a . THE" PLATTSMOUTH WEEKLY OTJENAL PART TWO, (l'tilitiHhfl it) two parts P tri One, Wednesday, and Part Two, Saturday.) Vol. XVII. No. 39. SATURDAY, JULY 9. 1898. $1.50 Per Year. - ft r Ifl ' THAT BIG FLOOD. Damage Greater Than at First Expected. SEYEHAKD A HALF ISCBES OF WATER. That U lb Qaaulity lhal fVll In T. Hoara lu mImjt Ntghl Sawei. aM Not tarry It Off Llat .f I ) ataturl. TLe destruction wrought io this city by the terrible rain of Wednesday eight was even greater than was sup posed Thursday wornirjg. between the hours of ten and twelve o'clock, the precipitation of water wan seven and oue-balf inches, and of course the ewer, which arr &ujp.tpd to drain a large area, wt-re wln:) inadequate to carry thij vast body uf water off. The fljod at the es plant reached to the roof of the buildintr, and part of the wall was cavrd in. The da in age to this in9titu: Mn uiil probably reach S2,UG0. and those ! 'i-peud on gas for illumiuatiou u'll I, compelled to use coal oil lamp tor a week ir ten days, r put iu elt-criicity. The bameiitof the Kinzer residence on Chicago avenue was Hooded, the family barely getting up stairs before the water reached ih ceilicg. It seems that Jim Sage only had ten horses of his own in bis barn, instead of twelve, sj bis Iocs is that much less. His magnificent jck valued at 11,000, was rescued. Straight & Sattler bad a large quan tity of furniture iu their basement in the Bo?ck block, and as it was flooded, their damage will be about 9150. The re-idrnce of S. P. Holloway, at Sixth aud Vine streets, was right in the path of the torrent that swept down (rouj Washington avenue, and It sustained a great deal ol damage. The baaemi-nt of bis bakery, in the Fitzgerald block, was also filled, and a large quantity of fljur and other mer chandise as well as some beddintr and clotldcg htored there were ruined. Damage, oO. I. Pearlmaa's b tsemeut was packed full of furniture, stove, etc. Part of bis rer k11 &jis evd4D ana.-pxHi deal of the stock ruined. The loss will be over 12,000. The water rushed right through the basement of broback & Nttka's saloon, ,aod damaged their stock ot liquors to to the amount of 6G0 Julius Pepperberg'a tobacco bouse was deluged, and he lost 91,000 worth of tobacco. Ed. Stamm lost ubout 9300 worth of tobaceo and Herman Spies $200 worth. The two story residence on Washing ton avenue and Seventh St., occupied by Frank Veituiljea. had plenty of water on the first floor, and the dam age to the household goods, fences and grounds, 97-5. Robert Sherwood had just finished excavating and putting in foundation walls for a new building between the Leonard and Weber buildings, but tr-e work will all hare to be done over again, as the wall was washed out and the cellar is full of mud. While walking among the debris, on the night of the flood, Henry Bueck and James Sige each stepped on a nail and sustained painful injuries. Will lfcfick while attempting to open a his uncle a barn door, was struck by a piece of iron and knocked senseless. The Department store and W. W. Coatas & Co. each sustained damages to the amount of 9-500. The fire engine was returned to Omaha yesterday afternoon and the work of emptying the basements of water is now being done by siphons. These are T shaped, one point of the T being one-seventh the size of the other two points, and connected with a water hydrant. One of the other points is inserted in the water to be siphoned, and the other is used as a discbarge pipe. When the time comes foroperating, the end of the discharge pipeais plugged up and the water turned on at the hydrant. This creates a vacuum and when the plug is removed the water begins to liow seven times as much from the basement as from the hydrant. A number of these are in use and are Qoiug excellent work. Among the losers not mentioned above are: C. Coffey, 950. E 1. Fitzgerald 875. Perkins II.iu.sa 9100. Hotel PJjkftbmoutb 950. New office building 9150. Auust Gorder 950. Egt&iberger & Troop 950. A(ier Clark 1925. f L . B Egenberger 9200. A Ij.C. Petersen 9500. ) J A. Bach 930. . $ -City Steam Laundry 9600. J uaooett & Tutt 940U. JV ttattflrson & Kunsman 950, lJ"il..i'i' acn ' 1 Don nellT 9100. J G.Fricket300. Bookmeyer $50. Union Block $200. Cottage House $200. II. Boeck 9100. Zuckweiler & Lutz 9700. F S. White 910. Dovey & Son 925. City damages to pavement, etc., 92,000. Telephone Co. 9100. A. II. Weckbacb & Co. $250. liainey, barber. 