u u ( i ) 1 "I'lnflMSaSMi r V ' TATTDAT A T THE nn b. PART ONE. (Punished in to parts Part One, Wednesday, and Part Tvo, Saturday.) WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 898. Vol. XVII. No. 39. $1.50 Per Year. 1 PLATTSMO'C : W i. -4" i FEARFUL CARNAGE. American Shells Bring Desolation to Santiago- HAS PROBABLY SURRENDERED ERE ROW Tb Fleet llrpa It. Trrrinla Miuln Into 1h. U"ui(t Cii)i ami i hr Land Haf- Icrlr, Wnn li fmt uctiou and Kuin ".r lluuta. At the fiont. I illy II, via Piaja Del Este, July 12 Santiago is now com pletely surrounded l American mid Cuban forces. Tbe last gap was filled today by the Illinois and Ohio troops. The Spaniards no have no avenue of escape left, tut must surrenderor die. BouVMirdinen'. was rpiiiued by land batteries and rkft ilia morning, and contirued until - oVock when Shafler aent a message to t he Spanish under a flag of truce. No gattliug imis were used, Ihe infantry did little liii i: ;;t;d only for the picking off of uni v:l u;i Spaniards. TLe niai kstuaulii u :"" excellent as was evi-l-iieed by tie occasional headlong piung- -i h B'.ile,harpshcot ers from trees. Land batteries opeLt-d uluo'ckck in the morning. A mist which envel oped the Spanish line lifted. Shatter ordered e tc-h shot aimed at si oie par ticular object and tiling at iutervals of ten minutes. The Spaiuaitis' batteiits fired four rounds hai tulefcsly . It is I rlicvtd their ammunition is nearly exhausted. Sim ultaueou 1? with the land attack the New Yik an l Brooklyn moved close to shore at Aguitiores. The New York wiywngjrfd 'o the teach signalers Mho weie on the crest of a ridge to ob serve i he effect of the shells. The first shell was an eight inch from the New Yotk. fired at a high elevation. Men on the ride telephoned Shafter and an Lour later signalled to the New York. (Winners changed range and fired a second shot. Again a wait, more signalling and fine calculation by the gunners. A third shell finally sped over the bill Signal id err --. .jttr- oin-.r 0TC1 tedlv. officers reported and People'. ludrprodrut t'ounIT Convention. A delegate convention of the peo ple's Independent party of Cass county is hereby called to meeet in Louisville on Siturd.ty, July 30th 1S9S at 10 o'clock a. in for the purpose of elect ing twenty four delegates to the state convention ol h:iid parly to je held in Lincoln ou the second daj of August IMiS, also to elect twelve delegates to the first congre-s oual district con vention of said party to be held in Plattsninut h on the elev-. enth day of August 18'j3, and fori the transaction of such other business I as uny coin before, the convention. Th- lusis of representation is fixed on vote cast for Hon. Silas A. Ilolcomb for governor iu 18!i One delegate for each ten votes or majir fraction tt ereof. The several precincts and wards are entitled to representation as follows: Plattsn.outh City- First Ward " delegates FOURTH IN CAMP. Celebration of Nation's lrthday at Chickamaugf. COMPANY C LID IT Uf iST RIGHT. fTil eoM-r I ell il.iw .Nfbrt'kii Boy ' rrvert I lie Great Holld.y fuuir.l .'rriiunnifi Over i 'I'er. ail i Koglf i nmp ". is . .13 delegates ..13 delegates . . .9 delegates . . .6 delegates . . 4 delegates . .8 delegates .. .2 delegates ..13 delegates ..13 delegates ...7 delegates ..11 delegates . 12 delegates .. .8 delegates . .10 delegates . . .8 deleft 4tes . .17 delegates ..12 delegates ..13delegates . . .9 delegates Secomt Ward Third Ward Fou. Ill Ward Fifth Ward Weeping Water City - First Ward Second Ward Third Ward Klmwotxi l'reeinet Salt I'reek. Weeping Water Kigbt illle Grove Ruck Bluffs. Firvt Ii.