The Weekly Journal C- W. SHERMAN, Editor. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. I1UAUT1ES OF fllKFORM." SUBSCRIPTION One year, in advance, . . . . . . $1.00 Six months, in advance, 50 Three months, in advance, . . . . 25 ADVERTISING liates made known on application. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 169G. DKMOCRATIO STATK CONVENTION. A delegate convention of the demo crats of the state ot Nebraska is here by called to meet in Lincoln on W ed uesday, April 22, lSi)6, at 2 p. ni., for the purpose of electing sixteen dele gates to the national democratic con vention, which will meet in Chicago on the 7th day of July, lS'JG, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it. We invite all democratic citizens of the state, without respect to past po litical associations or differences, to unite in sending delegates to this con vention. The basis of representation is one delegate for each 100 votes, or maj r fraction thereof, cast for Hon. W. J. Bryan for United States senator at the general election of 1S94, each county, however, have at least one delegate. (Here follows the list of the counties with their number of delegates. On this basis Cass county is entitled to twenty-one delegates, and the whole number of delegates to the convention is 813). By order of the democratic state central committee. C. J. Smytii, Chairman. Lee Hehdmax, Secretary. It is said that the sugar trust is dip ping its hands in the Cuban question in the senate and that is the reason for the chancre of sentiment in that body. If the ElmwoodaEcho wants to copy our best editorial paragraphs it is wel come to them, even if it steals them bodilv. but it crates on our delicate nerves to see them credited merely t an lEx. The house conference committee on the Cuban resolutions has agreed to recede and adopt the senate resolu tions. That may briDg about tbe pas sage of the resolutions. Then we 0 shall see what Mr. Cleveland thinks oi the matter. There is a growing belief that the republicans are going to have the wis dom to link a demand for free coinage with their peculiar ism which they call "protection," and we want to say if they do they will not only carry the country but keep it for years to come, while, if they don't and should sue ceed in the coming election, they will lose the country the Grst opportunity. The enemies of ex-Judge Chapman are gloating over the fact that Satur day's convention came near perman ently retiring that gentleman from the domain of politics. They boastingly point to the fact that he was elected delegate to the state convention by the merest accident and state that such an occurence will not happen again. It really looks as if the Polk brothers had the whip hand in the republican camp. Chapman's nam is now printed at the tail end of the list. The gold standard people have many sins to answer for, but none of them is more certain of proof and conviction than this: that not a single one of their promises or predictions respecting the effect of their policy has come true. Not only that, but the people have continued to suffer, as this nation never before wa3 compelled to suffer, during the past three years, from the folly of putting any faith in their false promises. The people of the city of Platts mouth, two years ago, went wild over the prospect of securing alleged reform in city affairs. Despite the fact that for two years prior, the affairs of this city had been entrusted to the most capable set of officials the city ever had, a senseless idea that a change would be beneficial seized the electors and they hurried into power a so-called "reform" administration. What has this administration reformed? This question is one of paramount import ance at this time. Wherein has this set of ofiieials improved the city or given to it better government. All people remember the melancholy farce performed just prior to the last gen eral city election when a grand jury was called by the Jate lament d court to investigate 'mmorality and corrupt ness in city affairs and, incidentally, serve as a stepping-stone to enable the republicans to reform the city. This expensive luxury indicted three gamb lers and created a feeling that a change was necessary to secure good govern ment. Mayor Newell and the repub lican city t icket was carried into power and "reform" began. A change iu the police force was had in order to better secure this era of good government for the people. Almost' from the first "reform" converted the city police mto veritable sleuths who trailed the festive "growler" from