Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, October 26, 1898, Image 1

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(Published in two parts-Part One.iedneaday. and Part Two. Saturday
$1.50 Per Year.
Vol. XVII. No. 57.
i I
William H. Newell Shown by the
Republican Press to be Unfit
For a Public Trust.
According to The Plattsmouth Post, He Was
Morally Responsible For the Death
of Fletcher Robbins.
The result of the prixe fight at South
Omaha Monday eight la so serious
Jhat the public should rise in Indigna
tion against permitting sueh proceed
ings in the community. The offlolals
who allow prize fighting are morally
responsible for death which results,
even though In the eyes of the law
they are not. Can such officials erer
again hare a clear ceasclence? Platte
moutb Daily Post.
The name of every man who takes
p trt In the Cass county fair fake, to
filch money from the taxpayers of this
county will be .remembered by the
outraged - people. A. shell game or
work of monte sharks is fully as honor
able In the eyes of the public who are
expected to pay the bills. Platts
mouth News, Sept. 22.
This fight was an exact parallel of
the Lindsay-Bobbins affair which was
pulled off In this city when Mr. Newell
was mayor, and which 'resulted in the
death of a Plattsmouth boy, Fletcher
Bobbins, and which cost the county in
the neighborhood of $1,500 for the
trial of two murder cases. It is a fact
wbioh cannot be denied, that Mayor
Newell knew that the contest was to
be a genuine prize fight, and that he
gave a gentleman an admission to the
ball where it was held. According te
ThePoat,Candldate Newell I "morally
responsible for the death' of Fletcher
Bobbins, and it is a question with the
above mentioned republican organ,
whether or not its candidate for state
senator "can ever again hare a clear
conscience." It is certain that if he as
mayor had done his duty, the fight
would nerer hare come off, and the
life of the unfortunate young Bobbins
would hare been spared.
William U. Newell la a director of
the Cass County Agricultural society.
Last February, he , went around the
streets and drummed up members of
theaociety to attend the meeting in
which he was elected a director, and In
which It was decided after his earnest
advocacy to hold the "agricultural
show" this fall in order td "filch money
from the taxpayers of this county."
Truly, "a shell game or the work of
monte sharks is fully as honorable in
the eyes of the publio who are ex
pected to pay the bills," and they will
register their opinion ot a man whe
will engineer and participate in such a
deal at the polls 00 the 8th of next
Coloaal Bryam's Deellaasloa.
An invitation wss sent to Col. W. J.
Bryan to attend the peace Jubilee,
which was held in Chicago, Oct, 18,
and 19, but duty prevented his attend
nee, and In his letter of declination he
said: "I regret that duties here will
prevent an acceptance of the invita
tion extended by the citizens of Chi
cago to be present, at the national
peaee Jubilee to be held on the 18th and
19th of the present month. The
American people are pre-eminently
peace-loving people, and it is fitting
that they should celebrate the termina
tion of the present war a war con
ceived in an unselfish love for human
itya war which has demonstrated
anew the volor of onr soldiers and sea
men, war which la destined let ns
hope to establish in the orient as
well as in the West Indies that doc
trine so sacred to the people of the
United States, namely that govern
ments derive their Just powers, not
from armies and navies, but from the
consent of the governed."
Bid. For rHatlag-.
yida will be received by the State
Printing board until Monday, October
31st, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the
office of the secretary of state for
sundry miscellaneous printing. Includ
ing the house and senate bills for the
legislature of 1899. Samples and
specifications may be found at the
secretary's office. Bids must be ac
companied "rSbond in double the
amount of n ti bid for performance if
awarded. V Jie board reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
Btatk PBisrriHa board .
( 'ed
Ht rjprtaa Rjr.
Th.U n the brand 01 whiskey wnion
h ; 'ad the nrst prize ar, every ex
pot j h the United States and with
a. " .everything was is good ana
Don at baa securea tuts
whiskey from the 8weet
stillery Co. of Owenshoro,
lively and be is getting
direct from the U. 8- gov
J Srehouae. which insures him article, ao you can keep
It tVuse for medicinal, aa well
0Mi porpoaea.
