2 ADVEHSITV. Everybody Admir 00400 es ...OUR- SPRING STYLES SUMMER. ooao Dame fashion has displayed a wonderful amount of good common sense in dictating the styles of clothing for men and boys this season. The Suits and Over coats are not too long nor too short. The Trousers are neither too wide nor too narrow. Our present stock displays the best taste, the high est skill, and the most reliable materials that we have ever shown. THERE'S A LOOK of the right sort about it A FEEL of the right kind A FIT, STYLE and WORK MANSHIP of the highest perfection. In fact the Cloth ing has genuine merit. Every Suit or Overcoat that leaves our store is ready to do its full duty, and do it honestly. You are sure to receive more value, style and ser vice for your expenditure with us than is usually given for a third more money. The Say-so of this ad. is the Do-so of the store. We might talk for hours aboutthe quality and price, but nothing we could say is half so convincing as the garments, which speak for themselves. A handsome gold watch given away free to all our customers. Get particulars at our store. JOE & FRANK, Clothiers and Furnishers, Waterman Bl'k, Plattsmouth. I fold my arms, I will not strive and strive To find at evening time but empty hands, And not one grain of gold In all the sands, That with much pain and labor I contrive To gather from the floods. No man may thrive By effort, It is only he who stands In favor with the gods; by their commands He wins or loses, lllui they lead or drive. Then why should I seek? They love me not. They look on me with dark, unfriendly eye, They throw some adverse charm about the spot Whenever treasure-seeking I draw nigh, I And since for my destruction ill they plot ; j I'll strive no more, 'twere vain, 'twere vnin to j try. Isabel KicnEV. i ...Those Unsightly Walls - -y Mav be verv cbeaDlr and oulckly I r t i . i 1 j. t 1 IIHHlIf II V inp H Tl f 1 1 II'HLIIIII 13 1 Y , ntw PERSONAL, POLITICAL AND PERTINENT. Over 300,000 specimeua of f oil in sects have been collected faoiu various parts of the world. Of these, butter dies are among the very rarest, as less than twents' specimens all toM have been found. VJUall paper. To repaper your house with one of tiering & Co.'s New Patterns, Is almost equal to new furniture. It makes a nice background for the pictures and brightens up the en tire room. Gering & Co. have the largest stock in the city from which to select and you are sure to be well pleaded, both in figure and quality of piper, as well as the price, ooooooo Gering & Co., Druggists. PLATTSnOUTH, NEB. 7k PEES ON AL AND OTHERWISE. Frank Dickson of Louisville was in town today. A force of men were cleaning the mud off Main street today. Dr. . D. Cummins returned home this morning from the east. Geo. B. Lehnhoff was a passenger for Omaha this afternoon. Wm. Hagel, from out near Weeping Water, was in town today.' Henry Weckbach made a business trip to Omaha this afternoon. County Superintendent Farley will go out to Weeping Water this even ing. Rev. II. B. Burgess is attending a meeting of the Episcopal clergymen at Omaha. Councilman 11. S. Young of Lincoln was in town this morning, returning home on No. 7. Joe Vetersnick, a former employe in the B. & M. boiler shop here, is visit ing in the city from Lima, Montana. Frank Buttery of the B. & M. ma chine shops journeyed up to the me tropolis on the fast mail this after noon. Frank Wheeler departed this after noon on No. 3 for Waco, York county, Neb., called thither by the dangerous illness of his mother. A. B. Smith, assistant general pas senger agent of the B. & M., came down from Omaha this morning, re turning home this afternoon. George Tutberry, an old-time em ploye in the local B. & M. blacksmith shop, but now of Chicago, was greet ing old acquaintances in the city. Superintendent Ed Bignell of the B. & M. was in town over night, and went out on the road this morning on the trolley car, on a tour of inspec tion. It is rumored that Hon. It. B. Wind ham of Plattsmouth has been retained by the plaintiff in the case of Kennedy vs. the Grand Pacific Hotel company. Nebraska City Press. Hundreds of children's lace, lawn, mull, and India linen Hoods and Hats at from 15 c upwards, worth four or .five times as much as we ask. Wm. Herold & Sons. Ask your grocer for that excellent torand of flour Heisers' 4 Plan-sifter." The Melvins, on outh Sixth street, are receiving new millinery goods every week and sell at hard times iprices. All Good Kepublicaus Should make a point of attending the national convention at St. Louis, Tuesday, June 16th. The expense is not great if you take the Burlington. On the 13th, 14th and 15th of June you can purchase a round trip ticket to St. Louis at the one way rate. Think isn't it worth a few dollars a few days time to see the next president nominated V Full information on ap plication to any agent of the B. &M. or by addressing J. Francis, general passenger agent Burlington ronte, Omaha Nebraska. Have You Been Thinking: About pew window shades? We are prepared with the right shadings and