-irU t. ... K-M-k III uff. Second IHstt kt . Center Louisville riatlxiuouth Stove Creek Tipton South Hend Avoca 9 delegates Liberty .14 delegates Mt. Pleasant lodtlegatea Greenwood ." 12 delegates Seuawla B delegates Primaries for the election of dele gates to said convention to be teld in the various precincts and wards of tne county on Saturday Jtiiyraaai lour o'clock if not otherwise changed to later hour by precint or ward committeemen. It is recommended that no proxies be allowed but that delegates present cast the full vote of their re?pective nrecints or wards. J. 1 House, Chairman, B. F. Allen, Secretary. Two h-n:'rol of the beet parior matches for 1c at u eking As Co s. ebrak.an at Illwali H.irhli!rht." a re Ca? TnoaAS CHIfKAJfJIl'Ca FiRK. Oi. jair 9lb, 18l. Editok Joukxal: f Dear Sir The curious Fourth past and Uncle Sab who never neg lects his sons somanaged it tDilt we all could have firecrackers and enjoy ourselves to thtWst advantage, so in the morning waVceived our pay and with ail drills suspended, and the news of the grad victory at Santiago we were happier than ten-year-old boys with Ranches of fire crackers. When the tie s of Schley's magnificent victory wasPa8se along the regiment there .was continued cbetrintr for more than an ionr, and all day long you could see tquada gathered together under Ve shade of the massive oak. with lockets of lemonade in their midt. talking about the victory and I think if we bad been at the front on that iay it would have taken ten times our number to have whipped us. For myseif I felt like, Shakespeare says 'Seeking the bubble reputation even at the cannon's mouth." I d9n't think they can ever whip an American on the 4th of July any more than they can an Irishman on Saint Patrick's day. The boys are getting very impatient to go some place where we can see ser vice Every day or two a report gets out that we are to move in a short time huj it always proves to be fake so we refuse to believe anything until we? see it in the paper. It was reported esterday that I'ewey had sunk four German boats at Manila that would not stop when he signaled them to stay out of the harbor, but have Dot seen anything of it in the papeis. When I awakened on the morniDg Rayat makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKINO POWOC R CO., NEW VOMK. THIRD REGIMENT. i jBtereresting Gossip Regarding urayan's .craves. . m COMPANY B IS STRICTLY IN IT. n Drilled aurt lttt ItUclpllned t ,.m panjr In the Kefliuen t tVllI Gu t Jacksotivlllo TliU Week l?tl. llijin.worn In Today. Ciaalp About Hryn'a ICraTrs. World-Herald. Company 13 from Plattsmouth hat a doctor in the person of Fred E. Kraft. who enlisted as a private. Dr. Kraft - : s a Nemaba county boy, whose home Was at Brock until be came here to and rel111611 the Omaha Medical college, floneer C'ltizen Dies. Vf r Inhn .Irthnann an old Bpected citizen of Cass county. diedrom which institution be graduated in last Saturday at his home, southwesthe C,8S of 1897.- He practiced for a of town. The deceased was agefhl,e at Unadilla, acd latr at Har-eighty-four years, and up to the timeMj- of his death had enjoyed very good Tnoa- s- Allen andbridt-iiiinois, health for a man of his advanced gemhaThurflelre married Tuesday. Mr. Johnson removed to his late home" ' hour cn the. grounds. in 1863. and re"' r rived in Plattsmouth for a biief leave taking of their relatives and friends, returning to Fort Omaha today. It is the uuiversal opinion of all vis itors that company It is the best drilled and disciplined oi,c in I he ntin tegi ment. this is accounted for b the warm and hearty feeling that exists betweeu Captain Sheldon and