saloon to resi dence and tracked designing women like an avenging angel. All this great 'reformvculininated in a so called spar ring match for points, which resulted in the death of a Plattsmouth citizen and the serving of a penitentiary sentence by his murderer. All this happened un der au administration bound to "re form"the city underan administration which "reform" the saloon and the house of ill-fame and promoted the general health of the city by premit tiug sparring matches for "points' under police supervision. Will anyone turn back the pages of the city history and find under a democratic adminis tration where the city oflicers permit ted prize-fights to take place and open ly aided and abetted the violation of the law. Yet this is one of the bean ties of ''reform." Truly meat is a "reform" administration that has eauties such as the present adminis tration can point to. It has suppres sed the violation of the liquor laws it has closed bawdy-houses it has driven gambling from the city it has made men good it has produced an un livalled police force but greater than all this, it 1ns truly cleaned the muni cipal ausrean stables and lurnished a city where peace and quietude ai.d lack of excitement is painfully ap parent. Have the people seen any thing of all these "reform" promises of two vears aero? Rather not. True reform consists iu the administration of the law as the oilicers find it. and it can best be had in this city by the election of the sonnd democratic ticket, headed by John A. Gutsche for mayor. This ticket gives satisi action to the people. It's list of names is a guaran tee that it will not attempt hypocrisy, PERSONAL, POLITICAL AND PERTINENT. The Atlanta negro ascensionists, called locally "!lawa) negroes"' vho expected to be taken up to l.t ;tv ii on the sixth of last March, and gave awaj most of their earthly possessions ii anticipation of the eveuf, htve re ceived notification from some where that the flight has been postponed for seven ears. Many of them are in pretty severe straits as a result of tbe completeness of their f i h. The mikado of JuDun can trace his royal pedigree back farther than any ruler or potentate of high or low de gree on earth. His family began to reign 660 )eais before Christ, in the time of Nebachudnezzar. He is the 122d in the line of royal rulers of his family. Tins record is most extraor dinary, showing that Japan possesses the most stable government in history. The bridge over the Tennessee river at .Nashville is to be constructed en tirely of piuk marble from quarries near by. It is be 1,000 feet long, with one arch 250 feet in length, which is 20 feet longer thau any oilier in the world. It is 105 feet high at the high est point above the water, and is to have a fifty-foot roadway. thirtyflve years, he was induced, after much persuasion, to execute a few steps Saturday evening at the chlieska-Wilde wedding, and those who witnessed the treat say it was worth going miles to see." A Kansas judge has decided that if a mau calls upon a woman regularly and now and then takes her to places of public entertainment it operates as a legal engagemant. this is hard on the women there in one respect, for it will make it necessary for them to pay for their own ice cream or stay at home. Three big bald eagles attacked a crocer's clerk at Seabrook, N. II.., tone day last week and were mauling him badly when help arrived. Tbe birds were beaten off and they escaped. Many Canadian hares are soon to be turned loose in the woods of Sandwich township, Massachusetts, which is on Buzzard's bay. Sportsmen of that rpgion are arranging to secure the hares ami turn themtlown,in the hope of stocking the woods with them for game purposes. A remarkable succession of misfor tunes occurred recently in the Irving family of Oldtown. Me. Not long ago the old homestead burned down, leav ing the family with but a shed for shelter. Two of the sisters moved into a store and started a millinery busi ness. The store was burned down and they lost all they had. Soon after that three women members of the party ivere thrown from a boat in Pushaw stream, directly opposite their home, and drowned. A week or two since two other sisters be'onging to the fam ily were murdeied in Oldtown. Chairman Kenuard of the finance committee of the Omaha city council has addressed a letter to J. N. Wise, instructing him to supervise the work of the expert emploed by the bonds men of ex-City Treasurer Henry IJolln to examine the books of the city. Om aha Sunday Bee. The King Press Drill company will begin work