Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, October 26, 1898, Image 2

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KIRKH AM & GREEN. Publishers.
A Washington. D. C. dispatch says:
Fank Examiner Whltmore has tele
graphed the comptroller of the curren
cy that he has closed the doors of the
First National bank of Neltgh. Neb
He say the condition of the tank
makes resumption impossible. The bank
has a capital of $50,000.
M. Helmsdorff of Belolt. Kan., formed
an expensive acquaintance with Mabel
Clark, an intentional blonde who re
cently arrivei In Omaha. He visited
her room near Thirteenth and Howard
streets and upon his departure missed
$22 which he had set aside to see the
exposition. The woman is under arrest.
Hans Batker and Kmil 'Weiss, two
young; men from Klk City, came In
contact with three confidence men at
Omaha, who relieved them of their
money and watches nea the linseed
cil works. A bogus pocerran "ok
the'r valuables and then threatened to
arrest them for holding th stake In a
waetr ever the opening a miniature
padlock tr.'.tfs they left the rltv.
J. M. Kyle cf Graham. Mo . re-sn
acquainted with an unknown woman
ar.d visited several amusement resorts
in her company in Omaha. During be
evening the woman obtained acces to
Kyle's pocket by some process of ig
drir.a:r. and substituted two one-dol-!ir
bills for the same number of fivw
dV.'.ar bills which Kyle had In bis pock
ttbock. The thief has so far evaded
The Catholic Knights cf America
have Just adjourned their state con
gress, which was held at Hartington.
October 1" and ts The session vs
.nteresting throughout, there bfing dl
?ates from all raits of die state pres
ent. Josenh Knesinj: of st Point was
fleeted stale president for the next two
jears; August Lutelty cf Hartington.
vice presreert; Anthony Hirschrr.ann
zt Hartingun. secretary, ar.d John H.
I.inda'e cf West Foirt. treasurer. Wil
bur F. Eryar.t cf Hartington was cho
en as delegate to the rational supremo
council at Kansas City. Mo. next May.
Jchn T. Smith was elected as alternate.
The rext tienn:al congress will be held
at Grand Island.
About 3 o'clock Wednesday morning
fames were seen issuing from the B. &
M. freight depot at Kearney, and be
fore the a'arm could be turned in the
entire building was on fire. Just how
the fire started is a mystery, as no one
had been around the depot for several
hours and there had been but little
fire In the edpot all day. The buil Jins
and contents are a complete loss ani
it is one of the most disastrous fires
that has occurred here for some time.
Just what the loss is cannot be ascer
tained, but there was a fresh and com
plete stock of goods in the building that
had Jo?t arrived for a new department
store eoon to be opened here. Several
cars of freight standing on the track
were also damaged some. One belong
ing to William Keller, loaded with cel
ery was considerably damaged by the
smoke, but the cars were not burned.
The coal office of the Kearney Coal
company, located near the burned
building, was also slightly scorched,
t ut nothing was seriously burned but
the depot. The building was erected
in 1SS0.
Taking advantage of the large num
ber cf country merchants which visited
the exposition Nebraska day. a mass
meeting of the retail merchants of the
state was called to meet at the Com
mercial club room by President Geo.
F. Munro of the Omaha ntiBiness Mn's
association and President H. J. Hughes
tf the Omaha Retail Grocers' associa
tion. The hour for convening was 2
p. m. Other than the address of wel
come by Mr. Munro and a few short
Talks'Ly ..local merchants the entire
meeting was given ct. to genermt dis
cussion. The principal thing discussed
was the proposed revision of the col
lection and garnishment laws of the
state. Another thing taken up was the
pure food bill intended to be presented
at the next session of the legislature.
This Is simply an extending of the pro
visions of the whisky Inspection bill
which failed to pass the last legisla
ture, to beer, cigars and food product.
Department stores and advertising
were also discussed. In the evening
there was a banquet at the Commercial
club rooms, and a general reception to
the visiting merchants. The jobbers
and manufacturers contributed quite
liberally to the banquet.
T- "
German National Closed.
Pittsburg. Pa (Special ) "Upon ex
amination of the books of the German
National bank, the directors have de
cide.! not to open In the morning If
the eipositors will only give uj time.
w believe we will pay dollar for dollar.
'E. H. MYERS. President."
: The above frank statement was dls
tattd ty Mr. Myers. No cause Is as-
igned. tut the leason for the faiure
at this time cf what has for years gen
erally teen considered one of the strong
financial institutions of the state, is
conceded to be the assignment or the
Allegheny tanning firm of A. Groet
zlnger & Sons
The connection between th Groet
zlngers and the German National bank
of Pittsburg was very c!oss, the firm"
paper not only being discounted at
the bank, but A. Groetiinger having
been a director In the bank for years,
and tr.til recently its president. Sev
eral days ago he resigned as president
ar.d a succeeded by E. H. Myers, who
"1 went to bed last right and dream
ed that I died."
