Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, December 12, 1895, Image 1

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    sUt3 iiliitdiicto kbuUty
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VOL. -14. ISO. 51.
& flO 11011 YJ3AH.
Various Local Happenings In And
Around The Town.
Congressman Strode Introduces Bill in
I lie Uoum Providing For the Ero
t Ion of a 8100,000 Poirftice
HnUding Here.
For Public Building.
Congressman Jesse B. Strode, who
succeeded Hon. Wm. J. Bryan as
representative from the second con
gressional district, has made himself
heard at Washington, and Tuesday
introduced a number of appropri
ation bills in the house, among which
was a bill providing for the erection of
a public building at Plattsmouth, at a
cost of $100,000. The people of this
city would hail with delight the erec
tion of 'such a building here. How
ever, Plattsmouth citizens somewhat
lesemble the gentleman from Missouri
and before we commence to celebrate
the event they will have to "show us "
Pined SHOO mid Costs.
After the verdict of not guilty to the
charge of being accessory to the charge
of manslaughter was rendered in the
tlriswold case yesterday afternoon the
defendant pleaded guilty to aiding and
abetting in a prize fight and was fined
$100 and costs. The above happened
too late for pubiication in yesterday's
A lilg Contract.
The Chicago Burlington & Quincy
road has just entered into a contract
with P. D. Armour for the. delivery
of 0.500 cars of wheat to Chicago
elevators, and the tide of the cereal is
to set this way in a very short time.
This wheat started hither in boats,
but after several hundred thousand
bushels had been shipped navigation
closed and rail shipments had to be re
sorted to. Mr. Armour at that time
had a contract, with the Burlington for
the deliver j! of 2,500 cars. The grain
has been purchased mostly in Minne
apolis and li, will be stored in the Q
elevators in Chicago. Lincoln Jour
nal. Coal ltate Go Up.
The coal rates between Chicago and
the Missouri rivei were advanced yes
terday, the rates going to $3, which is
20 cents lower than the old rate. This
ends one of the most exciting and bit
ter freight rate wars that the west has
9een for years, the rate per ton from
Chicago to Omaha some months ago
drooping to $1, the lowest ever in the
history of railroading. Freight men
are of the opinion that there will be
no further dilBculty now in coal rates.
More Harness Stolen.
Joshua fiapen, the well-known far
mer who lives some five miles south of
thiscitv. was in town Friday and re
ports that thieves entered his barn
Thursday night and stole a harness.
The thieves are said to have crossed
the river at this point with the stolen
goods. The police have a pretty good
clue as to who the parties are, and
will probably succeed in capturing
An Unusually Light Sentence.
James II. Simmons, the ex-postmaster
at Bell, la., who issued a number
of fraudulent money orders, securing
some $000 before he was finally cap
tured, was Tuesday sentenced at
Omaha by Judge Dundy to one year
and one day in the penitentiary. The
sentence is an unusually light one,
considering the offense, and Simmons
is a very lucky man in not receiving
ten or fifteen years.
To Heroine Citizens of America.
P. II. Nard called upon Clerk of
District Court Dearing this afternoon
and renounced all allegiance to King
Oicar of Sweden, and took out his
first citizenship papers. Frank John
son, John August Johanson, C. 13.
Ilydberg and Lorence Trilety, all
Bohemians, also took out their second
papers today.
Charles Parmele Huys n Storo.
Charles Parmele was the successful
bidder for the Hansen stock of
groceries and queensware Monday af
ternoon, sold under a chattle mortgage
held by theFirst National bank. Tho
amount paid was $47.". The goods in
voiced at something Jike $900.
A sterling silver thimble free with
every purchase amounting to $200, of
Arch L. Coleman, jeweler.
Chas. Graves of Union is in the city i
today on legal business.
Cole vs. Tidball & Fuller, a suit in
replevin, is being tried in district
court today.
Edwin Jeary vs. the Connecticut
Fire Insurance company of Hartford.
Continued. .
The will of the late Nathan Ilea-;
soner, of Salt Creek precinct, has been
filed for probate.
