- i , 24 OOOOOOOOOOO Watch LEHIHOPF BROTHERS' Easter ..Announcement.. T-JtE 509 MAIN ooooooooo o o The Weekly Journal! C W. SHERMAN, Editor. i ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY AT PL ATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. SUBSCRIPTION. One year, in advance, SI. 00 Six months, in advance, 50 Three months, in advance, 25 ADVERTISING! Kates made known on application. THURSDAY, MARCH itt, 1S9;. There is a fair prospect that Win. McKinley will be nominated on the fiist ballot at the republican conven tion. There is no force in the American republic so dangerous to its perpetuity as the anarchism of wealth. The sons of .lay Gould have lately become citi zens of New Jersey, in order to avoid paying their personal taxes in New York City, where they actually live, do business and reap its rewards. That is practical anarchism. A mon tariff, if enacted today would create a temporary Hush in the times. but it would only be temporary. Mer chants with stccks of goods on their shelves would reap a harvest by being able to mark up their goeds to corres pond with the increase in the taxes which the people have to pay, but that's all. I'nless bimetallism is adopted. A bill, which repealed the last law on the books that discriminates against ex-confederates, passed the house Tuesday with but a single dissenting voice, and that one was lioutelle, the Maine blatherskite. The repealed section of the code prohibited men who had been officers in the regular army and had gone into the confederate army from being mustered again into the U.S. army. Is it not strange that men who call themselves republicans and have for . years been denouncing the economic or free trade policy of England as at enmity with American interests, should fall down before her and wor ship her financial policy and think America should ape her gold standard? If it is consistent with American in- OOOOOOOOOO .IS STREET. o ooooooooo terests to adopt the protective system why not carry the ride a little further and readopt the bimetallic standard, and be free from British rule on money matters as well as in the matter of tariff taxes? CnAiRMAN Smytite of the demo cratic state committee has added to the dignity and importance of Euclid Mar tin and his crowd of bolters by writing another letter to him, in which he shows up the hypocrisy and unfairnese f the little cuckoo, and roasts him to a finish, for refusing to permit a vote on the money question among the dem ocrats of Nebraska and for his wilful misrepresentation of facts. As a let ter writer Mr. Smythe is a success. Tiie Venezuelan commission seems to be studiously at work unraveling the mystery connected witli the claims of Venezuela and England. There seems to be no ground for the report given out by the press that the com mission had reached a conclusion favorable to the claims of Venezuela, because the claims of the two powers has not been fully investigated. A late letter has been received from JLord Salisbury which is anything but satis factory on the subject of arbitration. A Prompt Insurance Company. Plattsmoutii, Xebr., Mar. HI, 1S1KJ. T. II. Pollock, agent of the Home Fire Insurance company. Dear Sir: I desire to express my thanks to the Home lire insurance companyjof New York, to P.W. Plank, the adjustor, and to yourself, for the prompt and satisfactory settlement of the insurance on my barn and con tents. The fire occurred March 9th, and to day, March 19th, you hand me a draft for $2,G50,which settlement I regard as perfectly fair and honorable. The money, coming so promptly, is of great benefit to me in replacing my barn, horses, farm machinery, etc. I have faith in the Home Fire in surance company of New York and recommend the company to my neigh bors and friends or any one wanting honest, reliable insurance. I have let the contract for a new barn and as soon as it is completed I want you to write a policy in the same company covering my house, barn and contents. You are at liberty to publish this let ter if you desire. Yours Truly, 14-3t Nicholas IIalmes. Advertise in Tjie Journal. O o o o o o o o o o o O 1 THE PRINT IS TOO FINE... I ...Most of it Is nowadays. Don't JL injure your eyes attempting to 7 