An Easier Way. "No." said the elderly ladj, t4I don't that woman is advancing- the rTJt-ht way. She is petting to a "point 'where she is liable to be imposed upon.' "Don't you think she ought to vote?" "Of course, if she can't do any bet ter. But in my younger days a woman made up her mind how she wanted a vote cast, and sent her husband to the polls to cast it, while she stayed at home and busied herself with what ever she thought proper. That's what I call woman's rights." Washington Mar. A Canal rhoknl Ip I practically useless. The human organ ism is provided with a canal which fome 1 1 in.e become choked on, namely, the Imw 1. throuuh which much of the eflVte and wate matter of the system ecape. When they are obstructed constipated, in other words II ostetter's Stomach Hitters will re lieve them effectually, but without pain, and institute a rezular habit of bodv. This m di-ine also remedies malarial "bilious. tjysprtK rhetimati.-. nervous and kidnev trourh-, ai d strengthens the entire sj-tern. I'otatn I'ant akeft. Uoil six medium-sized potatoes in waited water until thoroughly cookeJ; wash them and set aside to cool: then add three well-beaten eirgs, a quart of milk and flour enough to make a pan take tatter. Hake quickly on a well reased griddle and serve verv hot. There Is more Catarrh In this section cf the country than all other diseases rut together, and until the last few ars was supposed to be incurable. IVTVa preat many years doctors pro nounced it a !o.-al disease, ami pre scribed local remedies, and by constant ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure. manufactu-ed by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on tne market It is taken Ir.-ternally, In doses from ten drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and muco'is surfaces 01 the sys tem. They offer One Hundred Dollars for ey case it fails to cure. Send for circf irs and testimonials. Address j - F.J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. F by druirelsts: 75c. JC Js Family Pills. 2Gc. can oniy do our lot when we are ur e are right. r 7TTER WALK A MILE than fail tc ' et a 5-cent package of Cut and S!ar h smokrag tobacco if you want to -n 'y a real good smoke. Cut and si; m cheroots are as good as many nt clears, and you get three for Z ip Is. Sure to please. . he farmers' rivals in mating hay while tte sun shines are pluml'ers and dentists. The (lo-nsE Bbown's Bronchial. Tn i res" are sold only in ioxes. They are wcnderfn'.ly effective for Coughs and Throat Trouble. Manv of the I est social ositionare tilled .y underbreti ieoiie. If the Baby 19 Cutting: Teem. M iiiit and n that old and well tried remedy, Mtt uiLu' Sooiuve Suit for Children Teethinff X Many a man whose hands are busy has a loafer s heaL " Coe's Congh Daliim la tbe oldml auid beat. It will break up a Cola quick, rrilua auyttiloe else. It is always reliable. Try tu Rain for the complexion is mn leneti ia'. ( OLOKADO r.OI.11 M1N. If you are interested in gold mining or wish to keep posted regarding the wonderful strides being made in Colo rado, it will pay you to send fifty cents for a year's subscription to The Gold Miner, an illustrated monthly paper published at Denver. Nearly GO i-er -ent of premature deaths i an ke traced to excess ot str.-n drink. l'io s Cure ior Consumption is the l-est of all oui:h cures. (ieorge W. Lot. Fabu--her. U.. Aa:ut 2", lX,. The slightest material these day nia .es fa-hional le scandal of longest duration. 1WA PATENT OFFICE REPORT. LAW AND GOLD VALUES I DEMONETIZE IT ND ITS PRICE WILL FALL AT ONCE. j that is, It will exchange for about twice ! the quantity of othf-r things. The main reason for this is that sil ver, which formerly shared about equally with geld the demand for money use, has been demonetized and the de mand has been concentrated upon gold, with the result that its value in ex change or purchasing power has been nearly or quite doubled. This means that the producer is now selling his product for about one-half the amount of money which he former ly obtained for It. National Bimetal-list. liEHIHGJlSJSAVEfiS. 