Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 02, 1896, Image 7

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    Bwar of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the
tense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such ar
ticles should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable physi
cians, as the damage they will do Is ten
fold to the trood you can possibly derive
from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu
factured by F. J. Cheney St Co.. Toledo,
O., contains no mercury, and Is taken
Internally, acting: directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure, be
sure you get the genuine. It Is taken ln-
Jernally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by
J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
Bold by druggists; price, 75c per bot
tle. Hall's Family Pills. 25c
o KquiTfX-ation.
Lord Tenterden one day at his own
table, asked a country magistrate if he
would take venison. "Thank you, my
lord, boiled chicken," was the reply.
His lordship had contracted an inveter
ate habit of keeping- himself and every
body else to the precise matter in hand.
"That, sir." said the judge, "is no
answer to my question. I now ask you
ajrain if you will take venison, and I
will trouble you to say yes or no with
out further prevarication.'
I never used so qukk a cure as Fiso's
Cure for Consumption. J. 1?. Palmer, Box
1171, Seattle, Wash., ov. o, 1S'J5.
Russia had net rotits last year of $51,
Oro.lOO from her railroads.
The untimely death of Prof essor Tut
tle, of Cornell University, prevented
his completing "The History of Prus
sia" which was his magrnus opus. How
ever, he left nearly finished the fourth
volume, covering the first part of the
great Seven Years War. The volume
is complete as far as it goes, and is an
important addition to a work which
has gained the hearty favor of the fore
most German. English, and American
historical authorities. It will soon be
issued by Houghton, Mifilin Co.
The Pilgrim Katlrr Number.
Will be ready the early part of April.
Everything in it will be new and orig
inal. It will contain articles by Capt.
Chas. King, U. S. A. , es-(iov. (ieo. W.
Peck, of Wisconsin, and other noted
writers. An entertaining number, well
illustrated. Send ten (10) cents to Ceo.
H. HeaflFord. publisher. 415 Old Colony
building, Chicago, 111., for a copy.
There is too much say it, and too little
I rove it in this world.
Half Fare Excursions via the Wabash,
The short line to St. Louis, and quick route
East or South,
Arril 7th, "1st and ilay ."th. Excursions to
all points South at one fare for the round
trip with added.
JUNE 10th,
National Republican Convention at St.
JULY ?d,
National Educational Association at
JULY .'tb.
Christian Endeavor Convention at
JULY ---'nd.
National Feople and Silver Convention at
St. Louis.
For rates, time tab'es and further infor
mation, call at the Wabash ticket office,
1415 Faraam St., Paxton Hotel block, or
write Geo. N. Clattos,
N. W. Fass. Agt., Omaha, Neb.
A man "knows"' a great many men, but
he cannot call half their names.
Gladness Comes!
With a better understanding of the ;
transient nature of the many phys- ,
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef- .
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts I
rightly directed. There is comfort in j
the knowledge, that so many forms of !
sickness are not due to any actual dis- j
ease, but simply to a constipated condi- j
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt-
ly removes. That is why it is the only ,
remedy with millions of families, and is I
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial j
effects are due to the fact, that it is the j
one remedy which promotes internal ;
cleanliness without debilitating the '
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its Dene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
mav be commended to the most skillful
phjicians. but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywnere, fcyrup oi ,
Figs stands hignest ana is most largely
used and gives most general satisfaction.
W. L. Douglas
S3. SHOE beMdThe
If you pay S4 to SO for shoes, ex- (
amine the W. L. Douglas Shoe, and 9 i
see what a good shoe you can buy for sJ
and VACK, made in all
kinds of the best selected
leather by skilled work
men. We
make and
sell more
-r 3 Shoes
rV. than an v
t -3KS other
matiufitrtnrer In the world.
. None genuine unless name and
price is stamped on the bottom.
Ask your dealer for our 5,
S4, 3.5U, S'l.ftO, S2.25 Shoes;
S50 S3 and 81.73 for boys.
TAKE KO SUBSTITUTE. If your dealer
cannot supply you. send to fac
tory, enclosing price and 36 cents
to pay carriage. State kind, style
of toe (cap or plain), size and
width. Our Custom Dept. will till
rour order. Send for new Illus
trated Catalogue to liox It.
W. l. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.
"And It Came to Pass, When Their
Hearts Were Merry, that They Said.
Call for Samson, that He May Make
Us Sport Jodges xrU 25.
