Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, October 19, 1898, Image 1

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(Published ia two parts-Fart One. Wf Md Prt Tw0 stardy-
Vol. XVII. No- 56.
$1.50 Per Year.
Caused By a Mischevioas
With a Megiphone.
Stow, Rein aod triad storm Thai Las tad
rrt7-l(ht fleers Cooaldersble
"lJaanexe to Oreb&rda ad Tel
pkM Wire SoUt.
Miss Mary Merchalot, a German girl
who has ben working as a domestic
for Mrs. George Dovey, has gone
violently insane, as the probable result
of a boy's foolish praak.
The other night while Miss Merch-
alot was attending to her household
duties she was badly frightened by
bearing a boy making an unearthly
noise with a megiphone, such as some
of the Midway "epeilers" use at the
The girl s mental condition grew
rapidly worse, and she was taken out
to the poor farm, where she could re
ceive better attention. Yesterday the
commissioners of insanity adjudged
her insane, and it was necessary to
place her in jail, until she can be taken
to the asylum at Lincoln, as she acted
in a very violent manner.
The unfortunate girl has no relatives
in this section of the country, so far as
can be learned. It is said that prior
to coming to Plattsmoutb she was in
an asylum in Wisconsin, but bad been
discharged as cured. She will be taken
to Lincoln in a few days.
A Severe fctorm.
What turned out to be the worst
storm for many years, at this season,
commenced last Sunday with a mild
rain. Later in the day the wind
shifted to the northwest and all night
and all day Monday and Monday
night it alternately rained and snowed,
making the most disagreeable kind of
weather. Daring that period several
inches of snow fell aBd the roads and
walks were in a fearful condition for
travel. Many fruit and shade trees
were broken down by the heavy snow,
the damage to apple orchards being
creat. In some places the telegraph
and telephone wires were nearly all
broken, and Plattsmouth suffered con
siderably in this respect.
from all reports tne storm was
quite general throughout the states of
Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa,
Colorado and other states north,
Trains were blockaded in almost
ever? section, and the loss ef stock
and cattle is considerable.
Old settlers say that a similar storm
visited this section in 1S57, which was
followed by an unusually severe
On October 17, 1SS0, just eighteen
years ago, a very destructive storm
raged in Nebraska, but with these ex
ceptions, this community has never
seen the like of Sunday's and Mon
day's storms at this time of the year.
ch rack-Oliver.
Sunday afternoon at four o'clock, at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. C.
Morgan in this city, occurred the mar
riage of Mr. Morgan Schrack and Miss
Georgia Oliver, both of Omaha. Rev.
Baird.of the Presbyterian church, per
formed the ceremony in the presence
of only the immediate relatives of the
The bride is a daughter of Mrs.
Kate Oliver, formerly of Plattsmoutb,
and is a sister of Mrs. D. C. Morgan
aod Mrs. C D. Eads. The groom U
employed in the composing room
The Omaha Bee. Both are pop1
and well liked young people, an-i the
bride's many friends here wil? wish
them unbounded joy. They ill re
side, for the present, with tb bride's
mother, at 131 South Twnty-flfth
Work men Celcbra-
Several hundred members of the
local A- O. U. W. and V- of II. lodges
Journeyed to Omaha yesterday morn
ing to participate m the exercises at
the exposition grounds. The Modern
Woodmen band accompanied the
Workmen, and despite the sloppy
weather everybody had a splendid
time. The Plattsmouth party re
turned oo a special train shortly after
midnight last night.
mis is tn o
tne b
d of whiskey which
has received th list prize at every ex
position m the iJuited States and with
an eye far evy thing that is good and
T-pure. Ed y-nat has secured this
brand of F
iskey irom tne sweet
llery Co. of Qwensboro,
and be. is getting
Ixect from the U. S- gov-
, ouse, which insures him
article, to you can keep
I " . i for medicinal, as well
OO for Week-
a salary of $15 per week
j-f H -v i"""-
Spriogs,' t
every 1; ,
Jr m
w mi
' i . a
-r-y - fl
mJ - .
OMixtura in the country,
A?g producer on earth.
tamp. Perfection Mfg.
