Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, October 24, 1895, Image 5

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    Several World' Record ltroken.
From Friday's Daily.
The dirt track at The Denver Wheel
i:ib park maintained its reputation
for being the f astest track in America
by having three records Dioken yester
d.iy in the opening races of the na
tional circuit meet.
The lirst record to go was the one
mil open, class A, paced by the quad
ridden by Cruwell. IMppin, Beck and
Hanks. C. U. Collins followed the
quad so closely as to clip off two sec
onds from the former record of 2:044 5.
Harry Clark of Denver went for the
one-mile, class A, unpaced record of
'J.10 held by A. H. Hughes of Denver,
and succeeded in cutting down to
2:0-5 1-5, a world ;s record that will
pr bably stand for the remainder of
this racing season. The third record
to be changed was the one-mile quad
time, which was 1:54. Stone, Swan-
birough, Dixon and Connihear, with
all conditions favorable, lowered the
time to 1:47 4-5.
Orlanda Stevens; the Ottumwa won
der bicycle rider, reduced the q-iarter-
mile unpaced record at lledrik,
Iowa, in the sensational time of :231-5,
lowering the world's record for that
The two-year-old colt. Tommy Brit
ton, yesterday afternoon wiped out all
race records at Lexington, Ky., by
placing himself in a class alone, as
the incomparable." The reco-d for
two- ear-old Allies of 2:16$, held
jointly by Sillican and Impetuous, has
been beaten by half a second, and the
honored title that Oakland Baron held
as the king of racing colt trotters has
passed ami a new name is written
above all others, and Tommy Britton,
2:loi, is the king of his age, and by
conservative horsemen is regarded as
the ureaiest one ever bred.
Sarah, the beloved wife of K. B
Sampsor. departed this life at two
o'clock Thursday afternoon at the
family residence in South l'ark,aftei
suffering for some time with cancer of
the stomach.
Mrs. Sampson was known as a
devout Christian lady, ami h hiving
wife ami mother. Mr. and Mrs. Samp
son and family removed to this city
from Glenwood, Iowa, some eighteen
years ago, and have resided here ever
since. A husband and nine children
are left to mourn her loss, and are as
follows: Mrs. D. F. Foster. Mrs. Val
Burkel. Will, Robert, James and David
Sampson, of this city, Mrs. Alice Cur
tis, of Sedalia, Mo., Mrs. Xellia Crea
nin, of Tacoma, Washington, and
Fred Sampson, of Columbus, Ohio.
The fuueral occurred on Saturday
afternoon at two o'clock from the M.
IZ. church. Rev. Couffer, officiating,
and the remains were iritemd at
Oak Hill cemetery.
I'uIk on m New Engine.
The Burlington has put into service
a ne .v engine on the fast mail betweeD
Oman 4 and Chicago that promises to
be something of a record breaker. The
engine is Xo. ol0 and has just I een
given its trial tests at (ialesburg, and
is bfiug used for a few days on pas
senger trains between Chicago and
Galesburg and will then be put in the
fast mail service. On the trial tiipi
the engine, attached to four cars,
made a mile in forty-three seconds,
and on longer distances struck and
maintained a speed of sixty-six miles
an hour. In spurts it made an aver
age of seventy-six miles an hour, and
when once in active service is expected
to furnish some records in fast time.
In enumerating the agricultural and
horticultural blessings of a bountiful
1'rovideuce this year, dear brethren,
let us not forget the meek and lowly
pumpkin. The pumpkin is not as
pretty as a peach or r bunch of luscious
grapes. Its neck is too small and its
belly too large for horticultural beauty,
but when the innards of the pumpkin
get into a stew and become involved
between the upper and netber crusts
of an old Virginny pie crust, we'd like
to see the human palate that wouldn't
be tickled to death with the perform
ance. Nebraska City News.
Cloniii Out Sale.
Owing to ill health we are going to
retire from the millinery business and
for the next ten days will offer our
entire stock at considerably less than
cost. Will give low figures to pur
chaser of entire stock. Trimmed hats,
feathers, tancy tips, etc., must go at
any price. Come in within the next
ten days and get your winter batata
rare bargain. Wise & Root.
