Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, May 07, 1896, Image 5

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Where Electrlo Current Jompi m Rock.
The possibility of telegraphing ;
through space, which vras fully dem- :
onstrated last years by W. II- Preece, j
has been turned to account in a most '
effecttre way for maintaining' com
munication between the mainland and
the Fasnet lighthouse, on the south
west coast of Ireland. Formerly the
difficulties of carrying a telegraph cable
up an exposed rock, where it was sub
ject to constant chafing, were almost
insurmountable. The non-continuous
system is now used, and works admira
bly. The cable terminates in the water
sixty yards off, and the electric cur
rents, sent from the shore, find their
way through the distance to two bare
wires they dip into the sea from the
rock. Chicago Record.
A Cjnlc'a Opinion.
I.aunter in the St. James' Budget
says of woman:
"The morbid craving for notoriety
that women exhibit in their various
spheres of life is a singular interesting
study. They are ready to take up any
fad that wili put them in evidence.
"I know women who would lead a
dancing bear down Regent street for
the sake of creating a sensation.
"The striving after originality (in
dress) has reached such an acute stage
that the real originality lies in being
quite natural.
"They want to be talked about,"
aays the author, "and create what the
Yankees call a 46plurge."
It tho Itaby is Catting Teetn.
kian nd use that old and well-tried remedy, VMM,
WloW SooTRDsa Strlt for Children Teethlng-
The I.lve Monkey.
A dealer in stuffed animals, who also
kept a few live creatures for sale, gave
his shop boy, who was permitted to
sell the stuffed specimens, orders to
call him when any one asked for any
of the living animals, says the Youth's
One day a gentleman called and de
manded a monkey.
"Any one of these?" asked the boy,
who was in charge. He pointed to the
stuffed specimens.
"No I want a live monkey," an
swered the customer.
The boy stepped to the door of the
back shop and called to his master;
"You're wanted, sir!"'
Karycle Presidential razzle.
Men and women, boys and girls:
readers of this paper if you neg
lected to send in your answer
to the advertisement of the Pres
idential Puzzle in last week's is
sue of this paper, do not neglect to
do so row. Do not put it off. Get
your copy of last week's paper,
Cot The AdTertUement Out
it gives all the particulars which en
ables you to get the best $100 Racycle;
which, with the discount allowed by
working the puzzle, makes it the
cheapest as well as the best. We want
at once a few Racycles In your locality
as advertisements now is your oppor
tunity. Send us your solution of puz
zle, your name and address, model
wanted and height of frame.
Miami Cycle and Mfg. Co.,
Mlddletown, Ohio.
Truth never Mushes when you look it in
the face.
Gladness Comes
nfh a Tetter understanding of the
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
fortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasnnt
family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system "is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere. Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
used and gives most general satisfaction.
W. L. Douglas
3. SHOE beM.dThe
If you pay 4 to 6 for shoes, ex-
amine the W. L. Douglas Shoe, and X
see what a good shoe you can buy for
and LACE, inade In all
kinds of the best selected
leather by killed work
men. "We
make and
sell more
$3 Shoes
. than nn -v
manufacturer in the world.
None genuine unless name and
price is stamped on the bottom.
Ask your dealer for our S5,
84, S3.SO, S2.50, 82.25 Shoes;
2.50, 82 and 81.75 for boys.
TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. If your dealer
cannot supply you, send to fac
tory, enclosing price and 36 cents
to pa carriage. State kind, style
of toe (cap or plain), size and
width. Our Custom Dept. will fill
your order. Send for new Illus
trated Catalogue to Box It.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.
Write for what you want
Exchange, Dt-nyer, Colo.
"Golden Text: Thou Shalt Be Like a
Watered Garden and Like a Spring
of Hater Wlioe U'uten Fall Not
Isaiah LtIIL, 2.
-s. tihi jJioie is a great
TiAom Wo Vioua In
tl V V U 4 V 111
it faultless rhythm
and bold imagery
and startling anti
thesis and raptur
ous lyric and sweet
pastoral and in
structive narrative
and devotional
psalm; thoughts ex
pressed in style
more solemn than that of Montgomery,
more bold than that of Milton, more ter
rible than that of Dante, more natural
thi-n that of Wordsworth, more impas
sioned than that of Pollock, more ten
der than that of Cowper, more weird
than that of Spencer.
This great poem brings all the gems
of the earth into its coronet, and it
weaves the flames of judgment into its
garlands, and pours eternal harmonies
in its rhythm. Everything this book
touches it makes beautiful, from the
plain stones of the summer threshing
floor to the daughters of Nahor tilling
the trough for the camels; from the fish
poola of Heshbon up to the Psalmist
praising God with the diapason of
storm and whirlwind, and Job's imag
ery of Orion, Arcturus and the Pleiades.