Volunteer TOalbrtdf- In Jail.
Eugene Walbridge, the young Otoe
county volunteer, who is alleged to be
responsible for the unfortunate con
dition of Miss Oilie Pittman, ofNe
hawka, is now in the Cass county
"guard house."
Miss Pittman caused a warrant t
be issued for the soldier boy's arrest
last week,charging him with bastardy,
but when Sheriff Wheeler went in
search of his man, he had vanished.
The sheriff ascertained, however,
that Walbridge's thirty-day furlough
expired last Friday, and he knew that
the soldier would report at Port Om
aha at or before that time, unless he
was a deserter.
Accordingly, Sheriff Wheeler jour
neyed to Fort Omaha last Saturday
morning, and was just in time to
catch his man, who was preparing to
get a transfer to some Kansas regi
ment. He had only returned to the
fort the night before, and intended to
leave as soon as possible.
The sheriff brought Walbridge to
this city, and, being unable to furnish
bonds, he was put in jail to await bis
preliminary examination .which occurs
at Justice Archer's office next Satur
The Ever Popular Ultimwn,
Every music-lover in I'lattsmoulh
will be pleased to learn that the
famous Ottumwa Male Quartette.
which has twice delighted large aud
iences in this city, will again give one
of their popular concerts at the Pres
byterian church on next Monday even
ing, October 24. The following from
The Omaha Bee is only one of the
many favorable press notices received
by the Ottumwas:
The Ottumwa Male Quartette
made good all the extravagant things
the press had been saying of them.
This is no band of amateurs, but
artists who learned what they were
going to do before they started out.
Their program was very interesting
and highly enjoyable."
Uood Store
Building- Lot For Sale
Very Cheap.
Here is an excellent opportunity for
anyone with a little cash, wbo wishes
to embark in the mercantile business
in the thriving town of Mynard, Cass
county, Nebraska: A new frame
building, 43x30 feet in dimensions,
with a 16x20 foot addition, nicely
fitted up for livieg purposes, large
corn crib, stable and seed, tne Duii'
ings being situated on a lot 140 -j"
feet, in the business center of tDe
town, will be sold at a rare bain
for cash. The building has ruuJ
been painted inside and outsue an(
is equipped with all the masny
shelving, etc., to operate a nrst-ciass
mercantile business. The 'Kre build-
ing is insured for toOu w cui.
company, and the policy08 witn tbe
bargain. j
The property is e,urelT Iree from
incumbrance, and transrerrea
to the purchaser 'ithout a cent of
back taxes agaif' lt- The st '
reasons for selli &
The town of Aljnard is one of the
best grain-shi'Pi0 Points in the state,
being surroi'd" by the best agricul
tural coun T in tue west, ana any
bustling rn can make a success in
the mercantile business in that place.
Aov(Ve who means business, and
who b- the cash to invest, should call
on or'ddress.
Kibkhah & Green,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
That great free silver family news
paper, the Omaha weekly wona-
Herald,issued in semi-weekly sections,
will be sent to new subscribers until
January 1, 1900, for only one dollar,
the yearly subscription price, and each
new subscriber who cuts out this offer
and sends it with his dollar will also
receive a highly interesting premium
book, entitled "Lights and Shadows of
Our War With Spain," a series of his
torical sketches, incidents, anecdotes
and personal experiences, by John It.
Mustek. This book of 224 pages in
paper cover, is one of the most attrac
tive and popular books that can be
offered as a premium. No agent's
commission allowed on this offer. Ad
dress Weekly World-Herald Omaha,
I have purchased at a great expense
a machine for plating knives, forks,
spoons, etc. Anyone wishing any
work of this kind done can get it at
following prices:
KniTea and forki twelve plecei.. 11.50
Teaapooni six piece 73
Tableipoona !x plecea. 1.00
All other table ware in proportion.
Thia plating is warranted for five
years, every day usage.
John T. Colkila.,
Traae-MUalaelppl Motto.
Before visiting Omaha, be sure and
supply yourself with Pepperberg's
'Buds," instead of paying high prices
for low grade cigars.
amok the Beet.
