Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 07, 1895, Image 6

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    The Weekly Journal
C W. SHERMAN, Editor.
One year, in advance, ....... $1.00
Six months, in advance, ..... .50
TVuvo months, in advance 25
Rates made known on application.
THURSDAY, NON. 7, 1895.
We ought to have a lecture course
in riattsmouth this winter.
What's the matter with organizin
a musical festival among the singers
of riattsmouth this winter?
This is an off year for the repub
licans. They are likely to lose both
Xew York and Ohio, as well as Cass
county. '
Well, election is over, and every
riattsmouth man should do everything
he can to assist in pushing forward its
best interests.
News from the Utah election shows
that the republicans combined with
the Mormons and elected the state
ticket and the legislature. A demo
cratic congressman, it is claimed, was
The elections in the eastern states
demonstrate in a very pronounced man
ner that Mr. Cleveland's policy on the
finances has alienated large numbers
of democrats,while it has not attracted
any republican support whatever.
Returns from Kentucky are not
complete, but the belief is that the
gold bug democrats were not able to
sell out the democratic ticket there,
although they did their worst, liar
din's majority will not be large, how
ever. The Maryland democracy has
finally broken away from the bossism
of Gorman, by joining in with the re
publicans. It was a fitting rebuke to
a most tyrannical political regency,
and will place the politics of that state
in a healthy condition.
The pugs Corbett andFitzsimmons
were not able to bring disgrace upon
the state of Arkansas, and were obliged
to flee from that state in order to get
free from the minions of the law and
the determined action of Governor
Clark. The world at large is in hearty
accord with the course of the governors
of Texas and Arkansas in their efforts
to suppress prize fighting.
The powers of Europe have wrung
from the Sultan of Turkey the pledge
that the Armenians should be pro
tected, and still the reports come of re
newed outbreaks, of murders, massa
cres, rapine and destruction of these
Christians by the bloodthirsty Turks,
unawed by the Sultan's armies. The
probabilities are that the whole of the
Armenian tribes will be wiped off the
face of the earth before a stop is put
to Turkish brutality.
It would seem that the Cleveland
administration has only the poor satis
faction in this election of having con
tributed to the republican triumph in
Maryland. In Kentucky even, with a
platform endorsing Cleveland and Car
lisle, the ticket was wholly snowed
under. In Ohio, where a gold plat
form was adopted, and Cleveland en
dorsed, the republican majority was
nearly doubled, and Brice, with his
mints of money; was not a figure in the
choice of the legislature.
The men who brought about the de
feat of Judge Chapman have done a
great work toward securing a reforma
tion of the bench, and they may well
rejoice and feel glad, both for having
checked the ambition of one who was
well along on the road toward an utter
disregard of public opinion and of pub
lic justice, and for electing a man who,
say what you may of him, has always
kept well in touch with the people.
An autocrat has been succeeded by a
democrat, and it is well.
Tee gain of 54,000,000 pounds in the
American production of tin plate in
the first year of the new tariff is a fact
of the greatest possible interest to
William McKinley. It shows him that
he has not labored in vain. The pray
ers he made for the preservation of the
infant tin plate industry have been
answered. The democratic tariff law
abolished the absurd McKinley duty of
four cents a pound on tin ore and re
duced the duty on tin plate one half .
Twenty-six mills which have begun op
eration in a single year will come very
near increasing the total annual output
to an eauality with the total annual
consumption. New York World.
The result of the election in Cass
countv is not known in detail at this
writing, but enough is known to indi
cate that the county has elected all the
J republican candidates, in all probabil
ity elected most of them by good round
majorities. In a county which is re
publican by nearly 400 it is a difficult
feat to overcome that majority, unless
a great disparity in the character of
the candidates should be presented. In
the late campaign this was impossible
to do, for it was conceded that the re
publican nominees on the county ticket
were personally men of fair abilities
and reputable citizens. The demo
cratic nominees were strong men and
the vote shows that the candidates for
treasurer, sheriff and clerk of courts
were much stronger than their party,
but thev were not stroncr enough to
win. It is evident to any observer
that a party must be united, both in
state and county, if it would be in a
position to win elections. This was
lamentably not true of the democracy
this year.
Tiie gold-bug democrats of the 18th
Illinois district have taken savage
satisfaction in defeating Mr. Lane,
the democratic nominee for election to
congress because he fa-ored free coin-1
age. They were encouraged to do this
by Senator Palmer who, in the decrepi
tude of his old age has turned with the
bitterness and hatred of a savage
against the interests of the common
people by whose loyal support he was
sent to the senate. He openly advised
democrats to vote for the republican
candidate rather than support Mr.
Lane. Backing that sentiment was a
liberal supply of boodle from the banks
and, as in the time when Wm. 11.
