Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, July 16, 1898, Image 1

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L 'c;- -
'e . ' , j ' Part Two. Saturday.) .
- - (Punched in two put Part One, WedneftyW ; j
' r -r-. .r a - 16 1898 I - $1.50 Per Year. 1
Vol. XVII. No. 40. SATURDAY, J I )
V- v.
. . : F " - ic. : nnV A M CUADM IM I be i -.-.-oisidTaU interest
Toral Hm Sorrendered to General
Th. Uhulrol Emurn 'ahiUNir in thr
Maadaof AmkiwoMhii ad f
m Very Hot 1 ampxica-rort
- KiraMriiliib. AliarLrd.
Plata del Este. July II, 2 p. m.
General Toral couithu JLug the Span
ish fotcci in Sactingo. tbia mornin.:
sent a commutiicatioo to. Geoernl
Shafter indication his wiIliL-cne:s to
accept the terms or surrender proposed
yesterdy arid kit; ti:e American
ommanJfr to uprvin. ciiaai.-siiuer8
totaeettlir Spanirh c uiniissiocerd to
arrange to s-d ihe Sj-auib trop?
back to Spam. Tt.titvtli I r proirptly
The iirirnder oi lit;i.Tu IVral not
oa!y man-(b doiif i: f S-aiiiiic,
but by tiif tt-run ff !fi- surreir.ler Ibe
whole of Ihf -as:r:i ei: ol tb isialid
fa'.Ia i 1. 1 - it.e haiu- . .' ti e United
4 p. m Tli surrender is to include
all the ir.H;- at Soiliac. iua!itai:
amo, Caimstr ara n-i Miui, compos
Ice tbr Four IN . I :t.e Spauisb
armv. Tli oitin rf li.t- pr.ivince of
Santiago ibal lies -r,it t 1 he line from
La I''ujs to A-car&dos n burren
dertnl. Washington-. .Julv H. Tbe first
chapter :n t.e land campaign of tb
United S a a atraiust Spain closed to
day wt.t-n tt.a Spanish ffave pi over
Sntia? to t be American flaz. Next
will lol!.; lie transportation of the
Spanisti iro:ps baek to tbeir rative
land and tbe capture of 1'c.rto Ilico,
unless (eace intervenes.
The aieze of ha? las '
respects acd in nocc more thac in the
heavy percentage "of losses throuzb
deatb. wounds or sickcess c-f the bol
diers engaged. Lokine bsck cvar the
record of these two wsek, it is.eec
too, that a pre at ironclad squadron has
been des' rojed, that nearly a thousand
Spanish sailors have ben drowced or
killed by shot or flame, and that an
untold .i.umbar of Spanish soldiers
Lave died in the trtnehes in front of
Oa the other Hand about 2rjQ Ameri
can eoldiers have beeu killed, anil in
round numbers 2.000 more have bean
sent to the hospitals from wounds, fe
vers and other ailments.
Our deet has bad a remarkable ex
emption from disaster in the many
engagenents it had with the fcrts at
tha entrance of the harbor and with
the Spanish squadron.
Next is Porto Rico," said Secretary
Aler, affer receiviDp news of Santi
aso'a formal surrender. "And then.
if need tx. Havana."
The secretary was in excellent
its. He had been more asxious
Le af-pearad as to the condition
sick saldiars. and loekeU Vitb
bens on upon the possible pro
of the struzzle in the un be;
fio Rican
ofSmtiae-i. He said the
rd et occe.
expedition would go
It will comprise new m
inches before
The warriors in tb
ruished them-
Santiago have di
rde3ired to bricg
srlves. and it is
:h frefh troops in
them into cont
rrcf spreadicc con-
view of tLe d
sick soldiers will Le
t.i:ion. I
'to hea'tb aeain and
iJ'irre.l b
a? soon ss eafe. Im-
ents are under orders to
r rocee
't,f 'rto .I-Can expedition will le
t-d by General Mites in per-
i.Vmp Thomas is expected to
Wis main dependence. The
I tbejrjedition will defend up-
en MileaVishes, althouph it is
tVed JiPV will be surlicient
i V N ...