Sana tor Alias ana Wb. . iBompm
Speak HoTabi 4.
The fuflon foroes of Cass county
will clos the campaign with a grand
rally at Louisville, Friday afternoon
November 4th.
The meeting will be addressed by
Senator Allen and Hon. Wm. Thomp
son of Grand Island, commonly known
as "the Little Giant."
A large tent has been secured and
preparations made for taking care of
the multitudes that will be present
from all over the county.
Turn out.
Oariac'a Strata Kfforta.
TxcuxskB, Neb., Oot. 24. A large
and enthusiastic audience or voters
met in the court house this evening to
hear lion. Matthew Gerlng discuss the
issues of the campaign. The speaker
spoke in a most forceful and convinc
ing manner, setting forth in unmis
takable terms the fallacies of the posi
tlon of the republican party and the
strong and positive position of the
fusion forces, referring especially to
the evasive arguments ot Burkett and
the frank and open attitude of llana-
han. Mr. Gerlng paid a high tribute
to the local candidates.
Smith mm i
Assistant Attorney General Ed P
8mith and Treasurer J. B. Meserre
will address the people ot Plattsmouth
and vicinity, at White's opera house
next Saturday evening, October 29th
Turn out and hear the truth in regard
to state affairs.
Bryan va. Malklajohn.
Col. Bryan has never left his post of
duty for one moment to assist in this
campaign, in which he has, perhaps, a
greater personal Interest than any
other man. He went to Washington
to plead for the discharge of some of
his sick and disabled men, and was
taken sick himself. Before be wan
fully recovered he was permanent!
ordered back. While at Washlngta
he was denounced by the whole repb-
ican press for neglecting his dutytnd
a cry went forth that be should rtnain
at his post of duty. Secretary Alger
and Assistant Secretary Metfejohn,
both holding Immensely morrimport
ant positions, have left thel posts of
duty and are out campaignVg. Not a
word is said by a repubxan editor
about their neglect of duf. Bryan is
only a colonel. Thesr men are me
very head and supreo autnority in
the whole war depatment. There
was never anything w the face of the
earth since the daysof Judas Iscarlot
that equalled the hypocrisy of the re
publican party. Nebraska Independ
Ccbo Art war, Hhint
Mr. McKlnltf'a little speeches on
hia western tour, or course, mim uui.
meant to hava mach significance, but
they have a'lttle, as showing the way
his mind s working. He still in
dulges in hrases to which no definite
meaning can be attached, at a crisis
when w have the greatest need of
clearness and distinctness, for in
stance: "We have gone from labor
seeking employment to employment
seeking labor." Now, where has this
occurred? The trade journala deny
that anything of the kind can be seen
anywhere. New York Evening rest.
ANtf HER SUICIDE, phonal ahdotheewise
JohnVolkwein r Drinks Carbolic
V Acid and Dies. '
UafovtBft Mam Snppoaad to Bay Beaa
BfeataUy Cnbalaaced Othar Loeal
Iteaaa ! Intareat to Journal
Baadeta N olea .
John F. Volkweln, a German, aged
about forty-four years, committed sui
cide by drinking two ounces of carbolic
acid at eight o'clock Sunday evening!
Deceased came to this city about a
year ago from Geneva, this state, and
Bobert Metteer of Elmwood was in
town yesterday.
George W. Shrader of Murray was
in town Monday.
Colonel Mayfield of the Louisville
Courier was in the city Saturday.
Wm. Sutton of Bock Bluffs is re
ported seriously ill with Uright's
Sergeant Newman of Company B,
Third Nebraska, has returned borne on
Peter Perry, who has been living in
Lincoln for the past year, has decided
to return to Cass county.
Boarders Wanted at the Bur
lington House. Best of accommoda
tions, 806 South Third street.
Fred H. Gorder, fusion candidate
Ilibles! Bibles!! Bil'leatl!
By extraordinary close buying in
large quantities we are able to sell
Bibles and Testaments at the lowest
price ever beard of. Holiday lipe now
Id. Lehnhoff Bros.
Nmoka the Kent.