-And the heat woke you up?"
: "1 was hit In the head with a ball
bat when very young."
" "And you've been off your base ever
since. .
The street car lurched, she fell ker
flump! ' But got up with a happy smile.
And to the yoiig man said: "Please.
' How many taps are to the mile?"
Whole City Thrown Into Panic by
the Scourge Blgr Preparations
Made to Fight the Disease
and Stop Its Spreading.
London, Oct. 24. The outbreak of
bubonic plague at Vienna, due to the
experiments In Prof. Northnagle'H
bacteriological establishment In the cul
tivation of the plague bacillus, has
spread terror at the Austrian capital.
Five cases In addition to that of
the late Herr Barisch. the late as
sistant In the establishment, who con
tracted the bubonic plague while cul
tivating the bacillus, have now oc
curred. They have two nurses in the
laboratory, Herr Barisch's wife and
the physician who attended Herr Bar
isch. The last sacrament f the Roman
Catholic church was administered to
the latter and to one of the nurses by
a priest through a window of the
plague cells.
Dr. Mueller was considered an au
thority on the plague, having been to
Bombay for the purpose Xt studying
it. and he survived all the dangers
The disease at Vienna has assumed
a pneumonic form. There are no boils,
lut each case is accompanied by high
fever and blood spitting.
Extraordinary precautions have now
een taken to prevent an epidemic.
'The plague patients lie in an isolated
building, attended by Dr. Pooch, a
volunteer physlscian. and by sisters of
. harity. They are surrounded by a
rope, across which nobody is allowed
to pass. Dr. Pooch writes the pre
scriptions and fastens them to the
indow pane. The doctors outside read
hem and have them made up. Then
:he prescriptions are placed on the
- indow ledges, from whence .they are
-moved by those inside. Food is con
yed to the patients and their at
ndants by sisters of charity.
The nurses furnish accounts by tele
hone of all the changes In the pa
ents" condition. Every person who
as come in contact with Herr Barisch,
rincipally the hospital attendants,
.is b?en isolated. Some of them re
sted and others tried to escape, but
ere captured and all were locked up.
It is feared, however, that the pre-
.iutions taken were too late. Herr
l arisch was ill for three days before
? saw a doctor, during which time
? lived with his wife and visited
ine sheps.
The wife, who has now developed
- ;spic!ous symptoms, visited friends.
. de In public omnibuses and ccme
.-: contact with dczens of persons at
-r husband's funeral The exciteent
medical circles is tremendous. The
i ell known chemist. Prof. Hofrotz Lud
:g. has made a pathetic speech, dur
r g which he expressed the hope that
:lie doctors of Vienna will prove them-
- Ives equal to all emergencies.
This reveals the fact that It Is the
pinion of medical men at the Austrian
..piial that the plague is likely to
I read in that city. Another significant
r.dicatlcn of this a j prehension Is found
n the fact that a temporary hospital.
- nsiMlng of several detached sheds.
as hastily erected during the last
. ght beyond the infectious hospital.
One hundred men wotked by torch-
sht there in order to complete It as
i mV.y as possible.
A painful feature cf the Viennese sit
uation is the attitude tf the ani!-smlte
-ewspapers, which are accusing the
Jewish decters ef bringing the pTague
i.. Vienna, it 's ntai0 'this appeal to
t'.e worst f.!cm of the mob will lead
r. plague r.c:s tga' the Jews If the
?ease spreads
The evacuation cf the island of Crete
ty the Turks is now in full swing. The
troops mostly embark at night time In
-der to avcld exciting the Mussul
mans. The forjrn a3rr.!ra!s Intend that the
Turkish civil officials shall follow the
i.opj, the administration of the
inland remaining in the hands of the
a Imlrals until the powers decide upon
ti-.e final form of government for Crete
The number of foieign troops on the
inland will be Increased to 14.0C0 men
pending the complete pacification cf
ur.tjoajip iBirj ut ddia jbuji aqx 1J3
will be a general elertion of members
cf the Cretan assembly, and a body of
gendarmes will be gradually formed
to rtplace the international troops.
The four powers. Great Britain,
France. Russia and Italy, are now ex
changing views upon the selection of
a governor general of the Island. Rus
sia is in favo- of the appointment of
Frince George of Greece.
The sons of the late William E. Glad
stone have entrusted the task of writ
li g their father's biography to Mr.
