Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, October 24, 1895, Image 4
The Weekly Journal C W. SHERMAN, Editor. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. SUBSCEIPTIQN. One year, in advance, .... Six months, in advance, . . . Three months, in advance, . . $1.00 .50 2i) ADVERTISING Rates made known on application. Entered at the postoSee at Plattsmouth, Ne braska. as second class matter. THURSDAY, OCT. 24, 1895. Democratic State Ticket. For Supreme Justice, C. J. rilELPS. of Colfax County. For Regents of State University. T. W. BLACKBURN, of Holt County. ROBERT KITTLE, of Dodge County. Judicial. For District Judge, second dlstrtct, BASIL S. RAMSEY. Of Cass County County Ticket. For Clerkjof Plstrict Court, O. II. DEARINO. For County Treasurer, JACOB TRITSCH. Of Eight Mile Grove Precinct. For County Clerk, LESTER E. STONE, Of Nehawka Precinct. For County Judge, MICnAEL ARCHER, Of Plattsmouth. For Sheriff, WILLIAM D. WHEELER, Of West Rock Bluffs Precinct. For Sujt. of Schools. GEORGE n. GILMORE, Of Mt. Pleasant Precinct. For Coroner, ELI J A RATNOUR, Of Weeping Water. For County Surveyor, CONRAD SCHLATER, Of Louisville Precinct. For County Commissioner, first district (to fill vacancy), JACOB T. FALTER, Of Plattsmouth Precinct. For Commissioner, third district, GEORGE A. TOWLE, Of Elmwood Precinct. Lester E. Stone has an excellent business education, is honest, capable, and courteous and will best serve the people as county clerk. What a nice scheme it is for the A. 1. A. influence to secure a nomination and then "figure to get Catholics to to elect the candidates. Democratic chances are improving every day. Its candidates are unim peachable for integrity and unap proachable in character. And as the time goes by it is apparent that they are winners. George Spurlock, the republican candidate for county judge, went out campaigning last week. We could give him a pointer that he had better stay at home. His boyish manner does not impress one very powerfully with the dignity expected of the county judge. Billy Wheeler, the next sheriff of Cass county, will fill that office with credit to his party and the people in general. His record is clean and he will receive the undivided support of the democracy and enough votes from other parties to give him a handsome majority. For county treasurer the democrats could not have nominated a better man than Jucob Tritsch. He is a man in whom the people have the utmost confidence, having faithfully and con scientiously served them as county commissioner. A vote for Mr.Tritsch is a vote for an honest and capable man. Michaec Archer, the candidate SI for county judge, needs no introduc tion to the people of Cass county. He is well versed in law, has been police judge and justice of the peace several years and his record will creditably stand the closest scrutiny. Judge Archer wili be elected by a good ma jority. The republicans are badly scared, and are defending their candidates against imaginary charges. The Press this morning has a lot of figures trying to prove what Judge Chapman has and has not done. When it is necessary to write such articles the candidate must indeed be in a bad way. Nebraska City News. B. S. Ramsey was recommended by the committee at Union on Friday, the 11th, for favorable consideration of the Independent voters,and the committee asked that he be given the the support of the people's party, a3 they con sidered him a just and fair judge and on many things in accord with the peo ple. -Independent Citizen. THE JUDGESHIP IN OTOE. Among its political notes the Ne braska City News of the 19th has the following: "The republicans realize that Judge Chapman has but flttle show of being elected. lie cannot carry. his own county, and already his backers here are offering to trade off the entire county ticket for votes for Chapman. A prominent republican said to a News man last evening: 'This way of campaigning is despicable, and only hurts rather than aids the candidate in whose favor such a move is made. I have been approached in regard to the matter, but refused to have anything to do with it. I am not in favor of sacrificing the whole ticket for Chap man, for I do not consider him the proper man for the place; but even il 1 had been going to. vote for him I would not do it now when his friends offer to sell out the whole ticket for his benefit. They, of course, will de ny this, but 1 can produce at least a dozen republicans who have been ap proached on the subject.' Chapman's friends realize that the tide of public sentiment is against hiui, and that aside from one member of the bar in this county he will not get a vote. Some of the legal fraternity openly as sert that they will have to give up practice if Chapman is re-elected, for they cannot get ju3tice in his court. This is a grave charge, but it was openly made by republican members of the bar before and after his nomi nation. If the bar cannot get justice. then, for goodness sake, what will the people do who have to go into his court? The people want a good, hon est man, and that man is Basil S. Ramsey. Vote for him and you will have no reason to complain when you are compelled to go into court to get justice. The failure of the great Morse dry goods house in Omaha some time since, is now followed by that of Falconer & Co. This is