Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 05, 1898, Image 1

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(Published in two parts fart One, Wedaesday, and Fart Two, Saturday.)
Vol. XVII. No. 58.
$1.50 Per Year.
l :
Say America Has No Bight to
the Philippines.
THEY REFUSE TrH TWSHTY IILLIOHS. Hut Pum of fyp Written la Support of Thalr Po
Hlon I .ate fiewa From tha
Pnc Commliilon .
Paris, Nov. 4. The Spanish com
ionaxa, in the coarse' of a two hours'
sexsion of the peace conference today,
flatly refused to accept Monday's prop
osition by the Americans to take the
entire Philippine group and to reim
burse Spain for her "pacific expendi
tures" there.
This negative action was expected.
The Spanish commissioners had also
a number of positive declarations
which filled some thirty-seven sheets
of a typewritten presentment.
la this statement the Spaniards held
(hat the United States had no ulti
mate rights in the Philippine islands
and could have none save by the con
sent of Spain in the negotiations and
upon terms satisfactory to her.
According to the Spanish contention
in the formal statement the United
states emenainea do moogni or an-
? ntxtng the Philippines when the
V 0 0 protocol was signed, or it would have
' VW J. been expressed in the protocol clearly
,1 as the conditions regarding the cession
9' of territory in the Antilles and the
M. CambDo. before the signature of
the protocol, received from Madrid
the presentment alleged a cable mes
sage clearly setting forth that the
maintenance of Spain's authority over
the Philippines should not be affected
by the protocol, to which reservation
the United States made at that time
no protest or objection.
This dispatch to M. Cambon, as the
Spaniards claimed today, embodied
also the view that the United States
bad no valid basis for claims in the
It was further held today by Senor
Bios and his colleagues that the cap
itulation of Manila, having occurred
after the signing of the protocol and
thus after the suspension of hostilities,
was invalid.
With all this for a groundwork, the
Spaniards made their first positive
move against the Americans and it
constituted their counter proposition.
They charged upon the United States
a wrogful appropriation of public
moneys belonging to Spain by seizing
the tariff duties at Manila, and they
formally demanded the return of these
moneys, in the sum of nearly 11,000,
000. On the same premises the United
Slates was today declared to have
made and held as prisoners the Span
ish troops at Manila in violation of
international law, because done after
the suspension of hostilities under the
protocol. A further charge was that
by the imprisonment of Spanish troops
at Manila the United States had pre
vented Spain from quelling the insur
rection and had thus contributed to
the violence against Spain after the
cessation of hostilities.
Today's Spanish presentment also
cited the refusal of the Americans to
consider the Cuban debt, on the
9 ground that it was not sanctioned in
the protocol, and demanded an ad
herence to this as a precedent in the
discussion of the Philippines regard
ing a cession of which the Spanish
commissioners held the protocol to
make no mention.
Co art Adjonrnad.
District court .b--been adjourned
by Judge Rany-tirom Nov. 7 to Nov.
"10. 1S98, at ocjl p 'clock p. m., when
the docket wiiybe called and cases
assigned for1al.
V Ta tm m Cold la Od. ly
Take ItL?lTe Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. tggists refund money if it
fails -
25c. The
genuine has
L. B j
ich tablet.
rav.rcla Dane.
tuouth Turnverein
tt,.;.- hall Sat nr.
rati itUCA
vember 12. All friends
-Jaalaalppl ifotlc.
g Omaha, be sure and
. yicMta lands
4 of paying high prices
Cbiped to market
and the rest.movi
owa grazing ' lands
thrown open to sa
. i
e rv: v n
Gold Standard Frotpailtjr,
Under Ilanna's promise of "pros
perity" the white coal miners of Illi
nois two years ago voted for McKin
ley. Now southern negroes are being
imported to take the place of the
white miners. This is the brand of
"prosperity" labor may alwaya ex
pect to receive from the advocates of
the gold standard. Democrat, Bowl
ing Green, Ohio.
wby vi it?
The query arises in the minds of the
conscientious republican voter: Why
did the republican state convention
turn down Judge Baker for governor,
who sentenced Bartley to the peniten
tiary for twenty years, and in place
nominated the railroad attorney Hay
ward? Was it because there would
have been no hope ef securing a par
don for Bartley from Judge Baker, if
elected. Wahoo New Era.
