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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1895)
r Y A SCATHING REPORT. SECRETARY SMITH ON THE 1N J Dl AN QUESTION. The Dwi Commission Denounces the rrBt Sjitfm of Dealing with the Five Civilized Tribes Narrow-Minded Oligarchies In Complete Control Treaty Rights Long Voided Con press Should Act. The Five Civilised Tribes. Washington, Not. 30. By far the most important feature of the annual report of Secretary Smith of the In terior department, so far as the South west is concerned, is the report of the Dawes commission in regard to its negotiations with the five civilized tribes of Indians in the Indian Terri tory. This presents the correspondence of tne commissioners with the chiefs of the five tribes and an account of the methods by which the chiefs came to unitedly present an opposing1 front to any effective negotiations of any sort. The failure of the commission being thus detailed the report proceeds: 'In . . connection witn tne omciai luvercsib here briefly outlined the commission availed themselves of every opportun V ity pf conference with private citizens oi several nations, men oi cnaracier , . . , . and influence among their people. By X visits to the various localities they fa "5iliarized themselves with the condi- lions of life and the opinions and prej- lid ices wnich prevail in the different i 'sections and adapted the methods of r ' their attempt at negotiation to these conditions But thus far they have met with no favorable response among those holding1 power and controlling the political machinery in the govern ments existing in the Territory. It is otherwise with those, believed to be a large majority, who in the machinery by which affairs are administered are without voice or participation in the policy or laws by which they are gov erned. The causes, which thus far k have proved unsurmountable in all the "V. efforts at a peaceable solution of the V vproblem by negotiation, can only be V Mnderbtood by a thorough knowledge t the conditions into which these peo- , ne nave oeen pe Hdifference anc I l e national gov f V -The resent , Sle have been permitted to fall by tue nd non-interference of government. conditions are not at v conditions. There is not onlv ' the United States to maintain or even to permit the present conditions of af fairs in the Indian lerntory, but, on the contrary, the whole structure and tenor of the treaties forbid it. If our government is obliged to maintain the treaties according to their original in tent and purpose it is obligated to blot . out at once present conamous. ltnas iSr been mot clearly shown that a restor a ation cl tne treaty status is not only an impossibility, but, if a possibibity, would be disastrous to this people and against the wishes of all people and government alike. The cry, therefore. ct those who have brought about this condition of affairs, to be let alone, not only finds no shelter in treaty ob ligations, but is a plea for permission to further violate those provisions. The commission is compelled by the evidence forced upon them during their examination into the administra tion of the so-called governments in this territory to report that these gov ernments in all their branches are wholly corrupt, irresponsible, and un worthy to be longer trusted with the care and control of the money and other property of ' Indian citizens, much less their lives, which they scarcely pretend to protect. There can be no higher obligation incumbent on every branch of the general gov ernment than to exert its utmost con stitutional authority to secure to this people in common with all others within our borders, government in conformity with constitutional au thorities. The erovernmeut cannot ab dicate or transfer to other shoulders this duty as to any portion of territory or people in the land. It cannot es cape responsibility if the dark record, which has now been brought to light, is permitted to continue. Delay can brinp: nothing but increased difficulty or danger to peace and good order in the Territory. The situation calls for prompt action. These considerations lead but to one conclusion. It is in the judgment of the commission, the imperative duty of Congress to assume at once political control of the In dian territor They have come with great reluctance to this con clusion, and have sought by all methods that might reach the convictions of those holding power in the territory to induce them by negotiation and mutual agreement to consent to a satisfactory change in their system of government and ap propriation of tribal property. These '-efforts have failed: and the commis sion is driven to the alternative of recommending abandonment of these people to the spoilation and outrages perpetrated in the name of existing government or the resumption by Concress of the power