SanJun tte will te of
assistauce than ?v Ns at gan.
t . : v.r
ri owinf? wv . A xof ap-
I -a a laV-a li"if"V "
willl in a
Tbe expe
!cbic tbe 5 ;t h- to express tbet
ti..t o mine9-Xvt to the many fr
maW is oV ' sid Alger, so bif uneral of
Lrexion r e bis views rotp re espe
Slinfter.- rxii t'ti if is exp-v'ei will
a J t he i tlif i-i-- t'. ! ? r ir i!"ei Djinut iir
to make sh"rt ik of lli-lr?o Rican
Tbe tt-r'i ort iirrendeied to iw by
General Tr" makes ab..ut 5.(M;0
square miles Ttie Spanish 6o!diers
to be sent to Spain sire estimated at
lO.OOomen. Major Hopkins, the mili
tary aid to Scretary Alrer, this after
noon spread before Lim a huce map of ;
Cuba, showiu the surrendered z-ne ,
f turned over to tLe American trccps. ;
TLe lice tegins at Asssradores, about
fiftteo miles west f Santiago harbor, i
an4 then runs doe north about twenty
fiv miks to l'almero Soriana. Had
the line continued du north it would
" ,
EriJeutly (Jer.-rHl Toral wished to
avoid the inf !t:.:on nf UoTuin, ? o the
line turns abruptly to the northeasr of
I'alo and rur9 to the roast town of
Boca de! S-cim, on the roast -
The extreme lerzth of th- snrrer.
dTf.l territory is about lo miles and
tlie t-xtreme wid'h abioit Gfty' miles,
tairtaif to a less width, making in
Mil about -5,X0 square rr.i'as. It is a
ri?zei1. mountainous country with
very few towns cf any s-zs. Sactiajo
with iB line harlor is tL main point, f
wi ile Guantanimo is second in import
Brxi I.otI CaIIi.ioq IMirrcn m PJ
b4 a Frflht.
A he id end coliision occurred n the
Burlington road a short distar-e this
3iJe of L.3pltte. at about lalf past
four oViock Thursday aften.'on.
The trains to come toje .'ser vere
the outh bound K. C. pa-s iger No. 2
ar.d special freistt Nd. Ueasley
and IVtter were engineer nd condu.
to respectively of tha'ormer traio
and Fred M:l!erand F.l" Lntz of the
Acti'"ii:2 ti the:orifes told it
--n' I s-eirs Mi it the biHu.f 'or theaccide-t
rs'JmfJ?5i Soo ITogioeek :$eaIer.--He re
.ufi.1 .iwAr f- m --i'a 1 1 r.jas the
, . . . i.i o;-,i
frereht at Li Piaf:". and the signal
Uard was ::!so o tat tbe Jatter sta
tiDn fcr h-m to sf p. He tti?rerard
both orders and signal, so the railny
peop'esay, and.razi through the tr
mt-etinz tte o'her train befX
. j . i . , . i .
reached the s. itcitT
150th enpines were qui"? I
s city
aed and fre brmnL: to,
one ( f
Friday mortice for rep
the passercr-rs or crews
although a report was
that a Is !; had had
All trains were
ed frr about
wreckite crew
three L.-i:rs. until
c. jsumDer ji
cou'd clear the
ere at 4:59 did net
which should le
?ht o'clock.
get out until
i tn i:t.
fmous "Gut Ueil"
is the
the market.
best c;j
A Oait VV0dmg.
ty wedding occurred last
: the home of Mr. and Mrs.
mpson, 122 Lincoln street, at
their daughter Edith Lueila.
me the bride of Alpheus Clend-
The affair was a quiet oue. only
elatives and tbe m st intimate friends
bein present. Rev Smith of Jrince-
tjn. III., uncle of the groom oSciated.
Numer-us presents were bestowed
upon the young people, among them
being a beautiful piano for the bride
A dainty luncheon was served, after
which the couple left for Chicago
where they will begin housekeeping at
once on Vernon avenue.
The groom is a Joilet boy aud tbe
News is proud that he was once one of
its carriers. He bas a wide circle of
friends in this city and is a young man
of ability and exemplary character.
The bride is also well known here and
is esteemed by all her friend for her
amiable qualities,
Mr. Clendenin is engaged in the. real
estate and Insurance business in Chi
car V-Joilet Daily News, June DO.
,' Law Finn I)Jo1t.
