Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, March 26, 1896, Image 10

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Tuk farm residence of Sol worden,
ear Petersburg-, was destroyed by fire.
William Huse, editor of the Ponca
Journal, has completed his history of
Dixon county.
Them was quite a damaging- firs in
Fremont, two stories of the Biles block
being- burned.
Mrs. Fuchs of Fremont took a dose
Jf carbolic acid and died soon fetter. It
h regarded as a pure case of suicide.
The building- formerly used as the
Southern hotel in Talmage was des
troyed by fire, the origin of which is
The teachers of the German Luther
an parochial schools of the state will
hold their next annual meeting- in Fre
mont, April 8 and 9.
Aftf.k April 1st it is probable that
men in the Union Pacific shops at
Omaha will work five days a week.
seven hours a day.
The postoffice at Palmer was bur
glarized last week, the safe being-
blown open and 25 in silver and 8-
worth of stamps and one registered let
ter stolen. Two tramps are suspected
of having- done the job.
The southeastern Nebraska encamp
ment of the G. A. R. will be held at
Falls City five days, beginning- July 20,
1895. Both northeastern Kansas and a
convenient section have been invited to
join in this encampment.
John Hawlev, an old-time resident
of North Platte, was found dead in
field where he had been plowing-, near
Sutherland. Mr. Hawlev was state
officer of the Ancient Order United
Workman and a prominent secret so
ciety man.
A controversy has arisen between
the residents of Nemaha county, this
state, and those of Atchison county.
Missouri, regarding- the ownership of
about SI, 500 acres of land which was
originally, and probably now is, a por
tion of the state of Nebraska.
Christ Uuckelmax, a farmer living-
three miles northwest of 1.1m wood,
while running- a race with a team and
wag-on against a man on horseback
while turning- a corner overturned his
wag-on, breaking- his arm and shoulder
blade, lie is in a critical condition.
William Swan, Charles Burnett ana
George Dales of Wahoo started last
week for an extended trip in the south.
The principal place of interest to be
visited is Venezuela. They will go V
New Orleans and cross from there to
Venezuela. They expect to be gone
one year.
There was a horse buyer at Wake
field recently who wanted wornout
horses. The only requirements were
that they should be fat and halter
broke. He got twenty-four head. They
were shipped to St. Louis. There must,
says the Ponca Journal, be a sausage
factory in the neighborhood of St.
Mrs. D. S. Kopp. who resided ten
miles northeast of Broken Bow, was
thrown from a wagon last Sunday
morning- as she was starting- to church.
and instantly killed. She was sitting
in a chair in the wagon, and by a sud
den start of the team she was thrown
out and the wag-on passed over her
The canvass of the vote of Greeley
Center on the election to vote funding
bonds was completed last week. The
proposition was to vote 530,000 funding-
bonds, payable in twenty years, bear
ing- per cent interest. This vote was
the lightest cast in ten years, yet the
proposition carried by more than four-
fifths majority.
x he people in ureeley county are
keeping- clear of contracts with the
beet sugar factories this year. Greeley
county had contracts for over 300 acres
of sugar beets last year and the great
er part of the men who were unfortn
nate enough to have contracts lost
their summer's work, and this from no
failure on their part, but because of the
refusal of the factories to buy the beets
as they had agreed. .
Dr. G. W. Johnson, late superinten
dent of the hospital for the insane at
Hastings, who has been a resident of
Joplin, Ma, for several months, was at
Lincoln last week. Dr. Johnson says
that he thinks Nebraska about as good
a state for a democrat or anyone-else
as can be found, and the probabilities
are that he will soon 7 return to live in
the state where he spent twenty-three
of the best years of his life.
Salt Lake dispatch: Some of the
leading- citizens of Omaha, who are here
in the interest of the Trans-Mississippi
exposition to be held at Omaha, had a
conference in the governor's office to
day with the leading members - of the
legislature. Several speeches . . were
made, and the moral support of Utah
was pledged - to the" enterprise. It is
believed that the next legislature 'will
pass an appropriation sufficient to ena
ble Utah to take part in the exposi
tion. ' '
II. IL WiLLEY, an old resident of
Bertrand, was warned to leave town
an account of having- made indecent
proposals to the 7-year-old daughter of
A. M. HilL While preparing to leave
Willey was arrested, and . while in
charge of Constable Clayton a band of
women, led by the girl's mother, order
cd the office at the point of a revolver
to give up the prisoner with threats to
blow - his head off if resistance was
made. - A rope was placed around the
prisoner's ' neck, his hands were tied
and covered by a revolver he was
marched ont on the main street, and in
full view of his wife, who is an invalid,
and his children, he was thrashed until
blood streamed from his hands and
face. Then he was told to leave town,
which he did. . :'.
