Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, May 14, 1896, Image 8

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I -
The Weekly Journal
C. W. SHERMAN, Editor.
One year, in advance, ....
Six months, in advance, . . .
Three months, in advance, . .
Kates made known on application.
& 1
or. a uiinon uonar congress.
1 II . i
It was a republican congress which
(clandestinely) demonetized silver.
KiTHERof the big lbs island, Hides
or Ilryan wouhl be acceptable as can
didates on the democratic ticket. lSut
niether of the others would go into the
campaign with a vigor and earnest ix -
equal to Mr. Ilryan.
.Say, liro. Polk, isn't it about time
for you to come down off the perch and
frankly admit that yon were mistaken
when you stated so repeatedly that the
"silver craze' was dead? Why, even
the republicans of Michigan are so in
fected with it that they defeated a
goldbug resolution and voted for a 1(5
to 1 plank. The fact is the movement
has got beyond a "craze," it has be
come an epidemic. It will sweep the
country like a prairie fire this fall.
Iwa democrats are falling into
line for free coinage and Horace lioies.
Thus far the proportion of delegitp
elected to the state convention is about
three to one in favor of the white
metal. The men elected only need see
that no Michigan business shall pie
vail, and there is no fear of thv result.
Iu some counties the goldites aie so
fearful of the people that they have
called mass conventions at the county
seats, hopiDg thus to win, but it's no
Tiik merchants and business men of
Omaha have induced Gen. Mandeion
to go to Washington to work on Tern
Heed for the Trans-Mississippi ex
position appropriation. That's right.
It's all right to put Thurston for waul
a3 a political boss, but when business
is wanted Manderson is the man to
get it done. Thurston is too busy
blowing his own horn (via McKinley)
to do any good for Nebraska. He
couldn't move Tom Heed a hair in a
thousand years.
Tin: democrats of Council JJIuffs at
their primaries the other day decided
by a majority of abput Id to 1 in favor
of free silver. Yet, strange to say, the
(ilobe, which is usually a leader of the
patty, has net a word to say on either
side of the controversy. This is lament
ably undemocratic. The democrats of
that city ought to have a newspaper
which is not bound to the corpse of
Koldocracy so that it dare not speak
out in advocacy of their cause. They
have no use for a barnacle like the
Tnr: repulican state conventions in
the eastern states have declared for
the gold standard and a high tariff.
That means a decrease in that which
the farmer has to sell, and an increase
in the price of that which he buys.
Yet republicans have the audacity to
declare that only through the republi
can party can universal prosperity be
obtained. A farmer who will vote the
republican ticket, or any ticket favor
ing high tariff and gold standard is
either blinded by prejudice or hope
lessly dense. Madison lieporter.
The eastern bankers are fond of
contending that their business would
suffer least by the change from the
single to the double standard, but that
they are so much interested in the
welfare of the laboring man that they
don't want to see it done. Isn't it
strange that these Shylccks, who live
off the sweat of labor's face, should as
sume to know better than labor it
self what its best interests are ? For
bankers to turn philanthropists is al
most equal to Satan turning Christian
Every labor union in America has de
clared for free coinage. Almost all
the bankers are against it. It don't
take a very wise man to tell why this
is so.
The gold standard people are not
in favor of "honestv money after all.
They favor circulating a silver dollar
which, they say, is only worth SO cent3
and is only kept at par by the action of
the government. Honest money is
that which stands on its own bottom;
which needs no prop to keep it at par.
An honest dollar cannot be contracted
against. Gold coin is not honest
money, because it varies in its purchas
ing power. Dun's reports of last week
showed that the general average of
prices was lower the week before than
ever was known in modern history. In
other words, a dollar could buy more
j than ever before, and was, therefore,
dearer. The world' doesn't want that
kind of dollar.--. It will destroy civil
ization it it is made the. sole standard.
Tub gold standard people are al
ways declaring that government can
not create value by law, which m.'iy be
literally true, and still leave them on
the defensive. (lovernment can fix a
price for silver at the mint, and with a
demand only limited by the supply can
create a maiket which will he inv;u i
able. It can mint full legal tender
silver dollars from :Y7 grains of the
I pure metal and that will t'x the price
of the bullion, just, as the miut priee t
cold ixes the i c?1 !
tab '
----- - .
long as the demand :or sdver di:ars
o f eju al use with ,u-M Mjuals the !:
mand f.r tndd dollars they will ciicn-
late on an epial foot in ir.