There were three thousand people
assmbled in the temple of Dagon. They
had come to make sport of eyeless Sam
Bon. They were all ready for the en
tertainment. They began to clap and
pound, impatient for the amusement to
begin, and they cried 'Fetch him out,
fetch him out! Yonder I see the blind
old giant coming, led by the hand of a
child into the very midst of the temple.
At his first appearance there goes up a
shout of laughter and derision. The
blind old giant pretends he is
tired, and wants to rest himself
against the pillars of the house;
so he saj-s to the lad who leads
him, "Show me where the main
pillars are!" The lad does bo. Then
the strong man puts his right hand on
ono pillar and his left hand on another
pillar, and. with the mightiest push
that mortal ever made, throws himself
forward until the whole house comes
down In thunderous crash, grinding
the audience like grapes In a wine
press. "And so it came to pass, when
their hearts were merry, that they said.
Call for Samson, that he may make us
sport. And they called for Samson out
of the prison-house; and he made them
In other words, there are amuse
ments that are destructive, and bring
down disaster and death upon the
heads of those who practice them.
While they laugh and cheer, they die.
The three thousand who perished that
day In Gaza, are as nothing compared
with the tens of thousands who have
been destroyed by sinful amusements.
But my first text implies that there
Is a lawful use of the world, as well
as an unlawful abuse of it. and the
difference between the man Christian
and the man un-Chrlstlan is, that In
the former case the man masters the
world, while In the latter case the
world masters him. For whom did God
make this grand and beautiful world?
For whom this wonderful expenditure
of color, this gracefulness of line, this
mosaic of the ground, this fresco of the
sky, this glowing fruitage of orchard
and vineyard, this full orchestra of the
tempest, In which the tree branches
flute, and the winds trumpet, and the
thunders drum, and all the splendors of
earth and sky come clashing their cym
bals? For whom did God spring the
arched bridge of colors resting upon
buttresses of broken storm-cloud? For
whom did he gather the upholstery of
fire around the window of the setting
sun? For all men; but more especially
for his own dear children.
If you build a large mansion, and
epread a great feast after It, to cele
brate the completion of the structure,
do you allow strangers to come in and
occupy the place, while you thrust your
own children in the kitchen, or the
barn, or the fields? Oh, no! You say,
"I am very glad to see strangers in
my mansion, but my own sons and
daughters shall have the first right
there." Now, God has built this grand
mansion of a world, and he has spread
a glorious feast In it, and while those
who are strangers to his grace may
come In, I think that God especially in
tends to give the advantage to his own
children those who are the sons and
daughters of the Lord Almighty, those
who through grace can look up and
say, "Abba, Father." You cannot make
me believe that God gives more advan
tages to the world than he gives to the
church bought by his own blood. If,
therefore, people of the world have
looked with dolorous sympathy upon
those who make profession of religion,
and have said, "Those new converts are
going down into privation and into
hardship. Why did they not tarry a
little longer in the world, and have
some of its enjoyments and amuse
ments and recreations?" I say to such
men of the world, "You are greatly mis
taken;" and before I get through I will
how that those people who stay out
of the kingdom of God have the hard
ships and self-denials, while those who
come in have the Joys and satisfac
tions. In the name of the king of heaven
and earth, I serve a writ of ejectment
upon all the sinful and polluted who
have squatted on the domain of earth
ly pleasure as though it belonged to
them, while I claim, in behalf of the
good and the pure and the true, the
eternal inheritance which God has giv
en them. Hitherto, Christian philan
thropists, clerical and lay, have busied
themselves chiefly in denouncing sinful
recreations; but I feel we have no right
to stand before men and women in
whose hearts there is a desire for rec
reation amounting to positive neces
sity, denouncing this and that and the
other thing, when we do not propose
to give them something better. Qot
helping me and with reference to mj
last account. I shall enter .upon 1
sphere not usual in sermonising, but
a subject which I think ought to b
presented at this time. I propose now
to lay before you Bome of the recrea
tions which are not only Innocent, bui
positively helpful and advantageous.
