Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, February 06, 1896, Image 5

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"What People Are Doing and Saying
Around the Town.
Th Li tin get on j Loan and Ituililiuc Ao.
riailon's Annnal Meeting Lam Eeu
ing A Broken Finger Other
The I.ivingfttou Klerts Officer.
The Livingston Eoan and liuilding
association beld its annual ineetini
last Monday, and ( of the 813 shares
of the association were represented.
Some $23,000 worth of stock has been
subscribed for the Gfteenth series,
which will be opened on the 19th inst.
The following gentlemen were elected
as oQicers for the ensuing year:
President I). 13. Smith.
Vice President Dr. W. A. Humph
Treasurer J.M. Patterson.
Solicitor Thom: Walling.
Secretary Ii. R. Gering.
Directors Three years, Wm. A
White, Wm. Holly. Dr. W. A. Humph
rey; one year, A. II. Weckbach.
IJuilding Committee Dr. C. A.
Marshall, Fred Ebincer, D. Ii. Smith
An incident which afforded great
atnnse meut to a large part of the audi
ence at the Lansing last evening was
thesiehtof two young, cooing lovers
who. if their actions belied not the
There was printed last week a dis
patch from the city of Mexico in which
truth, are newly married. Tbejouug the Mexican secretary of Interior was
lady, in the latter part of the second quoted as having announced that tbe
act, affectionately reposed her head Maher-Fitzsimmons fight sbould not
on the brawny breast of the big, come off on Mexican soil, and that,five
gawky reuben, nor did sbe assume an hundred rural troops would be sta
upright position until the play was tioned at the scene of the proposed
over. It was. '-Oh James, how lovely!" battle, and would "stop the fight."
affectionate glances and ether kindred This looks suspiciously like the work
words and expressions throughout the of the festive press agent again. The
plav. Lincoln Call. idea of a nation that permits bull
fights shutting oil a prize light is a
little fishy. Mabe Mexico is becom
ing civilized, but not so fast as all
this. Plainly the advertising fiend is
getting in his work.
Here is a bov that got off cheap. In
St. Paul, Minn., there dwelt one Win-
A Broken Finger.
J. W. Ward, an employe in the
freight car repair department at the
B. fc M. shops, was the victim of a
very painful accident Monday after-j
noon. He was removing a heavy tran
som when it slipped from his grasp I
and fell on one of his middle fingers.
breaking that member. The company
surgeon re-set the finger, and Mr.
Ward will rest for a few weeks.
ew Store
Ir. A. P. lUines. veterinary sur
geon, of Platumouih. was in the city
today and decided to locate here. He
will have his headquarters at Sloan's
drug store until he opens an office.
rseorasta Citv cws.
lleiit iu High F.fUeem.
1 tie tollowinir interesting letter in
regard to Colonel Greusel, well known
in this city, appeared recently in the
Lincoln Journal: "Editor Journal I
learned from a reeeut Havelock item
in your paper that Miss Carrie Greusel
daughter of E. S. Greusel, master me
chanic of the B. & M. shops, had re
turned from a v?slt to hergrandfather,
Colonel Greusel of Aurora, III. Sur
mising that this was probably the
colonel of the Thirty-sixth Illinois,
and who was for some time in com
mand of the first brigade of the third
division of Sheridan's 'foot cavalry.'
I wrote to Miss Greusel and learned
that such was the case.
"Asthere are many men in thisstate
that belonged to that brigade, as well
at nearly everv other. I wish the
Journal and other newspapers would
give this information.
"I believe Colonel Greusel was held
in quite as high esteem by his rren as
was; our division commander, 'Little
Phil," who thus writes: Gen
eral Sill was a classmate of
mine at the military academy
having graduated in 1S-53. I
Attorney Jake Beeson, who made J ship with his wife and family. At the
the opening argument to the jury last abode of this Winship one Jebb was a
Fririav in the Gerine A: Co. vs. Mrs. freauent and agreeable visitor. Dur-
Perry Walker case, acquitted himself ing all these visits Jebb frequently
very creditabiy. but it is reported that bestowed upon Mrs Winship, which
his story of the "little red call" was the wife of Winship, many and
queered his chances for winning the I sundry kisses. All this happened in
case. After hearing that story, the the presence of Winship and the chil-
jury lost all confidence in Jake's dreu. In number these kisses were
over 2,000. Then Jebb committed the
same error that many another man has-
He deeded Mrs. Winship his house.