the right rollers and sell them away below the price made at furniture stores. W3r. Herold & Sox. The Pulley Broke. John Kopp, who operates a wheel lathe at the B. & M. machine shop, was hoisting a heavy piece of iron this afternoon, when the pulley broke and he was struck on the head with the heavy weight attached to the end of the rope. He was stunned for some time, and quite a gash was cut in his scalp, requiring several stitches. Ribbons and Lace a For pretty summer dresses. The new wnnxies ior trimming tnose new wash dresses. Shrewd shoppers say our values have never been equalled. Wm. Herold & Sons. The Adams Express company opened an up-town office this morning in John Coleman's jewelry store. This will be much more convenient for business men on upper Main street, and to Henry Gering is due the credit for securing this new office. You Are All Cordially invited to call on Elson, the clothier, in his new store in Dovey's block. The state of Indiana furnished aj great many tall men for the army. Out ; of 118,4Jo4 men whose descriptions were i taken at the time of enlistment . 11 392 j were six feet or more in height. j The largest kitchen in the world is! in that great Parisian store, the Hon Marche, which has 4,0U0 employes. The smallest kettle contain: 100 quarts and the largest 500. Each of fifty roasting pans is large enough for 300 cutlets. Every dish for baking pota toes holds pounds. When omelets are on the bill of fare, 7,S0O eggs are used at once. For cooking alone sixty cooks and 100 assistants are al waja at the ranges. A long-distance telephone was opened last week between Omaha and Kansas City with a great clatter in the newspapers. It is a fine thing to talk with a fiiend 200 miles away, to recognize his voice and almost smell his breath if he has been eating onions, for instance, but when it comes to pay ing $l.2" for a three minute talk and 40 centf for each minute thereafter most of us can do wit liout it, and be satisfied with the old fashioned tele graph and hope that will be a little cheaper before many moons. Teka- mah Burtouian. Umbrellas Be-Vovered While you wait, at Wm. Herold & Son's, don't mistake the above an nouncement and come in and ask us to recover your lost umbrellas, but bring in your old' torn umbrellas and we will make them as good as new with a new cover. The recent heavy rains caused the river to rise several feet,and a number of large fish are finding good feeding over in the willows in front of the city, and the "sports" are going after them with guns, spears, etc. Dr. Marshall, Graduate DENT IST, Fitzgerald block. The American Water Works plant it Omaha was sold yesterday, at chancery sale, to the Farmer's Loan and Trust company of New York, for $-1, 009,500, who bid the property in for the bondholders. Airs. U. F. Young, a Kentucky wo man, has paseed the examination re quired by the government for a first mate's license. She is the only woman with that distinction, and has navi gated the Ohio and tributaries for many years with her husband. A curious accident occurred on a Lake Shore train the other day which adds a new horror to tramp life in the west. Au air brake broke in the mid dle of a train and the front part tried to stop while the hind cars pressed for ward with unabated diligence. This resulted in the crushing of a box car in the middle of the train in which some tramps were stealing rides. One of the tramps were instantly killed. Lincoln Journal. MURK AY MUSINGS. Murray has two general stores and two elevators. The academy conducted by Prof. Buchanan, has been quite a success during the past year. ' Gilmore Bros, will take possession of the Murray bank next week. The firm is composed of Dr. Geo. II. and John Gilmore. The woman's aid society will give a social Saturday evening next at the residence of Noah demons, a mile east of Murray. The village school closed its session Tuesday. The teacber. Miss Lillian Buck, having given a dinner for her seventy pupils that afternoon. S. T. Van Horn, late of Plattsmouth, is the man of all-trades about town. He runs a shoe shop, a barber shop and carries the mail between the de pot and the postoffice. Dr. B. F. Brendel has erected a new and convenient office, on the site of his former drug store, Almon Root, late of Alvo, having bought and moved the drug store across the street. Murray citizens have for a week been favored by a series of religious meetings conducted by a woman evan gelist, Mrs. Peek, at the U. P. church. She is a remarkably able preacher. 