Morrison was robbed of his seat in the
house the district was bought and
paid for.
Larry McGasn, the Chicago ex
congressman, and as fine a specimen of
an honest and successful lrish-Amer-
ican as the "Ould Sod" ever sent across
the sea, is entitled to a monument.
At last fall's election he was given the
svAtttiAstnn ia. oTaif inn tit nnnrrraoa
was put on the rolls and his salary be
gan last March. A contest, however.
showed that he was falsely counted in
by the election board. He promptly
notified the authorities that he would
not accept pay nor make a further con
test. While he might have taken
Uncle Sam's cash for at least a whole
year, and probably could have served
most of the term, he would do nothing
of the sort. It is the first case of the
sort on record.
It is now an evident fact that the
Nebraska Australian ballot law should
be amended so as to present the ballot
in a different form. When it came to
voting for the democratic state ticket
many of the voters were apparently so
confused that they did not know how
to express their convictions. In every
ward of the city ballots were cast for
both Phelps and Mahoney and all four
of the candidates for regents. In
other cases men voted for Mahoney
and for Blackburn and Kittle, and
others for Phelps and for Ames and
Ashby. This result was purposely
connived at by the republican secre
tary of state and the supreme court.
It was a scandalous outrage on the
Eugene Field, who died of heart
failure, at bis heme in Chicago the
other day, was one of the most enter
taining writers and successful authors
of the time. A member of the cele
brated Field family, of which Cyrus W.
Field, Supreme Court Judge Field and
Marshall Field are noted characters.
Lugene Field, like bis sister, Kate,
chose a literary career, and, although
he died before reaching the full fruition
of a well-rounded life, he has added
many choice gems of verse and prose
to the literature of his time and to the
languages. Xo pang of harsh criticism
has been left behind. Those who knew
him only by his writings have nought
but a sincere regard for his memory.
An Important Decision.
Heretofore in cases of foreclosure of
mortgages, where the mortgaged prop
erty has failed to sell for enough to
satisfy the judgments, the mortgagees
have been allowed personal judgment
against the debtors for the balance.
Now comes Judee Foster of the Unf tari
States court, who. in nroceedir. hart
before him at Leavenworth, Kansas,
reverse fnrm.r r,rQH.Q
Thfl nftrtwato m1.i t
surance compajiy of Milwaukee went
before Judge Pouter asking for con
firmation of sale of a blook on Sixth
street. The judgment was for SQfiyM
and the property had been bid in by
the mortgagee for $9,000. Personal
judgment was &sked for the unpaid
uaiaace. ixovy presented affidavits
showing the property was worth the
judgment, whereupon Judge Foster de
cided point blank that be would not
confirm the sale until the mortgagee
should waive claims for balance.
A throwing: IliiHlneea.
Two years ago last March the Hei
sel mill, rebuilt and furnished through
out with new machinery of the latest
and best pattern, was reopened for
business, and it has been running
every day since, Sundays excepted,
and most of the time at night, also.
It is now full of business, and beside
furnishing Hour for all the grocers in
town, has built up a splendid trade
with the farmers. This will probably
bring more farmers to town from a
distauce than any other agency. Men
come to the Ileisel mill to trade wheat
for flour from Otoe county, from within
two miles of Weeping .Water, from
around Louisville and from beyond
Glenwood, Iowa, and they frequently
load up with merchandise before they
go home. And, when they come once,
they are sure to come again. The
merchants of Plattsmouth have no
better drawing card for their business
from out of town than the Ileisel
mill, a3 they will learn by and by.
The proprietor, Conrad Ileisel, is a
man in whom every confidence can be
placed, and the farmers have learned
this fact by their business contact
with him. The flour made by the mill
is as good as the best, ana tne mer
chant who sells the most will find him-
self gaining in custom
This mill is a. great institution for
Plattsmouth, and the chances are that
before long it will have to be enlarged
to accommodate its growing business.
Rich Hold Field.
Excitement over the Milford gold
find, which has in the last few days
died out in Lincoln, has been revived
and increased manifold by a report of
a mining engineer who had been em
ployed by some of the land owners to
investigate the matter, says a dispatch
from that place. This man is Prof.
Herbert Bartlett, who was for a time
connected with the United States geo-
ligical survey in Colorado and has had
experience with gold mines in feoutli
Africa, Australia, Honduras and other
lands. The substance of the report
to his employers is that they have a
bonanza. He says he found a gravel
gold bearing vein of several miles in
extent, greater in extent and depth
and richer than any similar deposit in
the world.