My text leads us into a scene of sum
mer redolence. The world has had a
great many beautiful gardens. Charle
magne added to the glory of his reigr.
by decreeing that they be establishec
all through the realm deciding even
the namew of the flowers to be planted
there. Henry IV., at Montpelier, estab
lished gardens of bewitching beauty
and luxuriance, gathering into them Al
pine, Pyrenean and French plants. One
of the sweetest spots on earth was the
garden of Shenstone, the 'poet. His
writings have made but little impres
sion on the world; but his garden, "The
Lea.sowes," will be immortal. To the
natural advantage of that place was
brought the perfection of art. Arbor
and terrace and slope and rustic temple
and reservoir and urn and fountain here
had their crowning. Oak and yew and
hazel put forth their richest foliage.
There was no life more diligent, no soul
more ingenious, than that of Shenstone,
and all that diligence and genius he
brought to the adornment of that one
treasured spot. He gave three hun
dred pounds for it; he sold it for seven
teen thousand. And yet I am to tell
you today of a richer garden than any
I have mentioned. It is the garden
spoken of in my text, the garden of the
Church, which belongs to Christ. He
bought it, he planted It, he owns it, and
he shall have it. Walter Scott, in his
outlay at Abbotsford, ruined his for
tune; and now, in the crimson flowers
of those gardens, you can almost think
or imagine that you see the blood of
that old man's broken heart. The
payment of the last one hundred thou
sand pounds sacrificed him. But I
have to tell you that Christ's life and
Christ's death were the outlay of this
beautiful garden of the Church, of
which my text speaks. Oh, how many
sighs and tears and pangs and agonies!
Tell me, ye women who saw him hang!
Tell me, ye executioners who lifted him
and let him down! Tell me, thou sun
that didst hide; ye rocks that fell!
Christ loved the Church, and gave him
self for it. If the garden of the Church
belongs to Christ, certainly he has a
right to walk in it. Come, thou, O
blessed Jesus, today; walk up and down
these aisles and pluck what thou wilt of
Bweetness for thyself.
The Church, in my text, is appropri
ately compared to a garden, because it
is the place of choice flowers, of select
fruits, and of thorough irrigation. That
would be a strange garden in which
there were no flowers. If nowhere else,
they would be along the borders or at
the gateway. The homeliest faste will
dictate something, if it be only the old
fashioned hollyhock, or dahlia, or daffo
dil; but if there be larger means, then
you will find the Mexican cactus, the
blazing azalea, and clustering oleander.
Well, now, Christ comes to his garden
and he plants there some of the bright
est spirits that ever dowered the world.
Borne of them are violets, inconspicu
ous, but sweet as heaven. You have to
search and find them. You do not see
them very often, perhaps, but you see
where they have been by the brightened
face of the Invalid, and the sprig of
geranium on the stand, and the new
window curtains keeping out the glare
of the sunlight. They are, perhaps,
more like the ranunculus, creeping
sweetly along amid the thorns and
briars of life, giving kiss for sting; and
many a man who has had in his way
some great black rock of trouble, has
found that they had covered it all over
with flowery Jasmine, running in and
out amid the crevices. These flowers
in Christ's garden are not, like the sun
flower, gaudy in the light, but wherever
darkness hovers over a soul that needs
to be comforted, there they stand,
night-blocming cereuses.
But in Christ's garden there are
plants that may be better compared to
the Mexican cactus thorns without,
loveliness within; men with sharp
points of character. They wound al
most everyone that touches them.
They are hard to handle. Men pro
nounce them nothing but thorns, but
Christ loves them notwithstanding all
their sharpness. Many a man has had
a very hard ground to i ultivate, and it
has only been through severe trial he
has raised even the smallest crop of
grace. A very harsh minister was talk'
lng to a very placid elder, and the placid
elder said to the harsh minister. "Doc
tor, 1 do wish you would control your
temper." "Ah," said the minister to the
elder, "I control more temper in five
minutes than you do in five years."
It is harder for some men to do right
than for other men to do right. The
grace that would elevate you to the sev
enth heaven might not keep your
brother from knocking a man down. I
had a friend who came to me and said,
"I dare not join the Church." I said,
Why?" "Oh," he said, "I have such a
violent temper. Yesterday morning I was
crossing very early at the Jersey City
ferry, and I saw a milkman pour a large
quantity of water Into the milk-can, and
I said to him, 'I think that will do,' and
he insulted me, and I knocked him
down. Do you think I ought to join
the Church?" Nevertheless, that very-
same man, who was so harsh in his be
havior, loved Christ, and could not
speak of sacred things without tears of
emotion and affection. Thorns with
out, sweetness within the best speci
men of the Mexican cactus I ever saw.