925. Root. Sherwood 9250. J IIatt$3O0. Lebnboff Bros, and Mumm block 91.000. C. E. Wescott 92,000. II. It. Gering 93.500. Uerold & Son 93.500. Wurl& Coffey 910. Thomas & Son 915't. Lebnboff Bros. 9500. Schiappacassee $100. J. C. Ptak 9200. J.I Unruh950. Streigbt & Sattler 9150. C. C. Parmele 9100. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN . ASoldler'a lscrittloa of ib.Sciiic W ou ster ot (be Nootnern states. The following letter was written to Edna Tucker by her cousin, Jim Bird, who is in company C, Second Nebraska Volunteers, and appeared in The Nt hawka Register. Chickamauoa Pauk.Ga., JuueS. A party of us consisting of W. B. Had ley, Frank Werner, Ed Spencer, Syl vester Sbanklin and myself boarded the train at Lvtle, Ga., for a short pleasure trip op Lookout Mountain. After a ride of about forty-five min utes we arrived at Chattanooga, Tenn., the Indian name of which is Eagle's Nest. Surrounded as It is by moun tains one does not wonder that it was the scene of so many desperate battles between the north and south during the late war. About three miles to the southwest stands Lookout Mountain, rearing its hoary bead 2.500 feet high. On reaching the foot of tbe mountain one is amazed to think the boys in blue ever ascended it; but as tbey go up their surprise increaees. There are two cable car lines run ning to the top of the mountain, with two cars on each line, and one ascends as the other decends and thus the force of gravity helps to furnish the power. Sometimes for hundreds of feet one ascends at an angle of 65 de- .irbcs About half way up tbe north side (about oDBTDntjxuB .Kjuinrajwr comes comparatively level for a dis tance of about 300 yards, but is covered with large lime stone rocks, some of which are large enough for loo men to shelter behind at one time. It was here that the heaviest of tbe figbtlDg was done. Point Lookout the highest point on tbe mountain, is a large overhanging rock 200 feet high. I climbed Irom ledge to ledge until I arrived within ten feet of the top when my courage failed and I crawled down. At the base ot this rock is a large hotel from the porticos of which one gets a splen did view of tbe Tennessee river and of Chattanooga and tbe surrounding country. Chattanooga is a manufac turingcity of about 35,000 inhabitants. One of the cable car lines terminates at this hotel, and a narrow gauge road runs to the principal points of interest. There is but one engine and car on tbe road which is about two andon e-balf miles long. It takes an hour to make the round trip. Tourists have the privilege of getting off at any point of interest and waiting until the next train. It costs 50c. from Chattanooga to the top of the mountain and retnrn. The first stop at anything of import ance is at Sunset Hock, from which one gets a very pretty view of tbe val ley below, but its principal beauty is at sunset. We couldn't stay for that as our passes expired at 6 o'clock. After passing over chasms hun dreds of feet deep we arrived at the end of tbe road which is at the natural bridge. The bridge is seventy-five feet locg, ten feet wide and fifteen feet high. Under it is a spring of cold water cold for tbis country, but not like tbey have in Nebraska. Tbe tem perature at tbe top of tbe mountain at noon in tbe shade was 90. Near tbe natural bridge is a rock forty feet wide and thirty feet high called Tele phone rock. It has a bole through it and we talked to each other through it. There is a beautiful park on the top of the mountain; a hotel said to be tbe largest