on their new plant at Ne braska City in a short time. They ex pect to have the plant in operation by May 15th. Itrmg Your Krlemlit to Nebraska. The Chicago. Burlington & Quincy H. It. publish a sixteen-page monthly illustrated newspaper called the "Corn Belt," which gives iu an interesting way information about western farm lands, particularly those iu Nebraska. The regular subscription price is twenty-five cents per year, but if you want it sent to any of your friends living east of the Mississippi river, send ten cents in stamps for each such person, giving, name and full address and the paper will be sent for one year. The B. & M. It. It. It. agent will show you a sample copy of the paper on request. Help your state and induce your friends to immigrate. Address the Corn Belt,. 209 Adams street, Chicago, 111. iHitfw and it! FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAY . at I. PEASL1AI' 1'roiuinrut Druggist of Itlair, Neb., Writes Magnet Chemical Co. Dear Sirs: The goods which we bought through your salesman are sellers; the Magnet Pile Killkk es pecially sells good and gives excellent satisfaction. We have re-ordered through our jobbers several times. Respectfully yours. Palmer & Tayloh. For sale by Gering & Co. fUILUOAD TIME TABLE Parlor Suites. Worth. $100 for $75 75 for 55 55 for .-40 45 for 3'5 Lonnges and Couches. $35 for $25 20 for 15 15 for , H 11 for 8 50 8 60 for 5 00 Bed Room Suites. $100 for $75 75 for 55 50 for... 35 $28 20 IG Wo rib. 435 for 25 lor 22 for Dining: Tables. $28 for....:.. ''SIS 20 for 14.0 G for du" 4 for' . . 2.50 Gold Coin Steel Ranges and btoves $85 for. 05 for. 50 for. 40 for. 30 for. 25 for- $G5 50 38 32 18 Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb The Plattsmouth Mills With Ihe best Machinery made, manufacture THE BEST BRANDS OF WHEAT, GRAHAMACnnr RYE, BUCKWHEAT 1 lUUl EVERY SACK GUARANTEED, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I. M. K. It. EAST HOUND. 2, daily 4. daily 10, from Schuyler except Sunday 12, daily y2, daily except Sunday 3)t freight from Louisville WEST HOUND. 3. dally 5. dally .. 7, fast mail, dally 9, to Schuyler, except Sunday ... 11, dally 29, freight tc Louisvllhi .6::l, p. in. 10:21, a. m. .11:55, a.m. .8:25. p. m. 12:23. p. m. ..2:50, p. m ..3:43, p. m. ..7:27, a.m. .2:12. p. m. .4 :00 p. m. .4:50, p.m. ..8:00.a.m. Bloomers af an aid to smuggling were tried by two San Francisco girls in an experiment that failed. The girls took passage to Honolulu on oue of the mail steamers, and excited the suspicion of the Hawaiian customs officers by going ashore clad in voluminous bloomers. They were fol lowed to a house in Honolulu, where the discarded bloomers and sixtv tins of smuggled opium were found. The girls were arrested and convicted of M. P. It. II. GOING NORTH: Leaves'. Passenger, No. 1 4:50 a. m. No. 15W 4:50 p. m Freight, No. 127 (dally exc'ptSunday) 3:35 p. m GOING SOUTH: C Passenger, No. 2 lc:43 d. m. No. l'.4 11:52 a. m. Freight, No. 12 (dally except Sunday) 9:35 a. n Union and Lincoln accommodation, No3G3, arrives 12:55; departs, o. 264, 3:4o p. m. but will give a genuine reform govern- smuggling, but on appeal to thesu- ment. Trvla Accrpt. Hon. II. D. Travis has been induced to reconsider his declination of the democratic nomination for member of the school board and his name will ap . a la rm - Dear UDon tne oaiciai oauoc. xuis announcement is made so that tbe voters of the city can understand that preme court the case against them was dismissed because their guilt was not proved clearly. The girls returned to ban Francisco a few days ago in the steerage, wearing skirts. The haimony conspicuous in Ohio at present is menaced by a bill pending in the legislature prohibiting the wearing of hats by women at theatri there are two democratic candidates cal performances- The measure seems Mr. Travis an introduction to the citizens of Plattsmouth. He is a sterl ing citizen, excellentlv qualified for the position for which he is nominated and his election seem3 almost certain. If Ohio solons want war' they could not select a subject more likely to shatter domestic peace. Revolutions have been started from less cause. Trade Especially Solicited. Runs Night and Day to Supply Demand. C. HEISEL, Prop., Washington Avenue, Plattsmouth, Neb. Buy Good Knadw. The growth of bicycling the past few years ha3 aroused great interest in the subject of good roads all over the country. In this city good streets and roads are particularly necessary as the peculiar formation of the city renders travel over the streets exceedingly