1 tr - - GREAT - - T- Sails TULTW Yam o He Read the prices ! Come and see us ! I mm w a .art -w. -- -v -wv-. I I In order to have our stock ready for the fall we have decided to sell all of our $1.75, $1.69, $1.50, $1 39 and $1.25 DW $llo0)0 pen Pair. This includes men's and ladies'. Ask to see the One Dollar goods. They will please you in style, quality, price and fit your feet. EES' TTESTS- One large lot Ladies' Vests, at 3c. One large lot Ladies' Vests at 5c. Ladies' Vests at 10c and 12 I-2c. Cue Olxcice Xjct Shirting, only 7c worth 10 and 12c. H CD i D O & 1 3 CD O b -s CD GHOCEBIES. Here are a few snaps from our pepartment. We have hundreds of others which it will pay you to investigate: Scaps. Pearlioe lObars Lenox 10 bars Santa Claos 15 bars Ark 1 bottle blueiDg, 16oz 3 cakes Toilet Soap Stoneware. 1 gallon Crocks. . .. j i 1 " Jugs J it 1 gal. Jars 2 gal. " per gal 3 gal. " per gal Coffees. lib good Rio 10c 1 lb Santos and Rio 12c All package Coffee 10c Teas. 1 lb Uncolored Japan 1 lb Best Gunpowder 4c 25c 25c 25c 5c 8C 8c 5c Sc 5c 6ic 6iC 6Jc 25c 48c BIAQK MESS GOODS! i A fine line, worth $1.00 per yard will o at this sale at 60c. It's worth coming .iles just to see this line of eoods- We Laces, Erja"brcld.erles, Ta."ble Oil Olotlxs. Elegant line, only 12 l-2c per yard. Special drive in all Linen crashes, Sc; something better at 1-3; beautiful goods, ioc. Table damask. 25c. We have BEST CAMBRICS. We will sell you these goods at 3c yd. CD D CD o r-t- 3 CD 15 C3 O CD ORGANDIES. And all wash goods, a fine lot 3c a yard. See them at 5c. Elegant goods at 6 1-2, worth 10 and 12 l-2c. ESS Double fold wool finish Dress Goods, worth 12 l-2c. Special for this sale only, 6 l-2c, A GREAT BARGAIN. TvS. One ot of Pants, worth $1.50, $1.25, $1.00 and 90c, go at 75c. in this sale. We wish to clean up stock. Print goods at 3 3-4c. Our best Oraclsers- 1 lb Soda, Best 1 lb Ojsters Ginger Snaps Assorted J ambles. Graham Wafers.. '1 lb Pepper.... 1 lb Cinnamon.. 1 lb Mustard. . . 1 lb Ginger . 1 lb Allspice... 1 lb Cloves Spices. 2eat. California Hams Large Ilams Bacon Dry Salt Meat Bologna 2wlscellsixieo'u.s. 1 can Blackberries 3 cans Salmon 81 lbs Navy Beans 10 lbs Green Peas 1 lb Broken Bice ie 61c 8 J 13c 13c 18 J 2Sc ISo ISc 18c 18c Cic 10c 10c 7c 6 Jo 8c 25c 2oc 2S! 4c 3iscelia.nec"u.s. li 1 lb Best Kice ;c O Special Good lirooui i5tf o Wash Hoards i$e 1 pkg Cocoan:it .", 8c i Champion Lye Gc O American Lye 70 3 boxes Lewis Lye 25c Oil Sardines 4e Mustard SardiiifH tc If Sweet Chocolate 25c Baker's Chocolate joc Condensed milk. 3 cans 25 Good peaches, per lb o" 2 18 lbs beat granulated sugar... fl.00 J 19 lbs best "C" sugar i.ih) Bucket Syrup $ .4i J! Bucket Jelly 40 2-lb package oat iuful tii O Price's baking powder, 1-Mi can as Price's baking powder, i-lb uhii 20 I Boo-Bon baking powder, 1 lb can 10 o lilb can coi n 07 J 2lb can cove oysters lo " lib can cove i8tTS OS Best tomato catsup, per bottle i IMCisc ellane ota. s . Calumet baking powder, 1-lbcan 10c sack salt 15c sack salt Best Salt, 250 pounds Lemon extract, bottle Vanilla extract Cal Oil. per gallon New York Cream Cheese, per pound.. .. Good bucket: Best Cure buckets Bran, 100 lbs Elegant Hour bins Lamp chimneys Argo gloss starch Argo corn starch 1 dozen clothes pins California prunes Elegant raisins 3 packages parlor matches Dwight'd Co Biaud soda, per lb Soap. 15 brc Buttermilk soap, 3 bars 3ib can tomatoes Fancy glass m;sti(l .1 .05 .10 .00 .05 .05 .10 .13 .13 .25 .55 .25 AH .04 .04 .01 .05 .05 .24 .07 .25 .08 .08 .10 THE EI Oiposlte ZBa.3n.ls: of Cass C-u..t37-, The Plattsmonth Journal . .PUBLISHED BY. . KIRKHAM & GREEN. ISSUED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. SUBSCRIPTION. One year tl.i0 One year, in advance, 1.00 Six months, in advance, 50 Three months, in advance, 25 Entered at tba postoffice at Platts month, Nebraska, as second-class mat ter. SATURDAY, JULY 9. 