Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, December 12, 1895, Image 6

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' 1 ' ' ' '
r Kevixal meetings of great interest
are oeing conauctea in ids weiuuuist
cbureh at Ashland.
Benjamin Gbissom of Fairbury has
lost his reason, and will have to be
confined in the hospital. ... -
Farmer of Fremont and vicinity
are about to form an organization for
protection from thieves.
F. H. Pkavev & Co. are building a
ir,ooO bushel grain storage house as an
addition to their elevator at Wakefield.
IU.ei' snow in Banner county caused
the death of numerous jack rabbits
that were cauyht out away from home.
The tirst meeting of the Northeast
ern N'ei'ra ska. Horticultural society will
It- held at JSchuyler February 4 and 5.
Ci.eeuvmex in various parts of the
state have been paying their respects
to t'oL lnpersoll since his recent lec
tures in this state.
Tuiioi GU an entertainment given at
latrice bv the Charity minstrels or
ganization, was turned over to
lif charitable association.
The following shows the mortgage
record for October in Cass county: Farm
promrty, filed. S3.",100; released, $23,
ulO:" city property filed, S13.293; re-It-a-ed.
Mifci. J. I Harmon of West Point,
the woman so badly burned by the ex
plosion of a lamp, died from her inju
ries. She leaves a daughter 15 months
cd. and a husband.
A reihxtiox in the working day,
changing it to eight hours, has been
carried out by the Burlington in its
s-hops at Havelock, Plattsmouth, Ilol
dregeand McCook.
Lemoin Young, a farm hand working
near Elk Creek, claims the champion
ship for corn husking. His record is
nitety-five bushels and thirty pounds,
husked in six hours.
Mii. Doodt of Platte Center stood on
the hub of a wagon talking to a friend.
The team started, he lost his balance
snd fell heavily to the ground, dis
locating a shoulder.
Mrs. Sersuon, a woman who has
lt?en an inmate of the JSaline county
poor house for sixteen years, recently
rt-veived back pension, and an
award of S per month as long as she
Valley county's'mortgage indebted
tes for the month of November is as
follows: Ten farm mortgages filed,
J3,T'.C; fifteen released, 85.300; city
mortgages filed, six, $1,S23; eighty
fight chattel mortgages filed, S12.484;
nfty-one released, 6,430. oflicers and United States
deputy marshals seized an illicit still
n the premises of Albert Placity, a
liohemian, in the east part of Wilber.
The apparatus was well constructed
for whisky distilling, but had evidently
been in use only a short time. The ap
paratus was taken to Omaha and Plac
ity was placed under arrest.
Deputy United States Marshal
LuriARD of Kushville arrested Ste
phen McCaulley, living near the reser
vation, about ten miles north of Gor
don, on the charge of stealing a bull
belonging to an Indian. -McCaulley
was arrested on a charge of cattle
stealing last spring, but got off with a
thirty days sentence in the county
.1 man named Alderman, working for
W. A. Gardner, a farmer living three
miles north of Auburn, came to town
with a load of hogs, cashed the check
received therefor and also a S5 check
wnich his employer had given him, and
then skipped for parts unknown. He
eaves a wife and child and his sudden
departure is supposed to be due to too
n:uch whisky.
Afier a protracted session lasting
until nearly midnight, the State Board
of Public Lands and Buildings adopted
a resolution removing J. D. McKelvey
as superintendent of the State Indus School for Girls at Geneva, and
appointing in his place Rev. J. W. Sea
brook. W. Ol Paine of Long Pine was
appointed to succeed Chris Jenson, and
Mrs. Bonne of Milford, matron, in the
I lace of Mrs. J. D. McKelvy.
The safe of Perry & Barton, who
run livery and feed stable at Wahoo,
was opened and S50 taken from the
money drawer. Nothing was made
know n to the public at the time, as
local parties were suspected. The
services of a private detective were
j-ecured. The detective got one of the
-upects to drive him to Weston, where
he got him intoxicated, and while re
turning the detective alleges that he
f-Ltained a confession from the young
The commissioners of insanity of
.'toe county examined Robert G.
