1 I I . 1 . 1 I t - t k n A. i n YTT71 PMIISlOUll OUfflAl 1 J- ft Jrar AND FEAR NOT." VOL. 1.1. NO. 20. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, MAY 7. 18UG. $1.00 PEH YEAH. IF PAID IN ADVANCE. WEEKLY - r 1 1 -w vrere , Se n ? i 1 ) MIDNIGHT BLAZE. Tire In the Weber Building Does Considerable Damage. A MYSTERY ABOUT THE AFFAIR Soever. I Ttiories mh tu tl hun if the '. Fire Damage t tlie !Saluuu uud Fixture muiI ltullding.tinply Covered Hy IntUHurc. A Ivitriou( Itlaze. At a few iiitnutes after twelve o'clock last Thursday night tbe ringing of the lire bell called out two of the hose com panies and a number of citizens. The interior of tbe Elkhorn saloon, uu up per Main street, operated by J. V. Kiienberger, jr., was discovered to be ablaze. After considerable delay, an entrance to the building was ef fected, and a line of hose laid througb the front door. Soon a stream of water was playing on the tierce flames, aud, in the course of an hour, the fire was all out, but not until a large amount of damage had been done, both by tbe tldtnes and water. The fire apparently originated on a partition dividing the saloon and bot tling works of Snyder & Egenberger. The orieiu of the fire is a mystery, aud several theories are advanced. It wa3 first believed that lightning bad struck the building, but a closer investigation dispels this idea. In the bottling works are several large copper kettles, and had lightning performed any of its pranks in the room, these would sure ly havn been the first articles to be struck. The kettles were uninjured and showed no aigns of having been struck. The stove did Dot have any fire in it during theday or night, and the saloon was locked up at about eleven o'clock. It is reported that a ga9 jet w:i seen burning in one of the wine ro-:us a short time before the alarm was sounded. Today a number of people are in clined to believe that the fire was the result of incendiarism, but the real cause will probably never be definitely known . The bar fixtures, including the mirror back of the bar, were almost totally ruined and a quantity of liquor and cigars were destroyed. J. V. Kgenberger stated this morning that he figured his loss at S3 ,000, but this estimate is probably exaggerated by at least $2,000. The insurance on the saloon fixtures and stock is $2,500. Win. Weber, tbe owner of the build ine, estimates his loss at about $GH). and the damage is believed to be fully that much. The plate glas3 window, costing about $150. which is thelargest in the city, was cracked. Mr. Weber carries a $1,000 insurance policy on the building, and the Livingston Loan &: Building association also hold some insurance on the structure. Snyder & Eijenberger, tLe owners of the bottling works, are the heaviest losers, as they did not carry any in surance. Their loss is between $125 and 5200. Thursday morning Messrs. Snyder & Egenberger received five tanks of carbonated gas from Omaba, each tank having a pressure of 3,000 pounds. These were laying on the floor amidst the flames. Had the heat exploded one of these tanks, the entire building would have been wrecked, and a num ber of the firemen killed. It was a sort of miracle that an explosion aid not occur. Two Saloon Less. From Friday's Daily. This city will endeavor to "plug along" with five saloons for the period of one year, commencing today. Messrs. Hans Goos and Geo. Weid mann closed their places of business as saloons last evening. Tbe former will use his bar room as an office for the City hotel, while the latter will operate a billard room and lunch counter at the old stand. The saloon men have had pretty hard "scratch ing" the past year, but with two sa loons less this year , it will make bust ness in their line considerably better. April MortsHge Record The Cass county mortgage record for the month of April, as compiled in the office of Register of Deeds Geo Hay, is as follows: Farm mortgages Filed, $34,282 00; released, j,30o.id. Town and city mortgages Filed, $1,729.00; released, $9,246.00. John Group, the Louisville farmer, who reported to the sheriff that one of his horses had been stolen a few days ago, writes that official that he has re covered the animal. No particulars are given as to where the horse was found. Noble Matt Gering of Cat.. One of the brightest, brainiest and eloquent young men in Nebraska is Hon. Matt Gering of Cass county, and the Democrat is proud to number him among its friends. The sterling and staying qualities of Mr. Gering was never more forcibly brought to tbe at tention of his friends than it was on the floor of the convention last Wednes day afternoon when he entered the fight against an unholy combination and offered one of the best efforts of his life in seconding tbe nomination of W. D. Oldham for delegate at large. While Matt has been given the frozen-face by waxed-moustache and beur's-oiled gentry of