Jesse Ltdy, a 15-year-old boy from
Alliance, -was sent to the reform school
at Kearney. A complaint of incorrigi
bility was filed by his mother, Mrs. D.
Lu Goodwin,, at- Alliance,, but she has
failed to appear against him before the
civil court, and County Treasurer Miller
was appointed his guardian.
Two Johnson county young men, II.
J. Crissey and Frank Rothell, have
one to Alaska, where .they will pros
pect for gold during- the coming sum
mer, returning home late in the fall.
They will join a party of friends at
Seattle, where the company is to be
fitted out with tools for mining and
camping paraphernalia.
Figure oat So Far That McKinley Bat
ISO Delegates, While the Combined
Opposition lias J810 The Blalne
llayes Convention to Repeat
Itself Other JLate
Political News,
Washington, March 30. Mr. J. II.
Manley sent the following- telegram
yesterday to the Massachusetts He
publicans: "At the close of your convention
there will have been 398 delegates
elected. Governor McKinley will have
102 delegates, provided you assign to
him the entire delegation from Wiscon
sin. Indiana and Minnesota. Hut there
should be taken from this number
twelve delegates from the States, who
have declared since their election in
favor of Mr. Reed, and as they were
not instructed they should be taken
from McKinley column and placed
in Mr. Reed's. This erives Governor
McKinley 150 delegates, Mr. Reed 72,
Governor Morton 64, Senator Allison
3S, Senator Quay 26, Senator Cullom
12; contested, 36.
"You will see that this gives McKin
ley l5o delegates, against 210 anti
McKinley delegates.
"The situation is precisely as it was
twenty years ago. You will remem
ber that three months before the con
vention met at Cincinnati we were
confident of Mr. Blaine's nomination.
He stood then as the apostle of pro
tection. but he had opposed to his
nomination. Senator Conkling of New
York, Senator Morton of Indiana, Sec
retary Ilristow of Kentucky, Governor
Hayes of Ohio, and Governor Hart
ranft of hennsylvania. We feit so
sure of Mr. Blaine's nomination that
we regarded it as settled, and vet he
was defeated in the convention, and
the Maine man went down before the
Ohio governor.
"History will repeat itself at Sts
Louis. Governor McKinley is, and
will be, the leading candidate in the
convention, but he will have opposed
to him as a candidate Governor Mor
ton of New York, Senator Allison of
Iowa, Senator Cullom of Illinois, Sen
ator Quay of Pennsylvania, and Mr.
Reed of Maine. You will find that
the tables will be turned, and the
Governor of Ohio will go down before
the man from Maine.
(Signed) "J. H. Maklet.".
Reed and McKinley Dividing the Fealty
of the Republican Delegate.
Oklahoma Citv, Ok., March 30.
Long before the Republican terri
torial convention, to select six dele
gates to the national convention, was
called to order to-day, it was evident
that the gathering wouli prove i
lively one. Every county had a nom
inee for national delegate.
.-There were two decided factions on
hand, one for McKinley, the other fa
voring Reed, and whatever other fore
cast of the convention's actions might
be made, it seemed positive that the
St. Louis delegation would not be
solid for either.
The New Reform Party's Call.
Pittsburg, Pa., March 3 0. The pro
visional national executive committee
of the new national Reform party has
issued a call for a national conven
tion to be held in Pittsburg,' May 24.
In a 'declaration of principles, the
committee recommends to the plat
form committee direct legislation, the
issuance of all moneys, gold, silver
end paper, to be legal tender- and ex
changeable at par; the abolition of
the liquor traffic, free or equal coin
age of silver and gold at the ratio of
16 to 1, and government ownership of
railroads, telegraph and telephone.
Olney "Will Be a Candidate.
Washington, March 30. Secretary
of State Olney .will- in all . probability
be a candidate before the Democratic
convention at Chicago. The present
understanding is that Massachusetts
will present his name and send a solid
delegation for him. - .