Brownlee, a farmer who resides near
the village of Douglass, and found him
i be demented. The man some rears
ao turned all his property into money
and squandered it by traveling aim
lessly around, rnakinjr a trip to Europe
and returning immediately, going clear
cross the country to California. He
claims now that the government owes
him SG0.OCO,0O0, which he will receive
in a few years.
Fred H. Meix her. West Point, deal
er in agricultural implements, has made
an assignment. Melcher is city treas
urer, and was recently elected to the
oK'ce of clerk of the district court on
the democratic ticket by a large ma
jority. He has been a resident of Cum
ing county for neariy thirty years and
is hiqrhly respected. His failure was
caused by inability to make collections,
his business of agricultural implement
dealer being largely conducted on cred
it lines.
Miss Bessie Sexton, one of Pierce's
jepular and winsome young ladies, is
missing from the parental domicile,
siiid likewise Ed Sheldon has decamped
for parts unknown. Both these parties
were considerably infatuated, and that
the two have eloped to become hus
band wife is the prevailing impression.
Mrs. Meeritt Pratt of Bloomfieid
became suddenly insane, and has since
reasoned in a practically demented
D ivwx county people are signing a
r-etitiou urging Governor Hoicomb to
r-t,k .-v,0 rfpath sentence hanging
commu - A , . .
T 1J Walker to imprisonment for
CanvanslnC the State Vote.)T"
lNfiA'a ronnVv. in the Four-
teenth judicial district. It is consid-
' Vd likeV that there will by two Bets
of certificates returned from this coun
ty; one in faver of Welty and the other
for Norris. Then there will be a de
cision by the state canvassers, followed
bv a contest in the supreme court The
vote on supreme judge is as follows:
, Norval. republican .. lS,1I6
Maxwell, people's Independent 70,5. S
. ahoney, democrat 18,638
! Phelps, democrat .... ..10.214
Woltenberger. prohibitionist 4,344
Norval's plurality 8,57s
Vote on regents of the State univers
Goold. republican 81,818
Morrill, republican S0,9l
Ames, democrat : .....24,131
Ashbv. democrat 17,81
Blackburn, democrat 10.(2
Kittle, democrat :
Bayston, people's independent 53.2fi"
Peattie, people's indepenaent 53.3 7
Bryant, prohibitionist 6.94S
Wood by, prohibitionist.... G,'V.h
With the exception of the Fourteenth
judicial district, the following is the re
port of the board of canvassers on the
result of the judicial election:
Firt district:
Lctton. republican 10,314
Stull, republican
Hush, people's independent $.2M
Fallon, people's independent
Ramsey, people's independent 4,.T4?
Chapman, republican 4,0.1
('Ornish, republican 5,:i4)
1 1 ii II. republican 5.776
Holmes, republican 5,70
Sibbetts, democrat 3,:;d:
Rose, people's Independent ,!tti
KcNei ny, people's independent 1,771
Geisttiardt. democrat l,l-)
Collins, democrat 8ss
Mack. Drohibitionist rlt
Bittenbender, prohibitionist 54
Baker, republican l'X'.Ci
Dickinson, republican 1J.01S
Fawcctt. republican i:i.(K'4
Powell, republican 1UUU
Scott, republican i:i.fts.
Slabaugh. republican l.'J.20ti
Duffie, citizens-dem-pop 12,772
Ferguson, citizens-dem-pop 12.C14
Hopewell. ci?izens-dem-pop l'Z'-i
Keysorton all tickets) 20,5m
Majiney, citizens-dem-pop 10.x 2
Re ddick, citizens-dem-pop II, I5"
Wakeley, citizens-dem-pop. 12,075
Sedgwick, republican 6,0(C
Kellogjr, republican 4,HK'
Hates, people's independent
Wheeler, people's independent 4.2'.