dif Gcult unless the streets are in good re pair. The policy of the present city government is one that is calculated to permit the streets to fall into decay and disuse if persisted in and a change in policy is necessary. To secure this the city administration must be changed. Let all people interested in the improvement of the city streets vote to place at the head of city af fairs a man who will take a pride in good roads. That man is John A. Gutsche. A few discordant notes threaten tbe harmonious relations presumed to ex ist between the brethren of the Xew York Press. One sheet dubbed "a de cayed pretender" retorts by calling the publisher "a vulgar swindler." Another rival is singled out for this ChII for Congressional Convention. The democratic convention for the First district of Nebraska is hereby called to meet at Lincoln, Nebraska,on the22d day of April, 189G, at eleven o'clock a. m., for the purpose of nomi-1 shot, "The present editor of the nating two delegates to the dem-1 js as thoroughed-factd a knave and as ocratic national convention to be nastv a blackguard as has recentlv held in Chicago on the 7h day of July, projected himself before the public said nominations to be ratified by the I scrutiny." If the country must have democratic state convention to beheld war this method is to be encouraged in Lincoln on the 22d day of April, 189G, at two o'clock p. m. The baste of representation sball,be one del egate for every 100 votfcs, or major fraction thereof , cast for Hon. W. J. Bryan for United States senator m 1895. The several counties shall be en titled to representation as follows: Va?s 21Otoo 20 lonnson 13 Pawnee -.. 8 Lancaster 40 Richardson 20 .cmaoa jo as a means of saving funeral expenses. The Talmage Tribune with com mendable enterprise offers a setting of fifteen Wyandotte and other brands of chicken eggs with every cash sub scription. Xextear the editor will take chickens on subscrjption. Thus it is that the wise man profiieth. Everything New. Groceries, Canned Goods, Dried Fruit, Tobacco and Cigars. A. P. THOMAS" & SON Have openen a splendid new stock of these goods in FITZGEI? AJLI i LOCK Which the public is invited to purchase. QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS Will be their motto. It will also be their purpose to keep open a First-Class Meat Market Where everything in that line will be kept in first-class order. S O Your Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions I General Mdse. OF: i F. S. WHITE, The Old Reliable Pioneer Merchant s o o 5 o e s o o $ o 2 Every purchase made at his store is a guarantee that you obtained the best and most goods for the least money. 9 Farmers are invited to call and trade. TWO FOR ONE ! General Casey is dead. It was he Total 1.38 who that completed the monument oi Washington after it had been partly built and remained so foryears. At the time of his death he was superin tending the completion of the con- Ilome-Seeker' I,xcui-aioii. Missouri PaciGc will sell home-seekers' tickets at th'e ratio of one fare Pius - ior round trip, with stop-over gressional library building at Washing- privneges io points in Iowa,Minnesota, ton in response to a special request of i3cousin,ortn and South Dakota, congress SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE AND JUDGE THEREBY. August Gorder, Successor to red Gorder & Son : : : DEALER IN : Arkansas, Indian Territory Oklahoma, lexas and Arizona. Dates of sale. March 10, April 7 and 21st and May 5. For further particulars call at Missouri I'acitic depot. C. F. Stoutenbo rough. Agent. Judge Archer isn't "as young as he used to be," but lie is yet able to give some of the young chaps a few pointers on dancing. Although the judge has not indulged in that pastime for The Weekiy JOURNAL .... AN D . . . . CIHCIUHATI Weekly ENQUIRER Both one year for only 81.25. The Enquirer is a 9-column, 8-page paper, issued each Thursday. Largest in size, cheapest in price, most reliable in news, all large type. plain print, good white paper. If our readers want another live paper, the Enquirer is that paper. Call or send orders to C.W.SHERMAN, Manager Journal, Plattsmouth. ' Is pleased to call special attention to his line of. No. 1 Hand-Made H am ess. Made of Old-Fashioned, Oak-Tanned Leather, which he is able to warrant as first-class in every particular. Also has a fine line of Covered CARRIAGES and BUGGIES. He has also added to his stock a first-class make of BICYCLES, with all the mod ern improvements. Harness Repairing at Lowest Prices A'o. 30'J Maiu-ot., Platlsiiioiiili, Neb.