thus abused. Venezuela Not Bellicose. London, Nov. 30. The Times pub fishes the following dispatch from its correspondent at Caracas, Venezuela, under date of November 1: "It is of ficially stated that the revolutionary outbreak is of. no importance. No British ultimatum has yet been re ceived, and many of the influential Venezuelans urge an amicable settle ment. The government is afraid the tendering of an apology would be equivalent to recognizing the right of England to the disputed territory. Otherwise it is ready to give satisfac tion. A considerable party favors a direct settlement of the frontier ques tion without reference to the United States. Senator JSelson Announces Ills Colleague's Candidacy for the Presidency. Chicago, Nov. 30. "Minnesota has a candidate for President Cushman K. Davis and will push his claims in the convention just as long as he has any possible show of getting the nomi nation," said United States Senator Knute Nelson last evening. He con tinued: "But there is no telling what the convention will do. All the can didates, McKinley, Reed, Morton and Allison, are strong men. If we have to let Senator Davis out of the race y then I think the Minnesota delegation " will be eventually divided between McKinley and Feed. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. Secrwtarr Smith's Keport Devotes Mach Space to the Indian Question. Washington, Nov. 30. Secretary Hoke Smith, of the Interior depart ment has made his annual report to the president. It reviews the varied work of the department, beginning with the Indian service, and calls at tention to the strict enforcement which has been given to the civil service reform, both as to the places covered by the classified service, and those to which the rules of this service do not apply. The secretary dwells upon the necessity of eliminating politics from the management of In dian affairs, and of conducting each reservation upon strictly business principles, the object being to make every Indian who remains upon the reservation self-supporting and ready, as soon as possible, to assume the duties of citizenship and be freed from the paternal care of the govern ment. The Secretary is of the opinion that if the resources of each reserva tion are treated intelligently and the Indians required to labor in those pur suits which are adapted to particular reservations, in a few years practically all the Indians can be made self-supporting. Allotments should be made long be fore reservations are opened. Each Indian should be settled upon his homestead and be self-support ing be fore citizenship is conferred upon him. When citizenship is conferred, the Government ought to let him alone and allow him to take his place, sur rounding him with no more restraint and giving him no more help than is accorded to other citizens. Under the present system, Indians to whom al lotments have been made and upon whom citizenship has been conferred still receive enormous gratuities and need every dollar they receive. After reviewing in detail the work of the land office during the past twelve months, the secretary takes up the question of the disposition of the arid lands and the preservation of the forests. He urges that these two ques tions are closely allied, for the quan tity of arid lands far exceeds the present water supply, even if it were all utilized for irrigation. The in crease of the water supply must de pend upon the growth and preserva tion of the forests. Attention is called to the failure of the Carey bill to ac complish the results expected; the secretary attributes this to the fact the bill intended that money for the irrigation should be raised upon the arid lands given to the States. This has been impossible on account of the fact that sufficient control over the lands was not given to the States to make them available as security for the money expended in their reclama tion. The secretary suggests the advisability of patenting these lands to the States after it is fully deter mined that the selections made by them under the Carey act are arid lands. CRAZED ON A TRAIN. An Aged Woman and Her Grandson Both Insane The Woman Kills Herself. i Madison, Wis., Nov. 30. As the , north bound train on the Northwest- j ern road reached Shopeer last night, j an elderly woman, traveling with her 10-year-old grandson, suddenly be came violently insane and caused & panic among the passengers. The conductor locked the woman and the boy inside the car. but when the train arrived at Evansville, the woman was missing, she having leaped through a window. The boy remained in the car and it was found that he, too, was demented and could give no account of what had transpired. This morning the woman's body was found beside the track three miles south of Janesville. She had evidently been killed in stantly. ' TRAIN ROBBERS FOILED. Texas