Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 03, 1898, PART ONE, Image 4

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    - - GREAT - -
mi mm nmi
Read the prices ! Come and see us !
In order to have our stock ready for the
fall we have decided 5 sell all of our
$1.75, $1.69, $1.50. $1 39 and $1.25
IEW QIloCDdD ipcBP DPofiPo
This includes men's and ladies'. Ask
to see the One Dollar goods. They will
please you in style, quality, price and fit
your feet.'
One large lot Ladies' Vests, at 3c.
One large lot Ladies' Vests at 5c.
Ladies' Vests at lOc and 12 l-2c.
Oxxe OHolce TLiCt
Shirting, only 7c worth 10 and 12c.
Here are a few snaps from our pepartment.
We have hundreds of others which it will pay
you to investigate:
l'earlioe 4c
lobars Lonox 25c
10 bars SidU CUuo 25c
15 bar Ark 25c
1 bottlo bluelnf , 16oz 5c
3 cake Toilet Soap 8c
1 gallon Croeka 8c
i . " 5c
1 " Juga 8c
. 1 5c
1 gal. Jars 6ic
2 gal. ' par gal 6jc
3 gal. par gal 6Jc
1 lb good Hio 10c
1 lb Santoa and Rio 12c
All packags Coffss 10c
1 lb Uo color sd Japan 25c
1 lb Heat Gunpowder 48c
A fine line, worth $1.00 per yard will
go at this sale at 60c. It's worth coming
miles just to see this line of goods- We
guarantee them the $1.00 quality.
Laces, Embrcideries,
Ribbons, etc., go on special sale.
Ta,"bl Oil OlotliS-
Elegant line, only 12 l-2c per yard.
Special drive in all Linen crashes, 5c; something better at
8 1-3; beautiful goods, 10c. Table damask. 25c. We have
better goods at special prices for this sale.
We will sell you these goods at 3c yd.
And all wash goods, a fine lot 3c a yard.
See them at 5c. Elegant goods at 6 1-2,
worth lO and 12 l-2c.
Double fold wool finish Dress Goods,
worth 12 l-2c. Special for this sale only,
One ot of Pants, worth $1.50, $1.25,
$1.00 and 90c, go at 75c. in this sale.
We wish to clean up stock. Our best
prin t goods at 3 3-4c.
1 lb So.l.i. Heat t'i-t
1 lb Oysters c
(linger Snaps 8 '
Assorted Jumbles I Si;
Cirabam Wafers 1
1 lb Pepper
1 lb Cinnamon.
1 lb Mustard..
1 lb Ginger
1 lb Allspice. . ,
1 lb Cloves
IS :
California Hams t2o
Large Hams H'
IJacon .. Hi
Dry Salt Meat '
Bologna t?i;
1 can Blackberries
3 cans Salmon
8 J lbs Navy Beans...
lOlbsCJreen I'eas ...
1 lb Broken Rice
1 lb Best Uice 7c
Special G oJ Broom 16c
Wash Boards 13c
1 pkg Cocoantit 8c
Champion Lye Ga
American Lyo 7c
3 boxes Lewis Lye 25c
Oil Sardines...." 4a
Mustard Sardines 7c
Sweet Chocolate 25c
Baker's Chocolate 0c
Condensed milk, 3 cans 25
Good peaches, per lb 07
18 lbs best granulated sugar tl.00
19 lbs best 'C" sugar 1.00
Bucket Syrup $ .45
Bucket Jelly 40
2 lb package oat meal 05
Price's baking powder. 1-Ih can 38
Price's baking powdt-r, i-lb can .20
Bon-Bon baking powder, Mb can 10
2lb can corn 07
2lb can cove oysters. 15
lib can coveostrs 08
Best tomato catsup, per bottle . .10
Misc llane o vlo .
Ctluniet baking powder, i-lb cm Y.i
10c sack salt 05
15c sack salt 10
Beat Salt, 250 pouodi I .W
Lemon extract, bottle 05
Vanilla ex. i act 0
C ial Oil. per gallon . .10
New York ('ream Cheese, per pound I.'t
Good bucket . . 13
Best tlbre buckets 25
Bran, 100 lb 55
Elegant (lour bins 1 .25
Lamp chimneys
Argo gloss starch ol
Argo corn starch ol
I dozen clothes pins 01
California prunes .05
Elegant raisins .". 05
3 packages parlor
DwinlitV Cow BihikI soda, per lb "7
Soap. 15 bars
Buttermilk soap, 3' bars JK
31b can tomatoes
Fnncy glass mustard l'
;psite 33et3n.3r of Cass. C-CLm-t3r,
IF5 lattsraoiatli, ZLTeTorala,
Tlio Plattaoontli Journal
Oae year
One year, in advance, ....