Faro la. t the Declaration.
Governments derive their just pow
ers from the consent of the governed,"
says our national declaration of Inde
pendence, and yet notwithstanding
the fact that President McKinley de
clared "this is to be a holy war and
not a war of conquest," lie quietly as
sents to the proposition of his party
that "we mast retain all the land over
which the stars and stripes have been
raised, and govern it by American
colonial governors, according to the
powers that be, without asking the
consent of the governed. People s
fchsrmaa Opposed to xpaonloa.
We certainly do not need additional
territory. We cannot consistently
annex Cuba, for we have declared that
we would not do so. Are we to go to
the world and prove that we get up In
coDgress and make solemn declara
tions without theslighest intention of
altiding by them? No, no; this whole
idea of expansion is contrary to the
best interests of -the United States.
Some are crying out for tbe govern
ment to take the Philippines, without
stopping to consider what it means.
It means that we shall have to keep
standing armies in Cuba, Porto Rico
and tbe Philippines, and the flower of
our youth must be sacrificed in those
deadly climates because of of an un
wise and inconsiderate act of tbe
American congress. John Sherman.
Dear at Any Price.
Even if we proposed to join tbe
noble company of robber nations we
would God tbe Philippines dear, as
Senator Hale has suggested, if Spain
should give us $40,000,000 with them.
It will take an army of at least 50.000
men to garrison the islands, to say
nothing of the cost of war ships or of
civil administration, and this army
alone will cost us at least 1100,000,060
a year, unless we imitate the example
of the nations of continental Europe
and resort to a system of compulsory
military service. We conld not get
half this sum out of the people of the
archipelago, even if we should outdo
Spain herself in merciless taxation.
It will cost ns more than $50,000,000 a
year over and above all tbe taxes we
can squeeze out of the people whom
we are going to uplift as we have been
uplifting tbe Indians for more than a
century, and as some of us are now
engaged in uplifting the negroes in
the southern states. Chicago Chron
icle. That Ooldbar Manifesto.
Last week a baker's dozen of small
bore corporation lawyers, reinforced
by a few usurers, met in tbe city of
St. Louis and issued an "address" ad
vising the Creator how to run tbe uni
verse. Tbe incident so forcibly re
minds us of the Tooley street tailors
that we can hardly refrain from using
that trite illustration. But we abstain
out of respect for the tailors. We
might employ the comparison of satan
advising Jehovah, as depicted in Para
dise Last; but again our respect for
satan forbids. The old boy was a per
son of considerable ability, and hence
the comparison might be odious to
him. One of the attorneys who took
part in tbe proceedings, was, some
years ago, connected in an official ca
pacity with the St. Louis school board.
Some members of the board literally
stole the coppers off - a dead nigger's
eyes, right under the nose of this par
ticular attorney, and be never found
it out. It would have been different
if satan had been there. He would
have known what was going on. Mis
sissippi Valley Democrat.
Sweet Springs Hye.
This is the brand of whiskey which
has received the first prize at every ex
position in tbe United States and with
an eye for everything that is good and
pure. Ed Donat has secured this
brand of whiskev from the Sweet
Springs Distillery Co. of Owensboro,
Ry., exclusively and be is getting
every carrei airecs zrom ine u. o- gov
ernment warehouse, which insures him
a strictly pure article, so you can keep
it in your house for medicinal, aa well
aa foe ail other parposea.
Mr. Walter L. Dykes, the popular
"Q" station agent at Pacific Junction,
took his many friends by surprise
Tuesday by going to Council Bluffs
and returning that evening a married
man. His bride was Miss Viva Gillil
land, who for two years was superin
tendent of tbe schools in Mills county.
The editor of The Tribune has been
chronicling the marriages of friends
and acqaaintances for tbe past seven
years, but never has it been the good
fortune to record a union more fitting
than this one. The bride is cne of the
brightest and most accomplished ladies
of our acquaintance. As to Mr.Dykes,
be is one of the finest young men we
ever had tbe pleasure of knowing.
Honest, intelligent, energetic and
thoroughly reliable, he is a model busi
ness man. Indeed, we have talked
with railway officials who are high in
authority and they tell us be is one of
the best station agents along the en
tire line of the "Q," and whoBe prefer
ment to something higher is most
In behalf of a legion of friends all
over Mills county The Tribune wishes
to tender congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Dykes and to express most cor
dial wishes for a future full of unal
loyed prosperity and happiness. Mills
County Tribune.