The Great English University Contest Not
Decided Until the Very End.
Putney, March 30. The - Oxford
crew, to the surprise of . almost every
body ashore and afloat, to-day won
the fifty-third boat race between the
universities of Oxford and Cambridge
by about a third of a length after a
most exciting contest. Thus Oxford
has won thirty races of the series to
twenty-two won by Cambridge, the
dead heat of 1877 making the total
number of races pulled. This is the
seventh year in succession that Oxford
has defeated Cambridge. The time
was 20:04 and the course was the usual
one from Putney bridge to the win
ning- post above the Shin Inn at MorV
lake, distance about 4) miles.
An Ex-Alderman Marderer Escapes.
Fort Worth, Texas, March 30. Ex-
Alderman McGrath, convicted of the
murder of James Rushing and sen
tenced to nine years in the peniten
tiary, escaped from the. county jail
yesterday and is still at large. The
escape, it is said, was due to the care-
essness of the 'jailer, who has been
removed by the sheriff. Several posses
are in search of the fugitive.
Work men Object te Checks. .
West Bay Crrr, Mich., March 30.
Fourteen hundred 'men employed', in
the ship yard of Wheeler & Co., struck
this morning against the check system
of payment. The firm gave as its
reason for adopting the system the
inconvenience and danger of trans
porting $20,0'J0 every pay day.
l.or.l Salisbury's Foreign Policy Denounc
ed by the Liberal Leader.
London, Marcn 30. The Earl of
lloseberry, leader of the Liberal
party, made an. important speech last
night before the National Liberal
federation, charging the government
with a deplorable want of continuity
in the foreign policy, lie pointed out
that within six months they had been
on the verge of war with the United
States, and then with Germany, and
now they were embarking on a war
with no particular enemy, lie passed
over the black and bloody page of
Armenia, he said, which English
men would all look back to
with shame and remorse. Lord Salis
bury, up to the end of December,
had displayed leanings to the Drei
bund. By the beginning of January
liis continuous policy had landed
Ureat Britain in the arms of France,
whose aiTections it was intended to
gain by the monstrous Siam conven
tion. That state had lasted about
six weeks, and then Lord Salisbury
embarked in a march to the Soudan,
which outrages France and throws
(Ireat Britain back into the arms of
the Dreibund. Lord Rosebery pro
ceeded in detail to very strongly criti
cise the Nile expedition.
Continuing, Lord Rosebery coir
plained of the indeefsion and failure
of the government to take the country
into its confidence. He greatly feared
that the government was fooling it
self as well as the country. "Was it
the time," he asked, "when we were
menaced with complications in all
quarters of the worldj to scatter our
forces in the deserts of the Soudan in
awar which nobody could foresee the
end of. and to waste the money which
Egypt needed for great irrigation
woiks?" The remainder of his speech
was devoted to home polities.
It Is Said That Republicans and Popu
lists Will Combine.
Austin, Tex., March 30. A report
is current here, and it has appeared in
some of the Texas papers, that the
leaders of the Republicans and the
Populists have a scheme to fuse, the
Republicans to vote for the Populist
nominees for State officers, and the
Populists to put Republican electors
on their ballots. If this fusion is
accomplished it certainly will en
danger Texas as a Democratic state
this year. Two years ago the Demo
cratic vote for Culberson was 207,167:
Fopulist vote, 152,731; "black and tan"
Republicans, 54,520: "lily white" Re
publican, 5,026. The figures show
that the combined opposition two
years ago had a majority of over 5,000,
and this has been greatly increased
since by defections from the Demo
cratic ranks.
Illinois Pan tors Indicted.
Champaign, 111., March 30. The
Champaign county grand jury, which
indicted John P. Altgeld, governor of
the State of Illinois, and the other
members of the board of trustees of
the Illinois University, for non-compliance
with the law requiring the
United States flag to be floated over
all public school - buildings, also
brought in indictments against Rev.
Father Wajrner, pastor of St. Mary's
Roman Catholic Church, and Rev.
Fred Verehahan, pastor of St. Peter's
German Lutheran Church, lor failure
to comply with the law in not main
taining the United States flag oven
their respective parochial schools.
PoatoOlce Kobbers Convicted.
Jf.ffekson City. March 30. Pat
Clifford, Mike Ryan. James Carter and
Barney Burns, four of the men on
trial in the United States court before
Judge Adams, for robbing the post
office at California, were found guilty
and sentenced to the penitentiary for
five years each. Young Adams was
also convicted, but Judge Adams, who
is inclined to be merciful in his be
half, has not yet passed sentence upon
Disagreement in the Todd Mnrder Case.
New London, Mo., March 30. The
case ot Mrs. Todd, . on trial lor mur
dering her daughter, sent here on
change of venue from' Hannibal.' Mo.,
was given to the jury last night.
After deliberating' all night and until
noon the jury decided they could not
agree and were discharged. The
ballot from first to last stood nine for
murder in ths first degree and three
for acquittal. 4 .
James Whitconob Klley I1L
Iadianapolis, Ind., March 30
James Whitcomb Riley was prostrated
yesterday by an acute attack of brain
fever. For several hours it was
feared his illness. would result fatally.
but reports from the sick chamber
last night show the crisis has passed
and that there is a reasonably fair
chance of recovery.
Convicted of Embezzlement.
Jefferson City, Mo., March 30.
Hamilton E. Baker, ex-postmaster of
Roll a. was convicted yesterday of em
bezzlement, the jury finding him to
be indebted to the government in the
sum of $275. - Judge Adams sentenced
him to the United States prison at
Leavenworth for two years.
A Chicago Clnb Abolishes the Color X.loe-
Chicago, -March 30. The Hamilton
club has adde'd the name of a colored
man to the list of. its members. It is
the first of the leading man's organi
zations in Chicago to abolish the color
line. This especial honor was con
ferred upon Adelbert II. Roberts, a
Manderson Made No Contest.
Omaha, Neb. , March 30. The Re
publican primaries to select delegates
to the countv convention occurred
yesterday. There was no contest.
This is the first substantial evidence
that the Manderson-McRinley com
promise is effective.
Bob Kneebs Set. Free.
Leipsic, March 3U The Imperial
court has quashed the conviction of
liobert F. Kneebs, the American
horseman who was recently on trial
. m t e
on tne charge or trotting nis mare
Bethel under the name of Nellie
The New Yorker Denounces the Proposed
Change In the New Mexico Legislature's
Meeting; Time, and a Lively Exchange
of Words Follows The Federal Fees
Bill Passed.
I Work In the Senate.
' Washington, March 28. When the
Senate met to-day the legislative ap
propriation bill was then taken up,
the pending question being on the
motion of Mr. Sherman to strike out
all provisions relating to the change
of compensation from fees to salaries
for United States district attorneys
and marshals.
Mr. Allison spoke against the prac
tice of placing "riders' on appropria
tion bills, but he regarded this reform
as exceptionable and desirable.
"This position of the Senator from
Iowa" (Allison), said Mr. Hoar, "re
minds me of the Scotch lassie who said
she had found the best way to get rid
of a temptation was to yield to it."
At tne close oi the discussion an
amendment by Mr. Vilas was defeated
on a viva voce vote. A roll call fol
lowed on Mr. Sherman's amendment
and it was defeated 18 to 20. This
was accepted as a test indicating the
adoption of the proposed change from
the fee to the salary system for dis
trict attorneys and marshals.
Mr. Bill moved to strike out the
provision that the legislative assembly
oLNew Mexico should meet in May.
"This is a small, mean, contemptible.
political trick," he exclaimed with
great vigor. "It is a provision sneaked
into this appropriation bill to force
the approval of the President."
The Senator explained that the pres
ent Legislature, which was Demo
cratic, would meet in December, but it
was attempted by this amendment to
put otf the meeting- of the Legislature
till May iu the hope that a Republican
president might be inaugurated in the
meantime. It was a contemptible
trick, to 'sneak iu" a political advan
"What right have you to say 'sneak
ed in?' '' interrupted Mr." Elkins.
What authority have vou for such a
"Ah," responded Mr. Hill with unc
tion, thought I'd stir up the sena
tor from New Mexico. 1 see beside
him the author of this plan, who on
the minute is here to whisper in his
ear in support of it. What I mean by
sneaked in' is that it is unworthy
that this political trick should tried in
connection with a great appropriation
"Rut the senator has made serious
charge," persisted Mr. Elkins, ."let
him continue his explanation to as
sertion of 'sneaking in.' What does
he ir.ean by that?"
"I mean that such a political plan
has no place here. It has crept in,
sneaked 'in. Will the senator deny
that this is a political amendment?"