J hn Morley. the distingushed liberal
statesman and Journalist, who was
twice secretary for Ireland under Mr.
The Observer's Berlin correspondent
siys that leading specialists there are
of the opinion that there Is no danger
of an outbreak of the bubonic plague
In Vienna. Prof. Rudolph Virchow. the
correspondent says, points out that the
g'-rms of the disease are contagious,
but not infectious.
Mother Strangles Three.
Toronto. Oct. 24. A dreadful tragedy
was enacted In the east end of the
city, when Eliza Burrlll, wife of a well-to-do
mechanic, became demented and
strangled her three children. Ethel,
aged 3: Stanley, aged 5. and Harold,
aeed 11 years. The husband of the
woman found all of them on the moth
er's bed when he came home from worx
at night. The woman is evidently de
mented. She says the reason for the
foi-riht dd was that she did not
want tem to grow up wUked.
A Man From Massachusetts Ad
' dresses a Lincoln Audience.
Lincoln. Neb. (Special.) Hon. Geo
Fred Williams of Boston addressed th
largest and most enthuiiastlc meetlni
of the campaign Wednesday at the 01
Iver theater. The meeting, was unde
the auspices of the Bimetallic leagu.
of the state university. The house wai
crowded from parquet to gallery wltl
a deeply Interested audience. Th
speaker received a great ovation.
Mr. Williams raid he was glad to vis'
the Mecca of democracy, the home ct
William Jennings Bryan, the peerles-'
national leader. He said he was li
the state to aid In insuring the returr
of Senator Allen, whose loss to the sen
ate at this time would be the greater
of all to the party. He held that the
war question was not paramount I
the campaign, as It was not a repobl'
can war. He believed more democrat'
had enlisted and fought than republi
He said as the sick, gaunt soldierr
were returning from the war the people
demanded an Investigation that th
blame for negligence and incompetency
might be placed where it belongs. He
said that It was a democratic mlnorltr
that had demanded aid for the suffering
Insurgents and a democratic mlnoritr
that had forced the administration t
war for Cuban freedom. ,
He exclaimed: "There Is as much elo
quence In the shoulder straps of Bryan
as In the recent hippodrome adminis
tration tour."
The speaker declared that from the
graves of murdered soldiers there came
a cry for investigation.
"We cannot lay the blame on the sec
retary of war," said the speaker. "He
was appointed by the president. The
president can remove him If he ha
been negligent. We shall never know
where the blame Is until we elect
democratic congress this fall that wir
investigate." was the forceful assertion
pf Mr. Williams.
He touched upon territorial expan
sion, and said it was not the Important
issue, as it would be settled by the
present congress. He held that the
proposed measure now In congress for
the retiring of greenbacks was the 1s
iue .characterizing the measure as the
nost outrageous one ever preiented by
nankers and goldbugs to put the con
trol of the money into the hands of
Mr. Williams made the major part of
his address on this question, handling
it In a scholarly manner. At every
mention of Bryan and Allen's names
ihe audience applauded heartily Tho.
address was an Incontrovertible ex
position cf the great and irreparablo
njury that would be done the r.ation
should such a measure succeed in pass-
rig the national legislature.
How a Building and Telephone Pole
Were Set on Fire By Water,
Omaha. Neb. (Special.) The only In
stance In the annals of the fire depart
ment where water caused conflagra
tions occurred early Monday evening.
The first was at Thompson & Belden's
?tare. Sixteenth and Douglas streets
In the basement an arc lamp had been.
placed very near the first floor. Th
workman who put It there did not
3 ream that the electric current would
ver escape beyond the clrcumfererr
zt the big glass globe. But It did this
very thing and legitimately, too. Mon
day evening, juat before the clerks were
ready to quit work.
All day customers had been tramping
the wet mow from their boots at a
point directly above the arc Tamp,
. By C o'clock a little stream of water
was running into the basement, strik
ing the carbon in the arc lamp as It
fell. By means of the water, which
proved an excellent conductor, the elec
tric current was communicated to the
wooden floor, starting a blaze.
The floor walker was amazed a fevr
minutes later to see a white mist gath
er along the floor. He walked to tb
point where It was collecting and fount!
that the floor was extremely hot. Them
the mist grew thicker and became very
plainly smoke.
Then the floor walker turned In an
alarm. Smoke filled the store and forc
ed the clerks to retire. The firemen
found that the blaze had spread quite
extensively along the under side of the
floor. It was extinguished without diffi-
culty and an examination quickly re-
vealed Its singular origin.