Who Were Tbey?
In conversation with Mr. John Mc
Cluskey, one of tbe managers of the
Glenwood Armory, he tells us that one
of the most interesting features of the
ball Thursday evening, mentioned
elsewhere, was the advent of three
ladies accompanied by n gentleman,
from Plattsmoutb. We missed this,
as we left just before their arrival.
The ladies, Mr. McCluskey said, were
of tbe jolly sociable sort that hare a
happy faculty of making themselves
at home anywhere they may happen
to be. and this tbey did on this oc
casion, ihey first looked to Mr. Han
son, the other manager, for being
entertained during the evening, but as
tbe latter's manner was too frosty to
suit tbe ladies tbey turned to Mr. Mc
Cluskey. Nor did they turn in vain.
He said begot one on each knee and
entertained them in as royal a fashion
as be would bis best girl. They were
so pleased with the hospitable recep
tion accorded them by Mr. McCItrskey
and others that they promised to be
present at tbe next ball to be given a
week from tonight. Mills County Tri
Good Store Building and Lot For Sale
Very Cheap.
Here is an excellent opportunity for
anyone with a little cash, who wishes
to embark in the mercantile business
in tbe thriving town of Mynard, Cass
county, Nebraska: A new frame
building, 43x30 feet in dimensions,
with a 16x20 foot addition, nicely
fitted up for livieg purposes, large
corn crib, stable and shed, tbe build
ings being situated on a lot 140x50
feet, in tbe business center of the
town, will be sold at a rare bargain,
for cash. Tbe building has recently
been painted inside and outside, and
is equipped with all the necessary
shelving, etc., to operate a first-class
mercantile business. The store build
ing is insured ior $ouu in a rename
company, and tbe policy goes with the
The property is entirely free from
incumbrance, and will be transferred
to the purchaser without a cent of
back taxes against it. The best of
reasons for selling.
The town of Mynard is one of the
best grain-shipping points in the state,
being surrounded by the best agricul
tural country in tbe west, and any
bustling man can make a success in
tbe mercantile business in that place.
Anyone who means business, and
who has the cash to invest, should call
on or address,
Kirkhah & Green,
Plattsmoutb. Neb.
The Way to go to California
Is in a tourist sleeping car personally
conducted via tbe Burlington Route.
liTou don't change cars. You make
fast time. You Bee the finest scenery
on the globe.
Your car is not; ss expensively fin
ished nor so fine to look at as a palace
sleeper, but it is just as clean, just as
comfortable, just as good to ride in.
and nearly $20 cheaper.
Tbe Burlington excursions leave
every Thursday, reaching San Francis
co Sunday and Los Angelos Monday.
Porter with each car. Excursion man
ager with each party. For folder giv
ing full information, call at nearest
B. & M. II. depot or write to J. Fran
cis, general passenger agent, Omaha,
Bibles! Bibles!! Bibles!!!
By extraordinary close buying in
large quantities we Are able to sell
Bibles and Testaments at the lowest
price ever heard of. Holiday line now
in. Lehnhoff Bros.
Fresh bulk oysters at tbe Depart
ment store for 25 cents per quart.
W. B. ELSTER, Dentist. Water-
block, Pl&ttsmoutk, Beb.
The Senator Addresses a Large
Crowd Thursday.
Hundred or Eathnalaata Crowd the Large
Teat and Listen In Rapt Attention
to tbe People's Champion
Manahan Speaka.
LOUISVILLE, Neb., Nov. 4. About
500 people turned out here today to
bear Senator Allen and Mr. Manahan
discuss the issues of tbe campaign.
Early in the day the opposition circu
lated handbills which came originally
from the republican state central com
mittee, stating that Mr. Allen would
tell why he voted pro and con on the
annexation question, and also why a
pass is a bribe.
With straightforward statements
Senator Allen scattered insinuations
placing in an ucenTiable light the
would-be tormentors. Mr. Allen scored
tbe administration in terms not to be
misunderstood, attacking its faltering
policies, and paid special and conclus
ive attention to tbe McCIeary bill.
This iniquitous measure, the senator
declared, woald probably pass the next
house, but the senate would see to it
that it was everlastingly hung up.