Who wants to buy a farm cheaply?
The writer knows of a farm of 13-5
acres of splendid farm land (with ac
cretions of as much more) not six miles
froin town, for sale at $35 an acre.
Also a farm of 1 10 acres of One upland,
with buildings and orchard, at $45 an
acre. Where are some of these $50 an
acre purchasers V Inquire at this of
fice. Coleman repairs watches,
ItheumatiHni Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neugrnl-
em radically cures in l to 3 aays. its action ul
on tbe system Is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the Ciiuse and the dissease Im
mediately disappears Tbe first dose greatly
beneiits; 75 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke &. Co.,
druggists, Plattsmouth. 87-8
Some Joys of life make me most sad.
When I think of how I miss 'em.
Tne girls I want to kiss are those
Who don't want me to kiss 'em.
India is railway crazy. Jt is re
ported that the director . general of
railways in India has approved of
forty-live new railway projects which,
when carried out, will add over 6,000
miles to the railway. The friends of
progress in India declare they must
have 60,000 miles of railways. India
seems to be waking up.
"Some of these days," muttered the
cannibal, "they will be ringing horse
meat in on me in place of corned
missionary." -
In the hands of an artist truly great
tbe camera is mightier than Mun
chausen. Photographs of an eleven
foot California mummy are chasing
pictures of the eighty-six pound Colo
rado potato around the country.
Taylor, the defaulting ex-treasurer
of South Dakota, who was sentenced
to confinement for only two years for
getting away with some $300,000 of
the people's money, is to serve his
time in the Sioux Falls penitentiary
close to Nebraska's, famous bank
wn-cker, who secured a sentence cor
respondingly light when compared
to the huge sums of which he de
frauded others. Omaha Bee. Moral:
Don't steal money unless you can get
several hundred thousand dollars.
"Country editors are pack horses for
the public, without even 'thank you,' "
says an exchange. "Their generosity,
as a general thing, receives the kicks
and cuffs of the public, instead of its
blessings. They have one comfort,
however, and that is they will leave no
estate for the sharks to gobble up after
they have gone to the beautiful be
yond. The Lord will give them a front
seat in the big church made without
hands, and order ttieir delinquents on
tbe bleaching boards that skirt tbe
great pavillion."
It is getting too cool for the joyous ass
Who recks the bont for fun ;
And he fcas to wait till weeks do pass
For the advent of ice as brittle as glass
To leiaim through on the run.
Washington Star.
A bit of white wedding stationery-
bearing gold letters brings this an
nouncement to many Nebraska peo
ple: ''Gratefully recognizing Divine
preservation Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Furnas will hold in remembrance their
fiftieth marriage anniversary. Brown
ville. Neb., October twenty-ninth.
eighteen hundred ninety-five. No in
vitations. No presents." Robert W.
Furnas and Miss Mary E. McComas
were married at Cincinnati, O.. on
October 29, 1845. Lincoln Journal.
The Methodist Episcopal chunh at
York was burned to the ground last
week. The church was one of the
handsomest houses of worship in the
stale and cost some $20,000. It was
insured for $8,000. An electric light
wire is supposed to have caused the
fire. -
The executive committee of the . re
publican central committee held a
meeting last night in this city and at
tempted to devise means by which
Judge ltamsey could be prevented
from carrying the county by a large
majority. .lust what schemes were
evolved we do not know. Nebraska
City News.
If Corbett and Fitzsimmons can be
induced to hold out in their intention
to "pull it off" somewhere in the
United States, and keep on moving
from state to state, several other
governors will have an opportunity to
make world wide reputations. The op
portunity may never come again and
the pug9 ought to give every living
governor a show if possible. Lincoln
San Jose, Cal., is the largest prune
market in the world. In a single
week that city has shipped to other
markets 4,600,000 pounds.