hit-, lieu tenants and the bojs in the company. The boys admire their captain acd his subalterns because they ate not afflicted withswell-headednets-a common com plaint with some office! s of other com panies. The other day a litt le incident occurred which showed that coiupHny IV s splendid training is appieciated l Colonel liryan. The companies of the regiment were each being inspected in quarters by the commanding oflic-r; and when the officers caiue to inspect company li they found the quartets io excellent condition, while the men were drawn up in front. As Col. JJryan and ataff marched by every man gave FROM HONOLULU. A Well-Told Story of an Interest ing Trip. GIVEM A YERY FLATTERING RECEPTION CHizcua tit llawaliau apilsi Hliuw A uirt lru Mnliiirr Kvrry Tourirsy Foa aiblu lli Jalaud a I vritaMe l'aradiH on Karili. UorHBor KFrKCsKHTariviir, i Kkitklic or Uiwiu, V llovoLt LC. II, I., June 25. 1 ) Chas. E. Spencku, Co li, 3 J Neli V. I., Ft. Omaha. A'eb., U S. A. !- Friend IIine: We airived ,nt the 23d at ten P. SI . anJing the trip outs.de the harit-o, and maybe we days and,rad to sight laud agalo. them the "right hand salut," prompt- fr.W were only a few in our regiment. who were not seasicK, ana jonuawu Iy and in unison. company in th. This was the oV ' . . . . . u'a a :4 few. On tne vi'F " ."MPkms and eeaRUlis from Holt county. Mo sided there ever since. ivn liim- W. .1. .TohnflOD. Ul lirm.iijiun., i-.v,. UthBKIlT tO HIair: Tobe Johnson. Andrew John-n ine . son coun day from the family residence the interment was made at the Eiken bary cemetery. . . CnA Mrs. Alien s Droiuci,.. They were The following""" Mr. Allen's brother, O ' - T A"tu " - . j i,o Colorado to speuu w. borne In i-m- Colonel We baa service on the Rings from 50 cents tip at Coleman's guaranteed solid gold. jackieson theNew York cheered. The I f fom iortiand, is mascot tor the First j rirht mnoA hail been fouml at last. It was then 10 o'clock and the tiring be gan in earnest. The Now York tired at five-minute intervals. At the eigntenth shot the Brooklyn moved in and at the New York's twenty-sixth began firing, but like the New York slowly At 11:3? the Indiana joined in. She opened with a broadside from her eiflht-inch nuns. The firing was much taster than from the other twoships. The telephone was ever active and wigwagmen ware busy telling the ef fectiveness of the fire. At 12:45 the ships having fired 106 fdiells. t he shore signalled that Sbafter wind bad sent a flag of truce to the enemy. and the firing ceased Nebraska. Caotain C. A. Vickers is a joung editor who sola out uis ucw?pp Madison, Neb., to follow Old t.lory to Manila. Colonel Brattof the First Nebraska was military coinm imlcr of the expe dition after the thiualeltthe fleet. Colonel Uratt had beer highly compli mented by the best authorities . a iue appearance and condition of hi reR ment. A departing soldier on Jthe ship luflur In Senator atteroptea io iuri" some one on tli9 wharf to mail. iiie ..,i..i th letter out into tne Death From Kick. Fred Lindsey, aged fourteen years, died Monday evening at eleven o'clock at the home of bis father, John Lind sey, in Murray. The boy bad been working for Dr. Gilmore, and a week ago last Friday be was kicked in the abdomen by a horse which he was tending. Since that time everything possible was done for the unfortunate lad, but he grew rapidly worse, and suffered intensely until death came to bis relief. Mr. Lindsey, the boys father, has re sided in and about Plattsmouth for manv years, and the deceased was born in this city. The funeral occored EfsnAAVtexROAarom the Chris- If vou want ood toilet aoap' cheap