There are enough free silver sena
tors, be declared, who will talk from
the convening of tbe senate to the end
of tbe session in defense of tbe American-given
rights of the people of the
ountry to hold the threatened yoke
rom their necks, "and," he continued,
jo long avI have the strength and
of speech I shall raise my voice
otest against the outrageous
r Allen's address held tbe en-
nee fox two hours. The au-
layad Esac - enthusiasm.
and several ladies were so delighted
that they rose and cheered.
Mr. Manahan followed the senator
with a rip-roaring, wide-awake, con
vincing, vote-making address, em
bodying truths' bearing on tbe issues
of tbe campaign, stating precisely
where he stands, eliciting much en
thusiastic applause. Mr. Manahan
paid his compliments to his opponent,
Mr. Burkett, which placed the latter
with his avowed allegiance to McKin
ley in a very amusing position. As
children of the street would say,
"made a monkey out of Burkett."
Altogether tbe meeting was a great
success in every way. Fusionists here
are very sanguine.
Leading: Democrat Dead.
Omaha, Nov. 4. After recurring at
tacks of nervous prostration, Charles
Offutt, one of the most prominent
members of the Omaha bar, ended his
life in a period of mental aberration
yesterday afternoon at bis borne, 140
North Thirty-ninth - Btreet. Mrs.
Offutt, Bolicitous about his health,
which had lately caused the gravest
anxiety, remained with her husband
during the early portion of tbe after
noon. While she was absent for
few minutes Mr. Offutt secured a re
volver and shot himself in the right
temple. Death was almost instaneous.
Mr. Offutt, who studied law in Ken
tucky under John G. Carlisle, came to
Omaha twelve years ago and soon
took a foremost position fn tbe legal
orofession. He had suffered from
neurosis for about a year, and for sev
eral weeks had been abnormally de
pressed. The funeral will be private
It is requested that no flowers be sent
Folsom-Hoffman .
Ashland, Neb., Nov. 3. Mr. Phil
W. Folsom and Miss Clara Hoffman
two prominent young society people
of the First Baptist church of Ash
land, went to Omaha Monday, se
cured a marriage license and were
married by Rev. C. B. Allen at tbe
parsonage of tbe Beth-Eden Baptist
churcb. Tbe groom is senior partner
of tbe firm of Folsom & Doby of this
city and tbe bride is tbe daughter of
George Hoffman, a prominent farmer
living near Ashland.
Many Nebraska Men Sick .
San Francisco, Nov. 3. Colonel
John P. Bratt of the First Nebraska
regiment, who has been honorably dis
charged on account of illness, will
leave this evening for his home in
Bennett, Neb. He says that 15 per
cent of the Nebraska troopi in Manila
are sick. Many of them are ill with
dysentery becauso of their indiscretion
in drinking tbe vile soda pop and eat
ine half rotten bananas that tbe
, natives sell on the streets.
mesA Ye."
tire AJ
Matthew Gering at tbe Waterman
L. C. Pollard of Nehawka was in tbe
city yesterday.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Avoca was
in town yesterday.
Hear the eloquent James Manahan
at the Waterman tonight.
Fresh bulk oysters at tbe Depart
ment store for 25 cents per quart.
Hear H. D. Travis on who was re
sponsible for tbe prize fight, tonight.
M. D. Huckins of Nebraska City
was a Plattsmouth visitor Thursday.
B. Spurlock of York visited last
Thursday with bis son, County Judge
Joe McKinnon and Tom Carnes of
Greenwood were Plattsmouth visitors;
County Clerk Robertson is nut in the
county delivering tbe ballots for next
Tuesday's fray.
Ladies are especially invited to at
tend the Manahan meeting tonight at
the Waterman.
L. C. Eickhoff had tbe misfortune to
fall at Louisville last week, breaking
one of his legs.
Henry Ilerold secured $120 insur
ance for the loss by fire at bis new
residence last week.
Do not forget to bear tbe eloquent
and convincing James Manahan Satur
day evening, Nov. 5.
John Swoboda, jr., has been ap
pointed administrator of the estate of
the late J. W. Haines.
Boarders Wanted at the Bur
lington House. Best of accommoda
tions, 306 South Third street.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Smith of Ne
hawka were Plattsmoutb visitors to
day and made The Journal a friend-
y call.