In the first place, I commend, amoni
Indoor recreations, music vocal and
instrumental. Among the first thing!
created was the bird, so that the earth
might have muslo at the start. Thii
world, which began with so sweet a
serenade, is finally to be demolished
amidst the ringing blasts of the arch
angel's trumpet, so that as there wai
muslo at the start, there shall be musle
at the close. While this heavenly art
has often been dragged into the uses
of superstition and dissipation, we all
know it may be the means of high
jnoral culture. Oh, it Is a grand thing
to have our children brought up
amidst the Bound of cultured voices,
and amidst the melody of musical in
struments. There is In this art an indescribable
fascination for the household. Let all
those families who have the means to
afford it, have flute, or harp, or piano,
or organ. As soon as the hand Is large
enough to compass the keys, teach it
how to pick out the melody. Let all
our young men try this heavenly art
upon their nature. Those who have
gone Into It fully have found in it
illimitable recreation and amusement.
Dark days, stormy nights, seasons oi
sickness, business disasters, will do lit
tle toward depressing the soul which
can gallop off over the musical keys,
or soar In Jubilant lay. It will cure
pain. It will rest fatigue. It will quell
passion. It will revive health. It will
reclaim dissipation. It will strengthen
the immortal soul. In the battle of
Waterloo, Wellington saw that the
Highlanders were falling back. He
said. "What Is the matter there?" He
was told that the band of music had
ceased playing, and he called up the
pipers and ordered them to strike up
an inspiriting air; and no sooner did
they strike the air than the Highland
ers were rallied, and helped to win the
day. Oh, ye who have been routed in
the conflicts of life, try by the force
of music to rally your scattered bat
talions. I am glad to know that in our great
cities there is hardly a night in which
theie are not concerts, where, with the
best musical Instruments and the
sweetest voices, people may find enter
tainment. Patronize such entertain
ments when they are afforded you.
Buy season ticketB, if you can, for the
"Philharmonic" and the "Handel and
Haydn" societies. Feel that the dollar
and a half or two dollars that you spend
for the purpose of hearing an artist
play or sing Is a profitable Investment.
Let your academies of music roar with
the acclamation of appreciative audi
ences assembled at the concert or the
Still further, I commend, as worthy
of their support, the gymnasium. This
institution is gaining In favor every
year, and I know of nothing more free
from dissipation, or more calculat
ed to recuperate the physical and men
tal energies. While there are a good
many people who have employed this
Institution, there is a vast number who
art- Ignorant of Its excellences. There
are men with cramped chests and weak
sides and despondent spirits who
through the gymnasium might be
roused up to exuberance and exhilara
tion of life. There are many Christian
people despondent from year to year,
who might, through such an institu
tion, be benefited in their spiritual re
lations. There are Christian people
who seem to think that it is a good
sign to be poorly; and because Richard
Baxter and Robert Hall were Invalids,
they think that by the same sickliness
they may come to the same grandeur of
character. I want to tell the Christian
people of my congregation that God
will hold you responsible for your in
validism if it is your fault, and when,
through right exercise and prudence,
you might be athletic and well. The
effect of the body upon the soul you
acknowledge. Put a man of mild dis
position upon the animal diet of which
the Indian partakes, and In a little
while his blood will change its chemi
cal proportions. It will become like
unto the blood of the Hon, or the tiger,
or the bear, while his disposition will
change, and become fierce and unre
lenting. The body has a powerful
effect upon the soul.
We shall have the smooth and grassy
lawn, and we will call out people of
all occupations and professions and
ask them to Join in the ball-player's
sport. You will come back from these
outdoor exercises and recreations with
strength in your arm and color in your
cheek and a flash In your eye and cour
age In your heart. In this great battle
that Is opening against the kingdom
of darkness, we want not only a con
secrated soul, but a strong arm and
stout lungs and mighty muscle. I bless
God that there are so many recrea
tions that have not on them any taint
of iniquity; recreations in which we
may engage for the strengthening of
the body, for the clearing of the Intel
lect, for the illumination of the soul.
There is still another form of recrea
tion which I recommend to you, and
that is the pleasure of doing good. I
have seen young men, weak and cross
and sour and repelling in their disposi
tion, who by one heavenly touch have
awakened up and become blessed and
buoyant, the ground under their feet
and the sky over their heads breaking
forth into music. "Oh," says some
young man in the house to-day, "I
should like that recreation above all
others, but I have not the meanB."
My dear brother, let us take an account
of stock. You have a large estate, if
you only realize it Two hands. Two
feet. You will have perhaps during the
next year at least ten dollars for chari
table contribution. You will have
twenty-five hundred cheerful looks. If
you want to employ them. You will
have five thousand pleasant words if
you want to speak them. Now what
an amount that is to start with!