in tbe world, gravel roads, railroads and 5,000 people .are Baid to be living there. We went back to Chattanooga for dinner and for 25 cents were served with three kinds of meat with dressing, green beans, new potatoes, tomatoes, new corn, corn bread, wheat bread, strawberries and cream and ice cream and cake. It was quite a contrast from oar break fast in camp which consisted of two sliced of bread and a tin cup full of coffee made of muddy creek water. James Bird Two hundred of the best parlor matches for lo at Gering & Co's. Did yoa see the new advertisement of W. K. Fox? Bead it and profit by it. - . Watches and clocks at Coleman's. HOBSON IS FREE. He and His Gallant Comrades are Exchanged. FOURTEEN SPANIARDS FOR HOBROH. The Mfirriuiac Hero are Lluulxrd by the Army and Smvy rbiI art Greeted Within tue American Lisas With Liiucl CliMri Off Juragua, July G. Evening, via Kingston, July ,7 The Spanish au thorities consented tbis morning to exchange lloloon and his men and a truce was established for this purpose. Tbe place selected for the exchange was under a tree Oetween tbe Spanish and American lines, two-thirds of a ! mile beyond the intiencbments occo- ' pied by Colonel Wood's rough riders. The prisoners were conducted to tbe meeting place ou foot, but were not bindfolded. Colonel Johu Jacob Astoraud Lieu tenant Miloy, accompanied by Inter preter Maester weie in charge of tbe Spanish prisoners. These consisted of Lieutenants Amelio-Volez and Au relius, a German belonging to the Twenty-ninth regular infantry who was captured at El Caney Friday, and Lieutenant Adolph Aries of tbe First Provisional regiment of Barcelona. The meeting between Colonel Astor and Major Irles was extremely courte ous but very formal and no attempt was made by either of them to discuss anything but the matter in hand. Major Irles was given his choice of three Spanish lieutenants in exchange for llobson aDd was also informed that he could have all the fourteen men in exchange for the American sailors. The Spanish officers selected Lieutenant Arelius. llobson and his men were escorted j through the American lines by Captain : Chaawick'or theiSew l'ork,.v bo was waiting them. Every step of their journey was marked by the wildest demonstrations on the part of the Auiericau soldiers, who threw aside all semblance of order, scrambled out of the intrenebments, knocked over tent guys and other camp parapherna lia in their eagerness to see the return ing' heroes and sent up cheer after cheer for tbe men who bad passed safely through the jaws of death to serve their country. The same scenes of enthusiasm were repeated upon tbe arrival of the men at tbe hospital sta tion and at our base at Juragua. llobson who reached there in advance of his companions was taken on board the New York immediately. Tbe flag ship's decks were lined with officers and men, and as llobson clambered up her side and stepped on board his vessel tbe harbor rang with tbe shouts and cheers of bis comrades. w hich were re-echoed by the crews of a dozen transports lying near by. llobson had little to say in regard to his experiences except that he and his companions bad been well treated by tbe Spaniards and that they were all in excellent health. Tbe men whose return to their com panions has been secured by the nego tiations are: Richmond P. llobson, lieutenant United States navy; Osborne Deignan coxswain; George F. Phillips, machin ist; John Kelly, water tender; George Cbajrette, a gunner's mate; Daniel Montague, seaman; J.C. Murphy, Ran dolph Clausen, coxswains. COPPINGEU OBDEEED TO MOVE. Washington, July 8. A signifi cant indication of tbe immediate in vasion of Porto Bico is tbe sailing of Coppinger's army from Tampa 12,000 strong tomorrow or the next day. Tbe war department received official ad vices from Tampa Ibis evening saying that twenty-four of the transports which took Shafter's army to Santiago are expected back in Tampa this even ing. The embarkation of tbe army. will begin as soon as tbe vessels are tied to tbe d3ck. It is believed that tbe entire force witb its equipments can be put aboard sbio in f ortv-eight hours. As soon as a vessel is loaded it will drop down the Florida coast to the rendez vous at Dry Tortugas. When tbe last transport reaches that point tbe fleet will sail. The destruction of CerverVB squadron renders unnecessary a large convoy of naval vessels. The only craft of tbe enemy to fear are tbe gun boats which lie hidden in the bays on tbe north coast of Cuba, and tbey can be avoided by keeping well off shore. General Coppinger's forces were to form part of tbe Porto Bican army together with the corps under General Lee at Jacksonville. General Miles will organize tbe Porto Riean army at Santiago. After tbe city is captured be will take most of tbe regulars now encamped there and leave in their places volunteers. A base of supplies will be established on an island twelve miles off the Porto Rican coast and tbe invading army will march along a fine military road to San Juan for tbe purpose of seizing that town from the rear. A naval demonstration will be made against San Juan fortifications to distract tbe enemy's attention from the land force. Tbe wa department was advised to day that the batteries of regular artil lery at New York commanded by Cap tains Hamilton, Curtis and Leary will be ready to start for Tampa Monday. SINKING OF TUX MERCEDES . Headquarters General Shaf ter, Tues day, July 5. Tbe destruction of tbe Mercedes last night accounts for tbe last ship of Admiral Cervera's once splendid squadron. She lies today in plain view, ber bow resting on tbe base of tbe beach under 1 Morro. Part of tbe bull is under water, her bull and stacks are out of water. It is not known whether she attempted to escape from tbe harbor or whether tbe Spaniards tried to sink ber near tbe bull of tbe Merrimac and thus block the entrance to prevent tbe Americans from getting in. Her sinking was most dramatic. Just after midnight she was seen drift ing slowly out of tbe narrow entrance bj one of tbe American scouts. In a moment tbe fleet was ablaze witb signaU "nrf almost instantly an awful .ii .cf shelu . upon her. It is not known whether she returned tbe fire, but tbe shore batteries opened, and a siz-incb shell fell upon tbe Indiana's forward deck, exploding below. ' Tbe explosion oc curred in tbe men's sleeping rooms, but all were at quarters and no one was hurt. TROOPS FOR HONOLULU. Washington, July 8. As a result of the cabinet meeting today, it was decided to dispatch a regiment of in fantry to Honolulu immediately, and tbe commandant at Presidio, Cal., has been communicated witb to learn what force was available. WILL NEVER GIVE IN. Madrid, July 8,9p. m. All rumors as to peace negotiations are semi-offi- cially declared to be unfounded. Spain will never give in. NEBRASKA SOLDIERS DIE. Honolulu, June 29, via San Fran cisco, July 7. Sergeant George Ged- des, company C, First Nebraska in f antry, died at sea aboard the trans port Senator, June 21, of spinal men ingitis. He was buried at sea tbe same day with military honors. Tbe Bbips of tbe fleet were brought to, witb troops drawn op on deck, while tbe body was committed to tbe deep. Geddes was about 22 years of age His borne was at Beatrice, where his parents reside. C. K. Fiske, a young member of company D, Nebraska volunteers.died here on tbe 25th. A combination at tack of typhoid fever and measles was the cause of death. Tbe funeral took place from the Central Union church and was attended by tbe best people in tbe city. Company D came from Lincoln. ESCAPES IN WOMAN'S ATTIRE. Manila, July 4. The water supply of the city is nearly exhausted. The pumps have not been working for three days. General Monet, as I cabled, etcaped with Augusti's family, who bad a passport from General Aguinaldo. He was disguised as a woman, leaving bis troops starving. An indignation meet ing was held by tbe Spaniards, who went to tbe governor