I Post i R M r BUS f; i 3 V li TWO. ft ' i t " Si 'V PART r J .1 5 si f? Li tJ f5 u - ill JLJL Jl (Published iu two paits Fart One, Wednesday, and Tart Two, Saturday.) Vol. xvn. No. 38. SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1898. $1.50 Per Year. MOUTH WW 1 V !Tv tT ft 7 i r 7 THEY HAVE GONE. Company R Now Quartered at Fort Omaha- A BIG CROW) AT DEPOT SOTHEH OFF Tlit II n. .1 I'l -;. " H IVopl ! r H- t H-- I'f.ll .1 V Mil.ltiT l.tij i'.iKi' I ir liipir i: r IVill Alu,T C.'iii i tit i i i.id --.Di'ui !..' Cotnp n v l , 'I' d Ne'ir:t-k i volun teer infantry, is nowquaiuit U .it Foi t () .ith;i, where it will prolv.b'y r main lor a few weeks, until the i e;, ia-ee. t is equipped and iturr!i! it v. ill co to t Ii 1 : root. .:rn;'.. 1 h? Ci-Mj) til v w ;s ........ i i Wr.l ocsd.iy inornin;! ".;.' au-1 the n il at hn't s:t tit W :n fiilied . Ii ! ..i t i. .i no i?il r t 1 i't t i ! 1l. jrr-. s " " l'le "'.1 ' i . ti I-i"e'il '"' H i iMc j:is v. if,-; ?i--iii 'f ; ' ch r- rtf !i-r !i- a: ; ! si b v i ! ' - n ri-spv'!td;ii'. Af-'er !a' :t-s in ntii a i.o;i- ... . a-! .--! irr. ::;t :. 1 -.'..A ' heti i : .1 i-c !! rsi t: ja- :i t iit (1 tie ;i l.i.- li I'i.nl I'TUI L ' - J -.V I. . i ;'t.- if i iVKili ,i ,vit;i in- i. Wi'ineo :ui'! rt'iidrtn. lt iiixini: ;i. showtl'ir iej: i-: for tli- allat-t bo h who weie ::t fidtpM- lor the fr .-it . leavii;;; : I; n-! l! e:u licrt.es e.nd !'! Itv-i and ri!iin if rte ;.ry to o'i iieal;'! ,ir !:" upjn t! e .'.tar ol h.-ii eoutil: j At i fe'.v in ri itts before lt!i o'eliuk th to1!! fr.m ti e c .''-. r' op id ti e freight iep :il .-!; : I .:c L. C J !!.t! M'?1:C, e.irr"i:-K .i:oiieat Mid Cuban URF, and v. !. ieeitd by thive cheers irom inrtii;. . i s j oiiii in in a like in .ii i f ir ti. - swolieis. rrtceeded 1. 1, tie V'"'l ii nt icr3 tl.en in 1 1 ' 1 i t r - depot ai d t't k Ih' ir I'ii -s in tl;e twii spteiaic lae'tf s w liicli ii ol tir-r-.i provided by the llarlinton, and . ! ijh were attathe.l tu the leju 1 i r ti t; ii whie'i went notth at lt):K. Tin' nevne at th depot was KjSpTit.g as '.i a i p it t.H ic one and . : s it- d by ery :v.v -yt ? I!:-' io.net Jo'ik t hi o'.h vn:i of u. i .no e. .W't I. eis were tli-ie :. bid faieweP to t oi li sois who ,t ic i . ii L 'ne for pr nans ike fir..-. v.t-:, tjj ;!. ? ;xtt ::;. , and while ir.ist f t!u n .e:e v. iilinji that the r own he u Lsdiini: tiop.ht be t"rn in ordf r that t l.e Ler.or and jjl'.'ry if their beloved co'intry !iiij.ht remain uiitar ni-ht d, it was iu.pi s?db for them to conceal their emotion, airi unbidden tears ?prar: into en t!,;i looked sorrow as well as pii Je. TLeiv iri' sisters and sweethearts tltie also and while they gloried in the. pat riotism nf the young men wliost? allVc ti oi they possessed, the retlectiou that peihap they were parting, nevermore to meet upon this earth cabsed quiv rinjj lips and moisturo laden lashes. Iat the women were not tho only oces who wept. Strong men, moved per haps as mch by pride in aeon cr brother who was forsaking everything b it his ii, as by anything else could not repress their emotion nor did they 80;Tu to show it. While the "good byes'' and '"God bles3 y oils'' were going on, the band pUyed" America," "The Star Spangled li inner" and "The Il?d White and JJi'ie,"' and the train pulled in, the r-l'vuial car3 were attached and amid a peifect thunder f cheers, the cars arain roiled out and " uur boys" were gtiiie to war." The beautiful silk llag presented by the citizens of I'latts motiih was waved from the rear platform as the .rain pulled out and Lainikt-rchiei s and La's were waved from every w ind j.v. L'pon an ivm. in O.iiaha the company maruhed to JelY rson Square, and from there took crs to I'ort Omaha. They too with them from heie a largH n-iantuy of jelly, preserves and o.hT delicacies which had been gener ously ilon ited ly the people and which it is.ne-dleas to s ty will be appreciated when I'ncle Sim's r.itior.s become mo t.o toons. T ae boys aii expires d tliemseives asdelihte l with the treatment they had received at the Lanuls of the peo ple of LMuttr-moulh, and