11 j- Captain Dale. i ARE ACaINST SILVER. h fc to. ad', fo for latd mam nrui To L. armor. handlL S:s Moines. January 2. Patents been allowed to Iowa inventors as To L. J. Stanlev. of Harlan, irake for bicycles adapted to be la-eouslv operated by the rider's To Uev.T. D. Moore,of Atlantic, .tvity door lock in which the shaped and pivoted in such a r that it will le retained in its position bv its own weight. Edwards, of Lorimor. for an 'nittcn specially adapted for barbed wire anil other objects t that Valua' valur have sharp points. T to ac i drai k " r of 7 nd selling patents sent free tidress. Printed copies of the s and specifications of any one states patent sent upon receipt ents. mas tJ. ami J. Okwih. Solicitors of Patents. me noo einen ana men .Aiisern an mcuev are sfKn alienated. In That Respect It I .No Better than sil ver Still tha Plutocrats Claim that Thr Cannot Sac the Problem That Way. Prior to 1844 the price of gold bullion In London averaged 3 17s. 6d. an ounce, while the mint rate was 3 17s. 10d. In other words, an ounce of gold in the form of coin was worth 4Va pence more than the same gold was be fore it was coined. Why: The gold ite persistently claims that the value of gold is altogether independent of coin age. Then what reason was there for English coin being worth is pence an ounce more than plain gold bullion? There could be but one reason. The coin was more desirable than the bul lion. But why more desirable? There was just one thing that could be done with coin that could not be done with uncoined bullion. People could pay their debts with it. The coin was "le gal tender." The man who owed an other a pound sterling could tender a gold sovereign in full payment and the creditor was legally bound to take it. But ten tons of gold bullion at the mar ket price, of which we hear so much, would not be a eood "tender" for the smallest debt. Therefore a man who had gold bullion would sell it to some broker for less than its coinage rate in order to get money, because with money he could pay his debt or procure any-, thing else that hp needed. But it may be asxed. How was it that the bullion was worth less than the coin when coinage was free? For the simple reason that there was a de lay in executing the coinage. When a man deposited gold at the mint, on an average he had to wait about sixty days for returns. Rather than do this he took the bullion to some broker and suffered a loss of 40 pence on each ounce in order to at once get the coin. But in 1S44 the English Parliament passed a law compelling the Bank of England to receive all gold bullion of sufficient fineness and pay for it at the rate of 3 17s. 9d. an ounce, the bank being allowed a margin of l1 pence per ounce on the mint rate of 3 17s. lOVd. From that day to this there has never been an ounce of gold bought or sold in the London market for le.-s than the price set upon it by the law. Here in America, if the depositor of gold had to wait for his money, the bullion would be worth less than the coin, and the difference would be in proportion to the length of the wait. If instead of waiting sixty days, as formerly in England, the depositor had to wait five years to get his coin, it is scarcely necessary to say that the dif ference would be very great. If the bullion could not be coined at all the difference would be still greater. But there is no delay and no charge for coinage. As soon as the value of a deposit is ascertained the depositor re ceives a draft for the amount, and the transaction is closed so far as he is concerned. The coinage is ..hen execut ed according to the capacity or conveni ence of the mint. Of course the closing of the Ameri can mint to gold would not destroy it coinage value elsewhere. The mints of other countries remaining open it would be coined in those countries at the rates prescribed by law. For example, it would still be coined in England at 3 17s. lOAd. an ounce, because the law provides that any person depositing gold at the royal mint may have it coined into money at that rate. If every other country in the world should prohibit the coinage or use of gold as money it would still be coined at 3 17s. lOd. in England under the existing law. Its nominal or "money" value would be the same. But its value in exchange would be less. It would not buy so much. If a man could not use gold as money anywhere except in England he would be very silly to give as many bushels of wheat or pounds of cotton for an ounce of gold as he will give now when it can be coined and used in many countries. So we see tnat tne expressions that a "gold dollar is always worth a dol lar," or "100 cents," and that "gold bullion is just as good as gold coin" do not touch the essence of the money question at all. Gold bullion is as , Senator Allison's "bimetallism," the m;ii I'uii r. tot: potato:. The John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Cro?se, Wis., pay high prices for new things. They recently paid $3'0 for a yellow rind watermelon, $1,000 for 30 tu. new oats. $300 for 100 lbs. of pof toeSj etc., etc.! Well, prices for pota toes will be high next fall. Plant a plenty. Mr. Wideawake! You'll