1898. DrwET. Hobson, Schley and Wain wrlght are names of American heroes that will live in history, poetry and ong as long as civilization lasts. It now seems likely that the demo crats will be allowed to name the can didate for auditor ou the fusion ticket this fall and in the event of such being the case it is probable that J. F. Walsh of Humboldt will be the man selected. Mr. Walsh is engaged in the banking business but is a staunch silver man. He Is an accountant or ability and a man in every way qualified for the oQce of auditor. His nomination would add strength to the ticket and be would most certainly be elected. Oxz of the eccentricities of the Ha waiian annexation job is the activity of the jobsters in charging senators who oppose the scheme with being in the pay of the sugar trust, says the Ne braska City News. It is all the other way. The sugar trust is interested to gat its sugar as cheaply as possible, with, the help of the Chinese and Jap anese labor employed in Hawaii, and wants the islands annexed. But this abase of conservative senators is natu ral, since argument is wanting. The advocates of annexation give no rea sons that have not been exploded over and over. Naturally senators from su-gwJ-produciog sections of the country Are most active in resisting the unfair competition of Asiatic labor employed os the Hawaiian sugar estates, but the objections to annexation come from protectionists. Who is paying the lobby that works for annexation? The government exercises the right which is right to take the best young blood of the nation to carry on the war. When no more will volunteer the draft is called into play and men are compelled to go. Would it not be equally right to ask the money of the country to volunteer its services, and if it would not, to draft it in defense of the union? Why not? Are dollars more precious than human lives? Why issue bonds and tax the very men who do the fighting? No one but a fool or a knave will pretend that wealth pays its just proportion of the expenses of the war. The laborer and the producer Gnally pay it all every cent. Why not tax incorporated wealth directly and compel it to pay its just proportion of the burden? If a man or corporation is worth a million dollars, draft every dollar above that. Why not? Canyon give any reason not partisan based why this would be wrong? Saunders Co. Journal. DEMOCRATIC CONOKKSSIONAL COM. VENTION. The democratic electors of the First congressional district are hereby re quested to send delegates from their respective eounties to meet in conven tion in the city of Plattsmouth on the 11th day of August, 1891, for the pur pose of placing in nomination one con gressman and the transacting of any business that may properly come be fore the convention, the representa tion to be based on the vote cast for the Hon. J. II Broady for congress man in 1886, one delegate for each 200 votes cast. The several counties are entitled to the following number of delegates: Cass 11, Johnson 6, Lancaster 27, Nemaha 10, Otoe 13, l'awnee 6, Rich ardson 13; total 87. M. D. Tiffany, Chairman. O. W. Palm, Secretary. PEOfLE'S CONGKE8S10NAlTCONVKX-TION. The people's independent party of the First congressional district of Ne braska will meet in delegate conven tion at Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska, on the 11th day of August 1898 at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for congress for said district, and to trans act such further business as snail come before the the convention. The basis of representation in this convention is the vote cast for Jeffer son II. Broady in the First congres sional district in 1896, and each county will be entitled to one delegate for each 200 votes, or major portion there then cast. Under this apportionment the several counties of the district are entitled respectively to the following number of delegates to-wit: Cass 12. Johnson 6, Lancaster 27, Nemaha 10, Otoe 13, Pawnee 6, Rich ardson 13; total 87. It is recommended that alternates be elected for all delegates, and that the delegates present cast