all went away with kindiy feelings for the city. Next Suu J iy a luge number will go up to the for; to visit the Cass county cora piuy, in which they feel a just pride. IJJeet.H Twi'iilj-l'oiir. Company ii was examined at Fort Ojuhri Thursday afternoon and tveu tyjfuur members were njected by the b-Vird. Four others have gone iDto lwe ecimental band, which leaves the if V dPf about thirty men. rf wrt-tv in thP ritv Vny- can nt to 1 V - "'e to the Uf J ?lV"y I written - r? jct e IT. Mm M . -N n - . V ' JK. Squire. vV'im- Ame -If "nhs vn n a n1 w -. ... w I. " IIP 1 151 : 'SST. and allew. a o Tran,- S ,fj V hf found AV t j Uefo.e visiting .-Jtiand I charge. Tte ice 0- - o'4T nui'f'J I riicr reerel decision. o s a,-. o-tT i "itufltt instead 1 : - " ' " r. fft ,1 for low crade cig wis running ana. ny a piece i , c2 S: I 7 ;v 'ie-,ne,,. haJ the Index finger 01 D1D -.Mmi liAl i 1 I J left Uud tot ftway. wUWionrtr I Denson, Anton Petersen, Ed Acker- man. Her be it O'Neill, Dallas Garri son, It. E. Corrrent, II M. Willi and Albert Obernalte. Those of I he mn who have joined tli:' lvginit-rnl band are James IIjjecl, D. (). Austin :.nd Ed Shuniaker. Lieu;. 11 . vh sliteJth.it the mojt dejected lot. i f nu n he ever saw -were the oned wh.i Sailed to pass the exam ination. Some vf theiu went into lns tericn vii-!i the 1 eei-Mou of the u;:id w:;s announced. ar'.d were inc.Eso";.- ii t ...1- . . : t i . . -t. .!-...,. Oie. .viauy ii on Miuviirici.j . 1 Lore to get in Liter on. Tho company , ' will be mustered i:i as soon as the re- j j quired number of recruits r.re s; cured. ! riia many fiiemls fterpeant Ch-is. Ciriiaes in l'lHttsiaotith as v.ell as thrcuhuut. the coun'y will learn with .the most si.';cet c re-let that l;p hs ticn i-.?ecfftarv f r admission into the tot ellfd to return to ! ;n :;:y jn J was c --id city. The cnlj dvi-et found L . inii: board was :.s to wti'hl hft exam- ' t lie s-r- SCar:t lit-i :; twelve pounds Io j liht ; for h;i h Tii? government u!- I r.is i rn.Hiin of ten pounds, f that it will hi M-aa ln.iMr. (Jriiue.;; been t'vt j u:;-Js lo'vi r, he v.-oul-i j have I'.oue ttiro.iii all right. Ii i i to be sloped ilitit h" will ho able to make up t his :;:n ount of avoirdupois before long ax.d tl-iu- be enLied to enter the service for he Lad sot bid heart up n i. am! his rejection was a heavy blow. He went up to Fort Omaha Tue.-dr.y morning to assume his oflica as assistant regimental quar ter maaster, was examined in the af ternoon and returned that niht. A l: i,a Dllliou': J . Tlie county commissiouers have been t;u.-y for the past thieo dats trying to s-t!!e a ditlieulty in regard to a roid which runs throu;ii the farm recently purra isfd by Joi n Jjarsh. three miies ea.t i f I'nion. The road in question h.is been in use f-r many yetus, but tliM-e is no record in the eourt house of it 1 esfiblishiiior t. Tlie law say s that a r-xj.il 1 uniiing 1 hrough cultivated I ami j a-.'.d which h ts I een in use for ten ye a:.- ; : stablisLed road by reason of -i.-. 1:?, b .t if it passes over unculti v .: ; d ground it can b" clo.-ed by the OAiitr os the owner of the property over V. I.ICU 1-. J...daes. - Mr. Ijrh reern'.iy destroyed a ! bri '-n this road, and ai5o ran a couple 1 f fences ;i' ros- it. ai.d s tue of the frtimero in that neighbor he- d have filed a protest, imie of the land over whi'-h t l.e road ; isss is cultivated and s tiif is not, . vh.- e cu laissioners are in a qa a nd -try 10 1.1 how to decide tie matter. Thev wen down toti..- f irm in question i.'i.uid,; y lo lo k t!.e situ ation over. l'pon their returu the commissioners announced th tt theirdecision was that the road was a legal one; that its clos ing by Earsh was a piece of hpitev. cuk, and he was ordered to reopen it. A ilei-ltrj-UTi The Salem (III.) Democrat gives the following account cf the marriage of Mr. Thos. S. Allen and Miss Mary E. IJryan. Mr. Allen is a son of Hon. li. F. Allen and a brother of Lieut. O-car II. Allen and is well known in this county. 