Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 21, 1895, Image 9
POSITION EXPLAINED. WHAT BIMETALLISM MEANS IN THE UNITED STATES. No Opponent of Free Silver Coinage Can Call Himself a Bttnetalliat mnd Tell the Troth at the Sam Time. to 154 ounces of silver"; at the sazn time saying to the owners of silver bul- lion, "Bring that along and have it ' coined at the rate of 15 ounces to 1 ! ounce of gold, and when so coined they . shall both be full legal tender every- where in France," it ought to be plain that no man with a grain of business sense would take much less than the French mint rate. It was not necessary j that "all the silver in the world," as the American goldite puts it, should b j poured into the French mint. ' Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report McHxfl Ess BENEFITS THE EAST, Boon to Eng- As tho avowed purpose of this pub lication is to aid in the complete resto ration of "bimetallism" in the United Cheap Silver a Ciloriou land. A recent press dispatch from China says: The British consul-general to China discusses the silver question as follows: "Under the influence of cheap silver, the volume of export continues to ex pand and the European consumer reap3 the benefit of their cheapness in gold prices. The fall in silver and low freights have combined to enable the majority of the staple exports of China ' to be laid down in Europe at about one-half the cost at which they could states, it fS riPPmPrt nroner that the pre- i be Rol(l twenty years ago." Ti nature of "bimetallism," or the j The above item gives peculiar em- "bimetallic system." should be clearly j phasis to the one concerning the sale; ard accurately stated. In the present j of Mexican silver bonds. For years stage cf the controversy in this coun- j past the bimetallisms of Europe and try it seems to be in the highest degree J America have contended that the rise t btential that such an explanation i in the value of gold was operating as should be made. A large majority of i a bounty upon exports from silver tlip opponents of free silver coinage using countries. The facts here stated proclaim themselves "bimetallists." prove the correctness of that claim. : The idea of a person being opposed to i The manner in which it does so is so the fiee coinage of silver and at the j simple as to be seen at a glance when same time being a "bimetallist," is ab- i attention i3 directed to it. Briefly surd. There are certainly some who ; stated, it is this: Silver has main- j are sufficiently familiar with the sci- ; tained a practical stability of value as : ence of money to know that they are compared with commodities in general, giving themselves a false designation; j For twenty years past, upon an aver but the most of those who thus apply j age, an ounce of silver would buy a the term are no doubt innocently mis- ' bushel of wheat in India and lay it taken. down in the English market. It will There can be no true "bimetallism" d0 the same now. Therefore the East with free coinage of one meta! and a Indian can get no more silver for his limited coinage of the other. The word wneat at the present time than he "bimetallism" as used by monetary couiri twenty years ago. Nor does he writers means exactly the same as the lose anything by reason of that fact, for "double standard." That is to say, it nis ounce 0f silver in rupees is just a3 means a money standard consisting of mucn an(j just as good money m India two metals, used at a certain ratio to ag it eyer was with the American, each other, both freely coined and each howevei it is different. He can get ! full legal tender after it is coined. inst as much for his wheat as the East In his testimony before the Royal Indian can and no more. That is to Dancer From Dait. The Italian physicians who have been making- a study of the component parts of the street dust of Turin, one of the cleanest cities in Europe, by the way, report that the germs of almost every disease known to science are dis covered. On the candles exposed for sale in the streets, and on the surface of food sold in the open air, they found the germs of tuberculosis, anthrax and half a score of other maladies. 2oth inr can be really safe to eat if there is danjrer in dirt. The wax fruit that is kept in glass cases is probably as un healthy as anything- that is offered for sale. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's ratarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transartlons. and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WALDING, K I XX AX & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Tol?3o, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. - Testi monials sent free. Price. 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills. 15c Salaries of Ball Fighter. Spanish bull fighters get salaries as large as those of exceptionally great actors. "First swords," like Mazzan tani or Guerrita, are among" the richest men in Spain. Guerrita, who isnotyet 30, earns an income which is never less than 540,000 in one year, and owns near Cadiz, a villa and park, where in the winter he entertains his friends with lavish hospitality. Mazzantini has $400,000 invested, and it is a bad year when he does not earn 550,000. Keverte once, after a triumphant corrida in San Sebastien, lighted a cigarette with a spill rolled out of a French bank note for 1,000 francs, to show bis contempt for money in ceneral, and French I money in particular. False Witnesses. There are knaves now and then met with who represent certain looul bitters and poi sonous stimuli as Identical with or possess ing properties akin to those of Uo.-aetter's stomach Hitters. These scamps only suc ceea in foisting their trashy compounds upon peonle unacquainted with the genu ine article, whi li 13 as much their opposite as d:i v is to nipht. skaud take no substi tute for the prand remedy for malaria, dys pepsia, constipation, rheumatism and kid ney trouble. Sooner or later pride is bound to step on dvnamite. Full Business, Shorthand. Pen Art and Telegraph course. Oldest, Largest and Best in Nebraska. Students can work for board. Beautiful Catalog free. F. F. i?OCSE. Pres. Omaha. Omaha STOVE REPAIR Works Ktove Repairs for 40,000 different atovea andranp. 1ZUV Imglaa it.,Omtha,b v 1-5 -.ii 4 rasa LiiRS WHiHEALL LE f AILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes fcrood. in time. Sold by omtrpist. IS I TTTE A T1TI r O TOT CO. tori r-.lf t; -rj,rs wiiaJmlll buaiuoss, Ik-chuso tt bas ruu jt ri t; f,.: of Wind power to 1.0 wrstj il js.f It ii:ts man 7 branch fr houses, an t FuptHies its Roods si;d repairs 4&5jn?4i atyonr dr. It can id ii.j-.-ri f jruisli a Jgf. '3fi...i f better &rt.cie ivr i.-.-'. Uiozirj than nY-?5.4 """era. ir rusUoi i and a? i' ri OtsarfO, Steel, u-;T-;i.-a-ufter- 2OT "Completion Uu.n i . - T.hitiff !? 1 J i-' ntI Fixed S:eel Tottpts. i z z Saw r Frames, Steel iefni Curvr, c:.u rrel f OriniU-rs. On application it r :; .;.-e ti f articles that it wU t :iT.i,h 'iuu January 1st at 13 the usual price. Z: uakes TanSa and Pump of all kintis. SenJ f;:r iur-' zee. Factory: 12th, Rockwell acd i'ilUaore Sires!. Cii rro. PAUKER'S HAIR BALSAM CltKw and bcactilic ti.e hair. Promote a loxuriant p.'w'L Meier Faila to Bector? Cmy Hair to itm Touitlul Co. or. Curti ralp dim.vt A hir niuc;. GAVI 1.00. Female Fruit Pilla 3ositleIy rrtn.i all lrresmiarities. fr m whiteve- ciu-c Prut-, GaTi He-iicat Co., M dearborn Street, Chiiro. Farm values in England are much de preciated through the low price of pro duce, and many holders of estates are disposing' of their property, not infre quently at auction sales. An estate of 1,200 acres located near Winchester sold recently at a price equal to STiTS per acre, 2,70'J acres and mansion located on the River Rule have changed hands at ST1.15 per acre. An auctioneer has just sold under the hammer 130 acres at Weston, Notts, in small parcels for 3,794, equal to SI 42 per acre, a prop erty which twenty years ago cost 10,-0O0. FITSAll Fits stopped free by Pr. Kline's Great Jierve Restorer. .No Kits after tbe nrstday's vbe. ilarvelouncurvs. Treatise and S'2 trial bottle fre-t t It, Cfebe. be ud to ir. K.liue,3ol Axch feU, Plaia., fm Commission of Eneland. given on the fourth day of March, 18S7, H. II. Gibbs, then a director and ex-governor of the eaiiK 01 rngianu, ut-uueu uhuciul.o. which is of the as follows: 1. An open mint, to which every man may bring either gold or silver to be coined. 2. A fixed ratio which the gold and silver coins are to bear to each other. 