Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 30, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. 15, A?0. .
"What People Are Doing and Saying
Around the Town.
A Foreclosure Cute Filed Veterday In
' oIlii h Large uuiler f Prnple
Death of Mr. Doty' Slater
In Chicago Note.
Ninety-two Defulant.
II. D. Travis, as attorney for the
plaintiff, Tuesday Med a" suit in the
district court e ntitled Frank E. John
son and John S. Stull, executors of the
last will and testament of Elizabeth
C Handley, deceased, vs. Anna B.
Reed, eta!. The suit is an action in
foreclosure on some eighty acres of
land in and around Weeping Water,
amounting to probably $5,000, and
there are ninety-two defendants in
volved in the case. Mrs. Ilandly was a
resident of Xemaha county. This is
probably the largest number of people
directly involved in any one case ever
tiled in the district clerk's office here.
Death of an Estimable Lady.
Monday's Chicago Tribune contained
an extended announcement of the
death of Mrs. Lydia Jane Cadwell, at
her home in Chicago, last Saturday.
The Tribune also printed a picture ol
the deceased lady. Mrs. Cadwell was
a sister of Chauncey Doty, the well
known East Plattsmouth resident, and
a few extracts from the article will be
interesting reading:
"Mrs. Cadwell was in her 59th year.
She was a woman of great intellectual
ity and strong force of character, a
weil as of a gentle and benevolent dis
position. From childhood she showed
herself at all times competent to meet
any responsibility which circumstances
imposed upon her. Her native place
was Rme, X Y., where she was born
Feb 3. 1S37 Her father, Henry Doty,
was decended from the family of Johi
Quincy Adams, and Mrs- Cadweli
wore to the day of her death a valuable
ring which was Mr. Adams' gift to her
and which had been presented to him
during his stay in Europe, by an Ital
ian prince.
"She married George W. Cadwell
when young, and was left a widow,
with an independence, at the age of 19
years. She never remarried. For
some years after her bereavement she
lived at Grand Tlapids, Mich.
"Soon after the great fire she came
to Chicago. Here she established the
art gallery first known as the Gentile
gallery, after an Italian photographer
whose studio was in thesame building.
In 1S74 it became known as the Lydian
Art Gallery, and became the rallying
point of all who possessed cultured and
esthetic tastes.
"Mrs. Cadwell held frequent recep
tions at the art gallery, 'sometimes
gathering as many as 1.000 persons on
these occasions, and invariably enter
taining every visitor of note who came
to the city. Incipient artists without
number there got their inspiration,
and many who needed help in, their
upward struggle received substantial
aid and encouragement from Mrs. Cad
well and her friends.
"Mrs. Cadwell made a tour in Eu
rope extending over several months.
It was upon her return voyage on
board the Servia she wrote the poem
known as The Death of the Flowers,
referring to a beautiful boquet pre
sented her just at the moment of start
ing and which she consigned to the
waters a few days later when they be
gan to fade. This poem was much ad
mired by the great songstress, Adelina
Patti, who was on board, lime. Fat
ti's request for a copy of the verses
brought out another literary effort
the Tribute to Patti which'was pub
lished at the time for private circula
tion, but received a more extended
publicity by newspaper enterprise.
"While traveling soon after her re
turn to America Mrs. Cadwell met the
accident which deprived her of her
hearing, and which has now, after so
many years, caused her death. While
suffering helplessly and unable to re
sume her old occupations, 6be turned
her attention to scientific studies, and
soon became deeply interested in me
chanics, heat and light. After a time
her inventive talents asserted them
selves and she patented a grain-drying
machine, which was put into practical
ise. Soon after an attempt was made
-to 'freeze' the inventcr out of the cor
poration formed to work the patent,
lut the conspirator found she was
iilive to their intentions, and had se-
-cured, with the aid of some friends, a
controlling interest in the capital
"She also invented an iron paving
"A stone resembling a brown mar
ble, but which analysis proved to be
free from lime and carbon, was dis
covered in Grant county, New Mexico.
.Mrs. Cadwell took a lively interest in
this discovery, and having, on investi
gation, become persuaded it possessed
valuable qualities which made it su
perior to the best-veined marbles for
many purposes, purchased the entire
mountain of which the deposit con
sisted. The stone she called 'Bicolite'
meaning 'rich stone' and her ex
hibit of its possibilities was a notable
feature of the World's fair.
-Her surviving relatives are her
brothers, Giles S. Doiy, Sr.. Chicago;
Chauncey Doty. IMattsmouth, Neb.;
Harry II. Doty, London, England ; O.
M. Doty, Houston. Tex ; Charles J.
Doty, CliBtonville, Wis.; and her sis
ters, Mrs. Sarah Clinton. Chicago;
Mrs. F. M. Guernsey, Clintonville,
Wis., and Mrs. Hattie A. Rice of
Washington, D. C."
lie Didn't Get the Jewelry.
Sheriff Holloway went up to Lincoln
Friday afternoon, expecting to re
cover several gold watches which were
stolen by Frank Douglas out at Eagle
the other night. Douglas agreed to
tell the sheriff where he could get ihe
watches, providing the latter would
"stick in a good word' for bim to the
officers. The jewelry evidently was
not located, judging by the following
from the Lincoln Journal this morn
ing: "Sheriff Holloway or Cass county
came to Lincoln last night to look up
some of the booty stolen by Douglas
or Jessie Franklin at Eagle last week.
Part of the goods were restored to the
Lincoln authorities by Douglas, but he
kept out three watches. He offered to
return them and entera plea of guilty
fie told th sheriff where to find tiie
missing property in Lincoln, but the
officer was uuable to locate it last
More Stolen Harness Identified.
Messrs. Ransom Cole and Oscar
Gapen, who weut down to Kansas
Oity the other day to endeavor to lo
cate some of the harness stolen from
their places recently, returned home
last Saturday. Mr. Gapen identified
a collar which belonged to him, and
brought it home. The man from whom
he obtained the collar said that it had
been shipped in the same box with
Elam Parmele's harness. Mr. Cole
was unable to identify any of his har
ness, but is certain, from descriptions
ue had, that some of Mr. Livingston's
harness is down there, and the latter
gentleman will probably recover at
least part of his property.
Improvement at the Court House.
A couple of weeks ago Attorney
Travis circulated a petition among the
members of the Cass county bar and
various court officials, which was
signed by every one, asking the com
missioners to remove the railing in the
district court room back about six feet,
and the prayers of the petitioners has
been granted. The work is now being
done, and when completed a "long-felt
want" will have been filled. The
space occupied by the attorneys and
witnesses has been entirely too limited
and the additional six feet of room, af
forded by moving the railing back that
length, is highly appreciated by the
members of the bar in general.
Masquerade Hall at South Bend.
A special to the Bee from South
Bend says: "Last night at Dill's hall
in this city occurred the first mas
querade ball of the season, which was
given in connection with a cake walk.
Samuel Patterson, assisted by Miss
Pheme Bobbins of Plattsmouth, tak
ing the cake. The affair was given by
the local Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica camp and was very largely at
tended in spite of the inclement
An exchange truthfully asks the
question, did you ever think that your
home paper is the most valuable paper
you can take, even though it may be
the most insignificant paper to the out
side world, yet for you it holds your
history in detail, for it tells of the
events that most nearly concern you.
It tells of the births, baptisms, mar
riages and deaths. It tells when you
were sick, where you visited, and a
thousand and one things that interest
you directly. The historical societies
prize the local papers as among their
most valuable acquisitions. And yet
there are persons who will spend many
dollars for luxurious and useless
things who aay they can not afford to
take their home paper.
Leave your orders for job work with
TnK Joubxal, an artistic job guaranteed.
Attorney Gering Wins An Import
ant Damage Suit.
lleportcd That Governor Holcomb Will
Release the Pugilist. Conditionally
That lie Ketires from the
King Other Notes.
ludgment tor the Full Amount.
Readers of TriE Journal, are fa
miliar with the details of the damage
suit brought by Gid Archer about four
years ago against the Rock Island rail
road to recover $1,500 for injuries re
ceived by Archer, occasioned by fall
ing into an excavation made by the
railroad in Snrpy county. Attorney
Matthew Gering, who appeared for the
plaintiff, obtained a judgment against
the company, in the lower courts, and
the case was appealed to the supreme
court. Pending the hearing of the
matter in the higher courts, the rail
road company sent Vic McCarty, the
notorious outlaw, to Archer with a
compromise offer. Vic proceeded to
get Archer "pretty well oiled." and
then offered him $200 to settle his
claim against the railroad. The
proposition was accepted by Archer,
and when Attorney Gering learned of
the facts he emphatically refused to
consider the case settled, and vigor
ously pushed his case.
Last Thursday the supreme court
rendered an opinion in the case, giv
ing Mr. Gering a judgment for the
full amount sued for $1,500 with
interest, which will make the judg
ment amount to something like $2,000.
The railroad company will now be
compelled to pay over to Mr. Gering
this neat little sum of money, without
further parley.
May Secure a Fartlon.
Last Saturday's World-Ilerald has
the following to say anent the petition
for the pardon of Jimmy Lindsay, re-,
cently presented to the governor:
"In response to the petition pre
sented Governor Holcomb several days
ago. requesting him to pardon Jimnry
Lindsay, who was sentenced to the
penitentiary on a conviction of man
slaughter, it is stated that the gover
nor will grant the pardon on the condi
tion that Lindsay will give his promise
not to enter the prize ring again.
"Lindsay was engaged with Fletcher
Bobbins in a prize fight at Plattsmouth
last spring, the fight resulting in Bob
bins receiving injuries which caused
his death. Lindsay was arrested for
murder, but was convicted of the
lighter crime, manslaughter.
"Lindsay has frequently expressed
himself as having had enough of prize
fighting, and it is anticipated that
there will be no hesitancy In his prom
ising not to again engage in fisticuffs
as a professional, conditioned upon
his release from the penitentiary."
Auburn Gets the Parsonage.
Recently the Methodists of this,
the Nebraska City, district decided to
erect a parsonage for the presiding
elder at that point in the district
where the most financial encourage
ment could be obtained for the secur
ing of the building. Committeemen
held the deciding session in Tecumseh
Wednesday. Auburn was chosen as
the point for the location of the new
parsonage and a $2,500 building will be
erected there at once, which, upon its
completion, will be occupied by Bev.
Peter Van Fleet and those ministers
who shall succeed him as presiding
elder. Hon. Church Howe gave two
very desirable lots in Auburn for the
site of the new building. Nebraska
City News.
Dislocated His Shoulder.
Chas. Anton, a young man who has
been hauling ice for Patterson &
Kunsman, was the victim of a very
unfortunate and painful accident this
morning. At about 11:30 o'clock he
was coming toward town from out
near the M. P. depot, driving a team,
and in turning a corner, was thrown
out of the wagon, falling upon his left
shoulder. The shoulder bone and up
per part of his arm was badly dislo
cated, and the young man came down
to Dr. Cummins' office, where the in
juries were attended to. Ue will be
uuable to attend to his labors for some
An eastern daily consumes a column
editorially, in explaining that Ben
Harrison's marriage is bis own affair,
and should not be made a topic for
public gossip.
Congratulated By Liucoln Lawyers.
Lincoln lawyers are ready to con
gratulate one of their fellow lawyers.
Matt Gering of Plattsmouth. . They
understand that he is in a position to
claim the judgment of $1,500 in the
case of Gid Archer aerainst the Rock
Island railway, recently affirmed by
the supreme court. This was a per
sonal damage case and the lower
court gave a judgment in favor of
Archer for $1,500, but while an appeal
was pending in the supreme court.
Archer is said to have gone to Omaha
and while there consented to settle
the suit for $200. Mr. Gering had a
lien against the judgment of $700 at-
torney's fees and it is now claimed
j that he had the agreement of Archer
j set aide by paying back the $200. In
i the meantime he secured from Archer
an assignment or the entire judgment,
and now that the supreme court has
afllrmed the finding of the lower court
he will claim the amount. Archer had
a goo$Iitime while the $200 lasted.
Lincoln Journal.
Wedding of Miss Kerney.
The following dispatch in Tues
day's Bee, from Lindsay, Neb., will be
a genuine surprise to most people
here: "George Billups started yester
day tor Plattsmouth, where he is to be
'married Tuesday to Miss F. Berenice
Kerney. Mr. Billups has been favora-
! bly'kuown in this vicinity since before
the town started and for several years
has been manager of the Nye & Schnei
der Co's grain and lumber business at
this point. Miss Kerney is an estima
ble and accomplished lady, being or
ganizer for the Women's Christian
Temperance Union and state superin
tendent of the L. T. L."
Miss Kerney has been a resident of
Plattsmouth for many years, and has
a bust of friends who will vifh herself
and husband every success, as does
Tiik Journal. The ceremony oc
curred Tuesday afternoon. Bev. Baird
The Gun Waft Loaded.
A dispatch from Auburn, in this
morning's World-Herald, says: "A
four-year-old child was killed near
here today by a playmate, as there
suit of using a loaded rifle as a toy.
J Jhn Kernell and his family were vis
iting at the house of John Beed. a
, ttifr'bbor, jig Kernel was helping him
widi some work. Beed s nice-year-
old sou picked up a rifle and was show
ing off before his little visitor, when
others of the family discovered him in
the act of pointing the gun at the
child. An attempt was made to take
the deadly weapon from the bands of
the lad, but he was too quick, and be
fore anyone could reach him he bad
pulled the trigger and his companion
was lying dead at his feet."
The Delegates Return.
The Plattsmouth delegation to the
State Voluntary Fireman's conven
tion at Grand Island returned home
at noon Friday. The boys all report a
"hot" time, and speak well of the
hospitable treatment accorded them
by the Grand Island people. Neither
money nor time was spared to make
the affair a success in every detail.
The next annual convention will be
held at Columbus.
Before .Justice Archer.
D. K. Barr vs. Henry Thomas is the
title of a case filed today. Plaintiff
asks for judgment for $55 for the rent
of a farm out near Alvo.
Constable Deuson recently attached
a team belonging to Phillip Thierolf,a
farmer, to satisfy a debt of $120 due
Geo. Meisinger. Mrs. Thierolf has re
plevined the team, claiming it to be
exempt from attachment, and the mat
ter will be argued tomorrow.
Will Push Their Case.
The depositors in the defunct Citi
zens' bank held a meeting in the office
of D. O. Dwyer last Saturday after
noon. Nearly all the depositors were
present and a committee of three was
appointed to procure legal services to
push their case at the coming term of
district court.
A few years ago Sousa's entire in
come was the $1,00 a year he received
as the manager of the United States
Marine band. Last year his royalties
on his marches amounted to $25,000.
Mr. Sousa is a native of Washington,
where he has lived most of bis life,
and he is forty years of age. His
father was a musician before him, and
! his first appearance in public as a
performer was made when he was ten
years old.
According to a recent census taken
I at Havelock, that enterprising young
j town has a population of 1,036, and is
! now a city of the second class.
i :
j Subscribe for the Weekly Jocr
j xal $1 per year, if paid in advance.
The County Court Room Crowded
Last Evening.
The Ileet Sugar Question in Thoroughly
Discussed President Windham
Makes Some Pointed Remarks
Other Happenings.
The Itoard of Trails Meeting.
As announced in the city press the,
Plattsmouth Board of Trade held its
annual meeting last evening in the
county court room, and at eight o'clock
every available seat was taken, show
conclusively that the citizens have the
best interests of the city at heart.
President Windhamcalled the meet
ing to order and, after stating the ob
ject thereof, read his annual address,
which was full of wisdom. He briefly
reviewed the events of the past year,
and said that, notwithstanding the de
pression in trade circles everywhere,
Plattsmouth had withstood the trying
ordeal remarkably well, and was today
in as good,if not a better,Cuancial con
dition than any other city in the slate,
Omaha and Lincoln not excepted. He
believed a better time was coming,
and urged the business men to cease
grumbling and complaining so much
about hard times, and have more con
fidence in the future. "Nothing,"
said he, "tends more to discourage
business than by constantly harping
about trade going to Omaha. In
Omaha Monday is recognized as 'sales
day' and the business men of that
place make extra inducements on
that day to secure a big out-of-town
trade. They advertise their bargains
extensively in the newspapers, and
the result is well known. Now, why
don't the busines3 men of Plattsmouth
establish a 'sales day,' advertise the
same judiciously, and keep that trade
at home? There is no question in my
mind but that it could be done, and
profitably, too. If the business men
of this city will make a united effort,
they can force the wholesalers to sell
goods to them as cheap as to Omaha
merchants." Mr. Windham also
talked about the adaptability of the
soil of this section for raising sugar
beets, and asked that the delegates to
the sugar beet convention at Fremont
next month learn all that wa3 possible
about the industry.
Mayor Newell spoke at some length
on the sugar beet industry, and was
followed by Henry Boeck, S. M. Chap
man, C. W. Sherman, and others.
Secretary Gering then read a letter
from F. G. Bauman, of Sutherland,
la., asking what inducements the city
would make to secure a first-class col
lege, as he was desirous of locating in
this section. The secretary was in
structed to write to the gentleman for
a more definite proposition, and the
report will be read at the next meeting
of the board of trade.
The government postoffice building
question was discussed by Judge Chap
man, C. W. Sherman and others. The
matter was brought up by the offering
of a resolution of thanks to Congress
man Strode for introducing a bill for a
postoffice building, which was passed
unanimously. Pending this Mr. Sher
man presented facts tending to show
that before such a building could be
hoped for the revenues of the office
must be increased first to an amount
that would warrant the putting in of
the free delivery system, the result of
which was certain to increase the rev
enues of the office enough to pave the
way to the passage of the postoffice
building bill. Methods of increasing
the revenues of the office were talked
of, and it was shown that the project
was altogether within the range of
possibility for the town to make suc
cessful. Peter Cochran, a member of the
South Omaha Board of Trade, was
present and made a few remarks con
cerning the postoffice building. Mr.