'The wedding cf Mi-a Mary E. Ury ao to Hon. Thomas S. Allen, of Lin coln, Neb., was solemnized at the heme of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. V. ilaiid, in this city- today at noon, tho cere mony being performed b-' Itev. J. A. LeavPt, D. I)., 'resident of the Et ing ( III.) college, i i which institution .Miss IJryan was at one tim;i a teacher. The ceremony was witnessed by the imm ;iate relatives of the bride and a few intimate friends. The bride s the youngest sister of Hon. William J . IJryan. She is highly accomplished, and a favorite in soci ety; a Graduate of the Salem public school and Jacksonville Female Semi nary. The groom is a prominent Ne braska lawyer. This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Allen left for their western heme, h ml a large, number of friends gathered at the station to fee thern d?p;rt. II. inel s .".till i:illrl. IJurglars made Ileisel'a mill a visit last Tuesday evening, and carried away about three dollars in pmall change. The thieveseutered the mill through the boiler room and secured the cash by breaking open the cash drawer in the office. The burglars made their exit through the door on the north side of the mill, which was to bolted on the ir.side. Several of the scale weights were found in a ditch near the mill, but nothing else was distuibed. The police are of the opinion that the theft ia the work of local talent, and are keeping their eyes peeled for Hurt" Ciiearii America s be9t. fo 3ImHlHSpl police. Omaha, be sure and with Fepperberg's of paying high prices ais. WAiSCNTO HURRY Attack on Spanish Coast to Begin at Once. TEE CASARHtS ALSO TO BE VISITED. : n tllV lla-lll" Tut Into CoixliUnii tir;i k tmg Vtij nil 1 lie INnis arc ti ti T:iu:;!ii. :. W lioU-a-ini' l.psxrtn M lu-r Wiir N w s Wasiiinuton", July 1. Commodore Watsoifs e istern tquadiou, urituizad for an attack on the Spanish c.Mi.st, is under orderd to sail from tha West In dies for Spain at the earliest possible moment. The secretary cf t h navj said tod ;y ho had been advised that Oaiuaia Lad paid the Sue, canal fees, rttid the presumption was that he would sriil for the Philippine.-. The consolidation of Schley 'j ships wit: th.ise of .Sampfon is taken sis tsa- evid' uc.- tli.:t S:npson wiil either t'o with Wateon or follow him with two battleships and assume command. It is calculated that the Newark, Watson's flagship, ought to reach San tiago at noon today. The thips consti tuting the eastern tquadrou have betn cleaning bottoms and provisioning, all of which will be tjni hf- I on W-itson'fl arrival. Ic is uuderst-. i Watson has I ; cn instructed to UK-Ke tii-t a descent on the ' '.tn tries. The naval forces there consist of foor torpedo b oats. Alter disposing f f them he will either con tinue the fight then? until th? islands are taken or transfer the scene ni pc tion to t!i' Spanish coast. KVN'AMITi: Gl.N i.N IT-AC K. Jcuaol'A July 1 Another notable achievement has b?en placed to the credit of the. iotiih riders who, under the direction of S-rgeint llallet- Al s.;p lJiriowe, who left the superinteu-deucj-yf a Jeisey railmu i i'o a soldier, have dragged ti heavy dviia mite ua far as Sevilla. This was a la'', requirinj almost, s iperhuman efforts, but sergeant JJorrowe's men nvnt.it i'. with great determination. Slowly they made their v iy up the mountain pV.ln.pist the tit 1 1 upon whi3'i several of their companions fell hit Friday and on down to Sevilla. (iioat things .ire expected of them as a result ot tins succes9UH elrort. S?rg 'int Uorrowe and his men will be depended upon to do destructive work when the attack on Santiago's defen ses begins. HINT AT rNFAVOUAIlLK N'KWS. Wasuinttox, J uly 1 . A dispatch from Madrid indicates that a battle was fought Wednesday near Santiago in which the Spaniards had the bestof it. It was hinted List night that news not as favorable as expected has been received by the president from General ShafUr. sl'ANIAKD KAN THE ISLOCKADE. Washington', July 1. The Spanish steamer Villa Verde, which left Vera Cruz, Mexico,'on J une 1(J, bound osten sibly for San Domingo, has succeeded in running the Cuban blockade, and lauded a large cargo of supplies and