Mr. Elkins responded that the
House of Representatives in the exer
cise of its rights had introduced this
proposed change.
Mr. Hill reiterated that the amend
ment had "crawled in." Of course
the senator from West Virginia would
deny it. When he denied that this
was a political trick he showed his
capacity for emergencies.
Some senator in the rear of Mr. Hill
whispered that Mr. Elkins had not
made a denial. "Then if he has not
denied it, he will deny it," continued
Mr. Hill, "for he does not want to
father this petty little political plan."
The senator asserted that appropri
ation bills should not be made
sewers" to receive all the "scraps"
every one might seek to put into
Mr. Cullom, in charge of the bill,
said that he was surprised at this out
burst of excitement from the New
York Senator who, he feared, "would
have a spasm before he got through."
"Oh, no;'- interrupted Mr. Hill, "I
was never cooler in my life."
Mr. Cullom explained that the
amendraenPcame from the House in
the regular way. He expressed the
hope that there should be no personal
reflection ou the delegate from New
Mexico, to whom .Mr. Hill had re
ferred as sitting beside Mr. Elkins.
The Oklahoma Republican Convention
IJkety to Be Quite a Warm One
Guthbie, Okla., March 28 Every
thing indicates that the Republican
territorial convention at Oklahoma
City to-morrow will be exciting from
start to finish, both the Reed and Mc
Kinley factions claiming a majority.
An attempt will be made to shut out
Henry fi. Asp, the Reed manager, by
a declaration that Guthrie having the
Congressman and asking for his re
nomination is entitled to nothing
more. Then a move will be started to
break the whole machine by having
the convention elect a national com
mitteeman. This will be vigorously
opposed by the Reed men, as it wiil
spoil the bargain they .iave made, but
the McKinley men, with the assist
ance of the country delegates, expect
to carry it.
A Rich Hill Policeman Claims Millions.
Rich n ill, Mo., March 28. James
Tj. McCarthy, a policeman, has been
notified that be is one of the heirs to
$ 30,000,000, the estate left by his
grandfather, - Mordecai Price. The
Property is situated in the - heart of
altimore, and has been subject to' a
ninety-nine year lease, which has just
expired. The claims of McCarthy and
other heirs will be prosecuted at law.
Believed to Have . Been Murdered.
Dkxteb, Mo., March 2a R. W.
Thompson, probate judge of Stoddard
county, is mysteriously missing and it
is feared that he has been foully dealt
with in Cairo, 111., as he went there
Friday of last week to get a $1,200
check cashed.
No Linseed Oil Trust Receiver.
Chicago, March 28. Judge Gibbons
this morning declined to appoint a re
ceiver for the National Linseed Oil
company and dismissed for. want. of
equity the bill filed by Louis A. Co
quard, asking for the receiver.
Is Enthusiastic
for tli
Boston, March 28. The boom of
Speaker Thomas Brackett Reed for
the Republican nomination for the
presidency was formally 5 . launched
here to-dai' by the Republican estate
convention,' amid the greatest en
thusiasm. The delegates ' came with
only one name in their minds as their
choice for the presidential nomina
tion.. Consequently, any reference to
the man or his sentiments was the
signal for cheers and applause, and
again and again the building trem
bled with shouts and. handclapping,
cheers and waving of hats as the dele- j
gations contested with each other in ,
manifesting their admiration for their
ronrrem..n iv trll rt
Winchester was chosen permanent
chairman.. , His .introduction was the
signal for a great ovation. In his
speech he devoted himself principally
to laudation Of Speaker Reed and his
words were cheered again and again.
The resolutions which were then
presented by Senator Lodge, pledge .
unwavering support to the national J
can.iidate; arraign the Democrats; call ,
for measures to. insure a surplus to
provide for coast defenses- new war- !
snips anu constant reduction of the
public debt; denounce the present tar
iff law and call for a new one to be
framed for protection and ' reci
procity; denounce the . present sil
ver agitation; oppose free silver coin
age and call for dollars as good as all
other dollars; oppose state banks and
uphold the national banking system;
call for strict enforcement of the civil
service laws; demand restriction of
immigration by strong laws; call for
rigid adherence to the American prin
ciple of the entire separation of church
and state; demand a vigorous foreign
policy, with protection of all interests
on the American continents and the
strict enforcement of the Monroe doc
trine; express sympathy for and wish
to the Cubans su ccess in their strug
gle for independence and close:
"Massachusetts Republicans have
never undertaken to pledge oi bind
their delegates to a national conven
tion. We do not intend to do so now.