make n:ony. Salzer's Earliest are fit to eat in 2S days after planting. His Cham pion of the World is the greatest yielder on earth and we challenge you to pro duce its equal. If yon lll send 14 cents in stamps to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse. Wis., you will get, free, ten packages grains and grasses, including Teosinte. Spurry, Giant Incarnate Clover, etc., and our mammoth cata logue. Catalogue 5c. for mailing, w.n. i!etroj o itan kh iety will t.e more ruistel aneousthis winter than ever. - - -7i r- 1 i - . A. i W All A . wruag way to cure a H Sprain 3 r . N Stiffness, A ST. JACOBS OIL h would cure in t&e ritat war riflLt off. That's All the National HiuietAlliHt (ares to Know AIout Men muiI Things. Some of our contemporaries seem to be laboring under a misapprehension with reference to the position of this paper and a word of explanation may not be ill-timed. The National Bimctallist has noth ing but kind words and kind feelings for all who are laboring for the remon eilzation of silver. It is endeavoring to educate the peo ple to the very best of its ability, and, j what is more, it is not seeking to make any money out of it. j If it can do some good, and just pay j expenses, the ambition of the manage ment will be more than satisfied. We also desire to say once more and in the clearest possible way that the ! National Bimetallist does not repre- j sent the "Patriots of America" or any other sr-crot political organization whatever. Its work is being dono ! openly, honestly and in the great fo rum of the American people. Referring to a suggestion lately made that the National Bimetallist strikes Democratic gold bugs only, we desire to say that we really did not know that Mr. Sherman wa., or ever had been, a Democrat. Our recollection is that we have struck him a few blows and one page of each issue of this pa per regularly links the names of Sher man and Carlisle. An attack upon Sherman Is in effect an attack upon every other Republican who agrees with his views. We very freely admit, though, that our heaviest blows have been aimed a: Cleveland and his Democratic cuck oos. That, however, is merely becatise the Cleveland administration is now in control of our finances and is the great power that Immediately confronts us. Our strictures upon Cleveland. Car lisle. Herbert, Morton. Eckles and Preston have been called out by their recent utterances and relate to cur- . t rent events. j If they were in private life we should have paid no attention to them except, perhaps, as their utterances might have j furnished texts upon which we could have advantageously laid the true doc- j trine of bimetallism before our read- ers. The silver question cannot be settled by wildly kicking at nothing and wast- ; ing whole magazines of ammunition on the manner in which silver was demon- j etized twenty-two years ago. What we want chiefly is to show that it is for the j best interests of the people that it j should be restored, whatever may have j been tne meinou oi :is uemonetizaiiou. In conclusion, and for all, we desire to say that the National Bimetallist ! stands upon absolutely impartial ; ground. It will attack a Republican j just as readily and as strongly as it will j a Democrat. But the prominent Re- ' publican anti-silver men have been "ly ing low" of late. When they emerge from cover our guns will be trained j upon them, and if they don't get hurt ; it will be because the National Bimet- ! allist is not able to bring the necessary j force to bear. j This journal makes the cause of hi- j metallism paramount to every other j question and will strike with all its power any man or any party that is opposed to the complete restoration of silver. But it does not intend to waste its shct upon those who are in hiding, whether they be Republicans or Dem ocrats. National Bimetallist. If tou are standing in the rear of a field 'battery of six guns, which is be ing rapidly worked, you must shout into vour comrade's ear to make him hear you. The din is that of fifty empty wagons being driven over a cobble-stone pavement. Your nerves are on edge and you ' involuntarily clap your hands over your ears to get an instant's respite. But it is no com parison to the position of the men Iving on the side-hill below the guns. They are only 100 feet below the pieces, and each and every man not only feels the full force of the con cussion as communicated to the earth from the "kick" of the gun, but the report itself seems to strike the spijial column and travel up to the back of the bead. Then, too, there is the fear of shells exploding prematurely, or