VERY TAME AFFAIR Republican City Convention Held Friday Evening. RE NOMINATED OLD OFFICIALS MptKrt. Newell. Unruh and Kerr Again Placed on the Ticket Dave Miller Nominated Fur Police Judge Other Happening. The republican city primaries were opened at five o'clock Friday after noon and closed at seven The coun cilmanic ticket nominated is as fol lows: First v.ird, Homer McKay; sec ond ward, J F. Ilinshaw; third ward, F. Il.Steimker; fourth ward, Charles S.Johnson; fifth ward, Joseph Lloyd. TIIE CONVENTION. The convention was "harmonious'' in the extreme, and was utterly devoid of interest, but for several very ludicrous situations. The nomina tions were all made by acclamation, with the exception of members of the school hoard. It was a noticeable fact that not one of the nominees thanked the convention for "honors thrust upon them,"etc, and they also failed to state that "the democrats wouldn't know they had been in the race after April 7." They foresaw the handwriting on the wall, and didn't feel lie cracking jokes. S. II. Atwood called the convention to order and J. Y. Johnson wa made temporary chairman. Jesse L. Root declined the secretaryship and John lieuuie was named. The fun commenced when the secretai y began reading the delegates' names. The iirst name read was that of Mike Mauzy. the next democratic council man from the first ward. This caused all colors of consternation in there publican camp, but elicited vociferous applause from the "Sixth" warn dele gates, who, by the way, were quite numerous, occupying the rear end of the room. A consultation ot war was held, and after a few minute Mike's name was cruelly stricken from the list of first ward delegates, auo substituted by that of his brother. Henry. On motion of Ami Todd, the temp orary organization was made perma neut, and the nominations were thei. declared in order. After a few minutes of suspense. Todd arose and nominated Mayoi Xewell, and, as no one else desired t risk defeat, the nomination was mad by acclamation applause Somebod , presumable from the "sixth" ward feebly called for a speech, but Mr Xewell didn't want to disturb the har mony, and failed to respond. Cbet Smith nominated J. I. Unruh foi treasurer, hich w as also made unani- mmw ti,i Ft C. KVrr's nnminatioi for clerk, b Crof . Eikenbary, met with no opposition. A nominee for poli judi:e was not out, and finally Mr Todd arose, and, After stating tha "the third ward could produce a can didate for all of the offices," presented the name of Dave Miller for that posi tion, and he was placed upon the ticket. S. A. Davis, II. 13. Windham and Dr. Marshall were put up as nominees for school board. Davis was nomi nated on the fir3t ballot, but Wino ham and Marsnall tied. Windham, however, was victorious on the second ballot, and was accordingly declared nominat-d. This ended the business and the meeting was adjourned. The C'ity Morula Improvinc Police Judge Archer, in looking ovei his records for the past three years, finds that the arrests made by the po lice during that time have been grad ually decreasing In 1S93 there wert 131 arrests made, in 1S94 only 90, while in 1695 the record was eighty arrests. Judge Archer says that, judging from the first two months of this year tbt arrests for 189C will be less than in any of the above years. This is a mat ter of congratulation fur every citizen of Plattsmouth. Painter Organize. The painters and decorators of Plattsmouth. feeling the need of be ing in closer touch with each other, met Monday and formed an organiza tion which will be known as tb Paiuter.-' and Decorators' association, ot Plattsmouth. Benton Kmkead was elected president thereof, and M. M. Peal secretary. A scale of prices was agreed upon, and all members agreed to pav ten dollars into the common treasury for every violation of the scale. A Grand Hall and Entertainment, Will be given by the D. of II lodge at Cedar Creek. Neb., Mar 27th and 2Sth, 189G. At t he entertainment March 27' h a beautiful silk quilt will beraflbdoff at twenty-five cents a number, and twenty yard t fine rag carpet will he sold a? auction The proceeds are t go into a relief fund to be expended for the benefit of sick members as occasion requires. The members of neighboring lodges and their friends ale r.i. ia.:y n v ii i le present and spei d a olasan1 ev-iiirii with us Geo. K Recorder D. of II. PERSONAL, POLITICAL AND PERTINENT. The new time table on the Missouri Pacific, which was announced for last Sunday, will not go into effect until tbe29lh inst. A stranger approached ex-Governor Taylor of Tennessee recently with ex tended hand, and Baid: "Your face is familiar; where in hell did I meet you?" "I don't know," replied the governor; "what part of hell are you from?" The spectacle of Dave Miller occu pying the ffice of police judge is al most too funny to be believed But the voters of Plattsmouth