Wurl Bros famous "Gut lleil" is the
best 5c cigar in tbe market.
To Whom It May Concern.
All persons knowing themselves In
debted to the Arm of W. W. Uoates &
Co. , are requested to call and settle
with the Ebinger Hardware Company
at their earliest convenience.
Ebinger Hardware Co.
Republican Roorbacks Making
Their Annual Appaarance.
5 cents
Bodi" Clffara
ilaest America s best, fo
began teaching music. - He was found for representative, was in the city this
to be a success In that line and was week. ' Fred's popularity increases
soon hired to lead and Instruct tbe M. every day.
W. A. band. He was; however, of a
very quarrelsome natnre, and soon be
came unpopular, losing his position
with the band and so many of his
pupils, that he was compelled some
time ago to go to work In tbe Burling
ton shops. Of late he baa been drink
ing very heavily, and has frequently
spoken of committing . suicide. Last
week on two different evenings his
wife searched bis pockets and each
Ed Oliver will again engage in the
meat market business in this ciry. He
expects to be ready for business about
November 1st.
Call and see those elegant steel
ranges at jonn it. uoxs uaruwarts
store. He will save you money on
anything in bis line.
Herman Streetweisser went up to
Sheriff's Sale.
by Ueorge K. liouse worth, clerk of tbe dis
trSct court wlthtn and for Cass county, 'e
braska, atid to me directed, I will ou ttie
26th day of Nofember, A. It., 1898,
at two o'clock p.m. or said day. at me soutn
door of the court home la the city of 1'latls
mouth, lu said county, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
estate, to-wlt: ...
The north hair inij 01 me uuriawesi quarter
nwlof section three 3 town ten loj rauite
ninety and the south half ls"J of the soutn
westuuarrer sw'i) ot section thirty four 34J
town eleven 11 range nine L'J et of the ti.xth
principal meridian, all in f county, Ne
braHka, together with the privileges aud ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or lu anywise
api ertHinlng; the same being leied upon and
taken as the property of Mahlou U. Weed et al.,
aefendants, to satisfy a Judgment of raid court
recovered by r rancis oir;.-m, planum,
Omaha yesterday to purchase a gatoline
time discovered a bottle of strychnine, engine for his machine shop, which he ;nfober ,,, a. d..
which aha threw into the stove. epecw w " - "
Saturday night, Mrs.. Volkweln, who daJ8
sleeps alone upstairs, .was awakened Mrs. S. F. Hutchison of Iloldrege,
Neb., returned home Monday, after
arranging some business matters con
nected with tbe estate of tbe late
George Buschei.
W. D. A'llttKLER,
Sheriff, Cans county, Neb.
E. II. Woolet, plaintiff s attorney.
First publication uct. zo, is-.'s.
bv her husband, who chased her all
over the house with a butcher knife,
but she finally got away and locked
herself in her room, .while he went
Sheriff's Sale.
A Terrible Bptaode. .
A terrible episode has occurred in
the history of this country an episode
so criminal that tbe glory of war and
victory has been dimmed by the wrath
caused by the wrongs and sufferings
of tbe soldiers who have fought the
war and achieved tbe glory.
We see men starved and fever-stricken
because their government has not tbe
eanacitv to take care of them, ana
even seems indifferent to their suffer-
ngs. If the people of this
country permit this scandal to And a
grave before some one Is punlshed.they
ill thereby make themselves ac
complices of tbe crime. Harper's
The DlfTerenee.
It is indeed a sad thing to note that
more Americana were killed at Virden
recently than we killed in destroying
the Spanish fleet. Think of it! We
waged war against the Spaniarda be
cause they were oppressors of Cubans.
What do we do with glgnatlo oppres
sors of worklngmen In Amerloa? Al
ow them to replace already under-
paid minera with southern negroes,
and then aee tbe poor starving men.
women and children stand by. Belle-
vllle (111.) News-Democrat.
away and disturbed her no more.
He appeared to be all right in tbe
morning, but at the hour mentioned
above, he pulled the bottle of carbolic
acid from bis pocket and swallowed
the contents before hia wife could get
to him. She immediately summoned
medical aid, but the unfortunate man
waa dead within two minutes after
taking tbe horrible dose.
