Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, July 13, 1898, Image 4

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    i- L
mm -sr - - . --,4- - rrrrrr ir i r . .
" EAT - -
Read the prices ! r0me and see us !
v j
: ' - "
In order to have our stock ready for the
"fattwe have decided to sell all of our
$1.75, $1.69, $1.50, $1 39 and $1.25
U?W $HoDdD per IPanPo
This includes men's and ladies. Ask
to see the One Dollar goods. They will
please you in style, quality, price and fit
your feet.
One large lot Ladies' Vests, at 3c.
One large lot Ladies' Vests at 5c.
Ladies Vests at 10c and 12 l-2c.
Oaae OHoice XjOt
Shirting, only 7c worth 10 and 12c.
a i: . u cr I v
MTinuime, p.wv VArd will
j x i i . cr . J
go ax xnis sciie at uwo. u rnmlny
miles just to see this line ds- We
guarantee them the $1.00 qt.
Ribbons, etc., go on special sal
TaTole Oil Olotlis.
Elegant line, only 12 l-2c per yar
Special drive in all Linen crashes, 5c; something bett
8 1-3; beautiful goods, 10c. Table damask, 25c. We li
better goods at special prices for this sale.
We will sell you these goods at 3c yd,
Here are a few snaps from our pepartment.
We have hundreds of others which it will pay
you to investigate:
Pearline 4c
lobars Lenox 2oc
10 bars Santa Claus 25c
IS bars Ark 25c
1 hnttlA hliiAinor. IRoz 5C
3 cakes Toilet Soap
1 gallon Crocks 8c
1 " JUgH
J .........................
1 gal. Jars
2 gal. " per gal
3 gal. " per gal
1 lb good Rio 10c
1 ib Santos and Rio 12c
All pack age Coffee 1 Oc
1 lb Uncolored Japan 25c
1 lb Best Gunpowder 48c
1 lb Soda, Best
1 lb Oysters
Ginger Soaps
Assorted Jumbles. .
Graham Wafers
1 lb Pepper
1 lb Cinnamon
1 lb Mustard
1 lb Ginger
1 lb Allspice
1 lb Cloves
Califoruia Hums
Large Hams
Dry Salt Meat
1 can Blackberries....
3 cans Salmon
8i lbs Navy Beans
10 lbs Green Peas
1 lb Broken Rice
7 c
i ii. i u : N
i iu dcbi nice
Special G.ioJ Broou
Wash Hoards .
1 pkg Cocoanut ". -
Champion Lve J
American Lye
3 boxes Levis Lye. .. ' ' '
Oil Sardines ;
Mustard Sardines 1....
Sweet Chocolate -...
Baker's Chocolate
Condensed milk, o cans
Good peaches, per Hi '
IS lbs best granulated sujrar.,
19 lbs best "C" sugar .,'
Bucket Syrup -
Bucket Jelly
. .
-42 lb package, oat meal ,
Price's baking powder. 1-lb can
Price's baking powder, J-lb can ...
Bon-Bon baking powder, 1 lb can...
21b can corn
2lb can cove oysters
lib can covem steis
Best tomato catsup. jrr bottle
' (J)
-Double fold wool finish Dress Goods,
orth 12 l-2c. Special for this sale only,
; l-2c,
One lot of Pants, worth $1.50, $1.25,
$1.00 and 90c, go at 75c. in this sale.
wish to clean up stock,
goods at 3 3-4c.
Our best
, 253
. 4c
. -"c
. He
. .2'.
. .(K
. 1.00
$ .45
. .40
. JI5
. .3S
. .10
. .('7
. .15
. .(y
. .10
Calumet baking powder, 1-lb can
10c sack Bait
15c sack salt
Best Salt, 250 pounds
Lemon extract, bottle
Vanilla ex.ract
Coal Oil, per gallon
New York Cream Cheese, per pound
liood bucket
Best fibre, buckets
Bran, 100 lbs
Elegant Hour bins
Lamp chimueys
Arjjo glosB 8trch
Argo corn starch
1 dozen clothes pins
California prunes
Elegant raisins
3 packages parlor matches
Dwight's Cow Brand soda, per lb
Sap. 15 bars
Bu'.termilk soap, 3 bars
31b cnu tomatoes
Fancv g!a9S mostnid
;p;posite Ba,n.Ikz of Cass C-u.m.t37
The Plattsmonth Journal
One year 11.50 .
One year, in advance 1.00
Six months, in advance 50
Three months, In advance, 25
Entered at the postoffice at Platts
month, Nebraska, as second-class matter.
The loss of the strike of the stereo -typer's
union in Chicago Is a most se
rious blow to organized labor and one
which will be far-reaching in its effect.