Omaha, he can rest contented in knowing that it can always depend upon the boys from the Sixth district, and throughout the state, to stand solidly by him when he asks for their support. Matt can never be turned down by this same gang twice if he will only give the,4wooly west" sufficient time to turn on its kalsomine. Kearney Democrat. The Itiauop's Aunutl Visit. St. Luke's Episcopal church was crowded to the doors Sunday evening andmany were unable to obtain even standing room. The occasion was the annual visit of lit. ltev. George Worth ington, bishop of tbe diocese of Ne braska. The class for confirmation this year consisted of seventeen people, several of whom weie middle-aged. The services were beautiful and impressive and the bishop's address to the class was both eloquent and instructive and was listened to with profound atten tion by the large congregation. At tlie conclusion of tbe address, Bishop Worthington, in earnest language, eulogized the local pastor, llev. IT. B. Burgess, for bis many years of faith ful service for the good of his church and congregation. The singing by the especially selected choir was ex cellent. New liarn Dedicated. Nick Ilalmes, the well-known far mer living about five miles west of town, whose large barn and con tents were burned some time ago, has just completed the erection of another structure, finer and larger than tbe other one. Saturday evening he in vited a number of his friends, includ ing many from this city, to come out and properly celebrate the event. A merry time was had dancing in the barn, and excellent refreshments were served. Sunday Mr. Ilalmes gave a picnic to bis friends, and a splendid time is reported. Fiue KUh l'ond. Monday's Daily. County Clerk Robertson is the owner of several fine fish ponds out at Louisville, and today he received the information that the state fish commissioner's car would be in that town tomorrow for the purpose of stocking up these ponds with an as sortment of game fish. Mr. Robert eon purchased the old sand pits up at Louisville, and utilized them for fish ponds, some of them being fifty feet deep, and the water is ice cold down near the bottom. A number of catfish were placed in the ponds about three years ago, and are thriving well. Soine Fine Alfalfa. From Wednesday's Daily. County Commissioner J. P. Falter had on exhibition at tbe county clerk's office today a bunch of alfalfa, of this spring's growth, which he cut from bis three-acre patch- on his farm this morning. It measured twenty-two inches in length, and was considered by all who saw it to be unusually fine and large for this early in tbe season. Mr. Falter says that the principal part of raising alfalfa is to plant enough seed to make a firm stand, and a good crop will follow. It makes the best kind of feed for hogs. Martin Propst of Plattsmoutb pre cinct sowed two and a half acres of alfalfa a year ago this week. He was in Saturday morning and remarked to a Journal reporter that his alfalfa patch now stands fourteen inches high, and has roots that go twenty inches into the earth. It is spreading out, like clover.so that it completely covers the ground. He is delighted with his experiment, and has sown several acres more this spring. Other farmers who sowed alfalfa last year are mak ing similar reports, and the new grass is certain to become popular with all Cass county farmers. Henry Cooper has received a letter from his son, Bert, who is working in Cripple Creek, Colo., in which he says that his brother-in-law, Ed. VanaUa, who is city attorney of that town, had lost his library in the big fire of last Wednesday. VERY SAD SUICIDE! Mrs. Coon Vallery Kills Herself at Her Mother's Home. FIRES A BULLET INTO HER HEAD Had Been JDepoiidut For Some Time, Itut Wan Apparently In Good Spir itn Acain Sai Ending oi h l'opular Young Woman. With suicidal intent Mrs. Louise Vallery, wife of Conrad Vallery, jr., fired a bullet into her temple at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, while temporarily stopping at the home of her mother, at 701 Elm street. Mrs. Vallery came to town Saturday morn ing with her husband from the old Vallery farm, four miles west of town, for a short stay while doing some shopping. Mr. Vallery was down in town transacting some business when a messenger brought the news to him of his wife's rash act. Mrs. Valleryr appeared to be in as good health and spirits as usual all day, and walked about her old home place, vie wing with apparent pleasure the trees and shruls so familiar to her. A few minutes after two o'clock in tbe afternoon she went upstairs, saying she would look at some calsomining which her brother, Frank, had been doing. A few minutes later Mrs. Niemann, who was down in the kitchen preparing dinner, heard a loud scream, followed by the report of a pistol and the falling of a body on the floor. The frightened old lady rushed