read it We can make it JL much easier for you 7 with a pair of JL our 7 1 I c I ooooooo Spectacles or Eye-GIasses. I We have no poor glafses our cheap c ones are good glasses in cheap I frames. There are too manr of o I o I c 2 the other kind on the market c ) now made to look at, c not through c i We Test Every Pair.... ! Before 1 t we let you y J take them away J, y and If they don't suit y I after trying them a hort JL y time, we will take them hark. j Gering & Co., Druggists. ( ) () o o o o o o o o o o O r f' HERE AND THERE. r:,:::::--rv::::::-::::-::T-y People must begin to appreciate that Ivister is only a few days off. and then t v cun see all the new devices ol j Satan in the stripe of gorgeous spring hats for the women and new suits for the men. This Faster will be a sea son of fasting and sorrow for me. Owing to t lie long continued depres sion in ttie money market I shall not indulge in a new suit at this time. Instead thereof, 1 shall go forth clad in the habiliments of woe and old clothes and shall feel among men like unto the moulting bird. That is, I will be short of new raiment. How ever 1 shall not mourn. I am not the only one. Tins is from the Detroit Tribune. "Somebody," she faltered, "may come between us. His breast heaved. "Whoever would do such a thing1 lie fiercely exclaimed, "would be con temptibly small." And with that lie moved even yet nearer to her. It is remarkable that there is so much war on the horizon. Iet one turn where he will and he will find tiothiiicr but the c.-im spectre in sight. I talv in the throes of internal dissen sion. Turkey alllicted with a religious crusade. Lgypt threatened with the Malnli. Abyssinia victorious is war. War in the Transvaal and Ashantee. Cuba iu a death struggle for liberty. lUitain and Venezuela at sword points. A feeling of uneasiness in the United States. European natious watching each other like hawks. Japan rising to power as a naval country. All this looks like the fore- shadowings of terrible things to come. It is a dark picture. W consider it well that the war bt tween the United States and England was called off. Had it proceeded there is no telling what might have come to pass. We witnessed that sterling Eng lishman, G. Vernon Eindon enter the village laden with trophies of li is trip to Ei Platte that caused us to feel that he was too good a shot to fiurht with George Vernon announced in the he winning that his fierce mustache would be preserved at all hazards and from the way he uses a shot gun we think so yet. It tias been a long time since our friend Abdul II amid has been in the press. From the profound silence that reigns in Armenia IfearAb has be come shy on Christians and. perforce, hrs been compelled to desist from his playful custom of busting people open with clubs and kindred amusements. It is barely possible that Ab is merely laying back for a little rest so as to come in strong at the finish. If so. we may soon expect to be regaled with more tales of bntehery from the domin ions of the sublime porte. It is really a pity that some of the Christian? natious of modern Europe cannot mus ter up enough ;ynbitionto take this in sane criminal and put him to death as they did in ancient times. I would suggest that he be killed by being torn to pieces by wild animals. I am not bloodthirsty but really the tales of torture and death that the cable has carried from the desolate land brings a man to realize the insufficiency of human punishment. These remarks apply with equal fittingness to Weyler in Cuba. Let the United States step iu and slay this wretch while we are at it and make a good job. Charles Giumes. Dr. Marshall, Graduate DENT IST, Fitzgerald block. Chris Gableman recently received a letter from a friend, who is located out at Cripple Creek, Colo., in which the gentleman states that nearly everybody out there is sick with mountain fever, and many are dying every day. He says Cripple Creek is not what it is "cracked up to be." Hev. J. M. Wood, a former pastor, will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday, March 20th, at 11 a. m. Highest cash prices paid for chick ens and. eggs by E. W. Black, at White's store. Ilicycle Given Away By Morgan, the Eeading