Wurl Bros famous "Gut Hail" is the
best 5o cigar in the market.
W. B. ELSTKE, Dentist, Water -
block, PUttamontli, Bab.
His Rise From a Derided Populist
to a Commanding Influence.
How He Fong-ht tbe Money Power Single
Handed and Alone for Fifteen
Tear Now Wield Greatest
Power In the Senate.
Nebraska has had several U"d
States senators, some of them rn OI
exceptional character and some M7
but never ontil Allen wasen' to
Washington did the peopl0' thl
state have a man in the pte who
exerted an appreciable infnce upon
the whole nation. Oufde of the
state, the other Nebra -enators
were unknown. No r M denT
that Senator Allen is a ot reputa
tion. Tne story of t rise from the
bumble place of a de? populist to
a commanding posit 1 tne greatest
parliamentary bodn the wona is or
interest to the wh nation.
When Allen fit appeared in the
senate be was t;ea wim convemps
by the lordly gftlemen who have so
long dominatethat body. Every in
sult possible va heaped upon nim Dy
the represertives of the money
power. AIM bore t all with a calm
dignity anchor some time without re
ply. Nea'J-iue. nrst time mat ne
arose in he senate, be opened his
speech vtb these words: "i Deiong
to that aespisea ana aeriaea pany
called ppulists, and I am here to ad
vocateind defend the principles which
It ha.proittulgated." That afternoon
Senaor Teller said to the writer:
"Tfcre is a good deal in that man
Al!:n of yours."
The insults of the gold advocates
were continued and every sort of agri
rating thing was said that the rules of
the senate would allow about the pop
ulist senator for weeks, until one day
when Alien was making an argument
in answer to the goldbug theory of
over production a theory which was
a gr-'at pet of theirs at that time
5eator Hoar arose and interrupted
bin, and speaking in the most insnlt
ag tone he could command said:
uDoeB not the senator think his speech
is an over production?"
Senator Allen had endured enough.
He stepped to the desk in front of
Hoar, brought his fist down upon it
and in a voice that startled every man
in the senate said: "Does the senator
intend to insult me?" Hoar gave one
glance at the flashing eyes and tower
ing form that bent toward him, arose
and made an abject apology. After
that day the insults ceased.
General attention was first attracted
to Allen upon the occasion when he
delivered the longest speech on record.
He stood there holding the floor for
fifteen hours trying to prevent action
that every economist declared would
result in a ruinous fall in prlces.bring
ing distress and ruin to thousands of
American homes, and which was the
final result. The debate on the repeal
of the purchasing clause of the Sher
man act bad gone on for some time.
Allen had prepared a speech of an
hours' length, and had secured the
floor just before the time of adjourn
ment, so as to be able to deliver It the
first thing the next morning. When
the time arrived to adjourn. Senator
Dubois arose and asked the opposition
leader why he did not move to ad
journ, and the reply came quick and
sharp: "The senate will never ad
journ until this bill is passed."
The fight was on. If a vote was
taken then, the bill would pass. Two
things were to be gained by delay.
First, a full discussion of the money
question would be secured, and there
was a possibility that the bill might
be defeated. No other senator was
prepared to take the floor, and if Allen
stopped a vote would be taken. Allen
met the emergency with a courage,
with a physical endurance and with
an ability never before equaled on a
like occasion. There were no repeti
tions, no claptrap in that fifteen hour
speech. When it appeared in the
Chicago Becord, the learning, the
logic, the way the argument was sus
tained by quotations from all the
standard economists, commended it as
one of th ablest speeches ever de
livered in that body on the money
I will never forget that night. Allen
began about 5:30 p. m. Shortly after
dark be sent his private secretary to
bis rooms and the young man soon re
turned with thirty-five or forty stand
ard works on political economy. Allen
bad read these books, and as he read
had marked with a blue pencil all the
striking passages that bore upon the
question before the senate. Aa the
night wore on, be fortified every posi
tion taken by reading lengthy pas
sages from the books which he had
piled up before him. Every quotation
bore right on the point discussed and
the printed speech had no appearance
of padding. Tne night wore slowly
on. The air in the senate chamber.