much more astonishing, because nobody suspected that any thing of the sort was possible. AVith the recurrence of these misfortunes comes the question, "who'll be the next?'' Has Shylock not had enough? Must the business community be crushed beneath the iron heel of the gold standard? Is there no help for the people? Must low prices be suc ceeded by still lower prices, until uni versal bankruptcy and ruin comes upon the land? Where are the boasted good times that were so glibly promised? Can not men see that we must go on from bad to worse unless bimetallism is adopted? This thing of partisanism sometimes covers a multitude of sins. There's John M. Thurston who is looked up to and almost worshipped because he is a republican, has a glib tongue and lots of gall, is drawing a salary of $5,000 a year as senator in congress, and is also drawing a big salary ($12,000 a year, it is said ) as chief solicitor for the Union Pacific railway receivers. If he were to call himself a democrat noth ing too mean could be said of him. After his election to the senate last winter he went to Washington and lobbied to secure the passage of a bill in the interest of the stockholders of that company, yet republicans who imagine that democrats are the worst people on earth take no exception to that sort of conduct. As we said in the beginning of this paragraph, parti sanism covers a multitude of sins. If Thurston were a poor devil his con duct would not be tolerated. John M. Thurston is now on a new tack. He used to favor coining the American product of silver, with the condition that every feather in the eagle's' tale should stand rampant. Now he wants inter-national bime tallism Englad's consent, but, unfor tunately for John's mortgageridden constituents, England says she will never consent. She is has a soft snap and proposes to hold on to it. "With two substantial salaries, Mr. Thurston needn't hear any wolf howling at his door for the next five years. Butler County Press. The regular annual meeting of the Pullman company was held yesterday afternoon, and the usual quarterly div idend of 2 per cent declared. This 2 per cent was declared on a valuation four times the cost of the plant, and still there is a surplus of ten millions of dollars set aside. Pullman is a man who reduced already low wages be cause he could not pay more. Pullman and his ilk have grown rich under the fostering care of a tariff system that benefitted them at the expense of the producers and the weary toilers. Fre mont Herald. What do the golditea mean when they say the government must retire the greenback and get out of the bank ing business.? They mean that the United States shall get out of the gov erning business and surrender the sov ereign power to coin money and regu late the value thereof to the national banks, and pay the banks interest on the money which the national banks loan to the public for such interest as avarice may dictate. Silver Knight. Oun readers will not fail to observe the action taken by the committee ap pointed by the populist judicial con vention to represent the party in the matter of nominating a candidate for judge of this second judicial district. This committee met last week and after thoroughly discussing the situa tion, passed resolutions recommending Judge B. S. Ramsey to the favorable consideration of the populists of this district. This action of the committee will doubtless carry much weight and ought to result ia influencing populists to cast their votes solidly , for Judge Ramsey, who is eutitled to the support of every honest citizen who believes that our judiciary should be divorced from politics. Judge Ramsey is the present county judge of Cass county, and is serving his third term, having been elected three times in a stiong re publican county. His course as county judge is universally approved and ineets with the approbation of all hon est citizens, irrespective of politics. No such damaging charges are made against him as are preferred against Judge Chapman by all classes of peo ple, of favoritism, fraud and collusion. Ramsey is a man who can safely be trusted, and who will preside over the judicial tribunal with impartially, honesty and ability. Otoe County Progress (Ind.) The spectacle of the Omaha World Herald opposing the election of Charles II. Brown, no matter by whom he was nominated, and favoring that of W.J. Broatch is a sight for the gods. Has Mr. Hitchcock gone daft from an at tack of Rosewaterphobia, and com pletely lost his head? It looks that way toan outsider who has none but the best of wishes for him and his paper. Why, in a personal, public and political sente Charley Brown is worth a dozen such narrow-minded bigots as Mr. Broatch, and if the tall young man in the editorial room of the World Herald had not gone complete-y daft he would know it, too. It would be a pleasure to every democrat in the state to see the World-Herald back in the democratic harness, supporting the ticket endorsed by the Douglas county democrats, even if that ticket is sup ported by the Bee. The republican press is publishing the statement that "Louisiana lost just $14,210,54'.) last year by having the sugar bounty cut off by a democratic congiess." By which token it is proven that the good people of the United States saved just that amount in taxes which would have