Miss Laura Twiss departed Wednes
day for May wood. Neb., to visit for
several weeks with her brother and
Ralph Buckle, who enlisted in tbe
Twenty-second Kansas volunteers.bas
been discharged and is home visiting
his mother.
Mrs.G. Knapp has returned to her
home in Shenandoah, la., after a visit
with her daughters, Mesdames W. K.
Fox and II. N. Dovey.
Billy Baker, a former well known
resident of Plattsmouth, who is-now
farming near Ottumwa, la., visited
friends here this week.
The Tuxedo Dancing club opened
tbe season Thursday night with one
of their enjoyable dancing parties. A
splendid time is reported.
Dave II. West is borne on a furlough.
He is now a member of the Twentieth
Infantry, U. S. regulars, and during
the late war saw service in Cuba.
Tom Gilmore of Weeping Water
was in tne city yesteraay. ue is a
cousin of Dr. Gilmore of Murray and
is attending tbe medical college in
Contractor Holloway is rapidly
pushing the work on the new A. O. U.
W. hall.and expects to have the build
ine readv for occupancy in a few
George Horn, the Cedar Creek grain
buyer, purchased 2,000 bushels of new
corn last Thursday, of Mart Williams,
paying 25 cents per bushel. This is
unusually early for the marketing of
new corn.
The Mills County Tribune of Thurs
day contains an account of tbe wed
ding of Ed Doty of Glenwood and
Miss Mollie Rice of Plattsmouth
The wedding occurred Wednesday
night in Glenwood.
If you want a pint, quart or gallon
of strictly pure whisky, don't buy it of
Kansas City fakirs, but go direct to
Ei Donat of Plattsmoutb and buy it
of him. He gets bis whisky direct
from the U. S. bonded warehouse.
Louis Reinhackle arrived home yes
terday from Savannah, Ga., having
been honorably discharged from the
Third .Nebraska regiment. "Rackie"
reports that Hiram Robine is now cor
poral of tbe guard at brigade bead
quarters, which is a very desirable sit
uation. George Palmer, tbe son of Captain
H. E. Palmer of Omaha, will be mar
ried next Wednesday to Miss Morse,
a daughter of one of Omaha's most
substantial business men, W. V.
MorBe. Mr. Palmer is a former Piatt?
mouth boy, and a number of friends
from this city will attend the wedding.
Captain II. E. Palmer of Omaha was
a Plattsmouth visitor yesterday. On
the 19th Inst., he will leave tbis
country for Europe, accompanying his
wife and daughter. Tbe latter will
study music for a year in Paris, under
the celebrated master Marches!, and
her mother will remain with her dur
ing that time.
Joseph Kalasek, sr., was arrested
this morning upon a complaint filed by
his son, charging him with being
drunk and abusing his wife and child
ren. Kalasek is a .Bohemian residing
in the west part of town, and he baa
I heD on 8 protracted spree for several
'days. lie whs placed in jail and when
he becomes auffi-iieatly sober ne win
tell Judge Archer how it happened.
Mm .T. A. Stewart and Miss ic-!
toria Curtis of EJgtinont, S. D., have
returned to their home after a visit
with friends and relatives in tLis city.
Mr! and Mrs. C. E Withrow were
the hosts at a reunion of the Withrow
family Wednesday at which dinner
was spread for the following relatives:
Mrs. Truasler, Ft. Madison, la., Mrs.
J. A. Stewart, EJgemont, S.' D Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Withrow ana iir.
and Mrs. F. L. Bjyer of this city. The
occasion was a very enjoyable one and
will long ba remembered by thode ; ar
ticipating. Greeu'a Sut-cuM.
This week's Biair, Neb., paper con
tain the following items in regard to
Rev. Sigel C. Green, an old Platts
mouth boy, 9 son of C. W. Green and
a brother of ona of the puLliahers of
The Journal. Sig's many iriendi
in this city will ba glad to learn of his
success in his cnosen proression, ine
"Next Sunday's services will close
the pastorate of Rev. Sigel C. Green at
the First Baptist church in this city.
He goes to assume the position of dis
trict missionary in the .Nebraska state
Missionary society. He will have en
tire control of all tbe territory within
the borders of the Btate north of the
Mr. Green has been pastor of the
First Baptist church for three years,
and i: is putting it too mildly to say
that he has.given entire satisfaction.