The second fire of the same origin
was at f irteentn ana uoage streets,
where a telegraph pole took fire from
the electricity which collected in the
water running down Its surface. The
pole began to smoke near the top and
then a blaze appeared. The firemen ex.
tlnguished the fire with a stream from
the chemlcaL
Much difficulty was experienced by
the fire department Monday aftemoom
bn account of the erratic work of the
wires. In nearly every fire house ta
the city men and horses responded to,
Imaginary alarms more than once, and
when real alarms were turned In It
was found necessary to verify, them,
before responding.
Boys with cigarettes set 'fire to 'a
two-story frame barn at 3116 Wool
worth avenue in the rear of A. W.
Scribner's" residence. The barn was al
most wholly destroyed. The loss was
estimated at $1,000. There was no in.
A dwelling at 1012 Locust street, oc
cupied by Frank D. Foster, was slightly
damaged by Are late Monday afternoon.
Tbe flame of a gas jet communicated
with the woodwork of the dwelling and
had spread throughout one room before
it was discovered.
A vacant house, the property of Jo
seph Gallagher, at 1311 Center street,
was damaged by fire to the extent of
$50. The origin ef tho fir was nor
Tbe Rufus Choate statue, which wu
unveiled In Boston last Saturday, coin
While In th Gulf of Tomlnl. says 1
correspondent, the steamship RafaeE
ran for four hours through a shower of
mud. This Is the first Intimation that u
we have had that a pelltlcal campaign I
Is In progress In the Gulf of Tecalal.
Tbe liberal convention of the Austral-
aslan colonies has adopted a clans
embodying a recognition of God In th
preamble of the constitution which It
Is preparing for submission to the ev.
tral colonies en thsVr bond ef unlox
.Cannons Roar mix the Occasion Is
Seized Upon f oi Great Merry-maklng-800.0.p
Left Without ountrv.
Washington. J. C. Special.) The
United States Is now fally In pos
session of the island oforto. Rico as
sovereign. The war depa;ment naB re
ceived the following: ,
"San Juan. Porto Rico, is. Sec
retary of War. Washington: nave
been raised on public buildinj. anij fort
In this city and saluted withionai
ralutes. The occupation of th jsiand
is now complete. BROC-
A copy of General Brooke's did,
was sent to the president at Clgo
Immediately upon its receipt.
San Juan. Porto Rico. Oct. 18. Exati
ty at noon today the American fl;
was raised over San Juan. The cere
jmony was quiet and dignified, unmarr-
jea by otisoraer or any mim.
. . . .i a
The Eleventh regular, infantry, with
two batteries of the fifth artillery land
ed this morning. The lalter proceeded
to the forts while the Infantry lined
up on the docks. It wart a holiday for
San Juan, and there were! many people
on the streets.
Rear Admiral Schley and General
Gordon, accompanied by their staffs,
proceeded to the palace in carriages.
,The Eleventh infantry "band. with
troop H of the Sixth Vnltecu States cav
ialry. then marched through! the streets
and formed In the square opposite the
palace. I
At 11:40 a. m. General ! Brooke, Ad
miral Schley and Generatl Gordon, the
United States- evacuation Jcommlsston
ers. came out 'of the palace with many
naval offlcersjand formeid)on the right
side of the scruare. The Mtreets behind
the soldiers were thronged! with towns
people, who stood in deaotl silence. At
last the clt,y clock struck the hour of
12. and tire crowds, aim f-st breathles
and with 'eyes fixed vpor.the flagpole,
watched for devtlor rmntn.
At the sound cf thie j Gpst gun from
Fort Morro Matfor Dearu and Lieuten
ant Castle of General tErooke's' staff
hoisted the stars and suj-lpes while the
band played "The Star-Spangled Ban
ner." All heads were tared snd the
crowds cheered. Fort.; Morro. Fort San
Cbristobal and the Uiiitcd States reve
nue cutter Manning, Hying In the Jiar
bor. fired twenty-one guns each.
Senor Munov Rivera, who was presi
dent of the recent autonomist coun
cil of secretaries, ajnd other oJflclals
of thelate Insurgent government, were
present at the procfjedings.
Many of the Spaniards .Takln
Steps to Become NaturaSzed.
Washington. D. C (Special.) In
View of the fact thai at nooti today
with the acquisition -of the Island of
Porto Rico by Us U up ted States about
800.000 inhabitants of that Island lost
their Spanish citlzensfhlp, tbe question
as to what shall become (of these peo
ple politically becemes of (importance.
Madrid advices report i that leading
citizens of Porto Rico have already ta
ken steps to become naturalized a
United States citizens. This Is an er
ror, for existing law provides no -way
in which this change. of (citizenship can.
be effected by the residents of the isl
and. There is no United States court
there before which a declaration of in
tention can be filed, and In fact no ma
chlnery at all which can be put in mo-,
tion to change citizenship. .
