i il it y P.UTTSMODTI WEEK 'BE JUST AND FEAR NOT." VOL. 15, NO. 7. PLTTs:tioum nebuaska. Thursday, February g. isug. 1.00 PElt YEA It. IF PAID IN ADVANCE. THE LT o EHAL ( fen THE DAY'S DOINGS "What People Are Doing and Saying Around the Town. IS A VERY INTERESTING CASE. Th. Case t tiering Co. rs. Mn. Perry Walker Draw a Bis Cronu In 'Justice Archer' Court Say Prejudice xists. A "Warm" Case. Justice Archer's court was the cen ter of attraction Friday for a large crowd of people. As announced here tofore, the case of Gering & Co. vs. Mrs. Perry Walker was booked for trill. The plaintiffs had. prior to the latter part of January, 1S95, occupied the Jos. Weckbach house over on Fourth and Oak streets, for several j ears. Some time iu September of the same jtar Mrs. Perry Walker pur chased the property occupied by the Gering family. When the latter moved out some shelving was left in the hou?e. Mrs. Walker agreeing to pay S2 for the same. Recently when Serine & Co. presented a bill to Mrs. Walker for merchandise, this item was included. The latter disputed the bill for the shelving, claiming that the plaintiffs, id moving oot, had damaged their property to the extent of some $14; hence the suit. The mat ter is beinii tried before a jury, and abut a dozen witnesses have been called. Several very funny scenes oc curred during the progress of the trial, which the spectators greatly enjoyed. Verdict For Plaintiff. The celebrated case of Gering & Co. vs. Mrs. Perry Walker for 82.00 for bome shelving, tried before a jury in Justice Archer's court Friday, has J- been decided. The arguments were completed at about 5:30 o'clock p. m.. and the case was given to the jury. Aftr being out for a few minutes, a verdict was returned for the plaintiffs. The costs in the case amounted to -S29.S5. which w ill be taxed up to the iefendau:. Claim That Prejudice Exist. Nebraska. City Press. Judge Shiras of the United States circuit court, for the district of Ne braska, Wednesday granted the peti tion of defendants in the case of The City ef Nebraska City, plaintiff, vs. The Water and Light company of that city and the New York Security and Trust company, defendants, praying for the removal of the case from he district court from the Second judicial district. The affidavit contains the following: That said Judge Chapman was nomi nated for re-election during the fall of 1S93; that his opponent is now the pres ent judge of said district. That dur ing the campaign several leading pa pers, both in Cass and Otoe counties, criticised Judge Chapman, and abused him for the manner in whice he tried the aforesaid suit. That the mayor and members of the city council gen erally fought Jude Chapman and sup ported J udae Ramsey. That affiants verily believe that a decision adverse to plaintiff by the said Judge Ramsey in the cause now sought to be removed wouM expose Lim to the same local criticism and ill will, not only by the citizens, but by the newspapers of said district, and affiants state that in their belief, owing to the support that was rendered Judge Ramsey by the mayor and city council of Nebraska City, that the decision and ruling of the judge in the trial of this cause would be affected thereby. Affiants further state that they have a pretty straight tip that a similar suit is soon to be instituted at the city of Piattsmouth. the county seat of Cass county, and that a mere change of venue would be inadequate and of no avail that justice may be had. After stating that most of the stockholders of the Water and Light company are residents of the state of New York and stating that it is the belief of the affiants that irrespective of the fact that the said Judge Ramsey might, at the trial of this cause, rise above the local prejudice and influence, yet the feeling is so strong that it would al most to a certainty be the means of controlling and influencing whatever judge would try said controversy. This affidavit is signed by the attorneys, John C. Watson and M. L. Hayward, and the local manager of the company, D. P. Rolfe. About the strongest affidavit in the ten or twelve presented is that of ex--Judge Chapman, who charges that the mayor and city council entered into a conspiracy to have him defeated unless he cave the city the decision. II states that certain representatives of the city mo-t if nlutn f a dim thit m ifi rti ! was assured if only he would decide for the city as against the company. Slate Press Association. Nearly one hundred of the news paper men of Nebraska together with many of their wives, last Friday con cluded a very successful and altogether pleasant annual meeting of the Ne braska State Press association at Lin coln. The success of the affair was largely contributed by the liberality and excellent management of the Lincoln Hotel company and the local committee. The ladies held a sep arate meeting until Friday afternoon, when by committees of conference