' The law firm of Reeson & Root is a
thine of the past. Mr. Root has
withdrawn and taken another office
while Mr. A- J. IJeeson poes into part
nership with his father, the tyle of i
the new firm being Reeson & Son. The
reason for the'dissolution is under
stood to be that both Mr. 'Reeson and
Mr. Root desired to run for office on
the republican ticketthis fall and they
feared that the voters might object to
electing two men from one firm when
there were so many good men who
were so auxious to serve the peop e.
Mr. John Lindsey and family desire
to express their heartfelt appreciation
to the many friends fcr their sympathy
daring tbe illness and at
the late Fred Lindsey.
ptnecialle erafefnl tlie ladies
1 ralSir.X C. f or the beautiful flo-
i r . rim rr,Ai,r, i t;i-.v -vi:.t,; ; - - ,, ...,. i
' . . w . . 1 1 ..'. .-. UHii. in 1
W it : - -ii the f .. .. .. I
! ,, f w ..ton urn u.e f,t- i
q . . w.: ' 7 n. .. I ;w.l.:r' i The Colonel of the Third Takes
Spam is Willing t Discontinue - K. o. o. ; Tll9 0ath,
. were d rly t f i 1
yWcn Hjvi- I. r' hiro ir v ill
Ciixup il.e Philipplin , Vi ln-r r
Will H. Ailnwrti
Washington-, July H- Independ
t euce fcr Cuba.
TLe transfer of I'orlo Rico to
United States
A coaine station in the iatt
for the UuiU'I States.
Snaiii i willing to aiak'
e cc-n-
dirjr tot
cession to obtain peace
Ifct Mc-
h di-patcb received by
Kiulev fr m a emi-c iT
with whem
"ciriitd cf the
I talked afier ll.t
cont"''t3 of the di-
$ . iM'ornied me
lb- an otllcial pr
iticn emorscicz
e attfeptf d by the
ttr-e teim wot
I'r:ite States
thus, if ivf !t wciey 3 ,D
peace in ti e renr
iVrniint is
its c-Ttainty. His
futiire is k
d that the ministry at a
dtpatch :
had definitely deter-
mined --ban don t!
had .ip1 t,rue 1
forth. In
sr : ii ? .
jea?- on the
circ !s I Cr.d
a d! r to accff'1 :i 'n?L,rc3alion
irt-Iy irustwc JUhJ.wLi.c inow.ers
i There seems to
-sion aivintr aum:n-
cCc-. However, inn i e
T . . . i
-ret oi y
jati,,ttor tt e c'ssiMcn of war
a, extrer7 ih'.
Th:sy re',sion ;3 Ifin3arily Vased
upon tye-'1
ton or t.enerai iota! alter
t'on with Madrid in surren-
Aon lari r it is based npen the re-
itVrts received Irom .iuri-J sowm
thai the people are beoaiin con
vinced of the useless?s of continuing
th striiffiile. and that pressuie is be
ine uroiiht to b r in tbe in'orest of
H-are by the Vatican .and by at leasti
onp E iropaan power.
Tiie infurmition in the possession of
the authorities bow that it has been
tLe cry of the army from the start that
it st;cds ready to retrieve the losses
oftl.etiavy. The fact that General
Toral. with between 10. COO and 12,000
men has surrendered will cow doubt
less cause the army to fall in lice-in
the general appeal fi-r pace.
lrntTrrati- Cexitritl C'otuiultte.
Oinsrto tlie absence of the chair
man acd scretarv of the democratic
county central comtaittee. we, the ua-der.-iiti.ed.
hereby request the mem
bers of the sail committee to meet at
I'latUmouth. Neb., on Saturday. July
1G, lSiiS at 2 p. ru- !t the oflice of M.
Archer, police, jude. fori he purpose
of cuiling the democratic cjunty cor
vention. M. Ar.cnEii.
O. 1). CfMMIX5,
Members of the Committee.
iltrr Kpabliraa Matt Convention.
The silver republicans of the state of
Nebraska are requested to send dele
gates to a state convention of eiver re
publicans to be held at the city of Lin
coln in the Commercial club building
on AugtKst . 1S9S At 2 o'clock p. m.
at large and one delegate for each 200
votes or major fraction of 260 votes!
cast ia the connty fcr George Jl Ken- '
notrerfor recent of the state univer-
sity. Under this apportionment Cass
county is entitled to thirteen (13 J dele
gates in the convention. Ry order of
the state central committeee.