Clothier, to the most popular lady in Cass county. Following is vote to date: Bessie Walker, Murray 460 Mttu.le Eaton , Plattsniouth 2:0 Mr6. J. F. Barnes, Cedar Creek itf) Ethel Terry, Mynard 30 PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. Attorney E. H. Wooley came in from Lincoln this morning. Col. J.A. Connor returned to Omaha this afternoon, after a short business trip here. General Superintendent Calvert and Division Superintendent Ed Bignell, of the Burlington, were attending to company business in the city for a few hours today. Dr. Schildknecht reports that only two of Lem Maybee's children have died, instead of four, and that the ottier children are getting along nicely and will be well in a short time. Tjie Joitkxal was misinformed yesterday. Everet Eaton returned home last evening from a three weeks' visit with Harry lteese, out at North Platte. " Peggy' is beginning to look like his old self again, and will be able to re sume work in ttie shops in a lew days, lie reports plenty of duck shooting out at North Platte. What might have proved a serious accident, was narrowly averted yester day at the Holshuh funeral. The car riages were just leaving the yard when several of the horses began back ing, the result beinir ttiat two or three vehicles were badly smashed up and ttie occupants thrown out on the ground. Beyond a severe shaking up, however, no one wa3 hurt. After the regular meeting of the Modern Woodmen lodge last evening, refreshments, consisting of sand wiches, coffee and cigars, were enjoyed by all. About one hundred members, including several visitors, were pres ent and five new members were initi ated. A special meeting will be held next Monday evening, as some twenty five candidates are awaiting initiation. For the benefit of delegates to the republican convention at Weeping Water Saturday, the Burlington offers to have an extra coach to Louisville. The M unlock Columbian would bet ter levise its official directory or quit printing one. It still prints W. H. Dearing as district clerk and .1. C. F.ikenbary as sheriff, while John M. Thurston is the only U. S. senator from Nebraska. Ask your grocer for that excellent hrand of flour Heisel's " Plan-sifter." Hnme-Seker' fc,xc itrioiiM. Ou March 10th, April 7th and 121st, ai.d May 5th th B. & M . will sell tickets to all points in Arizona, Arkan sas. Indian Territory, Louisiana, Mis souri. Oklahoma and Texas at one fare for the round trip, plus $2.00. For furthr r information call at the B. & M. depot. W. L. Picket, Acent. I rual JNottee The Peoples" Building. Loan it Saving Afso ciution of Syracuse, New York, defendaut, will take notice that on the llth lay of Mart h, A. I).. lsyc, Chas. 1) Cummins, plaintHF herein, filed his retltion in the county court of Cass county. Nehraska, against said defendant, the object ana prayer ot wnicn are 10 to recover a muney judgment in the sum of 137 and Interest at seven per cent for two ana one hair years and costs of fuit. being money had and received by said defendant on certificate of stock No. 3.:0o insai'l defendant association, and said sum be ing the present value of the said certificate if stock which the soul deicnaanthas In its posses sion and Impliedly promises to pay for same. That the said county court issued an order of attachment and garnishment -summons for the said sum. and that property of said defendant. consisting of money in the hands of Sullie Thomas. Andrew Ilurw lck and Andrew Rhody. has been attached and garnished under said orders, of a sufficient amount to pay plaintiff's claim, interests ana tosis. ald cause has been conitnued to the 20th day of April. A. 1 lsM, at 10 o'clock a. m., and you are required to ans wer said ielition on or before said date or de fault will be entered ngalust you and thp moey garniseed as aforesahl apj.li- d in the payment of plaintiff's claim and costs. Chas. D. Cummins. U-i Uy I. O. Dwyer, his Attorney. l.KfiAL. NOTltK, III County Court of Chsh County, N-Ir.tsks. In the matter of the guardianship of Minnie Ann Adams: To all persons Interested in said matter: No tice Is hereby given, that on the Slsc day of March. ISyfi, Jacob U Vallery, as guardian of the person and estate of the-said