3. The enactment that the money so coined shall be legal tender to any amount of the option of the payer. Any limitation upon the coinage of either or upon its legal tender, de stroys one of the fundamental princi ples upon which bimetallism rests. The other at once becomes the standard, while the one subiected to a restric say he can get an ounce of silver, or its equivalent in gold, for a bushel. But measured in American money gold standard, that ounce of silver is only worth about one-half as much as it was in 1873. So , that while the East Indian is receiving the same price as formerly for his wheat, the American only gets about ! half as much as he used to. The very , moment silver began to decline in the English market it acted as an induce ment to the English exporter to buy wheat in some silver-using country ra ther than the United States. He could first buy the silver at a profit, and then buy as much wheat with a given amount of silver as he ever could. This A ChUd Enjoy The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use ; so that it is the best family remedy known, and every family should have a bottle on hand. By and by Marilorouah will go to join Ihinraven and we will i e at rest. When we $:ive grudgingly we do not give at a!L I I elieve Piso's Cure for Consumption Kaved my boy's life last 6ummer. Mrs. K. C. JiotXTON'Needham, Mass., Oct. U2, '94. All the l ets on a yacht race are not p'aced on the stake toat. If the Baby la Catting Teetn. 3e sore and use that old and ell tried remedy, Mb. WrNLOw's Sootruco ETRir for Children Teething- good Many people fail by not making a teginnin. Jtfany influence combine reduee health to the iiantrer limit. Te reriTin iropanles of Parker's Tonic best oTercjite these ills. Labor is drudeery only when we do not put heart in our work. ETrryrae kaewi how It Is to suffer with enriis. and they are not conducive to graceful walking. Kemore them with Uidercorna. The important thing is not how long we are going to live, but how. tion is dropped into a secondary or sub- '. is exactly what the English consul- . ordinate position. Tne tneory 01 01- seunai qu - : metallism is that the free coinage and low price of silver expanding the trade full legal tender of the two metals af- of China. The great staples of the ter they are coined will keep them at United States are and for years have a substantial parity. If, for example, been sold in the European market at the value of one should rise a little, by silver prices and in direct competition reason of a stronger foreign demand, with silver-using countries. Neverthe the home demand for that one would , less the gold advocate continues to roll immediately decrease and fall upon the his eyes in horror at the thought of the t other, and" cheaper, metal, thus act- United States getting upon the silver ing as a compensation. But, if one has ; basis With him the silver standard free access to the mint and the other i8 gcd enough for everybody but the has not. then they meet upon unequal ! mony-lender and the fortunate few ; terms and this principle cannot act. who have been benefited by the appre- ciation of gold. WHY NOT COME TO US? The one which can be freely coined will always be in stronger demand than the other, and. consequently, of greater value. Nor is this merely a theory. It is a principle as well established as the law of "supply and demand." In fact, it is one of the most perfect illustrations of the working of that law, and its cor rectness has been proved by seventy years of European monetary history. In 1S03 France threw open her mints to the free coinage of both metals at the ratio of 15V2 oz. of silver to 1 oz. of gold, and this mint ratio controlled the relative market values, not only in France, but everywhere, up to the year 1S73. In 1S1G England adopted the gold nandard, and at once put forth an un usual demand for gold. Had there been no bimetallism in France, gold would immediately have risen greatly in value. Ae it was, though, a large part of the gold required by England was furnished by France, but the demand of the latter for silver to take the place of the gold withdrawn by England op erated c.s a compensation, and prevent ed the silver from falling or the gold from rising, except to a very limited extent. Again, when the American civil war broke out. England was forced Jo turn to India tor cotton. She had no silver, and the East Indians had no use for gold. So England exchanged large amounts cf gold for French silver. This, combined with the immense gold production of California and Aus tralia, grained France of a large por tion of her silver. The conditions of 1S16 were now reversed, and England's 1 extraordinary demand for silver was offset by the French demand for gold to take its place, and again the parity was preserved. . i These arc facts recognized by all monetary writers of sufficient standing to be remembered fifteen minutes after they are dead. Wolowski on the bi metallic side, Jevons on the gold mono- ; . n 1 1 i oirlo t Vi o Pnval fli-ilrl on1 Btl.