Fortunately, the deceased leaves no
children.' The funeral took place yes
terday afternoon at three o'clock, from
the Christian church, Her. B. M. Dun-
tran officiating. The music was fur
nished by the MrW. .fcrbandX
Don't forget tbe big meeting at
Louisville en the afternoon of Novem
ber 4th, which -will be addressed by
Senator Allen and HonW. H.Thomp
son, "tbe little giant.".
Don't forget tbe big meeting at
Louisville on the afternoon of Novem
ber 4tb, which will be addressed by
Senator Allen and Hon. W. II. Thomp
son, "the little giant."
S. L. Willis and wife of Bawlins,
Wyo., returned home Monday morn
ing after a visit with Mrs. E. E. Good
win, who is a sister of Mrs. Willisana
other relatives and the exposition.
For Bent Fruit farm of eight
acres; apples, grapes, raspberries,
blackberries, etc. Also other tracts
of land near town.
- r . B. B. Windham.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Vallery and
Mr. and Mrs. Newkirk, of Denver,
Colo., arrived Sunday for a brief visit
with Mr. Vallerv's Darents and other
relatives In this vicinity.
Fred Stadelmann, jr., writes to bis
trlct court within and for Cans co.inty
braska, and to me dl.eeted, win ou tlm
5 til day of November, A I), 1KU8,
at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the south
door of the court house, lu the city of Platts
mouth, In said oounty, sen at puunc auction to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
estate ,to-wit: .
Lot number eight (S) in uiouk. turee id, ; lots
one and two (l ana i) in uioc uiuukcu
lots eleven and twelve (ii aim is) in piock
eighty-five (8,'),) lot six (6) In blocs ninety-six
(9b,) ana lot nve iu uiwn inuci)-uroij,i
ail in the cltv of Plattsmouth, Cass county, .Ne
braska, together with me privileges ana appur
tenances thereunto beionamg or in anywise
anwrtniniiia: the lime being levied -upon ana
utvn as the urotrtirtv of Alary Fitzgerald et al
defendants, to satisfy a judgment of suid oourt
recovered by Ellis T. Hartley, plaintiff, against
said defendants. , ..'."
Flattsmouth, eb., uctoner. a. i.
Sheriff Casa County, Nebraska
By J. V. McBrlde, Deputy.
I. II. Ilatiiold, Plaintiff's Attorney
First publication, ucu t, lay a.
Notice to Non-Kesldent Defendants,
in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska
w M. strlullu an l .Mary A. stnuun, aeiena-
ants, will take notice that on the 20th day or
August, 18'JS, IV J. Nichols, trustee, plaintiff
hr. filed his petition lu the district court or
Cass county. Nebraska, against suid aetcndaois
and others, the object aud prayer of which are
to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the
defendants, F. M. Striplin and Mary A. Striplin,
his wife, to the plaludff. upon the following
described real estate situated in the county ot
fans an-l state of Nebraska, to wit: Lots num
ber two (2.) five (5) and six (6) in r-iock num
ber twenty-eight (vM) lu the town ot timwood,
to secure the payment of three certain promis
sory notes, as follows: One dated Oct. 1, lwt,
due Oft. 1. 18"1, for ono hundred and fifty dol-
i.ri l ist: 1 one dated Uct. 1. 166. due Oct. l.
lrSO. lor one nun'irea iuu iwemjr-uo uuuin
r125;l one dated Oct. 1,- 15. aueoct. 1, 11.
for one hundred aud twenty five dollars 1l-t.
froeperlty fa Illinois.
If strikes can be said to bo a gauge
or criterion of prosperity, tbe state of
Illinois is having an indisputable evi
dence of such prosperity. However,
the striking miner at Pana, whe
worked ten hours a day for eighty
oents. will dispute the arrival of "tbe
advance agent" so far as he Is con
cerned." Salinas (Cal.) Journal.