come to (jerino v.u. Ieth of Mr. Gl aon. Jonathan Gibson, who has resided in Pas count for over a quarter ol .pr,tnrv.died Monday evening at bis ai me au- Joe or me onv B is Third . o longer at U'a state university cadet two years tbe boys v. tha t'frsniiiK aLincoln one year rrniog the regimental band wasent ! round to company B's iadquprteis, and the boys were given a urenade tbe only company on the grt,ds to receive such a distinction. rmnini B does noi iaca ments. as a number of the boys are ex SeHent entertainers. The "pride of is a young man from lowanamed O. E. Anthony f am liarly tt fts ia a lirislit as a 1 i known as - - - . , wasn i a uuo .; und mvself were few. Oat ng fish.devi w whales, flj- 1 fish, sharks. Mother Ca- funeral 1st. It w as iui m a r' bovs from Beatrice. t?ss vis - r ocea untn the service was over. r, VDl1 a. 94th we barbor.ana ma, gbt! Honolulu is loca- ; robe jonnson, narew- e and will beat borne and Mrs M. Berger of &BtMm Mr. Allen is "1 .rrr; r;;:: former law pau. t - " MM -reat glfs as u ----- t. f the center of ,oa( ftrilieu men io i aoni , . , i.vin" lru - ird Servant E, G. Wood- -natural born ' commedian. Nib crfc8ceut-shaped .nRe of laountaU IJSIIZ Water, who i9 constantly getting off some oke on lliat Burr0UDl39 the wbor, and the mi h is a favorite with all. He is a Kxi maicu "w" hnt I . anl that is saymn bu"" ADe " c, "r , ' TnniA i about as funny as they alozen teachers in company - oie! " To bear "Backie" sing 51 I'lcSut .SujSa-- a -on. VT8 pan, 1U.-.J- - momh.r of tbP will receive i tout cbi-u "mpany fifty cents a month, or .bout ioO-and be earns bis money. . lien-1 ..niii"fiuthman. ity of Nebraska wuu a r: examination, will accorn- tDant's comm sston ,n y rposi graau- S(,rffeant t the same piace. t . f. E Morrison is a well known teacher n Sarpy. Butler and Cass counties, re ceived military drill at the Lincoln tM . t.noht last Year at normal coiieRe, - azle. R. E. Current anu . - . i.in(rnmFJniVOOll. er are ooin priuirm Omaha Bee. Vl As the recruits at ton . a arddier life the ! CUliiv MS vmw - ft 1 .J mountains were one insol emeram green. Tall cocoanut and im trees covered the lowland, and if tradise ifl one-half . iiin.r. i-We me PHra- dise forever. ,Ain xv- rf.h(.d the capi.ol building, which is in tbe center of the finest lit tle park I ever saw. and were -eated at long tables in the park, that were loaded down with all kinds of frott and edibles. The tables were protect ed from the sun's rays by sheds that were covered with paim leave,. , tmnauet 1 weuv backinan, f-tand-keeper and tradester j one is liable to hear on the ground of a 4th of July celebration. The boys wauted to make it sound like an old time celebration so each one pieked out a calL such as "Fill up the Little Bed Wagon," or 'A11 tbe Lemonade von can Drink for Five Cents." or hma on Platte bottom. Ino Kil,t7 TlAirn rnn out Ona iu(rur" I arra rf SBVfntV-siX VearS. The T irnw at I j,,i had been engaged in Ollll iTiJ VII v a m. m au as aw a u - a wmm aa w a iri,cnDl.U ' fm .Tmcksonvill The Third Nebraska regiment. United States volunteers. Colonel W. Vn.l J .. ,mmmdiDe. will probably j.orja.i w---- .-.nv,.,- Fla., . , mnrt i...u. rimalta lot .inline of the post utnu. - .r.v- savs tue Vii.nd the troops.stati vtfii IVK IMfL P"" ' u' l i . I. : I .... ,- . 