been divided among not more than 700 greedy planters of Louisiana had the McKinley monstros ity continued on the statute books. Besides, had this bounty been con tinued the sugar beet growers in Ne braska would by this time have found out that their business would have been short-lived and unprofitable. This bounty business is a good thing for those who receive the bounty but for nobody else. Al. Behmer, the man who con tracted with the board of lands and buildings to feed the convicts, but was prevented from doing so by order of the governor, whose consent was neces sary to make his contract legal, is pleased to be able to draw $4000 a month from the state treasury for not feeding them. The penitentiary con tractors are so infected with the mania for robbing the state that they are not satisGed with- doing, honest work. It makes no difference whether they earn the money or not, so the statt treasury opens its doors to them. The latest sensation in republican circles is the declaration recently made by Piatt, the boss of New York re publicans, that "we want no more Ohio men for President." Sometime since he gave out a declaration of hostility to Harrison which sent that statesman into practical retirement, and now he has aimed a blow at Sic Kinley which will try the sticking powers of- the Ohio tariffite. Mr. Piatt is openly favoring the nomination of Mr, Morton, .but it is shrewdly guessed that he would prefer to see the man from Maine carry off the honors of the presidential nomination. What does McKinley mean when he says that he cannot express an opinion on the Cuban question or and other public questions, "on account of his position." His position as governor of Ohio or as a demagogue seeking the republican nomination for president? A statesman courageous, enough to advocate an addition of 40 per cent to the price of clothing, should be coura geous enough to say whether he is in favor of Spain or Cuba. Another KiidorHOiiinr . After h long and hard fought bat tle the democratic delegations of Cass and Otoe counties, have agreed upon a candidate for judge of the second distiict. As both counties had an equal number of delegates, and both candidates being honorable and highly respected men, consequently the nom ination proved to be a closely con tested one. Ilavdeu and Ramsey are both democrats as pure as water and as clear as crystal. How the Otoe county emocrats have again conceded is a puzzle to many, but great honor is due them for their action . Mr. Hay den himself asked his delegation to vote for his opponent, which goes to show that he is not an cfilce seeker or b-jodle politician, and as the Otoe county democrats sacrificed their can didate to his opponent;it goes to show that they set their self inierest aside and labored for the general welfare of their party; this they proved by nomi nating Judge Ramsey as their leader and banner carrier. Judge Ramsey enjoys the general goo.l will of the peo ple. His personal knowledge and ex perience as a jurist is a guarantee that the bench of the second district will be honorably tilled, honorably conducted, and honorably carried out. Nebraska Staats Zeitung. Translated from the German. "To elect the entire democratic ticket in this county it is only nec essary that every democratic voter should go to the polls. The only pos sible danger of defeat is from those who think one vote isn't much and stay at home in the ooru field. The cleanest, best ticket ever put up in the county was nominated by the demo crats and it behooves every demo crat to see that it is elected. The re publicans who desire the othces in the bauds of good, clean, honest men are requested to look the ticket over care fully and give the candidates theieon their vote. They are all good men and men who will fill the rtlices as they should be and will faithfully perform their duty." The above was written of Otoe couuty by the Nebraska City News, but it is just as true of Cass as of Otoe. Now that the democrats of this judicial district couldn't work the in dependents intoendorsing B S.Ram sey for district judge their hopes of electing him are rather slim. Mr. Ramsey is a good man and has made an able county judge, but as to his comparison with Judge Chapman's ability to sit on the judicial he falls far short. Chapman is the man for that place. Klmwood Echo. Mr. Chapman also failed to work the independents. Now, what are you complaining about? It i a fair race and let the best man win. Eastern democrats, who apparent ly haven't enjoyed I lie gold standard to its full fruition, are doing much talk ing just now in favor of the lenoir. ination of Air. Cleveland next vear. What nonsense! Wh, he couldn't carry a county in the whole United States, and those follows ought to know it. He is the deadest du k in politics in the country, unless tt be Carlisle. The next democratic nominee will be a free coinage man, without a shadow of a doubt. The National Democrat is the ride of a newspaper publish d in Chicago with Charles R. Tuttle ns editor. Iu name indicaU s its politics in general. It has been set. on foot . the ndvocate of bimetallism, and if utetvfl with any cordiality will he follovid by the publication of a dail. Irs editorials commend the National Democrat as an able, dispassionate exponent of true democracy. The price of the weekly is 50 ct nts