upstairs, and a horrible sight met her view. Stretched out on the floor, writhing in her life-blood was the form of her daughter, with a fearful wound in one of her temples, from which the blood was flowing. A messenger was sent at once to procure medical aid. Mrs. Vallery's maiden name was Niemann, and she grew to woman hood in this city. For several years she has been a sufferer from a com- 'plaint peculiar to women, and has at times shown signs indicating that her mind was not well balanced. She was about thirty years of age, and was married in this city about five years ago to Mr. Vallery, and the fruit of this union is two bright little girls. The sympathy of the entire com munity goes out to the bereaved rela tives of the unfortunate woman. Funsral of Mrs. Vallery. As predicted in Saturday evening's Journal, Mrs. Conrad Vallery, jr., the unfortunate lady who shot her self in the head with a revolver, died from the effects of the wound at about five o'clock that afternoon. The funeral services were held at two o'cIockMondayafternoon from the resi dence of Mrs. Niemann, the mother of the deceased lady. Rev. II. B. Bur gess of St. Luke's church officiated, and a large number of sympathizing friends followed the remains to their final resting place at West Oak Hill cemetery. A Good II o rbe Race. At the fair grounds yesterday after noon quite an exciting (horserace was pulled off, and the half-mile track record was smashed. The race was between George Shreve's 4Nehawka Girl," "Keystone," and a sorrel horse owned by Bert Crawford. No purse was put up, as the race was merely to test the iunning qualities of the horses. "Nehawka Girl" proved an easy winner, making the half mile in 51 , while "Keystone" came under the wire about sixty feet behind her. The sorrel mare was flagged and not in it at any stage of the game. Consider ing the soft condition of the track, the time made was exceptionally good. At the conclusion of the race Craw ford offered bis sorrel mare and $75 in cash for "Nehawka Girl." and the offer was accepted by Shreeve. Given Fall Control of the Parks. Judge Hall yesterday entered up a judgment sustaining the legality of the park commissioners appointed by Judge B. S. Ramsey, giving them full control of the city parks and ousting the mayor and council. This places the absolute control of the parks in tbe hands of the commissioners, D. P. Rolfe, W. L. Wilson and J.G.Stroble. Nebraska City News. Ribbons and Laces For pretty summer dresses. The new wrinkles for trimming those new wash dresses. Shrewd shoppers say our values have never been equalled. Wm. Herold & Sons. ( Death of a Veteran. At S o'clock Sunday evening Lewis C. Curtis nied at his home on Sixth aud Dey streets, surrounded by his family, after an illness of some months, of cancer of the stomach. Deceased has resided in this city al most continuously since he came out of the army in 1S6S, and was esteemed by all who knew him as one of tbe most exemplary citizens and most faithful friends. He was born in Connecticut, May 23d, 1843, and with his father and his three brothers was a soldier for the union. He enlisted August 12, 18G2, in company K, 14th regiment Con necticut volunteers, and was dis charged June 12, 1565. In December, 1805, he enlisted in the regular army and served until December 10, 1808, when he was honorably discharged at Omaha, soon after which be moved to Plattsmoutb. Some time after this he was married at Glenwood, la., to the daughter of a farmer living near that place. He left a widow and six children to mourn the loss of a kind, affectionate, devoted husband and father, and an honest man. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and of McConihe post of the Grand army, under whose auspices he was buried the funeral taking place at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. lie bad been under the care of phy sicians in this city for sometime, until some three weeks ago he was taken to an Omaha hospital and passed a thorough examination, the doctors pronouncing his case hopeless and diagnosing his complaint cancer of the stomach. Since then the Christian Science people have taken bis case in hand and have done all that could be done to alleviate bis sufferings. A post mortem examination was made on the remains Monday morning, conducted by Drs. Schildknecht, Liv ingston and Cook, as a doubt seemed to exist among some as to the real cause of death. Funeral Largely Attended. The funeral of the late L. C. Curtis occurred Tuesday at two o'clock p. m. from the family residence, Rev. Baird officiating, and the interrment was made in Oak Hill cemetery. The mem bers of the Masonic fraternity, G. A. R. and W. R. C. attended the funeral in large numbers. Mr. Curtis' fellow workmen in the coach and paint de partments of the B. & M. shops also followed the remains to their last resting place. New M. V. Time