the full vote of of their respective counties. Frederick Shepherd, Ch'n. F. L. Mart, 8ec'y. SILVER REPUBLICAN CO.NGKKSSION AL CONVENTION The silver republican electors of the First congressional district are here by requested to send delegates from their respective counties to meet in convention in the city of Plattsmouth on the llth day of August, 1898, for the purpose of placing in nomination one congressman and the transaction of any business that may properly come before the convention, the repre sentation to be based on the vote cast for Hon. J. II. Broady for congress man in 1896, one delegate for each 200 votes cast. The several counties are entitled to the following number of delegates: Cass 12, Johnson 6, Lancaster 27, Nemaha 10, Otoe 13, Pawnee 6, Rich ardson 13; total 27. W. C. Flkurt, Chairman. W. II. Glkason, Secretary. 1 I) autocratic Central Commute. ; Owing to the absence of the chair-1 man and secretary of the democratic county central committee, we, the un dersigned, hereby request the mem bers of the said committee to meet at Plattsmouth, Neb., on Saturday. July 16, 1898 at 2 p.m. at the office of M Archer, police judge, for the purpose of calling the democratic county con vention. M. Archer. P.E.RUFFNER, C. D. Cummins, Members of the Committee. We sell spectacles on a positive guar antee of no fit no sale, and allow two weeks' trial. Come and have jour eyes examined. At Gerino & Go's. Trsns-MiaalMlppI Wotio. Before visiting Omaha, be sure and supply yonrself with Pepperberg's "Buds," instead of paying nigh prices for low grade cigars. Are Mastered Id. Lleutentant Duff mustered in Com pany B from Cass county at 7 o'clock last evening.' George L. Sheldon, Os car II. Allen and Carl A. Rawls are re spectively the captain and first and se cond lieutenants of this company. This leaves only five companies yet to pass through the process of mustering and three of these, K, M and D, hope to be mustered today. Captaia Mc Vicker of Fisin Dodge county recruit ing, and Lieut. Hadden is at Wood River doing the same for I. Enough men will probably be secured by these gentlemen today to fill their compan ies. Captain Underwood, however, would be glad to receive a few more recruits from Omaha this morning for Company I. Saturday World-Herald. Take all your recipes and prescrip tions and have them filled by . ; Gerino & Co smuke the Iteat. Wnrl Bio famous "Gut lleil" is the best oc ciwar ii the market I'm i! uii!ii pepper, mustard or cin namon Ht Gerino & CoV (Ilri W.nlril. Girl witiiteit lor General housevvuik. $3 per w'H-k. Enquire, at this otliee. The very bet lilnck machine oil ouly l'Jc per gallon at Gerino it Co's. HuiU ' L'i)(arM - A -iir:M 3 iiuest -.Mueriuii t leai to : cretil.- l'dinls, oils, varnishes ut Gkuixg & Go's. Buy your jewelry of Coleinau and get t be. best. Watch repaiiing at Coleman's All lepairs fully guaranteed at Cole man's Marion Waters, the young man who was struck by a heavy stringer at the 1 shops last Tuesday was a great deal more seriously injured than at first re ported. One of his shoulder blades is broken in two places and three of his ribs are fractured. He is unable to partake of any solid food and is now in a most critical condition. Lost A little pig on Cutoff street Peter Spader. yiiS-. .1 . ,..!: .:it,i:it" . :. ,v-r aevf;ii lii'ii:: Ji U si Oitl'V M '. .edi ut unci rcl'rt Lliitiif to the t.i:. act tutly and 1 H'tii lively ou kulneys, lin r and bowels, cleansing the entire sveti m. d:sirl colds. cure lieadnclie, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy au .y a box ofC. C. C. to-day; 10, 2.'