Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, February 06, 1896, Image 12

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    The Weekly Journal
C. W. SHERMAN, Editor.
One year, in advance, ....... $1.00
Six months, in advance, 5
Three months, in advance, . . .
Rates made known on application.
THURSDAY, FEB. 13, 1S50.
Wm. II. English, who, it will be re
membered was the democratic candi
date for vice president when Han
cock ran for president, in 1SS0, died at
his home in Indianapolis yesterday.
Toe report is that President Kreuger
of the Transvaal has accepted an in
vitation to visit England to talk ovei
Transvaal matters. "Will you walk
into my parlor? said the spider to the
fly !
JuDtnxit by appearances, the beet
sugar convention at Fremont last week
was a party affair, as all the stated ad
dresses were in favor of "protection"
and of a sugar bounty. It was a sig
nificant fact, however, that theonly
practical sugar maker was opposed to
the bounty.
Friends of Jimmy Lindsey, the
prize Oghter are exerting themselves
to secure a pardon for him from the
governor. They probably forget that
there is ttill pending against him an
indictment for prize figbting, which it
will be the duty of the county attorney
to push as soon as he gets out. They
had better let him serve his time out.
The anti-prize fight bill, which was
introduced in the house Wednesday,
passed the house and senate Thursday,
was signed by the speaker and presi
dent of the senate at 2:30 and became
a law by the signature of the president
at 4:33 Friday afternoon. The bill was
just three minutes before the senate.
It would be hard to beat that record.
Toe unfinished Iowa soldiers' monu
ment is daily becoming an object of
contention. The manifest fact that Us
plan of construction and the medal
lions placed upon it was conducted on
the basis of favoritism and not of he
roic conduct or achievements has been
the cause of a great ruction in soldier
circles throughout the state. The
whole thing was a scandal and a
ADOLrn Hichter of Salt Lake, a
mining speculator and expert, who has
recently made an investigation of the
mines at Mercur and tells a waiting
liblic that the Cripple Creek mines
cannot be classed with those at Mer
cur. In fact, the world has never seen
such fabulous wealth as is soon to be
brought to light in those mountains.
If we believe half be says, the goldites
will soon reject that metal as a reliable
standard of value.
The goldbngs are making a great
ado over the fact that the alleged "pop
ular" loan was a success. The fact is
that nearly all the bids were from
bankers and money loaners. There
was not one private citizen in the
whole lot of bidders, and why it should
be a subiect of congratulation to that
class of people is somewhat of a mys
tery. It is presumed that they are
crlad to see each other shell out their
hoarded shekels.
J. Sterling Morton isn't flying
his "reform" kite so high since Sena
tor Vest gave him such a neat dressing
down the other day. Imagine Sterling
marching in front of the white house,
awincine his golden censer and shout
ing "Glory, glory unto Grover, King of
Kings, and Lord of Lords" the man
of whom he said a few years ago that
"amone ward bummers he is a states
man, and among statesmen he is a
ward bummer."
Toe senate having passed a resolu
tion requesting Spain to grant belliger
ent, rlahts to the Cuban rebels, that
government has instructed its minister
. a 1 . 1
at Washington to stare mat sucn nas
been the policy of Gen. Campos, and it
will continue to be the policy of the
new general as long as the rebels
themselves recognize the principles of
civilized warfare. They must, how
ever, stop burning the property of non
combatants. No doubt the latter de
mand will not be complied with, be
cause it is as much the right of the
rebels to stop sugar making by burning
the cane as it was that of the govern
ment in the late cival war to free the
slaves of the southern people. War is
not humane, it. is civilized savagery,
and permits combatants to injure
each other in the most vital points.
A KrpubllcMii Combine AVlilcIi stem It
Fot Down Top fellver or Nothing
Free Silver First -ITotection
The following declaration wassigned
on Jan. 24, at the instance of Wharton
Barker. It is a "corker" and no mis
taker . vviii-.KEAs. The difference of ex
change between silver stanuaid coun
lriu iroid standard countries i
equivalent to a bounty of 100 per cent
on the products of the silver standard
countries; and
"Wiikkeas, The cost of production
in the old world, and particulaily in
China aid Japan, is less than products
can be produced or manufactured for
n this countiy by American labor,
without reducing our f aimers, miners,
mechanics, manufacturers and indus
trial workers to the level of the Chi
nese coolies; therefore, be it
"Kesolved, That we are in favor of
rescuing the people of the United
csiaies trow such impending danger tj
removing ihe difference if-exchange
between gold standard countries and
diver standard countries by the onl
method possible, which is the free ami
unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio
f lf to 1 bv the independent action ot
ihe United States, and we are in favor
of a tariff' which shall be suilicient to
equalize the cost of production in the
United States and in European and in
Asiatic countries, ami that the pro
tection incident to such tariff shall be
equally distributed in every section of
the United States, and between the
various products and industries of each
M. Telt-EK, O'orado.
"Edwaud O Wolcott, Colorado.