an agreement was arrived at for a union of the two bodies was affected, the women being allowed to join the asso ciation on terms of equality except as to admission fees and annual dues, which were fixed at half the price for the men. Very bright, interesting and valuable papers were read by various members and were discussed by the meeting. Memorial resolutions were adopted respecting the life and character of E. M. Coryell, who died last year. Grand Island was selected as the place for holding the next meeting, re ceiving forty-three votes to seventeen for Nebraska City. The following were selected officers for next year: President, W. L Dayton, of the York Republican; vice presidents, one from each congressional distric . A. L. Bixby, W. S. Raker, S.J. Young, W. N. Becker, L. M. Kimmel. W. II. Ketchum; secretary-treasurer, F. N. Merwin; corresponding secretary, D. H. Cronin; members of executive com mittee. C. M. Hubner. M. A. Brown, W. O. Jones, Edgar Howard and M. H. Barber. The session ended with a compli mentary banquet Friday night at the Lincoln, which was a most enjoyable affair, and entirely to the credit of the hotel management and the citizens of Lincoln who joined in its consumma tion. It was noticed that W. S. Raker of Gretna recently convicted and sen tenced to the pen for libel by the notorious Judge Scott of Omaha, and out while the case was being reviewed by the eupreme court, was lion of the occasion. To Raie Burled Treasure A dispatch from Elk Point. S. D., to the Bee says: "A fresh effort is about to be made to raise the steamer Eldora, which sank in the Missouri river near Elk Point on its way from St. Louis to Fort Benton in the spring of 1S66. Among other articles which constituted the cargo were 116 barrels of whisky, valued at $300 a barrel, or altogether nearly $35,000. Plans were made at the time to raise the boat, but before anything could be done a change in the channel of the river left it buried under a bar fifteen feet deep. An effort was made even then to dig it out, but so mucn difficulty was ex perienced with the water which rushed in as soon as the shaft was opened that the attempt was given up. and until last spring nothing further was done. At that time E. E. Wen ner of Elk Point purchased the boat of the owners, Macky Bros, of St. Louis, and the strip of bar in which it was buried of a farmer whose land abutted upon it and succeeded after several weeks' work in locating the buried steamer. A caisson was sunk and the boat was actually reached before the water finally forced its way in and compelled a second abandonment of operations. Improved machinery has now been obtained and within a few days the work will be resumed. An offer has already been made for a con siderable part of the whisky providing it is found in good condition, which experts say will undoubtedly be the case." Taylor-Howe. Mr. Stephen M. Taylor, aged 26, and Miss Vina Rowe, aged IS, came up from Union last Saturday and, after seeing the sights of the metropolis of Cass county for a few hours, called at the county judge's office in the af ternoon and signified their intention of "j'ning hands and hearts." The judge at once proceeded to accommo date the young couple, after which they departed, each wearing a smile of supreme happiness. The Journal. hopes thev will always be as happy as they appeared Saturday. The county judge at Omaha Tues day granted a licence to wed, to John C. Spangler, age 28, and Katie A. Heim, age 25. both of Louisville, this county. QTTCJP'C A 'fV CT OUOlJu O LA I iO 1 . An ex-Plattsmouth Woman of the Town In Trouble Deep. LOOKING FOR HER LOST CHILD. Cause. Tear of Sympathy to Flow From an Omaha Police Judge's Eyes The Gering-Walker Case De rided Other Affair. Trouble Drove ller Insane. Last Friday's Omaha Bee contains the following account of the escpade of a former resident of this city: "If the promise that was made to Police Judge Gordon this morning by 'Alabama Sue' is kept, one of the char- i acters of the half world will begone forever. She pleaded not guilty to the charge against her, but did not want to go to trial. 'I'll tell you what I'll do, judge,' she said. 'I'm. disgusted with this town, and I'll get out if you'll give me till tomoriow morning to do some washing and get my things together, I'll go on the first train and never come back.' "This struck Judge Gordon as a fair proposition and be released the woman from custody. She started out of the court room on the run. 