At Frascati, near Home, there is a
bachelors' union, which recently pro
tested against the overdressing and
tbe general misconduct of the girls of
the town, and resolved to boycott all
those who did not heed the warning
and to do all they could to prevent
them from marrying Whereupon the
girls of Frascati marched to the club
room, forced their way in, tore up the
circular and drove out the bachelors
with clubs.
Here is the latent: "Maud Muller
on a summer's day stuffed the manger
full of hay. Her hat was there, but
not the rake, for that was but a poet's
fake. Slapping the old cow on the
side, be laughed until she nearly
cried. .Just think, old bossy,' cried
the maid. 'I'm going to have some
bloomers made.' '
The young woman who was city li
brarian in Omaha is alleged to have
died from consumption, contracted in
handling boofcs into which consump-
tive persons had coughed. If librar
ians are in danger from library books,
readers are a No in peril. Perhaps a
newspaper, fresh from the press, is the
safest reading that can be indulged in
while the earth is in its present state
of health.
A man up in Minnesota has sued
that state for damages, because he
was attacked and injured by a moose.
The Nebraska City News says that
"if he succeeds in getting a verdict by
virtue of the contention he raises that
as the state makes it unlawful to kill
a moose at hi y time or in any circum
stances, it is responsible for all acts
its wards may commit, then it will be
necessary to prepare f.r an advance
in the rate of taxation all over the
country. Game laws exist every
where, nowdays, and when one thinks
of how many people are bitten by trout
each year during the clove season, of
how many are devoured by partridge
and prairie chicken?, and of the
hecatombs annually sacrificed to ap
pease the ferocity of woodcbucks and
gray squirrels, the drain to which the
treasuries of the various common
wealths will be subjects can easily be
At 20, when a man is young, he
thinks he knows it all; he likes to wag
his tongue and exeicise his gall: he
struts about in noble rage; the world
is all his own. tie laughs to scoru th-
world of age and lists to slf alone; he
wears a window in his eves, to see his
whiskers grow; he thinks the ladies
piue and die because they love him so.
At 40, as you may suppose, he's knuck
led down to biz; us not till 70 that he
knows how big a chump he is.
What will the new woman resort to
next? Not content with the bloomin1
bloomers, a society belle in Topeka
says an exchange, is so bothered by
her sweetheart while buegv ridiner.
that she now takes a baseball ma.4
and wears it when they net fairly ou'
of town.
The Mills County Journal stirs up
its delinquents in the following man
ner: The wind bio wet h.
The water rloweth.
The subscriber owe! h.
And the Lord knoweth
We are in need of our dues.
So come a-runnin;
This thing of dunnin
Gives us the blues.
Iiyron's household, according to
Shelley, consisted, besides servants,
of ten horses, eight enormous dogs,
three monkeys, five cats, an eagle,
a crow and a falcon, and all except
the horses went to and fro in the
house at their pleasure.
He drew the sword, but not, alas:
Ills country's foe to baffle:
He drew the sword because he held
A ticket at a raCIe.
Philadelphia Record.
For the lirst time in forty years, the
United States can boast of a live vol
cano. For several days past the
mountains in the Olympian range,
near the British line, in Washington,
have been belcbine forth smoke, hie
and lava at a terrible rate.
The Burlington carried just 223 peo
pie out to inspect the Milford gold
fields yesterday, says last Monday's
Lincoln Journal Mr. Dillenbeck es
corted the excursionists to the places
on his land where signs of richres
have been discovered. The demand
for samples was enormous. A very
rich find was unearthed in the sands
along the creek. It is reported that
the best samples were secured by Mor
ris Turner and E. Hallett. and their
joy over finding the "gold" was only
equalled by their disgust when they
found the stuff to be brass. A funny
man had filled li is pockets with brass
filings in a Lincoln bicycle shop dur
ing the week in order to be prepared
to have pome fun with the gold-hunl-ers
on Sundav.
Now corner a Milwaukee horse doc
tor with the assertion that beneath the
shaggy yellow blossoms of the golden
rod flower lurks germs of a disease that
is death to hortes. He claims that the
horses which eat the tempting plant
go into a gradual decline, the blood is
destroyed, the tissues wasteaway. and
they die in from three weeks to three
months. This is a startling assault
on Nebraska's favorite flower. It
should be remembered that Milwaukee
has been celebrating for a week, and
it is not likely that the horse doctors
resisted tbe deluge of local inspiration.