The jury in the case of Wurk Bros.
vs. WE. Failing found for the plain
tiff in the sum of $31;70.-
The case of the Consolidated Coffee
company vs. E. J. Norton & Co., a suit
on account, was continued.
The jury in the case of O.J. King
vs. the Prentiss Brownstone company
found for the plaintiff in the sum of
$311, in district court last Tuesday.
Application was made Monday for
appointment of Frank II. Stander as
administrator of the estate of the late
Peter Stander, the Center precinct
farmer who committed suicide by
hanging himself one week ago Satur
In the matter o! the application for
the sale of realty of the estate of P. P.
Mefford, by the administrator, A. C.
Loder Saturday, the sale was ad
journed because the amount offered
was not sufficient, in the opinion of
the administrator.
O. C. Smith, through his attorney.
D. K. Barr, has commenced an action
in county court to recover some
$25 from Zuckweiller & Lntz, the
grocerymen. Smith is the agent of a
Kansas milling firm, and the suit is
over a ballance alleged to be due the
letter on a flour deal.
Judge Ramsey is doing considerable
more than his share of work in this,
his last month as county judge. Over
fifteen new cases have been filed in his
office during the past ten days, and
Mr. Bamsey, instead of resting up for
his higher judicial honors next month,
is compelled to perform extra work.
Judge Kamsey yesterday issued a
marriage license tq Michael Tritsch
and Miss Emma M. Hennings. The
groom-elect is a son of ex-County Com
missioner Jacob Tritsch. and is well
and favorably known. The wedding
will occur on Dec. 18, at the bride's
residence in 'Eight Mile Grove pre
cinct. In Justice Archer's court Tuesday,
the case of the state of Nebraska vs.
Henry J-opp, charged with assault,
tried before a jury, resulted in a ver
dict of not guilty, the evidence being
to the effect that Wunderbich, the
party assaulted, went into Lopp's
place of business for the express pur
pose of provoking a quarrel.
District Judge-elect B. S. Ramsey
on Tuesday received his certificate of
election from the secretary of state at
Lincoln. The document is a very neat
and handsome one,, the penmanship
being especially fine. The certificate
is signed by "Uncle Si" Holcomb and
Secretary of State Piper. Mr. Ramsey
will have the document framed.
The jury in the case of Denton vs.
Wm. Coon, after being out from six
o'clock Friday evening until 10 o'clock
Saturday morning was dismissed by the
court, as they could not agree upon a
verdict. Denton is a grain commis
sion man at Leavenworth, Kas., and
brought suit for damages in the sum
of $938.85 for alleged failure of con
tract made with Coon to ship some
grain from Elmwood.
Where Are the Profits?
Out of thirty cars of beets shipped
by the Valley Beet company, twenty-
eight were rejected. When they are
rejected it means that the company
will pay just what it pleases. The
company has sent a proposition to the
growers of that place, offering them
$2.50 per ton delivered at the factory
and it costs $2.35 to dig, car and ship
them so, if no shrinkage occurred,
says the Enterprise, the grower would
make fifteen cents per ton more than
if he allowed them to decay in the
field. But shrinkage will amount to
more than fifteen cents per ton. So
the grower would have been ahead if
he had consigned them to mother
earth before digging them.
At the time the Valley Beet com
pany finished tending 160 acres they
had expended about $3,000, all of
which the stockholders will probably
lose; and besides, another assessment
has been made to harvest the crop,
and it is doubtful whether the beets
sold will pay for their own marketing,
and still there are ninety acres yet in
the field that have not been harvested
and probably never will be. Fre
mont Herald,
Jury Returns a Verdict
the Defense.
Another Chapter to the Wife-Desertion
Episode Which Occurred In This
City Recently Other Local
Items of Interest.
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 7, 3:30 p. m.
Special toTnE Journal The jury
in the case of the state vs. Ex-State
Treasurer Hill and bondsmen to re
cover the money lost by the state in
the Capital National bank failure, af
ter being out for two hours, returned
with a verdict for the defense.
His Work Was Smooth.
Thk Journal the other day con
tained an account of the exploits in
this city of a man and woman who
registeied at the Perkins house as "C.
