THE JOURNAL. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. PLATTSMOUTH, WfnDtor! HBKAblvA. OVEB THE7 STATE. Tux old settlers of York county have effected an organization. - Gagk connty "farmers will' this year plant a'good deal of Kaffir corn. It will cost Johnson county $54,000 for expenses during the year 1896, ' It costs Richardson county f 8G2 U care" for her indigent poor last year. Ed M. Searle has been appointed re ceiver of the defunct Ogalalla bank. Citizens of Columbus are looking for a man who threatens "to burn build ings. The public schools of Valentine have been closed on account of an epidemic of diphtheria. Depositors in the broken First Na tional bank at Ravenna have received 30 per cent of their holdings. The school house at Elmwood caught fire, but the flames were quelched be fore much damage was done. Mr- am Mas. Herman Wahi.kod, of Beatrice, recently celebrated the six tieth anniversary of their married life. Buy home made goods and build up home industries, is a good policy. Far rell's Fire Extinguisher, made by Far rell fc co., Omaha. The plans for the new Methodist church at Norfolk have been completed and work on the structure will be at once resumed. The Nebraska National bank of Omaha bid in such way as to secure a good chunk of the new government 4 per cent loan. The Masonic Building association of Grand Island expects to pay off every cent of indebtedness within the next eighteen months. The Elkhorn Irrigation and Land company has written contracts to break and crop 2,300 acres of irrigated land in Holt county. Amexdkd articles of incorporation have been filed by the Omaha Fair and Speed association, fixing the capital stock at S150.000, divided into 6,000 shares. An expert has been put to work look ing over the books of the clerk of the district court of Howard county. It is ! claimed he has been taking extortion- j ate fees. . i Upwards of 823,000 was paid into the Dodge county treasury one day last week by agents of the Union Pacific and Fremont, Elkhorn fc Missouri Yal- i ley railroads. j A rebounding hammer, carelessly handled by Albert Safford, in the Have lock shops, struck him in the forehead and knocked him senseless. He suffered no serious injuries. Hartincton school district voted j bonds to the amount of 512.000 for the purpose of erecting a brick high school building of eight rooms. The vote stood 159 for and 8 against the bonds. ' Ed Williams, a farmer living four miles west of Oconee, left the farm he had rented, taking what horses he had with him. but leaving a wife with sev eral small children and many unpaid bills behind him. ! Thomas Cole, a Hartington stock buyer, was severely bitten by a mad , dog, the teeth of the animal going en tirely through his hand. The poison was promptly eliminated from the wound, and the doctor has slight fears of any serious results. Grakd lodge Ancient Order of United" Workmen, in special session at Grand Island, reduced the initiation fee from $9 to a minimum of So. Considerable ' discussion ensued before this action -was brought about. About 100 dele- j gates are in attendance. This reduc tion was made on account of hard times. Burglars last week attempted to blow the safe in the store of H. Znm winkle at Utica, but evidently were frightened away. An entrance was made by forcing open the front door. A hole four inches deep was drilled in the safe. The money drawer was pried open, but the pennies it contain- ed and a revolver w ere not taken. j The grave of Mrs. John Connelly, ; who was buried in the Catholic ceme tery at Columbus nine days ago, was opened by . ghouls, who were likely frightened away or found they had gone to the wrong grave, as the body ! was not taken. The false teeth of the deceased had been removed from the ' mouth and dropped on the ground near by. Rea. Louis Jessup, who has preached six years for the Presbyterians of Diller, died very-Suddenly last week at the advanced age of 76. . Assisted by Ihe Rev. Byron Beall " of Lincoln he had been carrying on a very successful revival meeting and while giving his testimony: he sank in his chair and after a minute's repose finished while sitting and was taken home and never recovered. The consolidated . report of state banks now being: tabulated by Secreta ry Townley of the state banking board discloses an encouraging condition of affairs. The report shows that at the close of business, . December 31, the total reserve fund , of the state banks was a fraction, over 28 per cent, where as' the percentage' required by law is 15. Twenty-eight per cent is the highest ever shown by any, previous report. The Dodge damage case against the Elkhorn r road,' growing out of the $150,000 fire, was given-to the jury-' It brought in a verdict of "no cause for action." The contention