TbeVPlan Sif ter"fiour is the popular
brand. Ask for it from vour eroeei .
Do not forget th date of the great
racing meet at Pactolus park. Bed
Oak, la., on the Sth. If you attend
you can witness matchen between
some of the finest trotters in the world
on one of the best tracks ever made.
Remember, the date. Oct. 28.
English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard.
Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from
horses, B-ood Spavin. Curbs. Splints, Sweeuev,
RIn-bone, Stifles. Sprains, all swollen Throat-.
Courtis, etc. Save S5o bv use of one Lottie.
Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druz
glBts, Plattsmouth. - 37-8
Written for Grand Army Advocate and W. It. j
C. Magazine. -
I draw with sable pencil line on line !
The leaf, the flower, the mountain fat and
blue, i
The golden flecks of sunlight falling through
Wide-spreading branches of the dark green I
pine. . :
Each day a little, "til this scene of mine '
Beconu's a glass, reflecting nature's hue,
Or, if it seems Imperfect and untrue,
With one broad sweep to chaos I resign.
And 'tis no more. Could we obliterate
As easily the colorings we trace
Upon the unseen canvas of our fate
Aud limn another picture in its p'ace,
I deeply wonder if the last attempt
From faults that marred the first would be ex
empt! Isabel Richet.
A I'roiniueut Wholesale Grocer ot Omaha
Neb., Write:
To the afflicted:
Several years ago I discovered a
slight falling and bleedingof thelower
bowel which increased aud became
very distressing. I made inquiry-as
tothe nature of the disease and learned
that I had a somewhat aggravated case
of Hemorrhoids or Tiles. Was told of
several remedies and used them as di
rected, obtainiug thereby some tem
porary relief. Not being satisfied with
such slight relief I cast about for a per
manent cure; when a friend directed
the use of the famous Magnet Pilk
Killer. I used it. Immediate relief
from pain followed, and soon a com
plete cure was affected.
Very respectfully,
Oscar Allen.
For sale by Gering & Co.
Take your jewelry repairing to Cole
man. Plattsmouth.
Money to Loan
On farming lands. Low rates, long
times. No delay in securing loans.
Inquire at First National bank. 7
A young man who recently kissed a
girl with false teeth, says it reminded
him ot shv.king hands with a railroad
man with half of his lingers gone.
Atchison Globe.
WANTED-A MAX: To sell Canadian Rrown
fruit trees, berry plants, roses, shrubbery,
seed potatoes, etc.. for the largest growers of
nigh rade stock. Seven hundred acres, hardy,
profitable varieties that succeed iu the coldest
climates. No experience required and fair
treatment guaranteed. Any one not earning
i"0 per mouth and expenses, should write us at
once for particulars. Liberal commissions paid
part time men. Apply now aud get choice of
Jl Stock Exchange Building, Chicago. HI.
Sheriff's Sale.
Under andby virtue of an order of saie in
decree of foreclosure of a tax lien issued out of
the district court for Cass countv. Nebraska,
and to me directed. I will, oh Saturday, the lcth
diy of November, 1895. at ten o'clock a. m. of
said day. at the trout door of the court house
in the citv of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the real estate described in said
order of sale, as follows, to-wit:
The north one-half 4) of lois number one (1)
and two ej) in block twenty-seven (27). original
plat of the city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska: the
same being levied upon and taken as the prop
erty of fallen McCann and Peter McCann.
Said property to be sold to satisfy a judgment
obtained In said court bv Elizabeth Sporer M -Cullousjh
against Ellen McCann and Peter Mc
Cann for the sum of two hundred and fifty-two
(2T.001 dollars, with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the 21st
day of March, 1895, and costs of suit, taxed nt
112.23, and accruing costs.
Said premises to be sold subject to a tax lien
of flSW.60, with ten per cent interest from date,
held by J. II. Hartley.