Cain, democrat 2,1 1
Marshall, republican 5.V7
Patterson, republican 4,2!)7
Sullivan, democrat.. 5,14
11 ailenback, democrat 4, i'.M
Ewins, people's independent 3,24:i
Bastings, people's independent 7.05KI
Searle, republican 6,2:j"
Evans, republican 4,5m
Crawford, democrat 4.4'i
Rose, people's independent I,bl7
Robinson, democrat
Robertson, republican 5,114
Beall, people's independent 7,li
McNeny. republican 5,41ti
Thompson, democrat 464
Stoddard, petition ItM
Thompson, people's Independent 5,0 7
Kendall, republican ft, 445
Doyle, people's independent 5,r.t2
Pierce, republican 4,41 ;
Green, people's independent 5,'XH
Sinclair, republican 4,914
Grimes, republican
Neville, people's Independent z,s5J
Westover, people's independent 4,s2
Bartow, republican 4.X14
Golden, people's independent 4.761
Kincald, republican ft,92l
Following is the footing of the Four
teenth district, minus the vote of Fur
nas county:
Welty 3,72.1
Norris 3.2.17
Barngrover 32"'
Report of Relief Commission.
L. P. Ludden, secretary of the State
Relief commission, has delivered the
first installment of the bound copies of
the final report of the commission. The
names of twenty-four employes of
the commission, headed by W. 11
Jones, appear in the front part of the
report. From an examination of the
total cash exhibit it .appears that the
office expenses amounted to $8,449.82.
The cash donations from private
sources foot up 23.999.38. Of this sum.
$6,573.11 was spent for transportation.
The cash appropriation by the state
legislature was SoO.OOO. Of this S23,
603.56, or nearly one-half, was expend
ed in transportation. In addition to
this $4,327.57 was paid for freight from
eastern cities. Of the cash donations
$148.87 remains on hand, and $878.53
remains of the legislative appropria
tion! The cost of printing the report
is $600, or $594 with discount on war
rant. Of the cash donations $2,299.79
was paid for freight outside the state.
Other printing bills figure $675.50, and
traveling expenses $514.77. Recapitu
lection: Received from state and other
sources $ 77,742.03
Paid for provisions, coal and cloth
ing 52.254.40
Taid for transportation, office ex
penses, printing and traveling ex
penses 4G,4tiX C2
Balance in cash on hand to make
up total 1,(27.40
The report also contains a full de
tailed statement of the disposition of
the $200,000 appropriation for counties
by house roll No. 525.
Mercer Starts Ills Mill.
Washington dispatch: Congressman
Mercer has introduced the following
bills: To authorize the location of a
branch home for volunteer disabled
soldiers and sailors at or near the city
of Blair, Neb., and for other purposes;
to establish a branch mint of the United
States at Omaha, in the state of Ne
braska; to increase the: appropriation
for the purchase of a sight and the
erection of a building at Omaha (this
bill contemplates an increase of $2,000,
000); to establish an assay office in the
city of Omaha; to amend sections 14
and 145. and repeal sections 143 and
144 of the revised statutes of the United
States relating to presidenteal elec
tions; authorizing the pay of officers of
customs performing duty after the ex
piration of their terms; to provide for
the continuance in office of custon offi
cers and assistant treasurers tintil suc
cessors shall have been appointed and
A Minaoari Poisoner Most Die.
Jeffersox Citt, Mo., Dec 4. In the
supreme court to-day Emil David, of
Osage county, who poisoned his sis
ters' intended in January, 1894, was
sentenced to be hanged January 16,
1896. Frank Woodward, of Jackson
county, who was under a sentence of
five years in the penitentiary for rob
bery, will have a new trial."
