Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, December 12, 1895, Image 5

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Sandy Griswold has not yet paid the
JIOO fine and costs which were assessed
against him in district court Thursday
for aiding and abetting in a prize
The idea of tagging children in cities
is so simple that everybody wonders
why it was obliged to wait until the
year of our Lord 1S95 for its general
adoption. In Chicago they are now
tying little badges inside of. the cloth
ing of children giving the address of
the parents. The policemen iind the
new system so simple and efliclent
that they are asking for its adoption
Twelve cars of sheep passed through
on the Burlington from the west yes
terday. They will be wintered at
Schuyler. Lincoln Journal.
It is rumored in Burlington circles
that the company expects in the near
future to reopen several of the stations
in its western territory which have
been discontinued because of dull
business. The station at Pluma, b.
I)., is the first to be reopened and a
resumption of business at other sta
tions is expected at any day. Lincoln
It is said that there are some raised
1 bills in circulation in Fremont. The
word ""one"" is made to read "ten," and
the figures are altered correspondingly.
The bills are hard to detect, it being a
very clever piece of work. Instead of
reading-ten dollais," however, it reads
'ten dollar" the "s" not appearing on
the enlarged bills. One bankin Omaha
received forr of the bills in one day
without detecting the alteration.
Fremout Herald.
General Miles proposes to use the
bicycle in the army service, not in
battle, but for the dispatch service,
and for the movement of infantry
rapidly from point to point to meet
threatening danger. There are al
ready over 4,CH)0 expert bicycle riders
in the service and he proposes to merge
these into companies, regiments, and
Men who are too stingy to take their
home paper, but rely on borrowing it
from the neighbors, are not the men to
build up a town. They are too much
like the old curmudgeon who crossed
his bees with lightning-bugs so they
could work both day and night.
George Raker, a printer formerly
employed in this office, got into bad
company up at Chalco last Sunday
night and in company with two other
fellows scrapped a gang of ten men
in a saloon in that tough little burg.
The lights were put out and it was a
free-for-all fight lasting about ten
minutes, at the end of which time the
furniture of the room, the stove and
bar fixtures were demolished and
every window light in ihe building
was broken. The fun cost the trio
$40, but the other fellows got the worst
of it. Louisville Courier.
Ali Ben Ali Taleb, who lived in
the seventh century, wrote this senti
ment: "Believe me. a thousand friends suffice thee
In a single enemy thou hastmore than enough,"
and it is as true today as it was in
his time.
There will be about 200 delegates in
attendance at the State Firemen's as
sociation meeting to be held in Grand
Island, Jan. 20th. Our local depart
ment is arranging to entertain the vis
itors royally. Grand Island Indepen
dent. What means this W. C. T. U.
Which makes such constant f ussS""
The maidea frowned : "I thought you knew
That 'Whisky Can't Touch Us." "
J. W. Outright, the well-known
chaser of the elusive local item, is said
to be preparing to go down to practice
his profession among the natives of
Texas about the first of the year.
Lincoln Journal.
Up to date, some thirty applications
for court reporter have been made to
Judge Ramsey. One from Iowa is
accompanied with a very strong in
dorsement from Hon. John Y. Stone
of Mills county, Iowa. As yet, Judge
Ramsey has not indicated his choice
but it is generally believed that he
will favor one from his own district
and possibly from Otoe county.
The attorney general of Illinois has
rendered an opinion that it is illegal
for insurance companies to enter into
an agreement regarding rates, as by
doing so they render themselves liable
to prosecution under the trust laws of
the state. This is liable to cause con
sternation among the insurance peo
ple. The Lincoln Call says editorially:
"The discharge of Sandy Griswold,
charged with being accessoiy to the
murder of Fletcher Bobbins, created
little surprise. The best legal opin
ions in this city have been to the
effect that Griswold could not have
possibly been held to acconnt in the
matter. All will admit that Griswold
should have been in better business,
and it is hinted that he will keep out
of such affairs in the future."
Margaret Mather Pabst knew what
she was about when she'horsewhipped
her hubby in the streets of Milwaukee.
Colonel Pabst has presented her with
a round hundred thousand cartwheels
of our fathers on condition that she
departs his hearthstone and amuses
herself in some other city henceforth
and forever. The new woman is ar
riving. Lincoln Journal.
Our neighboring village of Syracuse
has passed an ordinance levying a tax
of five dollars upon every insurance
company doing business in that burg,
and making the resident agent of the
company responsible for the payment
of the tax, the money so raised to con
stitute a fireman's fund. This is one
way of getting after the corporations,
and the outcome will be watched with
interest. Nebraska City Progress.