Dated at Plattsmouth. Neb.. Oct. 2. 1P93.
J. C. Eikenbart. Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Matthew Gering, Attorney. 41-5
otice )l Probat of Will.
Statk of Nebraska, (
Cass Countt. S
In county court for Cass county. lathe mat
ter of the last will and testament of Nels An
derson, deceased.
Notice is hereby Riven that on the 3lst day of
October, A. D., lsyo, at the office of the County
Judge in Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
at the hourof 10 o'clock In the forenoon, tbe fol
lowing matter will be heard and considered :
The.petition of Tillie Anderson to admit to
probate the last will and testament of Nels An
derson. deceased, late of Greenwood In said
county, and for letters testamentary to Tillie
Anderson. Bv order of the Court.
Dated this 7th day of October, A. D. 1--,.C.
42-3t b. S. Raxset, County Judge.
Final Settlement Notion.
In the matter of the estate of Benneit W.
Pierce, deceased. In the county court of
Cass county. Nebraska:
Notice is hereby given that Walter J. White,
administrator of the estate of the said Bennett
W. Pierce, deceased, has made application for
final settlement, and that said came is set for
hearing at my office at Plattsmouth, on the 9th
day of November A. I., I.sa5, at 10 o'clock A. M.
on said day; at which time and place all per
sons interested may h present and examine
said accounts. B. S. Hamset. County Judge.
PlatUmouth, Neb., Oct. ICth, 1895. 43-3t
Everything New.
Canned Goods,
Dried Fruit,
Tobacco and Cigars.
Have openen a splendid new
stock of these goods in
Which the public is invited
to purchase.
Will be their motto. It will also be
their purpose to keep open a
First-CIass Meat Market
Where everything in that line will
be kept in Lirat-class order.
Parmers are invited to call and trade.
The Plattsmouth Mills
With the best Machinery made, manufacture
Trade Especially Solicited. Runs
Night and Day to Supply Demand.
C. HEISEL, Prop.,
"Washington Avenue. Plattsmouth. Neb.
What More Could You Ask ?
The House Furnisher,
Offers to buyers the chance to secure the VERY
BEST in his line which the market affords, and
TH E fact that my stock is the Biggest and Best in all
Cass county, deserves the attention of people desiring
something in the FURNITURE line. The three floors of
my store building are full to overflowing with new goods,
and everything goes at "depression" prices. Call and see
for yourself.
,1. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher,
Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth.
Every purchase made at his store
a guarantee that vou obtained the
5 best and most goods
Sixth Street Checker;! Darn.
special attention to Funerals, IJackb !:! be
uu to all trains. "Promptness and F idelity to
CiistomeV I Mh
Dr. Agnes V. Swetland,
peclal attention to Obstetrics, Diseases of
Women and Woman's Surgery.
Office : 192SZ Omatia, Neb
W. L. Douglas
. cordovan;
H?3SP Fine Calf aKAiNsarqi
3.50 P0UCE.3 SOLES.
' SFNfJ FOR RATA! nffiw
Over Ono Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
They give the best value for the money. "
They equal custom Shoes In style and fit.
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform, stamped on sole.
From $1 to $3 saved over other makes.
If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold bj
Groceries, Dry
Goods, Notions
1 General Mdse.
The Old Reliable
Pioneer Merchant
for the least money.
- Ajsry
A Specialty.
One door North of Postoffice
Fred Krug
Brewing Co.,
Fred Egenberger, Agt.
Dr. Alfred Shipman,
Office in Riley Hotel,
Main Street entrance.
Telephone No. 95. Residence one block south
of M. P. depot.
Park Obesitt Pills will redueo your weight
PERMANENTLY from li to 15 pound month.
NO STARVING, sickness or Injury; NO PUH
L1CITY. They build up the health and beauti
fy the complexion, leaving NO WRINKLES or
flabbinesa. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult
breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
but a scientific aud positive relief, adopted only
after years of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our office. Price 12.00 per package
or tnree packages for 15.00 by mall postpaid.
Testimonials and particulars sealed Scents.
s7All correspondence strictly confidential.
Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass