ColttratlBt the Palaa I a doers. Eben E. Kexford in a practical article :n February Ladies1 Home Journal, ex plains in detail how the palm can be successfully cultirated (in the house). In summarizing the essential points to be observed he says: 'The hot, dry ir of the room lacks that Tital principle which the air of the green- . house had in it, and encourages the de- ; elopment of insect enemies which i rapidly sap the impoverished life-blood of the palm. It will be understood j from this that it is necessary to modify ! the conditions characteristic of the Jiving- room as much as possible. The -sir must be moistened by evaporation t ot water about the plant, or by the ap plication of it to its foliage. Fresh air must be admitted, to take the place of that whose vitality has been burned out of it by too intense heat. The plant must have a place near the win dow where direct light can exert its beneficial effect on the soiL Care must be taken to give only enough water to Keep the 6oil moist. Good drainage must be provided also. GRINDING THEM DOWN SAD CONDITION OF THE ISH PRODUCERS. BRIT- Forced to Gold-Staulard Slavery, "While China. Japan and Mexico Fore AhRd on a Silver Uali A Necessary Conclusion to It All. The nearly rained British agricultur 1st will not find much to dispel his mel : ancholy in the speechifying at the Farmers' Club. The dominant note was ' doleful throughout; prices have fallen : so low that even a turn of luck in one j branch or another makes very little I difference on the whole. Thus, in the J North of England, where the harvest . was tolerably good and the hay crop ! up to the average, "the price of meat ; was so low that it would not more than j pay the growth of corn in the South i It is the same dismal story all round; The ideal iiatbaod. as the chairman added that barley, An article in the current number of j wheat, oats and potatoes are selling at an innuentiai review bears tins rainer j so low a price as to be unremunerative Clearly, therefore, the only chance of portentous title: Does the Ideal llu band Exist?' Despite the weightiness of the doubt implied, the answer is re ally easy. It depeAds on the ideal. The trouble with the modern woman is that the wants too much. In this he is in strong contrast with the mod ern man. lie doesn't want too much. In fact, he would often be glad to take lees than he gets. But she, if she is rery modern, wants earth and heaven combined, and varying in combination according to the requirements of the moment. This she can't get, and she never will be able to get it. The best consolation for her is to rest in the eoviction that the ideal wife is more likely to be found than the ideal husband. Thus her sex will be left with the advantage. Phil adelphia Times. saving the industry from complete ruin is to adopt some means for so cheap ening production as to leave a margin of profit even at present prices. How that can best be done rests with the government to sav. It has committed itself to making the rescue of agricul ture Its first effort in parliament, and judging from what ministers have let drop from time to time, it may be taken for granted that the fiscal burdens on land and railway freights will be sub stantially diminished. Even then, how ever, it appears to be very doubtful whether this salvage operation will, by itself, accomplish its purpose. The farmer must endeavor to co-operate on the lines suggested by Lord Winchilsea and Lord Claude Hamilton at the late conference. If the middleman could MILLION Or DOLLAR AXJfCALLT. And more could ba made bv the farmers if they would plant Salzer's big crop- ; onlr be swept away, thus allowing con ping seeds, because Salzer's seeds I sumer and producer to come into di trprout. grow and produce, giving you ' rect toch. the agricultural problem from 4 to 6 tons of hay per acre, over 200 ' wouId be happily solved. London bu. of corn. 116 hu. of baxlAv hn I Graphic. - j 9 r - cf potatoes. 209 bu. Silver Mine Oats and the like per acre. These are pos itive facts, all of which can be substan tiated by oath. Now, the editor asks -w hy sow poor seeds and get poor yields, when such big, bountiful yields are pos ible? Salzer's catalogue tells you all about it. If yon will cot this ont and send it with 10 cents postage to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., you will receive their mammoth catalogue cod 10 samples of grain and grass seeds, worth $10,, to anybody to get a start from. Catalogue alone, 5 cents post age, w.n. An elephant's skin, when tanned, is over an inch thick. "hBowy's Bronchial Troches" are unri valed for relieving Cousrhs, Hoarseness and all Throat Troubles. Sold only in toxes. You can do more for yourself than any man can do for you. Gladness Comes With a better understanding- of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef fortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts rightlv directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the Genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system "is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. So it is with agriculture everywhere except in silver-siandard countries. The demonetization of silver doubled the value of the unit by which all commod ities are measured. At the same time it threw the agriculturist in gold-standard countries open to the competition of those producing on the cheaper basis of silver. As retail prices did not fall so rapidly as wholesale, and as .debts, tax es and some other thing6 have not been reduced at all, the result has been al most ruin to both the English and the American farmer. The effect has not been quite so disastrous to the manu facturer, because more indirect and tardy, and in a measure he has been able to protect nimself by combinations and trusts. But he is now beginning to feel it both directly and indirectly. The building of mills and factories in Mexico, India. China, and especially Japan, is a cold fact that he cannot ig nore. That the factories in those coun tries produce on a silver basis, is an other fact that cannot be denied. That this gives those countries an advantage in exchange should be apparent to every business man who is not com pletely blinded by his prejudices. These facts being conceded, that the restora tion of silver is the only true remedy, is a necessary conclusion. DEAR VS. CHEAP MONEY. ft is tl-i Dipeot Line- The difference between the Burlington and all other lines to Montana and the 1 acilic Northwest is the difference letween a direct line and a I line that isn't dire' t. j The !;ton is the direct line. It is from 50 to :S miles hhorterthan any other iine to Helena. liutte, Sjoane, Seattle anl Tacoma. I A last train for those and ! al! other northwestern joints leaves Omaha at :. p. m. i dai:v. Go west on it if you : want to reach your destina tion quickest end most com fort aily. Time tables and information alout rates will le furnished cn app ication by the local ticket agent or by addressing The People Getting an lutight Into Mysteries Thereof. One of the mysteries of the present situation is the fact that so many ap parently intelligent and fair minded Americans have permitted themselves to be blinded to the real nature of the financial issue. Americans are natu rally honest and in many cases their judgments seem to have been com pletely warped by appeals to them in the name of "honest money." It is to be devoutly hoped that as the issue be comes more clearly defined they may be able to grasp the fundamental truth that money may be "dishonest" by be ing too "dear," as well as by being too "cheap.' In every financial transaction there are two sides. "Dear money" is "good money" to one side, but it Is frequently ruin, and always injury to the other. Let those who have been deluded by the specious cry of "sound money" make a note of this, and they will have taken an important step toward a correct so lution of the monetary question. Let them then proceed to investigate how a dollar that is appreciating that is, in creasing in purchasing power works as between the monied classes and those who are in debt or engaged in production. Just a little figuring will give them ideas that they never had be fore. When they proceed in this way they will soon discover the reason why the money centers are so unanimously against what they are pleased to term "cheap money." "Dear money" gives them an enormous advantage. It en riches them while they sleep. At the same time the mors the dollar grows in value the harder it is for those to obtain it who have to depend upon their own exertions. This was the natural effect of demonetizing one of the precious metals and basing all values upon the one which was retained. Hence the cry of distress and demand for relief that for more than twenty years has gone up from the producing classes in every country that has adopted the gold standard. tice, furthermore, that the house tariff : bill will not be allowed to pass without i a free coinage amendment. Until a test vofe is had it cannot be pronounced with certainty wnether the free coin- ; age men will be able to control the ac- j tion of the senate. Whether they have that power or not, they have unfortun ately, under the rules of the senate, power to delay for a long time the en actment of the legislation sent up from the house. Bradstreet's, Jan. 14. J Bradstreet's is an extreme gold or- j gan, and looks at every public question from the Wall street standpoint. The silver senators have it in their power : to block legislation, and they will do j it to the full extent of their judgment. I Whether the legislation thus "blocked" is "needed" is a point which they will determine for themselves. They will allow neither Bradstreet's nor the Morgan-Rothschild