of the loser in the,"fife;jwas .that . it was caused by carelessness .of .the railway and set by sparks from an engine. The railway company defended on the ground that it was not at fault , and gave evidence to show. that a boy. and a cigar started the conflagration. The Dunbar Junior Endeavor society celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of the order's foundation in America Sun day with appropriate exercises. A companv has been organized and machinery purchased to commence dig ging in the Middle Creek "gold fields in the west part of Lancaster county. Julius Lemrurg, a farmer living seven miles northwest of Emerson, committed .suicide by .hanging. He had lived in that community about ten years. His wife died recently and this was the cause of his untimely - death. The conple wera t well and favorably known and leave a family, of 81 -l,Jwwth defense dren, one a baby only four days old Talk on Irrigation. A rousing1 county meeting1 was held m . - ! at Lexington for the purpose 01 naming ! the dates of the Nebraska State Irriga lion cuuvcuuuu. i cuuouaj, j day and Friday, October 7, 8 and 9, tion convention. Wednesday, inurs- were the dates named xor me svaic meeting,' thus making it easy for all who desire to attend the North Platte irrigation fair October 12. Overybody was bubbling over with irrigation enthusiasm and every ajsor ance was expressed that the next on vention would in every respect exceed anything of the kind ever held in the state. Mr. Clarkson said that the Platte was the most magnificent valley he ever saw and with irrigation a veri table garden of Eden. Senator Afters said that since 1887 Nebraska's progressive farmers had built over 2,000 miles of irrigation ditches, over 1,000,000 acres of land were reclaimed, with over $10,000,000 in increase of land values. The next three years Nebraska would have 3, 000,000 acres under irrigation. Mr. Edmisten did not have time to talk. but assured every one that Lexington would equal any city in Nebraska in looking after state irrigation meetings. Aii Important I)c-itioii. ' Lincoln dispatch: A number of opin ions were handed down by the supreme sourt today, one being of special inter est to the residents on the borders of streams of this state where lish have been planted. This was the Cuming county case of the West Point Water Power, etc., company against the state ex rel, Moodie, in which the judgment of the lower court is attirincd and the court holds there is an implied obliga tion on the part of those who erect mill dams to provide adequate runways for the passage of fish, and that the preservation of fish is a proper function of government; that the reserved pow ers of the state are inalienable and can not be bartered awajr or surrendered by the legislature. The Next State Fair. Chairman Densmore, Secretary Fur nas and Messrs. Barnes, Vance, Das sett, Doolittle and Dunham of the board of state fair managers held a meeting in Omaha last week. Much important business was transacted. The list of offi cers for the next fair was filled up, save the general superintendency, which will be filled soon. The ollicers are: Chief of police, Ed Davis of Clay Cen ter; master of transportation, George V. Uines, Omaha; superintendent of agricultural hall, W. II. Harrison, Alda; superintendent mercantile hall, Edgar Allen, Omaha; superintendent art hall, George W. Lininger, Omaha; superin tendent manufacturers hall, II. IL Ilewey, Columbus: superintendent of forage, J. II. Butler, Omaha; superin tendent of ampitheater, Austin Hum phrey, Lincoln; superintendent of gates, E. M. Searle, Ogalalla; booth manager, C Dunham, Omaha; superin tendent of water sprinklers and ice, J. M. Lee, Oxford; superintendent of stor age and repairs, W. II. Maria. Malcolm. The premium list was revised and completed. Premiums were increased about 25 per cent, making the aggre gate offered about 840,000. The total for county collective exhibits has been raised from $2,000 to St 375. The high est single premium in this class is StOO, and the lowest S100. Twelve premiums instead of-five, will be offered. The winter corn show has been abolished and the exhibit will here- , . . ,.,..! after be at the state fair. This exhibit must be of matured corn, and therefore the raise of the preceding year will be shown. Liberal premiums have always been offered. Tuesday, September 1, was designat ed as children's and pioneers" day. Nebraska's Militia. Washington dispatch: Secretary of War Lamont, in reply to an inquiry directed to him by the senate today, re ported the total militia strength of all states and territories. According to the report, Nebraska has one general; six members of the general's staff; cavalry company ollicers, 3; noucom missioned officers, 11; musicians, 2; privates, 