B. alf a Million Gold for South America
New York, Dec. 4. Half a million
dollars in gold were engaged to-day
for export to-morrow to . South
abase of the F System Tet Too Early
to Pass Judgment on the New System
f Courts In the Indian Territory
Prompt Action Urged In the Pacific
Railroad Cases The Debs Decision Im
portant. The Attorney General's Report., Deo. 7. Attorney Gen
eral Harmon, in his annual report to
Congress, shows that the number of
criminal cases pending in the Federal
courts July 1, 1S95, was 12,405, an in
crease in two years of more than
3,000, though in 1895 25,949 cases were
disposed of, as compared with 21,744
in 1894. The convictions during the
year are shown to have been 60 per
cent of the- whole number, and in
Government civil cases the percentage
of judgments in favor of the United
States was 62, as compared with 49 in
I694, and 47 in 1693. The expenses of
the Federal courts have steadily in
creased from $3,864,898 in 1888 to
$5,628,223 in 1895. This is accounted
for in part by the fact that since 1885,
the number of places for holding Fed
eral courts has increased from 180 to
The Attorney General says it is yet
too soon to fairly pass, judgment on
the new system of courts for the In
dian territory, it having been in oper
ation only since last March, but he
calls attention to the fact that next
September the jurisdiction of ' the
courts of the Eastern district of Texas
and the Western district of Arkansas
over the Indian Territory will entirely
cease, and a large measure of business
in the courts of the Territory will
necessarily result. For this reason he
recommends that immediate appro
priations be made for building at least
one sufficient jail in each of the three
The Attorney General calls special
attention to the fee system in federal
courts and says that excessive and il
legal charges can in some measure be
avoided by watchfulness and laborious
investigation, but arrests and prosecu
tions on frivolous charges and flimsy
proof, to which part of the increasing
expenses of the federal courts are due,
cannot be prevented by the Depart
ment of Justice. This can be accom
plished only by abolishing the sys
tem which, by making the fees of com
missioners, marshals, clerks and attor
neys the source of their compensation,
presents a constant inducement to
unnecessary arrests and litigation
and annoyance and loss of time on
those involved, as parties or witnesses,
and indirectly works both material
and moral injury to the public Be
sides, a class of professional witnesses
and informers grows up in many sec
tions, to the scandal of the adminis
tration of justice. There is now no
limit to the number of commissioners
which the courts may appoint, and
suggests that the number be limited
by law. Upon the abolition of the fee
system, he says, the number might be
largely reduced, and many advantages
would be gained by giving them final
jurisdiction of petty offenses.
The Attorney General calls atten
tion to the fact that too much of the
time of the supreme court is occupied
by criminal appeals, and suggests that
6uch appeals be disallowed, save in
capital cases, by amending the act of
March 3, 1891, so as to omit the men
tion of i4other infamous' crimes. This
would operate to give the circuit
courts of appeal jurisdiction which
would be final of all criminal cases
other than capital, subject, however,
to review by the supreme court in its
discretion by writ of certiorari.
Prompt action is urged toward work
ing out the solution of the problem
presented by the government's rela
tion to the Central and Union Pacific
railways, and, as it may be necessary
or advisable for the government to in
stitute proceedings against one or
both of these companies, he shows the
necessity of a law giving some ourt
in the District of Columbia jurisdic
tion of the entire property and all of
the properties in interest. He urges
the imperative demand for the erec
tion of at least one penitentiary in a
Southern State for the confinement of
convicts from the Southern districts.
The Attorney General speaks briefly
of the.decision of the Supreme court
in the Debs contempt case and says
that the principles established by the
opinion -are of the highest value and
importance. The jurisdiction of the
courts to issue and enforce injunctions
against interference with interstate
commerce and the passage of mails
was fully maintained, and it was held
that the action of the courts in such
cases was not open to review on habeas
Large and Representative Convention at
Shawnee, Okla.
Oklahoma City, Okla., Dec 7. A
very large and representative delegate
convention was held at Shawnee yes
terday in the interest of Statehood.
Every county in the territory was rep
resented by its best and most promi
nent citizens, and the proceedings
were very harmonious.
The following resolution was adopt
ed by a two-thirds majority:
'Resolved, That the people of Okla
homa territory, without distinction of
party, assembled in delegate conven
tion at Shawnee, on the 5th of Decem
ber, 1895, for the purpose of consider
ing the Statehood question, earnestly
urge upon the Congress of the United
States at its present session to pass an
enabling act providing for the admis
sion of Oklahoma as a State with such
boundaries as in the wisdom, of Con
gress will best subserve the cause of
good government."
lie Is Fightlnr for Cuba.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 7. The mys
tery surrounding the disappearance
November 18 of Captain ltosser Roemer,
who was in command of the famous
Busch Zouaves,'has been solved, lie
is now in Cuba at the head of a band
of 200 Americans, fighting for Cuban
independence, and with him is Ser
geant Frank llilligans, also a member
of the zouaves.