general to obtain an explanation why General lionet came here without bis troops and de manding that be should be sent back. Owing to tbe fact that Spaniards are excitable, Monet's position is dau gerooe. TERMS OF PEACE. Conditions on Which we will Set tle With Spain. THEY MUST FIRST EYACUATE CUBA. Mast Alia Nurntndtr Porta Riea to 17a aet Allow oa m CoallDa; atatloa la th Oauarica Tho rblUpplnaa to bo Hold till Indaaaalty'a Paid Washington, July 7. Spain is be ginning ber prospective negotiations for peace. Two week age ber friends cast out bints as to the desirability of the cessation of hostilities. Tbe bints were repeated today with slightly more emphasis. Prompt reply was made that tbe United States, provided that Spain made her overtures at once would ac cept peace on these conditions: First The prompt evacuation of Cuba by tbe Spanish army so that Cu bans may have the opportunity of es tablishing a stable government. Second The permanent possession of Porto Bico by tbe United States . Third A coaling station in the Canary islands. Fourth Tbe indefinite retention of tbe Philippines to insure tbe payment of the indemnity the United States will decide upon. PAXDO NOT AT SANTIAGO. Before Santiago, July 6. General Toral, tbe Spanish commander at Santiago has been officially informed by General Shatter of tbe complete de struction of tbe Spanish fleet, and that tbe American warships are now free to co operate witb tbe army in tbe re duction of Santiago. He has been given such time a be may deem proper to decide the advisability of capitulating with hie garrison. Though General Toral is appay, utter hopelessness of holding out against land and sea forces must be forcing itself upon bim. Tbe rein forcements have not arrived. General Pando has left him in tbe lurch and it is understood is making his way to Havana. SPANISH SOLDIERS SURRENDER. Manila, June 30. Via Hong Kong and Paris July 7. General Moret's troops, numbering some eight hun dred, have surrendered, giving up their arms to tbe rebels. Tbe captives were taken to Cavite. ASSAULT SANTIAGO TODAT. Washington, D. C. July 7. General Sbafter is said to have wired the war department that an assault will be made on Santiago Saturday noon. Bings from 50 cents up at Coleman's guaranteed solid gold. Coagroaiilonal Coavaatloaa Baro. The congressional conventions of tbe democrats, populists and ailver republicans of tbe First congressional district will be held in tbis city on August 11th. Messrs. H.D.Travis. Frank J. Morgan and Mathew Gering were in Lincoln, Thursday, in attend ance at the committee meetings of these parties and succeeded in having tbe conventions called for Platts- mouth. Lincoln, Falls City and Tecnmseh were after tbe prize but their repre sentatives were unable to overcome the arguments advanced by the con tingent from this place. Plattsmouth should do bereelf proud on this occasion and show by her bos pitality to tbe representatives of tbe reform parties that no mistake was made in the selection of a place of meeting. If you want good toilet soap cheap come to uebing a xjo. Ma Woara a SaaUo. Matt Gering came over from Platts mouth last week to get a driuk of pure water and incidentally to And out if anyone was insisting that be repre sent the First district In congress. says tbe Lincoln Independent. He didn't siy what be heard but he was seen tripling Congressman Strode around and taking tbe measure of his footprints witb a yard stick. Tbe re sult must have been satisfactory as he left town witb a cheerful smile on bis face., Watch chains and charms at Cole man's, second door south of poet office. : ' Bead tbe new advertisement of W. K. Fox ta today's paper, llr. Fox is a genial gentleman and a good busi ness man who saerits, as he poetesses, the confidence of tbe public. course webvesday Vkandtj, rrXAmj, aad fkiardat July 13. 