Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, July 06, 1898, Image 4

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- - GREAT - -
W Bi
Read the prices ! Come and see us !
In order to have our stock ready for the
fall we have decided to sell all of our
$1.75, $1.69, $1.50, $1 39 and $1.25
IF $llofl0 pen IPanuo
This includes men's and ladies'. Ask
to see the One Dollar goods. They will
please you in style, quality, price and fit
your feet.
One large lot Ladies' Vests, at 3c.
One large lot Ladies' Vests at 5c.
Ladies' Vests at 10c and 12 l-2c.
Cne CJlicics ULiCt
Shirting, only 7c worth 10 and 12c.
A fine line, worth $1.00 per yard will
go at this sale at 60c. It's worth coming
miles just to see this line of goods- We
guarantee them the $1.00 quality.
Laces, lExaaforoi emeries,
Ribbons, etc., go on special sale.
Table Oil ClotHs.
Elegant line, only 12 l-2c per yard.
Special drive in all Linen crashes, 5c; something better at
8 1-3; beautiful goods, 10c. Table damask, 25c. We have
better goods at special prices for this sale.
We will sell you these goods at 3c yd.
And all wash goods, a fine lot 3c a yard.
See them at 5c. Elegant goods at 6 1-2,
worth 10 and 12 l-2c.
Double fold wool finish Dress Goods,
worth 12 l-2c. Special for this sale only,
6 l-2c,
One lot of Pants, worth $1.50, $1.25,
$1.00 and 90c, go at 75c. in this sale.
We wish to clean up stock. Our best
Print goods at 3 3-4c.
Here are a few snaps from our pepartment.
We have hundreds of others which it will pay
you to investigate:
Pearline 4c
lobars Lenox 2-5c
10 bars Santa Claus 25c
15 bars Ark 25c
1 bottle blueing, K.oz 5c
Scafcea Toi'etSoap Sc
1 gallon Crocks Sc
i " " 5c
1 " Jllg9 SC
i " " 5C
1 gal. Jars 6c
2 gal. " per gal 6c
3 gal. 44 per gal 6ic
1 lb good Rio 10c
1 lb Santos and Rio 12c
All package Coffee 10c
1 lb L'ncolored Japan 25c
1 lb Best Gunpowder 4Sc
1 lb Soda, Heat ic
lib Oysters 6Jc
Ginger Snaps Sc
Assorted Jumbles 13c
Graham Wafers 13c
1 lb Ginger le
1 lb Pepper
1 lb Cinnamon. ,
1 lb Mustard...
1 lb Allspice.
1 lb Cloves...
California Hams Cjc
Large Hams
Dry Salt Meat
1 can Blackberries 8c
3 cans Salmon 25c
Si lbs Navy Beans 25c
10 lbs Green Peas 25c
1 lb Broken Itice 4c
1 lb Best Mice 7e
Special Good Broom J5c
Wash Boards 13S
1 pkg Cocoanut 8c
Champion Lye
American Lye
3 boxes Lewis Lye
Oil Sardines
Sweet Chocolate 2e
Baker's Chocolate 10c
Condensed milk, 3 cans 25
Good peaches, pf r lb 07
IS lbs best granulated sugar $1 .(Ml
hi lbs best "C" sugar l.oo
Bucket Syrup $ .45
Bucket Jelly 40
2-lb package oat meal 05
Price's baking powder, 1-1 b can 38
Price's baking powder, i-Ib can 2
Bon-Bon baking powder, 1 lb can 10
21b can corn 07
21b can cove oyster 15
lib can cove osters OS
Best tomato catsup. per bottle 10
nviscellan.e c-u.3.
Calumet baking ponder. 1-lb cn IS)
10c sack salt 05
15c sack salt 10
Best S ilt, 250 pounds 1 .(K
Lemon extract, bottle 05
Vanilla extract 05
C'jal Oil, per gallon 10
New York Cream Cheese, per pound 13
Good bucket 13
Best libre buckets 2-5
Bran, 100 lb- ., 65
Elegant Hour bins. .
La rn p o h i n u ey a "'r
Argo gloss starch 04
Argocorn starch 04
1 dozen clothes pin 01
California prunes 05
Elegant raisin 05
3 packaires p trior matched 24
Dwight's Cnv Brand Hoda, per lb 07
S-tap. 15 ba: - 25
Buttermilk xoap, 3 bate Oti
31b can tomatoes 08
Fancy glass lui-s'aid 10
Q;p;pcsite Bank of Cass C01a.3n.t37".
Plattsrao-atla, nSTelcraslra.
Mighty Downpour
Water Brings Ter
rific Damage.
Every Basement on Main Street Flooded
and Thousands of Dollars Worth of
Merchandise Destroyed.
Owing to a delay in issuing this edition The Joctrnal is this, Thursday
morning, able to give a brief account of the most terrible disaster that ever
occurred in this city.
Nearly all day long yesterday the rain fell in in torrents, and about 11
o'clock the downpour increased and kept increasing until 1 o'clock, when
Main street which ia about the lowest place in the city was completely flooded.
Torrents of water poured over the sidewalks and into the basements, carrying
destruction to thousands of dollars' worth of merchandise.
About one o'clock the tire bell was rung, bringing many men to the
scene of the main disaster who did all in their power to save all that was pos
sible, but very little could be done. The cause of the ringing of the bell, a
f re in Waterman's lumber yard caused by slacking lime, was soon sub
dued. In many places the cellars were not only tilled but water stood from one
to two feet deep on the main floors. This was notably so in Gering & Co.,
Wm Ilerold & Son's andLebnhoff Bros.
Sidewalks were carried for blocks and out houses were overturned and
borne up:n the rushing waters for hundreds of feet. Foundation walls were
crashed in by the seething flood and Destruction seems at last to have found
its most active agent water.
At the southeast corner of Fifth and Main sts. the sidewalk is washed out
and the pavement is caved in nearly to the middle of both Main and Fifth
streets. The same state of affairs exists in front of Weckbach & Co.'s store
In Waterman block. The new brick pavement in front of Gering & Co.'s,
llerold'e, Lehnhoff Bros.' and Schiappacasse's Is all torn up and nearly all the
wooden sidewalks on East Washington avenue, and from Seventh to Fifth on
Vine and on Sixth from Pearl to V ine, have been carried away.
One of the most terrible losses was that at the barn of Jas. Sage, corner
I Sixth and Pearl, where twenty horses were drowned. The animals were kept
in the basement, and before the danger was realized or known, there was
eight feet of water there and rescue was out of the question. Three of the
horses belonged to Zuckweiler & Lutz, two to A. It. Eikenbary, one each to
August Reinhackle, George Young and Arthur Helps, and twelve to Mr.
The gas works opposite this barn on Pearl street are probably almost
completely ruined. They stand away below grade, and water even at ten
o'clock this morning was nearly to the roof of the building. The damage here
must be very heavy.
At about two o'clock the mayor telephoned to Omaha for a Are engine
to pump the water out of the basements, and it arrived at about six o'clock
I on No. G which had been delayed by the flood. Since then it has been doing
good work.
Conservative estimates of the loss in thv city places it at full $50,000 and
it may be more. The most heavy individual losers are probably Gering &
Co., C. E. Wescott & Son and Wm. Ilerold & Son who place their respective
damages at from $3,000 to $3,500. A detailed schedule of the losses will be
published in the next issue.
The Burlington shops and yards were flooded and there is no one at work
there this morning except those who are cleaning up and putting things in
shape. Mud is several inches deep on some of the shop floors, and the lumber
yard has been torn up In pretty bad shape.
Consumption Cured.
Last November Mr. Joseph Jarr:.
fiainter, of 325 W. Pearl St., Indiana
is, Ind., was at death's door w ith (juki
consumption. Wasted to a skelet-;
his lungs a mass of ulceratiou; hi;
death was hourly awaited by hi doctor
and family. He was kept in a coustant
stupor with opium. A friend, thinking
to relieve his terrible cough, gave him a
bottle of Brazilian Balm. Seeing its
wonderful effect, the doctor advised its
continued use. Mr. James soon after
dismissed his doctor, and depended
on the Balm alone. His recovery was
rapid and complete, and in February he
returned to work. His lungs are sound,
and his weight greater than at any time
in his life. His recovery is regarded as
almost a miracle.
In consumption beware of cough mix
tures and prescriptions that contain
opium. Opium paralizes the nerves,
and gives the comma bacillus a good
chance to destroy the lungs. It is
always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not
contain a trace of any opiate, but stimu
lates the nerves with new life and power,
destroys the microbe, and restores all
that is left of the diseased lungs to a
sound and healthy state which no other
remedy has ever been known to accom
plish. '
Ilefore Knterlng Upon Yoar Season of Va
cation and Recreation.
With prices that cannot be matched
any where for the quality they cover
we will make July the busiest month we
have bad. Head our price Hat publ
ished in this paper.
We insist that the Department store
shall stand out prominently as the
leading example of successful, pro
gressive, straightforward merchand
izing. The thorough organization of
this firm, its knowledge of the markets,
its business experience enables it to
offer the best values. Our prices will
impress you with this fact.
All repairs fully guaranteed at Cole
man's. Canh.
Did you ever realize cash ia an ar
ticle that rules the commercial world?
No one can compete with cash prices
and sell on time. Read the Depart
ment store price list.
"Mads" CIri
America's finest America's best, fo
II. Frohlich, a prominent live stock
commission merchant of Nebraska
City was a Plattsmoutb visitor today.
1tiurly, Kridy, and iturl July 13.
14, l.. and 16.
Wait and Come to Plattsmoutlt to
the Large Store Room Second Door
East of Court House.
Shoes and clothing. Great manufac
turer's closiug out sale. The Empire
Clothing and Shoe Company $175,000,
Cincinnati Ohio, quit business, and
have sent out agents to country towns
with their stock, to be sold out quick
for cash, less profit of manufacture,
less profit of wholesaler, less profit of
retailer, and without cost of freight.
Head these prices for new stylish
goods, first-class workmanship, up to
date in every respect.
siioe bakoaiss. .
Gents' Heavy Working Shoes, worth
$1 2o,at7Sc; Ladies' Oxfords, worth
$1 50, at 9Sc; Ladies' Oxfords worth
$2 50, at $1 24; Ladies Oxfords, worth
$3 00 at $1 48; Ladies' Dress Shoes,
Lace and Button, worth $1 50 at 08c;
Ladies' and Gents' Dress Shoes, worth
$2 50. at$l 24; Ladies' and Gents' Fine
Shoes, worth $3 00, at $1 48; Ladies
and Gents' Custom-Made Shoes, worth
$4 50, at $1 98; Ladies' and Gents'
Hand-Sewed Shoes, worth $6 00 at
$2 48; Childrens' School Shoes, sizes 8
to 11, worth $1 25. at 74c: Misses' and
Youths' School Shoes worth $1 50, at
We also carry a full line of Ladies'
and (tents' Fine Dress Shoes.
Men's Pants, worth $1 25 at GSc;
Men's Business Pants, worth $2, at
98c; Men's Fine Pants, worth $3, at
$1 24; Men's Tailor-made Pants, worth
$5 at $2 48; Men's Suits, worth $8, at
$3 25; Men's Cas9imere Suits, worth
$12, at $4 75; Men's Fine Ca9simere
Suits, worth $15,atr$6 78; Fine Custom
made Suits, worth $18, at $8 68; Men's
Fine Tailor-made Suits, worth $22 at
$9 S3; Boys' Long Pants, worth $1 50,
at 78c; Children's School Suits, worth
$2, at 98c; Children's Fine Suits, worth
$2 50 at $1 24; Children's Dress Suits,
worth $5, at $2 48. $300 worth of La
dies Capes at your prices.
And so on through the line you will
find bargain after bargain. Nothing
reserved. Everything must be sold in
four days. . Goods exchanged if not
satisfactory. Honest, honorable
square dealing to all.
Remember Wednesday July 13th is
the day, and is for Four Days Only.
Look for the Big, Red Sign.
L. M. Mathews, Agent.
Two Car Loads of Shoes and Clothing.
.... . ... . . t : . .. I
lO Kil VIIM li liny i;i-
Ihmg. I'be m-ifi wli ti buy 1 "j!I
worth of good for $1.00 can liv better,
wear better clothes ami have more
money to spend than thu other fellow.
Read our prir: list for knowledge.
Depautment Stoiik.
4. ul Wantrd.
Girl w tnted for General bouiowork.
$3 per wr-ek. Eiiquire :tt tins oilio-'.
Everjbody ought to be on the
price of goods when they buy. We will
post you if you read our price list.
neiiim-ratio StHlr Con rill
The democratic state central com
mittee hereb calls a deleiM' conven
tion of the democrats of the state of
Nebraska to meet at Lincoln, Neb . at
the Funk opera house, on Tuesday,
August 2, 1S0S, at 2 o'clock, p. m.. for
the purpose of nominating candidates
for the following state otliees to be
filled at the ensuing election: Gover
nor, lieutenant governor, treasurer
secretary of state, attorney general,
auditor of public accounts, commis
sioner of public lands and buildings,
and superintendent of public instruc
tion; and for the transaction of such
other business a may properly come
before the convention. All citizens
who believe in the principles of the
democratic party as declared in the
Chicago platfoim, and who intend to
affiliate with the democratic party are
invited to participate in the selection
of delegates to this convention.
E;ch county is requested to send oae
delegate for each 100 votes or major
fraction thereof cast for Hon. Wm. J.
Bryan for United States senator at the
general election of 1S94. Counties
casting less than 100 votes for such
candidate will send one delegate.
The headquarters of the democratic
state committee will be at the Lindell
hotel, where delegate tickets may be
Under the above apportionment Caf s
county will be entitled to twenty-one
(21) delegates in the convention, the
entire number entitled to seats being
Business is business. Jfyou want
to do business right read the price list
of the Department Store.
Cheap Kate To Omaha.
On account of the Trans-Mississippi
Turnfest, the B. & M. will sell round
tripticketsfor60 cents for trains ar
riving in Omaha on the morning ot
June 30th. W. L. Picket'
A Naval Ceremony That, I Not What It
I'sed to Be.
In the old navy, when United State-
Hhips were actually ships with yard-,
tho Los'n's mate's call, "All haul.-,
cheer ship!" was followed by a much
more picturesque ceremony than is pofc
sible now, when the vessels of the navy
are fitted with but a single yard and
that only used for signaling. At the
word of command "Man the yards'"
there was an amount of acrobatio scur
rying on the main decks of the old ships
th;it was calculated to make the ship
visitor hold his breath, the thing look
ed so dangerous. The men forward in
l lnejacket uniform would fairly leap
up tho rope ladders, and utmost by the
time the echoes of the command had
died away every yard on each maet
would support Pcores of men and boys,
all standing erect, most of them only
held up by the crossed arms of the men
beside them. This representation of a
cross was held by all of the men, and
it was their business to stand thus with
absolute statuesqueness. Then the com
mand "Cheer ship!" would be bawled
out on deck by the chief bos'n's mute,
and there would be a yell from cathead
to niizzen that couldn't help but warm
tbo blood of evorybody within hearing
of it. When the men manned the yards
with all sail except topsails and stnnsuils
set.Vuch a picture was really beautiful,
the men's nniformsof bice standing out
in sapphirelike contrast to the cameo
whiteness of the shrouds. This was a
ceremony on all formal occasions, such
as the visit aboard the old ships of dis
tinguished men. And "Man the yards 1"
and "Cheer ship 1" were commands al
ways given when one of the old clippers
of the United States tavy was either de
parting for or arriving from a foreign
station. Washington Star.
Lived to lie Doctored.
When the new boy got into the
schoolroom, be was cf course pestered
with nuuierQUfi questions by the other
scholars as to InVvJiame, his parents
profession, tho amouit of bis pocket
money aud various otherttjatters about
which boys are curious. Ef
V bo's your family tLtJitor?" asked
a big lad.
"Ain't got none," was
uuerammatir-nt mnii
"HOW iollv 1" rpsnni.,l,..i t
er. "Why, you don't haveur
"Don't I!" WMthcmrr
"That's all yon know.Stt
ther'a a homeopath, ninth
path, ray sister Maggie's joi 4
dies ambulance corns, ph.- 1
lieres in massago, my Uncl ;
rorse aoctor, ana- with htla
6igh--"they all of them exa
That boy got tho sympathy h ded.
Strand Maaazine.
k Non- .
1 1.
Xmptif I