The World's Nitrate Trust Falls.
Valparaiso, Dec. 7. The proposed
n Strata svndicate to control the
j world's trade and limit the output has
Then the Honse Proceeds to Adjourn Till
f -
. Washington, Dec 7. When the
house met to-day Messrs. Terry of Ar
kansas and Boatner of Louisiana, be
lated members, were formally sworn
Mr. Baker of New Hampshire asked
unanimous consent for the immediate
consideration of a resolntion calling
on the secretary of agriculture to re
port whether he had expended the
whole or any part of the appropria
tion made by the last congress for the
distribution of farmers' bulletins, but
Mr. McMillin of Tennessee objected.
Mr. Walker of Massachusetts offered
a petition in the form of a resolution
from the naturalized Armenians of the
United States, nine-tenths of whom,
he said, lived in his district, and re
quested that it be printed in the
Record. After reciting the alleged
oppression and outrages of the Turk
ish government, it concluded:
"Resolved, further, That this House,
composed of the immediate representa
tives of the American people, pledge
its support to every measure justified
by international law and a common
humanity to vindicate the rights of
our fellow citizens of their families in
Turkey, and to hinder and prevent, as
far as practicable, the continuance of
the outrages and massacres in that
Mr. Turner of Georgia objected to
printing the petition in the Record,
and it was referred to the committee
on foreign affairs, after which, at
12:30 o'clock the House adjourned
until Monday.
The Oklahoma Delegate Wants Informa
tion About the Wichita Lands Matters.
Washington. Dec 7. Delegate j
Flynn of Oklahoma introduced a reso-
lution in the house to-day requiring .
Secretary Smith to inform the House '
why the allotments of Wichita lands 1
had not been completed and asking as '
well whether any of the Secretary's
relations are among the couusel of
parties in interest. j
Mr. Flynn also introduced his free
homes bill. He introduced also a bill
to open the Indian territory to settle
ment. It provides in substance that
there shall be a compulsory allotment t
of lands, 160 acres to each head of a
family and eighty acres to each child,
that 91 an acre shall be paid for the
remainder of the territory and the land
shall then be thrown open to settle- !
menu He said afterward that he had
received such assurances of support as
seemed to him to make the passage of
the latter bill through the House at
least certain.
The Kansas Delegation's Resolution foi
All Facts Before the- Home.
Washington, Dec 7. Congressman
Miller to-day introduced in the House
a resolution which he prepared in con
formity with the conclusions of the
Kansas-delegation. The preamble is
of the usual form, the President being
requested, if not incompatible with
the public interests, to communicate
all information in regard to the arrest,
trial and imprisonment of Waller.
Then comes: 'And all correspondence
between- Edward Telfair Wetter,
United States consnl at Madagascar,
and Mr. Edward F. Uhl of the Depart
ment of State, and all reports, docu
ments and evidence if in any way
touching said matters in his possession
or in the possession of the State De
partment." The foreign affairs com
mittee, when appointed, will be urged
to the speediest possible action.
Farmers Alliance of Kansas. .
Topeka, Kan., Dec. 7. The annua
convention of the Kansas State Farm
ers' Alliance held here yesterday was
a failure in point of attendance when
compaiea with the meetings in the
early period of the order's existence.
However, a session was held, with
about thirty delegates present. Very
little was done. Mrs. Emma Troud
ner of Carbondale was elected presi
dent to succeed John Willits, and Abe
Smith of Topeka was chosen vice
president. J. B. French, who has been
secretary and treasurer of the Alliance
ever since it was organized, was re
elected. Joel Reece. editor of the
Pratt Union, was elected lecturer.
Resolutions were adopted recommend
ing that members engage in co-operative
enterprises, and that all reform
parties combine for the campaign of
Clever Diplomatic Move.
