The Weekly Journal C. W. .SHERMAN, Editor. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. SUBSCRIPTION. One year, in advance, SI. 00 Six months, in advance, 50 Three months, in advance, 25 ADVERTISING Rates made known on application. THURSDAY, MAY 7, 169G. Down in his country tbey are com ing Dick Bland's way in "blocks of live." A Missouri mother lias just given birth to five robust boys in one job lot. Ex. Skn'atok Tellei: of Colorado has consented to head the state delegation to the St. Louis convention. Th;it lie will be able to frame the platform, as he did four years ago nobody believes The Nebraska Independent the populist organ at Lincoln gives out tbe solemn warning to Mr. liryau that the populists will not support a silver democrat for president under any cir cumstance. That settles it, we sup pose. The house has passed a bankruptcy bill which proposes to wipe out the debtor for the benefit of the creditor It is compulsory in character, putting iu the power of the creditor to force the debtor to the wall almost at his option. The real fight over the money ques tion is a fight between the' nationa banks and the. peoDle. The banks want gold monometallism so that they can issue the money of the country The end means either slavery or free dom for the common people. TnE Lincoln Journal's Washington correspondent, W. E. Annin, has dis covered again that the free coinage "craze" is on the wain. A few weeks ao, according to Annin, that malady was entirely dead. It must have re ceived a miraculous resurrection since then. Eastern' go!dbug3 of the paternal istic party have been fightiuK Mc Kinley tooth and nail, because they said he was unsound on their money standard, but the McKinley move has only gained in strength in spite of the protest of those who didn't like the Ohio platform, and it is now believed he has a clear majority of the dele gates chosen, and will be nominated. If he has the strength of character for the place he will also dictate the plat form. We shall see. So far as known there are only two countries in the world that have been prospering during tbe last three years, while all Europe and the UnitedStates have been in the throes of financial de pression and disaster, and those coun tries are Japan and Mexico and both of them are doing business on a silver basis. There is every reason to believe that, as Senator Teller says, if the par of exchange between these countries and the United States were re-established and the mints were re-opened to the free coinage of silver, prosperity would again come to our farmers, mechanics and working people. And nothing else will bring it. Is his Chicago speech Secretary Car lisle asserted that there was SG00,000, 000 of gold coin in the United States. In his recent letter Gov. Altgeld of Illinois pointed out the fact that all of the banks and savings institutions in the country contained only $175 ,000, 000, and the IT. S. treasury had $125, 000,000, and he asks where the balance of the $300,000,000 is. Is it in hiding ? Xot a tenth of it. The fact is there is probably $50,000,000 in private. hand3 but no more, which would make, all told, about $350,000,000 in the country. Hence the talk of there being so much gold in the country is all wrong it is vastly over-estimated. Are the goldbugs buying conven tions? It looks that way. It is a known fact that a good majority of the delegates to the Michigan democratic state convention were eitherinstructed or were known to be opposed to the gold standard. When that body came to vote, however, the gold men had quite a majority. Reports in the Chicago papers say that whole county delegations, In some cases, who Lad been instructed for free silver, voted for the gold standard. The reports also say that "large numbers of men, not delegates, without regard to party, were there working for the goldites." Were these "large numbers" repub lican bankers with boodle in their pockets? 1 SENATOR TELLER'S StKOXt SPEECH. On Thursday last Senator Teller made a speech which stirred up quite a storm in the senate. The telegraph report says: Referring to the hoarding of vast sums in the treasury, Mr. Teller said if there was a country on the globe ruled by imbeciles, it was this. He did not propose, he said, to let the Ohio senator (Sherman) fool the people by telling them that if the McKiuley bill was re-enacted it would bring pros erity. Tbe McKinley bill would never be re-enacted, said Mr. Teller, and if it was, it would not biiug prosperity. Mr. Teller paid a glowing tribute to the republican party and its achieve ments, but, he added, it looked as though the great party had reached the point where it would drop the in terest of the masses and become the dupe and agent of who have no sympathy with the masses, of who represent only the dollars. The senator rejected the imputation