"Lee Mantle, Montana.
4kT. II. Caster, Montana.
"Geokoe L.. Siioup, Idaha.
"F. T. Dur.ois, Idaho.
"Frank J. Cannon. Utah.
"Aktiiui: Iji:own, Utah.
"Francis E. Wauken, Wyoming.
"C. I). Clakk, Wyoming.
"J. C. Fkitciiakd. North Carolina.
"John M. Mitchell, Oregon.
"11. F. Fettioiiew. South Dak.
"II. C. IlANsr.uouc.n, North Dak.
"George C. I'erkins, California.
"J. I). Camero.v, Pennsylvania.
"1 approve ot the above, but pretei
to have the ratio 15 to 1.'
A. C;tnlitl i:ngithmxii.
The following candid statement
mni the Jonuon x inauciai -e
. . , . I V
ahould be pa&teu iu the hut of every
American citizen:
TLere can be no doubt about it,
ihut it the United Mutes weie to adopt
a silver basis tomorrow limii tiuuc
ivmiirt im ruined beioie the Near was
out. fcverv American iuuus.ry wuum
be nrotecttd, not only at home, but in
every otner market in the world, ui
course the tuned States would sutler
some extent, through having to pay
her obligations abroad in gold (but not
more so thau now), but the loss or ex
change under this head would be but a
mere droo in the bucket compared to
the nrolits to be reaped from the mar
Wets of South America, Asia ana een
- - - .. . . . . .
Uurore. The marvel is that the
United States has not long ago seized
the opoortunitv. and but for the belief
that the wav of England is necessarily
tliP wav to commercial success ami
prosperity, undoubtedly it would have
been done loner ago. ow Americans
are awakenins to tl e fact that so Jomr
as thev narrow their ambition to be-
come a Ianrer incianu tney cannoi
beat "s.
It has been a piece of luck for us
that it has never occurred to the Atner-
irtoTio tt cfnnn 1l5 out. of thfi WOl'ld'S
IUiiO W W V' r " " -
markets by going on a silver basis, and
it might serve us right if, irritated by
the contemptuous apathy of our gov
ernment to the gravity of the silver
problem, the Americans retaliate by
freezing out gold. It could be easih
done, and we propose shortly to show
by evidence collected from perfectly
unprejudiced sources that even now
the process has begun, and is proceed
ing at a rate that will astonish many
people, and probablv make this coun
trv regret that it did not at an earlier
staee fashion its monetary policy on
principles of fnendlfriess to other na
tions instead of on a bads of short
sighted selfishness.
The above was not written for the
eve of Americans, but it furnishes
food for considerable thought.
The house of representatives have
had quite a discussion over some items
in the District of Columbia appropria
tion bill taking money for certain
sectarian charities which have for
years been supported by the govern
ment. Mr. Ilaiuer of Nebraska had
the courage to move to eliminate sev
eral of these items from the bill, and
he is entitled to credit for the move he
made. Those who are aquainted with
these institution acree that they are
little else than leeches upon the public
treasury and if kept up at all should
be maintained by private instead of
public charity. And, if they are en
titled to public support the District
tax-payers and not those of the whole
country should support ihem. All or
most of the denominations have re
sorted to this sort of scheme to foster
institutions in the District whose main
support comes from the U. S. treasury,
and that source of levenue should be
cut of entirely. Good for Ilainer.
"Wanted, at Once.
Twenty-five good second-hand bicy
cles. Will pay cash for them. '
Leiiniioff Bros.
Flattsmonth, Neb.
A Very Good Law .
That the populist legislature of
K01 vn tint, ult.nrretlipr ttnd is illus
trated by the county depository law,
whieli was nasetri that winter. As ott
erated in Cass county duriiiK the past
four years the county has saved the toi
l.iwinp- sums, as shown bv tlit record:
- r i
1S92 $ 1.C73.3G
1S03 4 OL'G.-JO
:;oci. itt
Total saving to the county 1 1. ill
And this is not all. It has saved the
county a biennial bank light, when it
comes to electing a county treasurer.
that is worth something considerable
to the public.
A letter written by John M.
Thurston two years ago has just been
republished, in which he said:
The recent events, instead of bring
ins me to believe in the single gold
standard, have had quite the opposite
result. For the worldat large toaban-
donthe use of silver as money would
be to greatly enhance the power of gold;
to greatly diminish the volume of mon
ey, and thereby the borrowing elaspt-s
and the producing classes wt.uld be
more at the mercy of the money hold
ers than they ever have been before.