1 .,mth uica&iuK i ue railway lines t?et uu . was ex-Queen Lil 's palace, and taking . J -1 a n throne, proceeaeu iu " in ih roiks av the but Omaha part of this are a. . tr m.n of tha regular army over the guard lines has come to be a sna matter tran li was a IllOIO O"""" " - - . . I " .. s. .,mriT, , or.H mnv a ffl ow who bas th same time mere is t(&s, i ;i., -irripa thRt it tray made a break lor iicetiy u i"'"" army anu - ud later in tbe guard house, where ne be sent to jnicamauK. . bas remained for twenty-four hoursto Bent in Wednesday morning. It is . . ,i tn tav I t,i th trnnna will ba moved J: rl- come out nevier twuicufc; miicvic within prescribed limits. Tbe dieposi- day or Saturday a seat near the write a few "cantos home. ... .. i .t mnk In We then left tne capuui the town, and I saw some of the finest reaideneea ees ever resveu amorTg tbem bing I'raaident DjI-i. ... : I. l..aa(1 lorn We then stocKea upu L ' tne uass county lair ou one ot me dairy nusiness .u. , , --. - . - - --- men who Da- To tran-oort the trees in the street was pinned this owing to failing health, ne was . " .,i. The ..T; ia;,timated. fifty tourist and . n a i it mm it iii ac irms7riiiiiiiiuua7aaB'' - i uin vi - wvhiiAi trt retire lruiu atn n ui ft . - - - 1 pellea io reure. n i nAnn,. hnv and his more rcr.ilar B eepers, and . . ...f niTA Oinnai VsVIIII.ll LILUU 1 avkaviBiu X mm wm w J I -n aiAU aj.w- rf programme: Pay Day & J itly Fouktii Exercises given BY Company C, Second Nebuaska. fined to bis home. An gainly companions have been made as bagage and 1 averal children sur- one by the blue uniforms, and.the civ- Bids will "S, Ud. Le . ircus Will Joi?er. Prelude "All Hands Have Some- i. of t-..ii fi. utile fellow was hold II line vuc n. and swimming in Atl o'clock Shafter sent a flag of coin l-ntr liner thf letter UP . i,i nt WnUith it a ladv's Ut also blew into tbe Just as the snips ceaseu acimu iut i.uic .w k m;i ahnanl. She hand and the letter in -r...i i h flatrshiu and was lib- swam In with bis feet only erallv cheered. Miles landed at Sibo T1PV :.nd made an insrjection. He will go t tbe front tomorrow. MORBSLLDIEBS FOH SANTIAGO Tampa. Fla.. July 11 A large ex Md.'ion braves Fort Tampa tomoirow, aTfaII all tir.tr nf heavv artillery, bound f jr Santiago. ATEUUIFIC BOM ISA H DM EN T Plata dkl Este, July 12. One hundred and one shells from the shirs landed. Only live fell in the harbor the oiher, Both the a ,4 I. atiar-t u t ATR departing soiuieis auu iuc .v-.-- pk.rf innniv aoDiauuru iuc . u . . - J boy. . The letter got into the hands of Charles E. Rice who wrote an explanation of the incident ana inclos ing ai; in another envelope addressed iltoC. E Hyde. Geneva, eo. ha has been con i wifA and several child IKvv " vivn him. Th funeral occurred from the f am iJv residence, Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock, the services being con- ,t nr mil cemetery, where UUCVCU the remains were interred. Watch chains and charms at Cole m.n'a HPCOfld door BOUlD 01 pol office. Nebraska Soldier Burled The following letter was received by Honolulu Evening Bulletin, Jnne 24. On leaving the fleet June 20 uenerai Greene of the flagship China appoint ed the steamship Senator as the liag- shin for the remainder of the trip to Kidding Declaration "How Much I Owe," John Koddy. Song "Cookie Solo" Private Church Itecitation I Dreamt I Ilolled in Codfish Balls," George Fass. Oration "A New Recruit," Corpor al Bennett. inil"Competitive Frills." Cor- noral Brennon Song "Bed White and Bl mer's Quartette. gong "I'm uiaawearw Copo,al htapleton. .-... ,,. died in Honolulu, Oricinal Poem-"i ou.a i.iae y The funeral Kow' .r?jrS?