syndicate to determine for them what is "needed." If the sil ver senators were to take their in structions from such sources, the peo ple who believe in bimetallism would be better off without any representa- j tion at all. The legislation which is more needed than any other is the restoration of an honest monetary system to the peo ple of the United States, so that while the syndicates are making $10,000,000 at a single turn, the farmers and pro ducers may be able to get mone3 enough to buy sugar and pay taxes. ! In the judgment of a great many earnest.thoughtful and studius men.the ' most important step in that direction is the complete remonetization of sil- i ver. i That is what the silver senators hav in view, and there is no power either . in Wall street or in England to swerve them from their course. National Bi metallist. j "THE WOODEN HEN" Hatches chickens from hen's eggs. It is 10x15x8 inches : will take care of 28 eggs. Write co Mr. Geo. IL SUhL Mfr., Quincy, 11L. for a ccpy of his booklet "W." describ- insj the "Wooden Hen, also large cata logue, jsottt sent free. Jteataoa this paper. The Census of Berlin. Berlin has just been having her quin quennial census taken. Then the sta tistician produced statistics and made out that on the night of Isovember 1 last Berlin had 1,647.000 souls in it As to which figures the police joined im mediate issue. The Berlin policeman does not orofess to be a statistician. To and from the city's population as it stood on .November 1, 1890, he had been adding and subtracting day by day the births and other arrivals, and the de partures by death or other removal; and at the end of five years he made out that the population ought to total 1,757,000. Moreover, as nobody couia possibly enter or leave Berlin, alive or dead, without his knowledge, it was pretty certain that he was right. Con sequently he wanted to know what the statistician had done with the S3,0O0 Berliners who ought . to have been forthcoming and who were not there. The statistician with his statistics had just quietly wiped them out; that was all. MOVEMENTS OF SILVER LION. BUL- Statlstlcs on Shipments an Gathered by ItrltUh Authorities. London authorities on the movement of bullion estimate that shipments of silver to Asia in 1S93 amounted to about 6,000,000, a falling off as compared with recent years. On the other hand, ex ports to the continent or Europe in creased 2,500,000 over the previous year. Mexican dollars have been in good demand all the year in the East, and the price has closely followed that of bar silver, with a premium of about 1 per cent in favor of the coin. The imports of gold at London were large. amounting to about 36.000,000, includ ing 11,450,000 from the United States (to which, nowever, t3, was Catarrh Can Not Be Cured With local applications as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh Is a blood cr constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this coun try for years, and is a regular prescrip tion. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on th mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two Ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Ca tarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, O. Bold by druggists: price. 75c. Hall's Family Pills. 25c Artists plv their vocation with difti culty in Constantinople. Sketching is forbidden except under the strictest regulations. When F. Hopkinson Smith soucrht to transfer to canvas some of the charming views in the neighbor hood of the Golden Horn, an official from the ministry of police was in con stant attendance upon him. He has written an account of bis experiences shipped). 8.200,000 from South Africa. for the March Century. "A Personally and 6.250,000 from Australia, while In dia and China shipped 3,300,000 to Lon don. KNOWS THE CURE. The Majority In the Senate for the Only Panacea Free Silver. Faxxcrs, Cen'l I'ss'r Agt, Omaha, Neb. eArrnyt V wlib Mda nr'io?, 1.0O. Good itt Ortck. v ,M Buckles. 65e. ent prepaid on lipt of i. u Fend nlre f -boe o1 measure of 'Of 1C3. 1 C HU.N'l tXGTO.S SON, Omaha. W. C, OMAHA 11 1896 vnll - to advertisers, kindly n:. . "5n this paper. ; Needed legislation is being blocked I at present hy the free-coinage men in ! the senate. The result of the promin 1 ence given the silver element in the re organization of the finance committee was seen in the action taken by the j majority of the committee on Tuesday in reporting a free coinage substitute for the house bond bill. Several of the free coinage senators have served no- MX Am an American." Some men boastingly proclaim: "I . am a Democrat, and others, 'I am a Re- i publican." When President Cleveland talks Americanism our hearts joyfully J respond and we feel proud to say. "I i am an American." i It must be exceedingly gratifying to every true American to nna max. our ; president proposes to stand up and if j necessary fight for an American policy j the Monroe doctrine. It is hardly a i part of the law of nations, but it is a ! good, sound American policy and we can enforce it without going to war. Now that the ice is broken (so to : epeak) and the president finds that we j can declare war "without international ; conference" and "without England's consent," perhaps he will progress in Americanism until it is stalwart enough to hold and maintain that we can coin ! n American silver dollar without "a I conference" and without anybody s i "consent." j As long as England can control our , monetary policy (as she does now) she j has no need to go to war with us to keep j us down and our producers in distress. Over $3,000,000 in gold went to England to-day from our treasury by Schle heimer et al. on paper, that calls for "coin," not gold remember, but simply "coin." The president orders all these to be paid in gold coin and 60 the silver is left idle in the treasury and another bond issue is imminent to replace gold in the treasury and another ten-milion steal Into the private contract bond syndicate composed of Englishmen, English Americans and the president's late partner Stetson. More than 100 years ago we declared cur political independence and by a 6even years' war established it. Time and again we have declared our com mercial independence by tariff, almost prohibitory, without even a suggestion of "conference." And now we have pro claimed distinctly to the world the Mon: roe doctrine. But can we maintain the Monroe doctrine if we allow England to dictate' our monetary policy, do you think? No, we can have no real inde pendence in any respect unless we have and control our own monetary system and money supply. Independence in that respect is the one thing we need and must have or all else comes to naught. PERRY PRENTISS. X "Bearlns Ills Stock. Let the United States keep all its sil ver at home, and there will soon come a scramble for that metal. But so long as Uncle Sam, the principal silver pro ducer of the world, bears his stock, how can he expect the big nations to bull it? Peoria Journal. Conducted Arrest in Constantinople, and it illustrated with repro ductions of some of the water-colors he made. Notwithstanding their vigi lance, some of these pictures escaped the scrutiny of the police, as Mr. Smith confesses. FATTEMXO BOOS COSTS OXE CENT The editor recently heard of a farmer fattening hogs at less than one cent a pound. This was made possible through the sowing of Salzer's King Barley, yielding over 100 bu. per acre, Golden Triumph Corn, yielding 200 bu. per acre, and the feeding on Sand Vetch, Teosinte, Hundredfold Peas, etc. Now, with such yields, the growing of hogs is more profitable than a silver mine. Salzer's catalogue is full of rare things for the farmer, gardener and cit izen, and the editor believes that it would pay everybody a hundred-fold to get Salzer's catalogue before purchas ing seeds. If yon will cnt thin out and send it with 10 cents postage to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., they will mail you their mammoth seed cata logue and 10 samples of grasses and grains, including above corn and bar ley, Catalogue alone, 5c postage. w n. Don't be jealous. There is no room in the same house for love and jealousy, and when the latter comes the former will not stav. Farmers Make Bare Of an abundant yield of grain If they use the Campbell Sub Surface Packer, manufactured only by the Sioux City Engine and Iron Wor.ks, Sioux City, la. This Packer will put the bottom of the plowed ground in condition to gather and retain moisture to such an extent as to assure a crop. This machine com pletely firms the bottom and leaves the surface loose and covered with small lumps, actually forces decomposition of all stubble or foreign matter turned tinder and In every instance has shown a gain of 75 to 200 per cent, over ordi nary yieias. we suggest to all our farmer readers to write to this firm for their pamphlet, containing many valu able pointers on prairie farming, and full particulars in regard to the Camp bell Sub Surface Packer. We ousht to find out that condemning others will never justify us. Every man feels sorry for the victim of come other man's injustice. RtgNntn'i Camphor lee wi ll Glycerine. Curec Chapped Bands and Face, Teadr or Sore Vet, Chilblains, Piles. Ac. C i. Clark Co., New Haven, CU The man who quarrels with his lot makes it harder. For Lung and chest diseases, Piso's Cure is the best medicine we have used. Mrs. J. L. Northcott, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Things around us will look better if first look overhead. we The revlTlna; powers or Parker's Ginger Tonic rentier it in is enstible in every home. Stora icli troubles, colds and every form of listress j ield to ii. Conduct will never victions are wrong. te right while con- The bimetallic system existed in this country from 1793 to 1873 and our mints were open free to both gold and silver, and all over the world our sil ver was "accepted at about $1.30 per ounce. But for the combined effort of the money loaners, the bond dealers and the gold syndicate who sought to make money dearer by establishing the gold standard, that would be the ca30 today. Cleveland Plaindealer. Learning how to pray consists mainly in getting in the right attitude to pray. Get Illndtrromi And ae tt if yon want to realise the comfort of being without corns. It takes them out p.