The United States is a silver producing
country, and I do not believe it can af-
ord to let those nations not producing
silver compel it to abandon silver 21s a
John keeps right on voting the way
re didn't shoot, whenever he gets a
haiice to help the "single gold stand
ard" by his vote in the senate. Most
politicians are apt to be a little cross
The government bond bidders were
not disposed to bid any more than they
could help and make their bids success
ful, as if shown by the fact that an av
erage of the successful bids was about
112, while the actual value of the
bonds on the market w as 210. The
bids made, therefore, were no evidence
of a desire to help out the government.
but only a disposition to pet the bonds
as cheaply as possible in the competi
tion. The senate Tuesday oidered our
Julius Sterling Morton to proceed and
purchase seeds and distribute them as
lias benn the custom heretofore. This
is the senate's answer to the allitera
tive .secretary's appeal for economy.
i. G. Vest is believt-d to be responsi
ble for this freak of the senate ami r.n
early fl"Od of remarks anent the paid
Vest from Secretary Morton is looked
The recent speech of U. S. Hall or
Missouri is pointed to as an indication
that the single gold standard is gaining
advocates. Uosh ! Hall never was an
honest advocate of bimetallism..; The
fact is, Hall is not known to be a man
of serious convictions on any subject.
Pierce is now agitating a curfew
Mrs. C. G. Johnson of Gothenburg
has been declared insane.
Auderson, the Norfolk harness
dealer, ha? succumbed to the chattel
Kearney's celery growers have al
ready contracted ?for fifty-live acres of
the plant.
Tho Union Pacific paid 82O,0C0 taxes
into Kearney county's treasury the
other day.
Over 1,200 men participated in the
Beemer wolf hunt, andthii teen wolves
were run in at the death.
The Ueemer State bank has declared
a dividend of 10 per cent, after re
serving $3, COO in the undivided profits
J. 1 Tulleys of lied Cloud, grand
custodian cf the secret woik of the
Masonic order, is holding a school of
instruction at Wahoo.
. The Hastings city council has
passed an ordinance to submit the
question for voting $15,000 bonds for
an electric light plant and $8,000 for
water works extension.
James Ilendricksori of Pelmont
broke his leg while hauling wood. He
rode a horse twenty-live miles to have
the fracture reduced and is getting
along all right.
The society ladies of Hastings have
made all necessary arrangements to
give a grand leap year ball and ban
quet Friday night. About eighty
couples will participate.
A farmers' institute will be held at
Bancroft Thursday and Friday of this
week, speakers being present from the
state university. Much interest is be
ing manifested.
The latest gold discoveries in Ne
braska are reported in Stanton county.
In the meantime gold is becoming so
plentifiul in the vicinity of Alma that
the newspapers hesitate to accept it
on subscription.
The numerous friends of Terry Gass
are eyeing that worthy gentleman
with considerable suspicion. It seems
that a certain young grass widow,
living about eight mbes west of Capt.
Wiles' farm, has been making frequent
visits to this city, and each time she
remembers Perry witli a basket of
nice apples or some other delicacies.
The latter, in return, gives the young
grass widow ;i number of papers, con
taining tender love stories and bits of
romance. At least, this is the story
told by one of Perry's friends.
1It li:trt ure Ktfrett'l.
At the meeting of the Plattsmouth
W. C. T. U . held Feb. 4, 1890. the fol
lowing resolutions were adopted:
Whekeas, The resignation of the
president of the union has been made
necessary by the removal of her fam
ily to M'-Cook: therefore,
Ilesolved, That we deeply regret her
departure frni our city and our
union, and desire to express our ap
preciation of her woith and labor as
presideut of our society, which place
she has no ably tilled for two years,
and that we commend her to any
union v here her lot may be cast, be
ing certain that her influence and ef
torts will ever be for "God and home
and every land"
lit-snlved. That a copy of these
resolutions be spread on the minutes
r.t our union, and sent to our city
papers, and tho Union Worker for
Mus. M. L. Wescott,
Mi:s. II. M. Gault,
Mks. K. W. Davis.
Tiilniif t" lisrt Terry.
The spacious dining room, opening
from the toiunda, with the latter,
loiu;r(l the improvised reception room
at the Murray lor a very iaige audi
ece last evening at the musical given
by Miss Lillian de'Land Terry, as
sisted by the Lorelei quartette, the
Missts Dovey, Mr. Franz Adelmann
and Mr. J. 10. Butler. It was a most
gratifying success for Miss Terry and
her friends . Miss Terry, in her solo,
"Bel liacgio," from the opera of
"Seunramide," carried with her the
hearts of her audience. The Misses
Dovey were quite popularly received
in every number, and Mr. Adelmann,
after his violin solo, "Fantasie Sue
doise,'' was compelled to respond to
the encore, follow jng with "Inter
mezzio," from "Cavaleria llusticana.-"
Omaha World-Herald.