14, IS, anil IS. Walt and Come to Plattsmouth to tbe Large Store Boom Second Door East ot Court House. Shoes and clothing. Great manufac turer's closing out sale. The Empire Clothing and Shoe Company 1175,000, Cincinnati Ohio, quit business, and have sent out agents to country towns with tbeir stock, to be sold out quick for cash, less profit of manufacture, less profit of wholesaler, less profit of retailer, and without cost of freight. Bead tbese prices for new stylish goods, first-class workmanship, up-to-date in every respect. SHOE BARGAINS. Gents' Heavy Working !boes, worth tl 25, at 78c; Ladies' Oxfords, worth tl 50, at 98c; Ladies' Oxfords worth 12 50, at tl 24; Ladies Oxfords, worth S3 00 at tl 48; LadieB' Dress Shoes, Lace and Button, worth tl 50 at 98c; Ladies' and Gents' Dress Shoes, worth 2 50. at tl 24; Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes, worth t3 00, at tl 48; Ladies and Gents' Custom-Made Shoes, worth t4 50, at tl 98; Ladies' and Gents' Hand-Sewed Shoes, worth 16 00 at t2 48; Cbildreos' School Shoes, sizes 8 to lUarortb tl 25. at 74c: Misses' and Youths' School Shoes worth tl 50. at 98c. We also carry a full line of Ladies' Wet Goods Sale In Hedbloom's old Herold's, by Wm. 5,000 Ery attlaa.gr, TriTnlTR, SHoes, etc., tliat were CToai3eee3. krrr 3a.e late lcsc suj-'hafism.eiit appal 1 " 1 f- - Sale will begin Monday, July 11, and continue until goods are sold. Herold & Son, DUY BOSS Watch Cases New Store! New Goods! I take pleasure in announcing to my friends and the public gen erally that I have just opened a large and well-chosen stock of BOOKS. STATIONERY. And such articles as generally go with them, at No. 418 Main St.. And I invite everybody to call and take a look through my goods. My stock also includes all the latest Newspapers and Periodicals, Cigars, Tobaccos, and a line of High Grade Candies. Come and see for yourself. I will sell at prices to suit the times. - W. K.F0X, and Gents' Fine Dress Shoe. CLOTHING BARGAINS. Men's Pants, worth tl i'5 at 6Sc; Men' Business Pants, worth 12, at 9Sc; Men's Fine Pant-, worth t'i, at tl 24; Men's Tailor-made Pants, worth t5 at 82 49; Men's Suits, worth f s. at S3 2-5; Men's CasBimere Snitu, worth 112, at tl 75; Men's Fine ('assizer Suits, worth 115, at t6 78; I'iiiu ( ut. in msde Suits, worth tlS, at i: Men' Fine Tailor-made bulls, wortl. at 19 63; Boys' Long Pants. oikb LZ, at 78c; Children's School SaU, worth S2, at 98c; Children's Pine Suits, worth t2 50 at II 4; Children's Iies Suits. worth to. att2 49. 30o worth of La dies Capes at jour prices. And so on through thu !i ne )ou will find bargain after bargain. Not Lin reserved. Everything ruust le sold in four days. Goods exchanged if nM satisfactory. Honest, honorable square dealing to all. Remember Wednesday July Kith is the day, and Is for FourDajs Only. Look for tbe Big, Bed Sign. L. M. Mathews, Agent. Two Car Loads of Shoes and Clothing- Cheap Kata To Omaha On account of tbe Trans Mississippi Turnfest, the B. & M. will sell round trip tickets for CO cents for trains ar riving in Omaha on the morning of June 30th. W. L. Pic kett. stand, opposite Herold & Son. Creeds, Carpets, We have them for sale, and can fit them with any movement you may desire. Call and get our prices. SNYDER & CO., Jewelers aud Optician. PLATTSMOUTH , ----- l.ra a Elite Saloon, ED DONAT, Prop., The Celebrated Anheuser-liusch Beer on draught, and a full line of the finest Wines and Liquors And Union-Made Cigars con stantly on hand. Fine Bottled Goods a Specialty. MERCHANTS" tVNC II From 9 to 11 o'clock ererj tnomlut. Plattsmouth Exchange.. ocD. S. Draper, ProH 1016 South Tenth-Bt., OMAHA . .TIIE BEST OF.. $Im. fcilMtt and faw Alwr In Slock. IncltidlUK ibe Celebrated ..Schlitz Milwaukee Beer.. Plattsmouth friends especially iuvitd uen wahted mm Asrone boneat and willing to husue. e tM d&t rood wapei and (five leair era.loyu.eti Witb our t aclllttea and personal helpauy n.u full aliv. and willing to work can win a py lug poaitloo witb u. Applj quick, mati&g hg L. L. AtAY & CO., K oraerj-men. Beadsman and I"lrtr. A i 1 ? V : . r 1 id 7 7 Avar i --