There are others planted in Christ's
garden who are always radiant, always
impressive more like the roses of deep
hue, that we occasionally find, called
"Giants of Battle," the Martin Luthers.
St. Pauls, Chrysostoms, Wickliffes.
Latiiners, and Samuel Rutherfords.
What in other men is a spark, in them
is a conflagration. When they sweat,
they sweat great drops of blood. When
they pray, their prayer takes fire.
When they preach, it i3 a Pentecost.
When they -fight, it is a Thermopylae.
When they die, it is a martyrdom. You
find a great many roses in the gardens,
but only a few "Giants of Battle." Men
say, "Why don't you have more of them
n the Church?" I say, "Why don't you
have in the world more Humboldts and
Wellingtons?" God gives to some ten
talents; to another one.
In this garden of the Church which
Christ has planted, I also find the snow-
Irops, beautiful, but cold-looking.
seemingly another phase of winter. 1
mean those Christians who are precise
in their tastes, unimpassioned, pure as
snowdrops and as cold. They never
hed any tears, they never get excited.
they never say anything rashly, they
never do anything precipitately. Tneir
pulses never flutter, and their nerves
never twitch, their indignation never
boils over. They live longer than most
people, but their life is in a minor key.
They never run up to "C" above the
staff. In their music of life they have
no staccato passages. Christ planted
them in the Church, and they must be
of some service or they would not be
there; snowdrops always snowdrops.
But I have not told you of the most
beautiful flower of all this garden
spoken of in the text. If you see a
century plant your emotions are
started. You say, "Why, this flower has
been a hundred years gathering" up for
one bloom, and it will be a hundred
years more before other petals will
come out." But I have to tell you of a
plant that was gathering up from all
eternity, and that nineteen hundred
years ago put forth its bloom never to
wither. It is the passion-plant of the
Cross! Prophets foretold it; Bethle
hem shepherds looked upon it In the
bud; the rocks shook at its bursting;
and the dead got up in their winding
sheets to see its full bloom. It is a
crimson flower blood at the roots.blood
on the branches, blood on all the leaves.
Its perfume is to fill all the nations. Its
breath is heaven. Come, O winds from
the north and winds from the south
and winds from the east and winds
from the west and bear to all the earth
the sweet-smelling savor cf Christ, my
His worth If all the nations knew.
Sure the whole earth would love him, too.
Again, the Church may be appropri
ately compared to a garden, because it
is a place of fruits. That would be a
strange garden which had in it no ber
ries, no plums, or reaches, or apricots.
The coarser fruits are planted in the
orchard, or they are set out on the
sunny hillside; but the choicest fruits
are kept in the garden. So in the
world outside the Church, Christ has
planted a great many beautiful things
patience, charity, generosity, integrity;
but he intends the choicest fruits to be
in the garden, and if they are not there,
then shame on the Church.
Religion is not a mere sentimen
tality. It is a practical, life-giving,
healthful fruit not posies,
but apples. "Oh," says somebody,
"I don't see what your garden cf
the church has yielded." In reply, I
ask where did your asylums come from?
and your hospitals? and your instltu
tions of mercy? Christ planted every
one of them; he planted them in his
garden. When Christ gave sight to
Bartimeus he laid the corner-stone to
every blind asylum that has ever been
built. When Christ soothed the de
moniac of Galilee he laid the corner
stone of every lunatic asylum that has
ever been established. When Christ
said to the sick man, "Take up thy
bed and walk." he laid the corner-stone
of every hospital the world has ever
seen. When Christ said, "I was in
prison and ye visited me," he laid the
corner-stone of every prison-reform as
soclatlon that has ever been organized.
The church of Christ is a glorious
garden, and It is full of fruit.
I know there is some poor fruit in
it. I know there are some weeds that
ought to be thrown over the fence.
know there are some crab-apple trees
that ought to be cut down. 1 know
there are some wild grapes that ought
to be uprooted; but are you going to
destroy the whole garden because of
a little gnarled fruit? You will find
worm-eaten leaves in Fontainbleau,
and insects that sting in the fairy
groves of the Champs Elysees. You do
not tear down and destroy the whole
garden because there are a few speci
mens of gnarled fruit. I admit there
are men and women in the church who
ought not to be there; but let us be just
as frank and admit the fact that
there are hundreds and. thousands and
tens of thousands of glorious Christian
men and women holy, blessed, use
ful, consecrated and triumphant.