Broka rur Kib. . parents In this city that he is engaged
NIcb. Halmes, a well-known farmer l jD putting electric lights on the steam
reBidina- five miles west of town, inetlara ur in the Klondike country. He
with a verv nalnful accident a few rrpivaa a 1.50 Der hour and board, and
days ago, which will result in confin-1 reports plenty of work in sight.
ing him to his home ror saver ai weeas. Frltz yiQipnf Wh0 was mustered out
Mr. iiaimsi was HianaiDgon amaoKcr iQf tnSecond Nebraska regiment on
In bis barn, pulling hay down irom ine Mftnfll. w. ln town for few hours
loft above, when he became overbal- yt)SterdaTf and departed that af ernoon .Pa?d ITJ'.Z
auueu, auu ibii mvivam m, iuki i - rhTnn. VVVO.. WUere ne nas 88- I mortgage the sum 01,
breaking four of his ribs and otherwise d iob with the Rurlineton com-
at m M A af
cruising nimseii coniiasrauiy. a. puy-1
alcian was immediately summoned cards are out announcing the mar
from this city, and the roaen Denes wadneada?. October 26. of
were re-set. Mr. Halmes is quite an Mig8 So8,e Shryock, 0f Louisville and
old man, and it win do some time De- M, Piadocv Qf Elvria. Neb. Tbe
fore he la again able to get around. hrida.elact is a former Plattsmouth
Lincoln Journal' Reputation of llelna
tbe Iliffgea I.lar In Ilia Slate lit
InsT Well Suntxlurd oiii of
the Actual Farts.
for which sum, to
gether with Interest at ten
plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be
required to pay the same or that said premises
may be sold to satisfy the amount found due.
1 OU are required to answer eaiu peiuiuu uu
or before the 28th day of November, l:s.
f. j. ,ichoi.s. i rus.ue.
Bt Talbot Allen, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First publication Oct. 8.
Hear Hon. Ed. P. Smith at tbe opera Jung lady, and a host of friends will VIP.XUE
w - . .i.i,t i excena consrataiaiiuDa iu auvauvc.
Tompkla Wall Qoallflad.
A vote for George w. Tompkin is a
vote for a sober, industrious gentleman
and one well qualified to enter the
legislative halls aud look after the in
terests of the people and not some cor
poration. His opponent is the agent
of one of tbe greatest soulless corpora
tions that exists in this country, and
that is the gaa combine, under the
management of McMillan, the man
who owns more than a hundred plants
similar to the one in this city. Cor
porations are tbe ones that always
want legislation and against the rights
and Interests of the people. Nebraska
City News.
Settlaa With tha GUI.
Eugene Walbrldge, tbe young man
who was recently bound over, to tbe
district court on a charge of bastardy
preferred by Miss Ollle Pittman of
Nehawka, has effected a compromise
settlement with the girl and the case
against him has been dismissed by tbe
county attorney. Walbrldge paid Miss
Pittman the aum of t550 In cash. The
asilnit Ihs vnimv mm la aald .to I od
have been very clear, and be was for
tunate in settling it as he did.
The concert siven by the Ottumwa
Male Quartette at the Presbyterian
church last Monday evening, was at
tended by a fair-sized audience, and,
needless to say, all were delightfully
entertained, as tbe Ottumwas Is the
best quartette that ever visited Platts
Sheriff's Sale.
iieorge F. Houseworth, clerk of the dis
trict court within and for Cass couuty, -Ne
braska, and to me directed, l win on the
29th day ot October, A 1), 1898,
at twn o'clock d. m. of said day, at the south
door of the court house in the city of Platts-
following real
estate, to wit
For Saia
Don't forget the big meeting at
Louisville on the afternoon of Novem
ber 4th, which will be addressed by
Senator Allen and Hon. W. H. Thomp
son, "the little giant."
Colanel Bryaa Baa Favar.
Savannah. Ga., Oct. 24. Colonel
W. J. Bryan, who is here with hia regi
ment, the Third Nebraska volunteers,
as a part of Lee's corps, is 111 at the
DeSoto hotel. He la suffering with
fever, but bis condition is not regarded
as at all serious.
Haloomb m Loolavllla.