won't allow the important office of police judge to be made a faice of. Judge Archer will be retained theie. A horse belonging to Robert Mathews and driven by Maurice Criss man indulged in a lively runaway at the Missouri Pacific depot at noon. Mr. Crissman was thrown from the cart and considerably bruised up. Ne braska City News. The assessors of Sarpy county have decided to assess property in that county at actual value, and a vigorous kick from the tax-payers is expected. An exchange states the exact truth when it remarks that a newspaper has five thousand readers to one thous and subscribers. A merchant that puts out a tbousaud bills gets possbly three or four hundred people to read hem, that is if the boy who is trusted o distribute them doesn't chuck them under the sidewalk. Newspaper ad vertising is the best advertising on earth. The Journal, respectfully invites Prof. Roentgen to cast one of bis X- raysonthe democratic nominees for the city offices of Plattsmouth, and see if anything is wrong with them. If the voters of this city want a good. clean administration, they will place an X (ray) opposite the name of each democrat on the ticket. Four safes were crackea at Lincoln Saturday night by burglars, and the total amount of money secured was ten cents. Now it is a cryptoscope, which will "cable one to see through solid suo- ances, such as armor plates, cannon alls and barn doors, with the naked ye. Next we may look for an inven ion which will enable one to see head and behind at the same time. Chis might be called the gettherewith- uothfeetscope. Nebraska City News. This assessors of Sarpv county will his year assess property in that county t its actual value. "This conclusion vas reached," says the Papillion Pimea, "at a meeting of the assessors ield last Tuesday. wheD a vote was assed to "follow the statutes." That s the first county in the state to adopt hat course. Since the indefatigable statistician rias demonstrated that the meek and lowly hn lays 8135,000,000 worth o ner product per year, there are evi dences of a movement to substitute her for the eagle as our national em blem. The eagle's importance is principally in the looks, while the ben remains homely and attends strictly to business. Cincinnati Tribune. Many years ago Barney Barnato rented a little house in one of the frontier towns of South Africa. Bar ney spent considerable in improving the house, but he quarreled with his landlord and decided to move. By inserting the following advertisement in the local paper the prospective millionaire in some measure got even with his landlord: "Wanted, by a gentleman who agreed to leave dwell ing occupied by him in condition in which lie found it, 100.000 lively black beetles." Then followed Barney's name and address. These Spanish mobs will keep at it until they hurt a Yankee or two and then there will be some fun Cleveland Ledger. ( rippled While Ilunnlnc a Race. A special from Elmwood to the Bee says: "Christ Buckleman, a farmer living three miles northwest of this place, while running a race with a 'earn and wagon against a man on horseback, while tnrniDg a corner overturned his wagon, breaking hi3 arm and and shoulder blade. lie is in a critical condition." of Letter Remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 23. 1896. Illy Frank Jackewitz, Mrs. Bertha Kennedy, Jim Syverson, Karen Miller. L A Persons calling tor auy of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." W. K. Fox. P. M. For Sale A new set of "Encyclo pedia IiriUanicu " twenty-five vl umen. b'ack silk bindine Cost $50. will sell for $35 cash. Call at II. Travis' office. D. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. From Friday's Daily. Mrs Folsom. representing the Ta bitha hospital of Lincoln, is in the city soliciting funds for that institu tion. Constable Robert Hayes returned home last evening from Alliance where he has been visiting "Brick" Irish for a few days. A letter received the other day from R. W. Ilyers, who is visiting at Spring Lake, 111., reports that he is having a splendid time, hunting being very good. M. E. O'Brien, late superintendent of the state fisheries at South Bend, was in town today taking applications for membership in the Nebraska Fish and Game Protective association, in wbich effort he has been quite suc cessful. The object of the association is what its name implies. Star Lodge, D. of II., held an in teresting session last evening, and several young gentlemen members were given the "side degree," thereby becoming "sisters " At the conclu sion of the business meeting a banquet was spread in honor of Mrs. Geo. Luschinsky, who is soon to depart for her new home at Colorado City, Colo. A very enjoyable time is reported by everyone present. Saturday's Daily. A big revival meeting is in progress at East Plattsmouth, conducted by Rev. Hubbard of the U. B. church. Some twenty conversions are reported. Sheriff Hollow ay drove down to Ne hawka last evening to serve some pa pers alter returning from Lincoln. lie returned home at about daylight this morning. Judge Spurloek today issued a mar riage license to Mr. Win. A. Wellman. itied 44. and Miss Emma R Hitch cock, aped 31. The bride-elect is a resident of this city, and is one of the proprietors of the Hitchcock photo graph gallery on North Sixth street. Mr. Wellman resides in O'Brien county, Iowa. From Monday's Daily. At the special meetinc of the Mod ern Woodmen of America, held Satur day evening, some fifteen candidates were iuitiated into the mysteries ot the order. About a cu zenmembers from the Havelock lodge were present. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dempster tie parted from the city today tor Omaha, w heie they will labor for some time in heir field of organizing lodges of the order of Knights and Ladies of Se curity. They made a great success ol their work in this city, and made many lasting friends. Deputy Sheriff Frank Rogers ar rived yesterday from Hepner, Oregon, from which place he came after Samuel Sperry, who was arrested last week by Sheriff Hollow ay. The officer and his prisoner departed for Oregon this afternoon. Sperry is the man who stole a horse out at Hepner about eighteen months ago From Tuesday's Daily. The remains of the late Mrs. Han nah Hilton were taken to St. Louis on (be K. C train this morning. The Degree of Honor lodge marched in a body to the depot. The juvenile books purchased with the proceeds realized from the "hard times" social given by the lads of the Reading Room association, arrived Saturday and are now catalogued and ready for distribution. There was considerable excitement for a little while at Billy Neville's on Saturday evening. The air tank which furnishes the compressed air by which the beer is forced throrgh the pipes, burst with a loud report, break ing a dozen pop bottles and other things, and causing the night police to run in from the street under the im pression that some body had been shot. From Wednesday's Daily. C. L. Graves of Union was a Platts mouth visitor today. Postmaster Draper of Mynard was an Omaha visitor this afternoon. Sheriff Holloway went out to Ash land this morning tin official business. G. A Rose and wife and Ezra Murphy . of Union, were Plattsmouth visitors today . County Judge Spurloek is trying a case this afternoon entitled Romine vs. Flower, a suit on a contract. There is talk in town among old sol diers of organizing a new post of the Grand Army of the Republic. State superintendent Corbett has is sued a pamphlet containing sugges tions and programs for Arbor day ex ercises in schools. The Cass County Teacher's institute at Weeping Wattris proving a very successful affair in every particular, and much good work is being accomp lished. Another of Lem Maybee's children died this morning, diphtheria being the .cause. This makes the fourth child that has died in this familv from this dread malady within the past few days. Advertise in Tile Journal. Ilanter Drowned in the Platte. A special from Sheldon to the Bee says: "Lavene Burmood, aged 17, was drowned in tte Platte river six miies east of here Tuesday afternoon. He was hunting on a sand bar, and an ice gorge broke above him. The river rose suddenly, and in attempting to reach the main land he was drowned in plain sight of his brother, who was on the shore. His body has not been recovered." Home-Seekers' txcurion. Missouri Pacific will sell home-seekers' tickets at the ratio of one fare pluH $2 for round trip, with stop-over nrivileces to points in Iowa, Minnesota, VVisconsin, North and South Dakota, Arkansas, Indian Territory .Oklahoma, Texas and Arizma. Dates of sale. March 10, April 7 and 21st and May 5 For f urther particulars call at Missouri Pacific depot. C. F. Stouteneorough, Agent. That Cripple Creek gold speculation fever has manifestly failed to come up to the full expectation of its promot ers There may be as many people in the world as before willing to be gulled, but the profits of the business are not what they were cracked up to be. Bee. Farm For Sale. The undersigned has for sale, either in whole or in part.the property describ ed as the north east quarter and the east half of the north west quarter and north east quarter of the south west quarter and north half of the south east quarter of section 2, and the north west, quarter of the north west quarter of section 1, all in township 13, ranee 9, Saunters county, Nebraska, comprising 400 acres. The property is under cultivation and has a house and outbuildings thereon Apply to Montgomery & Mall, G09 New York Life bldg., 13-St Omaha, Neb. Prominent Druggist of Illair Neb. .Writes Magnet Chemical Co. Dear Sirs: The goods which we bought through your salesman are sellers; the Magnet Pile Killer es pecially sells good and gives excellent satisfaction. We have re-ordered through our jobbers several times. Respectfully yours, Palmer & Taylor. For sale by Gerinn & Co. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. lloust'wortb. clerk of the district court within and for Cafrs county, Nebraska, and tome directi'd. I will on the 4ili day of April, A. D. at eleven o'clock. A. M. of said day, at the south door of the court house, in the citv of plattsmouth, in sdid countv, SEL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to wit: All of lots twenty fur (24) and thirtr two (32) in section twenty (20), township twelve (12 north, in ranKe fourteen 14 in said county of Cass, containing seven and SO-10O acres, togeth er with the privileges and appurtenances there unto belonging or in anywise appertaining; the same being levied upon and taken as the prop erty of William and Mary Edgerton et al., de fendants, to satisfy a judgment of paid court, recovered by William M . Clary, and William M. Clary as administrator of the estate of Daniel Gregg, p.laintiff, against said defendants. rialtsmouth. Nebraska. Fehrtiaiv 20. A, D. IS;. HAH VET HOLLOW AY. 10-5 Sheriff Cass county, Nebraska. WANTED-AN IDEASiSSSeSS' thing to patent ? Protect your ideas : they may j bu to & cu., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C, for their 21,800 prize offer. Julius Pepperbergl MANUFACTURER OF The ' Bud' THE BEST 5 c CIGAR MADE. ALSO MAKER CF TE "FL0R DE PEPPERBERG," The Best Ten-cent Ciear Sold on the Market. Mall trder to I'lattsnioutli, Kb. First National Bank PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Capital, paid up $50,000 OFFICERS: George E. Dovet President E'. E. White Vice president S. Wacgh Cashier II. N. Dovey Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS : George E. Dovey, F. E. White, D. Dawksworth S. Waugh and II. N. Dovey. Careful attention given to the interests oi customers . Collections made and promptly remitted for. Highest marfcet pric- paid for county warrants and state and county bonds it Omaha, 3Teb. Corner 12th and Howard Sts. Under the muniiRement of is oILLOWAY It is Omaha's newest and best lilted hotel. team heat, electric light! Rates. 52." O. $2.50or So.ooaday. Give it a trial and you will never want to go elsewhere. ED, Til 2GERALB, THE OLI HELIAI1LE Liverymai; HAS PURC ASED THE Sixth Street Checkered Barn, AND WILL RUN IT '.I. FIBS 7- CLASS Sj Special attention to Funerals, ilackt be "un to all trains. "Promptness and Fidelity to Customers"!! his motto lew Store, NEW NEW fact, Everything In iui QJ GBGCEBY Y Which he has just opened in the Waterman IBlock. H AVING tired of just put in an entire new stock of Gro ceries and am prepared to serve the public with every and anything in the Grocery line, just from the wholesale markets. No musty, old or shelf-worn stock on hand. I will greet my customers with the cleanest, neatest and most attractive grocery house in town and my Prices Defy All my former customers and everybody else is cordially invited to call and see me and inspect my goods and prices. A. H. WECKBACH, Waterman Block, - - Plattsmouth, Neb Sale AND FROM- ..THE S. L. GREESON, DEALER IN Flour, Feed And Corn-Meal, Union Block, Plattsmouth PAYS HIGHEST PRICE FOR GRAIN : AN D : HAY, And sells at the closest mar gin, fie invites patronage and guarantees satisfaction. Call at F. McCourt's old stand. W.L. Douglas Qf5 CEJafnt? IS THE BEST. J W VJ f fc Ea. FIT FOR A KING. . CORDOVAN, FRENCH & ENAMELLED CALF. Fine Calf&Kangarsq, r 3.sop0UCEf3SOLE: $2SO2.W0RKlNGMrV; -EXTRA FINE-1. 2.$ 175 boys'SchoqlShoes. ladies- 1509 SI 75 ; rwn mo r jtbi n'-ttr- Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom thoes In style and fit. Their wearing qualitlej are unsurpassed. The pricea are uniform, stamped on sole. Prom $1 to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we ci- Sold by GOODS, PRICKS, Is NEW in the new i i doing nothing, I have ompetition. OTHER - HOUSE mm Bills Soli Wwimtim 0 0 Plattsmouth The attention of farmers who expect to plant orchards is called to the fact that I have home-grown trees, war ranted to be true to name, by a man who you know, and at prices that will compare with any nursery in the land. EACH. .11X1.. 11,000. Arple Trees, standard varle ties, 3 years old Same, 2 ypars old Plum3, blue J'ears, 3 years Cherry trees, 3 years Concord vines, S years Peach trees Gooseberries Currants, choice kinds m t .15 2.OO;8M.0O .12 10.00 3 . .40 .35 23.00;.. .. .05 3.50 "!6s WW.'. .10 Will take corn or part trade and give two cents a bushel above market price. Parties living too far away can send orders. Will be carefully packed in moss. J. E. XEESLEY, Proprietor. Fred Krug Brewing Co., OMAHA NEB. Prod Egenberger, Act. Dr. Alfred Shipman, ( Office In Riley Hotel, Main Street entrance. Telephone iso. 95. Residence one block south of il. p. depot.