There is no grander, nobler collection
in all the earth than the collection
of Christians.
I notice that the fine gardens some
times have high fences around them
and you cannot get in. It Is so with a
king's garden. The only glimpse you
ever get of such a garden is when the
king rides out in his splendid carriage.
It is not so with this garden, this
King's garden. I throw wide open the
gate and tell you all to come in. No
monopoly in religion. Whosoever
will, may. Choose now between a
desert and a garden. Many of you
have tried the garden of this world's
delight. You have found it has been
a chagrin. So it was with Theodore
Hook. He made all the world laugh.
He makes us laugh now when we read
his poems; but he could not make his
own heart laugh. While in the midst
of his festivities he confronted a look
ing-glass, and he saw himself and said:
There, that is true. I look just as I
am; done up in body, mind, and purse."
So it was of Shenstone, of whose gar
den I told you at the beginning of my
sermon. He sat down and amid those
bowers and said: "I have lost my road
to happiness. I am angry and envious
and frantic, , and despise everything
around me just as it becomes a mad
man to do."
O ye weary souls! come into Christ's
garden today and pluck a little hearts
ease. Christ is the only rest and the
only pardon for a perturbed spirit.
Do you not think your chance ha3 al
most come? You men and women who
have been waiting year after year for
some good opportunity in which to
accept Christ, but have postponed it,
five, ten, twenty, thirty years do you
not feel as if now your honor of de
liverance and pardon and salvation
had come? O man, what grudge hast
thou against thy poor soul that thou
wilt not let It be saved? I feel as If
salvation must come today in some of
your hearts.
Some years ago a vessel struck on
the rocks. They had only one life
boat. In that lifeboat the passengers
and crew were getting ashore. The ves
sel had foundered, and was sinking
deeper and deeper, and that one boat
could not take the passengers very
swiftly. A little girl stood on the deck
waiting for her turn to get Into the
boat. The boat came and went, came
and went, but her turn did not seem
to come. After awhile she could wait
no longer, and she leaped on tho taffrail
and then sprang into the sea, crying
to the boatman, "Save me next! Saye
me next?" Oh, how many have gone
ashore into God's mercy, and yet you
are clinging to the wreck of sin! Others
have accepted the pardon of Christ, but
you are in peril. Why not, this mo
ment, make a rush for your immortal
rescue, crying until Jesus 'Shall hear
you, and heaven and earth ring with
the cry, "Save me next! Save me
next!" Now is the day of salvation!
Now! Now!
This Sabbath Is the last for some of
you. It is about to sail away fcr ever.
Her bell tolls. The planks thunder
back in the gangway. She shoves off.
She floats out toward the great ocean
of eternity. Wave farewell to your last
chance for heaven. "Oh, Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, how often would I have
gathered thee as a hen gathereth her
brood under her wings, and ye would
not! Behold your house Is left unto
you desolate." Invited to revel in a
garden, you die in a desert! May God
Almighty, before It Is too late, break
that infatuation.
A Belligerent Laureate.
Alfred Austin would not sign the pe
tition of British authors for peace be
tween the United States and Great
Britain. The cause may have been that
he has no book rights in this country,
and the effect may have been to aid him
in securing the laureateship. Boston
A Journal devoted to the interests
of the pen, ink and paper trade claims
that the world uses 3,500,000 steel pens
Ancient coins, many of which ante
date the Christian era, are made in
large quantities in London and are sold
11 over the world.
The average duration of human life
in European countries is greatest in
Sweden and Norway and lowest in Italy
nd Austria.
The Bulgarian troops constantly sing
on the march, like the Russians, with
whom the singing almost takes the
place of drums and trumpets.
It is claimed that 21,000,000 gallons
of champagne are drunk every year.
England heads the list of countries,
with America in the second place.
Ohio has five and one-half times and
Illinois five and four-fifths times toe
Inhabitants of Maine, but Maine has
more saving banks depositors than
That one deer does duty In many an
adventure is proved by the fact that a
deer shot in Weld, Me., the other day
was carrying eleven bullets In its body.
The last census shows that while in
twenty years the increase of men In all
Industries has been 150 per cent, the In
crease of women at work has been 1,500
per cent.
Lince the cold weather began one
Connecticut hardware factory has re
ceived orders for 30,000 pairs of skates.
The factory will have to run night and
day to fill them.
A Kennebec, Me., man was shoveling
gravel out of a bank into his wagon
the other day, and was naturally a lit
tle surprised when he shoveled a wood
chuck into the cart with a spadeful of
The Cnited States and Spain.