Inquiry into this -subject' at the state'
department discloses the Tact that' It has
been usual to provide a. bodily trans
fer of the citizenship of people condi
tioned as those in Porto Rico, in the
treaty of peace which, terminates a
It may be prudent for tlte commission
at Paris to avoid any reference to
Porto Rico again. In whjicxi case con-J
gress will be called upom by the presl-i
dent to confer citizen ship-.upon the For
to Ricans In tbe same actas that which'
must be passed to provldca stable forrru
of government for the tsTarnd. :
Should either of these courses Vue
(found impracticable, however, , It is
said at. the department that Intternav
tlonal law In its operation would confer
American cltlzenshla upon these, Ptorto smai.u - ----
Ricans. the general principle beirig (that shake hands with lum on the reviewing
where a treaty o cession is slleat moA stand, although Mayor Carter H Har
the subject of citizenship . chaoses.) Hon did. The governor to the W
itt. ,. -on t J. -oorfs-Uf the president, while Mayor Harrison,
ltlon of New Mexico the residents of
that territory were " glvten' American
citizenship by 'speclflc provision of fhe
treaty, ' - I
tin mKio rnnu rum- Dr-iDI V A
Government Taxes Incsreax'ad Over
4-0 per cent Over Last Vear.
. Washington. IX O. (SptecfeJ.) The
monthly statement of the collections of
Internal revenues' show thatt during
September last thre total "receipts front
all sources were $21,713,389. a sain as
compared with Sfeptembel 1997. of $S.
$58,883. The receipts from theseveral sources
of revenue are given as' follows:
Spirits. $7.62231, galnf.of $22,131 to-
bacco. S4.229.02S. a gain of '1,202,575
mented liquors, $6,418,178, a gain of$4
170.632; oleomargarine, $W2,874, a ga tn
f $54,557; special tuxes, bankers. $22$'.r
C10; billiard rooms. $2t,576; broken)
stocks, bonds, . $16,154; brokers, corn)
merclal. $12,635; brokers, custom house!
$372: brokers. Dawn.. $955: bowlina al
leys, $5,369; circuses, 2,958; theaters, ex
FIGHT ON TOJ3ACCO. TRUST.VlWronA Louisville Indicate tnat mere u
-1 I i
Small Concernsof a Few Hundred
Thousand Ffehtihar for Life, i
St. Louis, Mo.-Aspejclal. ColonelJTi
M. Wetmore, at -.the tiead' of the great
tobacco works of ' the fLIggett & fMyers
company of this cltyj declares tjiere (Is
- y v-
nothing the reports fClrcuiatedfaj-ound
the country of a nejw combl rsat Hon;
I."" -"" vjj
4 leadership of his company to (oppose!;
I the American Tobacco conxpftn)'. 1 Thef
I P today sava 'disba itches they think thsy can win.
w ,
hibltlom. etc., J24.596; total specia
taxes, 1315,288; miscellaneous. $2,913,847
For the three months ended Septem
ber 30, 1898. the receipts were $71,989,460
a gain as compared with the same per.
iod in 1897 of $28,196,823.
Spain Scheemes for Delay In the
Peace Negotiations.
Paris. (Special ) The Spanish peac
commission avoided an absolute sur
render or breaking off of negotiations
by persuading Judge Day to put off the
joint session until Friday. .
Montero Rios declared that two of the
Spanish commissioners and the secre
tary of the commission were sick. The
truth Is that Spain is simply resorting
to her old policy of delays. The next
step in negotiation is a terrible one foj
the Spaniards, as the American com
missioners have said their last word
on the subject of Cuba.
The commissioners refuse to discuss
any longer the question of the so-called
Cuban debt that is to say, the Im
mense bonded obligation amounting to
nearly $500,000,000 Incurred by Spain In
futile attempts to subjugate her re-
volted colonies in North and South
Vonerica ana tnargeu upon me cjuDan
"his decision, which was communl
cavd to the Spaniards at the last ses
sion carries with It what Is perhaps not
an u imatum, but something like one.
i ne -r-nerican commission told the
Sranla l8 tnat they must make known
today v ether Spain would relinquish
Cuba on tne terms dictated by the
United St.,98 jo avoid making this
declaration ne Spanish secured an ad
journment May.
It would b noticed that when the
Cuban questiVlj3 settled the Porto
Kican and the ad rone questions must
be next disposed ,fr aa the commission
ers have adopted, ne order of subjects
as set down In th- protocol. Then the
Philippine questioi. roUst come up.