Six months, in advance, . . .
Three months, in advance, . .
. 1.00
. .50
- .25
Eatind at the poatofflce at PlatU
moutb, Nebraska, aa second-class mat
tar. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1898.
The republican party is mora anx
ious for the welfare of the bondholder
than for any other diss of people. It
is the bond holders' party.
An imp of darkness at the writer s
elbow suggest that the recent editor
ial in the Tost about "Little Thing"
had personal reference to the editor of
that publication, but the Insinuation is
rejected with the scorn it d serves.
The Jocrsal bears that numerous
friends of Matt Spader of Wabash are
urging him to stand for the nomina
tion for commissioner lo that district.
Mr. Spader is a German-American of
excellent character and rare cood sense
who would make a careful and con
scientious oficlaL
The fact that Col. Bryan waa
derad an ovation at every stopping
place while enroute to Jacksonville is
looked upon by the plutocratic press ae
highly improper. Hi popularity with
the people excite both their envy and
wrath, but in this ease It i Impotent.
He is still the popular Idol.
Undeb Lincoln the republican party
was the Iparty" of the people. . Of lata
years it has steadily degenerated, and
now it 1 the aTOwed champion of the
bond-holders and meney-chan-em
Like the Jewish tesapl In the time of
Christ, "It ha mad the Lord'a boo
tba boose of merchandise."
Tbe republicans of the Third com
missioner distaict struggled through
forty-three ballots in the efforts to se
cure a successor to tbe present com
missioner, and at last hit upon Turner
Zink, a pronounced prohibitionist, as
their candidate which pretty nearly
assures the election of tbe fusion nom
inee. Mr. Hayes was dropped like a
hot potato because be was true to a
friend, and Mr. Zink will learn further
on that that is no mean thing to
fortunate for these men to be handi
Cipped by a member of the late Mosher
It is observed that this administra
te going ahead in hot baste with the
lame of bonds, in crder to get them
out before it completes its peace nego
tiations, and it is so anxious to serve
its friends, the bankers, that it has is
sued a circular assuring them that
those who have offered to take large
amounts shall be supplied first, and
those who offered to take small
amount must wait till tbe big bidders
are supplied. Truly this a patriotic
The avidity with which a republican
congress agreed to saddle an interest
debt of 530,000,000 upon people to pay
in the next thirty years, was astonish
ing in view of the probable shortness
or the Spanish war but that alacrity in
authorizing the bond issue of $400,000,
000 is more than equalled by tbe celer
ity now used in getting a big bunk of
the bonds out before the war closes.
Axoxo tbe names spoken of for
commissioner in the Third district, is
that of 1. J. Conner, a prominent far
mer of Tipton precinct. Of Mr. Con
ner The Journal bears very flatter
ing reports. He has not been In poli
tics heretofore, but is a man highly res
pected by his neighbors. He has
youth, vigor, energy and industry to
commend him, and if be is tbe nominee
he will be likely to give his opponent
such a race as will Zink him into ob
scurity. -
The republicans on Saturday made
two very decent nominations for the
house. Not much can be said to their
disparagement personally. Mr. Pollard
is a bright young man who made quite
n good record for himself in the last
house. He is badly afflicted with what
the Germans would call geswollen
kopf.but that is his greatest weakness,
tlr. Young is a farmer of character,
but I not over-supplied with brains or
general information. He affects great
morality, i a bitter partisan and could
he depended upon to vote as the party
boots dictate in every ease. It is un
Undeic Lincoln an income tax was
a proper war measure. Under McKin
ley the rich are too good to be com
pelled to pay their part of the cost cf
the war. Tbe banks and other big
corporations evade the war revenue
tax, while the people have to pay the
whole bill. Such is the power of plu
tocracy over modern republicanism.
Haven't the people had their fill of such
an incubus?
A ruttnuioutli Boy on the I'. 9. S. Colum
bia Wrltd H nni to Mother.
The following letter has been re
ceived from John McCarthy, a Platts
mouth boy, who is serving in tbe navy
aboard the U. S. S. Columbia. He is a
brother of Jos. McCarthy and a son of
Mrs. Mary McCarthy,to whom the let
ter was addressed:
G cant an amo, Cur.A, July 17.
Dear Motmer:
This morning we arrived in this har
bor and a very prettv place it is. The
only draw back to its beauty is the
fact that it is a veritable fever bole.
Three ships lying close to us are flying
tbe yellow flag. There are about
twenty men-of-war'and transports here
and some ten or twelve colliers making
a very considerable fleet and if fever
gets a foothold in the ships it will do
more damage than the Spaniards can
do with guns. Sitting here in tbe gun
sponsor where I am writing I can see
Fort McCalla, tbe first place taken by
our maiines and the American flag
planted. Just below is a camp of
Cubans with tbeCuban flag floating in
the breeze and all around tbe harbor,
except the entrance, is girt with high,
rugged hills.