r.,a any time, became al-
mofc m.pTably foul. Every now
and thun aators and persons in the
r.iir. ld go to the outside win
J0WS fresh air. But Allen stood
. m. Jt and talked on. Ten o'clock
!cma'"elve, two, three and Allen
still -ed 0D iNo olDer senator was
to take his place and hold the
f0. against Cleveland, Sherman,
jiBon and the cohort of the money
erer. Four o'clock came. I had
mtched every movement up to that
time, but I could endure the strain
nd the foul air no longer. I sought a
couch in a committee room and laid
down and slept for two hours. At six
o'clock I came back to the senate and
there was Allen, his voice as clear and
his eyes as bright as when he began
thirteen hours before, still defending
with undiminished vigor the right of
the people to the free coinage of silver.
Seven o'clock and eight o'clock came
and Allen with undiminished vigor
talked on. Once in a while now be
would look over toward Teller, who
was the manager on the free silver
side. Teller had sat in bis seat all
night Iong,ocassionally writing a brief
note and sending it out by a page.
After a while Teller nodded to Allen.
There was a man ready to take biB
place. Allen straightened up, raised
his voice, which was clear as a bell, to
a higher pitch and delivered one of the
finest perorations erer heard within
those historic walls. He closed by
saying: "I am informed that another
senator is prepared to take the floor,
and I will finish my remarks at some
other time."
Thus ended a historic scene one
never to be forgotten by those who
witnessed it, and by millions who did
not. For nearly fifteen hours Allen
stood, the unconquerable hero.fighting
the money power alone in the fiercest
contest ever waged on this continent.
During the five years that have since
elapsed, Allen has always been found
at the post of duty.. He has been the
nnpurchasable champion of the com
mon people. Today he is the most
prominent and powerful personality
in the U. S. senate. Let the populists
of Nebraska, whose champion he has
been, see to it that the coming legis
lature re-elects him by a practically
unanimous vote.
See to it that e. ry fusion candi
date for the legislature gets every vote
that it is possible to give him.
T. H. Tib bus.
Thoae Made-to -Order Tears.
Operator Loucks of Virden declares
that be will operate his mines even if
he has to "pile np dead niggers by the
cord." Mr. Loucks is one those able
and sympathetic gentlemen who shed
tears of sorrow over the woes of the
poor laboring man during the cam
paign of 1896. World-Herald.
Tho Baal Iaane .
The money question remains the
real issue, now and forever, or until It
is rightly settled. It is not "Sixteen
to One or Bust," but is sixteen to one
and victory! It is the battle of the
plain people, the workers,! be thinkers,
the men who fight the battles and pay
the taxes, against organized greed
and consolidated privilege.
The gold standard must go! The
people have said it, and they mean it,
and in this land of democracy the
voice of the people is the will of God.
We have set free the serfs of the
Spanish colonies now let us posh the
fighting and free our own people from
the serfdom of goldbugiam and Mark
hannaism. The Chicago platform is
our shibboleth. It is the new Declar
ation of Independence, and upon this
solid rock of justice and right, the
plain people of America plant their
standard and will fight to the finish
and may the God of truth be with ua !
Mississippi Valley Democrat.
To Whom It May Concern.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the firm of W. W. Coates &
Co., are requested to call and settle
with the Ebinger Hardware Company
at their earliest convenience. .
Ebinokr Hardware Co.
Try Thk Journal a year.
Geo. Fred Williams
Thursday Eve., Oct. 20.
Mr. Williams is one of the
most eloquent and brilliant ora
tors in the United States. Come
out and hear the distinguished
gentleman discuss the issues of
the day, from a fusion stand
point. Ladies especially invited.
America Will Not Assume the
Cuban Debt.
Judge Day of tha Peace Commission
Statea tho American fositloa to
tho Representatives of Spain
Other Happenings.
Loxroiff, Oct. 17. A-lispatch to a
London news agency Bays:
"Today(Monday) the 'conference
reached a crisis for the first time.
Judge Day presented the demands of I
the American commission in threaten-;
ing words. He said that delay was the
only possible object attainable by the
persistent efforts of the Spanish com
missioners to saddle the United States
with the Cuban debt and would be
tolerated no longer, as the United
States would neither assume nor
guarantee any part of the debt.