The Spaniards ar anxious to delay
this Issue until aftet ne congressional
elections In the Unite states, as they
seem to be sure that McKlnley will
change his front as so V as he is re
lieved from the embarr.: ment of the
present political campaig
The Spanlatds do not oft -proof that
McKinley's administration . rented, at
the time the protocol was -gned. to
Spain's reservation of her s -ereignty
of the Philippines from the rms of
that document. They are an.- ms not
to provoke McKlnley while the ngres-
sionat campaign Is on, but aft r elec
tion day Spain will make a full enclos
ure of the promises under which she
authorized Cambon's signature t the
Telegrams were exchanged Detv.--n
Saeasta and the state department at
Washington, through the med'ation
France, which. It Is said, give the he
to McKinley's campaign speeches.
Up to the present moment only two
points have been definitely settled by
the peace commission:
First That the United Slates gov
ernment has formally recorded its offi
cial admission that when Spain evacu
ates Cuba the sovereignty over that
island does not pass to the United
Second Not one penny of the so
called Cuban debt shall be assumed
either by the United States or by the
President Shakes Hands Only With
General Shafter.
Chlcago.Hl. (Special.) General Shaf
ter either did not seen General Miles'
extended hand when the two men met
on the reviewing stand at the Chicago
peace Jubilee exercises, or he absolute
ly ignored it. At any rate, the two
generals did not shake hands. When
General Miles entered the reviewing
stand and approached the president's
"box the chief executive gave him a sim-
pHe nod of recognition. When General
Sthafter came up the president arose
from his chair and grasped the hand
of the commander of the army of In
vasion warmly and shook It effusively.
These Incidents took place In the
presence of fully 1.000 people, and they
are the talk of the city.
. Governor John R. Tanner was also
in the president's box. but was the .re
cipient of little attention from those
around him. He seemed preoccupied
and listless, and the proceedings to all
appearance Interested him but to the
X t . . . n Th a ni-.BMAnt rflrl lint
General Miles and General Shafter sat
Bft hla le-ft. - .
During the march past of the 10,000
tmen in line Generals Miles and Shafter
engaged in conversation at Intervals,
but not at any time at great length.
Apart from the president, who was re
ceived during the parade 'with every
demonstration of enthusiastic loyalty,
General Shafter was the hero of the
day. His cap was off most of the time
and his silvery hair was tossed by the
wind and dampened by the showers,
while General Miles sat stolidly in his
carriage and looked neither to the righl
nor the left. General Miles is well
known here, while the people of Chi
cago never saw General Shafter before
which' may partly account for the ex
cessive' friendliness shown the latter bj
the crowd.
Some who saw the Incident on th
reviewing stand say that Miles anc
Shafter shook hands. According t
28 REES ,(86wasaCronUfeiIhb s l
their version the president evldentlj
oekeri thpm to do so. possibly as ai
- evidence of good feeling.
to be a combination to fight the trust
.whether the Liggett & Myers compan;
Is to bein it or not. The independen
tobacco manufacturers of Louisville
notably ' John Flnzer & Bros, and thi
Harry Welsslnger Tobacco company
are very bitter against President Duk,
bf the 'American company. Both com
panlea say tney win unite wun me in
dependent factories in St. Louis, De
trolt and elsewhere to break down th
trust. As the combined output of th
irwinendents greatly exceeds that o
of S
the combien, even with its new planU
Qovemor Holcomb Makes the Ap
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 24. Governor Hol
comb has made the following order:
State of Nebraska. Adlutant Gener
al's Office. Lincoln. Neb.. Oct. 21. 1893.
Patrick H. Barry, adjutant general of
the state. Is appointed paymaster gen
eral, to pay the rer diem cf members
of the Nebraska national guard who
railed to muster the United States
service at Camp Alvin Saunders. Lin
coln, Neb., April 27. to May 10 Inclusive.
By order of the governor.
P. H. BARRY, Adjutant General.
There has been some delay In paying
off the members of the national guard
who were rejected because cf physical
disability for the reason that the cap
tains of the reveral companies failed
to keep a record of the time of the
men who were rejected, and Adjutant
Barry has been forced to obtain data
from his office.
The pay rolls are supposed to be
signed by each one of these men. but
as they have scattered far and wide
it was impossible to have them sign
It and vouchers had to be sent each
one. As fast as they were returned
they were entered up and the money
sent out.
There Is about $7,000 in all due these
men, and the first voucher has been
drawn, amounting in all to $6,228.37. As
soon as the remainder of the men are
heard from the second lot will be
sent in and the next voucher will be
drawn. The delay has been caused en
tirely by the negligence of company of
ficers, who failed to keep an account
of the time of these men.