-A ,.mmL.0M,,onSundaT afternoon at the b ile aSOlO 1UC M JUU tfBUitMVt nnu uv - - ir. , it u nritiRon. Antral Union church. A company oi Sne'ech-"ilow to Whip Spain." by the national guard of Hawaii actad as Davy Kime. i ro.iiahpa rears ana oiner-reuuisiirB and made for the "Senator." We put in tbe evening sitting on deck. On one side on the whart une the fruit venders, visitors and sight seers (for we are a sight), and on the other side a lotof tbe native boys lying around in the water and diving for i,.i,ioa .inhnson surprised some of us by stripping off and jumping or div ing from the upper deck of the "Sena tor" some forty or fifty feet into tbe water and paddling round with the best of them. Good bye; boat leaves in a few min utes. Let me bear from you at Manila. Your friend, Ciias. H. Seable regiment will re- about twelve freight cars. i. nnnnaii ut nrmr li Pad- one bv the blue Hnitorms, auu iuoi.-i uius wn ilians are going through cnanges mat, i quarters luesaaj uiuiu.un will convert them into soiaiers.-auiuuK porting captain euw - the men are Englishmen, acoicuuieu, engineers to vrnca. Irishmen, Germans. Mexicans, ana The Thira regimeui, 11 ,DU a- 1 ..t. l,tl a-ociir men of all nations, in fact. some oi nnleers, may move them have been in America only a Tbe rumor has created more or less short time and were able to enter me excitement, in every i-j armv only by taking cut their tirsi nai- i,e men seem anxious iu uralization papers; but in camp mcj Lieutenant, uuu, nu - eniov the fellowship that army lire tween the regiment ana me aiu nto. ami the lierman wuo opeoao i nartmeni. anu - ' nalish is iust as good an recfeived dfioite orders for the move lue," Wei- the World-Herald from Rev. Douglas American aB the boy who was born ment of tiie regiment, would give . T,. . Putnam BIrnie at Honolulu, Hawaii: under tne stars and Stripes. nothing more than tbe statement inDixte, n. c. Fisk, company D.Nebraska Tne old game of blanketing bas been the Third regiment will probably ii Hiri in Honolulu, Ha- nn a the fort until I11Mn nsrni it can be made reac o "Tlnw do vou Like lour . fll U" T - " ' ans " The Cooks. niwleSolo.9p. m.- uive me ioui ... Aimy batteiics fired 400 jieauiy 1 Houolulti and appointed uoionei niau, Quarters," Sergeant jessen. havoc was created and many oi tne tbe geniai commander of theNeoras- Tuia programme greauy amuseu tuo finest buildings in the city were re- kaD8 aa commander of me ueei. tbe boys, for duced to allies. The men of the Nebraska regimeni every case. tk. aiunahtwr and devastation was rf th most intelligent class 01 rmnan B had a mistoriune ..u ICUUOI- - ,1 vviuf--j - ao great and so sickening io me bibui. volunteers wbicu nave ueeu week. Their oig unts ean" " i.-t shatter sent in begging for the sitia United States sery ice and the ureA in the Black Hills, and has cnrr. and militarv honors were paia to a soldier who died in a foreign land. Mr. Fisk'a home is at Adams, Neb. Douglas Putnam Biknie. Minister of Central Union Church. out that move i t thn fort until I nnn oc aa it can be made ready to a very popuia vut v - an ouuu Friday, when Private leonaru vi cum- 8tart. J ... a m.r ...V. 1 atM enn l If TAT AOf The worsoi guinu icou, t.in.T mmhpd. Seven compa- a Course OI Diiuk m """" I vice io ic.e, r Tonard is a very light -Ips now have uniforms and arms. man and four fellows were giving bim New reCruits are being examined rap- the "high toss" when one oi mem uiy, and the omcers me Hi nnrner of the blanKet Blip, auu fnnard was thrown its adplication fit in Watches and clocks at Coleman's. last surrender before the town should be coionel bas been very hignly compli- bePn witb them all tbe time, died a completely destroed mented upon the appearance,efficiency I .epk ago Sunday, being unable to The Spaniards made several sorties, and gentlemaoly condnct or ins men. gUn(1 lbe neat. He haa a reat umim, .iiThtinff demons, but were driven Th men are well