The Nebraska City cereal mill has
been temporarily closed down, owing
to the fact that the ware houses are
overstocked with the products of that
institution. Work will be resumed
again when the surplus is disposed of.
The packers of this city bought very
heavily on the market yesterday.
They cleaned up 9,000 before 11
o'clock. This means continued heavy
killing as long as the run lasts, and it
looks as though there was plenty of
hogs in the country. South Omaha
The Pacific Junction Weekly News,
published by R. A. Bates, is the latest
venture in the newspaper field of this
vicinity. The paper is bright, newsy
and contains a liberal amount of neat
advertising. Mr. Bates will un
doubtedly prosper if he keeps up his
present gait.
The following, from the editorial
page of the Lincoln Call, is published
without comment, and may be of in
terest to certain Plattsmouth people:
"When a district judge stoops so low
as to take advantage of his judicial
position to get even with a practi
tioner at the bar by threatening to dis
bar him, or asking a well-known at
torney to show reasons why he should
not be disbarred, simply to weaken bis
standing with his clientage, he not
only degrades the high position he is
permitted to occupy, but he gives evi
dence, prima facie, that be, least of
all men, should be judge."
An interesting case was decided in
favor of the Burlington at Seward tt e
other day. Samuel Brown bad his
back injured while getting on the
train at Hastings in September, 1S93.
Train No. 4, on which he was travel
ing, laid over at Hastings for three
hours, and as is the custom, the closets
were locked. Mr. Brown tried one of
them, and being unable to get in, was
compelled to get off the train. It was
while returning that he was injured.
He sued for $5,000. but the court held
that it was no fault of the road. It
had furnished all the accommodations
possible under the circumstances.
Lincoln Journal.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa
Fe railroad was sold yesterday after
noon at Topeka, Kas., at public auc
tion, pursuant to a decree of the
United States circuit court. Edward
King offered sixty million dollars, and,
as no further bids were made, the rail
road property was sold to that gentle
man, representing himself, Charles C.
Beaman and Victor Morawetz. It
was the greatest auction sale ever
Beatrice is in the throes of a bitter
war with the giant of monopoly, and
the entire population that travel about
the city ride on one poor lone horse
car. The trouble is all caused by an
old money bags of Omaha, who is seek
ing to put a heavier burden on the
people of Beatrice than they feel able
to bear. The motor cars have been
taken off, the electric lights have
gone out, and now there is trouble in
the state of Beatrice. South Omaha
Bring in Your Wood.
Wood will be taken at this office in
payment of accounts due the Weekly
Large and newest assortment of
French briar pipes in the city at Her
man Spies', 304 Main street. 48-4
Who wants to buy a farm cheaply?
The writer knows of a farm of 135
acres of splendid farm land (with ac
cretions of as much more) not six miles
from town, for sale at $35 an acre.
Also a farm of 110 acres of fine upland,
with buildings and orchard, at $45 an
acre. Where are some of these S50 an
acre purchasers ? Inquire at this of
fice. Finest line of pipes and smokers' ar
ticles at GeriDg & (Jo's.
A large amount of building materia
is being shipped to Fort Crook now
adays. That which is shipped over
the B. & M. is most of it brought to
this city and then hauled up there by
a switch engine.
The other day two adventurous lads
out at Salem, Neb., made a sudden and
hurried exit from this world by means
of the steel-runner and thin ice route.
This is an occurrence much prevalent
at this season of the year, and is rap
idly forcing its way to the front as an
established mode of procedure. Platts
mouth usually furnishes one or more
victims for Coroner Clements to look
after, at great expense to the county
and much mortification for the victim,
but this season so far has been devoid
of any manifestation.
During a discussion the other day as
to the relative merits of various meth
ods of passing into the beyond, espe
cially favored by the state, a group of
astute gentlemen widely differed upon
many points of moment. For instance,
several opposed having the date of ex
ecution made public. Their idea was
to notify the condemned that during
a certain week he would quit living and
then when he had retired some night
turn on the gas or charcoal and let
him sleep. Another very efficacious
method was to have the executioner
slip up behind his unsuspecting victim
and hit him in the bead with the sharp
end of an ax. In ancient times the
man with the ax reduced his victim
at one blow. Haywaid ought to have
an ax.
Sunday morning when the good citi
zens were hunting side doors and drug
stores their eyes were appalled by be
holding two ancient horse-cars stand
ing in the middle of lower Main street.