Will Fight the Control of the Inter
state Commerce Commission.
St. Louis. Mo. (Special.) Officials of
the various express companies doing
business in St Louis are much wor
ried over a pamphlet which has Just
been issued by the national association
it traffic commissioners in regard to
the payment of the war stamp tax on
express receipts, and containing sug
gestions for the extension of the par
cels post in the United States. The
wcrk is designed to bring about a gen
eral movement all over the country
to have the interstate commerce law
changed so as to place express com
panies under the Jurisdiction of the In
terstate commerce commission and to
tegulate express companies in other
ways. What the express companies
object to most is a suggestion to lm-.
prove and extend the parcel post sys
tem In the United States.
The pamphet has not only been
mailed to ail commercial organizations,
hut has slso been sent to membets cf
i-.he United States senate ar.d house of
presentatives in congress with an ap
I al to have the necessary legislation
n. k ted.
Tr national association of traffic
c-omn-.'.ss'.or.f rs wi'l ho'.d their annual
meeting at Washington. D. C. In De
cember, ar.d will make a hard fight to
have their supgeFtion adopted by con-
iss. The extension of the parcel post
fi-tem as propesea woum u?ync
ex;ress companies of nearly half of
the!r revenue, as they could not com
pete with the postal tates and they will
make a determined fight to prevent the
loss of such a large part of their busi
ness. Heavy Fighting In Africa.
Pretoria. O r. 24. Serious trouble Is
brewing with -e Magato tribe in the
Zoutpanzerberg district south of the
Limpo river. Tv.e natives recently
massacred a Lull .an missionary and
his family at the tcn of Zoutpanszer
lerg and the Transvaal govtrnrr.ert
sent an expedition to punish them. The
kffair fcae i.vw assumed terlous prcpor
tiers. Chief Cpefu. with :0.(trJ followers.
rclly t.ind. rd four tarnens supplied
t-r white lr.c!rs.- Las' af.acktd the
Lasptr Kei.vy ffl.t'.rg is preceding
The fcltlrratvm cf the cc-rr.nar.dlng
tftoer cf tr.e Transvaal trccpe, .General
Jcubtrt, ' g tn tr.ccndi Icr.ial
surrender, has teen Ignored ty the
tritesmen. . and he . summoned 3100
burghers to reinforce the 5.000 now .o
the f.eld. '
' Wculd Fight the Two."
Berlin. Oct. 14 That Russia hss
planned to lnterlere in the dispute te
tweeo France and Eng'.and Is evident
from the hurried trip to Paris, of, Count
Muravieff. the Russian minister of for
eign affairs. Count Muravieff. It la
asserted here authoritatively, has from
the start counseled France . to settle,
the quarrel ty peaceful arbitration, as
he believes thata' war: wltfi England,
could not end advantageously for the
republic . unflsr- the presenct circum
stances. Diplomats here " say that Muravieff
Is instructed by his government to
effect the appointment of an Interna
tional . arbitration committee for the
settlement of the. Fashoda affair and to
do all In his power to prevent a conflict
between France and England. ( Berlin,
however', regards the 'situation ' as' ex
tremely critical. ; Eng'and. It ls be
lieved, is glad that there Is' a: pretext
of war. as she. is anxious .to match
swords with both France and Russia.
England has for a long time; looked
with Jealous eyes on the Intimate alli
ance between the two nations, .nor Is
there any , fear In England cf their
combined naval power. German naval
experts say that the British fleet is
far better equipped' as to men' and
artillery than the combined fleets ' of
France and Russia.' '"'' l-; '
The First National bank, of Lisbon,
O. capital $50,000. failed.
Three companies of the Third Infant
ry have been ordered home from Vlr-
den. 111. - '
E. W. Kltrldge. attorney, student and
financier of Cincinnati, dropped dead.
Bishop John Hazen White has been
appointed to the new Episcopal see of
Northern Indiana. He will live. at
Michigan City.
has left Guantanamo for San Juan de
Porto Rico to take on board the Amer
ican evacuation commission., '
The Foundation for this Enterprise
Will be the Best and Rarest Ex-hlblts-at
the Exposition.
Omaha, Oct. ?4. There was a confer
ence at the public library building of
members of the library board and a
number of prominent women represent
ing the Woman's club, relative to es
tablishing a museum in Ornaha and se
curing as many as possible of the rare
and valuable articles now on exhibition
at the exposition. Some work has been
done along this line, and many have
promised to contribute to the object. It
Is possible that the bis Santiago can
nons, some of the Spanish and Cuban
flags and many other articles will re
main in the city. Efforts will be made
to secure a great many specimens from
the mineral, timber, art and other dis
plays, and some of the statuary will be
preserved. The ladles have been at
work soliciting what they could for the
object. A circular letter has been Is
sued, a copy of which will be cent to
every exhibitor, asking for contribu
tions to the proposed museum.
