godfrey, proprietor or a nnnpr mill at Rabvllle. Pa., with offices in Boston and New Tork, has filed a petition In bankruptcy. Liabilities, $120,000; assets. $36,000. The executive committee of the citi zens' state party In New York has de cided to not fill the vacancy caused by the death of Colonel George E. War ing, candidate for state engineer. Three fishing vessels, homewardbound from Labrador, with crews aggregating 20 persons, are now mucn overaue ai St. Johns. N. F.. Arrangement sare made to dispatch a search steamer. Secretary-Treasurer T. L. Lewis of the Ohio miners is at Columbus. O., making arrangements for the state con vention, which meets in January. He is being pushed for national president of the United Mine Workers by his friends. BROKE A FLASK OF FIREWATER. And That IS How the Reported In dian Uprising In Nevada Began. Austin, Nev. Special.) The report ed Indian outbreak at Midas Is greatly exaggerated. There Is no danger at the present time. Last Friday an In dian named Ballard and a white man named McLeod took a load of hay to Midas. The Indian got drunk and was carrying the bottle of whisky on the way home. The bottle broke and the Indian accused McLeod of breaking It In his anger he cut McLeod about the head and face with a knife and threat ened to kill him. On reaching the river the Indian wanted to get a rifle from John Schmalling, saying he wished tc kill George Gooding, John Bowler and James Day. He could not get a rifle and started after McLeod again with the knife. McLeod got away for the time being, but later he found Mc Leod again and the latter In self-defense gave the Indian a terrible beat ing. The Indian was taken to Midas and placed In Jail and Is now In a very dangerous condition. The Indians are greatly worked up over the affair and Ballard's brothers say that they will kill McLeod. but do not threaten others. The deputy sher iff at Midas asked for arms and am munition at the request of the people on upper Reese river, who fear that the Indians may do mischief. HUIDEKOPER TO BE LET OUT. Comes Home to Be Honorably Dis charged From the U. S. Service. Washington, D .C (Special.) 'Gainst the statement attributed In this morn ing's papers to Surgeon Rush S. Hul dekoper that he had come to this coun try only to appear bc-fore the investiga tion commission and would return to Porto Rico, it is stated at the war de partment that Surgeon Huldekoper is not expected by the authorities either to remain in the army or to return to Porto Rico. It was well understood In the offices of adjutant general and surgeon gen eral, and was so stated to me, that Dr. Huldekoper was coming to the United States to be honorably dis charged. How much the wretched hos pital conditions at Chickamauga, where Dr. Hulderkoper was stationed, had to do with this announcement is not dis closed, but the forthcoming "discharge" of Dr. Huldekoper was to follow closely upon the ventilation of the hospital in adequacies at Chickamauga. It was distinctly understood at the war department that Dr. Huldekoper was to get his travel pay and sixty days' furlough. At the end of this time, as was repeated to me today, he will, according to the present decision, ie clustered out cf the service. JESSE JAMES ON TRIAfc. Son of the Noted Outlaw Charged With Train Robbery. Kansas City. Oct. 28. The trial -t lesse James, son cf the no'.ed outlaw, for complicity In the Missouri rac'.fte train robbery at Leeds, on September 23 last, was begun In the criminal ccurt here. The day was spent In secrr'ng a Jury. Prominent lawyers have been retained by both sides, a formidable ar ray of witnesses has been subpoenaed and a battle royal is expected. The rase of young James, who up to the time of his arrest for alleged complicity in the robbery, had borne an excellent reputation, has excited great Interest, and many of the best men of the city have come out In his defense. Chief of Police Hayes, on the other hand, de clares that he has evidence t-ufflclent to convict James. Frank Jamej of St. Louis, uncle cf the accused, and broth r of the fam-d Jesse James, Is In the ilty to attend the trial. Young James. Kims C. Farr and R. I Yeager, his att "neyj. swore Jud?e John D. Wofford of. the bsnch. alleging prejudice, thus net. sitatln? a pest ponement. Judge W fford promptly called In Judge Shacxljford cf Boon rille. and set the cas fur next Monday. COLONEL BRYAN'S CONDITION Corps Surgeon Cannot 1 ell How Serious It Is. Savanah. Ga. (Special.) Colonel Wll lam J. Bryan cf the Third Nebraska .egiment has been sick In bed with en teric fever for several days. His regimental surgeon, lieutenant Colonel Maus. the corps surgeon, was called to his bedside avid has been with him a good deal since that time. Col onel Maus stated that he was suffering from an attack of enteric fever and he Is unable to tell yet how serious It may be. Colonel Bryan has seen no one but a few friends In the army corps and has denied himself to all callers. A tele, gram was sent to his wife and the chances are that she will come to Sa vannah as soon as she can get here. His regiment came to Savannah In com mand of Lieutenant Colonel Vifquain. who. It is said. Is also sick and may have to secure a leave o fabsence. Lepers Evade Officials. Chicago. 