of grape and canister "dribbling" to cause wounds or death, and it is a positive relief to see a column of the enemy break cover for a charge. The roar of the guns does not linger for hours after, as is the case with mor tars and siege guns, but you find your nerves on edge and your temper spoil ed for a day or two. The men who lay in lines with a battery firing over them probably endured more mental suffering than the enemy at whom the guns vere pointed. With the big guns the case is dif ferent. The tiring is terribly trying for the first few minutes, but this feeling gradually gives way to one of awe and sublimity. There is some thing so terrific and appalling you feel yourself so atoniless in compari sonthat you would speak in whis pers if the roar should suddenly cease. You are an onlooker; if assisting to work a gun physical activity would take away from the mental strain. When Admiral Porter got his twenty mortar boats, each armed with an eight and one-half ton mortar and a thirty-two pound rifle cannon, at work against the forts below New Orleans, and the big guns in both forts had opened in reply, there was something akin to the sound of heaven and earth coming together. The mortar shells weighed over L"00 pounds apiece, and the rush of them through the air made one's hair feel as if it crawled. The venomous hiss of a big skyrocket was magnilied thousands of times, to be followed by a crash which seemed to split the sky open into cracks and crevices. When the firing had continued until all reports had been merged into one steady roar there was little short of an earthquake on land and sea for ten miles around. The earth shook as if a great steam hammer was pounding it a few yards away. If standing near a tree one could feel the roots letting go of the soil with a sound like bugs crawling over dry leaves. On the wa ter irreat mud spots rose up here and there to show where the earth forty feet below had been disturbed. In the Mississippi river itself huge catfish JUST BEENl TO THE STORE SEEL -WHAT I GOT FOR IO CENTS The largest piece of .good tobacco ever sold for 10 cents The 5 cent piece is nearly as; large as you get of other QiSD grades for 10 cents r & '--'i. Vm.vV- Mr' -1 j International liimc-t alliftt. j A correspondent writing a personal I letter, seems to be inclined to criticise what we said in our last issue about good as gold coin ior the simple reason that the law makes it so that is, by operation of law gold bullion is in stantly convertible into coin, and with out expense. But if there were a charge for coin ing, as above stated, a delay in getting returns, the bullion would not be worth as much as coin. We also see that the 'money value"' of gold is entirely a matter of law, be cause money itself is a matter of law. When we say that an ounce of pure gold is worth $20.67 we simply mean that an ounce of the metal will cut and stamp into that amount of money. But if there were no law on the subject gold would have no coinage value at all, because it could not be coined. Its writer taking the position that an in ternational bimetallist, Is no bimetallist at all. We did not intend to intimate that Senator Allison's bimetallism is of a satisfactory kind, for it is not. Bimetal lism which is based upon an impossiole condition, will never result in anything substantial. Such bimetallists have, though, a certain value in the discus sion, because when a man declares that he is in favor of restoring silver by in ternational agreement, it is a surrender of the entire gold side of the issue, so far as principle is concerned. It is an admission tnat silver was wrongfully demonetized and that it ought to be restored. This is the es sence of the question. Mr. Allison was value, then, would be just what it . mentioned in an article on "Kings and KJ KJ J J would exchange for in wheat, or cot ton, or corn, or whatever might be wanted. And this is the fact now. The real value of anything is what it will exchange foy in other things, because "value" is purely a term of exchange. If people will bestow a little thought upon the subject they will easily per ceive that the declaration of a gold dol lar always being worth 100 cents, which is put forth by the gold standard peo ple as a "clincher," does not in the re motest degree touch the main question. It takes just as many grains of gold to make a "dollar" as the law says shall be put into a dollar. At one time it took 27 grains of gold to make a make a dollar. Now it only takes 25 8-10. Why? Simply because the law has been cnanged. But to-day the gold dollar of 25 8-10 Patriots," merely for the purpose of