Bandits Hold l'p an Express, Bat Fail to Open the Safe. Fobt Wobth, Tex., Nov. 30. Five miles north of Childress, at 6:30 o'clock last evening, a north bound train on the Fort Worth and Denver was held up by two men. The robbers got nothing, as the mes senger could not open the through safe. boarding &sry scrapers. Chicago, Nov. 30. Chicago firemen yesterday demonstrated at the Masonic temple their ability to cope with fires in the upper stories of the tallest buildings. Engine No. 1 of the fire department pumped a stream of water through 500 feet of hose and stand pipes to the roof of the building, where there was sufficient force to drench the roofs of neighboring buildings. The water pressure at the building was 240 pounds. On the roof at the same time the pressure was fifty-four pounds to the inch. Praker'a Health Precarious. Excelsiob Springs, Ma, Nov. 3 0. A fellow prisoner of Dr. G. W. Fraker has written to Captain J. L. Farris, Fraker's attorney, that the doctor's health is precarious and that his doc tors in Richmond report that he is af flicted with an incurable case of Bright's disease. The letter says that at times Fraker is out of his mind. He has asked that Dr. J. M. Allen of Lib erty be called to see him. His attor ney here will see that the request is attended to. China Will Build Her Own Railways. London, Nov. 30. Special dis patches from Shanghai say it is re ported there that no railway conces sions have been granted to foreigners in China and that the Chinese govern ment intends henceforth to keep the railway building' in its own hands. NEWS BREVITIES. Two dead bodies were found in the ruins of the Vokes building at New YoYk. Murderer Willis King, a life convict, escaped from jail at Gatesville, Texas. Jesse Wimp, a supervisor of Dallas Township, Illinois, was killed by a C B. fc Q. train. A call has been issued for a caucus of Republican senators, to be held next Monday. Rabbi Gries preached a sermon against Thanksgiving- as a Christian 1 institution at Cleveland. O.hio. rpyQ TIMES AND OUT. CLEVELAND WANTS NO THIRD TERM IN HJS. All Ramon Set at Rest The President lias Ko Desire For Nor Would He Accept Another Nomination A Tonr of the World at the Close of His Pres ent Term. Being Arranged. No Third Term in His. New York, Nov. 28. It was an nounced last evening by E. C. Bene dict, the trusted and intimate friend of President Cleveland, that the presi dent will not under any circumstances accept thie nomination for a third term. Mr. Benedict has long enjoyed the confidence of Mr. Cleveland and is so close in his relations with him that this statement has a semi-official com plexion. Mr. Benedict said: "I am certain that Mr. Cleveland would decline an other nomination if it were offered him. I am positive that he doesn't want to serve a .third term. I am equally positive that he could not be persuaded under any circum stances to accept the nomination if it should be tendered him. I have heard him say that he intended to make a tour of the world at the expiration of his second term; that he wanted to see more of the world than he had seen and that he had his traveling companion already picked out at least that he had asked a personal friend of his to accompany him on the tour." In making this statement for pub lication, Mr! Benedict has so far de parted from his previous reticence with regard to Mr. Cleveland's affairs, that it has special significance. To-day Mr. Benedict said further: "Mr. Cleveland does not make me con fidant. 1 can not speak for him with authority, and I don't like to be placed in the position of acting as his mouth piece. It is not a pleasant position for one to be in by any means. I feel positive that Mr. Cleveland does not want to serve as President for a third term. He feels that he has done enough for his country and no longer cares for the successes or defeats of politics. I feel certain mind I don't say I am certain that he could not be persuaded to accept a re-nomination. It has not been offered yet- I feel certain, and there are little social matters into which it is not necessary to go, that Mr. Cleveland is anxious to get out of politics, lie wishes to enjoy the sov ereignty of the citizen rather than the servitude of the State. He is count ing the days and hours until he can return to private life." "There are some who say Mr. Cleve land must accept a renomination,' was suggested. "I feel that he will not." "Then he will have to make a de claration to that effect." "I think," was the reply made slowly, "that he will either refute or confirm what I have said at an early day over his own signature." DEATH BEFORE DIVORCE. Peter Mc-tieocli of Lard Corner, Fame Kill-. Himself. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 88. Peter McGeoch, millionaire, known through out the country as a daring specula tor and keen financier, the man who ran the great lard corner in 1SS3 and lost millions in its collapse, shot him self this morning at his home on Na tional avenue, just out side of the city, and was found dead in the bath room of his his house at 11:35 o'clock. He had placed the muzzle of a revolver in his mouth and fired. The bullet took an upward course and penetrated the brain. McGeoch's domestic troubles un doubtedly led him to take his life. It was announced yesterday that his wife was about to bring suit for di vorce on the ground of incompatibili ty of temper, and it is well known to their acquaintances that their married life had not been happy and they had lived apart for some time. McGeoch was a man who had ex perienced many reverses and gone un daunted through trials that would have broken down most men, but do mestic scandal was more than he could bear and immediate cause of his sui cide was no doubt the making public of the fact of the impending divorce. No man for years was better known on the Chicago and Milwaukee Boards of trade than Peter McGeoch. He was a daring speculator up to the disas trous lard deal of 1883, when he at tempted to corner the lard of the country and was buried under' the load. Daniel Wells, jr., of Milwaukee was interested in the deal, and a long and acrimonious law suit followed. After the failure of the lard corner, McGeoch dropped out of the specula tion, and devoted his time to his street railway lines up to 1839, when he sold to a Pittsburg syndicate, headed by Mr. Ryan of New York. Since then he has devoted himself to his various interests, which are of considerable magnitude. McGeoch was married eight years ago to Mrs. Libby of Kenwood, a Chi cago suburb. The two had not been. happy for some time. Canons of Henderson Men. Washington, Nov. 23. A caucus of Western and Southern Republican congressmen was held last night at the Normandia in the Interest of Gen eral Henderson's candidacy for clerk of the house. Congressman Cannon of Illinois presided, and Congressmen Henderson of Iowa and MeCall of Ten nessee were leading spirits. Strong- inroads into the McDowell forces were reported, especially among the new i congressmen. ! Strikes in Chicago. Washington, Nov. 28. Chicago's ' strikes, according to bulletin No. 1 of the labor bureau, just issued, have cost 58,o46,i94 in the past seven years, ; and this only relates to the loss in wages. No city in the country shows as heavy losses or as many men taking part in them in the length of time cov ered by the report. The number of strikes in New York was larger, but the loss was smaller. There were no less than 10,060 strikes in Illinois from the beginning of the year 18S7 to July 1, 1894, of which 4,650 succeeded, 4,400 failed, and the remainder were compromised. NEWSY TELEGRAMS. Sax Francisco, Nov. vere storm that has 2s. The se been raffing through the East does not extend west of the Rockies. London, Nov. 2S. At the Boling broke Club in a twenty-round contest for 700 between Jem Smith and Dick Burge, Smith won in the ninth round. Sedalia. Mo.,' Nov. 28. Mrs. Mona-han-Collier's millinery establishment closed by assignment, with no pre ferred creditors. Assets, $3,500; lia bilities not estimated. Jennings, Kan., Nov. 28. Francis Schlatter registered at the Revere house in this little city yesterday. He has kept his room nearly all the time and very few have so far been able to see him. Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. 28. John Bates a farmer residing near Brazato, eighteen miles from this city, com mitted suicide yesterday by shooting himself through the head with a rifle. Domestic difficulties was tne cause. Chicago, Nov. 28. Between 12 and 1 o'clock this morning fire destroyed Arnold Bros.' packing house and meat market on the Hay market square. The property damaged was estimated by one of the proprietors at 5125,000. In surance, $75, 000. St. JosErH, Mo.. Nov. 28. William Durrall and William King, both well known men, quarreled over a turkey raffle in the barroom of the Colorado house last night and King broke a billiard cue over Durrall's head, crush ing his skull. King is in jail. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 28. The directors of the Childs-Drexel home for union printers decided, after the evidence before them had been care fully considered, to send a committee to Colorado Springs to investigate the charges preferred against Superin tendent Shuman, of the home. orniSG field, Mo., Nov. 2 8. A livery stable on South Campbell street, be longing to F. S. Ritter, was entirely destroyed by fire yesterday. The loss is between .810,000 and 815,000. A large number of horses were con sumed, the highest estimate being forty. Many overland freighters had their wagons loaded ready to go to Arkansas and lost their ail. Sherman, Texas, Nov. 28. The body of John Mack, aged 19, was found hanging from the limb of a tree near Greenville, in the county adjoining this. 1-rom the surroundings it ap peared to be clearly a case of suicide. Mack was guilty of assault upon lus sister, aged 16, and his father says ever since the crime came to light he feared his son would hang himself. Jackson, Mich., Nov. 28. There was - M M. a desperate not at tne state prison yesterday morning. Deputy Warden Northup was struck on the head with "W . . 