Cochran was postmaster at South
Omaha for four years, and he heartily
endorsed the remarks made by Messrs.
Chapman and Sherman.
It is a notable fact, says the Bee,
that the geese have not left the Platte
valley this winter. They have lin
gered near Clarks and Fremont, and
on further out near Brady Island, all
through December and the present
month, and are to be found in un
usual numbers yet today along the
Platte near the mouth of the Elkhorn.
At St. Luke's church there will be
Advent services and lecture every Fri
day evening at half past seven.
Death of Grandma Meisinger.
Grandma Elizabeth Meisinger, wife
of Geo. Meisinger, died at her home,
about eight miles west of Plattsmouth,
last Saturday evening, of old age.
Deceased wa3 born about eighty
three years ago in Germany, and came
to this country in 1S4G, settling near
Pekin, Ills. The family removed to
Cass county in 1872, since which time
they have continually resided here.
The Meisinger family is among the
best known and most respected in the
county, and the seven sturdy sons are
all hard-working and industrious men.
A daughter resides in Illinois. Grand
ma Meisinger was especially esteemed
for her many kindly qualities, and her
demise will be sincerely regretted by a
large circle of friends.
The funeral occurred Monday after
noon from the family residence, Bev.
Spriegel officiating, interment being
made in the Walradt cemetery. A
large number of relatives and friends
from this city went out this Monday
morning to attend the funeral.
GUI Enough to Know.
A young Swedish woman of this
city was making a diligent search for
Marshal Dunn Sunday morning. It
is reported that the girl is in a rather
embarrassing situation, and that the
cause of it is a well-known young man
of her own nationality, who, when he
discovered her predicament, quietly
folded up his tent and decamped. He
is now said to be- in Chicago. The
girl wanted the marshal to cause the
young man's arrest. She is said to be
twenty-seven years of age.
Waived Examination.
Frank Douglas, the young man who
was arrested in Lincoln, charged with
burglarizing the store of the S. S.
English company at Eagle on the
night of the ISth inst., was arraigned
in J ustice Archer's court Friday morn
ing. After the county attorney had
read the complaint the prisoner
waived examination and was held to
the district court under $500 bonds.
Being unable to furnish the requisite
bond, he was committed to the Cass
county jail, pending his trial.
Astault Case Continued.
Quite a delegation of Nehawkans
came up on the M. P. at noon Friday,
the drawing card being the case
wherein Constable Strong is charged
with assaulting Justice Smith. It was
expected that a lively time would en
sue in JusticeArcher's court Friday af
ternoon, but it is quite evident that
the principals in tho affray want to
"kiss and make up." At the request
of the defendant, the case was con
tinued until the 24th of February.
A prominent republican of this
county inquired of me Saturday the
name of the congressman from the
first district of Nebraska. I told him
I didn't know. He said the teacher in
his district had asked the pupils to
answer thatquestion by a certain time.
The children didn't know ; they asked
their parents and they could not name
the man. One of the parents asked
the editor and he was as ignorant on
that subject as the infant class. The
editor asked two leading republicans
the same important question, and they
said they guessed the district was not
represented. The teacher referred to
is a subscriber to this paper, and I
want to warn him not to ask any more
obscure questions about obscure men.
Ask them some day who was the con
gressman from the first district from
1S91 to 1695, and every little hand will
go up and every little voice will sing
out, " William J. Bryan ! " Will some
well-posted republican newspaper tell
that school the name of the congress
man from the first district, or, if there
is no congressman, tell them who
draws the pay. Central City Demo
crat. Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sincere ap
preciation for the many deeds of kind
ness and sympathy extended to us
during the illness and death of our be
loved taby, Clara. May your homes
never be darkened as our's has been.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White.
The Nebraska newspaper men begin
their annual meet in Lincoln today,
which is to wind up with a big "eat"
at the Lincoln hotel tomorrow eve
ning, the brethren at Lincoln assum
ing that they know how to entertain.
It will no doubt be a pleasant gather
ing of newspapermen.
The plans for the new Methodist
church at Norfolk have been com
pleted and work on the structure will
be at once resumed.
Farm loans made at lowest rates.
T. II. Pollock, over First Nat'l Bank.