W. Hill and wife, Lincoln." It seems
that Hill, alias Thomas, Hall, "Prof."
Lagrange and several others, is a very
smooth man. The following dispatch
in last Saturday's Lincoln Journal
from Seward, will throw further light
on the matter:
"The day before thanksgiving a
couple came here and registered at
the Windsor hotel as C. W. Thomas
and Miss Mary Adams of the Thomas
comedy company, Chicago. During
t'ne day Thomas called on County
Judge Helling and procured a license,
giving hia name as Charles W.Thomas
aged fifty, and residence as Chicago,
and that of the lady as Mary Levina
Adams, aged twenty, and residence as
Lincoln. They were married the same
evening at the Windsor hotel. Rev. T.
A. Hull officiating. Thomas announ
ced that they would remain in Seward
until their company was ready to go
on the road again, and settled V-vn
for the enjoyment of the honeymoon
at the Windsor.
"Thomas announced that his com
pany would open up the show business
in Seward on the evening of December
14. He prepared a program and found
suckers enough in Seward to take
about $20 worth of advertising in his
program and pay him in advance. He
also roped in the Reporter for a lot of
"In the meantime he had succeeded
in getting posession of his wife's ring,
gold watch, and about $30 in cash.
On Monday last they went to Lincoln
and he induced a girl there to go away
with him, giving her his wife's gold
watch and ring. They went to Platts
mouth and remained over night at the
Perkins hotel, he registering as C. II.
Hall and wife. Next morning he stole
the watch and ring again and skipped
out. His wife came back to Seward
Wednesday, ' expecting to find him
here, and is still at the Windsor and
out of money. Her mother lives in
Lincoln and Mrs. Thomas claims she
has been with the theatrical company
two years.
"There is a Lincoln version to the
story which is of interest," says the
Lincoln Journal. "Miss Adams, who
was married to Thomas, is said to be
really Mrs. Knowles. She was mar
ried to a theatrical man by that name
in this city in July, 1893. He left her
at Nebraska City shortly afterwards,
and she returned to Lincoln, taking
her own name again. So far as can be
learned she has never been divorced
from him and he is now in this city.
"Thomas, or Professor Lagrange, as
he was known here, managed to make
P.C.Richards, manager of an em
ployment agency, some work while
here. According toMr. Richards, La
grange came into his office and told
him that he wanted four or five girls
for the stage, and would pay them $5
per week. Mr. Richards gave him the
address of several and he went to their
homes to see them. W. II. Branch,
who runs news stand on North Thir
teenth street, overheard Mr. Richards
and Lagrange talking and imme
diately sent his wife to see the latter,
as she was longing for honors as a
Thespian. Lagrange induced her to
go to Piattsmouth with him. When
they arrived there he registered as C.
H. Hall and wife,, although Mrs.
Branch says she was not aware of his
action. life left her at the hotel after
securing a ring from her, which he was
to exchange for a diamond, as it would
look so much better on the stage. He
never cams back. Mrs. Branch man
aged to rake up enough money to get
! back to Lincoln 1
! "Lagrange Hall or Thomas, which
j ever you please to call him, is a man
about fifty j ears of ag(. He poses as
1 a theatrical man, a member of the G.
i A. R-'and in fact, as almost anything
that will catch a gullible - public. He
is now supposed to be operating in
Omaha." ;
Custer's Last Kally.
.Scout Allison's lecture Monday even
ing at Grand Army hall was most in
tensely interesting, and was listened
to very closely by his audience from
the opening to its close. Mr. Allison
has spent most of his life during the
past thirty years among the Sioux and
other Indians of the northwest, and is
equipped with amass of facts as to their
habits, customs and daily life that are
not known to the general public, and
he is sufficiently scholarly to be able
to recite what he knows with ease and
fiuency. He began by telling the
Indian's story of Custer's last rally,
or the battle of the Littla Big Horn,
and he makes it very plain that Gen.