But we think it fitting o declare our
decided preference among the candi
dates lor the Republican nomination
to the presidency. We present to the
national convention for nomination,
as president, and we urge all our del
egates to give their earnest, united
and active support to a fearless leader,
tried in many hard conflicts, a man of
national reputation, of unblemished
character, unswerving1 Republicanism
and great abilities, the Hon. Thomas
B. Reed of Maine."
The applause was especially marked
when the Cuban and gold standard
planks and the section referring to the
separation of church and state were
read, but all previous demonstrations
were not to be compared with the roar
that followed the mention of Reed's
name as the nominee of the Repub
licans of Massachusetts for the Presi
dency. Then the enthusiasm rose to a
climax and round upon round of ap
plause rolled up through the hall.
Then. followed the . election of four
delegates at large to the national con
vention: Senator Henry Cabot Lodge
of Nahant, , W. T. Murray Crane of
Dal ton, Eben S, Draper of Hopedale
and Curtis Guild, jr.. of Boston all
chosen by acclamation.
fhe Honse Lays Aside Appropriations
Work to Consider Personal Claims.
Washington, March 28. Mr. Hep
burn, Republican,' of Iowa, in the
House to-day antagonized consider
ation of the sundry civil appropriation
bill which Mr. Cannon, chairman of
the appropriations committe, gave
notice he would call up, by moving
that the house proceed to the consider
ation of private claims. Mr. Cannon
opposed the motion, but on a rising
vote he was defeated 88 to GS.
Mr. Cannon demanded tellers and
Mr. Grout, Republican, of Vermont
called out: "Vote with the Appropria
tion committee and adjourn .May 2."
Again Mr. Cannon was defeated, Mr.
Cannon then demanded the yeas and
nays, which were ordered. ' The roll
call resulted 142 to 77.
The announcement of the victory
over the Appropriations committee
was received with great jubilation by
the members interested in private
bills.' The House then went into com
mittee of the whole for the considera
tion of bills on the private calendar.
The Bout Totes S35.000.OOb for Four
New Ttattleshlp.
Washington, March 28 The naval
appropriation bill was passed yester
day by the House, without substantial
amendment . An effort was made by
the' advocates of a larger 'increase of
the navy than was authorized by the
bill to increase the 'number of battle
ships from four to six. This increase
was supported on the floor by Messrs.
Hanley, Cummmgs and Johnson, of
California, .and opposed by - Messrs.
.Boutelle, ehairman of the committe.
and Hulick and Robinson.
The House, by a large' majority.
stood by the recommendation of the
committee, . the . proposition for six
battleships mustered but thirty-two
votes, against 134. Various other
amendments were offered, but all
failed. . Mr. . Mahon. Republican, of
Pennsylvania, caused some amusement
by, moving to name the ships Quay,
Reed, McKinley and Allison..
.The qui,- as passed, carries $3 1,6 J 1, -
034, ..and authorizes the construction
of four battleships and fifteen torpedo
boats, the total cost of which will be
in the neighborhood of $35,000,000.
McKinley Protection and Sound Money.
Charlkqton, .W. Va., March 2ri.
The Republicans of the Third con
gressional district met here and chose
two delegates to represent the district
n the national Republican convention
at St Louis. The delegates favor and sound money.
Free Coinage Resolution.
Washinoton, March 28. Senator
Allen introduced a resolution declar-
ng that Congress should not adjourn
without restoring the free coinage of
silver and taking from the Secretary
of the Treasury . the power to issue
Resolutions Which
Bet Forth the BaU
. . n.lcBt to the
Upon WHICH ner
Republic.- National Co-ven Ion Will
be Cbo-.-A. Agreement Satisfactory
to the Friends ! MeM-lT
Manderson sod McKinley.
- Omaha. March 24.-Some time ago
Senator John M. Thurston submit
ted to the friends of General Mander-
son a proposition for the adjustment
differences between the respective sup-
I ... ,i Tri-Un and
norters Of William wciviuicj
rviarlo F. Manderson in
Manderson in
concerning the character of the delega
tion to the national republican conven
tion to be held in St Louis.