Wherefore great wrath arose upon Mr.
Winship's marble brow, and he sued
Jebb forth witkfor 2o,000. Yesterday
thejary gave Winship judgment for
2,000 kisses at 1.75 each or $3,500.
Xow most any fellow will puj $1.7o to
kiss a pretty woman, so Jebb is win
Leave your orders for job work with
TnE Jourxal, an artistic job guar
A Prominent Wholesale (iroc-er of Omaha
h.. Write:
To the afflicted:
several years ago l discovered a
slight falling and bleeding ol the lower ;
hou el which inci eased and became
very distressing. I made inquiry as
tothe nature of the disease and learned
that I had a somewhat aggravated case
of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Was told of I
several remedies and used them as di
rected, obtaining thereby some tem
porary relief. Not being satisfied with
such slight relief I cast about for a per-
manent cure; when a friend directed
the use of the famous Magnet Pile
Killek. I used it. Immediate relief I
from pain followed, and soon a com
plete cure was affected.
Very respectfully.
C)cai: Allen'.
For sale by Gering & Co.
In fact, Everything Is NEW in the ne
VJU u u
(ft M Kb
Which he has just opened in the
Waterman Block.
Edgar Howard, jurist, editor, poli
tician of Papillion, is one of the repre
sentative business meu at present in
the city. Edgar has a dry, droll hu
mor about him which invariably makes
a happy hit whenever be is called upon
to speak. He will be remembered as
the man who declined a colonelship on
the governor's staff owing to nis great
antipathy for anything in the line ot
militia or a standing army. Lincoln
All subscribers to the Weekly
Jouhxal who desire it can have that
splendid magazine, the Cosmopolitan,)
by paying. $1,110 for the two that is by
paying for Tin; Journal in advance:
they will get the Casmopolitan for a
year for 00 cents. The Cosmopolitan
is not excellent by any illustrated
magazine in the world.
The duke of Marlborough bas in
jured the life of his wife, formerh
Miss Consuelo Vanderbilt, for S3 ,000.-
000, and there is some protest on this
side of the commercial view he takes
of his domestic acquisition. The duke
is consistent, though. He came to the
Linked States and got a financial good
thing, and he doesn't want to take any-
chance of losing it.
It will soon be Saint Valentine day
and girls it will be your chance to send
sweet versed missives to the bashful
young man who has beeu setting up
with you of nights burning papa's oil ceaselesslv
Agaiu is the attention of the world
directed toward the bloody snows of
Armenia. The last dispatches re
ceived are descriptive of the fearful
massacre iu the city of Zeitown upon
its capture by the Turks. Hundreds
of the hapless citizens were cut down
und murdered by the inhuman
wretches whom the sultan is pleased
to call soldiers, and to whom the more
fitting name of fiends might be ap
plied. To those unfortunate enough
to be mercifully (V) spared came in
dignities more horrible, fate more ter
rible and punishments more cruel
than death could ever inflict. All
this takes place while t he great nations
of the earth are protesting, protesting.
protesting with their
Ilriiif in Your Wood.
Wood will be taken at this office in
ptment of accounts due the Weekly
In Ilmtrict Court, Chkh CoiiiiI)', Krbrikka:
Trunk E. .Iohuou and John NOTICE
Mull, exe'-utor of tne
'nst will and testHinent of
Elizabeth .'. llnnd.'ev. de
ceased, i;ainUU's
mouths. Humanity demands some
thing more vigorous that verbal pro-
and wood for the past year or more.
and is no nearer the all important
I ai a,,, t i ort t -i t- Kim Vinfiret etoi'toi'l in I. - . . .
knew him well and was glad that he u ..ucU lesls. u uemanus tne presei vauou vi
came to m division, though I was
very loth to relieve Colonel Greusel of
the Thirty-sixth Illinois, who had al
ready indicated much military skill
and bravery, and at the battle ot
Perryville had handled his men with
the experience of a veteran.' Colonel
Greusel, like General .Sneiidan, was
cool as a cucumber' in a battle and.
also like him, was friendly and so
ciable with his men, and very lenient
in regard to violation of red tape'
orders or rules, and very strict in re
gard to all essential requirements of
the service.