You go out to-morrow morning and
you see a case of real destitution by the
wayside. You give him two cents. The
blind man hears the pennies rattle in
his hat, and he says, "Thank you, sir;
God bless you!" You pass down the
street, trying to look indifferent; but
you feel from the very depth of your
soul a profound satisfaction that you
made that man happy. You go on still
farther, and find a poor boy with a
wheelbarrow, trying to get it up on the
curbstone. He falls in the attempt.
You say, "Stand back, my lad; let me
try. You puBh it up on the curbstone
for him and pass on. He wonders who
that well-dressed man was that helped
him. You did a kindness to the bey,
but you did a great Joy to your own
soul. You will not get aver it all the
On the street to-morrow morning,
you will see a sick man passing along.
"Ah," you say, "what can I do to make
this man happy? He certainly does
not want money; he Is not poor, but he
is sick." Give him one of those twenty-five
hundred cheerful looks that you
have garnered up for the whole year.
Look Joy and hopefulness Into his soul.
It will thrill him through and there will
be a reaction upon your own soul. Go
ing a little farther on, you will come to
the store of a friend who Is embarrassed
in business matters. You will go in and
say. "What a fine store you have! I
think business will brighten up, and
you will have more custom after awhile.
I think there is coming a great pros
perity to all the country. Good morn
ing." You pass out. You have helped
that young man, and you have helped
Colonel Gardiner, who sat with his el
bow on a table, spread with all extrava
gant viands, looking off at a dog on the
rug, saying, "How I would like to
change places with him; I be the dog
and he be Col. Gardiner;" or, those two
Moravian missionaries who wanted to
go Into the lazaretto for the sake of at
tending the sick, and they were told,
"If you go in there, you will never come
out. We never allow anyone to come
out, for he would bring the contagion."
Then they made their wills and went
in, first to help the sick, and then to die.
Which was the happier Col. Gardiner,
or the Moravian missionaries dying for
others? Was It all sacrifice when the
missionaries wanted to preach the Gos
pel to the negroes at the Barbadoes,
and, being denied the privilege, sold
themselves into slavery, standing side
by side, and lying side by side, down In
the very ditch of suffering, in order that
they might bring those men up to life
and God and heaven? Oh, there la a
thrill In the Joy of doing good. It Is
the most magnificent recreation to
which a man ever put his hand, or his
head, or his heart.
But, before closing, I want to Impress
upon you that mere secular entertain
ments are not a fit foundation for your
soul to build on. I was reading of a
woman who had gone all the rounds of
sinful amusement, and 6he came to die.
She said. "I will die to-night at six
o'clock." "Oh," they said, "I guess not;
you don't seem to be sick." "I shall
die at six o'clock, and my soul will be
lost. I know It will be lost. I have
sinned away my day of grace." The
noon came. They desired her to seek
religious counsel. "Oh." she said, "it
is of no use. My day is gone. I have
been all the rounds of worldly pleasure,
and it is too late. I will die to-night
at six o'clock." The day wore away,
and it came to four o'clock, and to five
o'clock, and she cried out at five o'clock.
"Destroying spirits, ye shall not have
me yet; it is not six, it is not six!" The
moments went by, and the shadows be
gan to gather, and the clock struck six;
and while it was striking her soul went.
The last hour of our life will soon
be here, and from that hour we will re
view this day's proceedings. It will be
a solemn hour. If from our death
pillow we have to look back and see a
life spent in sinful amusement, there
will be a dart that will strike through
our soul, sharper than the dagger with
which Vlrginius slew his child. The
memory of the past will make us quake
like Macbeth. The iniquities and riot
ing through which we have passed will
come upon us, weird and skeleton as
Meg Merrillles. Death, the old Shy
lock, will demand and take the remain
ing pound of flesh and the remaining
drop of blood; and upon our last oppor
tunity for repentence and our last
chance for heaven the curtain will for
ever drop.
Not a few men are like the amoeba
they live on what sticks to them.
The face of every babe is an In
terrogation point. Its future depends
on how older folk answer the question.
It is often difficult to distinguish be
tween absolute laziness and serene
If an idler only occupied the space
geometrically ascribed to a point he
should not find in the universe a
spot whereon to set his foot.
Meddlers are like mosquitoes; they
torment, but seldom hurt.
Hypocrites often use a scriptural quo
tation as a funnel through which to
drop poison into some human heart.
The most insecure perch in the world
is that occupied by the man who has
reared a petty castle out of bricks stol
en from the honestly built towers of
It is a terrible thing to see one work
ing who never smiles.