The two great fields of this class
have been the Middle Australia field
and one in Honduras. Millions have
been taken from each of these. As
compared to them Prof. Bartlett says
that the Australian deposit yielded
gold at from $1.25 to $2 90 per ton,
while the tests of the Milford gravel
show from $2 to $3. Bartlett's own
tests, made over several miles of ter
ritory, show a smaller range of from
$3 to $90. He says that with water
the gravel can be worked for twenty
five cents per ton. This water, his
observation leads him to conclude, can
only be obtained from artesian wells.
All that remains, he says, is to get the
gold out tests have established the
fact that it is there. There is another
plan forgetting the water to the gold
fields which the projectors have been
considering for several days, and
which they are satisfied is possible.
Resolutions of Respect.
Whereas, It has pleased the Su
preme Kuler of the universe to re
move from our midst by death our be
loved brother and co-laborer, Carl W.
Carlson ; therefore, be it
Resolved, That by his death Ever
green camp, jno. vu, or tne Modern
Woodmen of the World, has lost a
worthy member and a faithful brother,
the city a worthy and patriotic citizen
and the wife and family a faithful and
loving husband and father.
Resolved, That this camp extends to
the bereaved family its deepest sym
pathy and condolence in their hour of
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions be spread upon the records, a
copy be presented to the bereaved wife
and children and given to the city
press for publication.
A. G. Broback,
H. II. KunNEY,
Herman Richter,
A. Natural Wonder.
The most wonderful piece of natural
sculpture in the world may be seen by
any visitor to the Cape Yerd islands.
This specimen of natural art work is
without doubt the most colossal and
marvelous freak known to the geolo
gists and geographers. Ban Vicente
is the principal town of the islands.
As the ship enters the harbor of the
above named place one sees a bold
nd8e o dark volcanic rocks lying in
the d'stance. The crest of this ridge
forms an exact likeness of Washing
ton' the figure lyg apparently face
upward, as if in sleep. The large.
bold features, the backward wave of
the hair, the rotund form of the mas
sive shoulders, and even the frills on
his colonial shirt are reproduced on a
scale of such magnitude and grandeur
as to be absolutely startling. The
fidelity of the outline is such that the
freakish forms 'assumed bv the stal
actities and stalagmite in t&e well
known natural caverns are not smtar
ble comparisons.
Xorfolk has a cemetery association
composed of ladies.
Broncho breeders of Custer county
are finding a market for the bucking
brutes in Georgia.
W. W. Haskell of the Ord Quiz is
now recognized as the leading poet of
northwest Nebraska.
The Methodist brethren of Chadron
have set about the good work of build
ing a parsonage for their able pastor.
Several farmers north of Burwell
neglected to make fire guards around
their hay stacks, and now they have
Mrs. Henry Ahl, living near Milli
gan, Fillmore county, gave birth to
three girls, and all parties bid fair to
live long and prosper.
B. Mickman of Dodge county has
broken the record. He pulled a beet
the other day that weighed almost
twenty-nine pounds.
The sons of a farmer in Chase
county unearthed a den of rattlesnakes
and in three days put 125 of thepizen"
reptiles out of their misery.
Dudley Trusdell of Fremont, while
playing shinny, got a rap over the
head that "put him to sleep." The
doctor thinks he will be all right in a
few days.
A Mrs. Brandt of Erina, Garfield
county, while going about with her
household duties, suddenly fell to the
Moor and expired. Heart disease was
the cause.
One of the best farm houses in Madi
son county, belonging to Chas. Lauch,
burned to the ground with most of its
contents. The insurance of $700 will
scarcely cover one-third of the loss.
A defective flue was the cause.
Most of our readers, says the Atkin
son Graphic, have had more politics
than they wanted in the past five
weeks. The women and children have
said, "confounn the paper! there is
nothing in it but dirty old politics."
We can't help it, the country must be
saved once every year,
Lumps! Lumps!
Bennett & Tutt have just received a
new supply of banquet, stand and
hanging lamps of the very latest pat
terns and designs. They are beauti
ful. Call and look at them.
They have also been adding to their
already large stock of china and
queensware many new patterns.
The Atlanta Exposition.
For the above occasion the B. & M.
will sell round trip tickets for a rate of
$41.05 from Oct. lOto Dec. 15, inclusive.
Final limit for return Jan. 7, 1S96.
W.L. Pickett, Agent. "
All parties knowing themselves to
be indebted to Claus Brekenfeld wil
save cost of collection by calling at
the stoie and settling their accounts
immediately. Fred Eijinger,
Agent for mortgagees.
Cheap Rates to Dallas. Texas.
On account of the Texas state fair
and Dallas exposition the B. & M. wil
sell round trip tickets to that point
for one lowest first class fare, tickets
on sale Oct. 16th to 31st with final re
turn limit to Nov. 10th.
W. L. Pickett, Agent.
Prominent Druggists of Blair, Neb., Writes
Magnet Chemical Co.