With tlx
option given the debtor ! i : n-g hi
debt in t i : h metal tiiat s ;Lxst con
venient or plent tlx silver dollar w;'i
he cm tain to be in jual d-m;md. at d
then t"ie at a parity with .; U. be
value of a diar is ilxed by a diflV: :nt
i ijie hy the r.nmher of dollais in cir
cular un. l.Vixv wish fewer dolhus
attainabx- each 11:U can bin n -oo ,x
other propel ty than if were
plenty. The present scarcity of h,I
lars accounts for the low pr:ee. f t ry
thin ur in tlx foim of property. If sow r
were ininttd fn e again it wouhl bin
moii' dollars into circulation, pilot s . ;
everything would lise in prppoiliou.
and pio
- e 1 1 1 y
w i ii u: ( roe in 111
!ii as.-es I t i
pit . W! t a initio i
could net thirty ei-nts for hi rem
.vihi n.iv his del-ts UlUCh ta.-'.er
v ...... - t
!;e can iu'V with corn at ?-vn'e' o
Cents, lie would then h-w .-.:i
tion to improve Ids plaie. and to no
more than th bate rx ct .-:tit s d !n .-.
His improved condition would sneeihly
follow with rej:ird to t-very ho.!;.' e'r
and the ruecli.".::ic. th- meiehant. the
laborer and all classes would participate
in the improwd condition. rl i
seen that all the topic sue to 1
fitted by free coinaee of si'w r
as gold.
:s it :.
i V. i i
l'lluM interview ;n t
stitution. .January b
he Allan
: lie I . a " .
A ex ander 1 1 . ::-r:.ti
to the
string views with respect
sage of the l'.land silver bill. lhr.
what he said to a c; rre-; uixh nt '
other dav: ! on sup;-, -x vx wi;;
liownt d in a sea of silver Is-'
. . i .:..( I ... '
cotiie, t say. in me v. oi ..-. o. i.i.i.
Ilemy. 4I,et it conn- !' It wiii lc
glorious death. u e wi.I haeto!
their cheap silver V. b- s .
can think ('f no better t ate for 'Xir
and cdton. We cam.-
r- : ex tr, !.(. Ii i
ilver. If I had my way I w .d-Pm.:!."
silver an unlimited kga! ten !. r, h-.t 1
would charge a s-igniora: e e. in:: g
it, I would iisux it any owner .:
.idlt.o! v-iv i'! f!:nt.i nr 'a l rlestei: .
i certificate of for the amount and this
certificate might
be divided into ::
each repit .-ent ing a
numlier of others
sm.'i.isum. j. nose cei iincaies i i.x:
make legal tender at om-e. in ad- a::ce
of actual coinage, s-j as to give tlx
needed relief as quickly as possible.'"
A SP.N)M naval court martial has
convicted and condemn tl to death the
five young Americans captured on the
chooner Competitor, on the Cuban
coast some days ago. This is a goou
time of President Cleveland to inter
cede to save their livts. Should they
be executed the American people
should speak out so loudly ugalnst t Id-
atrocity that even the stolid agent of
Wall street in the white house could
hardly fail to feel its force. I'm er
the laws of war and the custom of
civilization" these men could not be
punished save as prisoners of war. It
is said that if they are not executed
Wejlcr, the blocdy butcher now in
command in Cuba, threatens toiesign.
Sneed the dav.
Mu. McKixlky is trying to straddle
the money question. The Ohio plank,
which it is said he wrote, like the Min
neapolis plank, can be read to mean
one thing or the other, and really
means nothing. Senator Stewart has
written him two letters, asking him to
define his position, but ho has replied
to niether. I)oc3 he think his patty
can fool the people as it did four years
ago, so that gold men and bimetallisms
can stand on tho samo platform? It
pays to be honest and candid, Mr. .Mc
Kinley. Does anybody suppose that
either of the democrats who are talked
of for the presidency Bland, Boies or
Bryan would tako a stand like that'.
No; they will bo for honest money -of
both metals, without an if or an and.
Somebody will be deceived if he don't
define himself.
McKinley is said to be very much
like Napoleon. Hut Napoleon had his
Waterloo, and it will not bo dillicult
for the democrats to find a Welling
ton to prick McKinley a protect ion bubble.
1 1 1 A N I . I N ( J f'.OI.TH
There are strong indications that '
the goldilts have a well-laid selx-nx to
captuie the nation:. demcet at ic con-
venlion by organizing bolt in t nough .
of the silver states to ktep I be honest j
delegations fr m voting in
the or
ganization, so that they cn admit, the
bolting delegations and thus obtain a
majority. They hav put out a mint
of money from the New Yoib and
Chicago banks into Illinois, hoping lo
swatop ti e stato into "the gold column,
and in the ev. ut. of failure at the pii
maries and in th- coaveulxm, 'villeali
a new convention, and go thronuh tne
forto of electing d; ley a it s i" then.i
lional exuvention. J bey ivt n now
;at)!ess t have an orgtMii. t i.x. af
fYett d throughout tlx1 st.-r.e tor that.
purp.i.e. Tnc giddb'.igs are desperate.
Pixy have tlx- people by the thn a:
ami don't miMii to h -eu ' lieir ip it
llieieisany nx'ans a! t heir command
Mo prevent it. I nat power tu.s now
part y .
e eonirol d the lepuhlican
and they want to exeit the
s;,mo p ower ovt i !lx dr :ii "cracy. ill
they do ilV H'c s 1 1 i i 1 see.- Meardnee
the no-st i.ui forgtd. that the woim
m iy luin; the dehu.-craim masses may
eonelude i.ot to submit, to six !, haie
i'.n"( ro'ote-y of th-ir rights. Tlx
count i y H i.-o I'.-r a i'o!i' icai residn
tion. 'fix- ip ot ptv'.r' ami ihst rcr-s
is felt a to 1 1 . . i r s 'it it I lis tout s -be-
:i U -
.iu e
; ! v on.-pit'i ey oi . o' l:
to e-.lmtv sublt.i' to a SJ dix
t i.v i ! i ights. . n i ; nat
::.:. i'hat. -..t: e: I it-n will
i o:
! VCI:
i v.- 1 1 v freo si 1 v r st an
hr ii
: he
I i ;.di i !' will ft l w !r
. t .
i l.f ..- M
, i t , . .
V.i ii .1-. ! - 1 1 1 1 : " .
, in j x x t t o . a p ii
: . o; i ; o : e X.lti'.p.'eS ?
w i 1 1 . d ' 1 d '.
I'nitt d States te ;
: i v. i i.Id ret.
.ddhi.g fo: ;ta ; ! tr:t-d
e t v. o d i a: s as
ver h.t.-i-
W i . !
y pul !;t d
' ! .' ,
. i:a'
1 1 i oi
:o .p
et g; .n 1 1; : v : :
. i : i '. a 1 1 : a !
c, c. ';.:' nvxt. .lii-
ed b
. i! i iade n. .'if thai, d 'uhxd
-i c;ils. Mex eo inct -ast 1
' - s I igh t : aid in: it than
, x - .1 is. I', -th ol ;.-. i a
t . f . o !
silver I .tsis.
J .x ;:.:' the
e: x d Kn;:
-r X Xe i ts
1 I U i !'
i CiM.e
S a 1 .- o
; t, i '' i , ; v. ; v r ;:: : oi
-.1 " !i' - -. I o.l I ii
1 5.i:-it; . ! U" same period lie-expoits
'! I'u'leii Sf.dt.. incieastd o;.!
iu :: r cent, ami ihe I'nited S'at s
en had the g o'd stand. it. i m-viilbd in
ct to s. !: t xtent I the I Hand and
s i --ft:; t
ids i hell 'X
r ,1.1 tha
i et u
the gold stand-
r.-.iix." s c-iintnxr.
i d o: (imi i iu .--
Wo i
!l I - - - V i
s -tiicth
. iitUsii.
a i' iric.'i.g
C . 1 . -
I!, !
i Ml
aio. v. have known t . e-.r.
some; hii g was tie mat?i vi;h as,
havirxg lead oniv Hx New Vcfn
W, Tiibune, T;ms. S.n, Titss.
and other goldbug pa is v.e could not
d s.-fver the dit'x-uUy. About ,i year
ago wx commenced iu v s. ;g;d ing and g tlx- other .-dde of '. he one.-1 ' a. .
and toda lam liappy t o announce l
you that there is net a goldbug iaimer
in this part ot the country." -V.. A. T-xas Valley, N. Y.
.V l.o.c.Xii II p.X.i i ti .