"The Spaniards replied this placed
Spain In a position of repudiating or
of reducing the face value ef the Cu
ban bonds from 50 to 60 per cent, pay
ing only half the stipulated interest
on their reduced value. Before they
would adopt either alternative they
would surrender to the United States
the entire Philippines.
"Judge Day responded that the sur
render of the Philippines would prob
ably be demanded, irrespective of the
Cuban or any other debt.
"This, to the Spaniards, the first in
timation of the intentions of the
United States as to the Philippines,
resulted in a whispered conference,
followed by a request for an adjourn
ment, in order to communicate with
"Judge Day said that President Mc
Kinley had instructed him to demand
the entire surrender of Porto Rico to
morrow (Tuesday) and the delivery
of every town to the United States' of
ficers before midnight, together with
the evacuation of Havana on or before
November 1, when the United States
would be at the gates of the city ready
to take possession.
"There was no alternative offered in
the case of either of these demands
and they consequently was very brief.
The American commissioners have re
ceived dispatches from Washington,
indicating that the administration is
Irritated and Indignant over the delay
of the Spanish commissioners."
Anxiety at Santiago.
Santiago de Cuba, Oct. 17. Con
siderable anxiety is felt among the
officials in Santiago because of Ibe
non-arrival of the United States trans
port Roggan, having on board the
Fourteenth infantry, under Major
Pettlt. It is understood she left
Fernandina October 5. If she does
not arrive tomorrow instructions will
be issued directing that a warship
endeavor to ascertain whether she has
met with an accident.
To Evacuate Cuba.
Paris, Oct. 18. It is announced to
night that the American peace com
missioners have given the Spanish
commissioners until tomorrow at sun
set to agree that Spain shall evacuate
Cuba, the United not to assume or
guarantee one dollar of the so-called
Cuban debt.
The Cash Balance.
Since last April the McKinley ad
ministration has loaned to national
bankers over 2250,000,000 without in
terest. To cover this nefarious trans
action they say there is a cash balance
in the treasury of S303.000.000. It is
not in the treasury at all. It is de
posited in the national banks and the
bankers are loaning it oat at four per
cent on call. No wonder the national
bankers like McKinley. No wonder
Mark Hanna can have all the money
be wants with which to carry elec
tions. No wonder that editors of re
publican weekly papers can get their
paper and printing for nothing so long
as they support the party of McKinle
Nebraska Independent.
&W. W. Coates will retire from the
management of the Dellone hotel No
vember 1 and will return to his old
home In riattsmouth. live or six
hotel men are figuring on assuming
the management of that hoteI,but just
who will secure it has not yet been de
cided. Mr. Cagney. who has been
chief clerk for Mr. Coates ever since
he has been in charge, will retire at
the same time, returning to his old
home in Plattsmouth, where he will
resume his former occupation as a
railroad man. Mr. Cagney has made
a host of friends while in charge of
the Dellone. World-Herald.
W. 11. Sjbert of Cedar Creek was in
the city Saturday.
Hon. George Fred Williams at
Plattsmouth Thursday nigbt, Octo
ber 20.
Hear George Fred Williams, the
eminent silver orator, at Plattsmoutb
Thursday night.
F. M. Masaie of Nehawka was in the
city Saturday, and made The Jour
nal an agreeable call.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hyersof Havelock
are celebrating the arrival of a nine-
pound girl at their home.
Mrs. Maud Moran of Nebraska City
is visiting in town with her uncle, J.
D. McBride, and family.
L. C. Gibberson, one of the pioneer
residents, of Cass county, died last
Friday at his hOHi9in:yeeping Water.
Miss Nellie Woeison'of Minnesota
will visit thiswtnter wiA her sister,
Mrs. August Beinbackle, in this city.
It is expected that the Second Ne
braska volunteers will be paid off and
mustered out of service next Thurs
Elwin N. Couch of Lenox, Iowa, was
married by Judge Spurlock yesterday
to Miss Flora A. ltussell.of Princeton,
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Stoehr of Cedar
Creek were county seat visitors Satur
day, and made The Jouhnal a
friendly call.