This proposal was carefully discussed
by friends of both parties and modified,
reads as follows:
Resolved,. That the. republicans of
Nebraska favor the nomination t
William McKinley or Charles K Man
derson for president.
Resolved, That they hope all dele
gates from Nebraska to the national
j convention will make every honorable
'effort to' secure the nomination of
William McKinley or Charles San
derson. , . ,
Resolved, That they hold in high es
teem Hon. Charles F. Manderson, and
It is their wish that the delegates to
the national convention should avail
themselves of any favorable opportuni
ty that may arise in the national con
vention to urge his nomination for
Resolved. That the delegates to the
national convention should voU for
Hon. Charles F. Manderson on any and
all ballots when, in their judgement,
such votes so cast will . not in anywise
tend to defeat the nomination of
William McKinley or lessen his chances
for nomination, but that they should
vote for William McKinley on any and
all ballots when, in their judgment,
such votes would promote his interests
or contribute to his nomination.
Resolved, That the name of Hon.
Charles F. Manderson be presented to
the convention as a "candidate, unless
in the judgment of the Nebraska dele
gation at the assembling of the con
vention, it is apparent that McKinley
will be nominated for president
These modifications were submitted
to Senator Thurston and ileneral Man
derson for consideration. Senator
Thurston, in a telegram to his friends,
accepted them and Senator Manderson
replied as follows:
"Washington, D. G, March 19. W.
IL Alexander and Others: As hereto
fore frequently stated, I am entirely
willing to leave matters to friends, be
ing especially desirous of avoiding fac
tional disturbance, injurious to repub
licanism in state or national elections.
Any adjustment having this end in
view will be satisfactory to me.
Charlks F. Maniikbson."
The Omaha committee friends of
Wm- McKinley communicated with
Hon. John C. Wharton as follows: "It
was specifically stated and understood
between the persons representing Hon.
Charles F. Manderson and the under-
. signed, acting as friends and support-
ers of Hon, Wm. McKinley, and on be
half of the McKinley Club, that the
delegates from Nebraska to the Na-
tional Convention shall be composed of
that the Manderson headquarters be'
i closed."
A London Club Proposes a Match With
Mitchell The Ex-Campion's Kept.
New York, March -4. The latest
proposition in the fistic world was an
nounced to-day in the following cable
gram from George W. Atkinson of the
Sporting Life, London, to Richard K.
"Bolingbroke club offers Slk.OOO for
Mitchell and Corbet Mitchell accepts;
does Corbett? Atkinson.
Cincinnati, Ohio. March 24. James
J. Corbett. when shown the propositon
from the Bolingbroke club of London,
offering 912,000 for a fight between
Mitchell and Corbett, promptly said:
"Mitchell is not my man. I am after
Fitzsimmons. The eyes of the world
are on us and we are expected to
meet I would gladly accept this
offer if I were after money, because I
count it easy money, but my game is
Fitzsimmons, and it will not do for
me to bind myself np with anybody
else. Besides I have already accepted
a proposition from this club to fight
Fitzsimmons at 98,000. They may
amend it by making the sum Sl2,uoo if
they like, and send the articles over
and I will sign them."
Women Organize a Clnb In Washing-to
for the Protection of Members.
Washington, March 24. A number
of young. women of Washington have
organized an Equal Standard Purity
club. Their object is to establish a
single code of morals, equally binding
upon men and women, and to protect
their members from the visits of men
of impure lives. Every member is
required to sign the following pledge:
I solemnly promise, by the help of
God, to hold the law of purity as
equally binding upon men and women
and to use my utmost efforts to obey
the command, 'Keep thyself pure;' to
discountenance all coarse language
and-impurity. in dress; in language and
art, and to lend a helping hand alike
to men and women, giving tbe peni
tent of both sexes. an equal chance to
reform, so far as my assistance and in
fluence can do this."
Seal log Claims Discussed.
Washington, March 24. The Senate
committee on foreign relations to-day
had Secretary Olney before it and
asked him questions concerning tbe
treaty for the commission to hear and
adjust the claims of British sealers
against the United States for seizures
in Behring sea.
Missouri Grand Army Petitions.
Washington, March 24. Mr. Crow
ther presented in the Honse petitions
from thirty-seven Grand Army posts
of Missouri, praying the passing of the
bill restoring all discontinued or re
duced pensions.