Governor Silas A. Holcomb will ad
dress the voters of Cass county, at
Louisville, Tuesday evening, Novem
ber 1st. The governor ia a strong
favorite In thla county and will un
doubtedly be greeted by a large audi
ence, which will be entertained aa well
as Instructed. Hear him.
j Try Tbb Jovkhax, a year.
Don't forget, the big meeting at
Louisville on the afternoon ef Novem
ber 4th, which will be addressed by
Senator Allen and Hon. W.H.Thomp-
aon, "tbe little giant."
18.00 far Week.
We will pay a salary of 115 per week
for man with rig to introduce Perfec
tion Poultry Mixture in tbe country,
the greatest egg producer on earth.
Andress with stamp. Perfection Mfg.
Co., Parsons, Kansas.
W. B. ELSTER, Dentist, Water-
block. Plattamomta. Heb. -
That great free silver family news
paper, tne umana weeaiy vfonu
Herald,issued in semi-weekly sections,
will be sent to new subscribers until
January I, 1900, for only one dollar.
tbe yearly subscription price, and each
new subscriber who cuts out this offer
and sends it with his dollar will also
receive a highly interesting premium
book, entitled "Lights and Shadows of
Our War With Spain," a series of his
torical sketches, incidents, anecdotes
and personal experiences, by John B.
Musick. This book of 224 pages in
paper cover, ia one of the most attrac
tive and popular books that can be
offered as a premium. No agent's
commission allowed on this offer. Ad
dress Weekly World-Herald Omaha,
Traaa-aff laalaalppl Hottaa.
Before visiting Omaha, be sure and
supply yourself with Pepperberg's
Buds," instead of paying high prices
for low grade cigars.
Don't forget the big meeting at
Louisville on the afternoon of Novem
ber 4th, which will be addressed by
Senator Allen and Hon. W. H. Thomp
son, "the little giant."
Store Building and Lot
Vary Cheap.
Here is an excellent opportunity for
anyone with a little cash, who wishes
to embark in the mercantile business
in tbe thriving town of Mynard, Cass
county, Nebraska: A new frame
building, 48x30 feet in dimensions,
with a 16x20 foot addition, nicely
fitted up for living purposes, large
corn crib, stable and shed, tbe build
inga being-situated on a lot 140x50
feet. In the business 'center of tbe
town, will be sold at a rare bargain,
for cash. Tbe building has recently
been painted inside and outside, and
la equipped with all tbe necessary
shelving, etc., to operate a first-class
mercantile business. The store build
ing is insured for $500 in a reliable
company, and tbe policy goes with tbe
The property is entirely free from
incumbrance, and will be transferred
to the purchaser without a cent of
back taxes asrainst It. Tbe best of
reasons for selling.
The town of Mynard is one of tbe
best grain-shipping points in tbe Btiite,
being surrounded by the best agricul
tural country in the west, and any
hustling man can make a success In
the mercantile business In that place.
Anyone who means business, and
who has the cash to invest, should call
on or address,
Kirkham & Green,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
' Hear Hon. Ed P. Smith at tbe opera
house in thla city next Saturday night
month, ln said county, sell at public auction, to
tbe highest bidder for cash, the
Btate, to wit: ...
Th northeast ouarter (n e U) of section sev
enteen (17) township ten (iv norm 01 nmge
nine (9) east or tuesixin principal nieriuiau
all in Cass county pteorasua, logmner uu
tha tnrivllpires and atmurtenances thereun-
tu npinnfimr or In anvwlse appertaining; tbe
same being levied upon and taken as the prop
erty of P, F. Waldron, et aldefendanti, tosatlufy
a judgment of said court recovered by Heabury
L. Sears, plaint' against sain aeieiiuani.
Plattsmouth. reo., aepieraoer n i.
W. D. v LiEtLKH.
Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska.
First publication Sept. 28, 188.
if mm '
A strictly h'igh-aaJs FarruiySwiria
Machine, possessing ad modern
euaranlBBd Equal lo me Best,
fnrmn ('A
As the election draws nitfh, look out
for roorbacks. It lias been the prac
tice of the republican party ever since
it sold out to Kotljs'jhilda and the
devil to fill the columns of its papers a
few days before the election, when
ttiev think it id too late to disprove
them, with a mass of the scan
dalous lies that can be concocted.