'Alabama Sue,' whose real name is Sue Johnson, is looked on more with pity than any other sentiment by the other denizens of the proscribed district because she is considered in sane. She came to this city some seven or eight months ago. She is evidently mentally unballanced and this is thought to be the result of an incident in her life which occurred but a short time before her arrival in Omaha. She was formerly a resident of Piattsmouth, where, a year ago, she was a happy mother in a family which consisted of herself, her hus band and a little girl. One day both husband and daughter disappeared. The wife waited in vain for them, and brooded over their absence, especially that of the daughter, until her mind became effected. What money she had, a very small suns at the most, was spent in a search for the missing ones. The two appeared to have been com pletely swept from the earth. Then the woman came to this city, still on the hunt, and has been here some seven months. She is now intending to go to some other point, still labor ing under the hallucination that the daughter i3 alive somewhere. " While the woman still thinks that the daughter is alive, she isfirmy con vinced that the husband has been' murdered. Seme time ago she be lieved that she had found the mur derer, or rather the murderess, in the person of an inmate of a disorderly house. She started to hunt her down, but the suspected person was "tipped" and carefully kept out of the way Bloodshed was in this manner averted, and in time the idea left the brain of 'Alabama Sue' to give way to others. 'Outside of this belief in the mur der of her husband and the idea that her child is still alive, the weman appears to be perfectly sane. She has been quiet in her demeanor, and has caused the police little trouble." Susie Johnson, the woman referred to in the above, aperated a house of ill fame in this city about a year ago. The Bee is a trifle "off " in stating that Susie was, a year ago,"a happy mother living with her husband and little girl." The man with whom she was living, according to his statement, was not her husband, but her brother-in-law, his wife being dead. He said he was living with Susie in order that she could look after his little daughter. Shortly before Susie's departure from this city, about a year ago, shecame to the police with a large-sized tale of woe, stating that her husband had "flown the coop" taking some $400 of her money and her daughter with him. She also caused a notice to be pub lished in The Journal, offering a re ward for the capture of her runaway "husband." She incidentally stated to a reporter that she would pay $25 for his return alive, and $50 for his dead body. His present whereabouts are ui known here. Herr Joseph Gahm, the distin guished pianist, will give a concert at the Presbyterian church on Thursday evening, Feb. 13, under the auspices of the Woman's club, and will be ably assisted by the celebrated Dovey Sis ters, who are preparing several grand solos and duetts purposely for this concert. Admission, 50 c. Farm loans made at lowest rates. T. II. Pollock, over First Nat'l Bank. Lrriug Wife and Lover Caught. "An excited man rushed into the police station about 11:30 last night aud auxiously inquired for the captain in charge. He stated that his name was Oscar Benedict, that he was a carpenter from Atlantic, la., and that he had reasons for thinking that his wife, Eva Benedict, was at that mo ment occupying a room with a travel ing man at the Karbach hotel at Fif teenth and Howard streets. Two of ficers were detailed to accompany Benedict to the hotel. It was discov ered that a couple registered as II. W. Little and wife aud had taken room 39 shortly after 8 o'clock. The husband and the officers at once repaired to the room and found the lights out. "Repeated knocking at length elicited a response in the person of Mr. Little arrayed in a pleasant smile and a flowing night robe. He was in formed that he must consider him self under arrest for alienating the affections of another man's wife. At the station a stormy scene took place between the husband and wife, and about this time it was accidentally learned that the angry head of the family was armed with a large revol ver, which he had until then managed to conceal. The weapon was taken away from him before any damage had been done and a partial cessation of hostilities agreed upon. "Mr. Benedict stated that he had suspected his wife of infidelity for several months past, but that he had had no absolute proof of the fact until last evening. His wife, he said, had been in the habit of taking short trips to Omaha for some time past, ostensi bly to visit friends in this city, but tney had become so frequent of late that he had resolred to investigate. Arriving in Omaha early last evening, he easily struck the trail of the pair ami at length located them in the liUfi. Mrs. Benel;ct has a little daughter 7 years old. who accom panied her to the city and who is now being caied for by friends. The hus-j band left the station swearing eternal 1 vengeance against Little autl the end is not- yet. Little claims to be a traveling man." Omaha Sunday Bee. The Circuit Arranged. At a meeting of the representatives of thC-. iij association of Cass, Xem aha, Johnson and Otoe counties, held at the Windsor hotel in Lincoln yes terday, F. E. Biowne, secretary of the Otoe County Fair and Driving Park association, was choseu president and secretary of the meeting. It was moved that a circuit of fairs for the year 1S93 for said counties be estab lished, as follows: Elmwood, Cass county, September 15, 16. 