11 A. a nainmer. it is inougni ne is iatany injured. Superintendent Coffer of the ihirt factory, was badly beaten, as was also Foreman Muller. Enraged convicts smashed scores of machine. The convicts, after much difficulty, were controlled and locked up. South McAlester, Ind. Ter., Nov. 28. The Colgate & Krebs miners have just held a meeting' and have appointed delegates to a territo'rial mass meeting of miners for the purpose of compell ing the mining companies to restore the old schedule of wages and the old rules. It is thought that a general strike all over the Indian territory will take place in the near future. Topeka, Kan.. Nov. 28. The Santa Fe officials hold Conductor J. M. Robb and Engineer J. C Brown of the freight train which collided with the east-bound "flyer" at Shumaker, N. M., responsible for the wreck. The train was behind time and ought to have been sidetracked at Tipton, seven miles east of Shumaker, the officials say, for the "flyer," which had the right of way. As it was, the freight train got on the passenger train's time. Washington, Nov. 28. The Kansas Congressional delegation, as soon as possible after the Fifty-fourth Con gress begins, will introduce resolu tions in both houses looking to an investigation of the circumstances connected-with the arrest and imprison ment of ex-Consul Waller. The mem bers of the delegation take the position that the United States is entitled to .-. the record of the trial as a matter of right, and therefore should not ask it as an act of comity. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 28. During the wind storm on Sunday night a heavy Union Pacific freight train was stalled by the wind in coming down the steepest hill on the run in Wyoming. The trains have to come down the Peru hill with all brakes set, but in this instance the wind was so severe that the train, with brakes off and a full head of steam on, was unable to run down hilL Anderson, Ind., Nov. 28. The wind blew at a terrific rate last night. " The colored United church, a new build ing, was completely demolished. The covered bridge over the Missiannewa at Jonesboro, was blown down and the third story of the rubber works torn down. James Howard was seri ously injured by the walls of a build ing f.-.lling on him. Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 2o. A sen sation has been caused here by the action of the Republican leaders, who have decided to call a great mass meeting for the purpose of condemn ing the policy of the government in Cuba. It is proposed to issue a mani festo demanding autonomy for Cuba as a sure means of concluding the war on the island. Bowling Green, Ohio, Nov. 28. The Standard Oil Company reports over I,0()0 derricks blown down in this field by last night's storm, and states that its loss will reach Sl50,000. The loss to private operators is enormous. Wires are down everywhere. The vil lage of Cygnet, in this county, was almost blown away. NEWS IN BRIEF. Wichita Masons are talking of build ing a 530,000 temple. Arthur Arnould, a French author of note is dead, at the age of 62 years. The storm off the English coast con tinues. Many sailors have been drowned. There is talk of having Congress create a department of gymnastics in the army. Wright Bros., general merchants of Warrensburg, Mo., have made an assignment. THE CHAIRMANSHIPS. SPEAKER REED IS THEM UP. FIXING The Contest Being: Waged with Much Earnestness The Head of the Way and Means Committee The Influence of Messrs. Quay and Flatt in the Fight for Jobs. Honse Chairmanships. Washington, Nov. 27. The contest for the committee chairmanships in the house is being waged with much earnestness. Mr. Reed, who will, as speaker, name these, is beeping his own counsel in this matter. It is gen erally accepted that he has already made up his mind'with regard to the most important chairmanship that of the ways and means committee. Sere no E. Payne of New York is, it is thought, pretty certain to secure this position, which carries with it the honor of leading the majority on the floor. Mr. Payne and Mr. Dalzell of Pennsylvania are the leading candi dates for the place, but Mr. Dalzell is not on friendly terms with Senator Quay. Mr. Payne, on the other hand, is very close to Piatt, the Republican leader of New York, and he is at the same time the ranking Republican member on the committee. If Mr. Reed, therefore, who is accredited with having an eye to 