Card. The Missouri Pacific has completed its time card for a complete change, to take effect next Sunday. The new schedule gives every city along the line a better train service. The new time cards have not yet been received here, but the changes will be about as follows: There will be a new fast train, known as the "Kansas and Nebraska Limited," leaving St. Louis at 8:10 p. m., and arriving in this city at about 10:45 a. m. Returning, this train will reach Plattsmouth at about 4:45 p. m., arriving in St. Louis at 7:20 in the morniDg. It will carry a through sleeper between Omaha and St. Louis. Tbe "Kansas City Express" will make no change, leaving Omaha at 9:20 p. m., and arriving in Kansas City at 6:30 a. m. Returning, this train will leave Kansas City at 9:15 p. m., arriving in Plattsmouth at 5:00 a. m. The "Nebraska Local" will leave Omaha at 3:15 p. m., running via Springfield, Louisville, Weeping Water, Dunbar, Talmage to Auburn, arriving there at 6:15 and connecting with the south-bound limited. Re turning, it connects with the north bound limited at Auburn, leaving there at 5:50 a. m., and running back the same way arrives in Omaha at 9:00 a. m. Notice to Inquiring Friend. We have received another lot of those cbambrey and gingham sun bon nets you have been asking for. The demand for them has been so great that it is almost impossible to keep them in stock. When this lot is gone it will be several weeks before we get any more, as the factory is away ahead on orders. Wji. Herold & Son. Card of Thanks. To the neighbors and friends who so kindly tendered their assistance and sympathy at the great bereavement we have suffered in the loss of a de voted wife, affectionate daughter and loving sister, we publicly extend our heartfelt thanks. C. F. Vallery, Mrs. Niemann, Frank Niemann. BURGLARS CAUGHT Officers Believe They Have the Louis ville Burglars In Jail. A BRIDGE OVER THE PLATTE. Eight Mile Grove Residents l'etition the Commissioner to Call a Special Flection to Vote Itonds For a llridge at Cedar Creek. Louisville Ilurglars Captured. Sheriff Holloway Tuesday after noon received a telephone message from the police authorities at Omaha, stating that two suspicious characters had been arrested there who were be lieved to be tbe parties that robbed Edwards Bros.' store at Louisville last Wednesday night. The sheriff went up to the metropolis on the first train and returned on Tutsday evening, bringing with him the two men, who gave their names as Jas. Sullivan and Hale Perrine. They were placed in jail. It is believed that Sullivan and Per rine are the right parties, as they each were wearing new shoes and pants which tally with the description of some of the stolen goods. They also had in their possession a hair brush, bearing the trade mark of Edwards Bros. The Omaha authorities prom ised Sheriff Holloway that they would endeavor to locate more of the stolen goods. Want a ltririge Built. A petition, signed by a number of Eight Mile Grove precinct residents, was presented to tbe county commis sioners Tuesday afternoon, the prayer of the same being that a special election be called in that precinct to vote bonds for the erection of a wagon bridge across the Platte river at Cedar Creek. Sarpy county, on the other side of the river, agrees to bear half the expense for the construction of the bridge. The commissioners dis covered that the signers fo" the peti tion had neglected to guarantee the expenses of the special election, but this was merely an oversight, and an amended petition will probably be sent in tomorrow for the consideration of the commissioners. It is understood that the commis sioners will grant the prayer of the petitioners, and that the special elec tion will be called. Frank M. Wolcott Dead. Word was received in town this morning that Frank M. Wolcott had been accidentally drowned in Weeping Water yesterday. It appears that he had gone out to bis pasture in the edge of town to repair the fence and is supposed to have set down to rest un der a tree just on the bank of the stream, and been stricken by an at tack of vertigo, or dizziness, and fallen into the water. When he did not return to dinner, search was in stituted and his body discovered at about 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mr. Wolcott came to Cass county in 1S57, and was one of the wealthiest and best known residents in the county, and many friends in this city will regret his sudden death. The funeral will occur at Weeping Water tomorrow, and a number of friends from this city will attend. A Very Old Hook. Ben Hempel, the court house anti quartan, nas just obtained from a German citizen of Saunders county a book, printed in old-style German type, in the year 1696. It is a history of the early Christians and martyrs and the church from the time of Christ down through several centuries. It is quite a large