It is said that 'earth hath one joj
that heaven cannot give that of re
lieving and cheering the needy and
-And, though we would all much
like to give up all, that we maybe
entitled to of that exceptional joy, if
thereby there would be no needy and
suffering people, just as we would all
gladly give up the 'glory' and 'fame,'
knowing that 'glory is a hollow sound
and fame is but an empty name,' it
we could only see the time when peo
ple should be so far 'developed' in
humanity, civilization and Chris
tianity, that 'war with its horrors,'
or the more gigantic evils that cause
it, should never curse the human race.
"But, boys of 'The Old First,' don't
forget to send a word of cheer to 'Our
Oid Commander.' C. M. Clark,
"Company II, SSth HI. In."
Don't miss tbe golden opportunity. -
Nebraska Citv News.
a race by the sword when protests fail
and fail thev have in this case
County Commissioner Falter, who
returned last Monday from Plainview,
Xeb., reports that the crops out there.
with the exception of coin, were un
usually good last year. He was quite
favorably impressed with the country
ip there, and reports everyone to be
in a prosperous condition.
About the worst scandal we have
heard of being perpetrated on a Spear
fish girl lately, is the story that one of
rhem found a horseshoe, and, for luck
placed it under her pillow, in company
with false teeth on going to bed. Sleep
ing late ana iieing in a nurry ior
breakfast next morning, she made a
mistake and put the horseshoe in her
mouth instead of her teeth. The mis
take was not discovered until evening i
when her best fellow kissed her and
was frightened at the metalic sound.
pearfisb Register.
Tbe people have a great idea of the
perquisites given to newspaper people.
The only man around this office who
ever received a "perquisite" was the
police court reporter, who today re
ceived four heads of frozen cabbage J
from a farmer as a thank offering for.
not mentioning the farmer's name
when begot drunk recently. Atchison
A Valuable Invention.
W. A. Boeck of Auburn bas in
vented a revolving store shelf that is
one of the best things of the kind for
stores that are crowded for shelf room
that ever was introduced, and is bound
to meet w ith popular favor. He re
ceived notice last week that his patent
was granted.
The shelf is so arranged that it can
be worked from the floor and obviates
the old style of ladders to get down
shoe3 besond the reach of clerks, be
sides twice the amount of shelf room
is afforded. The shelves are fastened
to continuous chains and revolve with
out disturbing the contents of the
shelves iu the least. The shelves are
made any height, simply by adding
links to the continuous chain, and
when in position any shelf can be
brought within reach by pulling on the
shelves and making them revolve.
Mr. Boeck bas not yet decided upon
the manufacture of the same, but is in
corresponnence with foundries and
will probably have some on the market
It is reported that several employes
of the B. & M. shops here have been
given their time for non-payment of
debts. This is in accordance with a
recent rule of the company, which is
being rigidly enforced by that road at
every point.
Mayor Bartling says: "I am in favor
of getting a copy . the affidavit that
Judge Chapman made iu the water-
works case and if the manv things he
is said to have charged in them, are
really there, then I propose to make
. . a i w i !
mm prove mem. x am iireu or iuis
thing." Several members of the city
council expressed themselves in the
same manner, and if they carry out
their threat, they may make the judge
?oiij ucu.-c",, v,tj Cranei3an up-to-date preacher, who
believes that men's morals are im-
The Atchison Globe remarks that proved by seven days of politics, in-
"lt would be more modest if the angels stead of six
wore bloomers. All tbe men angels
can't shut their eyes every time a wo
man angel flies overhead, and it would
Je immodest if they looked up. This
troubles us whenever we think about
Sometime ago I had occasion to refer
to the charming and picturesque
names of Hon. E. Burd Grubb and
Hon. J. Gordon Sprigg. Now again
do we find how much of an irrides
cent dream is fame. Yesterday it was
Sprigg, yet the day before and it was
Grubb. Today we linger along be
neath the fiery lustre of Herr Joseph
Gahm. And among us Gahm is soon
to be. He will appear before a Platts
mouth audience equipped with his
hair aud fingers and he will give you
cresendo and p. p. till you cant rest.