There is no doubt but that they are at
work coDCOC'ing them at this very
moment, and j tfiey will Uuucli them
during the week before election. Look
out for them. However, they are not
saving up all their lies for tliatoc-
casion. They are putting the in out
very geuerously even now. The IJee's
Lincoln hired liar shovels out a column
or so every day. Oae of his iaat si lly
ones was to the effect that Hie republi
cans had employed a man to feigu in
sanity and get an entrance to the Lin
coln insane asylum, where he dis
covered a most horrible state of affairs.
l'he name of the man is not given, and
be does not appear to have furnished
any affidavits.
The State Journal is still making
desperate efforts to maintain its old
reputation of th biggest liar in the
state. Its leading diio-:al of October
19 is proof of that fact. lu trying to
account for the reduction of the state
debt ander Meserve of over $700,(100, it
says: "Hartley called in and paid off
$304,273.15 within the space of thirtj
eiflht days, while Meserve called aud
paid only $;v.k),2.j1 81 ia eighteen
months." In tbe eyes of Tbe Journal
Hartley is still the model treasurer,
and far outranks Meserve in its es
teem. But what are the facts? The
amount of general fund warrants paid,
as shown by the books, from Novem
ber 30, 1896, to January 8. 1S'J7, was
$107,454 00. Warrants issued during
that time, tl37,2S7.S7. University in
debtedness increased during that time
The scheme uf Tha Journal to de
ceive the voters by telling them how
much Hartley paid olT, without telling
bow much he ran in debt. Is too plain
a fraud to fool even an idiotic gold
bu,$. It is to be hoped tint it will
keep working that scheme until alter
the election. If it doe, every honest
man left in the republican party will
leave it in disgust.
Another one of the lies which the re
publicans rely upon and which they
think is a very valuable lie, is the
statement that Hartley ti"r"l over to
Meserve over $S0),; of "available
funds." That lie is made ou or wole
cloth. There is ut a word of truth 13
it. They may succeed in fooling a
few voters with it because Meserve
said that the funds turned over to him '
amounted to that much. The "avail- -
able funds" turned over to him, with
which he could pay current expenses
and take up outstanding warrants
amounted to $313,919.6'.). That was all
the money be had to pay the running
expenses of the whole state, including
the legislature, all tbe state asjlums.
the penitentiary, the salaries and
everything else. The remainder of
the $800,000 belonged to sncred trust
funds and could not be touched to pay
current expenses, it ueiongeu to iuc
sinking fund, the permanent school
fund, temporary school fund, the uni
versity, agricultural college, normal
school, hospital for the insane, state
library, normal library aud a dozen or
so other such funds.
After giving tbe old lie, about the
increased payment of taxes caused by
McKinley prosperity, a rest for some
ten days, The Journal revampea u,
dressed it up in a new suit and started
it out for the use of the weekly liars in
the following words:
"Nebraska ha4 been doubly cursed.
We had had not only the Hryan and
Wilson panic, but we had drouths We
bad a fusion of calamities. l$ul now
with a fusion between Providence and
republicanism the back taxes began to
roll into the state treasury."
Well the back taxes did not begin to
roll into the state treasury under the
McKinley prosperity. They rolled the
other way. The books in the auditor's
office show that the taxes paid In were
$i9,0Gl 4rt less in 13JO and 18'.)7 than
they were in 1S04 and 1S)5. After all
that can be said on the other side, the
fact remains and it is not denied tint
the total amount of 1.... 1 r-
rants drawn to pay all expenses in-
curreu by the lu. Mere not paid
by special funds, November 30, 1S'j4,
to September 1. 1S06, was $2.100,21 1.1";
Nov. 30. lavKJ, to Sept. 1, 18'M. $1,714,
C16.31; making a saving to the taxpay
ers in actual expenses paid by the
state of $431 ,594.80. T. II. Tiubles.
K 1
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