One would think that this was a
healthy climate to look at it, but it is
the deadly heat one day and the fierce
rains that makes it so sickly. I think
we will coal here and then make tracks
for l'oru llico. probably tbe city of
San Juan and occupy it. If we do we
will ha certainly in luck, for that is a
tine climate To tell the truth about
it, I would rather go under if I have to
than g by the fever rolite. We have
had little or no sickness aboard aa yet.
There must have been some terrible
suffering from hunger in Santiago be
fore it sui rendered, for they hstd noth
ing but dry bard tack and water for a
mouth before tliej gave in. Two days
befoie a whole regiment of cavalry
came up to the American lines and
threw down their arms and begged the
Americans to give them something to
We just came from Santiago where
we landed troops on the 11th from
Massachusetts, Illinois and Wiscon
sin. They were a fine body of men.
The moruiug we arrived there I was
somewhat thrilled for on all sides
were evidences of war. Battleships
with their 13-inch guns frowning from
out their turrets, the veritable dogs of
war; then the cruisers, then the sm all
er but plucky gunboats. They could
have shelled thecity without tbe Span
iards beipg nble to train their guns on
us, for the coast line is like the sketch.
Here is given a drawing of Santiago
harboi. Ed.
There was a man etaliontd on a
mountain above the city where be
could signal whether our shells fell
short or not. He used a heliograph to
signal with. We could not see tbe
city for there was a high hill between
it and us.
On the 14th the news was signaled
from tbe shore that Sam iago had sur
rendered. I could not see any reason
at the time for their surrendering in
view of the fact that they hud two
men to our one and a commanding po
sition at the entrance to the harbor.
The forts would tbow every once in a
while what appeared like'piV driver
hammers, which woul.l scretcb like a
cage of parrots.
It does not rain there. The bottom
merely drops oat of the sky. You
would imagine if you were in a rain
here that a thousand people were
playing on you with a garden hose.
As for thunder and lightning I would
say. that nervous people should give
this place a wide berth.
Well, mother, I will tire jou no
longer with this letter and will clote
Loping all are so gocd as to Inquire
about me will write to me, I remain,
with love to all, your son,
John E. McCarthy.
....OF THE....
Bank of Cass County
(Charter No.
At i'lMtlmuuulli Inlho Si air of brnk, at
Ihn clin of basliicBH July 14, IK9M.
Loans and discount l:l.75 57
Overdraft?, beciired and unsecured... 3.3N1.U8
Stocko, tonda. stent lliew, judgu ems.
claims, etc 8.2.'.2.69
Bankiiu bon-e, furniture and fixtures. i:,trjv.52
Other real estate 0,(K-t 01
Current expenses and t-xespaid 3.12 2i
Checks and other ctit-li items 2'PJ X
Due from national, state and piivme
banks and hankers .... 43,0-42 54
Caen ' 13,7UT.
Total 1222.432.33
50.000. 00
Capital stock paid in t
Surplus fund
I'n divided profits
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit
Time certificates of deposit
Total $222,432 33
State of Nebraska, (
County of Cass, f "
I, J. M. Patterson, cashier of the abeve named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of my knowledge
Ckas C. Pirslk. Director.
R. S. Ramsey. Director.
Subscribed and-sworn to before me this 30th
day of July. 1898.
sel Grace V. WiiiK, Notary Public.
Take Tbk Joubnax.
Sheriff's Sale.
" by George F. Housewortb. clerk of the dis
trict court within and for Cass county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will ou the
3d flay of September. A. D., 1898. .
at one o'clock p.m. of said day. at the south
dour of the court house in tbe city of Plaits
mouth, in said county, sell at public aucUon, to
the highest bidder lor caen, ue roiiowing real
putvtp tn-wit:
The east half (e1, ) of the northeast quarter
of section five (5) township twelve (12) range
thirteen, i3 i and tbe east half of tbe southeast
quarocr (e',ofsefi of section five (5) town-
fchTp (1.) range tnineeo (id; an iim m county.
Nebraska, togeiuer wiid iub priTuegesaua ap
purteuauces thereunto belonging or in any
wtee appurtaining; the same being levied (
nn and taken as the nroDflt of Thomas J.
Thomas defendant, to satisfy a Judgment of
said court recovered by lieoige tv u vey. plain
tiff, ftgxlnst xid defendant
Plafsmoutl , Neb.. Auu a 2, A. D , 1898. '
Y. D. H'HiiLllll,
Sheriff. Caas county. b.
Br J. D. McBmur, Deputy.