This was one of the strongest onions
in the country, and if it could not win
out under the present conditions, there
seems to be little chance for any labor
nnion to pain Its point. In fact it now
looki as though the only combination
capable ot getting that which it goes
after la capital. It asked for interest-
bearing bonds and despite the produc
tira of the country it trot them. It
asked for Hawaii, and notwithstand
ins the fact that the vast majority of
the people opposed the idea, the islands
were taken in. It has combined to
crash organized labor, as witness the
combined action of the Chicago pub
lishers, and thelcourtshave closed their
yes, or have looked on approvingly;
but when the toilers and producers
have combined in order to right their
grievances, they have been arretted
and thrown into prison on a charge of
It certainly looks as though the fate
of organized labor was sealed, and
when it falls Plutocracy baa taken one
of the strongest outposts that guard
the fortress of Civil Liberty.
Now is the time for the wealth
xnAkert of the country to arise to the
'gravity of the situation that confronts
them, ik.v.3r brief period must decide
wether this is a republio or a pin-
tocracy whether it is to be a govern
uieut exercising just powers by the
consent of the governed, or an aristoc
racy whose law is lucre and whose
toilers are serfs.
This decision must be registered at
the polls and it would seem that the
voters of Nebraska should have little
difficulty in making up their minds on
the subject. Even a casual glance at
the history of the state is enough to
convince a man of ordinary intelligence
where his interests lie. The record of
the republican party in Nebraska is a
story of robbery, jobbery, thievery and
corruption. The men whom it has
elected to office have notoriously been
the pliant and subservient tools of the
corporations that have ever since the
organization of the state been plunder-
log and pillaging its people. The court
of last resort bas descended to a tribu
nal where the railroads and other cor
porations and people of wealth are cer
tain of judgments in tbeir favor.when
ever a lower court might by chance
decide against them.
TbeBe conditions became so notorious
that the people were aroused to a real
ization of them two years ago, and the
rotten riog was swept from power
The result has surprised even the most
ardent reformer. The cost of running
the state government has largely de
creased and the receipts have enor
mously Increased, while state warrants
have gone from a discount of 5 per
cent to a premium. The splendid rec
ord made by the present administration
speaks for itself and needs no commen
dation. But the greatest and most im
portant work of reform will not have
been accomplished nntil the supreme
court is redeemed from the hands of
the corporation party. The wisdom of
the election of J udge Sullivan has been
amply demonstrated, but he can do but
little with the other five members of
the court against him.
Let the work so well begun be car
ried to completion In due time.
The courts are, or ought to be, the
bulwarks of our liberties instead of
vehicles of oppression, and we should
see that none but incorruptible men
and true friends of the people are here
after placed upon the supreme bench.
The republican party has nothing
npon which to base a claim to prefer
ment in this state, bat money can ac1
cotnplish much and it behooves every
patriot to be upon bis guard.
And iu looking out for the statt, let
us not forget the nation. We have six
congressmen and a senator to elect this
fall and winter. It is needless to say !
that the splendid record made by Sena
tor Allen bas endeared him to the peo
ple of Nebraska, the vast majority of
whom desire his reelection, but in order
to insure it, there must be no mistake
in the selection of candidates for the
legislature. Good, clean, able and
conscientious men must be selected,
and they must be men of well-deCned
opinions, whose principles are known,
and who have the courage to express
The congressional career of the pres
ent member from this district has prob
ably been disappointing and disgusting
enough to insure the election of some
anti-republican, without any other ar
gument being advanced. When be has
done anything at all, it has invariably
been what his-constituents did not
want done. In fact, to be charitable,
he comes as near filling the Pinafore
couplet as could be:
'Ha alwavi voted at bla parti's call,
And be never thought of thinking for hlDifielf
at all,"
Which is equivalent to saying that be
has by his every vote favored the money
power at the expense of the people.
Let Cass county do her part toward
making the congressional delegation
from Nebraska solidly anti-republican
thus dolus: her duty not only to herself,
but to the producing classes all over
the country.
the treasury desisted fiora. Those men
will surely not have the nerve to jio
ahead with such i palpable steal when
they know that the entire population
of the couuty understands and opposes
Buy your jewelry of Coleman aul
get the best.
TnE officers of the so-called Agricul
tural society need expect nothing from
the people of this county in the future
if they go ahead with their scheme to
rob tbem of 700 odd dollars by getting
up a mock fair this fall.
Eve by congressman from the First
district, since its reorganization, has
been from Lancaster county, yet there
is no one who will contend that that
county possesses a monopoly of states
manship. This is the year to make a
Let every taxpayer make a personal
appeal to the conscience of some officer
of the Cass County Agricultural soci
ety to have the, contemplated raid upon
Thurtoy, Fri.lay, nod iuird July
14, 15. an it 111.