Fuaxk T. Ransom, Chairman.
A. II. (iLEAsox, Secretary.
Mrs. Wm. Neville received a letter
from her husband who is engaged in
bridge work down in Texas. He is
delighted with the climate. While tbe
r !
I tfi frn-ifi tiPiir hs iv.rr.irri.n 1.
i r - .
day s are warm the nights are cool and j C!. Polk of the New s has imbibed
pleasant. He say be has an appetite j somewhat of the war fever cf late and
like a horse and that both be and his ; has been quietly at work enroll
son are enjoying the best of health, ting a company in the even of an-
His work is progref sing nicely.
Nkkbaska City, Neb.. July 11
Canoy Hanks, a wealthy farmer resid- j "
ing near this" city, has been missing j If company R ever gets an oppor
frein his boms fcr two days. A care- tunity it will certainly distinguish it
ful search has been instituted but re- '; self it bas a Sampson, a Ilobson
vealed do trace ol him. His friends ! and a McKinley in its ranks.. Now if
fear that be has fallen into the river or ! they bad a Dewey and a ScWey the
is tbe victim of foul play.
4 ., 'URGE CROWtS Or FLUrrE rRLbhal. r . I
h I4 A. . . . . . .
A lif I f t f 1 Till I II V Ilt'llll'
f .r f y n Y?ry ltat drill by tLe j
re-'e-l '
" y'zr-1. undrr the leadership cf !
r rTf
iTnes. Xn')'a Grnt(l Mrs. J.
'i. tt cn prj;teJl to install the i
' ". vt!;.e iiacnes sre as follower I
ii. 3!ts jennie V eiis. ;
G. Mrs. Johann-t J)-an. i
cretary I). Ebersoi.
re i'irer Uzzir Krorh'er.
V. Mrs. r rear'.uuau.
I. ti. Lizz e til-z.
O G Mrs. Uuastr. '
C Mrs. Anderson.
(Iraiv! Master tl . Kerr then in-
i tal!ed the offieer f .Vo. 140 and No.
7. a w ljvtf: ,
officeus eF N"0. 143. j
N. G Gus Haser. !
V. ii. .S. Uris.
R. S. N. G 1). 13. E jjrsole.
1. S. X. H. Wrn. V. eb'o.
U. George Graig.
C John Jvatz.
I. tr. Jacob Fop ger.
( G. Gec re liax
. R. S V. G. Robert Ciozitr.
OtaplaiD Wm. Wine.
N.(i. Henry Jess.
V. G. John Cciby.
R. S- N. G. Chris. Christiansen.
RrS. Fg(J. John Kirkham.
tV. Frank McCarty.,
I. G. Jas. Jones.
R. S. V. fr. Herman Richter.
L. S. V. G J&mef Lej'-:.
After the installation ceremonies
were t nt luiled. refreshments, cocsist
ins of icecream and cnk; were served,
aud a very rie time s enjoyed by
all presfut. ' . ,
Trn-MisWijjl rTotic
Refore visitiai Omaha, be sure and
S'ipp.'y yourself with ; J'epperbersr's
M5'id "iastead .f pavir. hib prices
for low rrade cicars.
f"ir t ilw JunrUou
A residence at I'atMfi i Junction, be
Ijnginsrto Perry A!li?.c:i"!.t Tirefrcm
a saschne strve expy - t a'wut ten
nvtrrtr-Ff T J-i ra"f nir2r'TLarl was
b'Jrr.el to the crown f. . 1 h" hous? was
occavi.'l ! El. Heath vh se g-Kls
wer- r.firiy all saved. r 'lie buildicg
was insared.
Another bouse stool within about
six fe:-f cf the one le?troyed and it is
thought to h ive l"'f-n ccrsumed.
- i!nl" "!cr-
-V lieriit-! - titxT-',--a M'lTic a s
U--.t fo
lii-i Eor i riatintr
Hid wiTJie rcCrive'd by tbe State
Printing Roard n Li! Friday, Jnly2;,
1S9S. at 2 o'clock p. ru. at th? ofSce of
tbe secretary of state, for printing and
bindiuc blanks, blan'i b;sks and sun
dry misellar eous printing required.