33; light battery company officers, 3; noncommissioned officers 11; musicians, 2; privates, 40; infantry, reg imental, field and staff officers, 14; company officers, C5; noncommissioned officers, 199; musicians, 72; privates, 729; aggregate, 1,193; number of men available for military duty, 177, "7S, es timated. New Process for fleet Sugar. ' Fremont dispatch: Messrs. J. W. Schadt and William Peterson of this city have applied for a patent on a new method of manufacturing crude sugar and syrup from sugar beets. These two gentlemen have succeeded in mak ing raw sugar which is much superior to that nrst made by Mr. Peterson 4 about two months ago. They estimate 1 i . . t. 1 . . iust irom one acre 01 oeeis ox average yield sixty-five gallons of sj'rup can be made. The sugar they have made, even I in its raw state, can be used for culin ! ary purposes, and has very little vege table taste or flavor. The cost of ex- tracting the sugar, from the beets is only about a fourth of the cost of the present method. Mr. Schadt is well posted on the chemistry of sugar mak ing, and feels confident that the pro cess used by himself and Mr. Peterson . will be a grand thing for the farm era Enthusiastic Sugar licet Producers. , Neligh dispatch: A . large enthusi astic delegation from here will attend the beet sugar convention, commencing" at Fremont tomorrow. A great deal of interest is being manifested in the subject and negotiations are in prog ress with several parties for the estab lishment of a factory.. A disposition is apparent among eastern capitalists to put in factories if it can be demon strated they would prove profitable and the soil. and climate suitable for tfte raising of beets. William Tate Gets Four Years. Tecumseh dispatch: William Tate was brought before Judge C. B. Let ton in the district court this morning and sentenced for killing Archibald Cath cart. The jury was actuated in bring ing in a verdict of manslaughter by the fact that the defendant is but 19 years of age, and was struck the first blow. He will have to serve four years in the penitentiary at hard labor. The ver dict is considered by all decidedl v licht. :iTi:.c8WidW A crime. It is understood will appeal the case to the supreme court SAVANNAH BANK ROBBED. THIEVES GET AWAY WITH $14,000 IN BONDS AND STAMPS; BOLD RAID BY CRACKSMEN. The Watchman Beat Iato Insensibility and Then the Vault Wtl Entered Unable to Open the 8afe Which Contained Several Thonnand Dollars The Bond All Numbered. Sr. Joskph, Ma, Feb. 10. Robbers u raid on the State National at Savannah, Mo., sixteen miles made i;aBk from here, last night. They beat the night watchman into insensibility and then etFeeted an entrance into the vault. They secured about $300 worth of stamps belonging to the postotlice, but were unable to open the safe which contained several ' thousand dollars. In the private boxes connected with the vault the robbers found $li,000 in bonds, whtch they carried awaj with them. The bonds were numbered from lr.'0,733 to 10,744 inclusive and numbers 114,191 and 114,192. The coupons on the bonds due January 1 . 1896. had not been detached. FLED FROM TRANSVAAL, Michigan Miner Refused to lake Arm Against the lloer Government. Iroxwood, Mich.. Feb. 10. Captain W. II. Knight and his party, who left here last spring for the gold fields of South Africa, have returned home un expectedly. Two weeks before Jame son's raid into t he Transvaal the olli cers of the niiniug companies were smuggling rifles and ammunition into the country in the bottom of coke cars Tuesdav, December 31, the mines were shut down and the men were ordered to take guns and ammunition and be prepared to march to Johannesburg by 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The Michigan men refused to obey the order and they were informed that they must take up arms against the Boer government or leave the mines. Captain Knight and party left at once and were iust over the line in the Orange Free state when the battle j between the Boers and Dr. Jameson ' occurred. Many miners, says Captain Knight, were forced into taking up arms by the officials, who shut up all the boarding houses and bought all the available provisions and literally starved the men into accepting their terms. The Michigan men say that John Hays Hammond deserves no S3'iupathy. HIGH WATER IN TEXAS. The Ilrazo River Continues to Rise Heavy Lrfs In Live Stowk. Fort Worth, Tex., Feb. 10 During 1 Vi a rttct rtlrtr-c? v li mi ic on ri I n-r ? c a . f . , ;; A of six feet has come down the Brazos river. At Hempstead two ferryboats were swept away and the iron pillars of the new bridge are gone. Hundreds of dead horses and cattle are floating down stream and the loss is heavy all along the river. Volasco is now an island. Two white