satisfied with their Knpif,i followed by the whole of Co. B back at every attempt. treatment on loaid and are greatly in- to n?s craVe back of camp, and after m be twenty-five cents No there are only 300 jards be- debted to Chief Steward Hume for bis bi3 iQtermHnt they put up a bead stone dancing, upon a good fl tween our advance trenches and the eener0sity and kindness in donating witn tbe following inscription: -teamer will leave here f Spanish. What is left of tbe city is delicacie8 to sick men and others. hardly worth bombardment. iutren-i The men also highly appreciate mc untiriug efforts in their bebaii oi w- Hlver Excuralone. Tiie excursion steamer John R. Hugo will give two excursions up the river from this city next Friday, July 15. One will leave at two o'clock and re turn at six, and tbe other will leave promptly at half past seven and return at ten o'clock, me rare ior mo MUSIC floor, free. to the ground Take all your recipes and prescrip with great force and was so badly hurt Uons and have them filled by rhat he h. been confined to a bed in Ge1UK" C Throws From ringer Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson and lit- .i ..mhinr npm out driving last 11C UBUUv.. Sunday evening, when the horse be m friffhtened at a flock or geese der expected every moment. PKEMIEK SAOASTA KESIGNS. London. 12 The Madrid cor- respotdenZf tbe Times, telegraphing Monday is: -aaata went to the palace lli? t.j raainnation -1 . . nl Tff u im . " or. lithe cabinet. It is said In '.ed the queen regent to 'bund' cabinet largely consist- , jisturv element, wnicu "rn ' .. ... rr S i Retecces9ariiymeau iuu " V. ,P5"Uarlike policy but prob- j;nerr9ally expected that the . aiAnfan till I tnA K Si C "n"i kT. ha nartial recon- tr are now In council, auu irast. h,3 doubtless K?,11,"? Cn cant0f his audience with tbe queen gent." n V ior Stotsenberg. Sixth United States cavalry, whose long experience piuvca of the greatest value to them. Captain Taylor, company L, the "crack" Thurston Rifles company which won the national prize at" Mem phis, Tena.,two years ago, is the pet officer of the regiment, on account of bis efforts in providing tbe men witb frenuent batches of fresh grub. The First Nebraska regiment band is a fiue organization of talent. It is one of the best In the United States service and intenced to treat me peo nle of Honolulu to a concert bad there been tioie enough. Lieutenant Rich ards, director of the band, regrets the lack of opportunity to show the quali fication of bis players. DitD JlT 23th, IS. bill Mckinley. Mascotteof Co. B. ; : Burled June 29; 181. : : .........a Toor Bill Is dead, the noble bird, The mascott of Company ; -We'll miss him from Ills lofty pereb. No more his form tko'II see. From Nebraska's fartlle land Two thousand miles he came. Poor Bill McKinley when he died Was a noble bird of fame. A bird of sense and noble bearing. And he loved the boys in blue, Outck of sight and keen of hearing The boys all loved bim, too. We carried him to hl lonely grave The twenty ninth of June ; The noble bird so proud and brave lias left us an hw mmu . -R. L. Miller. Co. B., Sx Editor Harwell Eye. Well, will have to close till a future date. I remain. Yours Truly, H. E. Spbncbr. .ko. hnanital fever since. It is not thiTht that bis iciuries are serious. but orders were sent out immediately forbidding "blanketing-; ana omer jantremus camp diversions. o - . . 1 vaw ' - r m . Th. latest thing in tne way oi (.amp .- nart of town, ana sua - . - m m. 1 .tmbaP rT I ... t i l.n followers at the ion, ia uuwr. denly swerved around, throwing mc uninntr nhotographers" wuo nave . . th pround. Mr. and VVUMa.