showing the strength of the silver men's position, and that upon principle even a prominent candidate for presi dential nomination on the republican ticket was compelled to admit that the3' are right. No reader of this paper need have any fear of the National Bimetallist being satisfied with "international bi metallism" as it is preached in the United States. We have no use for any man, who, while admitting that silver ought to be remonetized, will not vote for it until England says the word. Clara Mr. Sandstone wrote some lovely poetry in the valentine he sent me. It was to the effect that it matched the roses in my cheeks. Maude Hand-painted, wasn't it? iloracs and Cattle Sought to Hide Away. leaped above the surface in fright and pain, or floated on their backs and were carried along with the current, gasping for breath. Out on the blue water air bubbles as large as dinner plates floated to the surface and burst ed with a snap ,and fish of all kinds exhibited the greatest confu sion and alarm. Thirty miles away the roar was like that of a gale sweeping over, a pine forest. Horses and cattle sought to hide awayj birds flew about uttering iie-? of distress, and dogs pointed their noses toward the sky and howled dismally. Birds and fowls felt the air and earth-waves long before human beings did, and their actions were so queer as to become alarming. The coming of the roar to those afar off was preceded by a jarring of the earth and a moaning in the air. Springs overflowed and the water circled around as in whirlpools. The wildest species of birds left the woods and thickets and came flying about the houses, and rabbits deserted their bur rows and sought the companionship of domestic animals. The thunder storms of a score of years combined could not have rent the heavens nor disturbed the solid earth as that cannonade did- If the beginning was painful and ex asperating the ending was something to be remembered for its grandeur. One mortar after another one great gun after anothei was silenced by order The reverberations had tav eled through air and earth and water a distance of fifty miles. They now seemed to return to the guns. The rent and riven skies had kept up a constant moaning and complaining. These sounds gradually died away, as p. man in pain finallj- drops off to sleep. The earth resumed its solidity again, the sun shone forth in its own famil iar May, and the bank of clouds piled up in the west, and tinged with gold ail along their lower edges, seemed proof to the eye that the world stood still stood as we had lived in it the day before those monsters awoke and demanded human blood and wreck and destruction as the price of that silence Detroit Free Press. i i r. IlnllE bmi ' llu n 'uLJ 71115 is Walter Baker & Cos Cocoa I tend H uPEl bx be sure that yu don,t &et an lisS I ::dcSrjl imitation of it. L Sold by Grocers Everywhere. j; ' ' Walter Baker &Co.,Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. j j i iwiiwiMii!iiii!!i"m 8? gfsstsf m Overheard In Cap Town. Thomas Jonsing Look heah, I un derstand dat yo' tuk advantage ob my absence from town an called on Miss Matilda Snowball last night, sah? Nelson Wellington Smith (doggedly) Yo is mistaken, sah, I done call on her sistah. Thomas Jonsing Well, sah, dat done make no difference. Yo' keep away. I'se got my eye on bof ob dem gals. Dr. Parkburst ana young iJten i In twelve familiar "talks" Dr. Parkhurst, the great New York preacher and reformer, will address himself to young men. A feature that will continue through the year of 1896 in ZU adie$ Rome 3ournal ONE DOLLAR FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR OVER 140 GIRLS WERE EDUCATED FREE At the best colleges and conservatories under the Free Educational Plan of The Ladies' Home Jouf;al. Every girl has the same chance now for any kind of education she wants. Not a penny need she expend. Let her simply write to CDe Curtis Pttlisfting Company, PMla&lpMa fV COPYRIGHT, 1W, V THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 'I firmly believe that Tiso's Cure kept me from having quick Consumption." Mrs. H. D. DARLING, Beaver Meadow, N. Y., June 18, 1895. FOR ffu juvJiLiiiuiiir ii uiyJii rums Where All EIca Pnlla. OEfiT COUH SYRUP. TASTES GOOD. USE IN" TIME. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. 8 CT. JiJtlThcn:?sca'sEy Hater. S r- ALL lli fU-S. i f I I Beet Cough Bttop. Ttmtem Good. Cael I I I In Una. Bold by drnyrtrta. I I nnilinUorphlne Habit Cnrd la 10 liyilll ItoJjOdaTiu No pay till cared. Ul IUL.J DR. J STEPHENS, Lebanon, Ohio. W. N. U., OMAHA 6 1896. When writing to advertisers, kindly mention thia paper.