Sample-? and spc;Ccations may be
found at the secretary's office. Rids
must b accompanied by a bond in
double the amount c f the bid for per
formance if awarded. The board re
serves tlie right to reject any and all
bids. State P;unti;u Roaup.
Silver i:pub1ci Comniitlre Ietlni:.
A metin: of the central ccramittee
of the silver republican party will be
held at Piattsmouth Julv loth. 1S9S. at
2 p. m.. for the purpose cf determin
ing time and place of holding county
convention. All members of that com
mittee are eirnestiyare requested to
Leprfst n. M. Moi:i:i"EY,
The demcci Htic and populist central
committees if Otoe county met a
Syracuse Wednesday and cii.ed the
i county conventions ot treir respective
paities for July at 10 a. m. p.t Dun
bar. It is under?.- f 1 there v. ill 1
fusion in ti e county ai.d also the
re-election i f Sena'or Alien is to be
indorsed by the democrats and in re
turn the democrats are to have the
itirimtuo ..
Low raits, east west atd south
San Francisco and return, June 2S
Und 29; Hot Springs, S. D , and return
Jun 30 and July 5, Portland, Ore., and
return, June SO and July 1; Nashville,
Tena.. and return, July 1, 2, S: Salt
Lake City and return, J uiy 3; Wash
ington, D ('. and return. July 4. o;
Ruffaio and return, July 11, 12.
Ask the local ticket agent for par
ticulars. J. Fkancis,
Genera! Passenger Agent, Ouiahj.
' other call. Since the war is so nearly
; terminated it isdocbtfulif he ever has
I an opportunity to display hfs military
1 r 3
4 list would be complete.
l.lirr t'a
ill l:iw i:for tli t in l,lr J'
luaadm: mr,lh fidvtrnur nl
the Aj'tanl nerl- lin
.tppraric; t!jr ( Men.
Wednesday waj a great dy at For
Omaha, says the World-Herald. A5:erlyi
eirlv as ! o'clock the mothers and sis-. L f L.
ters, cousins and sweethearts of theje-a'io
!..") soldierboy.1 in thecamp, together j Tla
with male relatives and friends galore, . o: '),
bsean to arrive from ai parts of the j b n'jt
state, and by 3o'c!ockin ti eafternoou.
the time Eet for the sweara z in of 'ol.
Iiryan and the, mustering c-f ;;.e Third
Nebraska as a regiment, a vast num
Ur, not only of the classes mentioned,
but citizens of Omaha and the west
r-neral'y, were on the grounds, tilled
with the military spiritof the occasion
and wiUi admiration for the tine speci
mens of manhaod already parading
le', ore tbrm.
All the companies had heen unl
formed excel t I frrm Aim a and F
from Fremont, and the spectacle was a
very plea?ir g ot;e.
Lieut. Col. Vifq iain was in command
of the reciment. i:is place ir. charge of
th-? first battalion bein? taken by Cip
tain Rrown of company G. The ct m
paniea in this battalion are G from
WakeCeld, C from'Oxaba. E from
fVair and K from Hastings.
The second battalion," commanded
by Major McCiay. consists of compan
ies A of Lincoln,!, of IndianoU. M of
licit cunty ard II of Stromsburg.
The third battalion, in charge cf
Major Scharui inn. is made up of R of
C-ss county, F. of D cf Oa
aha and I cf Alms.
The first battalion stood on the pa-
inde f round ft.cing torth, the second
in the Faaie position I. nek of the tlrst
and the third backef the second, when
V p regimental eagle. Uncle Sam E -
tr.r. of which company M is justly
prou 5. taarchVl onto trie ground.
. - . . i . . . .... .
pi-rrl eu on a iKne ar.u iiok u xoub ,jt.
71T ii ."Tvjlnt'feenr.g in large meus
v.'.r a snse c f Lis impc-rinnce.
C; k-nel Rr-an dre?sed fortle Orst
tiaiK- in iiis rf-w uniform, wirch is very I
.,; r th ran. bfwaver. making I
hi-n look so short that peoplf at a dia-1
r disputed as to whether it were
r.Ci-ionel llrvan. together with Gov-
err.-r Illcomb. Adjutant General 1
ltir.r .Iti::tnt: General Rves cfll'.i is aa irot.-grt-y iUr liaving only
Iowa Chaplain Jordan and Acticglon- tail end four legs, owned r,r! Zb
Ho-pital Steward IUrdquast. emer-ed J
from th- hospital building, they were
rreeted bv aiu)lati?e and advanced to I
a position in front of the regiment,
where thev wre met bv Lieutenant
- a. 1
Sand the regimental t-aod.