However Joe is worth listening to des
pite his name.
There is at present running in Mc
Clure's magazine a very attractive
life of Lincoln. It is written by Miss
Ida M. Tarbell and is a sort of anec
dotal history. One of its principal
features are the illustrations.
The oldest inhabitant never remem
bers such a winter as the present. It
is seldom that winter eomes to Ne
braska clothed in green and warmth
like the present one, and it is such a
winter as we should appreciate. Dur
ing the depression of the past few
years much poverty has obtained in
the land and the open winter is to the
poor a blessing. Truly "The Lord
tempers the wind to the shorn lamb."
The transferring of Itev. Frank
Crane from Omaha to Chicago means
that the sensation center of the coun
try will now be Chicago. Crane is one
of the kind of people that persistently
believe that the world can be made
better by means of political sermons
and his whole ministerial course in
Omaha has been marked by episodes
of this character. In other words.
Anna 15. Keed. et al., defend
Anna U. Ueed. William Keed, Et-tella lieed,
alia Stella Keed, Clinion Keed undLucile lieed,
a minor. W. o. Dav. fir?t name unknown,
Kd. I, rimrchill. first name unknown Josiah
11 licllow. Lucina (i. Dellows, Benjamin A.
(;Ihon. Theodore ". Ivory, Keystone Na
tional hank, Gertrude Duliois Deyo. Chi
Man Nickle Works, siJtro Iron Mure Com
pany. The Cleveland Kolling Miai . otnpany,
Wuuhsui Oil and Grease Company. The Consol
idated Tank Line Company. Excelsior Supply
Company, Missouri Malleable Iron Company,
t'rune "Company. Jones A Laugnlin.
non-resident defendants, will take notice that
on t,e th day of January. i.C, Frank E. John
son mid John" S. Mull, executors of ihc last will
and testament of Elizaheth C. Handler, de
ceased, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition in
the district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
ncainst said defendants, the object and prayer
of which is to foreclose a certain morteae ex
ecuted by Emrene L. lieed and .Anna li. Reed
to Elizabeth C. Handley, due and payable five
cars from date thereof, upon all the westhaif of
the northeast quarter, t w, V- of n. e. ?i of ec.
one 1 1 except a strip full lensrth across the north
end thereof Ton feet in width. Also the east
half of north west quarter (e. ; n. w. i4) sec
tion one 1 exceptinsr 1st, a strip full lensrth
across the north end thereof j-OO feet In width.
And pxcpiitin? i.'d. a tract in southwest corner.
as follows: Beginning at southwest corner jj
running north forty-seven rods to a point in west 5
line: thence running east sixteen rods; thence
running south forty-seven rods; thence west (
sixteen rods lo place of beginning: alsoj
excepting thirdly, one anl one-lourth acres on
southeast corner of above land used for lime
ki'ns. All above land being in township ten
I iti north of range eleven 11 east Cth p. m. In
said Cass county, to secure tbe payment of one
certain promissory note dated "October 20th.
137. for the sum of J5.000: that there isnow due i
upon said note and mortgage the sum of ?l.5
with Interest at seven percent per annum from
the 21st day of June. lfl0. for which sum with
interest from that date. 1'laintiffs pray for a
decree that defendants mav be required to puy
the same, or that said premises may be sold
to satisfy the amount found due on plaintiff's
note and mortgage.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before tbe 'ilth day of February. A. 1. 1890.
Dated this lilth day of January. lSiHJ.
Fkank E. Johssox and John S. Stum..