provisions on the island. The fact that the vesel was preparing to nail from a neutral port was know n here for fully a week tiefore the steamer left Vera Cruz, the mattfr Laving been ri ported by Senor ( ipseda. charge d'fTairs for the Cubans to the navy department. Iu spite of the special vigilance of the blockading fleet it is now known that the Villa Verde landed her cargo in Cuba. Captain Leris, one of the mot able Spanish mariners in Mex ico, boarded the steamer ostensibly as a passenger, but it is now known that he assumed charge of the steamer and that Capt. I'resas acted as pilot. In dications are that the cargo was land ed at Uatabano or E:i Colma, on the the southern Cuban coast. It was on this account that the president's proc lamation was issued extending the line of the blockade. In addition to what the steamer took at Vera Cruz she is believed to have re ceived additional supplies from Spain, which had been sent to Myers Island off the coast of Yucatan. Cubans re port that Spain has a number of agents at work in Mexico to secure aid for their government, aud arrangements have been made at Vera Croz for the th equipment of blockade runners as lor a as possible. Washington, July 1. General Greelv tonight received a dispatch from Jeutenant Allen, ohiuf cf the . signal corps in Cuba, announcing that I a telegraph and telephone station had j been established at a point within two j miles of the city of Santiago. j Th:3 iriK rmation is of the highest j imporlar ce to tile war department oil':- j cials, a.-, it injures tu them practically direct communh:i'.:ion with Cieneral S'o.af tor. Th" information is significant as it sli .ws t hat tho Americau troops are j ;t'iin ritle shrd f Santiago, the tele graph st-ation bein r, of course, within the American 1 1 u ; , V; Itsi location con clusively indicatis that the forces bava established themrtlves ahead of the station. A TKMiGUAri! 1NK IN CAMP. SiiriNKY BKACtr July 1. Colonel Allt-u succeeded List, night in connect ing this point by cr.ble with (iuantan aiuo. Phis dispatch i- sent from the beach aimost immediately in front cf tho headquarters of General Shaffer. Or dinary press mess tzes cannot be ac cepted before Saturday or Sunday next. All is qaitt here. Santiago sifbur ok watkk.' Kingston, J.maica, June 30, A dispatch from Santiago by the West India and t'anama cable wbic'-i i3not and never has bsen cut, as reported in toe United St ite3 announces that a party of American troops finally'sac cee Jed in demolishing the water main three miles outsida the city, despite the precautionary measures and gal lant defeuro by the Spaniards. The losses on both sides are said to have been heavy. This fact completely s'.utsolT t lie city's water supply and produces consternation. Unless the Atneaicans can be driven off and the damage repaired Santiago will be com pelled to eapituh-'e within twenty- four boms. - r i'A NTr-dl I) ETK11M1 NED T l KWIT Maduio, June :Ju i' ur tier advice:, from Manila say the Spaniards have dcteimined to hght to the death, and that desperate lighting is expected w hen tho American troops arrive. Manila advices say it is supposed that tho German warships will try to prevent the bombardment of Manila,1 and it is alleged that l'rince Henry of Prussia is expected here. The Spaniards ari? said to be actively pushing preparations for tha defeucp of the city. General Agu naldo. the insurgent leader, declares that the family of Gen. Augusti, who are prisoners in his hands, are at I'anpingab and are well treated. WORD KUOM UOCSON. Gkeen'suoko, Ala., June 30. Judge Hobson yesterday received the follow ingtelegrarn from his son : "Santiago, Juno-S My health continues good; feel no uneasiness about me " This was the first news the anxious parents had received. NO CO A I. 1-OU SPAIN. St. Itekke. Martinique, June 30. The English steamer Remembrance, consigned to the pauish consul, is still a, Fort do France. Strong en deavors to transfer coal to the Alicante were made, but failed after the visit of Consul Deut to the governor of Fort de France, who slated that no trans