Lieutecant Colonel Vifqaain gave
tlie command to salute and every hand
rernu.iced up until Lieut. Duff hal ad-
ministered the ath-U the colonel. tLe
ca-la:'! the acting hospital steward
tho band.
l iiet r.ttins'.y reigned long encugu i
... . - , . a
for the spectators to catch the mighty I
ignicance of wh:t they had eetn.N-AL against the agiicuttura! ecciety
and than th? band began t o play and
the soldiers to parade.
S on they b?gan to pj" in review j
before the governor and the now full-
ileded colonel", every man giving the
salute as he passed. The scene was Agriculture for the year )S17. I ti lock
an inspirit . ? one, and the passing of ing over tlie financial statement of the
eac'a company seemed to add to the en- secretary we Cnd that the board has
tbusiiism cf the multitude. Cheers
werf given the companies aj pearing
m citizens cioi.ies. prcuao.y oecaase n.
tov.i; more courage to appear that way.
After review the regimental drilt
continued until the boys ha i been on
the ground for two hours andwera wat
with parapiration.
Lt. Coi. Vifquain and the officers un-
darhim managed the men with great
skill, andmany complimentary remarks
were mad, both as to the fine appear-
anca of th men and their precision in
Mrs. Rryan watched the proceedings
from a carriage and miiiitested much
interact in them. Chas. W. Rryan cf
I Lincoln, tha colonel's brother, was a. so
oa the grounds.
Rev. E.F.Jordan, Ph. D-, arrived
oa an eaily train, having been given a
very ilUtrring farewell reception by
sever3l thousand people in the park at
Grand Island Tuesday evening. He
has been pastor ef the Raptist chuicb
at Grand Island seven years and sev
ers his connection with the church
only temporarily to lecome chaplain J t; , x and there is rertairdy no
cf the Third regiment, being given an j TmtM f. r H - evis-i of nir.e-ter.t! s
indefinite leave of to that he cf t e vw.: trs in Nebraska. Hy
can tak-i up the pastoral work again j are ru iri n e inieut ;f a iot cf agii
as soon as his services are not ne ded j cultural politicians at the county seats
in the army. I and kept up solely by the aid of public
C. W. Rridenthal has been appointed '.funds which are disbursed through a
regimental quartermaster sergeant, combination of politicians. The En
the position having been made vacanj j terprtse hopes that the next legisla
by the f romction of John P. Cameron. ; ture will put a step to every form of
State Treasurer Messerve was an in
terested spectator at the fort yester
day. Notwithstanding the overshadowin g
influence of the important events of
je i . rt'iisidiraKIi! inteter't v.y.r
k-r. I Jt the sol-Jiei b-iyn in :heM-it--
:jrit I r dlishd in the WuiM-IIer-iM t
- ..... . . ; l i ,
j j t Siiril l'4'ximfii . i iu ur mr
f I fi ex" -iti.-n marn2"is
j . It is th- o..-:y thane? these
tovswho are ai riJicmt: ever
i- tlowu-trodJen Cuba ari-Jiike
ti attecd the t-xposit ian. and
iisi earuestly li ped that the ,
. . ... . .
rOpJeor CJ.iiHiii win sena nuri
; lunches to the A. J. T. oflice
t their cemfort SaturdH.T.
;!efi. with the A. I T. corn
ill reath the s?Uli-r bys
' ;,uric
j tny
; i romj
' Thiijf. two Louisiana editc-ra called
'.ni s.U ,St hands ih Colonel Rryan
. ".ff ren on. being introduced
tallry . r resident of the ful-
is a suggestion (cr the i.eoj ie
a in the fact that a few prttt;
) f-f tlowers found their way to
t . S!Ci
d 17.
t irsl L
in the Third regiment yester-
yi are telling a t;ood joke on .