17 and IS; Auburn, Nemaha county, September 22, 23, 24 and 25; Syracuse, Otoe county, September 29, 30, October 1 ani 2; Piattsmouth, Cass county, October 6, 7, S and 9; Tecumseh, John son county, October 13, 14, 15 and 16. It was moved that Thomas Crummel, and seconded by W. G. Keefer, that the foregoing dates for the circuit be the dates for holding the fairs at the respective places. On vote, the same was unanimously carried. It was then moved and seconded that the en tries for all trotting and pacing races for each association be closed ten days prior to the holding of the respective meetings, and that the rules of each association be governed by the rules of the American Trotting association, and that any record made after the 5th day of September, 1S96, be no bar and that it requires four to enter and three to start. Carried. The meeting was then adjourned. The result of this meeting will be gratifying uews to all lovers of good racing, and the people of the counties inciuded in the circuit will be given an opportunity of witnessing some of the best racing ever "pulled. off" in the state this year. Secretary Keefer, of the Cass County Agricultural society, deserves great credit for his untiring efforts to make the affair a success. Another Petition. A petition ha3 been filed with the district clerk by J, G. Richey, A. B. Taylor and D. O. Dwyer, asking J udge Ramsey to remove Chas. C. Parmele as receiver of the Citizens' bank. The above naind gentleman recite in their petition that they are depositors in said bank and the petition is filed on behalf of themselves and all of the other depositors. Tbey further allege that Mr. Parmele's position as re ceiver is detrimental to the interests of the creditors and depositors of the bank. L. G. Larson, the carpenter, who has been working at his trade out in the western part of the county, has re turned to his home in this city. PARDON ASSURED. Pugilist Jas. Lindsay Will Probably be Liberated Next Month. ONLY THREE NEWSPAPERS BID County Printing 'o Lougtr Eagerly Sought After Louisville Courier Draws the "1'rize" Other Doings of a Dull Day. Prize Fighter Lindsay. Mrs. James Lindsay of Omaha, wife of the prize fighter, visited Governor Holcomb yesterday to intercede for a pardon. Lindsay is serving a two years' sentence for manslaughter. Fletcher Robbins, the victim, died from injuries inflicted by Lindsay in a prize fight or "glove contest" for points, as it was advertised, at Piatts mouth. Mrs. Lindsay is said to have secured from the governor a promise to pardon her husband at the end of the first year's imprisonment, or about the first day of March. W. F. Gurley of Omaha, as Lind say's attorney, has played an active part in this case. Editor Rosewater is under obligations to Mr. Gurley for services -in the last municipal cam paign and it is not denied that Mr. Gurley carried a letter relating to Lindsay's case from Editor Rosewater to Governor Holcomb. Lincoln Jour nal. Was a Little Premature. The following from last evening's Call would indicate that the Lincoln Journal was a little "of" yesterday, when it stated that Gov. Holcomb had promised to pardon Lindsay next month; "Contrary to the published announcement in this morning's Jour nal Mrs. James Lindsay, wife of the pugilist who is serving a two years sentence for having killed Fletcher Robbins in a prize fight at Piatts mouth, has not secured the promise from Governor Holcomb of a pardon for Lindsey after serving one year of the sentence. The governor still has the matter under consideration." Hanks With the tireatest. "It wss a positive pleasure to hear Mr. Joseph Gahm, the distinguished pianist, in his rendition of a piano solo in Wagner-Liszt's grand march from "Tannhauser." Ilis smooth, delicate touch and technique a3 an artist, really rank him with such pi anists as Sherwood and others-" Om aha World-Herald. The people of Piattsmouth and vi cinity will be given an opportunity to bear this great pianist at the Presby terian church next Thursday evening, February 13, under the auspices of the Woman's club. The little Dovey sis ters Ethel and Alice, will again favor lovers of fine vocal music with several selections upon this occasion . The ad mission to this rare musical treat has been placed extremely low, only 50 cents, and the church should be crowded. Louisville Courier Gets the Printing. Evidently the majority of the news papers of Cass county are tired of do ing the county printing for virtually nothing. At any rate, only three papers put in a bid for this "plum" this year, and they were as follows: Weeping WaterRepublican , Louisville Courier and Piattsmouth