Call and see those elegant steel
ranges at John It. Cox's hardware
store, lie will save you imney on
anything in his line.
Congressman Samuel Maxwell of
Fremont was in the city for a few
hours last Saturday, looking after per
sonal business matters.
Last Tuesday Judge Spurlock issued
a license to wed to Mr. Phillip Borne
and Miss Grace Fight, two very prom
inent young Cass county people.
Jay Johnson, an old Plattsmouth
boy, whose home is now at St. Joe,
Mo., is visiting in this city with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson.
II. G. Spencer, who was stricken
with paralysis la t week, is reported
in a dangerous condition, and but
slight hopes are entertained for his
W. It. Divis and family cams up
from Nehawka last Saturday for a
visit with the former's brother, S. A.
Davis. W. It. made Tnu Jouunal a
pleasant call.
Hugh Roberts, who has been work
ing with a Burlington painting gang
at Denver, Colo., arrived home Satur
day for a visit with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Roberts.
A jolly party of Plattsmouth pre
cinct farmers were attending the expo
sition Saturday, among them being
the families of Phillip and Coon Mei-
singer and Phillip Tritscb.
While working on Mrs. J. M. Wiles'
new bouse at Mynard last week, Fred
Bates of this city fell from a scaffold
and sustained a severe shaking up,
which laid him up for several days.
Ernest and Dora Wiggenborn of
Ashland returned Saturday from an
extended visit in Europe, and stopped
off here for a few hours' visit with the
family of their uncle, F. G. Fricke.
Ex-Congressman George Fred Wil
liams of Boston, Mass., one of the
brightest and most eloquent orators in
the country, will deliver a speech in
this city Thursday evening.October 20.
James Skomal and Fannie Slavicek,
two well known young Bohemians re
siding in the west part of town, were
married last Monday at the residence
of the bride. Rev. Father Bor officiat
ing. Sam Alschuler of this city departed
Monday for New York City, where be
will be united in marriage on Novem
ber 1, to Miss Annie Donner. Mr. and
Mrs. Alschuler will make their home
in Plattsmouth.
Jesse James, son of the noted out
law, has been .indicted by the grand
jury at Kansas City for having a hand
in the holding up and robbing of a
Missouri Pacific train, on the night of
September 23.
Monday was Odd Fellows day at
the exposition, and notwithstanding
the blinding snowstorm, nearly 15,000
people were on the grounds. The
Plattsmouth lodges were represented
by about 200 members.
If you want a pint, quart or gallon
of str.ctly pure whisky, don't buy it of
Kansas City fakirs, but go direct to
Ed. Dosat of Plattsmouth, and buy it
of him. He gets bis whiskey direct
from the U.S. bonded warehouse.
Last Saturday morning Judge Spur
lock united in marrixge Mr. John Mc
Cullough and Mit-s Katie Ohlen
hausen, both of Pialtsmuulh precinct.
The bride and groom are popular
young people, residing several miles
out of town.
Douglas Warren Sbinn, whose obit
nary was printed in The Evening
News several weeks ago, arrived In
town Saturday evening. Douglas has
been down south this summer, and
aays that U. Victor Lindon was in St.
Louis a short time ago.
Stars and Stripes Go Up In San
Juan, Porto Rico.
The Occupation of the l.iaud Is Now
Complete Occaaiou Made a Holi
day Tn I'orto Kican Capital
Other News Notes.
San Juan ue Poiito Rico, Ojt. IS.
Promptly at noon today tLe Ameri
can llig was raised over San Juan.
The ceremony was quiet and dignified,
unmarred by disorder of any kind.
The Eleventh regular infantry with
two batteries of the Fiftb. artillery
landed this morning. The latter pro
ceeded to the forts, while the infantry
lined up on the docks. It was a holi
day for an San Juan and there were
many people on the streets.
Real Admiral Schley and General
Gordon, accompanied by tbeir staffs,
proceeded to the palace in carriages.
The Eleventh infantry regiment and
band with troop D of the Sixth United
States cavalry, then mucbed through
the streets and formed in the square
opposite the palace.