Washington, Dec 7. Diplomatic
ally considered, the last move of Lord
Salisbury's may be regarded as very
clever, for he can easily find pre
cedents to justify his request that the
British case be considered on its
merits. As this is all new to -this
government, a compliance with
the request would involve
much patient research and com
parison of authorities, maps and sur
veys. This is calculated to consume a
great deal of time and carry the issue
along to a period when perhaps Great
Britain, freed from its present embar
rassing position growing out of the
Turkish complicrtions, will be able to
devote her entire energies to a settle
ment of the Venezuelan question
Historian Lecky a Commoner.
Dublin, Dec 7. William H. F.
Lecky, LL D., D. C L, the historian,
has been elected to the parliamentary
seat for Dublin university to fill the
vacancy caused by the elevation of the
Right Hon. David R. Plunkett (Con
servative) to the peerage. This is
the gain of a seat for the Liberal
Unionists .
Commissioner tSlrd Free.
Topeka, Kan., Dec 7. State Laboi
Commissioner W. G. Bird, oharged
with extortion In office, was acquitted
by a jury to-day after a trial of two
days. The jury was out an hour and
a half.
Five Unman Skeletons.
Topeka, Kan., Dec 7. Five human
skeletons were found behind an old
cellar wall five miles east of Lamed
yesterday. Early settlers say the
skeletons are undoubtedly the remains
of a party of land hunters, who were
passing through the country fifteen
years ago.
Senator Allen of Nebraska Makes His
Flsst Speech He Wants Recognition of
the Revolutionists The President
Pledged Support of the senate In Any
Action He May Take for Safety of
Americans In Turkey.
Doings In the Senate.
Washington, Dec 5. The first move
In the Delaware contest was made in
the senate to-day when Mr. Mitchell
of Oregon presented a letter and ac
companying records to the senate from
H. A. Dupont, claiming the right to
be admitted. Mr. Gray moved that
the privileges of the floor be given to
his Republican quasi-colleague pend
ing the determination of his case, and
Mr. Dupont was brought in and intro
duced. Mr. Chandler of New Hampshire
presented a mass of petitions alleging
election frauds in Alabama and claim
ing the election as governor of Reuben
F. Kolb.
Several petitions for the recognition
of the Cuban insurgents were offered
and Mr. Squire of Washington, in in
troducing a bill for fortifications of
Atlantic, Pacific and lake ports, said:
"We are talking as though we had a
chip on our shoulders, and go aloDgin
blissful ignorance and inaction as to
the unfortified condition of our ports.'
Mr. Hoar offered the following:
"Resolved, That the Senate will
support the president in the most vig
orous action he may deem fit to take
for the protection and security of
American citizens in Turkey and to
obtain redress for injuries committed
upon such citizens there.
"Resolved, That the President be
desired to make known to the Govern
ment of Turkey the strong feeling of
regret and indignation with which the
people of America have heard of the
injuries inflicted upon persons of the
Christian faith in Turkey, and that
the American people cannot be ex
pected to view with indifference any
repetition or continuance of such
The resolution went to the commit
tee on foreign relations, while another
from Mr. Hoar, requesting informa
tion from the President as to the cor
respondence with Turkey was passed.
The Allen resolution yesterday, de
fining the foreign policy, was taken
up and Mr. Allen urged the recog
nition of the revolutionists and the
annexation of Cuba. He declared
that the foreign policy of the United
States had been a byword for the past
twenty-five years. He specified the
inaction in the cases of Mrs. Maybrick
and ex-Consul Waller. He strongly
urged the reassertion of the Monroe
doctrine, so broadened as to secure
the ultimate withdrawal of mon
archical dependencies from this con
tinent. The Senate, after a ten minutes ex
ecutive session, adjourned.
The Iowa
Itenattllcan Committee Take
Des Moines, Iowa., Dec 5. Politi
cians and others have been trying for
a year or more to make United States
Senator William B. Allison consent to
be an open candidate for the Presi
dentfal nomination, but he has held
them off. Last night the Republican
State central committee took the mat
ter up of its own accord and made the
official announcement of his candidacy.
The conference was attended by all
but one of the eleven members of the
state committee, and many other
prominent Republicans, among them
General F. M. Drake, Governor-elect,
and several members of the legislature.