Custer was the victim of the cowardice
ot Major Reno, and the annihilation
of his own rashness. In short,
the testimony of the Sioux braves
shows how Reno (supported on the
llauk by Benteen with three com
panies) sent above the Indian village
by Custer with four companies of
cavalry, was to charge down through
the village. He opened the attack
bravely and completely surprised the
Sioux, wh o began to fly to the bills,
the men with their arms the women
with their children. But at this mo
ment the attack stopped and Reno
took refuge with bis men in a bunch
of timber. The Sioux soon rallied
when they saw the troops halt, and
Reno after dismounting and remount
ing his men three times, began a re
treat, and going back to and across
the river, where he was joined by
Benteen. In their retreat the Indians
had discovered Custer advancing on
the hills north of their camp, and
beeping a few men in Reno's front
the man boldly attacked Custer, sur
rounded his command and killed
every man of them. Had Reno
charged down through the camp he
would have been met by Custer below
and a complete victory would have
The scout'a description of Indian
customs, and their life was graphic
and entertaining throughout.
Visitors to Plattsmouth should stop
for dinner at Sahl's Bakery, where
they can get a good lunch for 15c. 50
(iraud Army Election.
McConihe post, No. 45, grand Army
of the Republic, held its annual
election of officers on Saturday eve
ning last, with the following result:
Post Commander James Hickson.
Senior Vice George Longenhagen.
Junior Vice James Mitchell.
Officer of the Day Wm. Porter.
Quartermaster A. C. Fry.
Chaplain C. W. Green.
Delegate to state encampment C.
W. Green, alternate. Ami Todd.
The mixing of poli'ics in the affair
on the part of some members, it is
rumored, was the only unpleasant
feature of the affair.
W. li. C. Election.
President, Kate McMaken; senior
vice, Sarah Kerr; junior vice, Louisa
Cooper; treasurer, Emily Lake; chap
lain, Laura Thrasher;conductor, Hat
tie Vermilia; guard, Caddie Bates;
delegate, Eliza McCrosky; alternate.
Lydia Todd. The election occurred
Saturday afternoon.
Joe & Frank, the originators of lowr
prices, are knocking the bottom out of
overcoats. Twenty-five percent dis
count on every ono.
Holiday Rates.
Via the Burlington route, Dec 24, 25,
31 and Jan. 1 between stations not
more than 200 mile3 apart. Return
limit Jan. 2, 1896. Take advantage of
this low rate opportunity and spend
Christmas with the old folks. They
are counting on you. The Christmas
turkey and the Chrismas pudding are
all ready. Eat them where they
should be eaten at home with your
own people among your old friends.
Tickets and full information at the B.
& M. depot.
A full line of Gunther's celebrated
confectionery at Fricke & Co's.
Harry Hayward 'was hatged at
Minneapolis at 2:05 o'clock yesterday
morning, having made a confession of
his guilt before he died.
Look at the magnificent offer to
delinquent subscribers, made in an
other column today. This offer holds
good up to Jan. 1st, 1S9G.
The Harness Stolen Near This City
Located in Iowa.
The Lincoln Attorney Unburden Him.
self to u Call Reporter Other
Things That Have Happened
Around Plattsmouth.
Was Shipped to Hamburg. j
It has been ascertained that the
harness which was stolen from several
farmers living in this vicinity during
the past two weeks, was shipped to
Hamburg, Iowa, on Dec. 5th. The
stuff was boxed up in two soap boxes.
and billed as "household goods." A
man named Thos. Ellis made the ship
ment and the goods were sent to him
self at Hamburg. Undoubtedly the
stolen property could be recovered if
an officer was sent over there at once,
but as no reward has been offered by
the parties from whom the harness
was stolen, and the county doej not
defray an officer's expenses for such
work, it is probable they will remain
in Hamburg, for the present, at least.
Doesn't Worry Him.
Lawyer Ed Wooley returned home
last night from the scene of the recent
Sandy GriswoM fiasco in Plattsmoutb.