of the senator of Vermont (Morrill) as to the republicanism of those who voted aga nst taking up the tarilT bill. "I am a republican," exclaimed Mr. Teller, with great feeling. "I helped to create the republican paity. I was a member of that party before the senator from Vermont was, and I came into it voluntarily. The senator from Vermont must allow me to go out in the same way. He cannot fix my line of conduct any more than a democrat or a republican convention can command my confidence." The senator said that when the great parties formed iu battle array next summer one of them might le the champion of the white metal. He con fessed that he looked with fear and trembling on the course of the great party with which he had been allied for forty years. 'What will I do if the party to which I have been attached advocates the gold standard." proceeded Mr. Teller. "Mr. president, I have no doubt in saying here, as I have before and will say again, that when a political or ganization ceases to represent the sentiments I hold, then I cease to act with it. When the democratic party became the party of opposition and wickedness I got out of it. I shouid despise myself if I lifted my hand to put into power a man who from execu tive chambers would continue the gold standard. Holding these views, if 1 lift my voice and do not vote iu the same way, 1 would despise myself for hypocrisy and deceit, and so as I speak so will vote." KnUALITA' 1IKFORE THE LAW." Friendless and alone he stood before the judge of the district court last Tuesday and entered a plea of guilty to a charge of stealing a horse an animal worth perhaps $30. ".Nine vears in the penitentiary at hard rf s m labor!" Thus spake the court. A life-time almost behind the bars for stealing a $30 horse! Shame! Shame. Xot upon the particular judge who passed tne sentence, for indeed we be lieve he did what he thought was right but shame upon a system of juris prudence which sends a boy to prison for nine long years because he stole a $30 horse, while permitting to breathe free air scores of men in Nebraska who have stolen millions during the past three years. Look at the long line of defaulting bankers and city and county officials! Does any Nebraska court say to these: "Nine years in the pen itentiary at hard labor!" Oh, no. It seems our statutes were not made for such as they, but only for the friend less and the poor. It makes the blood boil with indignation to see this every day discrimination against the weak and in favor of the strong; to see men who are driven to desperation by pov erty, driven on to prison by the courts, while blacker criminals with a money or political pull breathe free air. We must not censure Judge Slabaugh for his one act. Perhaps, aye God grant, be may be moveu Dy iik imputes when high-grade Omaha criminals stand before him, but oh, it does seem cruel that such a sentence must be im posed upon a poor and friendless man, thief though he may be, while hun dreds of his fellow thieves of higher grade go tree. Are men in Nebraska equal before the law? Did Mosber, who stole millions and by his theft drove confiding friends to suicides graves, receive a sentence in keeping with his. crime? And the Outcalts,the Dorseys, the Bollns oh, God, bend low Thine ear and hear and heed the supplications of the poor and friendless in our state for a better interpretation of our motto: "Equality before the law." TnE Omaha Bee has been making a spectacle of itself in attempting to meet "Coin" Harvey's challenge, made in his Omaha speech. Mr. Harvey had offered $100 to any person who would find in the press of February, 1873, reference to the demonitizatiou of silver, which was accomplished at that time. The Bee quotes a telegram referring to a bill relating to a change in the mint lws, and claims the re ward. It also says that bill was dis cussed through forty-eight pages of the Congressional Record, and everybody was conversant with the matter. The writer has read over carefully every column and page of the Globe (not the Record) published at that time, and he avers that there was no reference made in that debate to the leaving of the silver dollar out of the coinage laws, as the bill finally provided for. Nobody talked on the subject, in the senate or the house : every thifgelse in the bill wks talked about the making of the trade dollar, and the putt intr of the eagle on its face, especially. The real purpose of the bill was kept out of the discussion. The Ue is either lamentably or wilfully ignorant, and iias no right to claim that rewaid. THE OITKVl'ION THAT TON KICONTS i;.S. The natural method of getting money into circulation is by the pay ment of debts ami for the purchase ot commodities. Banks of issue poison this method by encouraging the bor rowing of their paper .bills at a high rate of interest for