-- I . . - I UCLU aU n set up tenta ana uoaou - I Mrs. Johnson were quite eoc.c.j air urging soldiers to secure F"" brui3ed tne former being unconscious (..ra ivpq and sweethearts . . nio tms was al- , I Tfir UlULUCIDi I ff iir U 1 14 1 II L 1ft II uvus. Tbe steamer iuieajen iw fae WM otherwise Saturday mornmK -' themselves to Spanisn ouueia. o . f.-rfii iniured about the roreueau . Ml 1 .rk fl Ft W PPnT R I w . . llnn.iiililfiS ' V-" ' , nhntntrraDhers nave aone uuu...u.u ihnnn'i bios were seveieiy business. As soon as a new companyl hrniHe(, butthe little girl escaped with m .ff ka v ' . . Read it and prom oy receives its uniforms many m iu secure permission to leave the grounas and have themselves puoiograpueu .u soldier clothes. . Tbe fare up will be fiftycenits. tka .miMe the new advertisement -" j v of W. K. Fox? it. . Ti, Third Nebraska will be mus tered in as a regiment Wednesday aft ernoon at 3 o'clock. Col. Bryan appear i..ik.nin hin uniform for the nrst. 1U IUCU M " time and receiving the oath of office Company l tha Fa-orltra. The members of company B, Third Volunteer m- retri ment. Nebraska .r, niMmhnd AdiutantGen. I Hnnned their new uniforms on uuniuui im.w-. """'J' . . i r, .sil Ia nreaent. vIahHh last, and IDe DOJI ' 3 I - ... r- I..II.M ririnl andnttlM c .i,r .nd nenhew came up armed wun cpnuKu- - c . Tj n.ranhernalia for field service. from Nenawsa yesieiu.j, r ----- v.rcraant S A.F. . Cn.nrPr . . u i i nnnav avauiua oca - i The Journal a pieasani can. .lBn" He and Carmack, aaivBficu i w.fw !- - . v. ka wantrain Hja w m .... i I ArURfaT Ramnson . oat crop considerably, ana ma. uu.j about a half crop of that cereal will roj; w i hi. vicinitv this year. 1 and Wagner an oi (K3 tie a V co m a Lost On Cutoff street, a little black pig with red spots. Peter m-aukk. Wanted. The Journal wants a good cor ree- pSndent in every village in Cass count j who will see that all the nea items in bis or her neighborhood will reach this office regularly once a if possible. Send your name anu dress to THE Jochnalh juu to act as our correspondent. The very best black machine oil only 19c per gallon at G erinu .v a. Miaar.iaire Coleman returned Sun day night from a two month's visit at Topekawith her sister, an- Brown. She was accompanied home by tbe latter and her little daughter Marguerite who will visit here for some time. Trana-Miaalaalppl fioilca. Before visiting Omaha, be suie and supply yourself with Pepperber a "Buds" instead of paying bih price, for low grade cigars. i ii UiimmellTwho is farming oi.e a-canu- of tbe best pieces of land in Cass coun ty, about five miles we.t of 1 Utts- mouth, was in me cny remembered The Journal. and the Wales, aimer, Thompson company B r- out a Bcratcb. The injurea coupie a.c now getting along as well as possime. but it will be some time before thej enirely tecover from tbe effects of the accidit't. The Juniors of the Christian church will give a patriotic concert and social at the church Friday evening. Ten cents admission will be charged at the door and refreshments will be free. Tbe proceeds will go to the mission fund. , amoks tba Ilcat. Wurl Bros famous "Gut Hell" is the beat 6c cigar In tbe market t..r.fclrt manager of Louisville flouring mill, was in ton Monday on bus! cess. John Ramsey', one of the silver -r horses of Louisville, was in town ...... day evening. IfyouthinkTHEJouKNALi.-ioiin a dollar a year, tell your neighbor so. and ask bim to Mibscnbe. rare ground pepper, mustard i orcin namonat Geiun& C o s. Chas Dining rf Wabash was a lUaUsmoutbvJsitorJ Tbos.W. SbryockofLoui.ville wa. in the city Saturday.. I) 7 T f-. .