Tribune. The Courier's bid was the same as that of the Elmwood Echo last year, and as the other two bids were a trifle higher, the commissioners yester day awarded the county printing for the ensuing year to the Louisville sheet, at the following figures: Court docket, 15 cents per case; treasurer's statement, $4.00; road notices, 25 cents per square. Judge Ramsey's First Term. The trial docket for the February term of district court, which convenes here Monday, the 13th inst.. has just been received from the hands of the printer. This term of court will be given over entirely to the hearing of equity cases and the judge will cer tainly have enough work to keep him here for several weeks, as the docket shows 120 cases for trial. Nebraska City Press. President Windham, of the Cass County Agricultural society, has ap pointed the following gentlemen to represent that organization at the sugar beet convention at Fremont Feb. 5 and 6: J. II. Becker, Henry Eik enbary ,A. B. Taylor, S. L. Thomas and W. G. Keefer. All these delegates have signified their intention of at tending the convention. The county commissioners were busy Tuesday allowing bills. PERSONAL, POLITICAL AND PERTINENT. Some eighty five men went on a circle wolf hunt Tuesday up in Cen ter precinct. They surrounded two sections of land and marched toward the center, but found as they neared each other, that there was quite a gap at one place, through which one lone wolf was seen to escape, and their hunt was of no avail. The members of the party got very tired, however, before they got home and that, they thought, was something worth speak ing of. Mrs. S. P. Vanatta left this morning for Cripple Creek, Colo., to join her husband, who is located at that place and doing well. They expect to make their home at that place in the future. Nebraska City News. There is one savings bank in New York city which keeps an accurate record of its depositors. During the year 1S95, there was only one actor, while there were. 1,392 tailors: there was but one editor, while there were 725 laborers; there was but one board ing house keeper and 337 peddlers. There were lots of shoemakers, bak ers, barbers, waiters, cigarmakers, but very few musicians, liquor dealers, lawyers or policemen. Only five po licemen, five lawyers, one soldier. Last week in the district court in Rock Island, 111., Judge Oliver gave a judgment to the German Publishing company for a subscription bill of $30, on the ground that a newspaper is a household necessity. And so it is. Serious doubts are entertained by the more conservative members of the Nebraska state press association whe ther the election of Col. Dayton of York, a3 president i3 legal or not. It is authoritatively stated that in his speech of acceptance he neglected to state that "this is the happiest, proud est moment of my life" or that "by electing me to this office you have con ferred upon me the greatest honor in the gift of man." Lincoln News. One of Chicago's new women has in vented a fire costume, which can be got into with one jump at the first smell of smoke. If she can manage, says the Council Bluffs Nonpareil, to attach the scheme to bloomers it would be a blessed relief to the woman who now has to sit down to put them on. It is reported that the night operator at the Missouri Pacific depot, Fowley, is wanted by the parents of girl in Missouri who loved him not wisely but too well. He left last night for Cres ton, la. Nebraska City News. The New York World prints the following significant dispatch: "St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 31. Today the secretary of the Commercial club re ceived a draft for $103 from Grand Island, Neb., being money, with in terest, donated by the jobbers of this city to Nebraska drouth sufferers in 1891. A letter accompanying the draft says that the farmers who were helped in 1894 raised good crops last year and are anxious to discharge their obligations. The money - was sent as a gift, not as a loan, and its return was a surprise and is something unprecedented." The Misses Ethel and Alice Dovey, who have been making such a favor able impression over the state, will be heard in a grand concert at the Pres byterian church, Thursday, Feb. 13, 1S9G. Herr Joseph Gahm, the dis tinguished artist, will be the pianist. Admission 50 cents. WE MUST HAVE MONEY. Having bought large amounts of fine goods which have not been sold and are still on hand, in or der to pay our bills we have con cluded to offer our entire stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware and Jewelry at AUCTION, com mencing Saturday afternoon, Feb. 8th, and will continue every after noon and evening until further notice. We have only first-class goods and know if you favor us by attending our sale you will be fully repaid for so doing. ARCH L. COLEMAN, Successor to Frank Carruth & Son. Oldest Jewelry Store in Cass County, Piattsmouth,