men and one negro were drowned. The Sabine river in East Texas is out of its bank and is doing much damage to saw mills. Many head of live stock have been drowned. M'KINLEY THEIR CHOICE. Kanria Kcpubllcun Legislator Are for the iliio Man. Topkka. Kan., Feb. 10. The Topeka Mail recently asked the Bepublican ! members of the legislature for their Presidential preference, and to sug- gest a wiuning platform. To-day it : publishes letters from sixteen, and all I favor McKinley for President ami pro j tection in the platform, and one only, Axelton of Pottawatomie, favors the I free and unlimited coinage of silver. I Baker of Franklin and Goodno of I Bourbon want the State convention to indorse Cvrus Leland for national com mitteeman. Shouted Themselves to Death. Perry, Okla., Feb. 10. At Tonkawa, a small town a few miles north of here Free Methodists aie holding a revival, and it seems the whole town will be turned over to religion. The meeting goes on every day and night. Men and women faint and men and women have died in' the last month while shouting. From miles around people flock to the ineeti g Men who have never before attended church have joined and begun preaching. A Cablegram From Mrs. Hammond. Washington, Feb. 10. Secretary Ol ney has received the following cable gram from Mrs. John Hays Hammond, dated yesterday at Pretoria: "Be cause of my husband's ill health, due to prison confinement, the government allows me to remove him to a private house, where I can personally attend him. The preliminary examinations are proceeding and the treatment of the prisoners is good." Father Fitzgerald Gets Ten Year.' Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 10. The Rev. Father John M. Fitzgerald, con victed of arson in the second degree, to-day was sentenced to ten years con finement in .the State prison at Au burn. Father Fitzgerald affirmed his innocence and denied that he had ever committed arson or instigated anyone to the crime. A - Kansas City, Kas. Bank Fail. Kansas CiTr. Mo., Feb. 10. The Bank of Kansas City, Kan., a small state .bank, did not open this morning, and W. E. Porter, jr., the cashier and principal stockholder, posted a notice that the institution was in the hands of State Bank Examiner BriedenthaL The liabilities are about $G,0O0, while the assets aggregate $30,000. CRISIS IN CUBA. Decisive Kennlta Anticipated on Hi Is land Before the Knd of Ttlarrh. Hanana, Feb. 10 The public appre hension and the gravity of the situa tion on this island can hardly be over stated. There is a concensus of opin ion that a crisis is at hand. Gen. Wey ler has left Porto llico for Havana. It is not alone the approach of the new commander-in-chief that causes anxiety and intensifies feeling, but the general consciousness that the military, political and financial strain is too severe to last long. The Spanish opinion is that real war is about to be made, and that in a brief campaign it will be shown that the march of the insurgents through the island could not have happened if the regular army had been actively handled The Cubans claim that they grow stronger in the field and that the rebel forces are being strengthened by bands from the east that will balance the additional troops from Spain. It would bo vain to assert in dividual views as to the value of these claims. One thing is certain, the con centration of the armies in the Prov ince of Havana promises combats of increasing importance and decisive re sults before the end of March. The excitability of the sympathizers with the insurgents about General Weyler is almost incredible. His coin ing is a nightmare to the Cuban autonomists, who anticipate relentless persecution and are largely, according to their ability, taking refuge in the States. SLID DOWN SIX STORIES. McKeesport Printers Dave a Narrow Es cape From Death One Dead. Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 10. An early morning fire at McKeesport, Pa., re salted in the loss of one life and the destruction of property worth 8200,000. The fire started on the fifth floor of the Altmeyer building, and is sup posed to have been caused by defect ive electric light wiring. The flames were discovered by the printers of the McKeesport Herald as the fire began to eat its way through the sixth floor. The night's work had just been finished and the paper was about to go to press. When the flames were seen a rush was made for the usual point of egress, but the stairways were impassable. The only resources left were the win dows and the rope in the elevator shaft. All except G. M. Barton, the foreman of the composing room, suc ceeded in sliding down the rope. His escape was cut off and he was burned to ueatn. The flames spread to the adiolning buildings before they were extin guished. The loss to