Wait and Come to IMattsmouth to
the Large Store Boom Second Door
East of Court House.
Shoes and clothing. Great manufac
turer's cloaing out sale. The Empire
Clothing and .Shoe Company $175,000,
Cincinnati Ohio, quit business, ami
have sent out agents to country towns
with their stock, to be gold out quick
for cash, less profit of manufacture,
less profit of wholesaler, less profit or
retailer, and without cost of freight.
Bead these prices for new ety li- h
goods, first-class workmanship, up-t-
date in every respect.
Gents' Heavy Working shoes, worth
$125,at78c; Ladies' -Oxfords, worth
$1 60, at 9Sr, Ladies' Oxfords worth
82 60, at $1 24; Ladies Oxfords, worth
S3 00 at $1 48; Ladies' Dress Shoes.
Lace and Button, worth $1 50 at 98c;
Ladies' and Gents' Dress Shoes, wort h
$2 50. at$l 24; Ladies' and Gents' Fine
Shoes, worth $3 00, at $1 48; Ladies
and Gents' Custom-Made Shoes, worth
$4 60, at $1 98; Ladies' and Gents'
Hand-Sewed Shoes, worth 6 00 at
92 48; Childrens' School Shoes, six's 8
to 11, worth $1 25. at 74:: Misses' and
Youths' School Shoes worth 1 60, at
We also carry a full line of Ladies'
and Gents' Fine Dress Shoes.
Men's Pants, worth $1 25 at GSc;
Men's Business Pants, worth $2, at
98c; Men's Fine Pants, worth $3, at
tl 24; Men's Tailor-made Pants, worth
$5 at 92 48; Men's Suits, worth $8, at
$3 25; Men's Cassimere Suits, worth
$12, at $4 75; Men's Fine Cassimere
Suits, worth 15,at$G 73; Fine Custom
made Suits, worth $18, at $8 68; Men's
Fine Tailor-made Suits, worth $22 at
$9 83; Boys' Long Pants, worth $U50,
at 78c; Children's School Suits, worth
$2, at 98c; Children's Fine Suits, worth
$2 50 at $1 24; Children's Dress Suits,
worth $5, at $2 48. $300 worth of La
dies Capes at your prices.
And so on through the line you will
find bargain after bargain Nothing
resived. Ever) thing ni'ibt be .void in
four das. Goods exehiiif-l if not
eatir.iCliT Hoiief-r, h .i criitne
pqtirtlr dealin? lo
lt-i:ieiuber Wednesday .lulv l.'J'h is
tbe day. ami is for Four Davs Only.
L k tor the Hit;. Bed Siirn.
L. M. Mathews, A went.
Tvot'.tt Loads ot S!.-es and Nothi:u.
We e!l ! pect-tcles on a posii ive g'l
:.!,'- i- mi lit no Hale, and allow!
week trirtl. t'orne and have j out eyi s
examined . At Gekino & Cu's.
Iti'iuormtlr Outml Commit t-o
Owing to the absence of the chair
man and ecretar of ibe democratic
county ci-ntralcomuciittee. we. the uu
dersined. hereby rtqurs' tbe mem
bers ot the said committee 'o meet at
Plattsmonth. Neb., on Saturday. July
1(1. 18!iS at 2 p m. at the office of M.
Archer, police judge, for h purpose
of calling the democratic county con
vent ion-
M. Akchek.
C 1) Cr.MMINS,
Members of the Committee.
Watch repaiiing at Coleman's.
fruin !IrlCller l-nrl Colby.
Hon S. M. Chapman yesterday re
ceived the following letter from Brig
adier General L. W. Colby of Beatrice:
Ciiicamauoa Pake, Term., July 10,
1898 Hon. Samuel M. Chapman,
Plattemcuth, Neb My Dear Judge:
Your esteemed Iwl ter has i eachfrd me
after fobowing me to Washington and
has found me on the old battlefield of
ChichHtiMiiga, with some 60,000 U.S.
volunteer. I have been placed in
command of the Eighth New York,
First Veimont and 1 turd leones.see
infantry reaimenta.. which constitute
the Third brigade of the First division
of the Third army corps. The corps
commander is General Wade, a son of
eld Ben Wade of Ohio; the division
commander is General Prank, former
ly an artillery colonel or the regular
army. Until two days ago. General
Grant commanded the division, but he
has been relieved and given a brigade.
I am in daily expectation of orders
to march and expect to be a part of
thenextexpedition to invade Cuba and
invest Havana. My brigade is a good
one and they are getting in good shape.
I am hard at work, in good health and
expecting trouble.
Believe me, with kind regards,
Sincerely yours,
L. W. Colby.
liada" Cigars
America's finest America s best, to
5 cents. ) .