A. N Scllivan, Atfy for Plaintiff.
First publication Aug-3.
ytnei, iiquorj and jjigar?.
Fine Billiard and 'Pool Tables.
"OHM .-. . .
Depot, cor Main nd Sm- , i
San Francisco.
Chic i o.
St. Josfh,
Kansas City,
St. Louis, and
all points east
No 4.
No 14.
No. 9.
No. 27.
All points west. and south.
No. 1. Chicago-Denver express 11:18 pin
No JO. Local express, dally, St. Joe,
Kansas City. St Louis, all
points south 9:40 aui
Local exp, dally, Burlington,
Chicago, all points east o:24 n
Local exp, dai y except Sun
day, arrives 10:4 am
Creston Omaha local 10:09 am
St. Louis St. Joe Omaha local 12:1V pm
Omaha St. Joe St. Louis exp.. 4:2 pm
Omaha-C'reston local . . 4 :30 pm
No 92. Local exp, daily except Sun
day. Pacific Junction U::topm
No 30. Freight, dally except Sunday,
Pacific J uuetlou 2:aupm
No 13. Omaha and west by the way of
Council Bluffs, arv 6:15 pm
No 12. Local ex. daily, St Joe. Kansas
City, St Louis, Chicago, all
points east and south 8 :25 pm
No S. Local exp, daily, Omaha, Lin
coln, Denver and intermedi
ate stations 7:34 am
No 29. Local freight, dally, ex Sunday
Cedar Creek, Louisville, South
Bend 7 :39 am
No 7. Fast mail, dally, Omaha and
Lincoln; SundayO&aha only z:22 pm
tit 3. Vestibular exp, daily, Denver
and ail poluts in Colorado,
Utah and California, Grand
Island, Black Hills, Montana
and Pacific N. W 3:Wpm
No 13. Local exp, dally except Sunday
Louisville, Ashland, Wahoo,
Schuyler 4:00 pm
No 11. Local exp, dally except Sunday
Omaha and Lincoln ; Sunday
Omaha only 5:00 pm
No. 6 Chicago 12:40 am
'Passengers from Platumoutb can connect
with No. 1 at Pacific Junction by taking the
freight train at 10:06 p m.
Sleeping, dining and reclining chalrcar(eata
free ou through u sins. Ticket sol J and bag
gage checked to any point In the United States
or Canada.
For In formation, time tables, maps and tickets
call or write to
W. L. PICKETT. Agent.
Plattsmouth. Neb.
J. FRANCES, tieu. Pass Agt.,
Omaha, Ni b.
Tbe Hotel Plattsioatb,
(Formerly City Hotel.)
Best 11.00 day house la tbe state.
Thoroughly cleansed and refurnished. First
class table. Best of service.
Corner Main and Third Streets,
PlaUtnttmtU, Nearaaka.
TT70MEN used
T to think " fe
rn ale diseases "
could o n I y bo
treated alter "lo
cal examina
tions" by physi
cians. Dread of
such treatment
kept thousands of
modoct women
silent about their
suffering. The In
troduction of
Wine of Cardul has nov demon
strated that nine-tenths of all the
cases of menstrual disorders do
not require physician's attention
at aJL Tbe simple, pure
taken In the privacy of a woman's
own home Insures quick relief and
speedy cure. Vomen need not
hesitate now. Wine of Cardul re
quires no humiliating examina
tions for Its adoption. It cures any
disease that comes under the head
of "female troubles" disordered
menses, falling: of the womb,
"whites." change cf life. It makes
women beautiful by making' them
well. It keeps them young by
keeping them healthy. $1.00 at
the drug store.
For advice In cases requlrlnr special
directions, address, elrlnr symptoms,
the "Laales Advisory Oepartmetrt.''
Tbe Chattanooga Medicine Ce.. Chatta- -aooga.
W. 1. 1C0ISOI, M.D., Cary, Visa., says:
MI ese Wine ef Cardat eztrattverv la
my raetiee and nod U a Bast exeellaot
era paraUen for famale trauaaaa."
fi5 (fiiir
rJGVnftsuppllajd oieept In
mm Little, toMrlns proprt
fors firm nam Clsnatur trtui
JLarboay t -
Oasoarets ('and v Cathnrt;;., -nr vr
derful medical Uiscotcrv .f n c u -a .ea
ant and refrf-shin? to tbe ta" . i pet-tly
and positively on kidneys. livtr jua howUs,
eleauiu the cutlre yU tn, Uii-L coUls,
euro headache, fever, habitual inri: uoa
and biliousness. Please bey aw a box
ofU.CC to-day; 10, , Wtr..4 boidwtl
CusxanVoed to cure by all drr v ' r.
I '
: i