the Altmeyer j building and the Herald plant is esti- , mated at 8175,000, and on the other buildings, 825,000. MARRIED HER CHOICE. A Xebraskan Resorts to Habeas ( orpui Proceedings to Secure Ills New Wife. York Xeb., Feb. 10. Judge Bates of this place has issued a writ of habeas corpus, commanding the superintend ent of the State Industrial School for Girls, to deliver to the local authori ties the body of Anna Louisa Janes, a McPhcrson county young woman, alleged by her husband so be unjustly con tined at the institution under the name of Anna Louisa Clouse. The girl was sent to the school on her parent's representation that she was incorrigiole In the application for the writ it is alleged that her incor rigibility lay in her refusal to marry the man selected for her bv her parents and her action in marrying j instead one of her own choice. Con- ! siderable interest is manifested in the ' case owing to the unusual law point involve!. ! A SOLDIER'S LUCK. George Nlles, Private in the Kegular Army, Kxpects to Inherit &230.000. Fort Riley, Kan.. Feb. 10. George D. Niles, who came here from Abilene eight 3-ears ago and enlisted as a pri vate in the United States army, ex pects to establish his right to an Iowa fortune. He claims to be the illegiti mate son of a wealthy bachelor in Central Iowa, who recently died in testate. Niles' mother is also dead, but she left him valuable documents which, it is alleged, prove his parent age. Niles has recently been stationed in the East with the medical corps, but is now on a furlough bringing suit to recover the estate, whicli is estimated at $250,000. Kef. Tanlbee Sues for Divorce. Perry, Ok., Feb. 10. Rev. J. M. Taulbee, formerly presiding elder of the Methodist church of Covington, Ky., has sued his wife, Sallie C. Taul bee, for divorce. Rev. Taulbee charges the defendant with neglecting him in that she wined and dined other men in his absence. He also charges her with selling his property and running away with another man. Gomez Will Establish a Government. Havana, Feb. 10. It is reported that General Maximo Gomez is going to establish a seat of government at Siguanea, Province of Santa Clara. Be has been announced to be on the move at Batabano, San Felipe, Falnd and Mariel, this Province. -Has Dnnraven Apologised? London, Feb. 10. The Saturday Review mentions a rumor that an am ple apology from Lord Dunraven to the New York Yacht club is on its way to the United States. NEWS IN BRIEF. A company is forming to erect and operate an anti-trust zinc furnace at Webb City, Mo. The Missouri Democrats in Congress elected Mr. Dockery their member of the Congressional Campaign com mittee. Senator Dubois' resolution to change the Senate rules concerning distribu tion of appropriation bills was de feated by a vote of 40 to 2&. THE HOUSE EXCITED. WRANGLE OVER A DEFENSE OF SECESSION. Mr. Barrett Introduce a Resolution to Censor Mr. Talbott of South Carolina for Remark Alleged to Be Treason able la Character The Motion Was Referred After an Animated1 Discus sion. Lively Time in the Lower House. Washington, Feb. 8. The debate on the Senate free silver substitute for the House bond bill proceeded steadily in the House to-day. The House met at 10:30 o'clock with less than thirty members present and a few stragglers in the galleries. Mr. Newlands of Nevada, awoke the empty eehoes of the big hall with a vigorous argument in favor of the free and in dependent coinage of silver. He as serted that not one debtor nation in the world had maintained the gold standard except the United States and we had done so at the price of contin ued bond issues. Mr. Hartman of Montana, and Mr. Kem of Nebraska, Populist, followed in favor of concurrence and Mr. Tucker of Virginia, in favor of non concurrence. Mr. Talbot of South Carolina rose to a question of personal privilege to correct what he said was an uninten tional misrepresentntion of himself in the public prints. This led to a stir ring incident. He said that Mr. Pear son of North Carolina had made an unwarranted attack on the loyalty of his state, which he declared was as loyal as any statu in the union. Mr. Pearson had said that North Carolina had followed South Carolina out of the union, and had got whipped along with the Palmetto state. "In a jocular way, Mr. Speaker," continued Mr. Talbot, "I declared that we were not whipped but had worn ourselves out trying to whip the other fellows. In the heat of the moment," he continued, "and irrpulsively, I said that South Carolina was not ashamed of the part she took .in it; that she was proud of it, and that I for one indorsed secession then. I thought we were right; I think so yet, and that under the same circum stances, surrounded by the same con ditions, that I would do the same thing again. Now, Mr. Speaker I re peat it." "lie has said that he has repeated the statement that under certain cir cumstances he believed in sece.