-rlecily. 15c at druturis s. He who minds his own business walks head and shoulders above 90 per cent of his fellows. TKS AKKUOi'uii CO. docs naif the world's Windmill business, because It has reduced the cost of wind power te l.ti bu itwas. It has many branch .a houses, and supplies itseoodsand repairs f-' " ' T at your door. It can and does furnish a others. It makes Pomplng- and Gftared. Stel, Galvanized after- -i J and Fixed Steel Towers, Stel Bnzs Saw Grinders. On application it will name one kiST t these articles that It will furnish until mar 1st at 18 the usual price. It also makes iaa roans ai in Kinds, sena nr cataiecue. x 12th. BadnreU aai FUlaere Streets, Calcaf C XI! Almost a Collision. "Speaking of narrow escapes,' ob served Mr. Chugwater, reaching for his second cup of coffee, 'did I tell you I was on a train the other day that came within three feet of beinsr run into by another train going at full speed?" "For mercy sakes, no," exclaimed Mrs. Chugwater. "How did it hap pen?" 'The train that came so near run ning into ours," he rejoined, buttering a biscuit, "was on the other track and going the other way." It was several minutes before Mrs. Chugwater broke loose, but when she did she made up for lost time. Stop Thief! Stonn small mala dr. which is ttealina: your strength, before it outruns your power to arrest it, and recover what it took from you. The safest and promptest recuper ator of wanlnjr vitality is liostetter's stom ach Bitters, which renews vlpor, flesh and nerve quietude because it restores activity to those functions whose interruption inter feres with peneral health. Use t lie Bitters for dyspepsia, malarial, rheumatic and kid ney complaints and billlousness. If your friends don't treat you ristht eat j onions. " ,' iiimiimiiiiiiiimnmiiim;im::!!!iiimi3iimi Sarsaparilla E Is the original .Sarsaparilla, the j standard of the world. Others E have imitated the remedy. Tliey can't imitate the record: E 1 50 Years of Cures iliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiirf Isnsist The eggs of the crocodile are scarcely larger than those of the goose. If the Baby Is Cutting: Teetn. Be rare and use that old and well-tiled remedy. Has. Ifixstow's SooTanto Sracr for Children Tee tiling- If men could realize the importance of honesty, all men would be honest. Women have usually l etter eyesight than men. FITS All Fits Hopped free by Dr. Kline's Great rerve Kestorer. Ko Kits aft r ttie hrstuav'a us, Varvelous cures. Treatise and S2 trial hot tl? free to t it cases, bend to Itr. Jtline.931 Arch st-.lala., l a. Sunflower stalks are now converted into paper. Billiard table, second-hand, for bale cheap. Apply to or address, H. C. Aktx, 511 6. 12th St., Omaha, Neb. On a good (the best) skirt bind ing as strenuously as on a good cloth for the skirt. Ask for (and take no other) the , Villi: Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding. Iff your dealer will not supply you we will. Send lor samples, showing labels and materia:. totheS. H. & M. Co . P. O. Bo 699. New Yo City. I J Successfully Prosecutes Claims. II ZAte Principal Ezlam-nar U.S. Pension B'ir& 12 Syrs Jilast war, 15 adj uUu-ating ciai m. attjr siuce. Hosts of people so to work: in the wrong way to cure a t wi- St. Jacobs Oil TtfrUt .ft FBI 1 "m est Largest Size Lowest Price! 7 49 t ' S ' ! A f ALABASTINE. jfT IT nw'T Dl id rcc vall Paper is Unsanitary. Kalsomine is tern- 'porary, rots, runs off and Scales. ALABASTINE THE DOCTOR Dm lafr pmptr w tat aiMvp, M Itmw tfini ktrt. Babf wmr forms a pure and permanent coatlnz and does not require to be taken off to renew from time 9 to time. Is a dry powder. The latest make a being adapted to mix, ready for use, with Cold Water. Can bo easily brushed on by any f one. Made in white and twelve fashionable. tinc Al A n A CTINJFJ ?d nrlir.tnH r ell etvbs" of plain and relief decorating. ASK Y0UH PAINT DEALER FOR CARD OF TINTS. J If not for sale In your town, write us tor name old nearest dealer. 'MANUFACTURED ONLY BY ALABASTINH CO.. GRAND RAPIOS. MICH.f isi i 1 1T1 I I I I 1 i r 1 5 4 i rl l 1, 1 1 i r i i i 1 I L ir FIELD AND HOC FENCE WIRE. 26, 83, 412, 80, or B8 inches high. Quality and workmanship the boat. Nothing on the market to compare with it. Write for full information. UNION FENCE COMPANY. DE KALB, ILL.