It is' twenty-three years apo since we
had serious trouble with Spain over
Cuba, where then, as now. a. revolution
was in progress. An American steamer,
the Viririnius, was seized and her crew,
many of whom were American citizens,
were tried and condemned by a court
martial and summarily shot. When
the news reached this country the pov
ernment at Washington demanded the
immediate release of the Virginius, and
as Spain was at first dilatory in com
plying with the demand there was
serious talk of war between the two
countries. FinalljT the matter was
amicably settled, and from that time
up to a few days ago the two countries
have maintained the friendliest rela
tions. New York Irish World.
A Trinity of Kvllo.
Billiousness, sick headache and Irregular
ity of the bowels accompany each other. To
the removal of this trinity of evils Hostet
ter's Stomach Bitters is especially adapted.
It also cures dyspepsia, rheumatism, mala
rial complaints, billiousness, nervousness
and const. pation. The most satisfactory
results follow a fair trial. Use it daily.
A Nursery Dleh.
An appetizing and healthful "good
night" lunch for the chidren may be
made of the scraps of nice cleaa bread.
Put the bits, thick and thin, in a bak
ing pan in the oven, where they will
brown evenly and lightly clear through.
When a light brown and crisp to the
center, roll on a clean table or cloth
with the rolling pin until it is a line
"grit." Bottle and keep dry. A table
spoonful or two in good, rich milk,
makes a light palatable and digestible
supper for any body.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.. Proprs. of
Hall's Catarrh Cure, offer tioo reward for any
case of catarrh that can not be cured by taking
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for testimonials,
free. Sold by Drutodsts. 75c.
A temptation resisted, is a foe overcome.
A roarine lion may sometimes he one
that has no teeth.
It would spoil nine men out of ten, to let
them have their own way for a month.
liegeman' Camphor Ice wit h Glycerine.
Cures Chapped Hands and Kac, Tender or Sore Keet,
Chilblains, Hies. Ac. C. U. Clark Co., New Haven, CU
Good fortune does not always ride in a
gold-mounted carriage.
Piso's Cure for Consumption is the only
couph medicine used in my house. D. C.
Albright, Mirtlinbur, Pa., Dec. 11. "15.
Every man feels the need of a good
natured woman to grumble to.
riTS All Fits stopiel free by Ir. K line's Grent
Nerve Kestorer. fio Kilsafter tn tii-M nay 'a ue.
Marvelous curt-s. Treatise ail C-trral ljMl"fr- t
h it cum.-. btDii to Dr. Kline.fcU Area tot., J'lilla., h.
He who can laugh at himself, may laugh
Half Fare Kxcurmons via the Wabash,
The short line to St. Louis, and quick route
East or (South,
April 21st and May 5th. Excursions to
all points South at one fare for the round
trip with $2.00 added.
JUNE 16th,
National Republican Convention at St.
JULY 3d,
National Educational Association at
JULY ith,
Christian Endeavor Convention at
JULY nd,
National People and Silver Convention at
St. Louis.
For rates, time tab'es and further infor
mation, call at the Wabash ticket office.
1415 Farnam St., Paxton Hotel block, or
write Geo. r. Clayton.
N. W. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Neb.
Putting a crown on the head, puts noth
ing kingly in the heart.
Is a prize fighter
It knocks out in
Greatest Highest
Quantity Quality.
fj? The only brand of strictly
Jj high-grade tobacco ever sold for a
low price Not the large size of
K the piece alone that has made
"Battle Ax" the most popular
(X brand on the market for 5 cents7
Picking up
Is easy enough if you look
for it in the right place.
This is the right place to
learn just what to do for
that debilitating condition
which Spring always brin gs.
Do you want to be cured of
that languid feeling, get
back your appetite, sleep
soundly, and feel like a new
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will do it. It has done it
for thousands. It has been
doing it for 60 years. Try it.
Send for the "Curebook." 100 pages free
J. C. Ayer Co. Lowell. Mass.
"Just as
Good "
never yet
Simply refuse
the "just as good " sort.
Iff your dealer will not
supply you we will.
Sample showing labels and materials mailed free.
"Home Dressmaking." a new book by M1m
Emma M. Hooper, of the Ladies' Home Journal,
telling- how to put on Bias Velveteen Skirt Bind
Ings sent for 25c. postage paid
S. H. & M. Co.. P. O. Box 699 N. Y. City.
One of the health-giving; ele
ments of HIRES Rootbeer is
sarsaparilla. It contains more
sarsaparilla than many of the
preparations called by that name.
HIRES the best by any test.
Made on It by Th. Charle E. Hlre Co.. Phlllvl()hl
Z5c pckKF make & galloui. Sold crerrwher.
and champion in every contest with
every roun
and on its belt is written