4I am a L"nco!n republie:ui of thirty -two
yeais' standing. Shuli do all in
my power to wipe the present counter
feit party from the face of '.he political
field. If v.e use uisdim in sehcting
our standard bearers, ami can unite
the forces, we will win. I loxi the
plea -tire of living iu tlx- i epnldic f
Mexico almost continuously from bKSj
to lS'.ll; it :vas while I was there tha .
the scales began to fall fiom my men
tal vision." John Love, Los Angeles.
Tin: repuhdican house of repia senta
nsc oi i eix t r-e;i i ;
mselves clciks at
tives have voted the
yearly salatits of SL12dd each. L'b.e ,
tendency of republicans to extrava-
gance, ven v.nen tne countiy is mu-
fering a fearful depression.
will crop out iu spite of
ruin of economv.
Tin-; Spanish butcher, Weyler, isjJJ
evidently feeling the moral effect- of j
American public opinion in protest j
against his infamous methods of mur- j lj
der and execution, lie threatens to j
resi'ni becanrf of that nressure. It is I
"CT) " I
too good to believe that he will do so.
Juixii: Ocuks of Oajaha, chairman j
of the democratic state convention n
is nat an advocate of free, coin-
irrr Itl.-rfc Tlr - il 1 t (Y i- T,
. Miller and .
tifJji. , -ul nnv- - j
ex-Gov. loyd,.ho is very firm in the
belief that the Nebraska bolters have
no legal standing. In a recent con-
versation with the writer, he said that
a more transparent fraud never was
concoelfd than the Tobo Castor mid
i:ic!il Wart in bolt. "It is the very
(,, ism, s-,,i,;-m of a nai ,hisinM said he.
.. pl(, n, at wln n men iire beaten
j ,, u j ;, ,,. j hould bolt and set
,,p tt irty lor tlx mselves, ought notto
.. , ,,unteiiaiua d by any good citizen.'1
(;i:n J. II. is stirring up
the republicans of Oregon to fever
lu at, and the press of the g. . p. is
exercising all its ingenuity to answer
him. Tlx-campaign for state olhYeis
and mgressmen is already on in that
I'm: district judges at Lincoln have
intimated a des'uo to Let p papeis on
liie wi the court cleik's eflico from
tlx- pjess until the trials t egan, be-i
e:.x:.e they are often annoy td by tlie
sensations thus created.
(ioi. l milling m southern Oiegon
seems to be pio-pering. A Oregon ex
change tells of a placer miner'liixling
a rrl'd nugget with the doiihle eagle
st. imp of the V . S. mint already on the
ii .vvri.ocK i i-i:m -
'::; die hi:icol!i Join li.d.
A ! : hut Helps was op 1 1 em
m mth e-teiday and ai ranged to com-tm-t
e worU in 'lie llav dock shops as
a tn tchmisi .
l it lln!i!!ts, e.-t tint ket lel at the
-.!;. ! is accei.-t ed a eosit ion a.- c!ei k
i - i j
in the 1'dail department of a shirt and
t ,i i '. -i : g leMise in ji rcoln . j
(it o-g- F. Nib-s, ae.-o.ii p anied by his j
u i-.ii- J daughter, dep.ilte.t .Moncuy
i - . i :x 1 n i ' i '.i.i '. al tel d
....!-.. .i Mr. Niles Ui'.u: legltneul
I'll. Uii; : . ab eni i: about ten d.iys
'I'i.r h:i!i new class K er..iix' buihi
i'.. .,r ! : e - ix.o- has been nui on its
w h,e! i .i !mov. d oh the en.-. I ruction
:i x U to make way for another new
l : . . . . - . I . i. . O i
e : ; j
'A ! I
t , i
I e v . i r. ; i : n i e 1 1 i. ii 1 1 . v ' ' '
i way. The named enu'ii.e
ci.mpxtfrd and ready for tlx- ;
I'.'cl. by t he end eft he w cel.. 1
e numbered t he ."