a year. Send in your name and money. If the gold standard i :ood thing, and we have it, w hy are times si ill had? "The fear of free silver" us d to he blamed for every calamity; now Secre tary Carlisle says the silver quest u n is dead, and yet failures c ntinne and business does not improve. What ex cuse will they givs now ? When did a goldbug ever prophesy truly ? Woild Herald. Isn't it a very suspicious fact that ninety-nine out of a hundred of the bankers and money-lenders of the country are in favor of the gold stand ard? They all want the dollar to in crease in value, so that when they get back the money they have loaned, it will represent more property than when it was loaned out. The republicans aie, in a fearful muddle, and the factions are about to engage" in a war to the knife. There is evidence on hand to show that the county ticket will he cut to save Judge Chapman, if possible, and also that some of the candidates on the enmity ticket will try to save themselvt s. even if they have to do it at Chapman's ex pense. Itch on tinman, maniro on horse, flops ni all Mock, enrea In 30 minute by Voolforrt's Sanl ary Lotion. Sold by t O. Frlcke & Co., drug gists, Plattsmouth . S7-8 P DOVEY 1895-FALL SEASON-1895. Leading Dry Goods House. n ress Goods. The tide has turned and is sweep ing in, and on it have come the ves sels laden with goods for everyone. Our new goods in this department are all in and are now open for vour in spection. Plaids A f ull line in all grades, from 15c to beautiful wool eoods with silk stripes, Too to $1. A full lino of novelties from 20c up; all colors of silk finish Henriettas. 4(5 in. wide. that, used to sell Mt $1. now G0c; heavy Serges in black .ami navy from 30c a yard up. C Ioakings, In Astrachan, Heaver, Broad- cloth and Eiderdown. s i I k s. In Plaids a beanti'ii line, in all colors. Novelties in Taffetas and Glace stripes, etc. Chinas. Mirahs. Satins. Brocades. All grades of vel vets, in black ar.d alt colors; :lsoa new velvet, with a coloied silk effect. C Curtains. Beautiful new Chenille curtains aud table spreads just received. The bare tlatness of an untinished-lookinc room is relieved with a pair of our Chenille curains, at only $2.99. Oheetings, Pillow cases. Muslin of all kinds; Cotton Batten, all purchased previous to the big aovance. I heap Cotton. To get such uncom non goods to be sold at less than common prices, when everything was increasing in price, was a problem. Table Spreads at 99 c. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. GREAT SALE Red Polled Cattle and Poland China Hogs At the Farm of the Undersigned, Nine Miles West of Plattsmouth, on the Louisville Road, on onday, V ;- "5 TnT?4v -;lv A JW- i'i' :VHf Ass . Lx .Consisting of Registered and High Grade Stock, includ ing Three Extra Fine Young Bulls FORTY HEAD Poland China Hogs. Read These Three Thoroughbred Bulls; Six head Spring Bull Calves, three-fourth bloods, and one half-blood ; Thirteen head thoroughbred Cows and Calves ; Eleven head three-fourth blood Cows and Calves ; Seven head half-blood cows and calves. The majority of these cows are bred to our renowned herd bull, Brown Ben, 2632. HOGS Sixteen Boar Pigs and Fourteen Sow Pigs, spring far row; Eight yearling Gilts, all to be bred to our great herd boar, Orient U. S., 27,407; Dave Wilkes, 2d, farrowed May 13, '94; Great herd boar, Dave Wilkes, 25,625; he by old George Wilkes, 14,487, dam Polly-wog, 76,324; she by Equality, 18,675. The best pigs ever offered for sale at auction, all April and May farrow. The sows are of such breeding as Wilkes, Free Trade, Tecumseh, Prince Corwin and Gov. Cleveland strains. Lunch at 12 o'clock ; Sale begins at one. TERMS OF SALE-Six monts' time, without interest, on all sums over ten dollars, if paid when due; if not paid when due, 8 per cent from date. Sums under $10, cash. Two per cent off for cash on sums of $15 and over. Strangers wili please bring bank able references. COL. F. M. WOODS, Auctioneer. js hoes. The advance in shoe leather makes no difference to us. We made our purchases previous to the advwnce and arn receiving new lines light alonsr. In j b lota we have onlv a few odd sizes. Best ladies' 2i to 4 50C to $1 ; child's shoes, 11 to 2.0O c. LJosiery, For Jvidies and Children. in black and Tan. Boys' bicycle h se at 25c all sizes. c Carpets. nythintr you want from an in- irrain carpel at 2c to a tine Brussels or Moquette. with handsome borders to match. Also Man iiifjs. Oilcloths, Linoleum-, wind. w Shades and Rugs in this department. a special pur chaseof Mrquette rms.3G inches wide by 72 inches lore. $:j.oO. The same rug used to cost von $6 B lankets, Flannels. Everything now in stock for win ter. The earlier you buy them the more money you save. Get a caUe of Wool Soap from our grocery depart ment for IO3 to wash ail your woolen goods, without shrinking. Ask tor a free sample. porsets. Some bargains in (Wsets black, white and drab. Six hook clasp only 48. - hey weie piled to the ceiling, but are crowing lens everv day. Don't let th stock tumble on you'to make vou "tumble " We are agents for Gage Down Chicago Waists and C7r set,, homer's Mode Host and C. C. C " hieh bust corset. B utterick's : : New. Styles For fall. October Fashion Sheet now readv. Get. one FREE. 7"ET dz, SOIT. Oct. 38 HEAD ?T. Red Polled Cattle. Particulars :