Minnie Ann Adams, tiled lathe county court of Cass county, Nebraska, a final report and vouchers therewith and a petition stating, among other things, that said ward left the state of Nebraska in K bru ary, 1882. and went to the state of Indiana, where she now is, and, as youi petitioner Is in formed and believes, the proper court in Indi ana has appointed a guardian for her in said state, and said guardian is now demanding of your petitioner the money in his hands belong ing to his said ward. The said petitionerjiraysjto be discharged from furtherduties and responsi bilities in regard to said guardianship; that he be allowed compensation for his services as such guardian, and that he te allowed n reasonabletime to collect the balance founddue said ward, and pay it into court. You are further notified, that if you fall to apTear before said court on the 20th dav of April, 1890. at 9 o'clock, a. m., and contept said petition and final report, the court mar settle and allow said final rebort. and graut the prayer of said petition, and make such other and fur ther orders, allowances and decrees as to the court may seem proper, to the end that all mat ters pertaining to suid guardianship may be fin ally settled and determined. Dated this 21st dav of March. 1899. Hy the court, GEORGE M. SPURLOCK, 14 4w County Jude. Zuckweiler& Lutz RELIABLE GROCERS. Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts., KEEP EVERYTHING IN THEIR LINE. SELL CHEAP, GIVE GOOD WEIGHT, DELIVER PROMPTLY. YOUR CUSTOM 18 ROMC1TKD Who Is... The Most Popular Lady in Cass County? e ! You often hear this remark. In order to satisfy the Public Mind on this question, F. J. Morgan . . . Plattsmouth's Leading Clothier, Will offer a. way to the solution. For Every Dollar Received..,. By him, either for goods purchased, or on open account, he will give a card, entitling the holder to TEN VOTES on the question. The vote will be published every day in the. daily papers and every week in the weekly papers, so you may know where each contestant stands at any time. The voting will close at 12 o'clock sharp, on July 4th, 1S96, and the lady receiving the highest nnmber of votes, will be declared o THE MOST POPULAR LADY ALL CASS COUNTY AND WILL RECEIVE A HANDSOME IN o HIGH GRADE With tin"? nhiprr in " J it selecting our Spring Line O suit, uic must iasuuious in.... Color, Pattern and Price. .All voting is to be done at Bank of Cass County. Bicycle is on exhibition at the store of... O t i FOR THE IfEXT THIRTY DAY , I. PEAELMAN'S Parlor Suites. Wrt!. SI 00 fur $7-5 75 for 5 55 for 40 45 for ."5 Lounges and Couclies. $35 for $25 20 for 15 15 for 11 11 for S50 S 50 for 5 00 Bed Room Suites. $100 for $75 75 for 55 50 for 35 Opposite Court House, PIattsmouth,Neb Wm. Neville & Co., WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALEHS IN Pare Wines and Liquors AND THE BEST CIGARS. Sole Agents for the Celebrated MILWAUKEE Pabst Beer. Deliveries made to any part of the city or shipped to any place. WM. NEVILLE, . . . MANAGER. ... 412 Main Street, - Plattsmuuth, Neb H. G. LIVINGSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I N SUBANCE, Plattsniouth. Nohraaka Lady's Bieyele I viVw we have tnken extra nains T and you will find that we can g Worth. $35 for , 25 for L'2 tor $2S 20 IG Dining; Tables. $2S for $20.00 20 for 14.00 0 for 3.00 4 for 2.50 Gold Coin Steel i Ranges and Stoves $So tor $65 (55 for 50 50 for 3S 40 for 32 30 for 22 25 for IS F. G. FRICKE & CO., Will keep constantly on hand n full nml rompletc utock of pure m m mm PAINTS, OILS, Etc. Also a full line of IriigKtt's Sumlrlen. Pure liquors for medirlnal purposes. Special attention given to COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Messrs. F. G. FRICKE & CO., arc the only parties selling our Alaska Crystal Brilliant COMBINATION Spectacles and ye-Glasses In riattsmouth. These Lenses are far superior to any other sold In this city, posnessing a natural transparency and HtrenRthiuK qualities which will pre serving the failing eye-sight. PKOF. STRASSMAN. H. D. TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS. OFFICE-Waterman Jll'k, Upstairs, Plattsmontli, - - - Neb. 2 0 o 43 i ? o o o 0 a o & o ? s o s o 9 o e a o o 9