-ri- URldU U olu"' 7 V , 7 . ; And after that the Satan of monopoly Commission of England, consisting of j w(mld bj chained thousand six bimetallists and six monometallism. ; Nevada Director. all concede the correctness of the prin- ciple here stated. But without consult- ' , . .... . . . The ing the authorities at all, it ought to j DaUghter-These English novels are be manifest to any person of ordinary . always speaklng of an intelligence who stops to think. When ; -at does jt mean? a rich and powerful country like France ; old Lady I s'pose It's the same way said to every man who had gold bul- j over tbere .tis here The heir a lion. "Bring it to the French mint and j wayB taB go t0 law before he can get it shall be coined at the rate of 1 ounce : anything. The Omaha Platform Contains Your Silver Creed. If our republican and democratic friends could only realize the fact that the main sources of information from which the people of their respective or- ganizations have derived financial wis- j dom have been nrst tne old greenDacK party and later the people's party, the political situation would be simplified. The goldbugs in both old parties are planning to head off the silverites, and the republican and democratic silver men are planning how they can head oft the populists. Yet the populists (who include a great many of the old green backers), are the very chaps who have persistently kept up the agitation of the financial question. While the two old parties were quar reling over the tariff, which is now "played out," as Mr. Bland truly says, the populists were making a fight on the money question, the real issue. Had it not been for the agitation kept up by the populists the free silver coin age 16 to 1 men in the two old parties would have been snowed under long ago. Don't imagine, dear democratic silver brethren, that the gold wing of your party is the least bit afraid of you. They fear the growing strength of the people's party will cause you to slip out from under WTall street's thumb. The goldbugs will, if they can, keep you from joining us, for in unity there is strength. You learned much of your silver doc trine from us, and you know it. The Omaha platform contains your silver creed. We are making the only straight fight on the money power, and the money power knows it, and hates us. Were you to join the populists politi cal chaos would come like the crack of doom. Knnnins: Doable Capacity. In the year 1894 the De Kalb Fence , Co. of De Kalb, 111., doubled the ca- ; pacity for producing their lines over ' 1893, which gave them an output of ; 20 miles per day. The demand for their j good3 has been so great the past sea- ! son, that in order to be able to supply i their trade, they have been compelled this year to double the capacity of 1S94, which now gives them an output oZ 40 miles per day. This in itself speaks well for their product and merits the attention and inspection of our readers, and all that are in need of smooth wire fencing of any kind, and it will be to your inter est to write for their catalogue which describes in detail their goods, com prising the largest and most complete lines of smooth wire fencing now pro duced by any one plant in the country. See their ad in another column of this paper. fcbe! I am saddes-t when 1 fcing. He so are the neighbors. The Funny an I.nis Valley. FOR SALE The best improved Ranche (farm) in Southern Colorado. 320 acres. Address F. P. Baker, To peka. Kas., or N. R. Baker, Alamosa, Colorado. Dreams of wealth don't come true as often as work for it does. i lo You Speculate? i Then end for our book, "How to Specu i late Successfully on Limited Margins in d'rain and Stock Markets." Mailed free, t'omstock, Hughes & Company, Riaito BuLding, Chicago, 111. I Humi erdink has written an opera. ; name probably suggested the plot. J 1 7W that plate YOU SEE THEM EVERYWHERE IT Jacob Is a prize fighter and champion in every contest with q 0) U c n VMl o n 1 5J? It knocks out in every round, and on its belt is written g "I CURE." 2 THE LAND OF THE Tb Last (M im I hr kad la the Cra BU at Low Prirea. For IXFORV ATIOS reirardinir land In Barry Co., S. "IV. MIMSOITKI write to Can. liso a. J'rRTY. fierce Citr, Mo.; J