Executors of the lost will and testament of
Elizabeth c. flajidlev. deceased, by theirattar
uey, II. D. Travis, John S. stull, pro se.
AVING tired of doing nothing, I have'.
just put in an entire new stock of Gro
ceries and am prepared to serve the
public with every and anything in the Grocery
line, just from the wholesale markets. No
musty, old or shelf-worn stock on hand. I
will greet my customers with the cleanest,
neatest and most attractive grocery house in
town and my
Prices Defy Competition.
All my former customers and everybody
else is cordially invited to call and see me
and inspect my goods and prices.
Waterman Block, - - Plattsinouth, Nel)
For Sale...
Splendid Iowa Bottom LAND,
Just north of the farm of Joe Ilacus, about T
miles west of Glenwood, Iowa, south, of the
farm of :ii and Albert Birdsall, about 1H miles
eastof Plattsmouth. S!J SEi SW, section 24,
and the north 2 acres of the XE34 XW'i sec.
23, town 72, range 41, Mills county. Iowa.
1300.00 CASH,
Balance oa long time, in small payments.
Other Good Farms.
Apply to. . . .
Near the land, or to
l-S Council Bluffs, la.
Ilerr Josfpb Gahm, tbe distin
guished piano virtuoso, will give a re
cital in tbe Presbyterian church on
Thursday evening, Feb. 13, in which
he will be assisted in several numbers
by the Misse9 Ethel and Alice Dovey,
in duetts and and solos. Every lover
of music should come out, as this will
rank with the driest concerts evergiven
in the citv. Under the auspices of the
Woman's club.
Ask your grocer for that excellent
brand of flourHeisers "Plan-sifter."
Careleaa With a Itevolvor.
A special from Elmwood to the Lin
coln Journal says: "Another case of
'didn't know it was loaded' hap
pened here this evening. Two boys
about twelve years old, Frank Throne
and Alva Campbell, went out to the
pasture after some cows. They took
an old Xo. 32 revolver that they sup
posed was not loaded and got to play
ing with it, when it went off, the ball
penetrating the Throne boy's left
shoulder. The doctor probed for the
ball, but was unable to find it."
' There will be a "Crambo" party at
the residence of Mrs. Henry Ilempel,
Tuesday evening, Feb. IS, for the
benefit of tbe Library.
Dr. Alfred Shipman
J) j Office in Riley Hotel,
'iN ( Main Street entrance.
Telet-hoce No. 5)5. Residence one block south
of M. P. depot.
Sixth Street Checkered Sarn.
Special attention lo Funeral. llacVt !:! be
uu to all trains. "Prair,pxiies and Fidelity to
Customers" I a tin motto
Flour, Feed
And Corn-Meal,
Union Block, Plattsmouth
And sells at the closest mar
gin. He invites patronage
Call at F. McCourt's old stand.
W.L. Douglas
4.$3.sp Fine Calf&KAngaroql
$2so $2. WORKING!
SrND FOR r.ATi! nrnr-
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
They iriv the best value for the money.
Thev equal custom Shoes in style and fit.
ThSlr wearinur aualltiea are
-The prices are uniform, stamped on sole.
rruui ji io 93 gavea over ocner makes,
if your dealer caSnot supply you we can. Sold by
The Weekly JOURNAL
.... ATJ D . . . .
Both one year for only 81.25.
TLe Enquirer is a 9-column, 8-page
paper, issued each Thursday.
Largest in size, cheapest in price,
most reliable in news, all large type,
plain print, pood white paper. If our
readers want another lire paper, the
Enquirer is that paper.
Call or send orders to
Manager Jourxal, Plattsmouth.
First National Bank
Capital, paid up $50,000
Geoiioe IS. Dover President
F. E. White vice president
S. Wiron Cashier
n. N. Dovsr Assistant Cashier
George E. Dovey, F. E. White. D. Dawkwortb
S. Waugh and H. 2. Dovey.
Careful attention given to the Interest of
j customers. Collections made and Dromctlr
remitted for. Highest market price paid for
county warrants and state and county bonds
f M '