Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, December 12, 1895, Image 4

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    The Weekly Journal
C W. SHERMAN, Editor.
One year, in advance, . . ." . . . $1.00
Six months, in advance, 50
Three months, in advance, 25
Rates made known on application.
THURSDAY, DEC. 12, 1895.
A Mot Superb Ofl'er to llellnijuent Sub
scribers. The publisher of The Weekly
Journal has been very indulgent
to its subscribers, and lias allowed
many of them to become delin
quent in accounts ranging from
$1.50 up; but now, near the close
of the year.he is in need of funds,
and, to make an extra induce
ment for them to pay up and re
new their subscritions, the follow
To all who will pay up arrear
ages during the present month of
December, the sum of 20 PER
CENT DISCOUNT will be al
lowed. To all who will pay up
and pay a year in advance, a dis
count of 30 PER CENT OFF
will be allowed on the amount
now due. It seems to him that
this chance ought to be taken at
once by several hundred of those
who have been carried, some of
them for years.
The Journal will continue to
be published at $1.00 a year, if
naid in odvance. or Si. So it not.
C. W. Sherman, M'g'r.
There is a prospect that the pop
ulists will organize the senate or that
the present organization will stand.
Tile reDublicans will hold their
national convention at St. Louis on
June 16, 1S96, Chicago was not very
much in the fight.
The democrats regained control of
Boston Tuesday, electing Josiab
Quincy mayor by 476 majority, and
getting a majority of the council and
school board. The republicans car
ried the city last year.
Rev. JonN "Williams of Omaha
took occasion to preach last Sunday on
his impressions of Ingersoll, in which,
while he thinks Ingersoll is sincere, he
is woefully mistaken, and points out
the contrast between the results of
bible teaching and those of skepticism
Grocery dealers hereabouts report
that they are obliged to pay just what
the trust dictates for sugars, because
that octopus has them completely in
its control. They dare not even buy
or handle Xebraska-made sugar except
when the trust gives them leave
There ought to be a way out of this, if
there isn't.
Now that the Griswold case is set
tled and the ends of justice secured as
far as the law will permit, TnE Jour
nal stops to remark that a good many
people who were at the fight are firmly
convinced that the wrong man-is wear
ing stripes in the penitentiary, or tha
the two were equally guilty. Some
times the blind goddess is not so blind
as she is given credit for.
The greater portion of the presi
dent's message was taken up with
review and discussion of the financia
situation, and with a recommendation
of the retirement of the greenbacks
and treasury notes amounting alto
gether to 500,000,000 by the issue o
cold bonds. And then he makes an
argument against the free coinage o
silver. His statement of the situation
is faulty and bis remedy is inadequate
Mb. Blaine once lost the presidency
by writing a friend to "burn this let
ter." Mr. Cleveland is seeking to lose
all the influence he ever had by desir
inn- to "burn" the greenbacks. He
will find that the scheme to betray his
country into the hands of the Roth
schilds of Europe is impossible of
accomplishment. Slavery to Shylock
is too repulsive a dose for Americans
to swallow all at once.
The effort of the Wall street bank
ers; backed up by the treason of Cleve
land and his cabinet, to force the re
tirement of the greenbacks by the
issue of gold bonds in their stead, is
not at all likely to win in the present
congress. The republicans are re
organizing the senate, and have thus
far selected the finance committee,
which is made up with a majority of
seven to five in favor of silver.
The president's financial plan, as
laid down in his message, logically
means the ultimate retirement of the
silver, although he does not say so.