Dear Sirs: The goods which wt
oougut tnrougn your salesman are
sellers; the Magnet Pile Killer es
pecially sells good and gives excellent
satisfaction. We have re-ordered
through our jobbers several times.
Respectfully yours.
Palmer fc Taylor.
For sale by Gering & Co.
Will keep constantly on hand a full and
complete stock of pure
Also a full Hoe of Druggist's Sundries.
Pure liquors for medicinal purposes.
Special attention given to
Messrs. F. G. FRICKE & CO., are the
only parties selling our Alaska Crystal
Spectacles and ye-Glasses
Jn Plattsmouth. These Lenses are far
superior to any other 'sold In this city,
possessing a natural transparency and
6trengtblng qualities which will pre
serving the falling eye sight.
Sixth Street Checked Barn.
Special attention to Funerals. Hackb be
untofclliitfts. "Proojptnesa and Fidelity to
ress Goods.
The tide has turned and is sweep
ing in, and on it have come the ves
sels laden with goods for everyone.
Our new goods in this dapartment are
all in and are now open for your in
spection. Plaids A full line in all
grades, from 15c to beautiful wool
goods with silk stripes, 75c to $1. A
full line of novelties from 20c up; all
colors of silk finish Henriettas, 4G in.
wide, that used to sell at $1 . now 60c
heavy Sereres in black and navy from
30c a yard up.
fi loakings,
In Astrachan,
cloth and Eiderdown,
Beaver. Uroad-
V I I K S.
In L'laids a beautiful line, in
all colors. Novelties in Taffetas and
Glace stripes, etc. Chinas, surahs,
Satins, Brocades. All grades of vel
vets, in black and all colors; also a new
velvet, with a colored silk effect.
Beautiful new Chenille curtains
and table spreads just received. The
bare flatness of an unfinished-looking
room is relieved with a pair of our
Cbenillecurains, at only
Pillow cases. Muslin of all kinds;
Cotton Batten, all purchased previous
to the big advance.
f heap Cotton.
To get such uncommon goods to
be sold at less than common prices,
when everything was increasing in
price, was a problem.
Table Spreads at 99 e.
Leading Dry Goods Bouse.
The Leading- Butchers,
Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Poultry,
See them before selling. They keep on hand
the best of
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats,
Fresh and Salt FISH and OYSTERS and GAME
in Season.
The attention of farmers who expect
to plant orchards is called to the fact
that I have home-grown trees, war
ranted to be true to name, by a man
who you know, and at prices that will
compare with any nursery in the land.
Apple Trees, standard varie
ties, 3 years old
Same, 2 years old..
Plums, blue
Pears, 3 years
Cherry trees, 3 years
Concord vineB, 2 years
Peach trees
Currants, choice kinds
Will take corn lor part trade and
give two oents a bushel above market
Parties living too far away can send
orders. Will be carefully packed in
Attorney and Counselor at
OFFICE-Tlooras 1 and 3, Union Ulk,
each. ..100..
i 'Ah
.12 10.00
.35 25. CO
.05 3.50
Plattsmouth, - - - Nob. j
& 0 1
SEASON - - IS95.
The advance in shoe leather
makes no difference to us. We -made
our purchases previous to the advance
and are receiving new lines right
along. In job lots we have only a few
odd sizes. Best ladies' 2Ho 4, 50c to
$1 ; child's shoes, 11 to 2. 50 c.
For Ladies and Children, in black
and Tan. Boys' bicycle hose at 2oc
all sizes.
Anything you want from an in
grain carpet at 25c to a fine Brussels
or Moquette. with handsome borders
to match. Also Mattings. Oilcloths,
Linoleum?., window Shades and Rugs
in this department. A special pur
chase of Moquette rues. 36 inches wide
by 72 inches long. $3.50. The same
rug used to cost you $6.
lankets, Flannels.
Everything now in stock for win
ter. The earlier you buy them the
more money you save. Get a cake of
Wool Soap from our grocery depart
ment for 10c to wash a1 your woolen
goods, without shrinking. Ask for a
free sample.
Some bargains in Corsets black,
white and drab. Six-hook clasp only
4Sc. They were piled to the ceiling,
but are growing less every day. Don't
let the stock tumble cn you to make
you "tumble " We are' agents for
Gage Down Chicago Waists and Cor
sets, Lomer's Mode Bust and "C. C.
C." high bust corset.
: : New Styles
For fall. October Fashion Sheet now
ready. Get one FREE.
Everything New.
Canned Goods,
Dried Fruit,
Tobacco and Cigars.
Have openeu a splendid new
stock of these goods in
Which the public is invited
to purchase.
QUICK SALES,- .. ...
Will be their motto. It will also be
their purpose to keep open a
First-Class Meat Market
Where everything in that line will
be kept in first-class order.
Farmers are invited to call and trade.