It is generally agreed that the Re
publican State convention to send del
egates to the National convention will
be held in Des Moines about the mid
ile of March, but the committee did
not decide upon the date.
H. G. McMillan of Rock Rapids,
?hairman of the Republican State
committee, will open headquarters in
this city and will make it the center
of the Allison campaign, which is now
to be pushed with all the vigor and
which the politicians of Iowa and
other states favorable to Allison are
ibleto put into it.
A. P. A. In Massachusetts.
Boston, Dec. 5. New city govern
ments were chosen in nineteen of the
thirty-one cities of the state yesterday,
and in three-quarters of them there
was practically no enthusiasm what
ever. In many places party lines were
not drawn, and in Springfield, Somer
ville, Gloucester, Brockton and other
cities, the battle was fought on the
A. P. A. issue. The contest in Spring
field was one of the warmest in the
history of the city and resulted in the
overthrow of the candidates indorsed
by the A. P. A. In Somerville, where
the organization has had control, its
candidate for mayor was defeated.
They, however, retained control of the
board of aldermen. The secret organ
ization was triumphant in Gloucester
and Brockton.
Populist Senators Independent.
Washington. Dec 6. The Populist
members of the Senate at a secret
meeting yesterday decided, to stand
together against both old parties.
Messrs. Peffer, Allen, Kyle, Butler,
Jones of Nevada and Stewart were
present and there was no dissent
against the proposition. It was also
decided to nominate candidates for the
varions offices In case the other par
ties should do so.
The Chief Justice Sick.
Washington, Dec 5. Chief Justice
Fuller of the United States supreme
court is confined to his bed by a severe
cold, and this morning Dr. Johnston
was 6ent for, as his condition did no
improve. "
No Recognition , by - Nicaragua,
Nicaragua, Dec 5. The committee
eoat here in behalf of the Cuban in
urgents to induce President Zelaya to
recognize their belligerent rights has
been, thus far unsuccessful. Spanish
influence is strong here, and the Pres
ident refuses to aid the Cuban cause
on the ground that it might lead to a
violition of the international law.
fhe Market Somewhat Gorged o A
count of Excesilre Buying.
New York, Dec 8. R. G. Dun &
Co's weekly review of trade, says:
Business is still sluggish, as if
gorged by excessive indulgence of
appetite for buying when prices were
advancing. In nearly every branch
stocks, not yet distributed to - con
sumers, stand in the way of new orders
and competition of a producing force,
largely exceeding the present demand,
puts down prices, that retard declin
ing purchases yet more. After the
holidavs men look for a larger de-
j mand. For the present the springs of
j new business is running low, but
i enough is doing on old orders to keep
i most of the works employed in part
: and a good proportion fully. Financial
j influences have not hindered and rare
ly has the opening of a session of Con
gress affected business so little.
Wheat has advanced about a cent
for the week, though Western re
ceipts have been 7,014,911 bushels,
against 3,727,788 last year, and Atlan
tic exports (flour included), again ex
ceed last year's, 2,326,09H, against
1,887,737 bushels. The best Western
estimates of the crop have been raised
Corn moves from farms less freely
than a year ago, and low prices hin-
i dering, exports were 1,293,774 bushels.
against 178,813 last year.
Failures in the United States' for the
week have been 32-1, against 33-3 last
year; fifty-two in Canada, against
forty last year.
Merrlwether Remarried.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec 9. Labor Com
missioner Lee Merriwether of this
state and Miss Jessie Gair of Brooklyn,
N. Y., but formerly of St. Louis, were
quietly married at Brooklyn last Wed
nesday. The wedding took place at
high noou at the residence of the
bride's parents, only her immediate
relatives being present. This is not
Mr. Merr iwether's first matrimonial
experience. His first wife, from whom
he separated about five years ago,
went to Berkley, Cal., the home of her
parents, and there secured a divorce
from him. Desertion was alleged,
and the case went by default. Their
6-year-old daughter is with the
Aerial Navigation Prize.