Believing that boom days had come
again, many increased the price of cor
ner lots and built the M. P. shops
again in addition to erasing Ilavelock
from the map. Nay, further, several
gentlemen are alleged to have frozen
their ears waiting for a car. This all
goes to show that any gentleman de
sirous of learning the distance between
towns in Nebraska by the tie route,
can be accomodated if he will invest
his money in a street railway system
in Plattsmouth. This town needs
street cars and will get them, I think
Among recent inventions is an elec
tric switch. This bint is dropped for
the benefit of the W. C. T. U., as they
can order a supply and locate them
near every saloon in town,thus turning
the boys on the main line. Also
school teachers can use these switches
with deadly effect, saving wear and
tear on the mascles. For ladies shy
on hair this invention is invaluable, as
it will electrify and delight millions.
In sporting life its chief exponent will
be the gambler whe m it will warn of
danger when he goes up against four
aces with a king full. Taken all in all,
this invention bids fair to become a
household necessity, a veritable vade
From electric switches to electric
lights is but a step, and here again the
W. C. T. U. can do quiet but effective
work. A few tracts judiciously dis
tributed might remedy a peculiar
failing on the part of the man who
carbons the lamps. The other night
the glass globe on the light on high
school hill had been carefully lowered
so as to protect the iron tank at the
bottom of the lamp while the carbon
was flaming away without any cover
whatever. When a man gets so far
gone as to do this kind of an act be
needs a cover for his own tank,and not
a glass one either.
In an interview in the Chicago
Chronicle the other day Euclid Martin
of Omaha, proceeds to exploit upon the
downfall of silver in Nebraska, and
states that he is still willing to wel
come into the democratic party any of
the free silver men who choose to come.
Verily, Euclid, you are too good for
earth. Your kindness and forbear
ance are beyond compare. In that
day coming, we know not when, when
the heavens shall roll together as a
scroll, and the earth shall be no more,
we expect to greet thee, Euclid, in the
promised land, wearing a pair of golden
wings, and seated upon a golden tree,
twanging a harp with golden strings.
Thy cherubiz face encrimsoned with
a forgiving smile and upon thy mas
sive and swelled head wearing acrown
of gold, glittering and sparkling in the
pure light of your own benevolence
like a frozen waterfall in the sun's rays.
In other words, Euclid, we will see you
later. Charles Grimes.
Joe & Frank, the originators of low
prices, are knocking the bottom out of
overcoats. Twenty-five percent dis
count on every one.
The young Marquis de Castellane, it
is said, always speaks very disrespect
fully of America and Americans. Not
long ago he took a good deal of stock
in this country.
Those nice long genuine Irish Frieze
overcoats at $9.00, former price $12.00,
at Joe & Frank's.
Written y Isabel Richey for the Woman's
Tribune, W ashington , D. C
Are ye plumes from angels' wings.
Gauzy, golden, feath'ry things,
Are ye plumes from angels' wings
Are ye strains the angels eung
Long ago, when time was young.
And they roamed the hills among r
Lives the Indian's beacon tire,
Telling tribes of conflict dire.
In jour slender golden spire
Are ye deeds of kindness done
By some lowly, faithful one.
Into golden blossoms spun
Does the old earth, full of years.
Full of cares and full of tears.
Care for ear-drops in her ears?
When the bright sun sinks to rest
Over yonder in the west
Do you creep from out his nest?
Fancies, all, oh Golden Rod,
Sceptre in the hands of God,
Giving Peace unto the sod !
From Piles, Fistula and Diseases
of the Rectum, Cured
By Drs. Thorn tou & Minor, of Kansas
City, Mo., without knife, ligature or
caustic. Cure guaranteed . We don't
want one cent until patient is cured.
Dr. W. E. Minor of the above firm,
will be at Hotel ltiley,in Plattsmouth,
on Wednesday, December 19th, where
he will be glad to see any one desiring
his services. - Consultation and Exam
ination free. By permission, we refer
to a few parties who have been cured
by us:
Heniy Bons, PJattsmoutb; T. W.
Vallery, Murray: J. L. Shrader, A. P.
Chriswisser, I. N. Applegate, Ne
hawka: Wm. Chalfant, Union; Rev. F.
A. Campbell, Elmwood; Jessie McVey,
Dr. B. F. Brendel, Murray; J.G.Easter,
C. I. Palmer, Nehawka; J. II. Davi3,
Weeping Water; Henry Wolfe, Union.
For pamphlet giving full particulars
and names of hundreds who have been
cured by us, address Drs. Thornton &
Minor, 100 West Ninth street, Kansas
City, Mo.
A Prominent Wholesale (irocer of Omaha
Neb., Vt'riten:
To the afflicted:
Several years ago I discovered a
slight falling and bleedingof thelower
bowel which increased and became
very distressing. I made inquiry as
to the nature of the disease and learned
that I had a somewhat aggravated case
of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Was told of
several remedies and used them as di
rected, obtaining thereby some tem
porary relief. Not being satisfied with
such slight relief I cast about for a per
manent cure; when a friend directed
the use of the famous Magnet Pile
Killer. I used it. Immediate relief
from pain followed, and soon a com
plete cure was affected.