He is beloved by all of his congrega
tion and has the warmest esteem and (
goodwill of his fellow citizens, irre
spective or cuurcn ainiiations. xue
ties that bind him to the church in
B'.air are severed only after the most
careful deliberation and the best
wishes and prayers of all go with him
to his new field of labor. He is a warm
hearted, genial gentleman, admirably i
adapted to the work upon which he is
entering, ardent, earnest ana unre
mitting. As a preacher he talks from
the heart, and in cheering up despon
dent churches and imparting the en
ergy and tha spirit necessary to build
up new ones his eloquent voice will be
a tower of hope and strength The
Pulse echoes the geueral sentiments
of good will and God speed and wishes
him all tbe success and prosperity his
talents so richly merit.
His family will remsir here, for
the present at least, as he wiil make
Blair his headquarters." Pulsej
"Rev. Green preaclied his farewell
sermon last ni?bt,and it wa3 a very
able discourse, in fact one of Rev.
Green's typical ones. The MeHiodist
church closed its evening service in
order to be in attendance which shows
the high esteem in which they bold
Rev. Green and family. The able gen
tleman will enter immediately upon
his new duties. The Pilot wishes him
all success in his new work." Pilot.
That great free silver family news
paper, the Ojaaha Weekly World
Uerald,issued in semi-weekly sections
willbesant to new subscribers until
January 1, I'JM, for only one dollar,
the yetrly sub-i-jription price, and each
new subscriber who cuts out this oiler
and san-is it with hij dollar will also
receive a huh!y interesting premium
book, entitled "Lights and Shadows of
Our War With Spain." a series of his
torical sketches, incidents, anecdotes
and personal experiences, by John R.
Musick. This book of 22i paaes in
paper cover, is ooe of the most attrac
tive and popular books that can be
offered as a premium. No agent'a
commission allowed on this offer. Ad
dress Weekly World-Herald Omaha,
Dentil of a Child.
Ogle, the three year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank T. Davis, died at
half-past five o clock Wednesday
evening or paralysis or tne neart.
which was superinduced bycataribal
fever from which the little ooe bad
been suffering for 6tveral days. Wed
nesday he was siezed with convulsiots
and died at the hour above stated.
The funeral was held from the fam
ily residence at ten o clock 1-riday
itad" cigars-
America's finest America a best fo
5 cents
Saturday, November 1 2.
y big! i
j lP njnN'T WORK
1 Tiit.hminn's n ntt nt. Sui
cide a Failure".
luatead of Calling the Coroner the;Fam.
lly Called the I'oll.e aul fUwald
wan Landed In .fall lias
tardy Case ou Trial.
Ex-Rpublican Candidate For Po
lice Jude Oh! (iathiuann was ar
rested and put in j tii last Thursday
afternoon, charged with disturbing
the peace by d isclmi k'ing firearms.
Guthmann has been drinking quite
heavily of late, an J - hs a remit has
caused his family no end of trouble.
For several weeks h and his wife
have occupied eperate rooms, tbe lat
ter fearing that her life was in danger.
On the afteiiioou mentioned Guth
mann secured a tevolver and fired a
couple of shots in Lis room, with the
evident purpose of making his family
believe he had committed or attempted
suicide. Instead of petting sympathy,
however, Oswald was arrested and
landed in jail. lie was released the
next day upon paying a fine of one
dollar and costs.
Antlir llatarly Case.
Miss Ida M. Comer, a resident of
Union, appeared before Justice
Archer Thursday anJ swore out a
complaint, charging Jotin Long with
Deputy Sheriff McLSride went down
to Rock Blulfs w'i'Tc Long lives and
brought the man . ar;I tie was given
a preliminary examination esterday
efternoon, the jjdge binding him
over to the district court in the sum of
SSO0. He was able to furnish tbe bail
required, and took Lis departure
buioke the l-t.
Wurl Bros famous "Gut Ueil" is tbe
best 5c cigar in tbe market.
Sheriff's Sale.
bjicoriu Y. li jurew uri!i. c erk of tt.e li-
riri curt within ruI rm Cr-t co-imv. e- l to luc- li.'tHf i. 1 uj.l on the
3rd day of litcruilwr
at two o'clock r. in. of -ni l lx. at the south
Jour ipf tilt' cuiirl hoiiM-, 111 tat? city of I'.att-
moiuh, iu hai'l cuuuty, m-1! at i iiliic am-liou. to
Hie nitit-r-t WJ'ii-r lor im-U, iuc foiluwiug rial
eHtntc, to-wit :
i.jltn.lit a. ia Ij1'j m. !.rtv-tour 4, in tne
city of i'iatl?uioulli, I'u-s', Nt.-L; a ti
iryititr wiiu the rivii.Kt'i aij i uii..iru-ntire
tiiermnto belo:iuii!; or in k:i) i-e ei i i-ruin
i ik. Hie ("uuie Iil-ii. ,ei ied u.m.ii nn-i inkt-u a
the -rooerly of Jiitm-ii dicii- tt al., ilcfenJ
a:Ui. to satisfy a j a iiiii iil of miM court r-
ovt-ifl by Jo till 11 . lVt:.i)jiio it al. . I ia.ulltJ .
aff iiiit-t nid dcfetKlant".
i'iat-.otuotitu, Neb., .Niiv. 1-t. A. I ,1'.".
VV. I. WllKl.LLU,
Sheriff. i'u county, Neb.
Firtt 'Ublicatlon, Nov lw.
Sheriffs Sale.
by tieoriie f. 11oiim- ortn, clcrit or the
trirt court within au.i for ('hb county, Ne
brahka, an 1 to ma directc-J, I will ou the
iOili day of Nutruitirr, A. It., 1KV,
t two o'clock p. tn. of 'lay. at the kouth
dojrof the court houe m the city of i'latu-
uiouta. In said county, cil at ulJic aui tioii, to
tne tiigliesl bidder fur, tuo fo.lowuiK real
tne. to wit :
The north half :u'il of the northwest u iarter
uw Jof section thn-e fjj town u-ii rarif
unit mil um south L.a.1 I ine aouto-
wost 4uarrer L-''.f of section lairtj -1 our .4
t.wne.evea 111) range n.i'f J Hut of the six in
riucipul men jiai, ail lu i. c tuuty,
UraKa, loetnir wit:i the lrn!lei an1 a-
rteiiauceb tureuni-j beioi.-.-iuifui luanymriae
b(.u crtainiiiK : 'he amc betnt.' leiel U(ou ao!
taken aa the (JtotfttT of Vab.oa . V.'re-l ct al..
uefcii'laute, to satiety a j i lh'.rn ut of nai-1 court
recoverel by t-'rancii N. ciihson, t'laintllT,
HuinM i-ai 1 defendant.
i'lattsm-juth, Neb., z.i, A. l.,l.
Sheriff, t as county, eb.
E. II. Wooi.ev, plaint. IT attorney.
f irst publication Oct. 20, lsv
Sheriffs Sale-
t y c.eorge K. liouseworth. cerk of the dis
trict court with;ii au l for cass c inly Ne
braska, and t-J me dntcte 1, . Will ou tin-
olli day of .oruilrr, A L, IX'JM,
at one o'clock p. in. of said day, at the south
door f the court house. In the city of Hlalla
liioi.:.i, In said county, sell at pu'-lic a uctioo to
the Lushed bid lei for cat-h, the fjllow lug real
estate ,lo-wit:
Lot number e!lit ( in Mock three (3.) lota
one and two (1 and 2; In block nineteen ill,)
l'.ts eleven and tweive (II and l- iu biock
eiKhly-iHe (,t lot six in biock ninety. s!i
c.j,) una loi live (' in bioclt ninety-five CJ5 )
all in the city of I'ihIImmouiu, C cuuntj, N!, together with the privilege arid appur
b'aaiM i-h thereunto belou.iut; or in anywine
appertaining; the same t.einu levied upon and
taken as the property of M ary flteraid et al.,
defendants, to ei;fy a Judgment of wild court
recovered by Ellis T. Hartley, plaintiff, against
said defendant.
I'lattsuiouth, Neb., Oclolcr4, A. T. !.
W. L. WllEtl.ER,
bheritl Ca- County, Nebraska.
By J. li. McBri le, lieputy.
I. H. HatfieH, I'laiutia' s Attorney.
First publlcatioa uct. 5, ly.i.
Prices to suit fverybody. Come
and see the Uek whether you wish
to purchase or not.
- V