The following program has been ar
ranged by County Superintendent Far
ley, to occur at 1:30 p m. Feb. 22:
Origin iumI lli.-tury of Arbor Day.. Clara Walker
ciioloe of Trees W. C. Nye
Si;::-:f's;;ons f i r Pin mini: II. Ilashncll
I.Uor.i y !".vr;-:.i's tirare Stouienliororph
I!o!ir-t;tr of Thc-i' cVIe!ir:t:ions. .(Jiraltla Hayes
Eihies of Voi-ils Cora Walker
I ' e of Die; ioiinry in School Iioom
Lvdia Andrew
Welter As n SMml.iM
Origin anl History f Words....
rietitlous Per.!! and Places ...
.. .Alice Wilson
.....I. W. Berjje
...Jennie liailey
. . Grace Taylor
The (laeiteer
Al't reviations and Contractions
Heriha Kennedy
Pioi.oniu ialii!i Cora Sclilepel
vVanted A irirl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. Dr. C. A. Mar
shall. 5-tr
The Kearney council has adopted a
resolution to t lie effect that, "Believ
ing th it the running expenses of the
city ot Kearney are far in excess of the
city, tin ref le we would recommend
that the services of the city attorney,
janitor of the city hall, two policemen
and the secretary of the board of health
be dispensed with from this date, and
that the salary of the city teamster be
reduced irom forty to thirty dollars
per month. We would further recom
mend that the street commissioner be
authorized to exercise the functions of
a day policeman in addition to his
duties as street commissioner and that
the building and sewer inspector be
directed to perform the duties of jani
tor without extra compensation."
It would only cost you $1 00 to send
the Weekly Jouunal to a friend in
the east fer a whole year.
tbiiiR to patent? Protect yon r ideas : they may
bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEli
BUliN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. C, for their $1,800 prize oiler.
Julius Pepperberg,
The Best Ten-cent Cigar Sold
on the Market.
Mull ;rlr"to riuttsmoutli, Kl.
Omaha, Neb.
Corner 12th and Howard Sts.
Under the lnni'iRoment of IS ILLOWY
t. .. v.., ., i, .-u iw.unu nil hpKt fitted hotel.
lit IT KJ 1 11(1 Lit ---- -
Steam heat, electric lluht! Rates. ?2. o. S2 5(or
co. 00 a day, tiiveuairiaiuuu jun ..-
want to no elsewhere.
Attorney and Counselor at
()FFlCK-V(riu)BD Jtl'k, ITpstBlrs,
Flattsmcmtli, - - - "Neih.
" I in
lilfi AMB
Was bought before the Advance in Prices;
consequently our bargains in
Felt Boots, Overshoes, German Sox
And WARM GOODS cannot be beaten.
Come, jingle your money and see what we can do for you.
Heel-plates Free. Bring in your Repairing.
The Plattsmouth Mills
With the best Machinery made, manufacture
Trade Especially Solicited- Runs
Night and Day to Supply Demand.
C. HEISEL, Prop.,
Washington Avenue, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Every purchase made at his store 5
I is a guarantee that you obtained the
5 best and most goods for the least money. ?
Tho attPnHnr. nf farmers who expect
X lVV---
tn nlant orchards is called to the fact
that I have home-grown trees, war
ranted to be true to name,. by a man
who von know, and at prices that will
compare with any nursery in the land.
EACU.I..11W.. n,vw.
Apple Trees, standard varle
ties, 3 yearH old
Same, 2 yoars old
Plums, blue
Pears, 3 years
Cherry trees, 3 years
Concord vines, 2 years
Peach trees
Currants, choice kinds
112 00;?9o.OO
Will take corn 'or part trade and
give two cents a bushel above rparket
Parties livinp too far away can send
orders. Will be carefully packed in
Fred Krug
Brewing Co.,
Fred Egenberger, Agt.
We're Right
Because our Win
ter stock of
omwo ooo
Groceries, Dry
Goods, Notions
I Goneral Mdse.
The Old Reliable S
Pioneer Merchant
Everything New.
Canned Goods,
Dried Fruity
Tobacco and Cigars.
Have openen a splendid new
stock of these goods in
Which the public is invited
- to purchase.
Will be their motto. It will also be
their purpose to keep open a
First-Glass Meat Market
Where everything in that line will
be kept in tirst-class order.
Farmers are invited to call and trade.