Very respectfully,
Oscar Allen.
For sale by Gering & Co. v
Notice or Probate r Will.
State of Nkbraska, .
Cas 3 Couxtt. f '
In eountv court for Cuss county, la the mat
ter of the last will and testament of Ludwig
Degendorfer, deceased.
N otic? is hereby given that on the 27th day of
December. A. D..lssi5, at the office of the county
ludgo iu Plattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska,
at the hourof 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the fol
lowing matter will he heard and considered :
The petition of Anna Dorothea Degendorfer
to admit to probate the last w ill and testament
of Ludwig Degendorfer. deceased, late of
Plattsmouth precinct, in said county, and for
letters testamentary to Anna Dorothea Degen
dorfer. Dated this 2d day of December, A. D. 1S95.
by order of the Court.
53t B. S. Kamset, County Judge.
Final Settlement Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Daniel Sweeney,
deceased. In the county court of Cass
county. Nebraska:
Notice is hereby given that William D. Hill,
administrator of the estate of the said Daniel
Sweeney, deceased, has made application for
final settlement, and that Eaid cauie is set for
hearing at my office Rt Plattsmouth, on the 24h
day of December A. D., Isi95, at 10 o'clock A. M.
on said day: at which time and place all per
sons interested may r present and examine
6aid accounts. J. S. Ramset. County Judge.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Nov. 25th, 1S95. 48-3:
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska,
Cass County. J68,
In the matter of the estate of Nels Anderson,
raOTICE is hereby given that the claims and
demands of ail persons against Nels An
derson, deceased, late of sid eountv and
state, will be received, examined and adjusted
by the county court at the court house in Platts
month, on the 21st day of May. A. D.. lswi.
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and that six
months from and after 21st dav of November,
A D.. 1895, is the time limited for ere1it--rs of
said deceased to present their claims for ex
amination and allowance.
Given under my band this 21st day of No
vember, A. D-, 1895.
4S-I B. S. RAMSEY, County Judge.
Have re-opened the old BILSTEIN
Opposite Postoflice.
Have for sale
A Complete Line of
Beef, Pork, Veal
All Kinds of Home-Ma de
H3IOK12D Sausages.
Cash C aid for
t Plattsmouth,
The Plattsmouth Mills
With the best Machinery made, manufacture
Trade Especially Solicited. Runs
Night and Day to Supply Demand.
C. HEISEL, Prop.,
"Washington Avenue. Plattsmouth. Neb.
What More Could You Ask?
The House Furnisher,
Offers to buyers the chance to secure the VERY
BEST in his line which the market affords, and
THE fact that my stock is the Biggest and Best in all
Cass county, deserves the attention of people desiring
something in the FURNITURE line. The three floors of
my store building are full to overflowing with new goods,
and everything goes at "depression" prices. Call and see
for yourself
I. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher,
Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth.
Buv Your
Every purchase made at his store
guarantee that you obtained the
g best and most goods
Flour, Feed
And Corn-Meal,
Union Block, Plattsmouth
And sells at the closest mar
gin. He invites patronage
and guarantees satisfaction.
Call at F. McCourt's old stand.
Fred Krug
Brewing Co.,
Fred Egenberger, Agt.
W.L. Douglas
;43 s Fine Calt slKangarsi
' 3.50 PCUCE.3 SOLES.
,x-- i run rnormtMir
BKWkn i jiasa,
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Sfiioes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the best value for the money.
They equal custom shoes la style and fit.
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform,-stamped on sole.
From $i to $3 p "jved over other makes.
If your dealer CiAnot supply you va can. Sold by
Groceries, Dry
Goods, Notions I
I General Mdse
The Old Reliable
Pioneer Merchant
for the least money.
Wm. Neville & Co.,
Pare Wines and Liquors
Sole Agents for the Celebrated
Pabst Beer.
Deliveries made to aDy part of the
city or shipped to anyplace.
. . . MANAGER, . . .
412 Main Street, - Plattsmouth, Neb
Dr. Alfred Siiipman,
Office in Riley Hotel,
( Main Street entrance.
Telephone No. 95. Kesidence one block south
of 31. P. depot.
First National Bank
Capital, paid up 850,000
Gkokue E. Dover :. ..President
F. E. White Vice president
S. Wacoh Caihier
H. N. Dovkt Assistant Cashier
George E. Dovey, F. E. White, D. Hawksworth
S. Waugh and H. N. Dovey.
Careful attention given to the interests of
customers. Collections made and promptly
remitted for. Highest market price paid for
county warrants an4 state and county bonds