., nocc . Soidand cuarautecd to cure by all drr ' " Sheriffs Sale. Wm. Dalles was up to Ft. Omabaon Tuesday and called on the Elm wood boys. They are all well with the ex ception of a few slight ailments. The boys sent an Invitation for all Elm wood people when visiting at Omaha to come out to the fort and see them. They are very indignant over the cond act of one young) man from near this place who, after a successful examination, skipped out for home and failed to re turn. He is now considered in the role of a deserter, and we understand steps will be taken to capture and punish him for desertion Leader-Echo. The place to buy plug tobacco is at Gerino & Co's. Uncle Dave McCaig and Uncle J as. Hall, two of Elmwood's leading capi talists, went out to investigate Chris. Engleking',8 oil well one day last week. They each took a long look down the well and came away looking very wise. We have it on good authority that tbey will organize a stock company soon and In the near future .shares of stock will be placed on sale. Leader Echo. . ' Dr. Marshall, Graduate DENT ST, Fitzgerald blook. BY VIKI UE Of AN ORDER OF SALE. Ismied O by ieorne f. HouHewortb. clerk of the dis trict court MUU111 ana ror cans county, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will on tbe 30lh lay of July. A. D., 1808, at two o'clock p.m. of said day. at the south dour of the court house In the city of Plalta- ui on Hi, In said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real eKtite. to wit : Lot four 4 and lots tive (0 and six (0), all in bluck thirteen (I3 lutbecltyof PlattMuoiith, Cuss county, Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or iu anywise appurtaiirfng ; the same being levied upon and taken as the prop erty of AniHu)tt Herrmann and Clara Herr mann, as heirs of Fred Herrmann, de ceased, defendant, to satisfy a Judg ment of said court recovered by The Liv ingston Loan and liulldiiig Association, plain tilf, against sai.l defendant. Flaitsmoiitb, Neb., June 28, A. I., 1898. W. I. WHKKLKR, Sheriff, Cass county. Neb. by J. D. McBkidb, Deputy. Mattubw (Jerisu, Atfy for Pltilutiff. Legal Notice. In the matter of the Estate of William Ossen kop, deceased. This cause came on for bearing upon the petition of Margaret Ossenkop, administratrix of the estate of William Ossenkop, deceased, praying for license to sell the east half of tbe northwest quarter of section twenty three, township twelve, range eleven, east th p. m ., Cass county, Nebraska, or a sufficient amount of the same to bring the sum of 11,000 for the payment of the debts allowed against tbe said estate and the costs of ad ministration, there not being sufficient pe soual property to pay debts and expenses. It Is, therefore, ordered that alt persons In terested in the said esttte appear before me at tbe court bouse In the City of Plattsmonth, Ne braska, on the 23d day of July, 1898, at 1 o'clock p. m., to show cause why a license should not be granted to said administratrix to sell ao much of the above described real estate of said deceased as shall be necessary to . pay laid debts and expenses. Dated this lOtn day of June, A. D. 1890. B. S. RAMSEY, Judge of tbe District Court. The Casino 322 Main Street, PHILLIP THIEROLF, PROPRIETOR...., Local Agent for the Celebrated Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass n Of St. X-iOlli; IMIc. Famous Pale and Budweiser Beer ....IN KEG AND BOTTLES And the Great M ALT-N UTRINE. n V ill 1 ' ( The OLDEST and BEST "CaiiaCliail (JlUD Whiskey in the market. THE GENUINE RHINE WINE. All Orders Promptly Delivered to All Parts of the City. Remember the place Opposite the Court House. The Hotel Plattsmouth, . (Formerly City Hotel.) E. H. HEITZHAUSEN. Prop. Best It. 00 day bouse la the state. Thoroughly cleansed and refurnished. Flrst- elasstablo. Best of nervice. Corner Main and Third Streets, PUrtMi.outi.. Nr-tcHska. Schlitz No. 2B E. Q. MEYER, Mgr. f CAFE. ....A FINB LINK OF.... WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Also Neatly Furnished I 111 I . 14th Street, Kitffm sox Bent. 1 . . ..OMAHA .... J Plattsmouth L (BOTTLING WORKS) F.6.E6ENBERGER PkHIETOK. Manufacturers o. . . Mineral-tnd Soda WateK. toil ...An und. vtia;hp TEMPERANCE toere, ..Local Agn King Brevity ..AND.. " Schlitz Bottled Bear, m Delivered to any pr, n( ,jj0 X yitftln-at, Plattmath I son 1 I h s "in 1 j - X 1- 7 - 1 Uatfbfc-V.iir"' ff -"X "'