-sion. I propose now to offer a resolution of censure,' put in Mr. Barrett of Massa chusetts. By this time the excitement on the floor was intense. Mr. Crisp said that he had never, known an instance when a member, was called to order and a motion was made that he be allowed to explain his utterances that such a motion was not considered. "To this Mr. Barrett re plied that he had no objection to the gentleman from South Carolina ex plaining at the proper time his state ment; that the gentleman, having taken an oath to sustain the constitu tion of the United States said he would, under certain cirumstance, at tempt to overthrow and humiliate the government. There was more parlimentary spar ring between Mr. Crisp and Mr. Bar rett, during which the excitement gradually rose. The Speaker final lv cut the matter short 03' saying that if the Hou5e was not satisfied with Mr. Talbot's explanation the resolutiom might be offered. The Speaker de cided that Mr. Crisp's motion was in r order. "I take it for granted," said Mr. Dingiey. ris-ing, "that the House does not intend to vote on a resolution of censure without according the gentle man from South Carolina an opporun ity to explain. " These words won the applause of the Democratic side. Mr. Talbot availed himself of the opportunity und explained that he had risen to correct a misrepresenta tion, lie hail no idea that the press intended to misrepresent him inten tionally. South Carolina, he pro ceeded, was as loyal and as true to the Union as any State in the Union. The circumstances under which she se ceded could not exist again and he was glad of it. (Democratic applause). Mr. Barrett of Massachusetts jumped un at these words and asked that the words be taken down. Several members appealed to him not to do so and the speaker asked Mr. Barrett if he insisted upon the demand. Mr. Barrett seemed to hesitate when Mr. Talbot again got on his feet and declared in a loud voice that he was willing to have his words taken down. I will stand by them,'' said he. These words seemed to clinch Mr. Barrett's resolve, and Mr. Barrett re plied to the speaker with feeling: 'Yes, I insist. I want to see if a member can violate his oath in this fashion." 'The chair understood that the gen tleman from South Carolina was only repeating what he had said on a 'for mer occasion," said Speaker Reed. Mr. Barrett replied that in that case he had a point of order to submit. Mr. Crisp, the Democratic leader, how ever, at this point crowded into the arena and moved that Mr. Talbot be permitted to explain. The words were then read at the clerk's desk and Mr. Barrett then formally made the point of order that when a statement made by a member had been called in question and he deliberately reiter ated it, it constituted a new state ment and a new .offense. After a wrangle' ana some explana tions. Mr. Dalzell of Pennsylvania moved to refer the Barrett resolution t. the committee on judiciary. This was carried by a vote of 154 to 41. This is understood to mean that no notice will be taken of the matter. Mr. Owens of Kentucky was the only Democrat who voted against the mo tion. Will Serve Many Dot;. Deadwood, S. D., Feb. S A council of Ogallalla Sioux Indians will be held at Wounded Knee ' on the 10th, to se lect delegates to send to Washington to confer with the Great Father upon matters relative to the manner of deal ing with the Indians. The council will conclude with a feast at which 186 dogs will be served. unMRHP nORTRINE I VI - . - Senator Allen of Nebraska Ventilates His View. Washington, Feb. 8. Senator Alien of Nebraska addressed the Senate to day 00 the Monroe doctrine resolu tion. He contended that the Monroe doctrine was one of national self-preservation, and that if the invasion of the South American republics by Great Britain will endanger the wel fare or menace the safety of thia Gov ernment in any way, we should resent the action with all the strength and resources of a mighty. nation: The United States must be the exclusive , judge of when the doctrine is to be applied.' The United States, iir. Alien maintained, cannot permit Great Britain or any other foreign power to determine when and to what extent the acquisition of territory on the Western hemisphere will imperil our Government. He thought, however, that it would be ample time to act when the Venez uelan commission shall have repcrte.l, and said: 'lf we shall determine that the action of Great Britain in acquir ing territory in Venezuela will imperil our government by imperiling the rights of Venezuela, it will become our duty to marshal all the resources of our people to resist the threatened or actual