The retirement of the greenbacks and
treasury ' notes, whieh he proposes,
would increase the bonded debt of the
country $500,000,000, in round num
bers. Add to this the bonds to be is
sued to take up the silver dollars a
thing which is just as necessary to be
done to protect the gold reserve as is
the retirement of the greenback,
amounting to some $433,000,000 and
t aggregates more than nine hundred
millions of bonds to be issued, adding
it 3 per cent over twenty-seven mil-
ions to the interest charge to be paid
by the people every year. .No doubt
this is a pleasant prospect for the con
templation of men who are in the
usury business, but to the men who
are to earn I he money by the sweat of
their faces to pay this interest charge,
thus quite a different aspect. The
..... -
proposition is simply monstrous, jxo
mau with a spark of genuine sympathy
or love for his fellow man would for
moment contemplate the addi
tion of such a burden upon the al
ready burdened shoulders of labor.
Mr. Cleveland has lost sight of the
people, and thinks only of those who
ive upon the earnings of toil.
W. II. Hauvey, author of "Coin's
Financial School," is given as having
in preparation the organization of a
new secret order entitled the "Patroits
of America," having as its object the
propagation of bimetallic doctrines,
eading to the free coinage of silver
and gold at 10 to-1. It is a popular fad
to organize new secret ordeis, but it is
doubtful if such an order can be made
popular, because of the prevailing pre
judice against secret political societies
among adherents of the silver cause.
True the A. P. A. order is quite prev
alent and powerful, based upon opposi
tion to Catnolicism, but that sprang up
mostly in one political party and can
not be lasting. If Mr. Harvey is as
successful in this move as he was in
writing books he may do wonders.
Last week a poor democratic post
master from some point in the sand
hills was arrested on a charge of em
bezzlement, and immediately the six
hundred republican editors in the
state began writing editorials warning
the youth of the land to steer clear of
a party in which such criminals can
be found. Of course our republican
friends acted foolishly in the matter,
and we know that we are a fool when
we make reply to their nonsense, but
somehow we cannot refrain from ask
ing our republican friends to lose sight
of that poor democratic postmaster for
a moaoent and tell us from what party
sprang Mosher, Outcalt, Dorsey, Hil
ton, Bollen, Hill, Benton, Allen and
Mobley ? A foolish comparison ? Yes
but the democrats do not suffer. Pa-
pillion Times.
The secretary of the .navy and gen
eral of the army have been making a
great ado about the defenseless con
diticn of the Atlantic and Pacific
coasts, all in the endeavor to secure
big appropriations for building ships
and forts and for increasing the size
of the army and navy. It strikes us
that if those men had a lick of sense
they would know that no nation on
earth dare make an attack on the
United States, and that every dollar
put into ships and guns is worse than
thrown away. People who live on the
coasts have advantages over inland
residents that warrant them in build
ing their own defenses, and they have
no right to tax the whole country to
satisfy a mere whim.
President Cleveland took a
stand on the Venezuela matter in
which he finds himself at outs with the
powers that be in Great Britain, and it
is just possible that a war may grow
out of it. His message on the subject
is based on the letter recently sent by
Olney to Salisbury, which practically
leaves no alternative to the Britisher
except to submit the matter to arbitra
tion, back down or fight. It will be
very interesting to note bow the mud
dle i3 streightened out without a con
flict. Just now it seems that this
affair is more likely to cause trouble
than anything . else the president
touched on.
The United States bank was a very
innocent institution when it was estab
lished, but by Jackson's time it became
a very formidable menace to the per
petuity of the government. The bank
ing fraternity of today, with the
National banks as Nercleuii, is the
most formidable organization this
country has ever seen. It is ruinous
to all independent action in politics to
continue the system. Not a man in
business daro take a stand against
bank interests but feela the stiletto of
injured credit, and, if necessary, ruin.
It is time the people were waking up
to realize the power of the viper they
have been nursing into life.
The Cuban patriots are 'ciwrjiup
the war into Africa," Gen. Gomez and
Maceo having crossed frcm the prov
ince of Pietro Principe into Santa
Clara with a large army, and have so
much confidence in their ability to van i
quish tne Spanish that they have di- ;
vided their forces and are moving
toward different cities of the province.