uleuant G. S. Rlston of com-
Returning from Lincoln j
.vtere he went to get Lis per- j
pitiv A
i irS(l
-'nl I
h-s ofler
lt dirs in shape for going south
! to get a jlas f v ate r for an
y 00 ine me iram wr.o w as j
e;:ling 1 1-r 1 anch. Soon noticing the
ass en! -ty again Le tilled it a second
t!:a, w.i -:e apon the lady smiled gra
ciously i-n him, looked admiringly at
hs new.'-2:jera unifoim. and asked:
"Are the porter? He didu't wait
tC iKelU' t tip.
l i e i: wro are running a pie
a- i !,k! ;tunterat the furl fay 110
p. i cent o: their receipts to the bos
f fi.rd, n 1 ttie fund was increased
t( tu tm unt of ?2' in that way
T ue:ay. The doctors claim, however.
t! . t j ie basiuess 15 re-'p msibie for a
lit.'- cuiUrof th eL-k calls in the
l.i)iil't I'or County fr'.ir.
I; apetra that Cass county cannot
er -ape tbe e pen iiture of several huu
di Jdsllart forpsyicc salaries to the
ru a tao pretend to hold a county
( i rthJa year, consequently ve propose
t! .t th-s part of the common wealth te
re.ireiei.ted among tbe exhibits.
II -nry Pftrii g and John Tr.acker have
er i it is manager of the live
a- ?k w!.i.h 'hey have on hand and as
so rs j r:: gements can te complet
e.. v 'l 'ymp on the fair ground
thesh'"-v I he first ex h i bit ia a tt-ur-
legged c of the Shr)7'i'i variety.
a Liu pr.r - '.: Mr Pet-
rin' of
th it prince of will animal
Prof. s;mon Voun. The cat
ii nK v-t ;n tiie "piriK or coeuhuib,
b it we thias it will equal any of the
other exh bits. 'ih Kf-
erated by Ool. Johuathan Pat TL-icker
of the I r.ited r-,ate-s.
shipped tie caaice south in a box car
. , . L a.
a few da; s aco.Lut u wuj rjf n"'r.
complete its southern tour in time for
the Cass c unty fare-. These exhibits
wil! b loc iteJ near li.e piace i rmeny
osed lor exMOiung me can, pumpkin
and s-i at the air and will, tn cur
opinion. I- ?.s attractive. a anything
els" on the ta-r grounds tLH year.
Lmon L - ter
a n i.rn on it
The ag.tatisn started by the Joun
f ake has st read all over the state
Here are two sample opinions
The ilgisttr is indebted to I nele
rjjj Furnas for a copy of tte ariD;.al
J report of the Nebraska State Roard of
ua,i an outstanding indebtedness of
I ; 4,44s 10. In the items of expense of
1 tue ooaru we una mat iiie nea-s oi ta-
j ary a!id hotel bills form an important
part. For instance , Milton Doolittle
drew out of the treasury tr.7. Ed. Mc
intyre ?03, R. V. Furnas $3.1-V3, D
W. Mar.11 5012, E. Rarnes $417. J. R
l)iDsmore S104. M. Durham ?C!3, A
Humphrey $209. E. M. Searle 430; W
A. l'oynter $201, and jo on tl rough
I tae jj-tcf thirty members of the board.
J Hotel bills of the board was crly St'".
I There was a large sum paid to daily
J newspapers for adverting. Is it ary
WCcd-r that tLe state fairs Con't raj
j premiums in cash and that exhilitois
j ar v tap tiled to wait two years fcr
I their money V" Sutton Register
"And while this Jiumbuc is being
worked t nthe btate a hui-died cr so
bounties are p ill ng the leg of tt e p
tient tax .nenn tae interest ti an
other fake termed the "county fair.
Pubi.c aid to this entire class of insti
tutions ought to Le abolished. If a
i carr ot te self supporting it ouc.Lt
- state support to the whOiecarg 01
blood sucking leaches who are milking
the public under the name agricultural
and other forms of societies." Exeter
I 1 ou 1
. . .. J.
to af
Interesting Goisip Regarding th-3
Third Regiment.