fer of cargo would be allow ed. The destination cf the Remembrance from here is not known, but the vessel is awaiting orders. Fiix l-Wll. e. Mr. '.'hare's A. Finch and Miss Can na (trace Wiles were united in mar riage at eleven o'clock Wednesday morning at the home ot the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wiles west of town. The ceremony was per formed llev. Davis Erratt, of Canton Mo., and was witnessed by a number of relatives and friends. The bride is a very popular young lady, and for several years has been one of the city's mo3t efficient school teachers. The groom is a rising young Christian minister of Kansas. The happy couple have gone out west on a brief wedding tour, after which they will commence housekeping in a cosy home furnished by the groom. A I'ninfiil Injury. Hans Tama, who has been working extra at the electric light station, met with a very painful accident Thursday morning. Lyman Kildow was using a sharp hatchet on the upper bank of the creek near the light station, and Tarns was working some Gteen feet be low him, when the blade of the hatchet liew off the handle and struck Tarns a severe blow on the back of the right hand. The flesh was laid open for several inches, and it required a num ber of stitches to close the' wound. HEAR FROM DEWEYIt The Admiral Makes Report to the Department. KO CHANGE IN SITUATION AT HAKILL4. , ,.,.., riti.h VrenrH . ami ,1 ;ni8i Vr V'-crJ. l'iv" if III" Former I" '" t - Nr iiil For Spiin. Washington, J uiie 30. Tlia n: vy department Las made public the lol lo.ving cablegram from -Admiral Dev. ey brought by the McCulloch to Iloug Kong, and though undated is supposed to have been sent fri :n Cavite, J une -3: '"No change in the sanation sii ce toy telegram of the 17th. Five German, three Uritish, one Frem a and one Jap anese ruen-cf-.war in port. The insur gents constantly closing in on city. Aguinaldo. tha insurgent leadf r, with thirteen of his stall, arrived May 10 by my permission, on the Nunsban. He established himself at Cavite outtide of the arsenal, under tho protection of our guns, and organized his anny. The progress of Aguinaldo ha3 Leen wonderful. Jle Las invariably con ducted the war humanely. My rela tions with him are cordial, but my conferences have generally Leen of a personal nature." -. CHARLESTON MUST CE AT MAN I LA . Washington, Juno 30. Tho of ficials here are confident that Admiral Dewey liars received the reinforcements under General Anderson, which ."ailed from San Francisco May '25, consisting of 2,o00 mea. Thvi Charleston cer tainly has arrive 1, .us it was 1-.ding the tusnsports some distance utter leavkig ilo-.olulu. With the addition of its 400 sailors and marines Admiral Dewey will feel much safer. The navy department, it new ap pears did not expect to Lear of the ar rival of tho troop transports by the -3d oi this month, the d ile of the last re- pirt from Manila. It had estimated that the transport miLt be s-ome-what delayed by a onsi deration for coal consumption, desiring to avoid reaching Manila with empty bui hers, as Vonf'r nave b. n ;l.s : f I.? were driven at lull steam across the ocean. Later on there will be a plentiful supply of coal at Manila as United States Consul Haywood at Honolulu has succeeded in purchasing about 12,000 tons, some ot wliicli will be tor warded immediately to tho Philip pines. FLYING MUADKON NO MOKE Kingston, Jamaica, June 30. The Hying squadron, heretofore command ed by Commodore Schley, has lost its identity by an order issued by Admi ral Sampson, and it has been merged into the fleet under the admiral. . The order caused considerable surprise on board the IJrooklyn, which has been the flagship of the flying squadron, where ic was supposed th i-quadron would remain intact, at least until the fall of Santiago. Commodore Schley has been assigned to command the second squadron at tached to Admiral Sampson's fleet. From two Cuban officers, picked up by thB Vixen, it has been learned that Gen. Pando is moving eastward with 8,700 troops for the purpose of nrsistiog the beleaguered city of Santiago. The