11. Swearingen, who will be remem bered as a habitue of Plattsmonth sev eral years ago, is not only keeping a restaurant but is doing business as a successful justice of the peace and collector in Murray. Wanted Forty head of cheap southern horses. Will be at Fitz gerald's livery barn on Saturday, May 23, 1896. Frank Anderson. For Sale CJieap. - Five acres of land inside of the pity limits. Owner is desirous of remov ing, on account of ill health. Apply to Chas. Grimes, agent. Highest cash prices paid for chick ens and eggs by . W. Black, at White's store. Kiryole Given Away Hy Morgan, the Leading Clothier, to the most popular lady in Cass county, b'ollow iug is vote to date: Mul.el Itoberts.riattsmouth T1S0 Maude Eaton. Plattsmouth C11H) Ilvsie Walker, Murray 3('ro A life Murray, Mynard 7'M Emma Wehrueln, Plattsmouth fK) Ethel Perry, Mynard 310 Anna Meisinger 50 Mrs. llattle Stif kland. Wabash 20 l coritt Ion Day Program. TIih following program has been ar ranged for Decoration Day, the excer- ciss to be held at White's opera house at J:00 p. m. on May 30th: Heading of General Order, by Adjutant. Sons. Invocation, by Kev. Post. Address, by Kev. Conifer. Souk. i'h parade will form on Main street, between Fourth and Sixth, and will march to the cemetery in the follow ing order:' Mayor and Council. Different Organizations. Woman's Relief Corps and G. A. It. Poet. Citizens In Carriages. The exercises at the cemetery will consist of the reading of the W. It. C and (i. A. It rituals, followed by the decorating of the graves of the de parted veterans by the G. A. It. II. Guy Livingston will deliver an address at the cemetery. The Memorial Day sermon will be preached by Ilev. Freund,of the Ger man Lutheran church, at the Presby terian chureh on Sunday, May 24, at 11:00 a. in. All other churches in the city are requested to suspend services on that morning and attend the union services on that morning at the Pres byterian chuich. By order of the committee. Tiiok. Wiles, Chairman. oootOf040fOOMt)emeoodid4 aooojooo o a Who Is... , Most Popular Lady in Cass County? You often hear this remark. In order to satisfy the Public Mind on this question, F. J. Morgan o ...Plattsmouth's Leading Clothier, Will offer a way to the solution For Every Dollar Received . . . .By him, either for goods purchased, or on open account, he will give a card, entitling the holder to TEN VOTES on the question. The vote will be published every day in the daily papers and every week in the weekly papers, so you may know where each contestant stands at any time. The voting will close at 12 o'clock sharp, on July 4th, 1896, and the lady receiving the highest nnmber of votes, will be declared THE MOST o p a o s POPULAR LADY IN ALL CASS COUNTY AND WILL RECEIVE A HANDSOME HIGH GRADE Lady's Bieyelef .... With this object in view, we have taken extra pains it selecting our Spring Line and you will find that we can 5 suit the most fastidious in.... 0 Color, Pattern and Price. ..All voting is to be done : at 13ank of Cass County. Bicycle is on exhibition at the store of... Farm for Snle. An SO-acre farm 2 miles south of PlattfiDOuih on the Hock HI uff road, known as the Webrbein place. Will sell cheap, one-half down and balance to suit puichaser. Apply on theplace. Elizareth Saxtox. ! I Tii.e Leading Clothier I I oo ooo ooo o o o oo04 o.40oo $2,500 or $",000 to loan on a good quarter of land. J. M. Leyda. The "Casino" saloon is now the only placa in town where you can get a drink of the celebrated Anheuser liusb beer. Bennett & Tutt, the grocers, are pre pared to fill all orders for BULK and PACKAGE GARDEN SEEDS at prices to suit the times. lo You Know That Elson, the Clothier, is selling French balbriggan underwear for 45 cents, worth 75 cents. He Is Dead... To his own Interests M ho does not get his watch and Jewelry repair ing done by a man who under stands his business. If your watch is repaired at Coleman's Jewelry store It Will Run... We guarantee every piece of work we turn out to be entirely satis factory. A nice line of Watchs. Clocks. Jewelry, Silverware and novelties. COLEMAN'S JEWELRY STORE, One Door East of Old Stand, 3 stle IB Ills AND OTHER see FROM- $ tit Zuckweiler& Lutz RELIABLE GROCERS. Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts., KEEP EVERYTHING IN THEIR LINE. SELL CHEAP. GIVE GOOD WEIGHT, DELIVER PROMPTLY. VODK OfTSTORI 18 SOI,ICITKI H. Q. LIVINGSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW I N SURANCE, Plattsmouth. Nebraska Wm; Neville & Co., WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN Pare Wines and Liquors AND THE BEST CIGARS. Sole Agents for the Celebrated MILWAUKEE Pabst Beer. Deliveries made to any part of the city or shipped to anyplace. F. C. FRICKE & CO., - Will keep constantly on band a full and complete stock of pure WM. NEVILLE, ... MANAGER, . . . 412 Main Street, - PlaUsruoutb, Neb Place an "Ad" in T HE JOURNAL, If vou have I Anything to Offer. PAINTS, OILS, Etc. Also a full line of UrusKlsfn Huulrl.i. Pure liquors for medicinal purposes. Special attention given to COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Messrs. F. G. FRICKE Ji CO., are the only parties selling our Alaska Cryrtal Brilliant COMBINATION Spectacles and ye-Glasses In Plattsmouth. These Lenses are far superior to any other sold in this city, posseusing a natural transparency and strengthing qualities which will pre serving the falling eye-sight. PROF. STRASSMAN, Dr. Alfred Shipman, Office In Riley. Hotol, Main Street entrance. Telephone No. 95. Residence one block souih of M. P. depot. Fred Krug Brewing Co., Fred Ecenberger, Act. OMAHA NEB.