Two Thouml Mrn K tmtnr ii lij th Nnr
fni t.r..r I lurtrru lluntir.d
(uld luunil tVrr
l it) leali)' (JualiUxl
Colonel Rryan 11 great.' please
with I;" rijj made in or- the Third regiment, saya th
Vor!d-Herald. Ofd fourteen woik
ing dy s pas-ed frctu the b-girjniri? i:f
the pLysical examination rtitil t.u
regimental mustering (-cc-i . '
One thoiisann to h1 tiC;-d ud
eihty-two itr Vlre Rfjrptid anil
ubaut TCm) re j-cte J, 61 of tb latter
being giveu tian'portatv u to return
to their borers. Tb statement that
700 men wer rej-cted out of a total of
mo-t of whom had been pio
2ounced good by local physicians io
preliminary examinations, n iuuchui
j to give some idea of tbe severe tests
through which Major Koerper regi
mental surgeons put the boys who t
listed. It will also make the oft-repeated
assertion of Vifiitlngarmy offi
cers of long experience that they never
saw a liner body of men than the Third
Nebraska appear better grounded.
Major Koerper has been an army
9 argeon tbirty-Dve jears acd the hiah
grade of men constituting tbe regi
ment is a matter of pride to him e.s
well as Colonel Rryan, who is a'o
proud of the'? ingaid skill of hit
Adjutant CF. Rec, . '-s military
experience has not been mentioned by
the World-Herald, was successively
second lieutenant, lirst lieutenant ai d
captain of company II, Second regi
ment, national guard. serving three
years iu the latter tffice He was
placed iu command of three companies
at Wounded during the Indian
outbreak of "W .
Col. Iiryan received an excellent sad
dle yesterday w ith tbe compliments of
Col. Wetmore of Missouri.
Major Scharman has i-i elected
of the othlers' school, mL'Tcl ttJ-
session at S o'clock everv ruornicg.
Col. Rryau assumed command of the
dress parade last evening for tLe Lrt
time, and the way in w hich Le handled
it was highly pleasing to the aet
number or people from tha city who
surrounded the parade ground. No
. - . ... a
one tired of watching the drill, in
Tactlba" well tt.recttd moveuiftit of
the soldier boj- rf eu.eJ 10 naatr
fitic 'rtJjEuc-e ' on epectatoi. atti-a
sort of military enthviinam was fait
everywhere. Afur tha diT.1 Lad been
in progress nearly an Lour the reiraent
was formtd for audience, and tte
colonal gave them a t rief. fatherly
talk, encouraging tLsm to do right in
all things, aad expressing the bcp
that not one of them would in any way
bring discredit on tbeniselvts or c n the
regiment, promising them at the same
time Lis loyal f urp rLiu oery wnlby
endeacr. Roys as -a rule dent bke
fatherly advice, aud t people who
saw with what trexedw -i plauae
it was received from Col. Rryan will
never doubt that be exercises a mai vel-
o is influence over those in Lis com
mand. The colonel closed Lis remarks
bv telling of the surrender of Santi
ago and tie Third Nebraska demon
strated a second time that it takes
nothing but first place when there is
applauding to be dene.
As Col. Rryan left the field be w as
presented w ith a magnificent brid e,
made entirely of herse hair. xcept
four tassels, which are of ladie' Lair.
The donor w as W. R. Simpson a pri
vate in companv L
savi n i: i'iiiLic'AN io
The silver republican electors of the
Firt congressional district are here
by requested to send delegates frm
their respective counties to meet in
convention in the city of FlatGnu uth
on theltth day cf August. 1 -.!, for
the purpose of placing in nomination
ore congres?man and the transaction
of any busmess that may yiopeily
come before the convention, tte repre
sentation to be baed ou the vote fas',
for Hon.J. H. Rroady for cjiirea
riii.n in iyi.t ne delegate for ea h 2o
votes cast T eseeral coucties aie
. ntitled to the foilowu.g tuOibei f
" Cass 12. Johnson C. Laiu hster .
Nemaha ID, Otoe 13, Paw nee t. Rich
ardson 13; total 27.
W.C. Fleckt, Chairman
W. II. Glea-on, Secretary.
Ilia i.lety Train J
On account of daily carry m persotiS
of high social standing. theNew Penn
sylvania Limited is known fc the so
ciety train from Chicago to Nc-w York.
The preference for this train is easil.
understood when the luxury enjoyed
on it is considered. H. R-
A. P.;. Agt .21S South ClarkSt .Chi
cago for further infotmatioa.
in a - ,
i ..... v S
t ':
- Vw.
J '