The Spanish now have forces, number
ing about 70,000 men, with which to
overcome about icameientiy
armed insurgents and this force they
are obliged to divide up largely in order
to hold many coast towns that are
likely to be attacked. If Gomez does
not risk too much in any one engage
ment the chances aie largely in his
favor. His present move is understood
to be to gain recruits,destroy the grow
ing crops and to destroy the railroads
so that they cannot be used to trans
port troops in t he interior of the is
land and, of course, to defeat t he
enemy wherever he shows himself.
Certain New York capitalist with
a zeal born of cupidity, have made the
very generous (?) offer of aiding the
Cubans to the extent of a $15,000,
000 loan, the money to be paid when
ever the United States shall recognize
the beligerent rights of the Cubans,
upon the payment to the in of $45,000,
000 in bonds of the Cuban government
the bonds to be cancelled upon customs
receipts as soon as Spain shall have
acknowledged Cuban independence.
It's a wonder that those fellows do not
ask for the whole earth. The fact is,
in all probably, the moment this gov
ernment gives the Cubans beligerent
rights, Spain will give up the struggle.
Therefore these New York capitalists
are simply proposing to make 300 per
cent on their investment, with no risk
Senator Allen made a set speech
on the 4th on his resolution favoring
the recognition of the revolutionists
in Cuba. He declared that the foreign
policy of the United States had been a
hiss and a by-word for the last twenty
rive years. He specified the inaction
in the case of Mrs. Maybrick and ex
Consul Waller. The senator strongly
urged the re-assertion of the Monroe
doctrine so broadened as to Eecure the
ultimate withdrawal of monarchical
dependencies from this continent.
A delinquent subscriber, and old
time democrat, writes us from Kan
sas in justification of bis failure to pay
that "dollars have advanced so here
that it is almost impossible to market
anything large enough to get one. 1
never saw them so far apart;but I sup
pose we ought to howl for a gold stan
dard and hurrah for Cleveland; but,
somehow, I am not built that way."
Evidently the worm has turned.
Senator Morgan is probably the
ablest chairman of the committee on
foreign affairs the senate ever had,
and the senate seems to appreciate not
only his ability but his honesty. After
he had excoriated the British minister,
Sir Julian Pauncefote, to a turn Mon
day the resolution calling for theinves
titration asked for by Morgan was
passed by a unanimous vote.
The tact that the government is
running in debt a few millions a year
need not alarm anybody. That isn't
the thing that causes the hard times.
It simply means that the average citi
zen is not taxed by Uncle Sam quite as
much as be ought to be. An income
tax of 2 to 3 per cant would raise
enough money to enable the govern
ment to keep even with the world and
that wouldn't hurt anybody very badly.
The New York Sun prints what
purports to be a history of party plat
forms, and palms of a set of resolu
tions favoring protection adopted at a
ratification meeting in 1S32 as the
democratic paity platform for that
year. The fact is, the democratic con
vention adopted no platform that year,
and the Sun, which prides itself on
always publishing the truth, ought to
know better.
Messrs, Teller, Dubois and other
senators from the west have given for
mal notice that no bill authorizing the
ssueof bo nds, as recommended by the
president, can ever pass the senate un
less it is accompanied by a provision
for the free coinage of silver, and that
makes it apparent that somebody will
have to come down from his high
horse, or the process of putting Uncle
Sam daily deeper in debt must continue
TnE president in his message pro
posed to "hold up" the country for the
benefit of usurers, and after the docu
ment was delivered he skipped away
and went duck hunting. He is ap
parently afraid cr ashamed of the re
sults of his work.
Several loads of hay were hauled
over from Iowa on the ice Friday.
A enteitlouM Kpitle From "(Jnv." Todd
on I be Money Qutntton.
Editor Plattsmouth Journal:
In reading the gold standard literature
both great and small, the cry is con
stantly going up that free coinage
would cheapen money, thus entailing
great loss to the creditor class. But,
on the other hand, every possible effort
is being put forth to enhance the value
of the dollar in the interest of the
creditor class. Yet, occassionally, we
are told, if more money is coined, we
will have le3s in circulation. The
debtor has at least an equal right to
demand that his burden shall not be
increaeed by act of congress. Any
government that imposes taxes and
burdens on its people and legislates to
cut off the natural supply cf money in
the interest of the creditor class, at
home or abroad, ought to be damned,
and will be: and neither foreordination
predestination, faith, hope or baptism
can save it. Repentence and restitu
tion might possibly work salvation
after the pains of purgatory are passed
through. We hear much about the
government oblfgatious being payable
only in gold. Jf you know of anyone
having such obligations (bonds, I pre
sume are meant) I should be glad to
buy some of that sort. That is if I can
put a mortgage on my farm I will give
two for one for all I can pay tor; not
that I care for gold, but it is time that
lie was stamped out, or in time it will
become to be believed and will answer
the purpose as well as the truth.
I favor a union of forces to knock out
goldbugs fust.
It was held up us an argument dur
ing the struggle of the last congress
that the United States mints could
not coin money fast enough to release
the nation and people. So we must
bond the nation for a gold reserve
which never leaves Washington or New
York until it starts on its return trip to
Europe. But the bonds rest on the
land and labor of America an ever
lasting encumbrance, a yoke of bond
age, resting upon the living and the
unborn. If the next generation con
tains as many fools as this the second
period of the dark ages is at hand.
Our obligations out-standing bonds
were made on the demand of the cred
itor, to be p?id in hard money (sound
money) to meet the long-established
theory inherited, taught and practiced
for thousands of years. Can we afford
toclange the contract to a single
metal which we have not? Let us
vote on that proposition.
L. G. Todd.
Dick Streight was down from South
Bend on business Friday.
A large number of farmers were in
town Saturday and business was brisk.
Frank Green, the popular young
pharmacist, is again filling pre
scriptions at Smitli & Parmele's dr:g
S. L. Carlisle of that excellent local
newspaper, the Nehawka Register,
was a welcome caller on The Jour
nal Saturday morning.
R. R. Livingston has measurably
recovered his health and has accepted
a position in the B. & M. storehouse
under Mr. Guild in this city.
Engineer Geo. Ballance and little
daughter returned to Germantown
Friday morning, after a brief visit here
with the former's brother, William
Mrs. Richard Vivian, who has been
in Lincoln for the past three weeks,
undergoing treatment for a tumor of
the breast, is reported to be getting
along nicely, and is able to be around
She is stayine at the home of her
daughter. Mrs. W. S. Scott.
E. A. Oliver last Monday opened up
his cash meat market, at the corner of
Fifth and Main streets. He has a
choice assortment of fine meats on
hand and invites a call from everyone
Mr. Oliver commences business with
an ad. in TnE Journal's advertising
County Clerk Frank Dickson is mov
ing his household goods to Louisville,
preparatory to taking up his residence
in that place. Frank will give bis
attention to his lumber ousinees at
Louisville after Jan. 1, when he will
retire from office. Mr. Dickson's many
friends here will regret his departure.
The South Omaha Sun says of a for
mer Plattsmouth business man;
"Phillip Kraus, the Albright grocery
man, had his left ankle fractured
Wednesday night. He drove up to bis
store and in alighting from his wagon
he made a misstep with the above re
sult. He will be laid up for some time
as the fracture is a severe one."
Prominent Drugfflsts of Illalr, Neb., Writes
Magnet Chemical Co.
Dear Sirs: The goods which we
bought through your salesman are
sellers; the Magnet Pile Killer es
pecially sells good and gives excellent
satisfaction. We have re-ordered
through our jobbers several times.
Respectfully yours,
Pat xren A'.Tivi m?
' For sale by Gering & Co.
1895-FALL sEAsoN-1895
Leading Dry Goods House.
Firess Godds.