volume, bound in horse-hide leather, and bears the marks of great age. It is said to have been handed down from the great great grandmother's grandfather to the wife of the present owner. Our LadUs' Shirt Waists Have caught the feminine fancy. W have an endless variety of them, with attached and detachable collars, at prices from 25 cents upwards, with all the latest novelties in ties, linen col lars and cuffs, white leather belts, gilt belts and shirt waist sets to go with them, at W3i. Herold & Son's. The damages caused by the fire at the Elkhorn saloon have not yet been adjusted. The adjustors. agreed to leave the matter to three men, and two of these decided that the damage to the bar fixtures amounted to $325 while the other disagreed. And so the matter stands. Advertise in The Journal. 'Twai Floral Day. The first celebration of the A. O. U. W. Decoration Day, held in this city Sunday was a very gratifying suc cess. .Nearly two hundred of the members of the four lodges of that order in the city participated, together with some forty lady members of Star Lodge D. of II. With Frank Boyd as grand marshal and Dan Smith as as sistant and Mrs. Drege assistant for he D. of II., and beaded by the city band, the procession marched down Main street at 2:30 o'clock, counter marched and proceeded to the ceme tery, marching to slow music by the band. Carriages awaited the ladies at Fourteenth, while the men marched out to the grounds. Arriving at the cemetery a hollow square was formed about the lot belonging to the order, where the formal ceremonies were per- ormed, according to the following program: Prayer by the Chaplain, Elder McKay. Hymn "Nearer My God to Thee," ty the choir. Music Playels Ilymn, by the band. Address by Elder McKay. Hymn by the choir. Decoration of the graves of deceased mem bers of the order. The address by Chaplain McKay was very impressive, eloquent ana ap propriate. The decoration of the graves then followed, a bevy of little girls bedecking the graves with wreathes and boquets of flowers, a short address by the Chaplain pre ceding as the procession reached each grave. An abundance of flowers bad been prepared. The ceremonies over, the procession reformed at the gate and returned to the city, being dismissed at the hall. notes. The ladies of Star Lodge, Degree of Honor, were furnished with very pretty regalias, made by themselves. The lodges represented were: Platts mouth lodge No. 8, Germania lodge No. 81, Trio lodge No. 84 and the Swedish lodge. The celebration was something new for the order, no ritual for its ob servance have been prepared, but the membership engaged in it with an enthusiasm which marks it as a pop ular movement in tbe order. Miss White Entertains. Miss Mabel White entertained a number of friends at the pleasant home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White, last evening, in honor of Miss Stella Hergesheimer, of Falls City. Cards, dancing and music con stituted an evening of rare enjoyment. Dainty refreshments were served dur ing tbe evening. Miss Barbara Gering and II. E. Weidmann won the honors at cards. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Will Clement, Misses Barbara Gering, Dora Fricke, Minnie and Florence White, Ella Clark, Lulu Leist, Kittie Cummins, Verna and Nellie Leonard, and Messrs. George Spurlock, Frank White, Guy and Stuart Livingston, Will livers, Frank Cummin?, Jas. Newell, Lee Atwood, II. E. Weidmann and Ed Barwick. Identified the iooU. Ezra Edwards and Constable J. L. Hartshorn of Louisville were in town yesterday, and the former gave a list of the goods stolen from his store last Wednesday night. The total value of the goods was $59 85. Constable Hartshorn went over to the jail and took a look at Perrine and Sullivan, the fellows supposed to have burglar ized the Edwards store, and recognized them as a couple of men he had seen In Louisville prior to the robbery . Mr. Edwards identified some of the prop erty found in the possession of the prisoners as having been stolen from his store. List or Letter Remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. May 7,1896. Betz, Mrs W n Baker. Kittle Gvenho, Delbold Willm Lustr Geo Mathews, O J Matthleen, F II Nlmes, Silvia Ott, Fritz Wilhelm Parry, W II Syversew, Carrie Nagenseller. T L Wheeler, M D Wolf, Ilenry Persons calling for any of theabove letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." W. K. Fox, P. M. Card of ThaukM. To the neighbors and friends, who so kindly tendered their sympathy and assistance in the great loss we have sustained in the death of onr devoted husband and lather, we pub licly extend our heart-felt thanks. Mrs. L. C. Curtis and Family. Do You Know That Elson the clothier is selling French balbriggan underwear for 45 cents, worth 75 cents. It would only cost you $1.00 to send the Weekly Journal to a friend in the east for a whole year. . .