invasion. If, on the other hand, we shall determine, after due investigation and deliberation, that our interests will not be imperiled, it will be our duty to abstain fiom any interference with the action of Great Britain." Continuing, Mr. Allen said: "The threatened demolition of Englandand the English institutions that we have heard in this chamber is not real; there is no danger from foes without. We have simply been indulging in the harmless pastime of twisting the cau dal appendage of the British lion to arouse a war spirit in the breasts of our people, and thus induce them to for get their grievances and their wrongs. "We mistake the temper of the American people. They know full well that there is no danger of our becoming involved in a war with Eng land, or with any other foreign powrr. They do not seek war, and I cannot condemn in too severe terms the lack of confidence in the sober judgement, the intelligence and patriotism of the American people that hai led at least one Senator to assert that a large por tion of them would welcome war and bloodshed as a relief from their present conditions. vIf, unhappily, the time shall come, which God grant it may uot, that American valor must again be dis played on the field of battle in defense of American institutions and against foreign greed and aggrandizement, we may confidently expect the sons of America to march under the flag of the free, consecrated by the blood of a hundred years to permanent and glorious victory. Then for every Grant there will be a Lee, for everv Sherman a Johnston, for every Thomas a Jackson, for every Sheridan a Stuart, and Mason and Dixon's line will be blotted from the map of the United States and true Americans, North and South, wedded b3r the blood of the revolution, the war of I82 and the war with Mexico, renewed by the es trangement of 1861, as lovers renew and intensify their affection by es trangement, soothed and sustained by a united and splendid American wo manhood, will give to the world a lesson in valor that it has never known before." MR. CLEVELAND TALKS. DUcasnes the Itecent I! n I iKsne anl Syndicate Ileal of lx?!r. Washington, Feb. S In an inter view President Cleveland sir id regard ing the bond issue: "Vr tn such in formation as comes to me from various priyate sources, I am evinced that more small holdings of goid vi!I be drawn into the treasury 'ny the present arrangement than appear on the sur face. The small court' ry banks, lr instance, whicli are buvintr bonds for their customers, have irj;ili: th'ir oils through their New York and IJuston correspondents, and this ivr.s the )an the appearance of haviug l.cen t.a':en up by the big financial niKtitut ion- at the money centers, although, as a mat ter of fact, not a little of it will oine from the small investors." The subject of the syndicate eon tract of February, 1 Having been mentioned, Mr. Cleveland remarked that he had never had reason to ques tion the wisdom of that arrangement under the conditions then existing. "That contract,'' he added, "helped us out at a time when a forty-eight hours' delay might have produced se rious results. 1 sympathize, never theless, with some of the objections made to that form of placing a loan. The difference between the price ob tained from the syndicate and the price currently quoted cau be twisted into an argument which will appeal to people who do not stop to calculate the actual cost to the syndicate f floating a loan at that time "My preference would have been to have the present loan much more pop ular than it appears on its face, but we have done the best we could. The people who hoard small savings of gold or the equivalent of gold are un accustomed to transacting business on the basis on which these bonds had t o be issued; they are unused to premi ums or to the formalities of- making bids. If we could have sold them, three per cent gold bonds at par, I think it would have brought, out a good deal of this gold, but the only bonds the law allows us to issue have to be sold considerably above par in order to keep the net rate of interest within reasonable limits." Treasury Losing Gold. Washington, Feb. 8. The treasury yesterday lost $1,072,800 in gold coin and SI 0.400 in bars, leaving the true amount of the reserve $45,293,778. Notwithstanding the success of the new loan, fears are entertained that a considerable share of the gold offered in payment will have been withdrawn from the treasury for that purpose. llanrartana In a KIou Whiting, Ind., Feb. 8. Two men were killed and one fatally and' two slightly injured here yesterday, dur ing a savage riot among the Hunga rian employes of the Standard Oil Company and a slight outbreak that followed the main battle. . Many , ar rests were made, the men being taken to Hammond.