speculative pur poses. Every dollar upon which in terest is paid is a. tax upon labor, be cause all wealth is cieaUd by labor, and interest, or usury, which are identical terms, is the chief means by which the earnings of labor are transferred and concentrated from the bands of labor to the cotters of the ,rich, by processes of special legislation. The great founder of democracy in America. Thomas Jefferson, was the avowed -ineruy of banks of issue, as was An drew Jackson, its patron saint. And every intelligent and well-informed democrat believes with Jefferson, that "banks .f issue are the most cunning device ever invented to fertilize the rich man's field with the sweat of the poor man's brow." But the Cleve land Carlisle model n school have dis carded the democratic faith and aie making a fight to maintain the gold basis for the purpose of placing the national bank system in complete con trol of the financial system of the country and putting the labor of the country under their heel. Tbe goldite scheme is as dangerous to all labor as it is undemocratic, and no scheme of "protection" through a high tariff can ward off its evil effects upon the work ing people. It is time that every true American should arouse himself to the dangers that surround him and stare him in the face. Ouu genial friend J. F. I)., v ho is troubled over many woes, and appar ently none more serious than the prob lem how to make and keep a dollar dear is worrying over the fiat princi ple, and thinks free coinage people de pend on that principle for the main tenance of the value of tbe silver dol lar under free coinage. Nothing could be further from the fact, however. The silver advocates believe that the economic principle that "supply and demand regulate prices" applied to money will keep the two metals to gether under bimetallism. Silver be ing made a full legal tender, this fact will make an unlimited demand for it as legal tender money and this demand will fix the price at a par value with gold because it will have all the uses to which gold can be put. If a con spiracy were set on foot to discredit silver by hiding the gold, the men who took part in it would soon get tired of that because they woultl soon see that silver and silver certificates answered every purpose, and their gold would have to come ou. of its hiding before it could earn anything. The world never saw the time when gold and sil ver were too plentiful, and it never will, hence with the option given the debtor to pay his debt in either metal, bimetallism will be an accomplished success the moment it is adopted. The goldbug gathering at Lincoln Wednesday must have been a very perfunctory, not to say doleful, affair. With such old-time leaders as Dr. George L. Miller and James G. Boyd taking no part in it and declaring it had no legal existence as a democratic organization, its members were in a sad plight. Even J. Sterling Morton, who was at home al the time, only sixty miles away, did not deign to ap pear. Most cf tbe attendants prob ably went because tbey had a chance to visit Lincoln on free passes, and others because they, as government officials, didn't dare to stay away. What is the matter with tbe Omaha district judges? In about two-thirds of the cases decided by the supreme court the judgment is against the dis trict judges' rulings, and the cases are reversed and remanded. There must be something seriously wrong some where. . Itutler and ERgtt Wanted. . Will pay highest cash price for but ter and eggs. Alsd for hides and tal low. At E. A. Oliver's meat market. rnOClRESS VS. DECAY . Money is called the blood of civiliza tion. Measured by its pleutiness or scarceness civilization advances or retrogiH'ea. Although it might have none but an artificial value it fixes the price of the average of human produc- 1 tiou. That is generally considered the best money the quantity of which is regulated by a natural supply. Hence, since the dawn of civilization gold and silver have been miuted into money and have been reckoned as the best measure of the value of human pro ductions or human effort, and tbe quautity of these metals in use as money has marked the progress of civilizing intlneucee in the work. Thus it is seen that the most advanced of all the dynasties that have tuled the world have invariably been those countries which have possessed the greatest quantity of money. Tbe Jews under David and Solomon, the Per sians under Nebuchadnezzar, the Grecians during their era of grandeur, the Romans under the C.esars and Great Britain under Elizabeth, each have illustrated this important tact. Tbe discovery of America ami the robbery by the Spanish of the natives of Mexico and Suth America of their untold millions of silver and gold dur ing the sixteenth century was the greatest means for the advancement of civilization in Europe. On