Washington, Dec. 9 Senator Lodge
of Massachusetts introduced a bill in
the Senate designed to encourage ex
periments in aerial navigation. The
bill provides that 3100,0 Jo shall be
paid to any person, from whatever
part of the world, who shall at any
time prior to January 1, 1901, con
struct an apparatus that will, on the
verified report of three members ap
pointed by the secretary of war. dem
onstrate, within or near the city of
Washington, the practicability of
safely navigating the air, at a speed of
not less than thirty miles an hour, and
capable of carrying passengers and
freight, weighing a total of at least
400 pounds.
A Trolley Patent Upheld.
New Haven, Conn., Dec 9. Judgt,
VV. K. Townsend, in the United States
district court to-day, decided in the
suit of the Thompson-Houston
Electric company against the Win
chester Avenue Street Railway com
pany, really an issue between the
General Electric company and the
Wrestinghouse company, for an ad
judication of the Van dei pool patents,
covering the under-running trollev, in
favor of the complainant. This gives
to the General Electric company the
exclusive right to manufacture and
sell the under-running trolley. The
case will probably go up to the Su
preme court of the United states.
Quotations From New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, Omaha and k-laewhere.
gutter Creamery separator.. 19 20
utter Fair to good country. 12 y 14
l-.ggs Fresh - 18 184
Spring chickens, live, per lb... 5 C$ 6 '4
Chickens Dressed, per D 6 7
Ducks Per fi 7 d 8
Turkeys Per lb 9 jo
Prairie chickens rerdoz 6 00 (& 6 00
Geese Per lb 7 8
Lemons Choice Messinna 4 25 da 4 50
Oranges Per box 4 00 & 4 so
Apples Per bbl 2 75 & 3 fn
Sweet potatoes Good, per bbl 1 75 fi z M
Potatoes Per bu 25 4i 80
Beans Navy, hand-plcUed.bu 1 65 & 1 75
Cranberries Cape Cod, pr.bbl 8 00 9 00
Hay Upland, per ton 6 50 & 7 00
Onions Per bu 25 ;j0
Broom Corn Green, per lb. 2 & 2'
Hojra-Mlxed packing 3 35 w 3 40
Hogs Heavy "Weights 3 40 Q 3 4.1
Beeves atockers and feeders. 2 25 3 a
Beef Steers 3 0) c-4 3 hO
Bulla 1 75 Cl0
,ta&s 1 65 an 2
Calves. z f.O 5 50
Oxen 2 90 . 3 W
glfers 2 10 & 3 ro
Westerns.... 2 75 & 3 o
Sheep Lambs 3 00 4 25
Sheep Mixed natives 2 2" 3 00
Wheat-No. 2, spring .. 53 r? ,7
UlnECT u K-SCA 2nii
r5 7 75 7
attle Western range steers, a 90 vi 4 23
c hristmas Beeves 5 00 & 5 30
Hogs Averages 3 40 3 fo
Sheep Lambs 8 00 d 4 40
Sheep Westerns., 2 50 & 3 (0
Wheatp-No. 2, red winter 69 no ;
ornNo. 2, 34
J ais-No.2 22 n 22 V
i ork 10 75 US 7
Lard 6 60 r 75
Wheat No. 2 red, cash 63 tfj 63v
Corn Per bu 24 j u.
ats-1;?.r bs ,v 37 $ i7
niEK" Pac.klnS 3 2", 3 u?
CattleNative steers 3 00 & 4 7".
fcheep-Muttons 2; 0 & 3 311
Lambs-. 3 75 a 4 so
Corn-o o 2hapd "' Sa
Sheep Lambs 3 00 4 25
Savings Banks I11 Schools.
Nkw York. Dec. . The boart' ol
education of this city will at its next
session provide for the opening of the
branches of the penny provident fund
in the public schools. There are now
twenty stations of the fund in the
public schools, and they have met witb
surprising success.
Cardinal Tgnazlo Feilsco Dead.
Rome, Dec. 9. Cardinal Ignazio Per
fsco, prefect of the congregation of in
dulgences and sacred relics, is dead,
lie was born in Italy in 1823 and was
created a cardinal in 3893.