1896, can please both Senator Quay and Mr. Piatt by appointing to the ways and means chairmanship and follow the rules of precedent at the same time, it is tbonght very probable that he will do it. General Henderson of Iowa, is thought to be slated for the chairman ship of the next most important com mittee, that on appropriations. EXTRADITION REFUSED. Governor Morrill Declines to Give Up Ab daf tor Chlsbolni to Missouri. Topeka, Kan., Nov. 27. Governor Morrill to-day refused the requisition from the Governor of Missouri for Fred Chisholm, the negro charged with hav ing abducted a young white girl of Benton county. Mo. The refusal was based on the irregularity of the pa pers, there being nothing to show that the person before whom the orig inal complaint was filed was a magis trate or that the signature attached was that of the committing officer. There was some excitement among the negroes who had come from Law rence to prevent Chisholm's extradi tion, it being claimed that it was the purpose of the people of Benton coun ty to lvnch him. Republicans for McKinley. New York, Nov. 2 7. Senator John M. Thurston, of Nebraska, in an inter view yesterday, said: "The Repub licans are for McKinley for the next presidential candidate, first, last and all the time.' "Do you think that the Republicans will be able to reorganize the United States Senate at the coming session?"' "Yes," he replied, "1 believe we will be strong enough to assume con trol. I have been in Washington for a week and can say that at the open- inc of the Senate, the Kepublicans will start in and reorganize that body, j I believe that all the Populist mem- bers of the Senate will vote with the Republicans this session. That, at least, is the understanding among the leaders now, and I do not think that j anything will turn up to change the program.' Governor-elect Busnnell of Ohio is at the Holland house. In an interview he expressed the opinion that Governor McKinley would be the next Republican nominee for Presi dent. ; He Wants His Child. Warrexpbcrg, Mo., Nov. 27. About two years ago J. H. Jones of Simpson township married a dmughter of Law- rence Manning and deserted her four ! months previous to the birth of their i thild. His wife returned to her fath- er's home, where the child was born. , ..... ... .. . She died three weeics later. .Manning t?pb Lilt? iUldU I auu lafauti ujcitvao several fruitless ettorts to ootain pos- session of it. Yesterday he applied to the probate court for a writ of habeas corpus. When the trial brought out the facts Judge Gibson gave Mrs. Flowers, a neighbor, the custody of the infant until a guardian could be appointed. Many Want to He Healed. Atchison. Kan., Nov. 27. The dis patches about H. H. Wentworth, the Atchison healer, have brought the poor flag-man a notoriety, which in all his 80 odd years he never dreamed would-be his. Letters are pouring in upon him in such quantities that now his daily mail is greater than that of any man or firm in the city. Yester day at 10 o'clock there was a record of 235 letters and the heavy mails of the day had not yet arrived. These letters come from everywhere, and from peo ple with every imaginable ailment, and all asking for the influence of the wonderful power of the magical healer. Indices Divided Religiously. Montreal, Nov. 27. The case oi the Canada Review against Archbishop Faber for $50,000 damages for being put under the ban of the church, came np for judgment in the court of review yesterday. Judges Tait, Taschereau and Archibald presided. The two former, both Catholics, were unani mous in deciding that the bishop had the right to condemn any paper con trary to the teachings of the Catholic church. Judge Archibald, a Protes tant, dissented and held that the plaintiff should have 510,000. Bays He Abdicated In Favor of Maher Be cause He Was an Irishman. Lynn, Mass., Nov. 27. Retired Champion J. J. Corbett said in an in terview yesterday: "I am disgusted with the entire business and hence forth will confine my entire time to the stage. No matter what the public may say, whether it be complimentary or otherwise, I cannot be induced to again enter the arena. I bestowed the championship upon Peter Maher be cause he is an Irishman, and because 1 prefer he should have and defend the title rather than place it in the cus tody of an Australian or Englishman. " FATE OF A SAVAGE TRIBE. The Story of a High Priest's Propnecy and Its Fulfillment. At a village near the source of the Oyapok, the stream over which Brazil and French Guiana are disputing, says the Journal des Voyages, an old man of the Caicouchiane tribe of Indians lives, the only person of this tribe thereabout, and he tells the story of his people's fate. The tribe was once great, he said, but for two generations it has been without a country. His people once had a country on the Tumac-Humac mount ains