' i t : i
a a
. l. 1 in j . o . i. 1 r i .!;!-. i
leceived ai In! td j
'. if ami ginnham s in bon-'
ve het i: t.--:Ug for. The
hem has ! een so gi eat j
'most imposih!e to ket j
.,' k When th'S !.x go tx- j
v t a! v. O'lls bef.,re w e g-t i
m to
1- .. .
i I fact -r 1 aw ;iy ai i ad
V:.t 1 1 i:i;id.i A: n .
i ..i ii .,:. iir-. me. on
A' ill "i" 1: do ".'(! -ox Ia-t TuoM-iy
d : e i: - umt iest rix-t ive wild
xt..i tn ;..r -r.d e.-ir.- isited l.n-e. !e.
cm a.- n.e .-, ". : ;d p.;:id"i ! xeeident.s and
e n '!;: ! d.. n.age i o pi ope: i y
was , - ni -
n ii u.ei ons i
; ! . m i.i i. r. ." x ic can ; n
. 4 d m " I v.d o ( . l I i i ; t
i 1 I !d I ?' g " . 1 1'.
a in s:
tie nil
ii ..I ii i ii
, t : . . . . i ,i m.
d o d
'. i a t A e a till
hi-, n - .-.I.-.
n la:;.
. 1 l !.
T. i n ;i .-,! t e-
1 at-an -nay. rd
: i v.-; J you stylish,
e matt ri f Is. at about
x .
iui .
! t e
e i ix mean sorts. Ci me in
e ii .v.-'re heu-'st. aiiiait it.
N M i i i:u' i.l iS: S n .
:xe..r on! I '. - l: - Wmiln!
W ill p- highest c-isl
price f- r but-1
j- ind eg.-s. A ': f-r h idt s and t al
At !' A.Oi v r"s meat, market.
Live eh iek'TS 1 iken Oil
lie,',.!!!!' tn t' e .liU'l'.XA!..
A seri "o- diawb -x k to many a com
munity is a eri-:ker. 'Allele satli-
cicntl numerous to In elieciive, ne is
!a positive! on! !o himself.
ox' to eveiy o" hei citr.en. Alter
mauv yeais of research naturalists
have given up hope of discovering any
use tor the croaker, th" mosquito, and
tlx ilea. They are all unaccountable
To farmers wives: Ed
Oliver wants all yoirrbest
buttor and es, at tlio
Iiif;iest marliet price.
t i y
ti r
j r-j i p
i f Q
y ournai
Z I II 1 til IJK
; ft-fwi jv,. THof f
j H.&ib $
Oinalia, leih.
Corner 12th and Howard Sts.
tlm in ,i mi I'Clllcn t Of It. SII.I.A
; u js omft,m8 newest nmi i.est fitted Jum-i.
Vaffit ia?of il,!"?
w,uit to go elsewhere.
I. PS.
Parlor JSnitcs.
$100 for. . .
7" for. . .
;V for. . .
l" for. . .
and ConelioEJ.
$:r, ior
HO for
b" for
II for
S fid for
K .r0
Bed Eoom Suites.
$100 for . 7-
7" for "'
oil for ;;r
Opposite Court House, Platt.smouth.Neb
The Plattsmouth Mills
With the best Machinery made, manufacture
Trade Esneciallv Solicited. Runs
Might and TJay to Supply Demand.
i C. H bibhL, rrop.,
i Washington Avenue.
4 1
I c
S b 2 S 3 ' i
Every purchase
is a guarantee that
I C5
g best and most goods
ust Gorcler,
Successor to
: : : DEALER IN : : :
- HI'
ls pleased to call special
Ho. 1 Hand-Made Harness
Made of Old-Fashioned, Oak-Tanned Leather, which he is Le to
warrant as first-class in every particular. Also has a fi line
of Covered CARRIAGES and BUGGIES. He has alsdldded
to his stock a first-class make of 1UCYCLES, with all tl mod
ern improvements. .
Harness Repairing
No. :.(! Jiain-St.,
for. . .
IT, for. . .
- tor
Bininfr Tables.
.. .
jj"H for
H. for H-('
0 for 3.00
4 for 2X(I
Gold Ooin Steel
llauses and Stoves.
$ So for H
C.') lor n
oU for W
40 for :;-
( f(r
'JL't lor ,r
Urn mim mlm mim -i--- W WW mm ,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Groceries, Dry
Goods, Notions
1 Gonerai Mdse.
- .
The Old Reliable
Pioneer Merchant
made at his store g
you obtained the. f
for the least money.; ?
; X
"frecl Gorder & Sn
attention to his line of
at Lowest Pi'ces
Plattsnioullt. Neb.
S '8
4- lin.
t ut in
0 -larl
U 5 ii A
f .on ch
c .tin . ,i
1 .(
1 S
' t r
- ..,-1BjtK, v&aim. ttww.- . ' uu flue mi u .-