111. (Special.) -A special from Washington to the News says: Treasury officials are exercised over an official warning tret has come to thtm from the authorities In Canada, that several people with pronounced rases of leprosy have svaded the American Immigration inspectors and crossed the line Into the United States The offl. cers of the imn'gatlja bureaO were reticent concerning the matter, but ad mitted they ha I received th? official note from Canada and bad taken ex traordinary means to apprehend and expel the lepers. An order from the war department has been received at Fort McPherson. instructing that a board meet at the earliest day practicable and examine the eight contract doctors there. The navy department has entered Into a contract with the firm of Harlan A Holllngsworth of WJlmlngton, Del., for tne construction or tne tnirty-knot tor pedo destroyers Hopkins and HulL The Sixth Missouri Infantry has been designated to remain at Jacksonville V and guard the stores of the Sever' corns until removed. This reelr- - will not go to Savannah with malader of the corj. . FOR ANOTHER EXPOSITION A FOREIGN AND COLONIAL SHOW FOR NEXT SEASON. To Have Exhibits of the People and Things From Philippines, Porto Rico, Cuba. Japan, Mexico, England. France. Germany and Others., Omaha, Neb. (Special.) A fortnight since John W. Ryckman of Chicago and Edward Marshall of New York sub mitted a proposal to certain prominent business men of Omaha for " the hold ing of a fore'gn and colonial exposition in this city In 1839. The plan presented by these gentlemen has been approved In the abstract by so many of those before whom it was laid, and seems so feasible that there now seems to be a possibility of Omaha's having another and in many respects equally Import ant and successful exposition next year. It is intended to form an entirely new organization to take over the present buildings and grounds, or such part of them as may be necessary for the pur pose, from the present company, upon such reasonable basis as may be ar ranged. "It is true." said Mr. Ryckman."that a suggestion has been made to the di rectors of the exposition to secure the transfer of the Trans-Mississippi Ex position buildings to a new organiza tion to be Immediately formed, for the purpose of holding an exposition in Omaha next season, for which every section of our whole country feels there is immediate demand. If Omaha d.d not take up the project some other city would, but as this magnificent plant is already here and available the carjj are all in Omaha's hands. WHAT HE HOPES TO DO. "Omaha having assumed the respon sibility of this great Trans-Mississippi exposition and having come out of it so triumphantly with all the splendid V. . 1 1 .4 f - 1 . . i. . i . V I Dliuuiu I1UW 1 t J I III country's sake assume an equal respon sibility and bring into direct conjunc tion here next summer ail of the forces that have become interlaced in our country's greater commerce of the fu ture in the pew territories and posses sions acquired since the Spanish-American imbroglio. Within a very few months the whole political and com mercial complexion of the country has changed. We have assumed control of rich colonies outside our own domain, and the markets of Cuba, Porto Rico, Sandwich Islands and the Philippines now fall to us by right of conquest. The commodities they have heretofore re ceived from England, Germany, France and other countries may now and must be supplied by our own industrialists. At the present time they are absolutely unfamiliar with the character of the goods used in these countries and ot their natural products which we can utilize. For some time this trade, which will rapidly develop for us to an unlimited extent, must be a question of barter. We must utilize their products in order to displace their goods with our own in their markets. WANTS OMAHA TO SHOULDER IT. "An exposition which will bring here to the precise center of the United States, where a great exposition plant is ready to receive them, all the prod ucts of our new posieBdIons and sam ples of all the goods and wares enter ing into their domestic and economic systems is not only timely, but Is ab solutely demanded, and will make Oma ha not only the magnet of attraction throughout the world next year by rea son of the great importance of such a showing, but will add vastly to its rep utation for courage and its masterful recognition of the necessary forces of national advancement. Japan would Join in such an exposition and make a magnificent display, because of their loudly expressed desire to become allied to the United States in furtherance cf her foreign commerce. Mexico has for years plead with us for a chance to make such an exhibition as would at tract the attention of commercialisti to her natural resources. The Nicar agua Canal company would Join exten sively and bring here the best of every, thing in Honduras. Venezuela, Guate mala, etc. The administration, having evolved for the country the splendid achievements in these territorial ag grandizements, must favor such a dem onstration and congress would appro priate a very considerable sum to bring the products and the producers of our new possessions and allies here face to face with our own producing cla.wes for perfect understanding and a sur commercial footing. -It Is proposed to organize a com pany with a capital stock of $250,000. which is considered by some of Oma ha's most prudent business men to be an ample guaranty on the part of this city. You may say that definite action on the matter will be taken Immediate ly." Free Dentistry for St. Louis Poor. Why should n.-t a city like St. Loul. which is so philanthropic as to maintain public medical d1si nsarles for the poor, also establish dental infirmaries for th benefit of the same class? The world over, a far as I know, the poor must neglect their teeth until the pain compels them to .-all at th public dispensaries, where the physi cians can do nothing but destroy the tocth by extraction. I believe that the number of patients.who would be ben efited by such Institutiol would be a ten to one compared wit) ithe medical dispensaries. Impostors 1 guard ed against, and none b.iV th' actual poor be treated. Such at? would bring relief to thoi l ferers. -aii Cleveland PlalndJ- " Bixby had a fight I " c0'i you? Wei, on Bixv-on, Sampson fight." 'j by wasn't there.' t Eleven of the twenty":, by the authorities starttrA under 8uara ul 'awi his ton refused to surr Indians say inaiiuty bring them In. ' -An n renult of O' nounced that tr. wt:i be closeildi tn Enri;-f I; VM klnsiltutlo , 1 ie ard 11 7 rouii . in w r - ' M3ensveew-ijgiiii -twtt "r- u-'j t