"The attempt which has been made to
disbar me from practice," he said last
night to a Call reporter, "does not
worry me in the least. Judge Chap
man banded down an order requiring
me to show cause why I should not be
disbarred, and yesterday morning I
arose during a session of thecou t and
announced that I should make no
showing, whereupon the court took
the matter under advisement. It is
my candid opinion that the court dare
not disbar me, and will continue to
keep it under advisement until he goes
out of office next month. A.N. Sulli
van, the defacto judge of the second
district, and Chapman, hatched up the
whole scheme to even up on mv con
tributing to the defeat of the latter,
and even should I be disbarred, to be
reinstated before an honest court
wonld be an easy matter." Lincoln
For farm loans, see J. M. Leyda
Reliable abstracts also furnished.
Morgan Must Hang.
At eleven o'clock Sunday morning
the jury that had been selected to de
cide the guilt or innocence of George
Morgan, charged with the brutal mur
der of little Ida Gaskill on the evening
of November 3, last, in Omaha, after
beingout several hours returned with a
verdict of murder in the first .degree,
and decreed that Morgan suffer the
death penalty. The verdict gives
universal satisfaction, not only in Om
aha, but in the entire state.
Notice to Delinquents.
... All persons indebted to the under
signed are requested to call on him at
Murray and settle, on or before Dec.
20, or they will hear from him.
Mont. Ronu.
$1 5,000 ! '$15,000 ! $1 5,000 !
I Ca EatnM ilT" C1 m
Manufactured for the Western Trade
and Bought for Spot Cash Prices by
Fall Overcoats
Children's Suits
Worsted Pants,
Men's Gloves,
Men's Wool Hats
Our stock is the largest and best selected
stock ever brought to Cass county,
Opposite Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Attorney Wooley Disbarred.
Last Tuesday Judge Chapman ren
dered a decision in the disbarment
proceedings instituted against E. II.
Wooley aud by the court's findings,
the Lincoln lawyer will be disbarred
from practicing before this bar, at
least while Judge Chapman is on the
The court finds the defendant guilty
of "conduct unbecoming an attorney
and making oath to false affidavits re
flecting upon the court in answer to a
rule of the court to show cause why
he should not be punished for unpro
fessional and gross misconduct; also
for failure to make showing to purge
hiu3elf from contempt in said mat
ter." Judge Chapman stated as a reason
for taking the matter under advise
ment at the time of the hearing that
he desired Mr. Woolly to have an op
portunity to withdraw the charges
made against the court.
Mr. Wooley doesn't seem in the least
worried over the decision rendered by
Judge Chapman, and is confident of
being reinstated as soon as that gen
tleman is retired from office.
Mr. Wooley Talks.
The Lincoln Call says, anent the re
cent disbarment proceedings in dis
trict court: "To a Call reporter Mr.
Wooley this morning said: 'From a
perusal of the newspaper reports per
taining to my disbarment it would ap
pear that the finding was rendered be
cause of my refusal to apologize for the
charges made against the court. The
chargeof unprofessional conduct seems
to have been a minor consideration,
for had the allegations been true it
would have been the court's duty to
disbar me at once. Such a thing as an
apology cuiild not have been consid
ered. Judge Chapman's finding is
nothing more than an exhibition of
the venting of personal spleen. Iam
undetermined as to what steps I shall
take iu the matter. Perhaps I "may
take an appeal to the supreme court,
and again I may wait until next month
w hen a decent man goes on the bench
down in the Second judicial district,
at which time I may make an applica
tion for my reinstatement as a practic
ing attorney. I shall pay no further
attention to Judge Chapman. He is
already a dead duck, but there are
others, however, on whose trail I pro
pose to camp until 1 have evened up
completely for the dirty trick they
have levied against me.' "
l'aid SI 00 For a Postal Card.
K. F. Warren returned from Omaha
last evening, well pleased with the
treatment he had received for his cli
ent, J. W. Gilbert at the hands of the
United States supreme court. Mr.
Gilbert was charged with having used
a postal card the second time, and un
der the law was liable to a fine
of $300. On the advice of his attorney
he pleaded guilty and was given the
lightest possible fine $100 and costs.
Nebraska City Press.
Farm loans made at lowest rates.
T. II. Pollock, over First Nat'l Bank.
A sterling silver thimble free with
every purchase amounting to $200, of
Arch L. Coleman, jeweler.
Men's Shoes,