Cubans had come to Accerederos in small boats with dispatches from Gen. Ilios for Admiral Sampson and Gen. Uabi. They report that General Pando ha3 seveu battalions, numbeiing S.700 men, with cattle and a pack tiain with cattle and a pack train with provisions. He left Manzanillo on Tuesday, June '22 to relieve Gen. Linares. His force was moving at the iate cf twelve miles a day when the messengers left, aud at that speed he expected to reach Santl ago next Sunday, July 3d. The Cubans have a small force hang ing on the Spanish Hank and rear and harassing Pando's troops at every turn. Manzanillo is 127 miles west of Santiago and the roads are in bad con dition. They say if Pando reaches his goal it will be with less than half the force he started with. The Cubans who are harassing him only number 200 men, but in the mountain passes and in the bush they are at a gieat ad vantage. It is probable that immediate steps will be taken to throw a force of our troops between Gen. Pando and Gen. Linares. Pressed a9 the latter is on the east, he could not spare a man for a sortie on the west. Admiral Sampson has ascertained that Cervera's fleet has moved iuo the upper harbor of Santiago. Gen. Shaf ter, in his dispatches to the secretary of war, complimented the Geet for its assistance in landing the troops. With the soldiers landed from the Yale Tuesday and Garcia'a army transported from the westward, 21,000 men in all have been disembarked in i the vicinity of Santiago. IERCE BATTLE NOW RAGING r Playa del Este, near Santiago, 11:20 a. m. July 1. A general assault on the city of San tiago by the land and sea forces of the Unit jed States began this morning. Gen. Law ion advanced and took possession of Cabona, a 'suburb of Santiago. Morro Castle and the other forts and the entrance of the harbor were bombarded by our fleet. The Vesuvius used her dynamite guns with good effect. The Spanish fleet fired on the American troops who were very close to the city Hard fighting all along the American line is in progress at this hour. Nine wounded Cubans have been brought in. NEWS RECEIVED AT WASH I NT TON. Washington, D. C, July i. (Special) Secretary Aljjer has re ceived the following dispatch frcm General Shafter, dated at 9:45 a. m. today: Camp at Sevilla, Cuba, July r.--Action now going on, but firing light and desultory. l?egan on right near Caney, Lawton's division, lie will move on northeast part of town r -intiago. Will keep you continnally advised of progress. Shafter, Major General Commanding. Sampson cables the navy department that he is co-operaling with the army. This is understood to mean that the American lleet will force an entrance into the harbor at once. A later dispatch from Shafter says that fighting began at day light. The right wing engaged the enemy, fighting stubbornly, but being gradually driven back. ' The latest advices from Shafter indicate that his idea in forcing j tho battle todav was to nrevent Snanish troops from Holcruin reach- j x incr Santiago before th-? citv had Up to noon at !ea-t twenty-five brought in. Now, Boys, t ? lour nine nds luiiic... Get ready Fall in, a of those beautiful cott's. Absolutely given away to boys between the twenty years, on CASH purchase of twenty dollars and fifty cents in boys' wear. We take pleasure in making this extraordinary offer to the boys, C5 ' and feel sure that all the boys who get Watches at Wescott's will be emi nently pleased, as the watch is not only a beauty, but also a reliable time-keeper, constructed in the most Ji thorough and scientific manner! known to the art of watch-making.! Without abuse, they are absolutely and unequivocally guaranteed for one year. Watch our west window Jj and vou'll S39 tha a : : i 3 s. '" ra Every boy can above conditions, no time in getting easy at the right place. . - "One Price, and No Monkey Bus- mess. IV If v. n . Wescott & Son, Clothiers. Hatters, Haberdashers.- A . u bcon stormed. Americans and Cubans had be m' ii r and capture one Watches at Wes- ages of five and get a watch on tho and no other. Lose the right time so 1 3r w 1 1 ri 1 1 "T