At 11:40 a.m. General Brooke, Ad
miral Schley and General Gordon and
the United States evacuation commis
sioners came out of the palace with
many naval officers and formed on the
right side of tne iine. Tiie streets
behind the soldiers wre thronged with
townspeople who stood waiting in
At last the city clock struck the
hour of 12, and the crowds, almost
breathless and with ejes fixed upon
the fligpole watcued for development.
At the sound of the first gun from
Fort Morro Major Deaa aod Lieuten
ant Castle of General Brooke's staff
hoisted the stars aud stripes, while
the band played tiie "Star Spangled
AM heads were hire J and tne crowds
cheered. Fort Morro, Fort Sn Cris
tobal and the United States revenue
cutter Manning, lying in thehirbor,
fired twenty-one guns each.
Sjnor Munox Rivera, who was presi
dent of the recent autonomist council
of secretaries, anl other o2i:ils of
the late insular government were pres
ent at the proceedings. Congratula
tions and handshaking among the
American officers followed.
Eusign King Lo'sted the stars and
stripes on the Intendencia, but all
other flags on the public build ir were
hoisted by military ofiirers.
Simultaneously with the raising of
the fiig over the captain general's
palace many others were hoisted in
different parts of the city. The work
of the United States evacuation com
mission is now over and all the reports
will be forwarded to Washington
Thursday next. The labors of both
parties have terminated with honors
for all concerned.
The American commissioners
worked without the least delay and in
the most thorough and effective man
ner. Sheriffs Sale.
bv eiortre K. Uuuewurta, cle:t of l!m dis
trict court wIUilu aud for -'as coumj, Ne
brabka, aud to me directed. 1 wi.l ou the
29th day of October, A It, 18iK,
at two o'clock p. m. of said day, at thecoma
door of ttecojrt bou0 lit the city of Haits
oioulb, la said couuty, sell at public auction, to
ibe bigheet bidder for cash, tue f oliowiug real
estate, to wit:
' be nortbesst qnarter en e ) of soctlou sev
enteen H7) townsblp teu tlo uona of rue
uiue (9) esttof ttietuxth prlncii meridian
all in Cai4 county Jetraka, toother with
tbe .privileges and appuru-uauces ibereuu-tboe.ongin-
or lu anj wie appcitaioitiK; tbe
same being levied upon aud taken as the prop
erty of P. r'. Waidroo, et aldetendant. tonatmfy
a judmeut Of said court recovere 1 ly eabury
L. Shears, plalulilf, anlut sal I defcn laut.
PUttkinoutb, Neb., September A I. l:r.
W. 1. WilELLfcK.
Sheriff Cass County. ebraka.
First publication bpt. IS "-.
Sheriffs Sale-
by KitoreV. llousewortn, cierk ot tbe Cf
trlct court withm arid for Cass co inl Ne-bra-ks,
and to me directed. 3 wiJi ou iic
5il day of .Nottmbir, A It. 1KVH,
at one o'clock p.m. of said day, at tbe south
door of tbe court bouse, lu tbe cliyof Piatta
moutb, in said county, K-ll at public auction to
tbe highest bidder for cash, the follow log real
eitale ,lo-wit:
Lot number eight (Hi In block three (3.) lots
one and two 1 aud ) lu bUx.k nineteen (li.)
Ids eleven and twelve (II and 11) lu biixk
elKhty-Bve (b3, lot six (t In block ninety 1
VJH.) and lot bve 3 lu biock iilutl-3ve (ui, )
ail la tbe city of fjaiunnoiilb, I a county. Ne
braska. together with tbe privileges and appur
pHiancea thereunto leloii;inir or lu au)iM
appertaining; the same being levied uiion and
tHSen as tbe property of Al ry Kl'.t rl.l et si-.
defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court
recovered by Ellis T. liar Ley. plaiulirr, against
aid defendant,
f lettsiuoutb. Neb., X-tobr 4, A TV I
Sheriff Casa County, Nebraska.
bf J. It. Mcrtride, Weputy.
I. H. Hatfield, IlaluUfTa Attorney.
Flrat pubUcaUou Oct. 5, fc&ti.
. r