Many a would-be statesman was In
tended by the Creator for a splendid
Chimeras are the food of indolent
theorists. They chase fantasies all
their days and the recording angel
marks the result with a cipher.
Certain young folk are puzzled to dis
tinguish between an accelerated pulse
and a love throb.
Marriage based on flirtation logically
ends in separation, divorce or tragedy.
One of the easiest things in this
world is to get money. The task of life
lies in earning it.
There is morally no difference be
tween the thief who loots a bank and
the man who charges a dollar for fifty
cents' worth of goods.
No man's creed is complete which
does not declare a belief in himself.
Among the Turks bath-money formi
an important item in every marriage
contract. If a husband refuses to giy
his wife sufficient money for bathini
purposes she may go before the cadi,
take off her slipper and turn it upside
down. If the grievance is not redressed
she has grounds for divorce.
I Karly French Flying: Machines.
A French locksmith thought that
practice was the great thing; and, fit
ted with wings, he jumped first from a
chair, and afterward from a window,
and then from the roof of a small
house. In the last experiment he sail
ed over a cottage roof, but soon after
sold his wings to a peddler and prob
ably saved his own life. Another
Frenchman, a marquis, tried to go by
the air route across the River Seine;
but he was not drowned, since a wash
erwoman's boat happened to be where
he came down. "About Flying Ma
chines," by Tudor Jenks, in April St.
Saved from Destruction.
This is what happens when the kidneys
are rescued from inactivity by Hot tetter's
Momsich Hitters. If tliey continue inactive
they are threatened witu Brisrtit's disease,
diahetes or some other malady which works
their destruction. Malarial, biliious and
rheumatic ailn.ent and dyspepsia . re aio
conquered by tlie Hitters, which is thorough
and effective.
An Iowa man c'aims to have discovered
the secret of per etua! motion and applied
it to a bicye'e.
lieigeman' C'amplior Ire willt (ityrerf ne.
CuresChappeii Hunasand Face. Tenlror Sore Feet,
Chilblain. Piles. tr. C. i. Ciurk L'u.,.t'w Haven, CU
The Iowa was christened by a lrale and
went over the water like a duck.
11 the liaby Is Cutting Teetn.
Sesure and ue that old and w ell-tried remedy, Mas.
Wikslow's Soothing Strit for Children Teething-
A bepgrar's rags may cover as much pride
as an alderman's gown.
flTS All FitsMopiwd f reeliy pr. K line's Great
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1ar-elous-ures. Tr-i ise ;inl 1 r.Ul i)ti If fre t
rilcef. bund tolr. KIuk ,yol Ai cn&L.l'Liil.,!
We never knew a mother
sorrv for her married son.
who was not
Every dollar upent In Parker liirer Tonic
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dik'fsiion. better strength and better health.
Two mi lion glasses are
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(001I rfuion why yon ahould ti-e HindereoriK.
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Successors to Pech Mfg. Co.
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The Rowxix Chase Machinery co
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Cj eante and beautifies the hair.
Promotes a luxuriant jrrowth.
Never Falls to Beetore Gray
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Cures scalp diseaaes & hair faUmc.
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Under the Weather.
That is the common Spring
complaint. You feel "logy,"
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Nothing tastes good. You
don't sleep well. Work drags.
You cross every bridge before
you come to it. There's lots of
people have felt like you until
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Ayer's Sarsaparilia
It's been curing such cases for
50 years. Try it yourself.
Send for the "CurettooV." too pages free.
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W'riie t r w( at von want
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by the
The "War Department proposes to test
the bicycle thoroughly for army use,
and recently advertised for proposals
for furnishing: five bicycles for the pur
pose. Result: Bids from $50 to $85
each for other machines; our bid of
$00 each for Columbias, their invari
able price. And the Government
2 oz. for 5 Cents.
CHEROOTS 3 for 5 Cents.
Give a Good, Mellow, Healthy.
Pleasant Smoke. Try Them.
LT05 & CO. TOBACCO WORKS, Dirhaa, 1 1
rrricBaiJO,i:v xvMOItK,s
0,IUwllFfiY. AVH-lilii-tor., II. C.
i- Successful'y Prosecutes Claims.
Xt Principal Efatniner U.S. Pension Bureau.
g 3yra -u lat wax, 15jjudnuuiclnia. nils Luce
1:1 fc
sii hv! fillR.
l Couch
in. Tastes Good. Use I
In time.
Bold rT dm '1".
01 noil
I Best