G. Maeiott, I'urxly, Slo. . T. K. Fkokt, CasMrilie, Mo., or L. B, Srowar & Co f03 llonadnock Bldg Chicago, 111. .An Kni?raatical Hill of Fare For a dinner served on the dining cars of the Chicago, Milwaukee. fc St. Paul Railway will be sent to any address on receipt of a two-cent postage stamp. Apply to George H. Heaford, general passenger agent, Old Colony building, Chicago, Ill Australia has a population of less than 5,000,000, but economists declare it could support 100,C0O.0OO with ease. Coe'i Covgli Balaam I tbe oldest and best. It will break op a Cold quick er than anything- else. It i alwajrs reliable. Try K. Self-righteousness is as bard to cure as cancer. "Eanton'i Sfkffle Corn Balva. Warranted to rare or money refunded. Aak your druggist for it. I rice 15 eenta. Whatever love undertakes to well. do it does Billiard tab e, perond-hand, for sale cheap. App'v to or address, FL C. Akis, "ill S. lUh St., Omaha, Nebi O I O l o I o I o I o I o I o I o I o I o o I o I o I o -Q-0-Q-0-0-0-Q-Q--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-Q-Q Tba Companion haa baea crowing bettor, brighter rry year Sat mm than sixty years. Companion "52 Times a Year." Subscription. $ 1.75. The Volume of The Companion for 1896 the 70th year of its publication will give weekly entertainment anl instruction in abundance for every member of the family. Six Holiday Numbers. Special Souvenir Numbers, double in size and appropriate to each season, are published at Thanksgiving, Christ mas, New Tear's, Washington's Birth day, Easter and Fourth of July. Largo Pages. The size of The Companion page is four times that of the leading Maga zines. In each Volume nearly 700 pages are given, profusely illustrated. Only $1.75 a year. For all the Family. Both young and old find in each week's issue amusement and education in the Serial and Short Stories, in its Editorials, Anecdotes, Health and Miscellaneous Articles. More than aoo Famous Men and Women have contributed to the next Volume of THE COMPANION. Send for Full Illustrated Prospectus and Sample Copies Free. aaWVaftftaanaaaFa'araaFferaaFaVkrakkFsaktekFhFavKFkFa'ka 50- Ct. CAIENDAR FREE REMARKABLE OFFER! New Subscribers who will cut oat this slip and send it AT ONCE with name and address, and $1.75, will receive: FREE The Youth's Companion every week till January x, 1896. FREE Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Tear's Doable Numbers. FREE Oar Handsome 4 page Calendar (7 x xo inches) , litho graphed in nine colors. Retail price, 50 cents. 37 AND THE COMPANION 5a weeks, a fall year, to January 1, 1897. e m m SEND 3 this slip with J 3 3 3 w H.75 THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 201 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. Send Check, Post-Office or Express Order, or Registered Letter, at Oar Risk. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o---o-o o I o I o o I o I o s G I G 1 o I o I o I o I o 1 o Grace before lea There's a difference between being full of thanks giving, and being full of Thanksgiving dainties. But the one thing generally leads to the other. How -an it be helped when the turkey is so good, and the pie so enticing? Here's a helpful hint. For that full feeling after Thanksgiving take a pill. Not any pill, mind you. There are pills that won't help 3'ou. Take the pill that will. It's known as Ayeis Pill and it's perfect. It is sugar-coated, pleasant to the palate, and its operation, like that of nature, is effective and without violence. Keep this in your mind if you want to enjoy the holiday season: Grace before meat, but a Pill after Pie. M O itam m m ipa m aMAMWMWMsa " P C 5 9 C r C y V M. - STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE. 1 1 i 1 I iB GABLED FIELD AND HQS nhuL. Al CABLED POl'LTRV. 4SAKDKX AX1I RAHUIT VKNCK. W maaofactar a complete JIm of Smooth Wfrs Fencing and frafcrantee err article to itm an rrr: Mated. If you coraider quality we can re you money. Cntltne frre. 121 High Street DE KALB. ILL. De Kalb Fence Co., Timely Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established in 1780) has led to the placing on the market many misleading and unscrupulous imitations of their name, labels, and wraDoers. Walter Baker & Co. are the oldest and largest manu facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for. and be sure that they get, the genuine Walter Baker &. Co.'s goods. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER. MAS.5. a It or