the other hand every nation or people who have been robbed of their money has gone down into decay. When the patricians of Rome melted the money of that peo ple into ornaments to adorn their per sons and paraphernalia, Rome went into a decay which lasted for a thou sand years. At the present time a similar process is going on. The wealth of the world today is concen trating in few hands, and that process is greatly aided by taking from silver its free mintage quality, thus lessening the number of dollars by which pro duction is measured, and the con spiracy to perfect this plan must be overthrown, or tbe world will again as inevitably lapse into darkness and de cay. Hence tbe battle for the free coinage of silver is the battle of civili zation against barbarism, of progress against decay. A Noti-l'HrtiHKii View. Eihtok Jol'en'al: The exactions of party sttife, I have no doubt, often prevent a party newspaper from say ing things which, as applied to other things, would be mere matters of com mon n mark, vud so it is that the fear of helping a political opponent often prevents a party paper from do ing simple justice. Asa case in point, the papers have said nothing on the subject of this communication: The recent decision of the supreme court, rele.tsinir on habeas corpus pro ceedings certain convicts in the peni tentiary on the ground that informa tions against the accused were tiled out of term time, is causing a good deal of interest throughout the state. and may result in releasing many other convicts. Reader of TllE Jol'kNAL will re member the case of Douglas, who was arrested on a charge of burglary, com mitted at Engle last January, and who, alter his preliminary examina tion, was anxious to plead guilty and thus commence early to serve his sen tence. The regular term of court would not convene until March 10, at which an information could be tiled. County Attorney Folk made a thor ough examination of the law and au thorities bearing thereon, and finally concluded it unsafe to risk filing the information in vacation and having Douglas plead guilty at the judge's chamber and receive sentence, as lias been the universal practice ti.onghout tbe state. Under the advice of the county at torney. Judge Ramsey called a special term of ihe district court for the pur pose of obviating ibis and other legal technicalities, at which Douglas en tered a plea of guilty of burglary, and was sentenced to five years in tbe pen itentiary. I do not agree with County Attor ney Folk, politically, but must say that iu this instance he showed great care and good legal ability in prevent ing the probable release of Douglas on the very same ground upon which the supreme court has already released at least three prisoners from the peni tentiary. The speedy disposition of the Doug las matter saved a large bill of costs to the taxpayers of Cass county, which also reflects much credit upon Mr. Folk. Live chickens taken on subscription account to tbe Journal. To farmers9 wives: Ed Oliver wants all your best butter and eggs, at tbe highest market price. Ifejlejl m Omaha, Neb. Corner I2th and Howard Sts. Under the innntiKement of I. SII..LOWAY. It is Omaha's newest and best fitted hotel. Steam heat, electric light! Kates. $2.00. $2.50or 83.00 a day. Give It a trial and you will never want to go elsewhere. i FOR THE NEXT at jm PEAELMAI'S Parlor Suites. Worth. $100 for 75 for 55 for 45 for $75 55 40 35 IiOnnges and Coucbes. $35 for - i20 for ,0 15 for 11 H for 8 60 8 50 for - 00 Bed Room Suites. $100 for 75 for 50 for $75 55 35 Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb The Plattsmouth Mills With the best Machinery made, manufacture THE BEST BRANDS OF WHEAT, GRAHAM, VT? 1 , , y RYE, BUG K WHEAT iT lUUi EVERY SACK GUARANTEED, Trade Especially Solicited. Runs Night and Day to Supply Demand. C. HEISEL, Prop., Washington Avenue, n o o 3uv F. S. WHITE, Every purchase is a guarantee that you obtained the best and most goods for the least money. o August Gorder, Is pleased to call special attention to his line of No. 1 Hand-Made Harness, Made of Old-Fashioned, Oak-Tanned Leather, which he is able to warrant as first-class in every particular. Also has a fine line of Covered CARRIAGES and BUGGIES. He has also added to his stock a first-class make of BICYCLES, with all the mod ern improvements. Harness Repairing at Lowest Prices No. 309 Main-St., PlattsmoulL. Neb. jti Mi II THIRTY DAY- Worlli. $35 for 25 for 22 lor $2S 20 1G Dining Tables. $28 for $20.(J0 20 for 14.00 G for 3.00 4 for. . 250 Gold Coin Steel Ranges and Stoves $85 for $05 05 lor 0 .r.O tnr 3S 40 for 30 for 25 lor 32 Plattsmouth, Neb. o Your Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions o o o s I General Mdse. OF- The Old Reliable Pioneer Merchant made at his store J Successor to Fred Gorder & Sou- : : : DEALER IN : : : An i