It is proposed to preserve as much of
the great exposition as possible In
Omaha. The library board has haul the
matter in hand some weeks, and much
has been accomplished. At the regular
meeting of the board the first of next
week the matter will be further dis
cussed and something definite done.
Charged With Taking the Part of
the Classes Against the Masses.
Battle Creek. Mich.. Oct. 24. At a
session of the Philanthropic Conference
Rev. James Hamilton of St. Joseph ac
cused the church of taking the part of
the classes against the In the
capital and labor contest.
Hon. William Thomas Mills of Chi
cago defended co-operation and gov
ernment ownership. Mr. Mills also
urged the brotherhood of man between
white and black.
Rev. P.. J. McVeety. presiding elder
of the Albion district of Michigan
Methodists, advised the cletgy to enter
politic.-, cast aside their sanctified ap
pearing garments and manners and
work instead of talking so much.
The liveliest adJress of the day wan
oy Bayard Holmes of Chicago, who
praised socialism and said that ono
man s life Is cf as much Importance as
another. Labor, whether It Is digging
a ditch cr producing dollars. Mr.
Holmes said, was equally valuable.
A prominent missionary thought so
cialism was but one' step above an
archy, and was hissed for his utter
But One More Steamer Is to Como
Erom Dawson.
-Seattle. Wash.. Oct. 22. -The steamer
City of Seattle arrived here today from
Skagway with 290 passengers, cf whom
125 are from Dawson. They came up
the Yukon from the lakes on the steam
ers Merwin and Florence, leaving Daw.
son September 29. Owing to the low
state of the river the Merwin was eigh
teen days in making the trip.
But one more steamer Is to leave
Dawson before navigation on the upper
river is closed. Travel will then close
until December, when It will be re
sumed over the Ice. According to a
report brought down by the City c
Seattle, the steamer Erixham. which
,an cn the rocks south of Wrange! a
few days ago. Is a tidal wieck.
improved Weaving Machine.
"wahir.gtn. T. C Oct.
efforts to rr.t German competition.
,ne 'ttric manufacturers of Routa.x
developed a rew weaving machine,
wh'oh m speed surpasses the new
Northicp machine cf American Ir.ven
,lcn. ard permits the use f crdarr
material The falr!c produced .
turned out at the astcn shingly r.ptj
,t of rrcm iw
,o yra ...
r? ten hours. There H
workman overtee-ns -
is cr.e-r.a.i
the motive fcrce
e ordinary requirement. The f str.j
r s!J 8P.J
hcw a woven - .
and it is beV.eve t
kriitfd on the other.
... . - ., --fni
that the machine wl'.i "
factor in competing fcr the r'.ain good,
market, is net for higher r.ove.ties.
. Rubber Company . Absorbed
B0W. Mass. Oct 24-Th Glohe
says It is reported to the Fhce an J
Leather exchange that the Boston Rub
ber Shoe comvany has been absorbeJ
by the United States Rubber compa
ny, and that Mr Converse, its presi
dent,, will' become a director In the ner
corporation. The purchase price
said to be $1,000,000 cash and $4.1-3.6i
u ,-.--. i..tiinir 8 rer cent
in preumanuin.- i'-" - -dividend,
and, $3,499,700 common, a
of $S.6?3.lf;0. ......
' "-'''' Santa Fe. Sells Land. ...
Tope-k.' Ka.,. Oct.- ; 24 -PreslJent
'Ripley cf the Santa Fe has issued a
circular abolishing the. landdepart-,
ment(of that road on.Novf-j.wt 1. On
that day the lands . eto J "8 lo tn
Santa ,Fe, except coal lands wiH pass
Into the bands of John E.JFrost. the
present land eomrntssloiJVr.,'. the
lands w;hlch 'Mr.' Frbst; has plsyght S-
' about'' 60.000 acres. d rtbutl
throughout eighteen countle'
Indians Plead fft receivV '
Duluth, Minn.. Oct. jsUon
ls:and. Indians were ,e.
I ma:ans ww,i eye tor " Tl
Marshal O'Connor ai. p n rerr
of ten Third, infantry r- gra re
entered fcrrral p:eas cr nor ita
the tinned States court and wRall'
lime to consult with their attorn th
dian Commissioner Jones Is the V
and will leave at once.JorfW, Vd B(.
an tn-re
Tne rcea vrew
Antonio, sailed from
Tork for a fresh sur
17 r w Y"