Vatch Cases
LV.M ...4-
bows r
n- -t I I
We have them for
sale, and can fit them
with any movement
you may desire. Call
and get our prices.
Jewelers and Opticians.
I'l.A I TSMOCTH. ----- brn s
To all SufferiK ptien and Women !
LOST MANHOOD CAPSlLs mptt m,rT.iou. remedy eer produced for
III i gSS .nil tonin DD lost Of Ilmin and
to banltfiy and happy condition. Do not coi Power. It will positively restore tliem
when to a ax getting thinner, yon teem fatigu,,, OD ar, losing flesh, forget everything,
and 70m km lot all nmbltion, you look fa,. pai a your back, your leg net weak.
Mat salad knows ail about it yoo are wasting there is not much outside decay, but
ware a bordea to 700. Do not despair, as our Ca,- aezuaUy and yoo feel as though Ills
Tsttklah XMl Manhood Cap a lea will positf never fail to cure every case,
only do we any ao, but wiU return the money in castor yon to a healthy condition. Not
coarse, one bos will not core a severe case, but siiase where it does not fully core. Of
does not earn, your money is returned, so yon losrl l will cure any case. Remember, if it
healthy condition, both mentally and physically, sWg. We guarantee to bring you to a
for eU lissss. so ss to be sble to continue until sUe -re ever i your life. AlxtAsj
Jtasjery. Basssaal Weakness, Night Lasses, test Masseee, t" ip Ovr UaarantecT te Cars Wsak
caaaes ay SesekM liners er OrerUsslgeacs is Tssscce. Llano Leu f peweref Qeaarstlva Orfsas,
Fou. Tlliesssarr. 1200, with written Guarantee; SinolS tm Habits.
HAfiTTS PHARMACY. 18th sod F.rn.m SU' ("
Ttrt-fclsn Tansy Fenny
royml Pills, s positive remedy for
bringing on monthly menstrnn
ttom a Godsend for warried women.
Every woman ought to have a bos
or two oa hand so as re avoid disap
pointment and delay. Never
f nils 1 rare to the day. 1.00 Pas
Boa sr Iiix
Uts sal Tmam Sis. BJUHA, NEB.
and wt-
can as
T nrklHb.
tVuikl ctain as not.
titc. a positive cute lor
M enses, Vneiw, Suppression of
or Uvariesmation of the Womb
struation. Case or Painful Vf ea
Palline of v. . ir v.
Life, Kidney or Bladder Trouai'omb, Cbanga oi
and the only remedy made that reins, Locorrhosa
Sick Headache and Hysterica aa-re Nervousness,
Two Mouths' Tatmbt aia Women.
HABITS PllARstaCT.10" ,Ba
Sheriff's Sale.
by George K. Iloiineworth. clerk of the dis
trict court within and for Cass county, Ne
braska, and to nia directed, I will on the
30th day of July. A. I., 188,
at two o'clock p.m. of snld day, at the south
door of the court house la the city of Platts
mouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
eHUte, to wit : Lot four (4 and lots live 5 and
six . all in block thirteen (13) In the city of
Plutbtmouth, Crss county. Nebraska, tofjether
with the privileges ud appurtenances thereunto
belonKlQK or In anywise appurtalnlng ; the
same being levied upon and taken as the prop
erty of Amanda Herrmann and Clara Herr
mann, as heirs of Fred Herrmann, de
ceased, defendant, to -satisfy JU?K
ment of said court recovered by The Liv
ingston Loan and HullditiK ABBOClation, plain
tiff, against said defendant. Neb., June fiaM
SherlCf. Case county, Neb.
By J. D. McBbidb, Deputy.
Mattbew Gbrino, Atfy for l'laintlff.
All repairs fully guaranteed at Coleman's.
t-.l "I t h."
t iirik
In the matter y dorrta- et, .
kop, deceaeea. ins; ttf;n4 -TOssen
This cause cafwhile. jA-yW Z. '
praying lotj! to sell the .? .jT6
township twelve, ranielev p
Cass couuty. iSebrasl , or fl
of the same to Lring t iu t 1
psyment of the Oebts n-low f t
estate ana me cceus 01 si..,r
debts ana expenses
It Is, therefore, 01
terested In the said
the court house in
oriHis. on win am
p. m., to show cam cu t
much of the above desCtnsf.r " p
deceased as shall be B-?leeH
debts and expenses. n'
Dated this 10th dss-re. . is tne rr!4e of1
, an are of 4 23S
?60 square feet
raint 'fla h wo.T:,- The
.iy-four Inches wide. Th-
. Si. 5-8 inches In dlam..
ilgM ot the flag Is 285 pound.
ccsta of tb..,.
clont pe'aoest
nsb. ...
23d rf ",,JiJ