called Paritou, and for allies the Ouayauas, the Oupourouis and the Emerillous. His people were strong hut the evil spirits (yolocks) cast them down. A numerous people from the east came against his people and their allies. The great priest of his people abode three days without food in the house of divinations and came out look ing as if ten years had passed over his head. He reported that the yolocks had decreed death to the people. Then the braves joined their allies and the war went on. The invading people were not brave but they came in swarms until the allies were wearied with slaughter. Many years passed and many young warriors perished, while the women cried out that their lovers were dead. The first to make this outcry was Anita, who had lost her lover in the mountains of Paritou. Then the high priest cried that this language deserved death and Anita was strangled by the old women. Then the high priest at length declared that the fates had prophesied aright and it was time for the people to take flight through the forest. "They shall eat no more cassava or tapioca," he said, "they shall no more drink cadeiri, they shall no more know the inanioca. They shall go through the forest known only to the tiger and the tapir." It was in the moon of Ayamouri and the people ate only grains and cacao. They started and reached the banks oi the Oyapok, the long river. They passed over the rocks of a great falls and reached the great river Yin garari. They followed it toward the south. Three months after they had left the forest of Paritou they came upon a high mountain whence flowed another Oya pok. This Oyapok, they learned, was called Agamionare. The high priest said that the people should retire here to die. So they settled there and upon the banks of another river, the Ourouai tou, and the women hoped that the war riors would love them again and the fields would be planted. But the high priest said: "Plant, drink, dance. Be neautnui young women, be handsome young war riors, but do not burn the pimento. It's useless, for the giant Couroup (the small pox) comes to lead you to the funeral butcher." The giant Couroup was without pity; he struck and struck again. Mothers fled their children and children their mothers. The villages were full of the dead, full of uneaten cassava. The cinders of the hearth were not relighted. Nearly all of the Caicouchianes died. That was long ago. To-day there remains not more than fifty Caicouchianes dispersed among the Oyampis. The Caicouchianes are dead, slain hy war and Couroup, because the fates willed it. Fate is neither just nor unjust but is often sad. BEAUTY'S REBUKE. Wonld Be Well If People Minded it Their Own Baslnes. A handsome brunette, with a brave looking little boy of 6 or 7 and a sweet faced baby girl of 2 years, entered the Manhattan Life building, at 66 Broad way, recently, says the New York Re corder. Telling the children to wait for her near the entrance, the woman en tered an elevator. A long time passed and the children, growing frightened, began to cry. Then a crowd collected and the word "deserted" was frequently heard. All was excitement. The young sters were so frightened that they couldn't tell their names, and the con ductor couldn't remember where the woman had got off. All the exits were watched for the brunette, and a Gerry agent was just going to take charge of the little ones, when one of the ele vators touched the ground, and, to the amazement of all, out stepped the pretty brunette and gazed in wonder at the scene of excitement about her. The crowd hastily cleared a passage for her and in a moment she had her children clasped In her arms. "Mommer was de layed a little longer than she expected, but I hope you were not frightened. But what is all this crowd about for?" she said. Then one man, braver than the rest, explained with many apologies that the people had supposed the children might have been lost, or or deserted. A look of indignation crossed the woman's beautiful face, as she said: "I had business with my lawyer which I thought I could finish in a moment, but was delayed. I left my children here because it makes my dear little girl dizzy and nervous to ride in an ele vator. It would be a good thing if some people would learn to mind their own business." And then, with a child clasped In each hand, she walked slowly out and up Broadway. Anxious for Criticism. Scribbler I always make it a point to submit my poems to friends, for sug gestions and criticism, before publica tion, and I have brought some pages for you to look over. Bibbler Um yes, of course; but why not take it to Nib bler? Scribbler Huh! He's a born idiot! The last time I showed him a poem he found fault with it. A Chance. "Three minutes for dinner!" yelled the railroad porter. "Good!" exclaimed the editor. "The last time it was $3." Atlanta Constitution.