The tide has turned and is sweep
ing in, and on it have come the ves
sels laden with goods for everyone.
Our new goods in this dapartmeut are
all in and are now open for your in
spection. Plaids A full line in all
grades, from 15c to beautiful wool
goods with silk stripes, 75c to $1. A
luil line or novelties from 20c ud: all
colors of silk finish Henriettas. 40 in.
wide, that used to spII at. SRI. now G0r?
heavy Serees in black and navy from
30c a yard up.
In Astrachan,
Beaver, Broad-
cloth and Eiderdown.
i 1 k s.
In Plaids a beautiful line, in
all colors. Novelties in Taffetas and
Glace stripes, etc. Chinas, Mirahs.
Satins. Brocades. All grades of vel
vets, in black and all colors; also a new
velvet, with a colored silk effect.
Beautiful new Chenille curtains
and table spreads just received. The
bare flatness of an unhnished-looking
room is relieved witii a pair or our
Chenillecurains, at only
Pillow cases. Muslin of all kinds;
Cotton Batten, all purchased previous
to tne oig advance.
heap Cotton.
To get such uncommon goods to
be sold at less than common prices,
when everything was increasing in
price, was a problem.
Table Spreads at 99 c.
32. Or. ZDOT7"S"2 c$5
The Leading- Butchers,
Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Poultry,
See them before selling. They keep on hand
the best of
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats,
Fresh and Salt FISH and OYSTERS and GAME
in Season.
The attention of farmers who expect
to plant orchards is called to the fact
that I have home-grown trees, war
ranted to be true to name, by a man
who you know, and at prices that will
compare with any nursery in the land.
EACH. ..100.. 1,000.
i".ib ii2.6o 895.66
.12 10.00
.3."v 25.00 .. ..
.05 3.50
Apple Trees, standard varie
ties, 3 years old
Same, 2 years old..
Plums, blue j
Pears, 3 years
Cherry trees, 3 years
Concord vines, 2 years
Peach trees
Coose berries
Currants, choice kinds.
Will take corn lor part trade and
give two cents a bushel above market
Parties living too far away can send
orders. Will be carefully packed in
Attorney and Counselor at
OFFICE-Kooms 1 and 2, Union lirk,
Plattsmoutli. - - - Nob.
O hoes.
The advance in shoe leather
makes no difference to us. We made
our purchases previous to the advance
and are receiving new lines light
along. In job lots we have only a few
$1 ; child's shoes, 11 to 2, 50 c.
For Ladies and black
and Tan. Boys' bicycle hose at 25c
all sizes. .
Anything you want from an in
grain carpet at 25c to a fine Brussels
or Moquette, with handsome borders
to match. Also Mattings. Oilcloths,
Linoleums, window Shades and Rugs
in this department. A special pur
chase of Moquette rues.. "(5 inches widt
by 72 incheh long. $3.50. The same
rug used to cost you $0.
lankets, Flannels.
Everything now in stock for win
ter. The earlier you buy them the
more money you save. Get a cake of
Wool Soap from our grocery depart
ment for 10c to wash all your woolen
goods, without shrinking. Ask for a
free sample.
Some bargains in Corsets black.
white and drab. Six-hook clasp only
4Sc. ."hey were piled to the ceiling,
but "re growing less every day. Don't
let the stock tumble on you to make
you "tumble " We are agents for
Gage Down Chicago Waists and for
spff, Lomer's Mode Bust and "C. C
O." hieh bust corset.
: : New Styles
For fall. October Fashion Sheet now
ready. Get one FREE.
Everything New.
- - -
Canned Goods,
Dried Fruit,
Tobacco and Cigars.
Have openen a splendid new
stock of these goods in
Which the public is invited
to purchase.
Will be their motto. It will also be
their purpose to keep open a
FirsUUflflS Meat TfnrVflt
. nub viuuu muut muiiLUl
Where everything in that line will
be kept in first-class order.
Farmers are invited to call and trade.